GL Transcript Thursday 4/18/02


Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/18/02

Proofread By Tanya

Olivia: No... Oh, no, Alan, not now.

Alan: Come on, Olivia, don't waste the entire morning.

Olivia: No, are the markets open yet?

Alan: Well, no, not yet...

Olivia: Well, then, neither am I.

Alan: Well, I guess I'll have to make do with this cup of coffee and croissant.

Olivia: Please just make do quietly.

Alan: My God.

Olivia: What's wrong?

Alan: Well, I guess an angel is looking over my shoulder. It's a good thing Danny Santos didn't accept our job offer.

Olivia: Why? What happened?

Alan: Well, this bad publicity he's getting would have splattered all over us.

Olivia: "Mob wife rubbed out"?

Alan: Yeah. Danny's cousin, Tony, has been arrested for the murder of his bride.

Olivia: (Laughs) That blackmailing little punk. I knew he'd get his. Of course, I feel sorry for the girl, too.

Alan: Of course you do.

Olivia: Well, no, when I think about the hell that he put me through... Hmm.

Alan: His blackmailing led you to me for help, though. And we are both enjoying how that turned out. Marah Lewis was at the scene of the crime. I wonder how she got mixed up in this.

Olivia: Poor Josh must be going out of his mind.

Alan: Why should you care about Josh?


Michelle: Hi.

Ross: Oh, hi.

Michelle: I'm hope I'm here not here too early.

Ross: Michelle, you're a parent now. You know, there's no such thing as too early.

Michelle: Oh, I take it that you've heard the news about Catalina.

Ross: Yes, it's heartbreaking. She came here to find the American dream, and it turns into a nightmare. It's just too bad she got hooked up with the Santos family. You understand what I'm saying.

Michelle: Unfortunately, I do.

Ross: So, what do you think happened?

Michelle: Well, it's hard not to jump to certain conclusions. Tony's a pretty volatile guy. But I definitely don't believe that he would do something like this. It just looks really bad. Really bad. But he hasn't pleaded guilty or innocent yet, and that's why I'm here. I was hoping that you'd consider representing him.

Ross: Michelle...

Michelle: As a favor to me. He's going to need a real lawyer, Ross, not one of these mob weasels who the jury won't trust. And you're the best lawyer I know.

Ross: Well, thank you, Michelle, but I'm not...

Michelle: If anyone could help him, I know that it would be you.

Ross: Michelle, I'm sorry, but I can't represent Tony.


Carmen: This rag has all but convicted our Tony of murder, and he hasn't even been charged yet. This is why we all have to stick together, take matters into our own hands, do our own damage control. We're going to hire a lawyer, the best. And we'll hire a P.R. firm, plant some positive stories around Tony. Ray, we'll need some pictures of you, that will help.

Ray: Carmen, I don't know if that will do any good.

Carmen: What are you talking about, Ray? You're his brother. It's time you step up to the plate.

Danny: Does anyone know what's keeping Abuela so long? She called, I'm here. If we're going to help Tony, we need to move fast.

Carmen: You see? Danny's thinking. He's absolutely right.

Danny: Oh, don't flatter me, okay? It just makes me suspicious. So, where the hell is Abuela?


Maria: Perdoname sagrado corazon. Perdoname sagrado corazon, but I am not going to let Tony pay for somebody else's crime.


Blake: Oh. Oh, this isn't a dream. I'm still here. Dear God. Hello? Is anybody there? Can you hear me?

Tory: Good morning. I hope you slept well. And I also hope you have a very big appetite.

Blake: Actually, I slept very well, thank you.

Tory: Oh, well, that's good. I know that the first night in a strange bed can be very difficult, especially alone.

Blake: No, it was very comfortable.

Tory: Good. It's good to hear. Well, I got your breakfast. Everything you like. Orange juice, freshly squeezed, of course. Chocolate croissants, your favorite, and coffee with real cream.

Blake: Very fancy.

Tory: Yes. And that's just the beginning. I also got lots of snack foods: Crackers, cheese, chips.

