GL Transcript Thursday 4/11/02


Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/11/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By

Ross: I didn't hear you come in.

Blake: Oh, because I just got here. Where are the kids?

Ross: Tommy Sanderson's birthday party. You left here in such a hurry.

Blake: Yeah. I went to Pennsylvania; I went to Tory's old house. Gus and Harley said there was something I needed to see and it was a very creepy shrine.

Ross: Yes, a shrine to her late husband, Stewart, and also to me.

Blake: How did you know?

Ross: Because Gus Aitoro stopped over here, and he told me. And he said there were candles, mementos, photographs of me, and other stuff.

Blake: Uh-huh. Did he tell you what else was missing?

Ross: No, what's missing?

Blake: Well, if any of these seem familiar, it's because she stole them while she was at the house, only she made a few changes.

Ross: What changes?

Blake: She blew me away.


Maria: I thought you'd be in bed.

Catalina: Tony had business. I can't sleep

Maria: The husband left the bride?

Catalina: He'll be back soon.

Maria: Really?

Catalina: What's that supposed to mean, huh?

Maria: Well, maybe he found out you're not pregnant, and he's seeking an annulment.

Catalina: How would he know unless you told him?

Maria: I didn't say a word.

Catalina: If I find out you did, I'll go to the FBI. You don't believe me, but I will. Why do you make me act like this? I don't want to hurt you. I just need some time, Maria. I need some time to get pregnant again.

Maria: Time and Tony. How will you get pregnant when your husband is never home?

Catalina: We're married now. It'll happen.

Maria: Not if Tony keeps making excuses.

Catalina: What do you want me to do, Maria? You want me to walk away, so he can run back to Marah is that what you want?

Maria: No.

Catalina: I'll be a better wife than Marah could ever be, a much better Santos. I understand the family. I respect the rules.

Maria: You understand them.

Catalina: So why... Why can't you just be glad for us? Why can't you just wish us well and give us your blessing, huh?

Maria: I have many wishes for you, Catalina. Look. Look, I have a wedding gift for you and Tony. Go ahead, open it.

Catalina: Wow. Wow, it's beautiful. Thank you.

Maria: I hope you pray to this angel every day that Tony does not find out the lies you've told him.


Ben: Hey, how you doing? I'm waiting on a friend, mind if I just hang out over here?

Waitress: Sure, you want to look at a menu?

Ben: Yeah, thanks, appreciate it. Hey, congratulations, man. Hear you tied the knot.

Tony: No, maybe I should be the one congratulating you, since you're the one that got what he wanted.

Ben: Which was?

Tony: Oh, come on. Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about.

Ben: Okay.

Tony: I know that you've been working Marah Lewis every since you got into town.

Ben: All right, so we're talking about Marah here.

Tony: Yeah, yeah, yeah, who else would we be talking about. See, we both know that she wouldn't sleep with someone unless she made a major commitment. So what, she thinks you're taking her seriously? If you're not, if this is just fun and games for you, if you are using her...

Ben: Using her? Hold up a second, you don't know what you're talking about.

Tony: No, no, no, no, no, no, you hold up, you listen to me. See I'm only going to say this once. I may be married to Catalina, but that doesn't mean that I don't care about Marah. If you hurt her, that means you're going to get hurt. You understand me?

Ben: Hey, Tony.


Reva and Josh: (Laughing)

Marah: Is that what I think it is? You guys are engaged?

Reva: Oh, yeah, and if you say again, I'm going to shoot you.

Marah: Oh, it's never too many times for me. This is so great. When did you guys decide?

Josh: Well, it took a lot of talking, but I finally convinced your mom to give me another chance.

Reva: Well, he did more than talk. Actually, he took me away on a supposed business trip.

Josh: To Cross Creek.

Reva: Yeah, where Grandpa Hawk showed up, and your daddy actually asked my hand in marriage.

Josh: I had it all worked out, there was no way she could say no.

Reva: Oh, like she would.

Josh: Well, you never know with her.

Marah: Did you guys tell Shayne yet?

Reva: No, we thought we'd save that until he gets back from his lacrosse trip.

Marah: Why don't we call him?

Josh: No, no, no, no, no. We want to take him somewhere, we want to embarrass him in public with the news that his parents are engaged.

Marah: It's not embarrassing; you guys belong together.

