Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/15/02 Provided By Linda Gus: Why do you keep doing this? We connect, then you run away. And we connect again, you run even farther away. But you're killing me. You're killing me. I can't. I can't... You can't do that to a guy. So what do you want? What do you want? (Knock at door) (knock at door) Marina: Yeah, and I thought Lo's new video was hot. Harley: Um... This is not what it looks like. Marina: Okay, yeah, sure, whatever you say. Harley: Whatever. Just don't tell your father or your grandfather anything. Buzz: Marina, what's going on? __________________________________________
Tony: The baby's gone? My baby? No, no, no, no. Catalina, wouldn't... She wouldn't lie about that. Ray: You're going to have to ask her, Tony. Tony: That's why you wouldn't marry us. You knew that the baby was gone. You knew that Catalina was lying to me. Ray: Like I said, you're going to have to discuss that with Catalina. __________________________________________
Marah: Like hell I'm going to get out of here. Catalina: Don't make me hurt you, because I will. Marah: Oh, please hurt me, so Tony will know how twisted you are! Catalina: I said go! Marah? You're just trying to scare me, come on, Marah. Very funny, Marah, come on. Game over, okay? Marah, open your eyes. Marah, please, come on, I said open your eyes. Help. Help. Help! Help! Somebody help me! Help me, please! Help!
Ross: Oh, I will. I will. Time and space. That's why I didn't discourage her from going away. I mean, I did at first, but then I didn't. Holly: Where did she go? Ross: To Chicago to this romance writers' convention. Holly: And you let her go? Ross: Holly, they're presenting her with an award. Holly: Honestly, Ross, for a smart man, you can be so thick sometimes. __________________________________________
Blake: So you did, you faked it. Tory: You are so smart. You must be a writer. Gee, you know, you and Ross really haven't been getting along that well. I wonder why. You know, it really doesn't matter. Long story short: I'm back. You know, it's really amazing how easy it is to fake your own death. I mean, it's a wonder why people don't do it more often. Or maybe they do, we just don't know about it. Blake: Really? How easy is it? tell me. Tory: Well, you saw for yourself, right? I mean, all I had to do is leave this sweet, sappy, little suicide note about how sorry I was to my dear, poor Blake and Ross. It's pretty believable. Right? Blake: It was very. Tory: Yeah, that's what I thought. And then I just had to go to the lake, and wait for someone to watch me, so they could witness me jumping in. Only how was I supposed to know that that idiot was going to jump in after me and follow. I mean, thank goodness I'm such a good swimmer and I got away from him. You know I was the junior all- state freestyle champion two years in a row? Blake: How impressive. Tory: Mm-hmm. Oh, and then the icing on the cake: I wrapped one of my earrings in my scarf for the divers to find at the bottom of the lake. I thought that was a particularly nice touch. And then I was watching when Frank gave it to Ross. The look on his poor face. I don't think I've ever seen such anguish. Blake: Anguish? Try relief. In case you didn't notice, when you died, the whole town didn't go into mourning. Everybody wasn't saying, "Ooh, what a loss," they were saying, "What a loser." Tory: You know this is loaded. I could kill you right now. But we still have so much to talk about. Hey, you want to trade notes on how Ross is in the sack? No? You know, you could really learn something from me, Blake. I know I could definitely learn something from you. Not about that. But other little things, which is why I'm going to keep you around for a little while. Blake: What do you expect to learn, Tory? Tory: You haven't figured that out yet? You're going to help me make you expendable, Blake, so I can have Ross all to myself. __________________________________________
