GL Transcript Tuesday 4/16/02


Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/16/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Harley:  Now I have to go someplace else.

Gus: Well, fine. Go ahead!

Harley: You know, I came here to be alone, okay?

Gus: Come here to be alone. You came here to run away.

Harley: From what?

Gus: From yourself. From yourself. >From your feelings. From me.

Harley: Give me a break.

Gus: You can pedal all you want, but you're not going to get anywhere. Pedal, pedal, pedal, pedal.

Harley: Very funny.

Gus: And you're not going anywhere. Listen to me. You can't put any distance between yourself and feelings, okay?

Harley: What are you the expert in reality?

Gus: No, but I do know a few things. We were just going at it at Company. And we'd still be going at it.

Harley: I don't want to talk about that.

Gus: I know how you felt. I'm still feeling it. I've got tingles in my body.

Harley: Cut it out.

Gus: If your family hadn't shown up and busted it up... Listen, if you want to run away from us, that is fine. Okay, but at least just listen to what I have to say first. And then if you still feel the same way, fine, just take off and just leave me in the dust. Fine.

Harley: Okay, fine. Fine. Go ahead. Talk. Go ahead. I'm listening.


Beth: Thanks.

Phillip: Thanks a lot.

Beth: It's good.

Phillip: Still having a hard time getting used to you, watching you enjoy your food this much.

Beth: You know if you're going to have barbecue, you got to eat it right.

Phillip: You got to do it. You may as well do it. Listen, Beth...

Beth: Oh. Don't.

Phillip: Don't, what? You don't know what I was going to say.

Beth: Yeah, I do. You're going to, you know, talk about marriage. (Laughter) I'm sorry.

Phillip: We have to admit, we have been avoiding the topic. You know, when Lizzie brought it up the other day. I didn't know how to explain to her why we weren't making wedding plans. I do still love you.

Beth: And I feel the same way. But it's just it's only been a few days. I just started my sessions with Felicia, and let's face it. I have a lot of work to do.

Phillip: Hey, look, I'm not trying push you on this. I know that you're gun-shy about the whole marriage thing. I understand that.

Beth: (Laughs) Can you blame me?

Phillip: No. Hey, look at me.

Beth: I just... You know what? I just want us to be an old married couple and I don't want to have to go through all this stuff to get there. (Laughter)

Phillip: Okay. All right. Let's get out of here. Let's go find us something else that you can stuff in your face. (Laughter)

Edmund: Well, judging from your appetite, Lorelei's not entirely gone is she?

Beth: Edmund, this has to stop.

Phillip: Let's go. Come on. Oh, Edmund, what is it that's keeping you in Springfield?

Edmund: Just one thing really. I'm waiting for you to pay me what you owe me.


Tony: Where is every... Cat! Oh, my God, Marah, what did you do?


Ross: Yes, hello, may I speak with a manager please. Yeah, I'll hold. Hello, Ms. Butler? Yes, my name is Ross Marler and my... Blake Marler will be checking into your hotel a little later this evening. She's with the Romance Writers Convention, and I'd like her stay there to be as... Well, as romantic as possible. So if there could be some flowers waiting for her in the room, some roses. Red. Yes. Two dozens. And a couple of bottles of champagne. Oh, yes, that will be fine. She likes that. Yes. Pardon? How many glasses? Well, I'll get back to you on that one, all right? Thanks for your help.


Blake: Get... Get your hands up. Get your hands up! You have hurt me and Ross for the last time, and you are going to jail. Turn around. Turn around and start marching!

Tory: Okay, okay. Blake, settle down. Just don't hurt me.

Blake: Go! Hello? Somebody there? Can anybody hear me?

Tory: I can. And guess what? I am the only who can. And nobody's ever going to find you.

Blake: What is this place?

Tory: It's your new home. It's like the sign says, Blake. Isn't it sweet? I really lucked out. I mean for a dead girl. I mean, you know, I couldn't exactly wander around town after I died. It wouldn't look good. And I couldn't go back to my room at Company for the same reason. And as far as getting another room somewhere else, well, using a credit card when you're deceased is definitely frowned upon. And have you noticed that people just don't take cash anymore? So you could imagine how incredible thrilled I was when I stumbled upon this place, and I mean literally. I found the harbormaster's old office up there and then before I knew I triggered that trapped door and slid down and landed right where you are right now.

Blake: Oh, really, huh? How did you get out?