Blake: Nuts.

Tory: Not anymore, though. Although as far as I'm concerned, you know, you can have it. I'll just replace it with my own monograms, of course. I just had to borrow that one when I took that picture of you and Ross in that silver frame. God, I love that frame. I needed something to wrap it in so that it wouldn't get scratched.

Blake: How very thoughtful.

Tory: Yeah, it was. See, Blake, you don't have to worry about anything. I'm going to take care of absolutely everything that's yours. Or should I say, mine.


Ray: Let the papers say what they want, Tony's innocent.

Carmen: He's a Santos, Ray. Innocence has nothing to do with it.

Danny: Ray, listen, I know you love Tony...

Carmen: We all love Tony.

Danny: Carmen! He's your little brother and, look, I love him, too, as if he were mine, but we all have to face the fact that Tony has a very short fuse.

Ray: Yeah, so he has a temper. So what, Danny?

Danny: So we now know that the only reason he married Catalina was because he thought she was pregnant. Then he found out that she was lying to him, that she, in fact, lost the baby...

Carmen: Catalina lost the baby?

Danny: Please, Carmen, please. Now, you were with Tony when he found that out, that's how your face got so warped over, right? You know what I'm saying. We're all very aware of how... Well, just how Tony can be.


Maria: No, he's innocent, innocent. I can't let Antonio pay for this.


Danny: What I don't understand is why Abuela of all people, called the police.

Ray: Maybe she heard a struggle and was frightened.

Carmen: Maria frightened? Please.

Romeo: It's not fair, you know. She gave the staff the whole night off, the one night Tony needed somebody here to help him.

Danny: Why'd she do that?

Carmen: Who knows why that crazy old woman does anything?

Danny: Where is she?

Carmen: You know, I don't understand you, Danny. She calls, you come running. All of a sudden, you remember your family again.


Ross: Michelle, I hope you understand that I'm not saying that Tony is guilty.

Michelle: Of course that's what you're saying.

Ross: No, no, I wouldn't jump to any of those conclusions or presumptions without knowing all the facts. But wasn't it just last summer that Tony was implicated in the attempted hit on Danny?

Michelle: Yes, yes. But the important thing is he couldn't go through with it. And he risked his life to help us.

Ross: Yeah. But Tony absolutely hated the way I handled Danny's case. He thought I was slow and methodical.

Michelle: That's just Tony. He's very impatient.

Ross: I just have a strong feeling that I would be the last person in the world that Tony wants to represent him.

Michelle: No, Ross, that's not true. Tony looks at Danny and he sees a free man, and he knows that's all thanks to you. He needs you, Ross.

Ross: Michelle, I would do almost anything for you, but I just have this feeling that I'm not the attorney for Tony. Now, I will... I will help him find another good one, but you understand, don't you?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I guess. You know, you're the first person I think of when somebody I care about is in trouble.

Ross: I wish I could do more to help. How is Danny handling all of this?

Michelle: He's with his family. He's trying to figure out what to do.

Ross: Uh-huh.

Michelle: I know, I know. I just... I can't help it. I get nervous whenever his family tries to pull him back in.

Ross: Are you afraid of that happening?

Michelle: No, no. I mean, I try not to be, but it's hard. It's his family. He feels connected.

Ross: I think he's more connected to you, and to his son. So don't you worry about it. We will find a very good attorney for Tony, and Danny won't have to spend anymore time than necessary with his family.

Michelle: Thank you, Ross.

Ross: Listen, why don't we discuss all these attorneys over breakfast, and we can go to Company. You know, I'm sort of fending for myself today.

Michelle: How is Blake?

Ross: Um, I don't know. But I would guess she's having the time of her life.


Tory: Come on, Blake, eat up. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Blake: Thank you, but I'm not hungry.

Tory: Come on, this is me you're talking to. I know that you just can't get started in the morning without your coffee. In fact, do you remember that one time when you walked in that morning, and you found me asleep in Ross' arms on the couch? It was so cute. The first thing you offered to do was to put on a pot of coffee. God, you were so classy then. I mean, you must have been absolutely bursting with jealousy, but you just... You hid it so well.

