Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/22/02
Provided By Linda
(Some parts taken from
Proofread By Tanya
Harley: So... Did you mean it?
Gus: Yeah. My stomach's killing me. I can't... Can't eat another bite.
Harley: No, no, no, no, not that. I mean,
what you said earlier when we were back at the station, and you gave
up your badge. All those things that you said about me, did you mean them?
Gus: I said a lot of things...
Harley: The part about the way that you felt.
Gus: You know, that stuff... It just all blurred... It popped out of me, you know? I never would have said any... Any of it if I had known that you were right on the other side of the door listening to every single thing I was saying.
Harley: Because it's not true?
Gus: No. Because I know that you're scared. And I know that your love life has been terrible. And, I mean, you're right up there with Elizabeth Taylor.
Harley: Elizabeth Taylor?
Gus: Yeah, I mean, you know, whole long string of lousy love affairs, can never get it right. At least you don't marry every single one of them.
Harley: You're sweeping me off my feet.
Gus: That's a good thing. Well, what I'm trying to say... What I'm trying to say-- and I'm not doing a very good job of it-- is that that word... That word... That word ruins everything. People use that word so much, and they don't mean it. The never mean it, you know?
Harley: But did you mean it?
Gus: Yes. Yes. And that's why... That's why I gave in my badge.
Harley: Well, that's a... That's quite a coincidence then, because, you know what? I gave up my badge, too. (Laughs)
Ross: Hey, hey, hey, hey, you guys, all right, guys, I got something to tell
you, all right? Gentlemen, gentlemen, you, hey! Sit here, stand here. Okay, now,
the minute that dinner is over, I want you to come home. No videos, no games, no
excuses, because you know who's going to be baby-sitting you, don't you? Grandma
Jason: We're not babies.
Ross: Listen, I know that better than everybody. You're nine going on 30, okay? But we got to be good for Grandma Holly. None of that when Grandma Holly's here, okay? What happened to your sister? She disappeared the moment we came in the house.
Jason: She went upstairs to see if mom came home.
Ross: Yeah, I know that, but where upstairs?
Kevin: In your room.
Ross: Oh, yeah, that's her new favorite place.
Tory: Oh, you are just who I wanted to see. You are just who I wanted to see. I
am so happy to see you. What a great big wonderful welcome. I missed you so
much. Yes, I did. (Laughs) Oh, it is so good to see Ross' sweet, precious
little girl again. I'll bet daddy and Kevin and Jason are downstairs, huh? And
we don't have much time, do we? Give me a hug, sweetheart. Give me a big, big
hug. Yes. You stay right here. We're going to play dress up. Let's see what
mommy has in her closet. I'll bet she has all sorts of wonderful things, yes.
I'll bet that daddy has so many bills, he's just praying somebody locks mommy
up. You know the type, don't you, sweetie? They just spend, spend, spend. They
think if they buy something expensive, it will make them look better, when
sometimes only a facelift will do the trick. Look at this. Look at this big
thing. Is this tacky or what? Oh, Ross, you deserve so much better.
Ross: Clarissa? What are you doing, honey?
Tory: Okay...
Ross: Clarissa?
Tory: Sweetheart, you can't tell daddy that I'm here, or he won't let us play anymore. It has to be our secret, okay?
Ross: Well, here you are, all by yourself, playing dress up. That's so cute. Yeah, that's your new favorite game. It's fun to dress up like mommy, isn't it, yeah. And my, haven't you been busy. How did you get these clothes out of the closet? You want to whisper to me? Tory?
Blake: Two can play at this game, honey. Let's see, where can I put you? The
bottom of the toilet would be my natural choice. Wait a minute. I just think I
found a way to burn off all those extra calories Tory's been giving me.
Tony: (Sighs) Look, Marah, we have to be careful.
Marah: Why?
Tony: Because... People could be listening. It's not safe, that's why.
