GL Transcript Friday 4/19/02


Guiding Light Transcript Friday 4/19/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Harley: Look, we know you didn't mean to do it. You know, you got there, you had an argument, one thing led to another, I got it. Come on.

Gus: All right, he's not talking.

Harley: He's not.

Gus: Our work is done here. Let's go.

Harley: Let me ask one more question, just real quick, just a small question: Why did you do it?

Tony: Well, why does anybody do anything? For love.

Gus: Let's go.


Blake: I'm right here, Ross. I know you feel me. I know you do, that's why you stopped, and that's why you won't leave until you find me.

Tory: Would you stop it? Ross isn't crossing over, okay? He can't even hear you.

Blake: But he can feel me. Look down, Ross. Look down, I'm right here. I'm right here.

Ross: Blake.

Blake: Oh, Ross. Ross. I love you. I know you can feel me, I know you can, just look down. Find that trapdoor, I'm right down here. I'm right here.

Tory: Would you shut up?

Watchman: Everything okay, Mr. Marler?

Ross: Yes, except that my mind is playing tricks on myself.

Watchman: How so?

Ross: I was staring at this photograph of Blake, and suddenly I thought that I smelled her perfume.

Blake: That's because I知 here, Ross. I'm here. You can find me, just look down.

Watchman: Sometimes I swear I smell rum wafting up.

Ross: Rum?

Watchman: Rumrunners ran their operations here during prohibition. Oh, it's all good and sealed up now, but that bunker was right down here.

Ross: It's just that this photograph reminds me of our wedding, and she was so radiant that day. It was one of the happiest moments of my life when I leaned in for that first kiss. And you think I'm crazy, don't you?

Watchman: Yeah-- about your wife.

Ross: Well, I better go.

Blake: No.

Tory: Well, so much for your connection.

Ross: I have a young daughter that I have to pick up from dance class, so, Mark, thanks for all your help.

Watchman: Glad to help. Your wife is one lucky lady.

Blake: No!

Tory: Well, that was close, but ultimately, just a really big waste of time.


Marah: Tony doesn't deserve to be blamed until anyone knows what happened.

Josh: Gus and Harley seem to feel they've had enough evidence to bring him in.

Marah: For questioning.

Josh: He's the prime suspect in a murder case, sweetheart. How can you stand by this guy?

Marah: The same way that you stood by mom when mom was on trial. Nobody believed her. Everybody wanted to see her go to jail for the rest of her life, even her so-called friends thought that she got what she deserved, except for you, Dad, you didn't. No matter what people said, or how much evidence there was against her, you believed in her because you love her.

Josh: It's not the same thing.

Marah: It's exactly the same.

Josh: Your mother was innocent.

Marah: And so is Tony.

Reva: Joshua, I don't think now is the time to be having this discussion.

Marah: Why not? Mom, dad believed in your innocence because he loves you, and I love Tony, and he needs me now more than ever.

Josh: No, Marah, don't say that.

Marah: He needs me the same way that mom needed you, Dad. Mom needed you because you guys love each other. And Tony and I love each other just as much, so please why can't you help me make you understand this?

Reva: You know what I think isn't helping this situation is looking at this disgusting food. Why don't I go to Company, I'll get us some takeout, you know, something nutritious. And we'll have a nice, family dinner right here, just us, okay? Okay. I'll be back, sweetie. Love you.

Marah: Love you.

Josh: Hey.

Ben: Hey, Mr. Lewis. Do you mind if I talk to Marah for a minute?

Josh: Make it quick, she needs her rest.

Ben: Sure. How you feeling?

Marah: Fine.

Ben: I'm so sorry.

Marah: Don't be, it's not your fault.

Ben: Marah, I could've stopped it, but I didn't.


Harley: So what do you think? Are you going to tell me he's innocent.

Gus: I think he's innocent. I think when it comes to the Santos, whenever they say left, I think they actually mean right, so...

Harley: Well, we've placed him at the murder scene. He's certainly got motive. Forensics backs it up. I think we've got our conviction, right?

Gus: I don't know. Depends on...

Chief Frank: Well, if it isn't my two star detectives. Been meaning to talk to you about a call I got the other day, something involving indecent exposure.

Gus: Oh, Cap, if you don't mind, you know we're in the middle of a murder investigation.

