GL Transcript Wednesday 4/10/02


Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/10/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Beth: You're going to be tall. You're going to be like your daddy, huh? Hmm? I didn't realize how much I missed…

Phillip: We missed you. But now you're back, and you never have to miss anything again. You know, I promised Alan I would keep an eye on the company while he was gone, but suddenly I'm finding that I am lacking motivation.

Beth: Well, if you have to go in, go in...

Phillip: I don't see any reason to go in. If there's an emergency, they know where they can find me. Actually, I told them they could fax me a status report, which I guess I should at least take a look at.

Beth: Didn't come yet?

Phillip: I don't know why it should have. Oh, that's why-- busy.

Beth: Uh, well, maybe there's a phone off the hook somewhere?

Phillip: Uh-huh, or maybe Lizzie's playing on the company line again.

Beth: She. She... She learned her lesson the last time, don't you think?

Phillip: You would think. I'll be back. Don't go anywhere.

Beth: I'll be right here. Oh, my boy. (Sighs)

Olivia: Do you see a pattern? Keep trying. Stocks on the Nikkei. Freefall? Yeah, put my order in now. (Knock on door) Come in. Oh, oh, um, servant person, could you just grab those papers coming out of that machine over there?

Nolan: Yes, ma'am. Anything for a guest of Mr. Spaulding's.

Olivia: Yeah, and some more of those sweet rolls, warm, not blazing hot this time.

Nolan: Why certainly, ma'am, warm not hot. I may have to go to the market.

Olivia: Mm-hmm, good.

Nolan: By the way, my name is Nolan.

Olivia: (Whispers) Nolan.

Lizzie: Hey.

Olivia: Hi.

Lizzie: You guys had a sleepover and didn't tell me?

Carmen: All your talk of manners and you don't even call before you stop by.

Edmund: Sorry.

Carmen: What if I was entertaining someone or expecting someone?

Edmund: Well, I didn't see anyone beating down your doors.

Carmen: And now you want to insult me?

Edmund: I guess I was just expecting a slightly warmer welcome.

Carmen: About the other night, Edmund: That was just a little self-indulgence. It doesn't mean I'm desperate.

Edmund: No. No, of course not. Well, I'm sorry to have troubled you. I thought you might want an update on your Country Club application, but obviously it was wrong, and I'll show myself out.

Carmen: Wait! Where are my manners? (Laughs) I can't let you leave without offering you a cup of tea. Please?

Ross: Word travels fast. I'm sure you'd like to arrest me if you could.

Gus: Why?

Ross: For lying to an officer, or are you just here to gloat?

Gus: actually, if there's one person that understands how the sparks of love and passion can blow up in your face, it's me.

Ross: Hey, are you here?

Gus: Well, it turns out that Tory's a little sicker than we thought-- certifiable.

Ross: I don't think so. I think she was heartbroken. I think at the end she was delusional, maybe, but not crazy.

Gus: Oh, yeah, no, no, she was crazy, crazy. And Blake is about to find out right about now.

Ross: What do you mean? Where is Blake?

Gus: You honestly don't know?

Ross: No, I don't! And if you do, tell me right now.

Neighbor: What the heck do you think you're doing?

Blake: I'm a friend of Tory's. Can you imagine? I mean, this is just terrible. Such a wonderful young woman committing suicide, it's so tragic. Anyway, I'm here to take care of some unfinished business for her.  (sighs) Okay, Harley, south wall. Pry this apart? Oh, my God. Oh, Ross. Oh. Oh, oh, God, you are one sick puppy. Oh, oh. Rest in peace. Rest in peace. Oh, my God. Were you planning on killing me or Ross?

Ross: Gus, if Blake is in trouble, you have to tell me what's going on.

Gus: Well, I wouldn't say that she's in trouble, as much as I say she's about to have the experience.

Ross: And what does that mean?

Gus: In Tory's house we found a shrine. Ross, I'm talking the whole nine yards: Candles, photos, clippings, photos of her dead husband, and photos of you.

Ross: Blake is there by herself? I have to get up there.

Gus: It's too late.

Ross: Well, she's gone through too much as of late.

Gus: Ross, Ross, it's too late...

Ross: I mean, she's up there alone...

Gus: It's too late, and she's not going to be alone. Harley's going to be with her. In fact, Harley had one phone call from a bail cell, the only person she called was Blake. I mean, that's a good friend. In fact, they're probably on their way back to Springfield now already.