Blake: (Softly): I was jealous.

Tory: Now, that's a good girl. It's very important to own up to those feelings.

Blake: Well, at the time, see, I trusted Ross. Actually, there was a time when I trusted you.

Tory: Well, that was a mistake, wasn't it?

Blake: Oh, you better believe it. I was a fool and I'd be a fool to trust you ever again.

Tory: Uh-huh.

Blake: So how do I know you haven't put something in that food?

Tory: You're right. You don't. Yummy. See, Blake, now why would I drug you when I want you awake to enjoy yourself? Should I put this right here so you can reach it? You know, I have to admit, Blake, sometimes I really worry about you. You just don't make sense. That's it, good girl. You just eat up to your heart's content. There's plenty more where that came from. (Laughs) Do you remember that movie where Bette Midler was kidnapped and she lost all that weight? You're going to be doing it in reverse.

Blake: Yeah, I remember that movie. She got freed at the end.

Tory: You know what, I hated that movie. Stop staring at me! You want something to look at? Here. You know, I read once somewhere that sometimes people go crazy in solitary confinement. I really hope that doesn't happen to you. Recognize it?

Blake: That's upstairs.

Tory: Yeah, good, very good, very good. It's an old security system. With just a flip of the switch, you can see what's going on upstairs or vice versa. So one day soon, I can come here with Ross and our little children, and we can have a picnic.

Blake: Tory...

Tory: There's that watchman again. I think he's just a little too hard- working for my taste. That's okay. We'll just lay low here for a little while. Oh, and Blakie, don't hurt your little vocal chords trying to scream. Remember, it's soundproofed. What's he looking at?


Olivia: Alan, you're not jealous of Joshua, are you?

Alan: No, not at all. I'm just watching out for my investment, that's all. And I happen to be invested in you right now in several different ways.

Olivia: That's sweet. It's touching, actually.

Alan: Don't mock me. And if you are considering a recession into the quagmire of the Lewis leftovers, let me know, because I will sell my stock in you right here and now.

Olivia: You know what, Alan, you should know me well enough by now that I would never do that. Josh is yoked to Reva and all her dramas. And if that's the kind of crazy he wants, fine. So be it. I'm glad I'm out of it.

Alan: Are you sure?

Olivia: Look, Sam is very fond of Marah, and towards the end, she was actually kind of... Nice to me. I feel sorry for her. Who knows what she's gotten herself into? You know what, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, because Reva's been chasing dramas all of her life, and Josh has been chasing Reva's dramas all of her life, and I guess Marah's just following in her footsteps. Poor, poor Josh.

Alan: I want you to forget about Josh and think of only me. I want your full attention.

Olivia: You are just insatiable. I mean, how much attention do you need?

Alan: Well, why don't we just find out, huh?

Olivia: You know, before we get to that...

Alan: Yeah, okay, what?

Olivia: I have a welcome home gift for you.

Alan: Ooh, I can hardly wait.

Olivia: It's not exactly a gift. It's more like an opportunity. A golden opportunity.

Alan: Well, why don't you tell me how much this golden opportunity is going to cost me?

Olivia: Well, you know, there are some things, Alan, that you just can't put a price on.

Alan: I'm sure you can come up with a figure. (Laughs)

Olivia: Okay, listen. On the lake, near the lighthouse, there is this beautiful hotel. I mean, I'm amazed that it hasn't been declared a historical landmark.

Alan: You're not talking about the Beacon hotel, are you? That place is a wreck.

Olivia: Which is going to make it that much easier to snap it up for next to nothing.

Alan: The shell has been abandoned for years. The last owner went bankrupt trying to heat it during the wintertime.

Olivia: Location, location, location. It's on the lake.

Alan: You know, the next time you decide to give me a gift, may I suggest a box of Cuban cigars?