Chief Frank: Yeah, well, it will wait until I get some answers. I want to know why my two top officers are acting like a couple of kids in the back of daddy's caddy. Especially when I warned you about fraternizing.

Gus: Well, actually, it's a Chevy Impala 1961.

Harley: Listen, listen, I think it's probably better if I do the explaining.

Chief Frank: You'll get your turn. I want to talk to lover boy first.

Gus: Where are we going?

Chief Frank: The interrogation room.

Gus: Interrogation room?

Reva: Harley.

Harley: Reva, hey. How's Marah?

Reva: How do you think she is?

Harley: Yeah.

Reva: I'd really like to see Tony Santos. Come on, Harley. Look, Marah is in the hospital because of Tony, yet it hasn't shaken her faith in him or his innocence. And I need to find out if he deserves it.

Harley: Five minutes.

Reva: Thanks.


Tory: That was some ode to love. Too bad it fell on soundproofed walls.

Blake: He'll be back.

Tory: Don't hold your breath. Although, you know, I will admit that I was a little nervous when the watchman mentioned the old bootleggers' den. But Ross turned his back on you anyway. True love wins out every time.

Blake: You are so twisted.

Tory: You know, Blake, it's really too bad it has to be like this. We really do have a lot in common. I mean, we love the same man. You know, I really think under different circumstances, we could've been really close, like sisters.

Blake: Yeah, like, maybe my evil twin.

Tory: Yeah, like, maybe my evil twin.

Blake: What are you doing?

Tory: (Sighs) Well, it's been fun, but I've got to jet.

Blake: That's my jacket.

Tory: Oh, yes, right you are. But you have to admit, it looks a lot better on me. So, ciao, see you eventually.

Blake: Wait, wait! Where are you going?

Tory: Where do you think? I'm going home.

Blake: Oh, God. I've got to get out of here. Got to get out of here.


Ben: I should've said something, you know.

Marah: You tried to help me, you told me to stay away from Tony.

Ben: You don't understand, I knew. I knew Catalina was up to no good, and I kept my mouth shut. I never thought it would go this far, but it did, and now Catalina is dead, and it's my fault.

Marah: Up to no good, what are you talking about? Ben?

Ben: Marah, I don't know how to say this...

Marah: Oh, God, not you, too. Please do not tell me that you think Tony's guilty.

Ben: Marah, I am not talking about Tony; this is about me.

Josh: Excuse me, I'm going to have to ask you to come back at another time.

Ben: Sure. I'll be outside, okay?

Josh: Get some rest.

Marah: Dad, wait, don't go.

Josh: Marah, you need to sleep.

Marah: I will, after we clear the air about what Tony means to me.

Josh: No, let's just not talk about this right now, okay? Because I'm going to get all riled up, and you're going to get all riled up, and you need to rest.

Marah: Dad, I want you to understand.

Josh: I'm trying to understand. I'm your father, and part of my job description is to be overprotective. Just... I just want to hold on to you and pretend like you're still my little girl.

Marah: Dad, I know Tony, and I know that he would never do anything as horrible as murdering someone.

Josh: I can see that you believe that.

Marah: Yes, yes, I do.

Josh: Marah, why didn't he call the police himself?

Marah: He was scared. Maybe he was covering for someone. I don't know; I was still unconscious.

Josh: But you see, that's the thing, neither one of us know what actually happened between Tony and Catalina.

Marah: But I know in my heart, in my heart that he wouldn't do it. We just... We're going to have to find whoever did and make them talk.


Danny: Abuela? Is she trying to say something? Abuela.

Romeo: That paralysis is not permanent, right? She's going to be able to walk and talk, and move her hands and everything.

Michelle: Depends on the severity of the stroke.

Med tech: That and what parts of the brain were affected.

Romeo: How do you find that out?

Med tech: Diagnostic tools, like M.R.I. But in terms of recovery, only time will tell.

Danny: Romeo, do you know why my grandmother called the family meeting aside from the obvious about Tony痴 situation.

Romeo: No, man, nobody tells me anything.


Tony: How's Marah? She okay?

Reva: No, Tony, she's not okay. She has a concussion, and she's been through hell.

Tony: So I guess you're here to let me have it then.

Reva: I'll let the police do that. But I do have a question.