Josh: Yes, I think so, too. In fact I've known that from the moment I first laid eyes on your mom.

Reva: Yeah, well, I tried to run off a couple of times, but he was always able to chase me down, because when you belong with someone, you will be.

Marah: Do you really believe that?

Reva: Let's say I've come to believe it. Just took us a little while.

Marah: So you think that there's only one right person for somebody?

Josh: Well, it's not like there's set rules or anything like that, but your mom and I, we were just lucky, that's all.

Marah: Yes, you are. So, did you guys set a date yet?

Reva: No, not yet. We thought maybe you might want to help us arrange this one.

Marah: I would love to. So maybe we can do it in black and white, that's the new in thing, and maybe yellow flowers for contrast.

Josh: (Sighs)

Marah: And did you guys want the wedding reception to be big or small? Maybe me, and Cassie, and Tammy on the girls side, and on dad's side, we could have Uncle Billy, and Shayne, and Uncle Rusty. And do you think Mindy would fly in to design the dresses.

Reva: Now I'm sorry I asked. Whoa, whoa.

Marah: And you really should do it in a church, because weddings are supposed to be sacred, and I mean, you being joined together with the person you love most in this world, and it's supposed to be the most important day of your life, so.

Reva: Marah, honey.

Josh: You know, maybe this is a little too much for you right now.

Reva: Marah, what is it? What's wrong?

Marah: Everything.

Reva: Sweetie, what happened while we were gone?

Marah: Tony and Catalina got married.

Reva: I'm sorry.

Josh: I'm sorry, too. You know I'm not a big fan of Tony's, but I know how you feel about him.

Marah: It's not that. I mean, I knew he was going to marry her.

Reva: Just not so soon.

Marah: No, you don't understand. I tried to go over there, and I tried to stop him, but I just... I couldn't get to him in time.

Josh: In time for what? I'm sorry, my understanding is that Catalina's carrying Tony's baby, right, so?

Marah: That's it, she's not pregnant.

Reva: What?

Marah: She lost the baby weeks ago, and never told Tony, and she's used it as a way to get him to marry her.

Reva: Oh, no, I find that hard to believe, sweetie. That doesn't sound like that Catalina I know.

Marah: But that's just it, Mom, you think that Catalina is this poor, sweet, refugee girl who came over on the boat, but that's not the truth. The truth is she's, like, a conniving, manipulative liar, who will do anything to get what she wants.

Reva: Marah.

Marah: Mom, it's true! She would do anything to keep Tony.

Josh: Well, it sounds like she succeeded, she got him, right?

Marah: Well, not once he finds out.

Reva: You're not going to tell him.

Marah: Somebody has to; it's wrong.

Josh: Wait, wait, Marah, just slow down, okay. They're married now. I think it would be best for you to just stay out of the whole situation.

Reva: Your father's right.

Marah: But I thought I should tell him.

Reva: Don't you think he'll find out on his own?

Marah: Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right. He made his choice. He made his choice. He's with Catalina now, and that's his problem. Yes, he's out of my life for good.


Ben: So Tony, did I hear you right, huh? You just threaten me?

Tony: Oh, yeah, you heard me.

Ben: No, I think I heard you say that I was sleeping with Marah. You were seriously misinformed, man, or else I slept through it, which would be a real shame.

Tony: Oh, okay, so now this is funny to you?

Ben: No, no, it's not funny. Look, I don't even know why I'm telling you this, man, but nothing happened with Marah, not like that. She doesn't like me that way-- yet. So who told you that we slept together?

Tony: Never mind who told me. I'm going to tell you something else, though, if you care about your health, you're going to keep your mouth quiet about this. I'm not going to let you ruin Marah's reputation.


Cassie: Wow, 10,000 square feet.

Jeanne: That includes the guest cottage, of course. The house is just over seven.

Richard: Seven figures, as well.

Jeanne: I'm assuming you'll be doing a great deal of entertaining.

Cassie: Look at that maze. It even has a ballroom.

Jeanne: And a formal dining room and servants quarters.

Richard: Well, we haven't brought any servants.

Jeanne: Double tennis court. What do you think?

Cassie: I think it's beautiful. I do. I think it's very beautiful. But we have children, and it's hard enough keeping track of them in a small house, so...

Richard: Right, perhaps if we had something a bit more homey.

Cassie: Yeah, like a two- story, porch on the front, trees.