Ross: So you think she went away to protect herself? Holly: The more distance between you, the more in control she feels. Ross: Holly, I'm telling you, that is not why she left. It's not. She wasn't angry, she was very calm, thoughtful. Holly: But all the same, your first instinct was to keep her here. Ross: Yes, it was. But I didn't have to do that, because this is not about Blake running away. She doesn't do that anymore, she's outgrown it. And I think that you should have a little more faith in your daughter. Holly: I... You think I should have faith? If you had more faith in her, you would've told her the truth when I asked you to. Ross: Okay, let's not go down that road again. Holly: No, all right, let's not. Nevertheless, I was right about her reaction then as I am right now. Letting her leave town was a big mistake. Ross: Well, that might be, but there's nothing I can do about it now. Holly: There certainly is. You can go after her and bring her home. __________________________________________
Ray Tony, look. Tony: Nothing. You knew this whole time she was lying to me, and you kept your mouth shut. Ray: Sorry. Tony: You knew I was putting my life on the line. You knew what I was going through. Ray: I couldn't say it, and I still can't. Tony: You didn't say anything. Who are you? Who are the hell are you?!? Ray: I'm a brother, I'm a priest, and I have to walk a fine... Tony: Get up! Get up! Get up, traitor, so I can hit you again. Ray: You want to hit me, go ahead, then hit me! Tony: Yeah, I do! You don't think I will. You don't think I will. Ray: Come on, hit me. Hit me. Tony: (Sobbing) __________________________________________
Harley: These people are my family. Gus: That is why they should respect your privacy. They should respect your... Harley: Are you crazy? These people are going to make my life hell. Buzz: Ruder words were never spoken. Harley: Listen... Marina, could you go inside, please. Marina: What, are you serious? It's just getting good. Frank: Honey, go inside, it's all right. Marina: Daddy, I don't want to go inside. Buzz : Go inside! Frank: I'll fill you in later. Harley: Thanks a lot, Frank. Listen, would you mind going inside, too? Gus: You're kidding, right? Harley: Excuse me, don't anybody move. Buzz : Oh, don't worry. Frank: Yeah, we're not budging. Harley: Listen, could you get him some coffee, please? Marina: What, are you serious? I have to miss this, too? Harley: Marina. Marina: Fine, I'm going. Gus: Listen to me, I am part of this, okay? Harley: I'm not saying that you're not. Gus: I can stand by your side. I'll stand by your side, we'll deal with this together. Harley: You're going to make it worse. I mean, you're not going to mean to, you're going to make it worse while you're trying to make it better, like in Pennsylvania with the cop, that wasn't your fault. Gus: You're cutting me out. Harley: Please, please, please. Please. Gus: You want me to sit in here like a little kid in the corner. Harley: Well, I mean, if that's the way you're going to look at it, yes. Gus: All right, all right. Harley: Thank you. Eleni: Stop it. Stop it. Buzz: Her face was red. It was disgusting. Frank: It really was. Buzz: It was disgusting. Harley: Okay, lay it on me. Come on, tell me how I'm making the biggest mistake of my life, how Gus Aitoro is no good for me. Buzz: No, no, just no good, period. No good. Harley: Tell me how he should not be around my children, God forbid. Come on, come on, get it out of your systems. I want to hear it. Frank: Sis, you guys were making out in the bushes-- that's real classy. Yes, yes, absolutely. Next you're going to tell us that two of you are going steady now. Eleni: Wait, two of you stop. Stop throwing stones before one hits you in the head. What, you've never been in lust before? You've never done something foolish because of it? Please. Buzz: You're saying it's good that she has the hots for this loser? Harley: Excuse me. Eleni: I am saying that what Harley's feeling is perfectly natural. I mean, there's nothing to be ashamed of, we've all been there. Frank: Some of us more recently than others. Eleni: Phillip... Harley's probably still hurting from Phillip. Right? Am I right? And then she had a disappointment with Rick. She probably just wants something uncomplicated right now. Something that satisfies certain needs. Buzz: Sex? You had sex, is that what we're talking about? Sex? Harley: I cannot believe that we're having this conversation. Buzz: So what? A little diversion, is that what this Aitoro thing is? I mean, you don't just say it. But it seems like, you know, more to me, you know? A lot more, you know? __________________________________________