Ross: All right, you came here to ask me some questions, what are they?

Gus: Let's start with the Santos trial.

Ross: Oh, here we go. Revenge time, huh?

Gus: No, no. Just that she had clipped every single article, every word, every single photo on the trial.

Ross: I don't find that surprising. It was a big case, and Tory was a law student. Unless you're saying that the only reason that Tory moved to Springfield was to seduce me.

Gus: Yeah, I think that's what it is. I think she came down here to do that. I think and her dead husband...

Ross: What about him?

Gus: I think that you need to know he looks exactly like you. And I think that in Tory's mind, she was replacing her dead husband with you.

Edmund: Well, well, well. Fancy this. Apparently, my title has landed you an interview with the stingrays from the selection committee now.

Carmen: Let me have it. It's my invitation, Edmund.

Edmund: Yes, and I could have it revoked at any time. It's my reputation, you see, Carmen. I don't want it tarnished by such an obvious grab for power.

Carmen: Very well. Name your price.

Edmund: You obviously want it very badly. It's going to cost you quite a bit.

Carmen: I have no problem forking over cash, but I will not shed my dignity.

Edmund: Yes, but God bless you, you shed more than that the other night.

Carmen: Just give me a figure.

Edmund: Well, seeing as you've given me yours, it's only fair, but Carmen, one of society's golden rules is knowing when to ask for something.

Carmen: I'd say you bent that rule more than once the other night.

Edmund: You must have something obscenely profitable in mind to want to join this badly.

Carmen: Well, I just want to be able to do my dealings out in the open, just like the Alan Spaulding's of the world do.

Edmund: Oh, power hungry, I see.

Carmen: That's right. And fortunately for me, money is power.

Edmund: Yes, well, gone are the days when one's title was currency.

Carmen: It tends to lower in value once you've been banished.

Edmund: You're right, I suppose, but lucky for you, there are some blueblood wannabes who are still impressed by a genuine title, as opposed to one like "Mob Queen."

Carmen: Oh, I can hold my own in a whole room full of society dames.

Edmund: I wouldn't e so sure if I were you, Carmen. If you want to play in their set, you have to play by their rules. And that means swallowing some of that dignity.

Carmen: Well, it sounds like to me that they can use some shaking up.

Edmund: Yes, but Carmen, the point is to blend in. You're going to have to navigate a conversational minefield on your way to acceptance. One wrong answer to those dimwits you're so desperate to impress, and they're never going to speak to you again. But don't worry, Carmen, because I can teach you everything you need to know, from brigantines to breeder's cups.

Carmen: Really? You can save your Henry Higgins routine for your beloved Lorelei. I'm already a lady.

Edmund: Yes, I know that, Carmen, so no more talk of Lorelei, all right?

Carmen: Whatever. I just don't want you to confuse my lack of nobility with idiocy.

Edmund: You don't lack nobility, Carmen, and you're not an idiot, but neither is Lorelei, so I would just prefer it if you didn't speak about it.

Carmen: Oh, I don't want to talk about her, either. And don't forget, Edmund, my entree into society cuts both ways.

Edmund: Oh, I haven't forgotten, Carmen. As a matter of fact, I'm planning a comeback as we speak. And as I climb my way back to the top, I am not going to look back once. I promise.

Lizzie: I love the nightgown .

Olivia: Oh. Oh, thanks. I was up last night burning the midnight oil.

Lizzie: Oh, my gosh. Me, too. I had two book reports due. We could have kept each other company.

Olivia: Oh, no, I don't think your grandfather would have liked that very much.

Lizzie: He lets me hang out sometimes. So what were you guys up to anyway?

Olivia: It's.. It's... It's this ongoing project we have.

Lizzie: Really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Lizzie: Well, what kind of project? Like what's all this stuff?

Olivia: Oh, you know, it's... It's just market analysis. It's market analysis, just like all that stuff coming out of that machine.

Lizzie: Ah cool. I could see me doing this one day.

Olivia: Yeah, you know what would be even cooler is if you could start today. I mean, why wait? What do you say? Gather up all those papers for me, a nickel a page?

Lizzie: Make it a quarter and you got a deal.

Olivia: Smart girl. You're on.

Phillip: Uh-huh. Lizzie, how many times have I...