Marah: But when you told me to come here, I thought that you wanted to talk about Catalina, to talk about everything...
Tony: No, nothing we can do will bring back Catalina. Talking about her isn't going to get us anywhere we want to go. You understand?
Marah: I was... I was so angry. You know, first she lies about being pregnant, and then she tells you that I'm sleeping with Ben, I just... I started flipping out. You know, I had to go over there and see her...
Tony: Careful, careful, careful. Remember...
Marah: I just wanted to stop the lies, Tony. I never knew... I never knew that we would fight like that. I just... She was so scared that I was going to tell you about the baby, that she... And I...
Tony: Look, I don't want to hear the details, all right? It's over. There's nothing we can do. What's done is done, all right?
Marah: The thing is, I was going to tell you about it. Catalina just can't keep ruining people's lives. You know, it had to end.
Tony: Shh, shh, no more, come on.
Marah: We can't. Look, Tony, I can't... I can't... I can't stop thinking what if... What if I hadn't e--
Tony: Marah, Marah, stop it. Look, there's nothing we can do.
Marah: What you have to do now is take care of yourself.
Tony: Take care of myself because I'm a Santos?
Marah: No. Yeah, it's just... It's just the way you were brought up, Tony. You just... You didn't ask for it. It's just... You were taught to do...
Tony: To what?
Marah: Nothing, I don't know, I'm sorry. I'm just... Look, I know that you cared about Catalina, and... I don't know, maybe... Maybe you loved her, but...
Tony: Not the way I loved you.
Marah: But I know that... I know that you could never hurt anyone. And I know that you didn't want this anymore then I do, Tony. No matter who your family is, you wouldn't hurt someone. I know this, and I will tell them.
Tony: No, Marah! No. No. Marah, listen to me. I don't want you to tell anybody anything. I called you down here because I want to end things between me and you for good.
Marah: What do you mean, "End things?"
Tony: I don't want to see you again.
Gus: Am I... Am I important to you?
Harley: Yes. But don't let that go to your head...
Gus: No, I'm just... I'm saying we should have a conversation about redefining the word relationship. You know, I mean, when it comes to me and you, with the outside forces and other... Other people... Would you call it a commitment? Because, I mean, you gave in your badge, you quit your job for me.
Harley: Can we go?
Gus: No, wait... Not until... Not until you say the word.
Harley: "Go"?
Gus: No. The other...
Harley: "Check"?
Gus: No, no, the other word.
Harley: What?
Gus: The other... Word, I said the word... I said it, you know, I almost... Kind of... Sort of, so, it's your turn.
Harley: So what? You want me to say this now, here?
Gus: Yeah, yeah. You know, I can't believe... I ripped my heart open, okay, with a dull, blunt object, and I pulled out my heart and I put it on the road, and it's like... It makes me very vulnerable. I'm letting it stand right there so you can stomp all over it, and that... You know, I need... I'd love... I want to hear the "L" word.
Harley: I... Can't. I can't. I want to, I can't.
Gus: What is that? What does that mean?
Harley: Because you know what it is, because we're in Company, you know? And there's bright lights, and my father's here, and I can't say it. But I think the fact that I'm feeling, you know, sort of squeamish about this means I'm just not ready, you know?
Gus: Well, you're just a big, fat chicken is what you are.
Harley: Yeah, and I think that I'm that, too, but let me... Let me... Let me tell you why, because you said it before. You said that word ruins everything, you know? That thing pops out and then forget it, you know, boom, boom, the honeymoon is over. No more casual fun. No more light dating. No, no, no, it's like the continental divide of before and after. And I'm... I think I'm good over here right now. I think I'm happy over here on this side of it. And besides, you know, I don't even really know that much about you. (Laughs)
Gus: Well, you know me better than anybody in the universe, actually.
Harley: Okay, well... Then I'll just learn more. What's your favorite color?
Gus: Whatever color lingerie you're wearing
Harley: Oh. (Laughs) What's your favorite movie?