Olivia: I'm serious. I'm serious about this. I put a lot of thought into this, and I want to make this happen. I want to reclaim that hotel, I want to restore it. I want to turn it into something so special, so... Something so grand that Springfield has never seen the likes of it before.

Alan: And when did you want to start this project?

Olivia: Yesterday.

Alan: (Laughs)

Olivia: Actually, as soon as possible.

Alan: Well, of course. Ah, yes. And the Lighthouse Committee Gala will be going on as jackhammers are pounding in the background.

Olivia: How petty do you think I am?

Alan: Well... A ballpark figure, maybe...

Olivia: Hey, it will be done by then.

Alan: You and I both know that's impossible.

Olivia: Not for us. Any problem is solvable if you just throw enough money at it.

Alan: My money?

Olivia: Yes.

Alan: Now, if you're expecting me to underwrite this pipe dream of yours, the answer is a resounding "no."


Danny: I've never forgotten that I'm a Santos. Many times I've wished you weren't.

Romeo: (Chuckles)

Carmen: That strike you as funny, Romeo? My sweet son. As you can see, I'm always here when my family needs me.

Danny: So am I. And, by the way, so is Michelle. Right now she's talking to Ross Marler trying to get him to agree to represent Tony.

Carmen: Oh, my, my, my. What an honor. Imagine that. Our sweet little Michelle, willing to get her hands all dirty in all of this Santos mess. She's a saint.

Danny: You seem to forget that she's a Santos, too.

Carmen: No, she's a Bauer. And she's turned you into a Bauer, isolated you from the family and made you think that you're better than all of us.

Danny: Well, if by better, you mean that I want to have the freedom to choose who I love and what I want to do with my life, then yeah, okay, I guess I am better.

Ray: That's enough! We should set this to music. It's the same old song every time you're in a room together.

Carmen: The last thing this family needs is pity from the high and mighty Bauer clan. You tell them we're hiring our own lawyer.

Danny: I think that's for Tony to decide.

Carmen: We'll get that guy from Bay City, the one who specializes in these kinds of cases. Cass Winthrop.

Danny: Whatever. I can't just sit around here waiting for Abuela. I'm going to go upstairs and find out what's taking her so long. Abuela?


(Cell phone ringing)

Ross: Marler residence.

Watchman: Yes. Could I please speak to a Blake Marler?

Ross: Well, she's not here right now. May I help you?

Watchman: Yes, I'm at the docks down by the lake, in the harbormaster's office. I'm the watchman here. I found a credit card that belongs to her, and I got her phone number from the phone book.

Ross: Thank you so much for calling me. Was it with her purse or her wallet?

Watchman: No. Unfortunately, I just found the card. Now, I can mail it to you, if you like.

Ross: No, no. Don't do that. Listen, I'm going to come down there right now and I'll pick it up.

Watchman: Okay, that'll be fine. Fine.


Tory: (Sighs) Finally. I thought he'd never leave. Well, I've got to go. Lots of errands to run, lots of groceries to buy. You're going to be here for a long time. I want to make sure you have everything you need. Do you want anything while I'm out? Magazines, books, newspaper?

Blake: I want my life back.

Tory: It's not yours anymore. It's mine. Cheer up, Blake! I'll appreciate it a lot more than you ever did.

Blake: (Screams) Oh, God... Ross, please. Ross, please find me. Please find me.


Carmen: Oh, no, Danny. Don't tell me she's dead.

Danny: No, no. No, she's not. I don't know what's... Call an ambulance.

Carmen: No, no, no. We don't need the headlines right now. We'll get the family doctor, and he'll treat her here in private.

Ray: Carmen, she's going to need an M.R.I. And who knows what else. She could die without the proper treatment.

Danny: Well, that would suit her, wouldn't it? Romeo, make the call.

Ray: Abuela? Abuela, please, can you hear me?

Carmen: You know, if she dies, it'll be because of her own doing.

Ray: Carmen!

Carmen: She set this whole mess in motion. Calling in the police. What was she thinking?

Danny: How do you sleep with yourself at night?