Lizzie: Oh, hi, dad. It's cool. She and Grandpa Alan had a slumber party last night. She works for him, and I work for her.

Phillip: Honey, I think your mom needs help with James.

Lizzie: But, Dad, I'm raking in the dough here.

Phillip: That's okay, honey. You can come on back once Olivia gets dressed.

Olivia: Is there a problem?

Phillip: I hope not.

Olivia: Well, Alan said that I was more than welcome here.

Phillip: Of course you are. Trust me, I long ago gave up commenting about Alan's guests. However, I would still prefer that my daughter not be exposed to certain adult situations.

Olivia: Really, you're kidding?

Phillip: Not even a little.

Olivia: Are you jealous?

Phillip: What does that mean?

Olivia: I may be close to your father, but that's no reason for you to feel threatened by me.

Phillip: I don't. I just don't want my adolescent daughter to walk in on you in the middle of a half-naked romp through her grandfather's bedroom.

Olivia: Oh. (Laughs)

Phillip: That's funny?

Olivia: No, it's not funny. You're so funny. I can see why Danny Santos feels so threatened by you.

Phillip: Well, there's no need for anybody to feel threatened by me, because I'm not trying to step on anybody's toes. As far as Spaulding is concerned, my interest is the same as it's always been. I watch Alan's back.

Olivia: You do that.

Phillip: Okay. I will be watching-- you.

Olivia: Oh, Phillip, fine. Be my guest.

Phillip: I'll give you some privacy so you can get dressed.

Ross: Gus, Tory's shrine or her obsession with me or the fact that I resemble her late husband, that doesn't excuse what I did to her, or what I did to Blake.

Gus: All right, but, see, I think it does. I think it does. She came down to this town to use you and her dead husband.

Ross: No, no, no. I used her.

Gus: Oh, you know, that's just your guilt that you have, or that's your ego.

Ross: You speak to me as if I derive some kind of pleasure from this situation and I find that insulting.

Gus: Well, no, I'm sorry, then I don't... I don't mean that. I'm just trying to find out exactly why she killed herself.

Ross: We both know why she killed herself. I took advantage of her without considering the consequences.

Gus: Ross, everybody knows that she was sick. She was a very sick person, okay? And I think she planned everything, right down to your guilt.

Ross: That's insane.

Gus: Yes. Oh, yeah, it's insane. I think that she knows that you're a vulnerable, very nice man. And she even planned your hating yourself for initiating it. She was pulling all the strings.

Ross: Well, if that's the case, and I'm not quite convinced that it is, she succeeded, didn't she?

Gus: You know what? You're... Why are you... Why do you do this to yourself? You're determined to flog yourself

Ross: I don't know why. It's just that vindication, coming from you, it makes me feel worse.

Gus: It only happened one time, right?

Ross: Briefly, here's how it went: I led her on, I shut her out.

Gus: Says Tory.

Ross: And me. Me and that fact, coupled with her husband's death, which she never recovered from, that just pushed her over the edge.

Gus: You're a smart man, Ross, and I really look up to you, Marler. I do. But why can't you see it?

Ross: See what, Gus?

Gus: The whole femme fatale routine. She sees that you're a venerable man. The more she bats her eyelashes, the more she gets out of you. She was very sick and she was very smart, and that's a lethal combination. She... She had the whole victim and the "rescue me" thing down to a science.

Ross: Well, if that's the case, that would explain a number of things.

Gus: Good, like what?

Ross: Like a photograph of me, and there was an inscription on the back. And she had forged my handwriting and then she wrote a message to herself.

Gus: That's a very desperate act.

Ross: Yeah, it is, and calculated. Because I am convinced that she wanted us to find hat photo right around this point in time.

Gus: Did Blake ever see it?

Ross: Yes, she did. And if Tory wanted to shatter whatever little faith Blake had left in me, she did it. It worked.

Blake: Tracing paper. Well, that's Ross' writing. "Brilliant," that rhymes with "Will. "Will always... Love...." "Tory." Oh, Tory, you forged this. Ross didn't write this love message. Oh. Harley.

Harley: Sorry. Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Blake: I've just been very busy getting sucked into this nightmare.

Harley: I told you.

Blake: Hello? Can you believe I trusted my children around that psychopath?

Harley: Yeah, well, if it helps, you don't have to worry about her anymore.

Blake: It's like she was so haunted by her husband's death that she recreated him in Ross. And it has occurred to me that she would... She might have been trying to kill Ross.