Tony: Guilty till proven innocent, huh?

Reva: This may surprise you, but I've been in your shoes. I don't know if you killed Catalina or not, and I don't expect you to tell me, but I do expect you to tell me the truth about one thing. Do you love my daughter, Tony? Because she loves you, and she is so devoted to you, and I need to know if you feel the same way.

Tony: I'm not going to lie to you; I care for Marah more than my own life.

Reva: I want to believe that.

Tony: Then do, because it's the truth. Look, I would do anything to keep Marah from getting hurt, anything in the world.

Reva: Well, you're too late, because she's already been hurt.

Tony: I know.

Reva: And not just once, over and over again. You endangered her life when you let her into your world. You let her fall in love with you, and then you turned your back on her, and you married Catalina. Only Marah doesn't see it that way. Marah's in the hospital right now, vowing to stand by you no matter what. Is that the kind of life you want for her? Waiting and waiting, maybe forever?

Tony: No. No, of course not.

Reva: I didn't think so. I know you love Marah, Tony, I know you do, so I'll trust that you'll do the right thing by her. Guard?

Tony: Officer, I want my phone call.


Gus: We went back to her hometown.

Chief Frank: Without authorization.

Gus: Didn't you get the memo?

Chief Frank: Keep digging, Aitoro.

Gus: Okay, "Keep digging, Aitoro." I did a bad thing. I did a bad... Cap, look I知... You know, I'm still just getting used to your procedures here.

Chief Frank: Yeah, well, Detective Cooper isn't.

Gus: Well, I told her that I had permission from you.

Chief Frank: You lied to a superior officer?

Gus: Yeah, I did, so it's my fault, okay? Blame me, don't blame her.

Chief Frank: Look, I'll decide how to handle Cooper, you worry about yourself. What else?

Gus: Well, we were heading back from Tory Granger's hometown, and we had a little-- you know, the car broke down-- a little problem on our hands. Come on, Cap, you know how it is with a guy and a girl, and they're spending some time together. And we were alone, and it was in a field for hours and hours, and we had a little crisis. You know, when people have a little crisis, they, you know, get closer and closer together, and you know. Well, if something were to have happened. Nothing happened, but if it had to happen, which it didn't you would have nothing to worry about, nothing at all, because it wouldn't happen again, you know. I mean, it's not like... We're not getting married or anything.

Chief Frank: Oh, so you just have the hots for Cooper, but you don't have feelings for her, is that what you're saying?


Harley: Indecent exposure, how can I be so stupid? And that tattletale creep of a cop calling Frank? The nerve. Okay, now what is taking them so long? Oh, no, what if he's forcing him to put in his resignation. Oh, no. Oh, no. Okay, hang in there. Aitoro, hang in there, I知 going to get you out of this. But this time, you have to let me do the talking.


Danny: Look, I know this probably doesn't make a whole hell of a lot of sense...Given everything that she has done to me.

Michelle: She did try to kill you, Danny.

Danny: I need to stay with her. I want to. I can't really explain why, okay?

Michelle: I understand, it's okay.

Danny: You sure?

Michelle: Yeah. You know, actually, Ben looked pretty bad when he came in here, so I知 going to make sure he's okay.

Danny: All right, I値l catch up with you later, okay?

Michelle: Okay. Hey.

Ben: Hey.

Michelle: How's Marah?

Ben: She has a concussion.

Michelle: Is it serious?

Ben: No, no. It's just a mild one. She's going to be just fine-- no thanks to me.

Michelle: What does that mean?

Ben: Well, it means that I should've realized it would come to this. I wanted Marah so badly that nothing else mattered. Catalina and I, we did everything we could to keep Marah and Tony apart.

Michelle: Well, it sounds to me like you were a fool for love. It doesn't make you guilty of murder.

Ben: The thing is, I knew Catalina lost Tony's baby, and I didn't say anything.

Michelle: Wait a minute. Catalina had a miscarriage.

Ben: Yes, and she hid it from Tony so he'd marry her and get her pregnant again before he realized it.

Michelle: Oh, my God.

Ben: That was the plan, only it didn't work out that way.

Michelle: So Marah knew about this?

Ben: Yeah.

Michelle: That's why she tried to stop the wedding.

Ben: And Tony found out the night Catalina was killed.