Tory: Well, there wasn't a lock on the door then. Seems like this used to be some old rum runner's secret store house back there in the prohibition, during the '20s. Can't you just imagine all the bottles and barrels piled up high to the ceiling?

Blake: Yeah, right, some history.

Tory: Yeah. And you're going to add another chapter to it. All it needed was a little sound proofing and a nice, strong lock to make it perfect. I think it will be very comfortable here, Blake. And I hope that you will be because you're going to be here for a very long time.

Blake: Tory, what do you want?

Tory: I want you to feel like this is going to be a happy place for you.

Blake: No, what do you want to accomplish by keeping me locked away?

Tory: I think that that's obvious.

Blake: Well, why don't you tell me. You can't be with Ross. Ross and I love each other.

Tory: See. I caught you. You just got done telling me upstairs that you didn't think you could ever forgive Ross for cheating on you with me. But you can't really consider it cheating, can you, Blake? Not when I'm the one that he's supposed to be with. There is only room for one of us in Ross' life and that is me.


Edmund: You agreed to a substantial settlement when we divorced. So far I've seen nothing.

Phillip: No, actually, Beth didn't agree to anything, so she doesn't owe you a cent.

Edmund: No. Actually, I have a legal and binding document signed by Beth Raines Spaulding Lemay Winslow, which means this deal is anything but off.

Phillip: (Laughs) You know what, Edmund? You want to talk about pay back? You ought to be getting what you deserve in prison.

Beth: You know what? It's okay.

Phillip: You have no idea how lucky you are not to be behind bars right now.

Edmund: Sorry. We had a deal.

Beth: Yes, a deal. So you say. Only I wasn't exactly myself when I agreed to it. I was Lorelei, which is the only reason that I could have spent five minutes alone with you, let alone sign off on a settlement.

Edmund: Interesting. If you weren't in your right mind when you agreed to the terms, then you weren't in your right mind when you sued for divorce, because that was Lorelei's doing as well, wasn't it? Or don't you remember that part, either?

Phillip: Back off.

Edmund: You know what that means? We're still husband and wife. And you remember how that was, don't you?

Phillip: You know what?

Beth: Phillip, Phillip, Phillip, Phillip. Phillip. No, no, no. Not... You don't have to do this. You don't have to do this. Come on, he's not worth it.

Phillip: I suggest you make yourself scarce.

Edmund: What? When Beth and I still have so much invested in one another? 'Till death to us part, darling.


Gus: Listen. One of your major gripes about me is that I don't share enough about who I am, right? What I'm feeling inside.

Harley: Yeah, I'd say that's pretty high on the list, yeah.

Gus: All right. Take a look at that.

Harley: Who is that?

Gus: It's Nina Gallagher.

Harley: Wait, wait. She looks familiar to me.

Gus: Well, she's not familiar to you unless you went to high school with us. Nina Gallagher. I met her in our junior year and it was love at first sight. Too bad.

Harley: Why?

Gus: She was just wrong for me and, you know, I knew it.

Harley: Why?

Gus: (Sighs) Because I was the son of a cop and she was a hell-raiser. Everybody used to call her "The bad one." She was known as the bad one.

Harley: Why?

Gus: Because opposites attract, you see? And it's just so true because Nina and I were, like, living proof of that, but it was the chemistry thing, you know? We wanted to be together, but we fought it so hard and we actually did stay away from each other for the whole summer and then half of our junior year, and we were just about to get together. It was just about to happen.

Harley: Okay, so you were an item. Is that the point?

Gus: Almost. Just about to. Just almost... Almost happened. And...

Harley: What happened?

Gus: It was our senior prom night. And it was raining outside, pouring. And she was running late, and she got into her car. To come and see me, of course.

Harley: Oh, no.

Gus: To come and see me. And I just, you know, just thinking about it in retrospect, I wish that I would have just... She did show up at the prom, all wet. Because it was raining, and it was right then that I... Nina was a... Nina was a guy. My Nina. My Nina was a man.

Harley: What? What? Give me that. Nina, Nina... Oh, come on. Nina. I knew she looked familiar. This is the wallet girl. She's the picture in all the wallets and the photo frames, isn't she? Isn't she?

Gus: Oh, yeah.

Harley: Oh, please. (Laughs)

Gus: I didn't know she was the wallet girl.

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: I made a mistake. I might... I don't know what. You're so right. Oh, now that I look at it.


Tony: Oh, God. Oh, no. No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no, no. (Whimpering)

Marah: Tony?

Tony: Hold it, hold it, hold it. You're hurt, Marah. Marah, you're hurt.