Harley: You know what? When I saw this... When I saw how much Ross and her dead husband looked alike, I got goose bumps.

Blake: Yeah, yeah, well, wait till you see this. Look.

Harley: Maybe she was trying to forge some checks.

Blake: No, worse. I found a picture of Ross in the back of her diary. And on the back of it was an inscription in Ross' writing, saying, " Tory, I will always love you, Ross."

Harley: Really?

Blake: Yeah. She forged it. She took remarks that he had made on her law papers and she forged and she created a love message. Now, if she forged this...

Harley: "If"?

Blake: A lot needier than I thought.

Harley: I mean, this is worse than sending yourself flowers on Valentine's Day.

Blake: Either that or she was trying to set me up.

Harley: Very smart, make it look like Ross

Blake: Well, if that's the case I fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Edmund: Oh, no, Carmen, not at all. Don't you remember our primer on power? It's the wrong kind of power altogether. Was that something you'd wear in front of a jury?

Carmen: Edmund, if I wanted to dazzle them. (Laughs) Do you have any suggestions?

Edmund: Add a string of pearls.

Carmen: No.

Edmund: And think tailored. It should sweep the body, not hug it.

Carmen: I watch my figure.

Edmund: Funny, so do I.

Carmen: Well, if I can't flaunt it, I might as well be dead.

Edmund: Yes, well, after three or four teas with the members, that might be something devoutly to be wished.

Phillip: Hey. Where's James?

Beth: Oh, uh, cook just took him to get something to eat.

Phillip: Something to eat? Okay. Guess what?

Beth: What?

Phillip: It wasn't Lizzie. Alan's star employee spent the night.

Beth: Oh, oh, Olivia's here?

Phillip: Yeah.

Beth: I hope Alan's not working her too hard. (Laughs)

Phillip: She seemed very relaxed.

Beth: You see, now I know I'm home, there's intrigue around every corner.

Phillip: I guess we should just be glad, for a change it's not us providing it.

Beth: Well, who says we're not? Was it my imagination that everyone was looking at us at the party the other night, or staring, at least?

Phillip: Of course they were looking. It's your fault for coming back from the dead. And you know what? We got a miracle. We really did. A woman that we thought was gone came back. She came back a little bit different, but she came back.

Beth: I hope that's a good thing.

Phillip: What do you think?

Lizzie: I knew it! You are getting remarried.

Phillip: Uh, no, honey, that's... Don't you think it's a little bit soon for that? I mean, your mom just got back.

Lizzie: So?

Phillip: Well, so, we... Your mom and I, we haven't even had time to really even think about that, let alone discuss it, so...

Lizzie: I'm sorry, but I don't get you guys sometimes. You were going to get remarried before, so what's there to discuss?

Beth: Well, that was.. That was before all of the confusion with Lorelei. And now that I'm back-- and I am so glad to be back-- but things have changed.

Lizzie: You mean you don't love each other anymore because of Lorelei?

Phillip: No.

Beth: No, no, no, of course we love each other.

Phillip: No, honey, love... Love is not the issue here.

Lizzie: Then what is? Doesn't love conquer everything? At least that's what you guys tell me. Unless Lorelei is like one of those irreconcilable differences.

Beth: No.

Phillip: No, honey.

Lizzie: Then what?

Phillip: Honey, your mom and I, we just need some time, okay?

Lizzie: But you always tell me that life is short. And I never really believed you until I got sick with leukemia. But you're right. Now mom's back. You two love each other. You should be celebrating. No offense, that's just how I feel.

Phillip: No, honey, that's okay. You know, you're actually... You're 100% right.

Beth: And you've given us a lot to think about.

Lizzie: Adults sure know how to take the fun out of life.

Beth: Oh, come on. Now, I know that that's not the answer that you're looking for, but look at it this way. We're all under the same roof again. I think that's pretty great, don't you?

Lizzie: I love you guys.

Beth: (Laughs)

Phillip: We love you.

Beth: We love you, too.

Phillip: Very much.

Lizzie: But...

Phillip: But what?

Lizzie: This doesn't mean I'm not upset about not being a bridesmaid.

Beth: Well, not yet.

Ross: Whether Tory Granger was mentally unbalanced before or after she moved to Springfield, that's quite beside the point, because following her death I have to focus on the things that I can fix, like my relationship with Blake.