Jeanne: What about this one? A lovely garden and grotto. It even has a screening room and a bowling alley for the children. I think you might feel at home here.

Richard: Who knew such places existed in Springfield?

Cassie: Not me.

Jeanne: Here we go. It only has a very small ballroom, and...

Cassie: What about this one? What do you think, Richard? Look at it, it's absolutely beautiful.

Richard: Mm-hmm.

Cassie: Look, it has a little swing on the porch.

Jeanne: I haven't been authorized to show you that one.

Cassie: Why not?

Jeanne: Well, it has none of the amenities you'll need as ambassador.

Cassie: Yeah, but it's beautiful. It's white, it's got pine trees all around it. Oh, my gosh.

Jeanne: We have several more listings you might be interested in.

Richard: I think we are interested in this one.

Jeanne: It's hardly appropriate for someone in your position.

Richard: Well, if my wife wants this house, then I suppose we'll have to see this house.

Cassie: You know, the price is kind of... It is kind of high for just a regular house.

Richard: No, don't worry about the price, darling, as long as you're comfortable. I don't want to hear another word about it. Is that the price?


Blake: I realize I was never a person to Tory, I was just an obstacle to overcome, to achieve her goal-- you.

Ross: If I had known you were going to go there, I would've come with you.

Blake: No, I needed to go by myself. I needed to see how Tory lived. I wanted to understand what she was thinking.

Ross: And do you understand?

Blake: I understand that she was obsessed-- first with Stewart and then with you. And by x'ing me out of these family photos, she was making a statement. It's like I never existed.

Ross: I can't imagine that, and I don't want to.

Blake: Until I saw these photos, Ross, I always thought that Tory went crazy, because she couldn't get what she wanted. But now I realize that she was sick to begin with.

Ross: Yes, I think she was a very disturbed young women, and then her husband was killed in that car crash, and she got worse.

Blake: Yeah, well, he looked an awful lot like you, did Gus tell you that?

Ross: Yes, he did, but Tory's obsession is not something we could foresee or control, and that's not an excuse of any kind, but it just goes to show you how wounded she was before she even came to town.

Blake: She was sick and dangerous.

Ross: I know.

Blake: You know, it's got to be strange coming from me, but I feel sorry for her. She didn't have a life. I mean, these pictures were her life. They were up on the wall and her candles and... You were a replacement. You were her target, that's true. But she would not have hit that bulls-eyes if our relationship wasn't flawed from the beginning. Maybe fatally flawed. I did a lot of thinking on the way home from Pennsylvania-- about your part in this and mine.

Ross: Blake, you didn't have a part.

Blake: Well, no, you're the one who slept with Tory, that's for sure. But I kept... Can't help but think about any guilt I might have had.

Ross: You shouldn't be feeling guilty about anything. I'm the one that crossed the line.

Blake: Why?

Ross: Why? What do you mean, why?

Blake: Did you need something from me that I couldn't give you?

Ross: No, that's not true at all.

Blake: I didn't see it coming. And obviously, Tory could figure out something that I couldn't.

Ross: Tory did not know me better than you did. I mean, if that's what you're suggesting. She had an agenda before she even came to Springfield. Nothing, nothing about this is your fault.

Blake: Well, maybe not from something that I did, but maybe from something that I didn't do.

Ross: Like what?

Blake: Like maybe get her professional help. Instead I... I gave her a makeover. I brought her into this house. I let her baby-sit our children.

Ross: Yes, but we thought we were dealing with a normal young woman. And think where we were at that particular point in time. I was questioning everything in my life, including stay in the law or get out of the law. And then you come up with this idea of me teaching at the University.

Blake: Oh, yeah. I came up with it all right.

Ross: It was a wonderful idea, but it doubled my workloads, so you insisted that Tory should start working... You were just trying to make things easier.

Blake: Yeah, and I did that, didn't I?

Ross: Blake, you were being kind to a young woman. You were trying to help me. You were doing that because that's the kind of person you are, and that's one of the reasons I love you and I always will. And I just hope to God that you will give us another chance.