Michelle: Oh, I don't believe this.

Ben: Meanwhile, I did everything I could to keep Marah from finding out.

Michelle: I'm sorry, Ben.

Ben: I know. But what can I say? I love her. All I ever wanted was for Marah to look at me the way she looks at Tony. Never thought something like this would happen. Now Catalina is dead-- partly because I kept my mouth shut, and I have to live with that. How do you do it?

Michelle: What?

Ben: Make nice with these people, have dinner with them, when you know what they are capable of?

Michelle: I love Danny, that's how.

Ben: What you guys have must be pretty special.

Michelle: It is. It is. But you know, between you and me, it's not easy.

Ben: I'll bet.


Josh: Marah.

Reva: Just let her go. Ok...

Josh: What?

Marah:...I'm not going to argue with you. I'm not going to argue, Dad.

Josh: Well, that's good. That's the most sensible thing I've heard all day.

Marah: But I am going to go. I'm sorry, I am legally... I'm 18, and I can check out of here on my own and go see Tony.

Reva: Sweetie, how's your headache? Is it gone?

Marah: Yeah, just about.

Reva: Okay.

Marah: Dad, I値l be fine.

Reva: Just go get a cab out in front, and then call me when you want to be picked up.

Josh: I can't believe I知 hearing this.

Reva: If you were in jail, would anybody stop me from seeing you?

Marah: I love you.

Reva: I love you, too.


Chief Frank: Sex between you and Cooper. Well, that's worse in my book.

Gus: Well, how do you... How do you figure that?

Chief Frank: If you two had genuine feelings for each other or something, I don't know, deep and mature and mutually respectful, I might be inclined to understand, but a roll in the hay. And since Cooper's the senior partner, she'll get the more severe penalty.

Gus: No, Cap.

Chief Frank: Might find herself playing desk jockey or worse.

Gus: Please, do me a favor...

Chief Frank: Do you what favor, what?

Gus: It was my fault, okay? I'm the one at fault, so don't reprimand her.

Chief Frank: Not from where I stand.

Gus: Well, you know, that's because I didn't tell you the whole truth, yet. I mean, the whole truth.

Chief Frank: All right. I suggest you start.

Gus: All right, I took this job, I mean, I asked you for the job, because I love my work. And I love what I do, and you know, fighting crime and everything, and sometimes I get to see some justice done. But I really took the job because of Cooper.

Chief Frank: Because what? You were drooling over her?

Gus: Together, it doesn't matter. I... I'll gladly hand in my badge, you know, any time you want, because I don't really care if I lose this job. I love Detective Cooper, and... Well, she's about the only thing I do love in this world.


Tory: Ross, darling, I'm home. "Dear Robert and Melanie Keith, thank you so much for coming to our party. We had a wonderful time, as usual. Sincerely, Tory Marler." Hello, come in, it's so good to see you again. (Impersonating a guest) You, too. Is this the handsome husband we've heard some much about Mrs. Marler? It's so wonderful to meet you. (Speaking in normal voice) Well, dinner will be ready in just about 20 minutes, so just come in, make yourself comfortable, relax, have a cocktail. You can put your coats right in here. That's right, Ross, your little Tory is home, right where she belongs.


Reva: Letting Marah walk out of here was hard for me, too.

Josh: I know that. And you were right before, she's not our little girl anymore.

Reva: She's old enough to make her own decisions now.

Josh: Yes, she is. But that look on her face when she walked out of here, she... She reminded me of you a few years ago.

Reva: She's also old enough to be in love.

Josh: So is Shayne.

Reva: Yeah. And they have to learn how to make adult decisions, and we have to let them, and trust them.

Josh: I'm trying to, I really am. But when it comes to Tony Santos, something goes off in my mind that says no.

Reva: She's in love with him.

Josh: And all he's done is hurt her.

Reva: Well, we can only hope that there's a happy ending for her in there somewhere.

Josh: What if there isn't?


Blake: (Grunts) "Dear Blake, did you really think I wouldn't check for loose stones? Sorry, no way out. But here's a little reward for your effort. Love, Tory." (Screams) Oh, God! No, no!


Tory: Soon we'll be spending every night together, right here in each other's arms.


Ross: Clarissa? Pumpkin, what are you doing up there? Clarissa?


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