Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/17/02
Proofread By Tanya
(cheers and applause)
Richard: All right. If you're going to elope, then I suppose someone's going to have to find you a ladder. (Laughter)
Reva: Oh, no. You know, that's tempting, but were actually thinking of just making it a family event.
Josh: Yeah, nothing big and fancy for us. We just want to say our vows in front of the people we love the most, right?
Reva: Mm-hmm.
Cassie: Okay, nothing big, nothing fancy, but something different and unique, like you two.
Reva: Well, how could we beat the first?
Cassie: I wish I would have been there. I heard it was wonderful.
Josh: It was, even though Reva almost didn't make it.
Reva: Thank God for rowboats. (Laughter)
Cassie: Okay, okay. How about this? How about a come-as-you-are breakfast wedding, and everyone shows up in their pajamas?
Josh: You guys wear pajamas? Because I'm sorry... (laughter) I just don't, that's all. How about if we go to Vegas and get married by some Elvis guy? How would that be?
Reva: How about we don't?
Josh: Okay, how about we don't?
Reva: Actually, we thought about Cross Creek, but we knew that we couldn't match Cross Creek the first time around, so...
Josh: We decided to let that one stand on its own. Besides, it wouldn't be the same without my father and without Sarah, right?
Reva: You know, how about we just do an old-fashioned church wedding-- ask God for his blessing that we're finally able to be the family that we were meant to be?
Richard: Toast, to Josh and Reva.
Cassie: Josh and Reva.
Richard: Whatever you decide for your wedding, the important thing is that you two are back together again.
Reva: Thank you.
Mel: So the best part is, I found out there's another position in the P.A.
course. I cannot wait to tell Michelle. I hope she just jumps right on it. Rick,
do you have a problem with me helping your sister with this?
Rick: Oh, I'm sorry. Honey, go ahead. I'm not hungry. Help yourself.
Mel: Uh-oh. Rick, what's wrong?
Rick: Honey, I've been holding off wanting to tell you something, but I just don't think it can wait any longer.
Mel: Okay.
Rick: I've been thinking about us. I've been thinking about quickly things have been progressing, and...
Mel: Oh. Oh, I don't like where this is going. When a guy says, "I've been thinking about us," it usually means he's headed towards the nearest exit.
Rick: Well, I guess you don't know me very well. I would never waste dinner on somebody I was about to dump.
Mel: Oh. Okay. All right, so you're deeply invested.
Rick: Yeah, as matter of fact, I am, and I don't want to screw this up.
Mel: I'm glad to hear it.
Rick: What I'm trying to say, Mel, is... Is maybe we should just take this whole thing a little bit slower, okay?
Mel: Slower?
Rick: Yes. I mean, it just feels so right that it has to be wrong. I mean I see the train wreck right over your shoulder. It's just... And it's not you. It's me. I mean, you know my record with relationships. I don't have a very good one. I've been married a couple of times, I've had a child out of wedlock, and... And... Mel, all I've ever wanted in my life was to find the right girl, get married, and have a family. And I've really messed that part of my life up real bad. And I just don't want to drag you into my mess. I don't want to hurt you. I really don't. And I don't want to force you into something that you're not ready for.
Mel: Rick, I am so ready to have you in my life. I don't want to waste another minute, so slow is good.
Rick: Thank God. Slow is... Slow is good.
Mel: Mm-hmm.
Rick: Slow is good.
Mel: But fast is better. Let's push this thing.
Tony: Come on, Marah. Come on. You got to go. Come on.
Frank: Hold it right there. Marah, what's going on here? Are you okay? What happened to Catalina? Check around.
Marah (whispering): She's dead.
Frank: She's what?
Marah: She's dead!
Frank: What are you doing there? What do you got there? Put it down. Put it down right now. Markham? Oh, my God, I can't believe this. You're going to have to call the medical examiner.
Cop #1: I'm on it.
Frank: Marah, what happened?
Marah: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Frank: Marah, what happened?