Cassie: It's a beautiful house. You know, when I was growing up, I used to cut pictures out of magazine, you know, of houses that I might want to live in. And then one day I saw this beautiful house. It had plantation shutters and big shady trees, and a lawn that went on forever. And I used to... I used to always think about that house when things would get bad or, you know, I wouldn't get along with my foster parents, which was most of the time. I don't know, I would just think about the house and imagine that I had a family there, you know, of people that really loved me. And then when I got older, I would imagine a husband and kids and a dog and a cat. I don't know, it was always a place where I could feel loved. And I could always go there in my mind and feel safe. And I always thought about that house until I met you. Then I didn't think about it anymore.

Richard: Until you met me?

Cassie: I didn't need that once I had you. You know, your love was bigger than any house. But now I'm looking at this and I'm like, oh, my gosh.

Richard: So, this is the house you've been dreaming about since you were a little girl.

Cassie: Yes, I mean, it's in my fantasy, but there it exists. It really exists. I mean, unless, you know, it's not what you want or...

Richard: Darling, if you're happy, I'm happy.


Ben: Listen, Santos, I don't owe you any explanations about my life, okay? But I'm not going to let you spread lies about Marah.

Tony: Who the hell do you think you are?

Ben: Someone who cares about Marah... A lot. So, even though it's none of your business, I'm telling you that Marah and I have not slept together. Look, I'd give anything if Marah cared about me as much as you think she does, and one day she will. I have no question about that. But when the day comes, I'm not going to be telling you or anybody else what's going on between us, because it's not going to be any of your business.

Tony: Marah will always be my business.

Ben: Wrong. You put a ring on another woman's finger and said, "I do." You took vows, Tony, till death do you part. Go take care of your wife, buddy. I'll look after Marah.


Cassie: You know, I'm just... I'm just being silly about this house, really.

Richard: No, you're not. Who wants to live in a mausoleum, right?

Cassie: I just want to give you a home, I do. I just want you to have a home and not a home for a prince or an ambassador, but for R. J. and Tammy and Will's father, and for my husband. That's what I want.

Richard: Well, then this house is going to be my fantasy as well.

Reva: We can't leave you two alone for a minute. (Laughter) Hi, sweetie pie.

Cassie: Oh, let me see the ring, let me see the ring.

Reva: It was Josh's mother's, Miss Martha's.

Cassie: Now, this isn't the same one you gave her last time?

Josh: No, no...

Reva: Stop it.

Josh: ...This one has much more meaning.

Reva: Yes, we thought it was lost and Joshua just found it a few months ago.

Josh: Yes, we see that as a sign that people are really on our side this time, rooting for us. At least we hope so.

Cassie: Well, I know I am. Give me a hug. (Laughter)


Marah: Everything okay? It looked a little tense when I walked in.

Ben: Oh, yeah, everything's fine, you know. Just me and my good buddy, Tony, making plans for next week. You know, pizza and basketball, the usual.

Marah: Be serious.

Ben: All right. It was the usual. But for Tony and me, that means accusations and threats.

Marah: What?

Ben: He got the idea that we're... That we're sleeping together.

Marah: Oh, that's unbelievable. I'm so sorry.

Ben: No, no, I took care of it. It's no big deal. Look, I explained to him that your life is none of his business. And that if and when the day comes that we... That I'm lucky enough to be that person in your life, that'd be none of his business, too.

Marah: So, that's why he was so crazed at the wedding because he thought you and I...

Ben: He's jealous.

Marah: Yeah, but a person's only jealous when they care.

Ben: Yeah, if they're Tony "if I can't have you, nobody can," Santos.

Marah: Who would make up a lie about us like that?

Ben: Marah...

Marah: No, no, there's only one person I know. The same wonderful person who lied about losing her child. Oh, God, of course it was her.

Ben: Well, even if it is, what are you going to do? Are you going to go after Tony again?

Marah: No, no, been there, done that. From now on, Catalina's lies are Tony's problem, not mine.


Catalina: Look... Look what Abuela gave us. It's an angel to protect over our family.

Tony: Oh, yeah?

Catalina: Yeah. You look tired. You know what you need? You need some quality time alone with your new bride. Tony?

Tony: I ran into Ben Reade today.

Catalina: So?

Tony: So, he told me he didn't sleep with Marah.

Catalina: What did... What did you expect him to say? Ben's a gentleman. He doesn't kiss and tell. Look... Look, why are we even talking about this, it's our honeymoon.