Marah: What happened?

Tony: I don't know. I don't know what happened. What are you doing here?

Marah: I... I came to have it out with Catalina for once and for all. She's not pregnant, Tony.

Tony: I know. I know she's not.

Marah: You do?

Tony: Yeah, I know.

Marah: Well, I just... I couldn't stand that she was lying to you, so it had to stop.

Tony: Okay, okay, okay. Let's just take it easy, all right. Just take it easy.

Marah: I'm sorry, Tony, but I had to come. I had to do this.

Tony: Okay. Okay, let's just... Let's try to remember what happened, all right? Let's just do that. Okay?

Marah: I... I came and I found Catalina in the living room and I confronted her. And then it got really ugly, Tony. I just got so mad.

Tony: Okay, okay, okay. What happened next?

Marah: Um. Uh, then we started fighting over the St. Anthony medal and then... And then she threw it at me and she told me to get out, but I just... I couldn't leave like this. And I followed her up to your bedroom.

Tony: Okay. Okay, that's where we are now. That's where we are right now.

Marah: Oh, yeah. Okay, and then...

Tony: Okay, come on.

Marah: Then she pushed me and I... Hit my head. Oh, my God. Oh, my God, Catalina. Catalina! Is she... She is. (Sobbing) she is. She's dead!

Tony: Shh. Shh.


Blake: This can't be happening. This has to be a nightmare.

Tory: Nope. It's real. See? I know what you're thinking. You're wondering why I went through all the trouble to make this place so beautiful. Why don't I just kill you?

Blake: Oh, you're quite the mind reader.

Tory: It's a logical question. And I might have to go that far, but for now I want you alive. I want you alive long enough to know that you've lost everything: Your husband, your children, your life.

Blake: Do you think that you're going to get away with this, keeping me locked away like this?

Tory: So far, so good.

Blake: Oh, so what happens then? You appear on Ross' doorstep magically alive and hope that he falls in love with you?

Tory: Ross is already in love with me. The only problem is you, Blake, and as you can see, I've already taken care of that.

Blake: Well, you haven't taken care of everything. See, Ross and I are supposed to meet later on tonight. That's why he called earlier. So when I don't call back or show up, he's going to come looking.

Tory: Okay. All right. You have plans with Ross later tonight? Let's just find out what those plans were.


(Knocking at door)

Ross: Hold on. Hey.

Phillip: Hey. Listen, I'm sorry just to show up like this. We tried to call on the way over, but the line was busy.

Beth: We've got a problem.

Ross: Oh, well, come on in.

Beth: Ross, what do you do when you married someone when you were yourself, but you divorced them when you weren't yourself, and now that you're yourself again, your ex is...

Ross: Why don't you sit down?

Beth: Thank you. Your ex is insisting that your divorce isn't final and he won't go away.

Ross: Edmund.

Phillip: Yeah.

Beth: Strikes again.

Ross: And he claims that you're still married, right?

Beth: Yeah, but when it comes from him, it sounds like a threat.

Phillip: That is a threat. He's just trying to suck as much money out of you as he possibly-- actually, out of both of us-- as he can.

Beth: No, I don't know. I think Edmund enjoys inflicting torment as much as he does gaining profit from people.

Ross: You know, I have never heard of a case like this, so there may not be a precedent, but just considering the particulars, I can't guarantee that your divorce is still intact.

Phillip: Great.

Ross: Now, I would have to investigate the civil code and do some research.

Beth: Would you do that, Ross? Would you?

Ross: I don't know. Maybe you should be talking to another lawyer?

Phillip: What?

Ross: Now, Beth, there is a solution to this of course, but I may not be the attorney to come up with it.

Beth: Ross, all I want is for this guy to go away. That's all I want. I mean... The ego of this guy, the nerve. You know, when I went to Mexico to get a divorce, he followed me down there because he twisted it into some perverse romantic gesture. He thought that I wanted him to follow me down there, and all I wanted was some time alone, to think.

Ross: To think. Well, maybe this was not a good idea then.

Phillip: What wasn't a good idea?

Ross: To take myself out of it. Listen, I will... I will start the ball rolling, okay? I will do the preliminary research.

Phillip: Great. Thanks, Ross.

Beth: Oh, Ross, thank you, thank you.


Marina: So, I take it you like this more than the Buzz Burger.

Edmund: Well, I have my appetite back, that's all. But this is an outstanding glass of cabernet.

Marina: You're really weird.