Gus: Whatever movie we watch in the dark together, whilst you're wearing that lingerie I just spoke about.
Harley: (Laughs) See, see, I can't, because I can't get a handle on you, because you don't give me a straight answer.
Gus: Stop it for a second, you're scared. You can just admit it. Just admit it. Say you're scared.
Harley: What?
Gus: Admit it. Admit it. You "L" me just as much as I "L" you. And that scares you.
Eleni: Hey. So your dad tells me you know.
Marina: What? That we're not going to like be one big happy family anymore? I mean, what a surprise.
Eleni: Marina... We tried, or at least I did.
Marina: Okay, so you're saying it's all dad's fault?
Eleni: No, no, I'm not. Nothing about this is your dad's fault. And I think that that's one thing you and I can agree on. ( Sighs) Marina, don't make this harder than it is. Look, your friends will be happy to see you. And we can get a nice apartment...
Marina: Mom, mom, I want to stay here.
Eleni: Well, honey, me being here, it's really hard on me...
Marina: Okay, then, you go. But I love it here. I do. I just... I just have to get used to everything. And, I mean, grandpa really needs me here. He's starting to depend on me.
Eleni: Honey, I'm sorry, but you belong with me.
Marina: I don't belong to anyone.
Holly: Hello, stranger.
Ben: Hey.
Holly: How's it going?
Ben: Fine.
Holly: Is that a brave boy fine or a "Step-mom, get out of my face" fine?
Ben: (Laughs) You've never been around long enough to get in my face. In fact, as step-mom's go, you're pretty cool.
Holly: I've been concerned about you, this nightmare you're going through.
Ben: I think I'm okay. I mean, I'm relieved that Tony is in jail. After what he did to Catalina, bashing her head in like that. God knows who else was on his hit list.
Holly: Are you worried?
Ben: No, no. Okay, yeah, yeah, maybe a little. I mean, I was Catalina's T.A., and we got to be friends, you know. I helped her on some projects. I just wish I could have helped her more.
Holly: What kind of projects?
Ben: You know, just humanitarian stuff.
Holly: Uh-huh. But Tony might not see it that way?
Ben: All Tony sees is Marah. He makes this big show that he's moved on, but he is not over her, not by a long shot.
Holly: And is Marah over Tony?
Ben: She says she is.
Holly: Mm-hmm. Well, you better stick close. She probably needs a friend right now.
Ben: I'd like to be Marah's friend. God knows
I wasn't much of one to Catalina.
Tony: Look, Marah, it's obvious we're no good for each other.
Marah: Since when?
Tony: Since always, that's when. Since the
first day we met. Look, Marah, when we're together, we're destructive, all
right? Look, look, you've seen my world, you see what it does to you. You've
come really
close. Now's your chance to get away. So go, take it!
Marah: No, I can't, Tony, I don't want to. It's if I've learned anything, it's that I cannot stop caring about you.
Tony: Well, if you care about me, you're going to respect my wishes, all right?
Marah: No, Tony, you can ask me anything but that, but I won't.
Tony: You have to!
Marah: I can't, Tony!
Tony: Do you want me to make it clear for you? You want that? Okay, I don't want to see you around. How about that?
Marah: I don't believe you.
Tony: Every time I see you, I see Catalina with her head on the floor, with blood spreading from it...
Marah: No, Tony, stop, please...
Tony: That's all I see from now on, Marah. That's all I'm ever going to see. What we had died right along with Catalina.
Marah: No, Tony, I love you, and you love me.
Tony: No! No! I'm stuck in here, all right? You... You have your whole life ahead of you. All right, look, go... Go to college. Go, go get a degree. Go... Go marry... Marry Ben Reade, all right? Go have a bunch of preppy kids. Go... Go get a dog, get a cat. Go shop out of catalogues for the rest of your life. That's where you'd be if we weren't together, right? Isn't it? Isn't it?