Marah: I don't know!
Frank: What do you mean, you don't know?
Tony: Hey, look, you heard her, all right?
Frank: You're bleeding. You hurt your head. How did you hurt your head? You're going to have to call the medics, too. Sit down. Please sit down. Let's talk about this. We have to talk about this while this is still fresh in your mind.
Tony: Hey, look, she's got nothing to say.
Frank: I am not talking to you.
Tony: Hey, we need a lawyer in here now.
Frank: Who needs a lawyer, Tony? You need a lawyer? Or does Marah need a lawyer?
Tony: No. No. I do.
Frank: Is there something you want to tell me, Tony?
Tony: It seems like you got things figured out for yourself.
Frank: I'd rather hear it from you.
Gus: Frank?
Harley: All right, what happened?
Frank: Catalina's dead. Looks like the murder weapon right there.
Gus: Did a nice job. Blunt force trauma to the head. Is the ME on the way?
Frank: Yeah, we got the paramedics, too. Marah has a head injury.
Harley: Let me see. Whoa, Marah, that looks pretty bad. Are you okay? You sure? You want to sit down?
Marah: No, I don't.
Harley: You might have a concussion.
Marah: I don't care.
Harley: Okay. How did you hurt your head?
Frank: She said she fell.
Harley: You fell, huh? How'd you fall? Why'd you come here? Who did you come to see?
Tony: Would you just leave her out of this?
Gus: I wish we could do that, Tony, but we have a little problem. We have your dead wife on the floor. So would you mind giving us some answers, tell us what happened here?
Frank: Marah, please tell us.
Tony: Look, she's got nothing to say, all right?
Gus: Well, maybe you have something to say.
Tony: Can we just forget the talk, and you guys can read me my rights?
Josh: So you want to pick my brain on building a house, is that it? (Cell phone
Richard: Actually I just wanted to give Cassie some time with Reva. Oh, sorry. (Cell phone rings)
Josh: It's okay.
Richard: Hello?
Cassie: So what I was thinking was, why build a brand- new house when there is
one that we absolutely love that we can just move right in?
Reva: The picture you showed me? The expensive one?
Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, yes, it's pretty outrageous, isn't it? But Richard's always lived in big houses, so I thought that... I don't know. I thought this was a house that he would love.
Richard: I see. Well, of course San Cristobel is in a recession right now, so...
Well, you know, if my pension has to be scaled back, well, then it has to be
scaled back. You know, we'll just have to make do with less, is all. It's
really... It's no problem. You just, you know, worry about San Cristobel, and
don't worry about us, Alonzo, okay? Now, stop wasting the taxpayers' time and
money, and get back to work, and we'll speak later, all right? Thanks, Alonzo.
Josh: Something wrong?
Richard: Oh, no. Nothing I can't handle.
Cassie: I am so happy for you. I mean, it's like you're getting a part of
yourself back.
Reva: The best part.
Cassie: I agree with you about the wedding, though. You know, it should be huge. It should be big. There should be trumpets, flags, confetti. It should be televised across the nation.
Reva: Agree with me? You have been a Princess for way too long.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Reva: Will you be my matron of honor?
Cassie: Oh, well, what about Marah?
Reva: Marah can be my maid of honor. The more, the merrier.
Cassie: I would be honored to be your matron of honor, as long as you don't make me wear one of those dresses that make women look like a parfait.
Reva: Oh, count on it. I was thinking about salmon taffeta.
Cassie: Nice and scratchy.
Reva: Yes. Of course, you can crinkle your way all the way down the aisle.
Cassie: Anything. Anything for you. And I'll even get satin pumps that match.
Reva: How did I get so lucky? How did I get so incredibly lucky to be surrounded by the most wonderful family and friends? And I'm marrying the man that I have loved my entire life.
Cassie: Let's hope this time it's for good.
Reva: Well, it sure as hell better be.
Josh: Hey, watch your language, young lady. ( Cell phone ringing)
Reva: Oh, let me get that.