Gus: Uh-oh. She kicked you out. She kicked you out.

Ross: Actually...

Gus: She gave you the boot. Oh, she said, "I'm never taking you back. Never taking you back," and then of course, she does.

Ross: We're trying to work it out, not that she's forgiven me or ever will.

Gus: Well, you know, she'll come around, she'll come around.

Ross: I doubt it.

Gus: No, she... They do this on purpose. They do it on purpose just to keep us on our toes.

Ross: Oh, really?

Gus: Oh, yeah. Listen, case in point, okay? This woman asked me to go to the country. Okay, it's Harley. And she says, "Lets go to the country." So I get all excited about it, I go, "whoo-hoo!" She sees that, then she gets scared, and then she starts to feel suffocated. And yeah, we did end up in a jail cell for a couple of days instead of the country thing, but that's kind of besides the point.

Ross: What... What did you and Harley do to wind up in jail, Gus?

Gus: It's a long story, believe me, it's just... But she is like the princess vacillator. She runs with the hounds in here. She drives me crazy.

Ross: I hope so, in a good way, for her sake.

Gus: And I drive her crazy. I drive her just as crazy, but she won't even admit that. Never admits it to herself.

Ross: I think she'll admit it probably the moment that you throw in the towel.


Harley: Well, at least you know Ross wasn't lying about that picture.

Blake: Well, I guess not about that.

Harley: So I guess you're not ready to forgive him yet? I can understand it, I really can. Hey, we all think of Ross as perfect, you know, Mr. Right-- not Mr. Almost right. Although, Mr. Almost right wouldn't be so bad, would he?

Blake: I don't know, what do you think?

Harley: Oh, that. Well, what can I say? I go for bad boys.

Blake: Could have had Rick, Mr. Dependable.

Harley: Yeah, but not Mr. Right. And the operative word there was "go for," which I didn't. I mean, what, a loving father, a kind doctor, sanity, stability? Oh.

Blake: Enough to drive a girl mad.

Harley: I'm beginning to think I just like being miserable.

Blake Well, you didn't love Rick. You did try and make it work.

Harley: I did. We both did, we really did.

Blake: And you don't have to try with Gus.

Harley: Yeah, but I just... I can't... I can't do it.

Blake: Why not? You said you want a bad boy.

Harley: No, I said I go for bad boys. But what I want and what's good for me are two different things.

Blake: Yeah, well, maybe what's good for you is for you to feel good about yourself. And if he does that for you, maybe he's not half the bad guy you think he is.

Harley: Maybe. Here's something about him. sometimes I feel like he's my soul mate. And then other times I think he has no soul.

Blake: Perhaps it hibernates.

Harley: Yes, under a festering heap of laundry. Have you been in his hotel room? He drives me nuts. I'm telling you, he's driving me crazy. He is so annoying sometimes and obnoxious. And then, you know, like right now, all I can think about is kissing him again.

Blake: That's love.

Harley: I don't know. I don't know if it is, but I know... I know sometimes it sure feels like it.

Blake: You know what, Harley? You should go with what's in your heart and go for Gus. (knocking on door)

Olivia: Come in.

Beth: Hello.

Olivia: Hi. So, did the morality police call for backup?

Beth: No. This explains the mystery of the vanishing sweet rolls. They are my favorite.

Olivia: Oh, oh, I am sorry about that.

Beth: Well, just remember, I was here first.

Olivia: Of course. Just remember, I was your matron of honor. I would never move in on your territory. Speaking of which, how's Phillip?

Beth: Fine.

Olivia: "Fine"? The guy storms San Cristobel with a swat team and he's just fine? Talk about your own personal hero.

Beth: Well, let's just say we're proceeding with caution.

Olivia: Oh, well, that sounds prudent. We'll see how long that lasts.

Beth: How's Alan?

Olivia: Alan? Alan is fun and challenging, just the way I like him.

Beth: I'm sure the feeling is mutual. And I know you're strong, but just be careful. Alan is a force to be reckoned with.

Olivia: If you're saying don't fall in love with him, you don't have to worry about that, because I won't.

Beth: Olivia...

Olivia: I am not kidding. I have no intention of ever falling in love again.

Beth: Cynical, cynical...

Olivia: It doesn't work for some people, okay? Love doesn't last for me. I invest in it and I end up wasting my time. Look, I feel a lot better knowing that.

Beth: Oh, come on!