Ray I know you did. You would've been a great dad. The best. Tony: How many times did I doubt Catalina? How many times? No, I knew she was lying, I knew it. But this, oh. I should've seen it coming. Ray: No, Tony. Tony: Yes, yes. It was staring me right in the face. I'm such an idiot. She suckered me. She knew that the kid was the only thing that I cared about. She knew that that was the only reason I was with her. She knew... She knew that was the only way I'd ever leave Marah, you know. Ray: Tony, sometimes.. Sometimes fear makes decent people do desperate things. Tony: Don't do that, don't do that, Ray. Don't excuse her. Ray: I'm not. Tony: What she did is so unforgivable. She... She didn't love that baby. Never. Ray: That baby was loved. That baby was loved by you. Tony: It was just means to an end with her. Just another... Just another bargaining chip, you know. That's why. Ray: That's why what? Tony: That's why she was so desperate to get me in the sack last night. She was all over me. She needed me to get her pregnant. She needed to be pregnant, so when I found out, I wouldn't leave her. One baby dies, just replace it with another one. Ray: Tony, I'm so sorry. Tony: One baby dies, just make a new one, right? No big deal. But you know what? It was a big deal. Because if that baby wasn't here, she knew I'd be gone. She played me like a violin, man, she did. Oh, she got exactly what she wanted. She's my wife. Ray: Not for long; we'll just get the marriage annulled. Tony: No, no, no, no. Ray: Look, it's no big deal. In the eyes of the church, it will be really... Tony: No, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to have an annulment or a divorce. I'm not going to let the church or the law or anybody else tell me how I'm going to handle this. I know exactly how I'm going to handle this. Ray: That's not... Listen to me. Tony, that's not going to... Listen to me, that's not going to solve anything. All right? Don't do anything foolish. Calm... Listen, calm down. Listen, stay away from her, Tony! Tony, stay... __________________________________________
Ross: Holly, I've done that. Holly: Do it again. She's testing you, you know. Not consciously, but subconsciously, she wants to know just how far she can push you. Ross: No, no, no, no. Blake is not playing games here. She specifically told me not... Holly: I don't care what she told you. This is about what she meant. She has a cell phone right? Ross: Yes. Holly: Come on, Ross. Come on. Give her a call. __________________________________________
Tory: Out of the goodness of your heart. Blake: Oh, that makes sense. Tory: Well, you don't have to do anything. I mean, not much, just be yourself. What do you think. Blake: Oh, my God, you dyed your hair? Tory: Not yet, not yet. But I will. This is just a little trial run. You know, Blake, I have to be honest with you about something. In all the time I've known you, I never really thought that much about you. I mean, well, of course, unless you count all the time I spent thinking about how much I loathe you. But I mean, as for what really makes you tick, I never really thought about it, because all of my time and attention was always focused on Ross. But since I died, I've had all this time to watch you, and I mean, like, really study you. I was at the Country Club the other night. Yeah, when you put on your little show for everybody. Blake: How did… Tory: Yeah, you and Edmund Winslow dancing on the dance floor. Honey, talk about provocative. And your hair, oh, it was just as brazen. That red, red hair glittering in the light. You know there's some times where I almost understand what it is Ross sees in you. Almost. And you know, I figure the hair... The hair must have a lot to do with it. So I figured I'd try it for myself. But no, I mean, seriously, everything else aside, I mean, what do you think, because I really do respect your opinion. Blake: You've totally lost it. (Cell phone rings) Tory: Blake, don't you even think about it. (Cell phone ringing) (Cell phone ringing) Tory: Oh, look at that, it's Ross. Calling you so soon. Now, that is so sweet. Too bad you're out of range. Blake: Ross! Ross! Tory's alive. Ross, Tory's alive. __________________________________________