Tony: No, no, no, you see... You see, that's the thing, though. Ben isn't a gentleman. If he slept with Marah, he'd be shouting it from the rooftops. Now, I know all these ivy league jock types. I know how they are. They can't keep their mouths shut.

Catalina: What did you... Did you threaten him?

Tony: No.

Catalina: Because I know Ben would say just about anything to avoid a fight. I mean, if you confronted him about it.

Tony: Look... Look, I know what I know. He didn't sleep with Marah. It never happened.

Catalina: All right, fine, believe what you want to believe.

Tony: He's telling me the truth.

Catalina: No, he's lying. Tony... Tony, he's... He's lying, okay? I know he is.

Tony: You know, you keep saying that about Ben, about Ray. How come everybody's a liar except for you?

Catalina: Fine, fine, you know what, Tony, you can believe what you want to believe. Marah and Ben, they didn't sleep together, that's... That's what you'd want to hear. Yeah, I just... I just... I made the whole thing up! Is that what you... Is that what...

Tony: No no, what I want to hear is the truth!

Catalina: I'm telling you the truth. Look, I know that I lied, all right, about... Ray making a pass at me, but...

Tony: (Sighs)

Catalina: ...It was only because I was insecure, all right, about the real reason...

Tony: Oh, the real reason? That's right, that Ray won't marry us because... Because he still thinks I'm still in love with Marah, right?

Catalina: And I'm making that... I'm making that up, too, now? Is that it? I'm your wife. I'm your wife, Tony, I'm not some... I'm not some suspect in a lineup, so why are you treating me like this?

Tony: Maybe because you're acting suspicious. Look, you admit that you lied about Ray. Why not Ben and Marah, huh? You said that Ben slept with Marah, but he says he didn't.

Catalina: And you believe... You believe Ben over me?

Tony: He was pretty convincing. And if it's true, why? Why all the lies? What... What are you trying to cover up?

Maria: Oh, am I interrupting something?

Tony: (Sighs)

Maria: The door was open, so I... (Laughs) I'm sorry. Two newlyweds, what was I thinking? (Laughs)

Tony: Abuela, it's nothing. What do you want?

Maria: I'm... I'm concerned about father Ray. If you see him, I'd like to see him for a moment.

Tony: Yeah, I'd like to see him, too. But he's away on retreat.

Maria: No, no. He came back this morning. Didn't you know?

Tony: No, I didn't know that. It's a good thing you told me, though. It's a very good thing. I'll be back in a little bit.

Catalina: You... You want... You want Ray to tell Tony about the baby, don't you?

Maria: What baby?

Catalina: It's not going to happen, Maria. Everything Ray knows, he learned in the seal of confessional. He won't say a word!

Maria: You never know. Ray's a priest, but he's also a Santos. And family is very important to him.

Catalina: No, no. Ray won't break his vows.

Maria: No? Why did he come back early? Well hello, this is a call from Catalina Santos. Yes. I have an urgent message for Marah Lewis. Will you make sure she gets it?


Ben: You are finally going to let yourself have a life, a future.

Maria: Yeah, then why don't I feel any better? I still... I can't stand the fact that Tony is being manipulated by Catalina. I mean, I'm trying, I really am, but it's eating me up inside. I'm sorry. I know I drive you crazy.

Ben: In so many ways.

Marah: Yeah. I got to get out of here. I got to just go alone. I got to.. I'm going to go home and see my dad, and make him remind me of the vow I took to stay away from Tony.

Ben: Okay.

Marah: All right? I got to see my dad right now. I'm sorry.

Ben: All right, no, it's okay. I understand. Bye. (Cell phone rings)

Marah: Hello?

Deb: Marah, it's Deb. You had an urgent message just now.

Marah: Who is it?

Deb: Catalina Santos. She says she needs to see you at the house about Tony. She says it's very important.

Marah: Okay, thank you.


Blake: The boys didn't want to come home from their birthday party, so they sent their balloons instead. Jason told me that Tommy received a sword for a present, and proclaimed himself Luke Skypopper.

Ross: Okay. Well, then it was good that you showed up when you did.

Blake: Oh, yeah, I'm a superhero.

Ross: Well, you pretty much are to all of us.

Blake: Gives me a chance to figure out what to eat, maybe sort out the mail. Check it out. I've been honored... At the romance writer's convention in Chicago. Funny, huh? They think I'm an expert on love.

Ross: So, you're going to go away?