Marah: Why are you doing this? Why? After everything that we've been through?
Tony: After everything we've been through, you know what? Please, don't do me any favors, okay, babe? Look, I don't want you waiting around and see you, while you're killing me and everybody else, all right?
Marah: Why are you acting like you're never going to get out of here? You're going to get out of here, and when you do...
Tony: And when I do, I'm going to get as far away from you as I can! I don't want to be anywhere near you when I'm out of here! If we tried this again, it would never work. So just go!
Marah: Tony, no.
Tony: I said you get the hell out!
Ross: Oh, I remember now. Yes, this is the place where you and Tory always
played hide and seek, right? And I will bet you dollars to donuts that this
closet was your favorite hiding place. And when it was time, all you had to do
was go over to the door, and give it a knock... But Tory's not here now. No,
she went to be with the angels. She went bye bye with the angels. We can't be
sad about that, because she's so very happy. You know, it's okay to have
imaginary friends. When I was a little boy, I had an imaginary friend. I even
remember his name. His name was Billy Climber. And when he wasn't playing with
me, he lived in a castle, the lucky duck. You know, I have some time before I go
see mommy. So we can play a game or something. You know, I'm going to go to
Chicago and surprise mommy. She loves surprises almost as much as you do. And
when I come back from Chicago, maybe I'll have mommy with me. You'd like that;
lord knows I would. So, why don't we go find your blocks, and we'll build a
castle, and I will tell you all about Billy Climber.
Tory: Tory's here to take her place.
Ross: Clarissa, your bear is probably upstairs. Found him.
Tony: Why are you still here?
Marah: Tony, you told me that you were glad to see me, and now you're asking me to leave. It doesn't make sense. I know you.
Tony: You know me? You know me? Since when do you know me, Marah? You haven't even gone to bed with me.
Marah: (Sobs) And why is that? Because you didn't want to be with me the night of prom.
Tony: After the prom, Marah, after. You wouldn't even talk to me.
Marah: Because... Because I was hung up on... A bunch of stupid stuff that didn't matter. And if I had just listened to my heart back then, I would have still been with you now and none of this would have ever happened. So please, just let me tell the police everything...
Tony: Guard! Guard, would you get her out of here, please? Get her out...
Marah: Please, I can talk to Harley and Frank. I've known them since I was a kid. We can get you out of here.
Tony: Hey, hey, hey, I'm going to beat this rap on my own, damn it. But if you stay in my life, I'm going to be in one mess after another! All right? Look, if you care about me, you're going to let me go.
Guard: What's the problem?
Tony: Just get her out of here.
Marah: No, Tony, Tony, tell them... Tell them you're lying! Tell them that I can stay!
Tony: Go home Marah, and don't come back!
Gus: You know what? You want to know why? Because I know inside my heart that
you're fragile. I'm... I'm aware of that. And you know something? I'm fragile,
too. I spilled my guts like an idiot to the... To the chief, and I don't even
like that guy. And now... Now, I don't even know where we stand.
Harley: Well, I had no idea that you were feeling so insecure.
Gus: Whoa, wait. That's not the word there to be using. That's... I'm just feeling more like it's the whole... I feel it's more unreciprocated. That's how I feel.
Harley: Oh, so you mean if I... If I just say that word...
Gus: Listen to me. Let's forget it, okay? Let's forget we had this conversation...
Harley: No, I don't want to forget it. I don't want to... Forget it. Because like it or not-- and I do like it, I like it better-- things are... Things are different between us.
Romeo: Hello, Mrs.. Santos. The doctors told me that you can't speak or move, but that maybe you'll be able to hear me or understand some things? (Monitor beeping) Oh, hey, I got you some flowers. I didn't know what kind, but I hope you like them. Are you able to smell at all? Oh... Yeah. It's mine now. What's wrong? The cat got your tongue? That's okay. That's okay. I know how it is I mean, a stroke at your age, it can lead to all sorts of complications, all sorts. Some people never recover.