Tory: Give me that. He's not there. Oh, Blake, your plaintive, little cries were all for naught. Blake: Go to hell. Tory: Oh, another lost opportunity, another crossed signal. You know, I think this is just another sign that you and Ross weren't meant to be together. You already had him, Blake. You had your chance. He didn't want you. You couldn't even hold on to him. Blake: Well, maybe I don't want him. Tory: Ah, right. Right. Blake: Actually, I'm not sure about how I feel about Ross anymore. Maybe I don't. Maybe this isn't worth the fight. I'll just let you have him, okay? He cheated on me, I'm never going to be able to trust him again, right? Tory: You'd never give up Ross. Blake: He betrayed me. And who knows? Maybe history will repeat itself, and he'll betray you, too. I'm sure it will. And then you can get a first- hand taste of how I've been suffering. You know, when I think about it, I think that's just what the doctor ordered. __________________________________________
Gus: You know, children are so prone to exaggeration. Marina: I'm not a child. Gus: Oh, really? You could fool me. Marina: You're the one to talk, sucking face in the bushes. So, what is this, like, some kind of mid-life crisis thing for you? Gus: Don't you have some homework to do? Or, like, a little quiz to prep for? Maybe a test that you need to flunk? Marina: Are you trying to get rid of me? Gus: I saw a book right over there, so why don't you... Why don't you get cracking. All right, get cracking. Marina: Don't remind me, it's Chemistry. Gus: Well, chemistry... Chemistry's a beautiful thing. Marina: You really got it bad for Aunt Harley, don't you? Gus: (Sighs) Yeah. I got it bad for your Aunt Harley. I got it real bad. __________________________________________
Buzz: Really? Were they Greek? Harley: (Chuckles) But my family? Oh, no, no, no. Not my family. Not my friends, not my ex's even. Everybody feels like they have to have an opinion about how I should live my life, whether I want it or not. Frank: Sis, what's the problem? We love you, right? Man, we just don't want to see you get hurt. Buzz: Again. Harley: So what is this? What is this, like an intervention stopper before she kisses again? I mean, give me a break. I am an adult with children of my own, stop treating my like a child. Buzz: No, we're treating you like you're an adolescent. (Laughs) Harley: And what are you? Mr. Maturity, Mr. Never-made-a- mistake-in-his-whole-life? Buzz: Oh, you admit Aitoro's a mistake. Frank: Okay, hold on one second. Let's just back up, all right. None of us here for two seconds honestly believe that your in love Gus Aitoro, okay? We know that it's just probably something very shallow and physical and (clears throat) whatever. But look, hey, this stuff happens to people. You know, you work long hours on stakeouts, you know, cramped quarters, the whole thing. Buzz: So if this thing with Aitoro is just a fling, you know, just say it, and you know, I'll avoid the local shrubbery for awhile. But it seems like something more, so if it's something more... Harley: If it is something more, then what? Do you need to know about it? Does the entire town need to know about it? Is there any part of my life that I can keep private? Buzz: Privacy? You want privacy? Well, don't make your mistakes in public. Harley: Maybe it's not a mistake, Dad. Maybe it's not, a maybe I really do care about that guy. Buzz: Oh, I've got no answer. Frank: Oh, sis, you're not... Harley: Not what, Frank? What? Frank: You're not falling in love with the guy, are you? Buzz: Oh, come on. Harley: I know, okay. I know that he is the worst kind of guy for me, okay? He's rude, he's arrogant, he smokes. He's about as evolved as a tadpole, he's going to use me up and he's going to spit me out. Harley: Shut up, okay? Is it more than physical between us? Yes, it is. How much more? I don't know, okay? Do I want it to be more? Eleni: Do you? Harley: I need to think, okay? No, no, no, no, no. I need not to think. Eleni: Well, where are you going? Wait. Buzz: The usual. Harley: Yes. Gus: I don't see your aunt out there. Marina: Yeah, maybe she's on the ground, like, fainted from the pressure or something. It's