Josh: Uh-uh. If that's not the kids, don't answer it.
Reva: Hello?
Josh: She never listens to me. Did you see that?
Reva: Oh, Holly, hi. A homicide? Really? Well, do you have any of the de... Who? No, no, no. Don't get anyone else. I'm on my way. Okay, I'll be there shortly. There's been some trouble over at the Santos house.
Josh: You said a homicide.
Reva: Well, yeah. It appears that one person is dead and there were several others that were injured.
Cassie: Others? What others? What's going on?
Reva: I don't know. I don't know any of the details, but I've got to go find Tommy, the camera guy. They want a 10:00 for the news, over at Cedars.
Josh: You be careful, okay?
Reva: I will.
Josh: Be careful. I don't want you caught up in the Santos' crossfire.
Reva: I will be very careful. I'm sorry I'm running out on you guys. Talk to you later.
Josh: Well, now there's three of us.
Cassie: Well, I have no problem with spending the evening with two very handsome men.
Josh: You know what? This evening is pretty much over for me, anyway. Why don't you two just have some time together?
Cassie: No, no, no. Sit. Please, sit with us.
Josh: I'm going to go. I'm going to go. You guys have fun.
Cassie: Oh, good night, Josh.
Josh: Bye-bye, doll. Thank you for dinner, by the way.
Ben: Mr. Lewis?
Josh: Yes?
Ben: Is Marah here?
Josh: No, she's not.
Ben: I've looked all over campus for her. I've left messages on her cell phone.
Josh: Why are you so worried about her?
Ben: Look, Marah will probably kill me for telling you this, but I think she's in big trouble, Mr. Lewis-- big trouble.
Rick: What exactly do you mean by "push this thing"? Define "thing."
Mel: I just mean that we should just go with whatever happens. If it's quick and burns out, then so be it.
Rick: You think we're going to burn out?
Mel: Do you?
Rick: I asked you first.
Mel: Okay. I've always known what I wanted in life. At first, it was to achieve and to make something of myself, so I studied all the time, at the exclusion of everything else. I'm not saying I didn't date; I did. It was just not that much, and never very intense.
Rick: Mm-hmm.
Mel: I didn't want to get drawn in.
Rick: You just wanted to focus on your career.
Mel: Right.
Rick: Right.
Mel: So I put a hold on love. I guess I thought it would be there when I needed it, and that I'd know when the time was right.
Rick: So you didn't mind waiting because you knew sooner or later, it was going to come to you, right?
Mel: That's right. And I always told myself that when it happens, I would go after it just like I'd gone after everything else. I guess what I'm saying is, Dr. Bauer, I'm after you.
Rick: I see. Well, this may come as a surprise to you, Dr. Boudreau, but I already figured that out.
Mel: Really?
Rick: Yes.
Mel: And I thought I was being so subtle.
Rick: Well, there were a few things that you threw out that I sort of caught on to, like, well, you accepted my dinner invitations, my movie invitations. You've kissed me in public. I may not be the sharpest tack in the box, but all those clues together, I just sort of woke up one morning and I said to myself, "Self, she likes me. This beautiful, incredible woman likes me."
Mel: Well, it goes a little deeper than that.
Rick: Well, of course it does. What do you mean?
Mel: I love you.
Rick: You love me?
Mel: Yeah. Okay, now stop. Stop staring at me like that. You're scaring me.
Rick: I'm sorry. I'm sorry, it's just...
Mel: Okay, you can say something now-- anything.
Rick: Wow.
Mel: Wow?
Rick: Yeah.
Mel: Wow. Okay, well, what does "wow" mean? "Wow, I've got to get out of town and change my number"? Or "Wow, this is the greatest thing that's ever happened to me"?
Rick: I think it's closer to the second one.
Mel: Oh, okay. Well, that's a relief.
Rick: You're so sure about everything, you make me sick.
Mel: It's not that complicated.
Rick: Well...