Gus: Maybe this calls for like a special old celebrationroonie.
Harley: Like a cup of coffee? Is that what you...
Gus: No, something a little more official than that. I'm thinking...
Harley: Like what were you thinking?
Gus: A little grander that that.
Chief: It's official. Take them. Game time is over. We have a back load of cases. I need you two up off your butts and back to the station.
Gus: Chief, maybe you forgot why we quit in the first place?
Chief: No, I didn't forget why you quit. I can see why you... The whole damn restaurant can see why you quit. But that doesn't change the fact that there's work to do.
Harley: So, what... You want us to come back to work?
Chief: That's the idea.
Gus: Wait a second. Chief, listen, you have... No-- you have no idea how long this road has been for me to go down, to get to where we are today, you know. But I could never go back there and be pushing papers around and pretend that I don't know her.
Harley: You'd rather be holding hands in the unemployment line, is that it?
Gus: She needs a job. Give her the job. You need a job. You... You got the kids and...
Harley: You're not selling me off again. You're not sacrificing me...
Gus: ...Fraternize...
Chief: Will you two shut up and let me talk for a minute? There might be something we can work out, some sort of "Don't ask, don't tell" sort of policy that we can all live by.
Gus: Well, that's kind of funny coming from the guy that made up the no fraternization rule. I like to fraternize. I'm a fraternizing type of person.
Chief: Look, you two like each other, I can't do anything about that. But you're also two good cops. And that I can do something about. Take a look at that.
Gus: Notepad, it's mine. What?
Chief: Well, what's with all the unanswered questions?
Harley: Is this the Santos case?
Chief: Yeah. Why was that house empty that night? Staff, guards, everybody off for the evening? And why did Maria Santos make the initial call to us? When for her entire life, she's treated the police as if we were chicken pox.
Harley: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm surprised that you can actually read this handwriting. What is this? What is this, "Interrogate Rocco"?
Gus: Romeo.
Harley: Romeo, Romeo. You know, I was wondering about him, too.
Gus: Trust me, Romeo has a lot more inside him then he's letting out...
Harley: But I don't know how we're going to get him to spill it.
Gus: Are you kidding me? I could make him spill...
Harley: Well, let's not do anything until we get the autopsy report about Catalina.
Gus: We know how she died. I'm more interested in how we get little skin under her fingernails...
Harley: Yeah, we know how she died. She got a bump on the head with...
Gus: There was obviously a fight going on...
Harley: No, no, no, no, no. I'm not interested in the DNA, okay? Because she's been... She's been living with Tony for months. That's not going to be rock solid. That's not going to be open and shut. That's not it...
Gus: ...Open and shut at all, because he was begging for us to... Begging for us to... Arrest him.
Harley: I know, I know. What was that?
Gus: That's the million dollar question.
Tory: Feeding time! Brought you some more snacks. (Laughs) Oh, I see you attempted the great escape, good for you. Find my little note? What'd you think of the picture?
Blake: I think the head was too small for the wedding dress. Perhaps it's the brain capacity.
Tory: Or perhaps you're just too fat. Here, Blake, have another cupcake.
Blake: You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?
Tory: I do have to admit that I take great pleasure in my work. You're just so easy to stay two steps ahead of.
Blake: You think gluing your face to my wedding picture is staying two steps ahead, Tory? My three-year-old daughter can make paper dolls, but the big difference is, she knows they're not real.
Tory: You know, you never ask me how it was with Ross that time, what we did.
Blake: Actually, I did ask him. He said you were a mistake.
Tory: (Laughs) That's not what he told me.
Blake: Ross doesn't love you, Tory, and you will never have him again. In fact, gluing your head to my wedding picture is the closest thing you'll ever have to Ross again.
Tory: "Everything is possible for she who believes," and, Blake, I believe that I will be in his arms again very soon. While you... Well, let's not discuss your future because it's looking shorter by the second.