the most pointless stuff. I mean, like, Avogadro's Law, Boyle's number. When am I going to ever use this stuff? It's, like, Chemistry's has nothing to with real life, you know? Gus: No, I don't know. You don't know what you're talking about. Look at your nail polish. Who made that nail polish? A chemist made that nail polish. And what... What do you use in your hair, mousse? Is that mousse? Who made the mousse? A chemist made the mousse. And me, as a cop, I use chemistry all the time, every day. Marina: You do not. No, you don't. Gus: Yes, I am a chemistry God, okay. You can ask me anything you want, anything at all. Go ahead. Marina: Okay, okay, I will. Will start with something basic. Gus: Beautiful. Marina: What is a chemical reaction? Gus: A chemical reaction is when you have two separate elements and they come together, and-- poof-- spontaneous combustion. Marina: That's really fascinating. Yeah, I was going to ask you about bonds and synthesis next, but I think my tender ears... Gus: Hey, where's Harley? Frank: What? Gus: Where's Harley? Buzz: She went to church, Gus. Gus: What, to pray for a new family? Buzz: No, not exactly. __________________________________________
Harley: Hey, hey, hey, wait. Wait. Wow. Ray: Uh-huh. Harley: Violent reaction to one of your sermons? Ray: No, my parishioners are a fairly mild-mannered bunch. It wasn't them. Harley: Are you all right? Who did that? Ray: Tony, fighting over the ketchup bottle again. It's no big deal, just brother stuff, you know? Have a good workout, I've got to go. __________________________________________
Eleni: Oh, come on, Frank, do you really know this guy well enough to hate him? Frank: I know him well enough to know that he's wrong for my sister. Eleni: I don't know about that. He seems to really care for her. Harley's glowing. They have that look. Frank: What look? Eleni: That look we used to have. Frank: Oh. That look. Eleni: Remember? We fought it as long as we could. And then, when we couldn't anymore... Remember? It was wonderful. Frank: Yeah, it was. Eleni: What happened, Frank? Frank: I don't know, Eleni. You tell me. I was ready to make it wonderful for the rest of our lives. Eleni: I know, sweetie. I'm sorry. I was, too. And I thought when I came back that we could try again. But the feeling is not there, is it? I look in your eyes, and I don't see it. Frank: I wish we could make it work together. I'd do anything to give our little girl a whole family again. But I don't think we can get it back, and neither do you. __________________________________________
Holly: Ross, Blake wants you to. Ross: But what if you're wrong? What if Blake does want some time alone and there I am, chasing after her, ignoring everything she said? She'll be furious, and she'll have every right to be. Holly: She won't be furious. She will feel needed, wanted. Ross: I already think that I have pushed it by leaving a message. Holly: Oh, Ross. Ross: Blake wants me to trust her, and that's what I'm going to do. Holly: So you're just going to wait. Ross: Just wait for as long as it takes for her to come back to me. And she will, Holly, I know she will. __________________________________________
Tory: Why? Blake: When you lured me here, I was on my way to Chicago, I was going to a romance writers convention. But that was just an excuse. See, I needed a couple of days to sort out my feelings about Ross, my doubts. Now I'm sure I would've come to this conclusion sooner or later. Tory: Back up. Blake: You just helped me get to this conclusion sooner. Tory: And what conclusion would that be, Blake? Blake: As much as there's a part of me that still loves Ross, it's over. We'll never get back what we had, and I will not settle for less. I know he ruined it. So you win, all right. You can have him? Tory: You really expect me to believe this? Blake: Absolutely. Go! Call Ross, tell him yourself. Tell him the good news, you can celebrate all you want. You know how to use the phone, don't you? Just press send. Get! Get your hands up! Get your hands up! You have hurt me and Ross for the last time, and you are going to jail. Turn around. Turn around and start marching. Tory: Okay, okay, Blake, settle down. Just don't hurt me. Blake: Go! Back to The TV MegaSite's Guiding Light Site