Olivia: Look, I spent my whole life being anxious, because on some level I knew that deep down inside it was going to die, eventually, okay? I just didn't know when. Look, this business, I get more pleasure out of a business deal. Satisfaction from a business deal lasts forever.

Beth: Okay. Well, then, I guess you must be just feeling so satisfied right now.

Olivia: No, I'm not, because everything that I'm doing is so mediocre. I just need one really exceptional idea.

Beth: Such as?

Olivia: I don't know, but it's something that has to outshine the Meta's and the Reva's and the Cassie's of this town.

Beth: Olivia, don't let them get to you.

Olivia: I can't help it. I want all those socialites at the Lighthouse Gala to regret that they ever dismissed me. And you better believe that

Beth: What?

Olivia: I think I just figured out the way.

Edmund: Oh, yes, much better than that turquoise ensemble.

Carmen: I feel like I went AWOL from the navy.

Edmund: Oh, don't be silly, Carmen. You look elegant, respectable even.

Carmen: The kiss of death.

Edmund: Oh, don't lose focus on your objective, Carmen. If you want to play ball with the old guard, you have to wear the uniform.

Carmen: There's just so much camouflage a gal can take. And you can't change a leopard's spots, you know? (Laughs)

Edmund: You know, Carmen, you may never be the darling of the riding set...

Carmen: No.

Edmund: ...But you are far more exciting.

Carmen: Yes. And I want to thank you in a way that's equally... As exciting and memorable. Have you come up with a price yet?

Edmund: Well, funnily enough, a figure just popped into my head.

Carmen: Yes, I see. (Laughter)

Edmund: Oh, deny it all you want, Carmen, what we experienced the other night was pure ecstasy. And you are, without question, one of the most uninhibited women I have ever met in my life.

Carmen: (Laughs)

Gus: Women. Women, you can't live with them, you can't live with them. Who needs them, Ross?

Ross: Gus, we do.

Gus: You can't rationalize with them and you can't... You can't reason with them. You've got to wait for the tide to turn before you put your toe in. And you can't make any sense out of them. You've got to choose your-- what?-- You've got to choose your fights all the time, it's...

Ross: Nothing, Gus. It's just so strange to hear this coming from you.

Gus: Well, I just kind of figured for a second we're in the same boat. And I thought, you know, we could commiserate.

Ross: You know, this proves it. There is a first time for everything.

Gus: I really did come down here with, you know, just the best of intentions.

Ross: Yeah, and I thought you were coming over here with revenge on your mind, but I guess not.

Gus: Please. I'm over it.

Ross: You didn't exactly feel that way at the time.

Gus: I've had a lot of time to think about things, you know?

Ross: Thank you. I appreciate it, because you could be taking advantage of the situation and you're not.

Gus: No. I think Blake has punished you enough.

Ross: Now that you've seen my marriage go up in flames, maybe you can consider us even?

Gus: I think the worst is behind, you know. It's just... It's just a waiting game now, pal, just a waiting game.

Blake: I don't want to go back to Springfield. Imagine that.

Harley: Come on. I'll hold your hand.

Blake: I'd rather stay here at my dead insane rival's house. Now what does that tell you?

Harley: It tells me you're still feeling a lot of pain?

Blake: I would do anything to keep my brain off it, which... Including staring at Tory's creepy shrine to Ross.

Harley: You know what, Hon? I understand that, but you know, eventually you're going to have to make a decision.

Blake: Yeah, says who?

Harley: Says you. Okay, because you know that no matter how much you still hurt, and how mad you are, eventually you're going to have to forgive Ross.

Blake: I don't want to.

Harley: Yeah, but you love him too much not to.

Blake: I don't know. I really don't know.

Harley: Oh, don't say that. Don't say that. You have children with him.

Blake: I know, which is what makes me... It keeps me from going insane.

Harley: But they need their father.

Blake: Yeah, well, so does Zach. Now, did you forgive Phillip for sleeping with Beth?

Harley: No. No, I never did, not really. No. No, what I did was I just... I kept holding onto all of my anger and obsessing about it, and obsessing about it until it ruined my marriage. See, I think things are different with you guys. I really think that there's time for you guys to find your way back to each other.

Blake: Well, I know what you're saying makes sense, I do, but I can't force it, Harley. It's like love, passion. I don't feel it, not yet.

Harley: Come on. Let's go home.


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