Edmund: Mm. You know, that has oft been said? So, where did you develop this world-weary view of love.

Marina: Home schooling.

Edmund: Ah.

Marina: So, what's your deal, anyway? Like, one minute you're staring at Lizzie's mom like some kind of sick love puppy, and the next minute you're acting like some guy who just got the girl in, like, this lame musical.

Edmund: (Laughs) Don't you have tables to bus or something?

Marina: You used to be married to her, right?

Edmund: Maybe I still am.


Gus: Well, I did know a Nina Gallagher.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Gus: She lived in Ronkonkoma, and she had, like, 18 kids.

Harley: (Laughs) You got me. You're good, okay? You got me.

Gus: You still mad?

Harley: I'm not mad. I mean, a few weeks ago I would have been mad, but no, I'm not mad.

Gus: Why? What happened?

Harley: Well, I've gotten to know you better, okay?

Gus: Oh.

Harley: And I know that you have a sensitive side, even though you prefer to show this, um... This wise-cracking, you know, ridiculous story side. Unfortunately.

Gus: Why? Why unfortunately?

Harley: Because I... Because I like that side, I do, and I wish you'd show it more often. I mean, you don't have to... I wish you didn't feel like you had to make up stories to get me to care about you.

Gus: Because... Because you care about me already?

Harley: Maybe I do.

Gus: All right, listen to this, okay? Listen to this right now. My life begins and ends with you. Nobody else. Just you. And there is nothing made up about that.


Marah: No! No, she can't... She can't...

Tony: Shh. It's going to be okay. Look, I'm not going to let anything happen to you, all right? All right? Hey, security! Hey, look, I need two people up here right now! Hello? Hello? Pedro! Martin! Anybody! Where the hell is everybody?

Marah: Oh, God.

Tony: Don't look at her. Don't! Okay?

Marah: (Sobs)

Tony: Don't. Come on, Romeo. Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up. Okay, look. Romeo, listen to me. Look, I've got a situation at the house. All right, look, it's really messed up. Okay, look, I can't talk about it right now, but you got to get back to me as soon as you can. You hear me?

Marah: (Whimpers) No.

Tony: Shh. It's okay. Look, I'm here now, okay?

Marah: Yes.

Tony: I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise. Everything's going to be good. Everything's going to be okay. Oh, my God.

Tony: Okay. Do you think you can get up? Do you think you can get up? Because we've got to get you... We've got to get you out of here.

Marah: What about an ambulance?

Tony: No, I'm going to take you to the doctor myself.

Marah: I meant for Catalina.

Tony: No, no, no. There's nothing... There's nothing we can do about that anymore. Look... Look, but I'm going to take care of you now, all right? I'll take care of you now. Come on. Come on. I'll help you up. Come on.

Marah: There's blood.

Tony: Come on, babe. We've got to move. Come on!

Marah: Oh. Oh, no. Oh, no. No, Tony... Tony, Tony, Tony, you said you knew.

Tony: Knew what?

Marah: You knew that she wasn't pregnant.

Tony: Yeah, I found out.

Marah: How? When?

Tony: Why... That doesn't matter anymore.

Marah: It does matter. How long have you known?

Tony: Known? Marah, it doesn't matter. Look, what's over, it's done, okay? What's done is done. We... Look, what's happened has happened and we've just got to think about our next move, all right? That's what we've got to do right now. Do you understand me? Do you understand? Good. (Police sirens) Who the hell called the cops?


Gus: Listen to me. Every now and then I'm going to check in with you and see if you're happy, okay? So let me ask you-- starting now-- are you happy? Do I make you happy?

Harley: Yes. But you also scare me to death.

Gus: Why?

Harley: Because... Because there's nothing fake about you, and it can be really infuriating sometimes, but there's nothing fake about you and that's... That scares me a little bit. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. We're in a church, remember?

Gus: This can be a religious experience.

Harley: (Laughs) (both pagers beeping) Ignore it. It's Frank.

Gus: 911 from the Santos mansion.

Harley: Roger that.

Gus: Right. This is to be continued, okay?

Harley: Roger that, too.


Tory: Let's see. What would the password be to access your messages? You don't want to tell me, do you? It's okay. It's okay, we'll figure it out. Let's see. Your birthday? Your kid's birthdays? I know. We'll try Ross's birthday, how about that?

Blake: Give me that phone.

Tory: Oh! Did I guess it? (Laughs) I did. Oh, damn, I'm good. Oh, wait, you know what? I'm going to turn up the volume. Then we can both listen.