Carmen: I sleep just fine, Danny, just fine. Now who's going to take care of this family, huh? Tony's in jail, you're out of the family. There's no one left to make any decisions around here.

Danny: Yeah. No one except you.


Olivia: You know what? There are hotels in Miami doing exactly what I'm talking about, and they're raking in money.

Alan: Good for them.

Olivia: We'll hire a trendy designer, somebody who's incredibly hot.

Alan: I told you I wasn't interested, and I meant it.

Olivia: Fine. I'll just... I'll get outside financing. But I want to let you know something: When you promised... When you promised to make my dreams come true and support me, I didn't realize it was only long enough to get me into your house. If you'll excuse me.

Alan: Look, Olivia, please, please. Why don't you tell me what this is really about?

Olivia: It's what it's always about, Alan: Business. I want a place, one place, to call my own. Where I don't wake up the next morning, persona non grata, and get the heave-ho. A place where people actually have to pretend that they like me.

Alan: Who doesn't like you?

Olivia: Oh, please. How long do you have here? I've learned, much to my dismay, that I am easily disposable. At Richard's court, when I fell out of favor, it was bye-bye, Olivia. When I made Josh a pile of money, again, it was bye-bye, Olivia.

Alan: Well, that was his loss, not yours.

Olivia: Yeah, well at least on his arm, I existed. Now I'm an attractive single woman in the Springfield social circle watching doors close on me left and right. Let's take the lighthouse preservation project, for example. If it weren't for my architectural experts, that thing would be sunk at the bottom of the lake by now. Now, they'll take my expertise. They'll take your money, but when they go to choose the Lighthouse Gala hostess, I've disappeared. I mean, apparently I don't live up to the likes of the Meta's and the Cassie's and the Reva's.

Alan: Ah. So that's what this is all about. Your ego is bruised.

Olivia: Oh, Alan, please don't go there. How many decisions have you made based solely on your almighty ego?

Alan: Settled. It's settled. When you move in here, you will become my official Spaulding hostess. And with my watchful eye, all of Springfield will be groveling at your feet.

Olivia: And what happens when you withdraw your protection? No, I need something more permanent.

Alan: Please don't say marriage.

Olivia: I said more permanent.

Alan: (Chuckles)

Olivia: I mean it. I want something that's completely mine. I want something that no one can ever take away from me.

Alan: Well, I'll tell you one thing no one can take away from you, and that is your beauty. Now, why don't you show up on my arm as the most devastatingly beautiful woman in all of Springfield, hmm?

Olivia: I want respect. I want respect. I want to see it in their eyes. But I don't even see it in yours. You don't respect me enough to make this happen, do you? (Knocking at door)


Michelle: Hey, you.

Ben: Hey.

Michelle: Wow, I was just thinking about you.

Ben: (Sighs) I wasn't sure if I'd catch you at home or not. Is this a bad time, because I can come back?

Michelle: No, not at all. Come on in. Are you hungry? You want something to eat or drink?

Ben: No, no. Maybe just some water, if you've got some.

Michelle: Sure. You kind of look like you've been awake for days.

Ben: Maybe I have been. I'm kind of losing track. I really needed to talk to somebody, so I thought I'd come here.

Michelle: You must be really upset about Catalina. You know, the whole thing, I just... I haven't even been able to absorb it. It's just like a bad movie.

Ben: Yeah.

Michelle: I guess you guys were good friends, right?

Ben: Yeah. I guess she was the closest thing I've had to a friend since I've been back.

Michelle: Thanks.

Ben: No, no. Come on, it's not your fault. I haven't been too good about keeping in touch.

Michelle: I know. I know. You've been busy. You've been in school. And Marah. Oh, God. And you've got to be worried about Marah, too.

Ben: Yeah. I tried to visit her in the hospital last night, but they're only letting in her family. So there I was on the outside looking in. I just... I felt completely useless, so I just went home.

Michelle: To tell you the truth, I've been feeling pretty useless myself. Danny's family tends to pull together at times like this.

Ben: Yeah. Everybody talks about how awful it was for Catalina to get hooked up with the Santos family, but... Oh, God. I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound like that.