Blake: You know what, Tory? You don't scare me. Actually, you make me laugh. And to think that Ross would have a future with you for even a minute is so ludicrous.
Tory: You just can't stand the fact that he made love to me.
Blake: He didn't make love to you. He had you. You were convenient; you were a nothing.
Tory: Don't call me nothing.
Blake: That's what you are, nothing. And as far as Ross is concerned, you're dead and his problems are solved. And when he finds out you're alive, he will have you locked up for life.
Tory: You're the one who's going to be locked up for life.
Blake: Truth hurts, doesn't it?
Tory: Shut up!
Blake: You know, if I were somebody's 30-second mid-life crisis, I'd be unhappy, too...
Tory: I said shut up!
Blake: I might build a shrine myself.
Tory: Okay, that's it, Blake. Make it an urn!
Romeo: You had it all planned out, didn't you? The perfect way to eliminate both
girls. You sent the staff home, the guards. You even got a good argument going,
but then Tony showed up a little too soon. What? Hey, I love the guy, you're
right. I love him like a brother, but, you know, that's the way the cookie
crumbles. And we all got to do what we got to do. (Laughs) And you know what,
you ain't doing nothing for a long, long time. No, no, the way I see it, you're
out, Tony's out, somebody's got to run things, right? I might even have to keep
an eye on that little girl of his. So, you see, Mrs.. Santos, I got everything
under control. Now, you can rest in peace. There. How's that? Comfy? Good.
That's good. I'm so glad we had this little chat. (Grunting)
Ben: Marah? Marah, are you okay? Hey. You want to talk about it?
Buzz: Oh, maybe there's something out there that can make me feel better.
Harley: I doubt it. (Laughter) I wonder what that's about?
Buzz: You know, I know those girls didn't get along, but this whole...This whole Catalina mess has got to get to all of them. I mean, what...Talk about a double tragedy.
Harley: What do you mean?
Buzz: Catalina, you know, and the baby.
Harley: What?
Buzz: She was... Pregnant. You didn't know she was... She was pregnant. Tony wanted to do the right thing and I... I, you know, I tried to warn her not to marry into that family. It's just too sad to think about.
Harley: Sad is right.
Gus: Where... Wait a second, where are you going?
Harley: I am going to question Marah. Where's my purse?
Gus: You got your purse. It's right here.
Harley: Oh, great, thank you very much.
Gus: You got it. Now, wait a second, before you go anywhere, remember, just don't put the cart before the horse.
Harley: What? What does that mean?
Gus: Well, I'm... I'm always telling you, play the... You know, play by the book. And, wait... Before...
Harley: You say that? I say that.
Gus: ...Any angle to get approach by everything, and then we will pounce. So, don't go blowing it.
Harley: Okay.
Ross: Well, I think I'm finally all packed and ready to go to Chicago to see
mommy, and tell her how much we all miss her. Oh, and guess who's going to take
care of you and Kevin and Jason while I'm gone? Holly is--
which means you're going to have a ton of fun. Now, can you give me a nice kiss
right on my cheek right there? Oh, thank you. Can I get another one? Oh, I'm
going to take these two kisses, I'm going to pack them in my suitcase, and I'm
going to give them to mommy, okay? Good. I love you so much. I love your mommy,
(Keys jingling)
Tory: Damn it! (Breathing heavy)
Blake: What's the matter, Tory? Having a psychotic meltdown?
Tory: My mother told me never to do anything in a fit of passion. You know what, Blake, I don't have time for this. I don't have time for your little games. I have places to go, I have people to see, I have a brand- new life to start living!
Blake: What people?
Tory: If you must know, I have a little date with Ross. But don't you worry your pretty little head, I'll send you a postcard. (Crashing)
Blake: Wait a minute, that's my bag. Where are you going? Tory, where are you going? Tory!
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