Mel: It's actually very liberating to say it out loud.
Rick: I just love the way your mind works.
Mel: Oh. (Laughs) Okay, well, that's a start. You know, you don't have to say it if you don't want to, chicken. I can see it in your eyes.
Rick: I'm... I'm not sure why I'm holding off on this, and you, because you're incredible and you're beautiful and... (pager beeping) and my beeper is...
Mel: The E.R.
Rick: It's the E.R., right.
Mel: Saved by the beeper.
Rick: Yes, I was. That was a close one.
Tony: Marah, don't say a word.
Gus: Tony? Calm down.
Tony: Listen to me, Marah.
Frank: One more word from you and I'll take you downstairs.
Harley: All right, Marah, we're trying to help you, so you've got to tell us what happened, okay?
Marah: It's just... I don't know. It doesn't seem real. All we were going to do was talk.
Harley: You and Tony?
Marah: No. Catalina. She... She left me messages at my dorm.
Gus: What kind of messages? What kind?
Marah: She said she wanted to see me.
Harley: And so...
Marah: I don't know. It's so confusing.
Harley: It's okay.
Gus: Take it easy.
Marah: I remember... I remember coming to the house and seeing Catalina.
Harley: Uh-huh. And then what?
Marah: And... And then we started to argue.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Marah: And I don't know, I'm not sure. I think she pushed me.
Tony: Marah, stop! Don't say anything! You don't...
Gus: Just close your mouth.
Tony: Marah, you don't have to say anything until a lawyer's present, all right?
Gus: If you don't shut your mouth, I'm going to shut it for you, all right?
Harley: Okay, okay, one second. Why don't you take a breath?
Gus: I'm trying to get some answers.
Harley: Okay, we'd all like to get some answers.
Gus: We need some answers.
Harley: We'd all like to get some answers.
Gus: I don't want to give them time to make up a convenient story.
Harley: Listen, something happened here tonight, but let's not jump to conclusions about who did what.
Gus: When it involves the Santos family, I've got a pretty good idea what it is. Don't you?
E.M.T #1: What have we got?
Frank: Right here.
Gus: One down, laceration, possible contusion to the head.
Marah: I'm fine.
E.M.T #2: Did you lose consciousness?
Marah: Yeah. I don't know. I don't remember, but I'm fine.
E.M.T #1: Let us make that determination, all right?
Frank: You know what? Why don't we just clear this area here and let the medics work, okay?
Gus: All right, let's get him out of here. Put your arms behind your back.
Tony: I ain't taking off without her.
Gus: Arms behind your back. You're not really in a position to be making any decisions, okay?
Maria: Antonio! Antonio, what's going on here?
Gus: Tell your grandmother what happened here, Tony, while she was taking her nap.
Josh: Talk to me.
Ben: I shouldn't have said anything. It's probably no big deal.
Josh: If there's some problem involving my daughter, I want to know about it. Talk to me.
Ben: I think she went to Tony's.
Josh: The Santos house?
Ben: Yeah.
Josh: The police are there right now. Listen, you go back to the dorm. My cell phone number's on that card.
Ben: But I want to help you.
Josh: If she shows up there, at the dorm, you call me. You understand?
Ben: Okay, but I'm warning you, they're not going to let you in at the Santos place.
Josh: They will let me in.
Reva: I guess we'll just wing it, because I don't have a clue. Did you want to
do something out here?
Rick: Hey, Reva.
Reva: Hey, Rick!
Rick: How you doing?
Reva: Good, good.
Rick: You remember Reva Shayne, don't you?
Mel: Yeah. I met you at a party once, but you probably don't remember. My mother talks about you all the time.
Reva: Felicia. She talks about you all the time, too. Are you running this hospital yet?
Rick: No, but she will be soon, so get her on film while you have a chance. (Laughter) Do something with your hair. ( Laughter)
Reva: You're so bad.
Nurse: Dr. Boudreau?
Reva: So, I guess you haven't heard the news?