Ross: Blake, it's me. I know you just left, but I miss you already. You've probably just gotten to Chicago. You're going to wow the other romance writers at that convention, honey. I just know it. I also know that there's more to this trip than that. You need some time away and some space. And I'll do my best to give you all the time you need. It won't be easy, though, because I need you, Blake. And I love you more than...

Blake: That bothers you, doesn't it?

Tory: What?

Blake: To hear Ross say that he loves me.

Tory: That wasn't the important part of the message.

Blake: For me, that's all that matters.

Tory: Well, you see, Blake, that's where you and I differ, because what stood out to me is that Ross thinks that you're in Chicago, and you were lying to me when you said that you were meeting him later. Ross isn't going to be waiting for you. In fact, I think that he said he would give you all the time that you need to be alone. And that was wonderful to hear.

Blake: Don't kid yourself. When I don't show up at that convention, Ross is going to find out, and he's going to look for me everywhere, and I mean everywhere.

Tory: There's an interesting article on meditation in one of those magazines. You might find it useful.

Blake: Where are you going?

Tory: I've got a lot to do. I've got visits to make.

Blake: You stay away from my children.

Tory: Blake, I am surprised at you. How could you think I would hurt them? I'm going to be their mommy. And truth be told, I'm going to be a lot better mommy than you ever were.

Blake: God, you are so sick.

Tory: No, you want to know what's sick, is having three precious little children at home and spending all of your time writing romances or jetting off to the coast to consult on scripts. What those children need is love and attention and nurturing, and they're going to get it from me.

Blake: I am warning you: You stay away from my kids.

Tory: You know, I have this beautiful little sun dress in mind that I'm going to make for Clarissa. And I'm definitely going to coach Kevin and Jason's soccer team. I love sports. And then when I'm all done at night, and I've made them all supper and given them all their little baths and I've tucked them into bed, I'm going to sing them to sleep. (Humming lullaby)

Blake: Oh, God. You're the one that needs to be locked up. I've been to Pennsylvania, Tory. I've seen the proof.

Tory: Oh. You've seen the proof? The proof in Tory Granger's secret little closet that she's disturbed, capable of anything, including suicide? I know you broke into my house, Blake. I know you saw my masterpiece, my shrine. I wanted you to see it. I wanted you to see it so that you would understand how much I love Ross, and soon you're going to see that he loves me just as much.

Blake: Let me out of here.

Tory: You want to know the best thing about you going to Tremont, is that it made you and Harley believe that I was really dead. And I have to tell you, it is so much easier to do what you need to do when people think you're dead. You should try being dead sometime. Sweet dreams.


(Police sirens)

Marah: Why couldn't I have just stayed away? None of this was ever supposed to happen, never.

Tony: Look, it's not your fault. It's my fault. This is my responsibility, okay?

Marah: What are you doing?

Tony: Never mind. Never mind. Look, it's okay. Look, we got to go. Come on, let's go. Let's go.


Maria: Oh, thank God you came so fast.

Frank: What's going on, Mrs.. Santos?

Maria: They're upstairs.

Frank: Who's upstairs?

Maria: Catalina and Marah Lewis.

Frank: Marah Lewis? What's she doing here?

Maria: She came to see Catalina. She was furious. I should have stopped her, but what can an old woman do against a girl who's so full of rage?

Frank: Why was she so mad?

Maria: I don't know. I don't know. They went upstairs. They were fighting. There was fighting, and then I heard a heavy sound, like a body falling.

Frank: Markham, let's go. Mrs. Santos, you did the right thing by calling us.

Maria: I know. I know.


Blake: I've got one chance to be found.


Ross: Oh, the poor woman.

Tory: Ross, it's not your fault.

Ross: Tory.

Tory: Life's cruel sometimes.

Ross: Yes, that's what so disturbing about this. Blake loved me so much.

Tory: Who wouldn't? You're such a wonderful man.

Ross: But I never loved her. I mean, never truly loved her.

Tory: I know.

Ross: She was the mother of my children, and for a number of years, she was my companion. But the love of my life? No. Never. The love of my life has always been you, Tory.

Tory: Then there's nothing to be sad about, is there?

Ross: It's been so long since I've touched you.

Tory: Get used to how it feels. This is how it's meant to be.

Ross: Promise you'll never leave me.

Tory: Never. I'm here for good. Soon, Ross, very soon.


Tony: Come on. We've got to get out of here. Come on. Come on.

Frank: Hey! Hold it right there.


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