Blake: For a couple of days, yeah. I think we could both use it.

Ross: Well, being away from you for a couple of days is not what I want, but if you want to go, you should.

Blake: It's an award. I want to go.

Ross: Well, are you going because you want to get the award, or are you going because you want to avoid me, which you've been doing. You've been doing everything except face me and why is that? Is it just too painful or is it simply too late for us?

Blake: You shouldn't let the balloons get near the fire. They might pop.

Ross: Listen, you know, since you have been to Tory's house and you've seen how she lived, and you've been in her room, and you've seen that shrine and you've seen the depth of her obsession, I think we should talk about this.

Blake: Ross, I know the depth of what Tory went to. I know that she wrote this love message on the back of this picture. She traced these words from notes you gave her on her law paper. That's what she did by the way. I know a lot of things, Ross. I don't know if it excuses the choice you made.

Ross: Of course it doesn't. I'm not asking to be excused. I'm asking if you still love me.

Blake: You endangered our family. Your one night stand, whatever it is you want to call it, you put our children at risk. I know you're sorry, Ross. I know you regret it. God knows I have regrets, and you've always forgiven me. But...

Ross: But what? Do you still love me?

Blake: (Softly) I do. But it's not the same. And I don't think it will ever be the way that it was.

Ross: I understand your feelings completely. I'm just asking that we don't make a decision right now.

Blake: Ross, I don't want Tory to win anymore than you do. She lived to tear us apart. And even now that she's gone...

Ross: We need to keep communicating and we need to keep talking.

Blake: I know. Maybe it's me. Maybe it's my pride. Maybe it's my stubbornness. Maybe it's the fact that I can't stand that you wanted somebody else. Whether it was Vanessa through Tory or whatever it was, that was tormenting you that I still don't understand. And I know that I need to work through this, Ross, I do. And I will keep trying, because if I don't...

Ross: If you don't, we'll both lose something that we've worked on, something that we treasure, the love that we have for one another. You're the only one for me, Blake. And that's never going to change. But people make mistakes, and they hurt one another. But I believe if the love is strong enough, it can survive anything.

Blake: (Softly) Maybe.

Ross: Maybe is not a no.


Reva: It's beautiful. It's really beautiful, but the price tag, ouch. (Laughs)

Josh: Yow. Good thing San Cristobel is paying for it.

Cassie: Well, that's the thing. They probably won't pay for this... They'll pay for a house if we decide to live in D.C., but we don't want to live there. So... I mean, that's why... I mean, it's a great house. It's so expensive. But there are other homes...

Richard: Forget the others. You want a home not a residence, right? So, you're going to have a home.

Cassie: But Richard...

Reva: Cassie, don't do that. Don't argue with him because he's right. You want a place of your own. You want to be able to make your own memories. You know memories that you'll have whenever you need them.

Josh: What are you selling them Cross Creek now? (Laughter)

Reva: They'll have their own, right? Right there.

Cassie: It's just... It's a great house and I do love it, but it's just the price tag is...

Richard: This is the one you want, right?

Cassie: Yes.

Richard: This is the one you've been dreaming about since you were a little girl?

Cassie: Yes.

Richard: Well, then, let's make an appointment with the realtor, and let's have a look at it.


Romeo: Look, you heard me. I said send her away. Just go gently, okay, no muscle. If there's so much as a scratch on that girl, there's going to be hell to pay, you got me?

Maria: Who was that?

Romeo: Marah Lewis is at the gate. She says Catalina sent for her. I told them to get rid of her.

Maria: I heard what you told the guard. Let her in.

Romeo: What, are you serious?

Maria: Let her in. Then tell the rest of the staff to take the night off.

Romeo: The rest of the staff? You don't mean the guards, too?

Maria: Everyone.

Romeo: Whatever you say.

Maria: Good boy. Uh, leave the front door open on your way out. Catalina? Catalina, are you there?

Catalina: What is it?

Maria: Someone wants to see you.

Catalina: Tony? Is he back? I thought he'd be with Ray for at least an hour or so. Is he back? What are you doing here?

Marah: Oh, as if you didn't know.

Maria: I... Excuse me. Excuse me. I... I have some errands to run. You girls have fun.

Catalina: Get out, Marah, you don't belong here.

Marah: No, Catalina, you don't belong here. And I'm going to make sure everyone knows it.

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