Rick: What haven't I heard?
Reva: There was a murder at the Santos house.
Rick: Oh, my God.
Reva: I don't know any of the details yet. I don't even know who was involved, but several people were injured. You should call Michelle, make sure that she and Danny are safe and sound.
Rick: I'm pretty sure that she was staying home tonight, but I can't be sure.
Mel: Rick, we better get suited up and get trauma one ready. EMS called; they're on their way.
Rick: With what?
Mel: One casualty, one 18- year-old girl with head trauma.
Rick: Okay, let's go.
Frank: Marah, you're going to be all right.
Gus: Jerry, just get him out of here, please.
Maria: Do you think Antonio did this? He didn't. He wasn't even here. It was that girl!
Tony: Abuela! Abuela, shut up.
Frank: Hold on one second. Gus, this is Maria Santos.
Gus: Yes, Frank, I know.
Frank: Okay, well, she's the one that dialed 911.
Tony: You called the police? It was you?
Maria: Well, I was worried.
Tony: What the hell are you thinking? Where's your head?
Gus: Will you read him his rights, please?
Tony: What are you doing?
Harley: Tony Santos. You have the right to remain silent.
Tony: How could you do something like that? Abuela! Abuela! (Yelling)
Josh: Marah?
Marah: Dad?
Josh: Marah, my God.
Marah: I'm okay, I'm okay. I'm just dizzy.
E.M.T #1: She has a head wound, may have had a concussion, but she's stable now.
Josh: What happened? Who did this to you?
Marah: No one. No one. I fell.
Josh: You fell? What do you mean, you fell?
Marah: I just... I couldn't let her get away with it. I just couldn't let it go, do you understand? I... I came in and I don't know how it happened, but she's dead, Dad. Catalina's dead.
Josh: Catalina is dead?
Marah: Yeah. I don't know. They think that somebody killed her with a statue, but it doesn't make any sense. It just doesn't make sense to me.
Josh: Marah, who... Tony killed Catalina.
Marah: No. No, no, no. Tony wouldn't do that. He couldn't. No, Tony, tell them! Tell them, please! Tell them that you didn't do it! Tell them!
Josh: Marah, you have got to lie back down. Now, come on. I'm sorry you ever got involved with this family in the first place.
Marah: No, Dad, but... It's my fault. It's my fault. Tony wouldn't hurt Catalina. None of this would have happened if it wasn't for me.
Tony: Marah, just be quiet.
Marah: I'm the one who started the fight. Tell them, tell them. It's not you! It's not your fault.
Tony: Could you get her out of here, please?
Marah: Please!
Tony: Would you please get her out of here?
Marah: Why won't you tell them?
Cassie: So, how about the house?
Richard: What?
Cassie: The house? Is Josh going to build it? I mean, did you learn anything? What's going on?
Richard: Yeah, well, I learned that, you know, darling, perhaps we shouldn't build a house... You know, not just yet. And well, because you know, my wife is very anxious for a house with a picket fence, so...
Cassie: Picket fence, porch swing, fireplace, all the basic stuff that goes along with, you know, having a normal life.
Richard: Right. I may need your help there, as a matter of fact, darling. You know, I'm still learning what it is, you know: Normal-- American normal, that is.
Cassie: Hmm. (In southern accent): Well, you know, Dwayne, all it takes is a little bit of dancing and a barbecue on the weekends.
Richard (in southern accent): And midnight drives in pickup truck. That is, when I'm not working out on the oil rigs.
Cassie (in southern accent): Well, we ain't got no oil rigs here in Springfield, but I could go back to bartending if you want me to.
Richard (in southern accent): No. No, sorry. No wife of mine is going to be working. Id' rather be working the fields, myself. They do have fields here in Springfield, don't they?
Cassie (in southern accent): Oh, you bet they do.
Richard (in southern accent): Well, hot dang. Then all we've got to do now is find us a farm.
Cassie: I have a farm.
Buzz: Ben.