Michelle: No. Hey, please. I know what you mean. I was worried about her, too. She's so innocent. I kind of was hoping that she'd survive, you know? But she didn't.

Ben: But what she wanted-- love and to be a part of a big family who stands up for each other against the world-- that's not so different from what any of us want, you know?

Michelle: Yeah. And like I said, Danny's family is... Is really coming together right now. (Clears throat) I guess that's why I kind of feel a little lost, because I don't really belong there.

Ben: You're Danny's wife.

Michelle: No, I know. I know, but I'm never going to be really one of them. And not that I want to be, because I don't, but I wouldn't mind having my own family to turn to.

Ben: Oh, come on, Michelle. That's my line. You're a Bauer, for God's sakes. Christmas dinners, the Fourth of July barbecues.

Michelle: Yeah, well, being a Bauer isn't everything it's cracked up to be. (Telephone rings) Excuse me.

Ben: Sure.

Michelle: Hello? Hey, honey. She what? Yeah, yeah, I'll meet you right there. Chapter two in this horror story: Danny's grandmother just had a stroke.

Ben: Oh.

Michelle: She's on her way to Cedars, so...

Ben: Let me at least drive you to the hospital or something?

Michelle: You know what? I've got to take my own car, but why don't you follow me there, because then you can see Marah, right?

Ben: Yeah.

Michelle: She's really lucky to have a friend like you.


Ross: Oh, hi. I'm Ross Marler. Somebody called me about my wife's, Blake Marler's, credit card?

Blake: Oh, my God. Ross! Ross! Ross, I'm here! I'm locked up downstairs! Tory has me locked up! Ross! Ross, I'm down here! God, please find me.

Watchman: Here you go.

Ross: Thank you very much. I just wonder how in the world it got here.

Blake: Ross, I'm down here! Oh, God, Ross, please find me. Don't let Tory do this to us. Think, Ross, think. Why did I leave the card? Think, think! Find me, Ross!

Ross: I should call my wife and let her know that I found it. She probably noticed that it's missing, and worrying about it. (Blake's cell phone rings)

Blake: Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where is it? Where'd she put it?

Tory: How could you do this to me, after everything I've done to you? How could you do this? (Cell phone ringing) Why would you bring him here when we're not ready for him?

Blake: It's over, Tory. It's over. Ross is here and he's going to find me.


Claire: I'm going to need some information about her medical history.

Carmen: That won't be necessary, Claire. Her doctor's coming and he's going to take care of her.

Claire: Carmen, are you out of your mind? The woman has had a stroke. Every second counts.

Carmen: I appreciate your concern, Claire, but as I said, no. Thank you.

Claire: Well, maybe you'd like to sign her death certificate, Carmen. Do you speak for the rest of the family?

Carmen: I do.

Claire: Pathetic.

Carmen: Michelle, thank goodness you're here.

Michelle: How's she doing?

Claire: Oh, you could try asking me, but I'm not allowed to see her.

Michelle: What? What do you mean?

Carmen: As you know, Maria is every attached to her own doctor. Now, I was trying to explain that to your mother. I didn't want to ruffle her feathers. I know how fragile her ego is. Oh, thank goodness you're here, Rueben. If anything should happen to my mother-in-law, I don't know what I'd do with myself. Please, let's hurry.

Claire: Michelle.

Michelle: Danny needs me.

Claire: He's got everything he needs. I'd watch my back if I were you. First Catalina, now the old woman. Santos women seem to be dropping like flies around here.


Alan: You know, Olivia, bitterness is not a becoming color on you.

Olivia: You know something, Alan? During the whole San Cristobel project, when the sharks were circling, and everybody wanted a piece of the action, all of a sudden, you had my back.

Alan: And a lovely back it is.

Olivia: Why don't you try and stay with me here, okay? I thought it was because you respected me or at least what I was trying to do, but if all I am to you is another silly little bed partner, then this is over.

Alan: Olivia, look. We've just begun to negotiate here.