Ben: Hey. How you doing, Mr. Cooper?
Buzz: I'm okay. You can call me Buzz, you know. You spend enough money in my place. You looking for someone?
Ben: No. I don't know. I just... I was on my way back to the dorm and I got kind of sidetracked, so...
Buzz: Good, sit down. I can use the company.
Ben: Maybe some other time, Mr... Buzz. I've really got to get...
Buzz: No, sit. Have a drink. I'll buy you a drink.
Ben: All right.
Buzz: I have a right to your company. Your stepmother stood me up.
Ben: Holly did?
Buzz: Yeah. There's some sort of big, breaking story, so she's either at the newspaper or at the TV station. You know, that's what I get for, you know, getting involved with a media mogul.
Ben: Big story, huh? Must be one of those nights.
Buzz: Called my granddaughter, offered her a free dinner. Turned me down. I'm losing my touch. You are looking for somebody. Why don't you tell me who it is? Maybe I can... Maybe they walked in. Maybe I saw them.
Ben: No, I was just kind of hoping Marah Lewis would be here, but I guess not, huh? She's not at home; she's not at the dorm. I think I know where she might be, but I really don't want to believe it.
Buzz: Marah, huh? Marah's a good kid. I guess she's more than a kid nowadays. But she's fine, I'm sure, wherever she is. So you and Marah, you're like... What do you say nowadays? You're like, what, close?
Ben: Uh, not as close as I'd like to be. And it doesn't help that she can't stay away from Tony Santos.
Buzz: Have I missed something here? Tony Santos is on his honeymoon, right?
Ben: No.
Buzz: No?
Ben: Uh-uh.
Buzz: Oh, Catalina. God, she's such a beautiful girl. My heart breaks every time I think of her being married to that guy.
Ben: Well, she loves him.
Buzz: Well, she should get over him. Marah should get over him. Santos is going to break both their hearts.
Reva: Rick, do you think there's any chance that you could get in touch with the
paramedics and find out the details about the young woman that was... Listen to
me. Just forget it. Forget it. I'm just being a mom. I mean, there's no way it
could have been Marah.
Rick: Reva, is Marah still friends with Tony?
Reva: No. No, they broke up. But Tony married Catalina and Marah was upset about it, and... Forget it. There's nothing for me to worry about.
Mel: Why don't you just try calling your daughter?
Reva: I tried, and I didn't get an answer.
Rick: Reva, Marah could be anywhere. She could be out seeing the movies with her friends, you know? It could be anything.
Reva: I know. Besides, she's a whole lot smarter than I ever was with these sort of things, and she knows better than to go and try to see Tony now that he's married. I think we should talk about you guys, okay? I mean, what it's like when you're here waiting for an ambulance to just roll in.
Tommy: Stand by.
Reva: Thanks, Tommy. Get a wide shot of these guys?
Rick: Do I need, what?
Tommy: Five, four, three...
Reva: We're here tonight. I'm ready to take you into the heart of an emergency at Cedars hospital. With me is Dr. Rick Bauer and Melissande Boudreau, his associate. Any moment now, these double doors are going to swing open and we will be smack in the middle of an emergency with our trauma team here. So I want to find out exactly what goes through your minds when an ambulance comes in here and there's a crisis situation, and you know that at any given moment, you may have a life in your hands. (Doors swing open)
Rick: Right in here.
Mel: Trauma one, this way.
Rick: Let's go. Right in here.
Reva: Marah? Marah? Honey?
Mel: Put her on the table.
Rick: Ready? One, two, three. All right, over here.
Marah: Mom?
Reva: Honey, I'm right here.
Rick: Reva? Reva, we need some room, okay?
Reva: Okay. I'm right here.
Rick: Okay.
Mel: Are you dizzy?
Marah: A little bit.
Rick: I'm going to do your blood pressure here, Marah, okay? How you feeling?
Marah: Did dad tell you?
Josh: She hit her head pretty hard. She might have a concussion.
Mel: Look straight forward for me.
Marah: That's not what I meant.
Reva: Honey, just calm down. Let the doctors do their job.
Rick: Equal and reactive?
Mel: Yeah. No signs of mastoid bleeding, rhinorrhea, otorrhea, but she does have a bad laceration on the side of her head.
Marah: Okay, stop it. I'm fine.
Reva: No, Marah, you're not fine. Who hit you on the head?
Marah: Nobody hit me on the head. I fell.
Rick: Okay.
Marah: By myself, I think.
Rick: What, you don't remember?
Reva: Honey, do you remember what happened?
Marah: This girl, she called me from the dorm and then told me that Catalina needed to talk to me, and I was already mad at Catalina because she had lied to Tony about me and told him that I was sleeping with Ben and I wasn't, I didn't, and...
Reva: So you went over to the Santos house.
Marah: Tony's grandmother was there, but then... But then she left us alone. And then it started to get really ugly.
Reva: What do you mean, ugly?
Marah: Catalina and I, we started to fight, and she told me to leave. She told me I wasn't welcome, but... Because she thought that I would tell Tony about the baby. And I think that I fell and I hit my head, but... But then when I woke up, Catalina was... She was on the ground and she wasn't saying anything, Mom. She wasn't moving. She was dead.
Reva: Oh. Oh, my God. How... How did this happen? Catalina? How?
Josh: I don't know.
Rick: Could everybody step outside for a few minutes? We need to finish our examination.
Josh: Come on, Reva. Marah, we'll be back in a few minutes. Come on.
Mel: It's going to be okay. Just relax.
Josh: Just back away, please. Excuse us. Thank you.
Reva: Oh, my God. All I see is her face, Joshua. Her innocent face on that boat. She was sick and she was cold. She would have died trying to get to America. Who did this? Who did this to her?
Josh: Reva, Harley and Gus had Tony Santos in handcuffs.
Reva: Tony?
Josh: They were taking him to the police station for questioning.
Reva: Do you honestly believe that Tony could have done something...
Josh: I don't know. I don't know. But I do know that he is a card- carrying member of the Santos family, and this is what they do. This is how they live their lives, Reva.
Maria: No! No! This is wrong, all wrong. Antonio is innocent.
Harley: Okay, how do you know that, Mrs. Santos? Because you sound pretty certain. I'd love to know whatever you have to tell us.
Romeo: What is all this? Tony? What the hell is going on here?
Gus: Catalina's been murdered. Can we get him in the car? Let's go.
Harley: Let's go.
Tony: Catalina...
Cassie: I cannot believe I didn't think about... I mean, I thought about the
farm, but I really didn't think it'd be a place that you would ever want to
Richard: I'm very fond of that farm, darling.
Cassie: Now that I'm thinking about it, you know, we've really had some great memories.
Richard: Yes.
Cassie: Remember the time that I made you sleep in the barn?
Richard: Well, yes.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Richard: Great memories, right.
Cassie: Beggars can't be choosers.
Richard: Yes, well, it's positively quaint. Thank you very much. I'm sure I'll sleep like the proverbial log.
Cassie: Well, good night.
Richard: Good night. Thank you. Sweet dreams, eh?
Cassie: You know, I really think that I would love to live there.
Richard: Well, then I suppose I'm to be a farmer, then, right? You know, like, milking the cows, you know, while you're in the kitchen making me breakfast.
Cassie: I could do that. I think the kids would love it.
Richard: But you know, it's not going to be the dream house, you know-- the one that you've dreamed about since you were a little girl.
Cassie: It doesn't matter. It's going to be better.
Richard: Are you sure? Well, the farm it is, then.
Cassie: Thank you. Thank you so much. You know, you always know exactly what I want. You do.
Ben: I understand why Catalina fell for Tony. I mean, when she came to America,
he was the first guy who was nice to her. She was lonely, you know. She just
wanted to feel like she belonged somewhere.
Buzz: You sound like you know about that yourself.