Olivia: I don't see it that way. I think we've said all there is to say.

Alan: Have you ever heard of the art of the deal, huh?

Olivia: Fine. Make me an offer.

Alan: Okay. You want your white elephant, and I want you, 24 hours.

Olivia: It's been discussed and dismissed.

Alan: And so has the hotel. But you know, as you may have noticed, I'm a very busy man, and when I come home, I want you here, ready, willing, and extremely able.

Olivia: You want me here 24/7?

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: I want a construction staff around the clock.

Alan: And I want you in nothing but satin sheets, dripping in diamonds.

Olivia: I want landmark status for my hotel after it's finished.

Alan: Our hotel.

Olivia: My hotel.

Alan: And I want you thinking about no one, but me.

Olivia: You will be my very silent partner.

Alan: Except in bed.

Olivia: Oh, I wouldn't have that any other way.

Alan: So, tell me, when are you planning on moving in.

Olivia: (Laughs) When I get a bedroom, my own bedroom...

Alan: Mm-hmm.

Olivia: With a lock on the door.

Alan: Done. You'll have the lock and I'll have the key.

Olivia: Which you will never use, unless you knock first.

Alan: I am nothing if not a gentleman.

Olivia: Pleasure doing business with you, Mr. Spaulding.


Michelle: Has she said anything?

Danny: No. She's completely unresponsive. We think maybe she can hear us.

Michelle: God. She looks so defenseless.

Danny: Yeah. It's weird.

Michelle: Danny, she might be the only one who can help Tony, you know. She was there. She might have seen something to help clear him.

Carmen: Poor Maria. You must feel so helpless, hmm? So powerless. Well, don't you worry about a thing. This family's going to take very good care of you. We know how to look after our own, don't we, Maria?

Ray: Carmen?

Carmen: I was just praying.

Ray: We should all pray for a speedy recovery. Santa Maria, madre de dios...

Danny: Hey. Did you talk to Ross.

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah. And he's... He's very sympathetic to Tony's problem, but...

Danny: He said no.

Michelle: Well, you've got to remember, Danny, Tony really never accepted Ross as your lawyer.

Danny: Yeah, I know. Well, thanks for asking.

Michelle: He's going to refer him to someone else.

Danny: No, it's okay. It's okay. Don't worry about it. We're going to... I think we're going to go with somebody else, anyway.

Michelle: Um, who's we?

Danny: The family. Honey, look, in situations like this, it's just... It's always better if we take care of our own.


Tory: This is what I get for trying to treat you like a friend? The first time I turn around, you stab me in the back?

Blake: I stab you in the back?

Tory: How did you do it? How did you get him to come down here?

Blake: I didn't do anything, Tory. He's already worried about me and he's already looking for me, and he's going to find me, because he loves me.

Tory: No! You shut up!

Blake: He's going to find me.

Tory: No, he's not. The only thing that Ross feels for you is a misguided sense of duty. That's it.

Blake: No, Tory.

Tory: That's all.

Blake: Because he loves me, Tory. He doesn't love you.

Tory: No! No, he's just too good. He's just too good! He's too good, and he just couldn't bring himself to dump you like you deserve!

Blake: Not going to happen. It's not going to happen.

Tory: Look at him. He's so handsome. So responsible. It's okay, Ross. It's okay, I'm here. I'm here to ease all of your burdens, and I'll take care of everything. Including Blake. One way or another.


Watchman: Well, I should get back to my rounds.

Ross: Okay. Thank you. Thanks again, Mark. I really appreciate it.

Watchman: It's no problem. Hey, and listen, I wouldn't worry about it too much, if I were you. I'm always losing something.

Ross: I just hope I haven't lost you, Blake.

Blake: You haven't lost me, Ross. I'm down here. I'm right here.

Ross: I wanted you to know that I found your credit card, so don't worry about it. And, listen, why don't you give me a call. I hope things are going well for you, and I love you, honey.

Blake: No. Don't, don't, don't. Don't go, Ross! Don't! Ross, don't go!

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