Ben: Yeah, I guess I do. I mean, that's why I came back to Springfield, to see if I belonged here. I loved it so much as a kid, growing up. So I thought maybe it'd be the right place for me to, I don't know, settle in or something. I'm beginning to think maybe I was wrong.
Buzz: Springfield. God, I hated it, growing up. But you know, when I finally came back, I couldn't figure out why I hated it so much.
Ben: So it was easy for you to fit in when you came back?
Buzz: No. I didn't exactly put my best foot forward with my kids. I mean, I gave them a million reasons not to speak to me again, but they forgave me, eventually.
Ben: Yeah, but Buzz, you've made it up to them. I've seen you with them. You guys seem like a close family.
Buzz: They... The kids are a great family. I don't know if I'll ever make it up to them, but at least they know I want to.
Ben: I made a lot of mistakes when I came back to town. And even though I was looking to connect with people, I kind of avoided the people I was connected to, like Holly and Michelle, anybody I knew as a kid. I made some bad choices, man.
Buzz: Don't we all? Well, do something about them.
Ben: You make it sound easy.
Buzz: Some people make it sound just too hard. Give it a shot.
Ben: Maybe I will, if I can.
Buzz: If I can, you can. (Cell phone ringing) Who's this? Damn it. Frank made me get this thing.
Ben: (Laughs)
Buzz: I hate these things.
Ben: Right there. There you go.
Buzz: Hello? Oh, Holly. Hi. Oh, God. Where did this happen? Well, I... Okay, I'll be here. I'll stay right here.
Ben: Is Holly all right?
Buzz: Oh, yeah. She's okay. Oh, you better get over to Cedars. Marah's there.
Ben: Oh, my God.
Buzz: No, she's fine. She's fine. It's... Catalina wasn't so lucky.
Rick: We're going to have to run some more tests, but it looks like a
Josh: Is it serious?
Rick: We'll know more once we see the CT results.
Mel: If there's any change in consciousness, dizziness or confusion, just let us know immediately, okay?
Josh: Okay. Thank you.
Rick: We'll be right back after we set things up. Hey.
Mel: I didn't want to say anything in front of Marah, but I took care of Catalina when she had her miscarriage. She was so young, barely out of her teens, and now she's dead? (Sighs) God, Rick. It's like I said: Every second counts.
Rick: Mel, we had a very important conversation earlier, and...
Mel: You mean when I was throwing myself at you.
Rick: I believe... I believe you said, "I love you, Rick Bauer," and I said...
Mel: Nothing.
Rick: Well, I'm saying it now. I love you, Mel. I love you.
Reva: Hey. How are you feeling?
Marah: Don't ask.
Reva: You know something? I keep thinking about what it would have been like if we'd lost you. I mean, I just thank God that we're all all right, because I love you so much, sweetheart. Your daddy and I both love you so much.
Marah: How can you guys love me after what I've done?
Josh: Marah, don't say that. We will always love you, no matter what happens.
Marah: No. No, you won't.
Reva: Sweetheart, what is it? What do you think you've done?
Marah: It's my fault, all of it.
Reva: What? What is your fault?
Marah: Catalina never would have died if it weren't for me.
Harley: You know, Tony, before I got the call for this, I ran into your brother,
Father Ray.
Tony: So?
Harley: I noticed he... He had a busted lip. Said somebody hit him; said it was you.
Tony: Yeah? Well, brothers fight.
Harley: Yeah, that's what he said, too. What was that fight about? Did it have anything to do with Catalina?
Gus: Do you really think he's going to answer any questions?
Harley: You've been in trouble before, Tony. Arrested for the attempted murder of your own cousin; now this. What's going on?
Tony: Why don't you believe what you want, okay?
Harley: I don't want to believe anything. I want to know. Why don't you tell me?
Frank: Sis, he's not going to tell you anything. Come on, he's not going to. Let's take him back to the station. You can question him down there. (Camera shutters clicking)
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