Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/4/02 Provided by Linda Harley: (Gasps) Gus: (Growls) Okay, I get it. Well, good morning, sleeping beauty. Man, somebody sleeps like a rock, don't they? They lowered the car down. We are ready to go. We got our new car battery. We're as good as gold. Get ready, get dressed. Harley: Don't touch me; it's so early. Gus: You haven't, a little something special. Harley: Stop. Gus: Okay. There you go. Harley: What is this? Gus: There you go. It's a little breakfast of champions is what I like to call it. Little egg, a little bacon, some fries, some cheese, a little extra Tabasco for you. Harley: It's a heart attack waiting to happen. Did you get extra grease while you were at it? Gus: That's nice, there you go. That comes for free. Harley: My back is killing me. Gus: Can you do me a favor, please? Can you just cheer up. Harley: Cheer up? Gus: Yeah. Harley: Your stupid battery breaks down on the way to Tory's, we're forced to sleep in your... Gus: Negative... Negative energy! Negative, negative energy. We are on an adventure here. Harley: Mm-hmm. Gus: Okay, we had ourselves a chauffeur. Harley: We were towed. Gus: We had a chauffeur, we have breakfast in bed. Harley: Give me a break. Gus: We slept in the great outdoors. Harley: In your car. Gus: You said I was good dancer. Harley: Well, I'll give you that, you were a good dancer, that was nice. But everything else has just been a total disaster. Gus: Wrong, because when you were (snorts) over before, I made a phone call over to the Tremont sheriff. Turns out that his second cousin once removed is a friend of a friend of a friend of mine. Harley: What? Gus: Well, bottom line is he's going to give us whatever he can get, and whatever he can dig up on Tory Granger, it's ours. Harley: What are we waiting for? Gus: I tell you, I had good news. Harley: You're the man! Good job. Gus: And we got our battery. Harley: Let's go. Gus: And we're ready to go and... As good as gold. Harley: This actually tastes pretty good. This is good. Whoa! Gus: There's one, you know, minor glitch. We got the battery, we got that new battery and everything. Harley: Yeah, just go pay for it. Gus: I know. But, see, I sprung for the whole breakfast of champions before, and I'm kind of low on... Harley: You have got to be kidding me. Gus: I don't... I don't have... Harley: Move. You know, you're driving me crazy. Gus: That was my plan. Danny: Abuela. Maria: Oh, Danny. This is a very nice surprise. Danny: Is Tony back from his trip yet? Maria: Not yet. Is there something wrong? Danny: No. No, Marah Lewis was just looking for him, that's all. Maria: Oh, she was here last night, asking questions. Sweet girl, I wish I could've helped her. Danny: Yeah. Well, I left a message for her telling her where he was. I don't know... (Laughter) Carmen: Would you stop? Danny, what a nice surprise. Danny: Edmund, what a surprise. Edmund: And a very good morning to you, too, Danny. Danny: I didn't see your car in the drive. Did you pull in right behind me? Edmund: Actually, I've been here since last night. Breakfast? Carmen: Excuse us. Rick: Hey, beautiful. Okay, rule number one: No shoptalk. Okay, I don't want to talk about biopsies, bleeding or anything else. Mel: Why Doctor, whatever will we do. Rick: Well, I don't know, we might have to eat, play tennis and eat some more, something like that. Mel: Well, it sounds very filling, but you know my dad's been out of town on sabbatical and he's back home for a few days, so rain check? Rick: Do I have a choice? Mel: No, I'm meeting him at Towers for the family brunch. Rick: Well, how about if I just tag along and go for the ride? Mel: What do you mean? Rick: Well, I can actually have brunch with your family, how's that sound? Mel: Oh, no, you don't want to do that. Rick: Why... Why wouldn't I? I mean, I already bored you with my family dinner, why not pay back? Mel: No, Rick, it will be a total bore. Rick: Is there something that you want me to stay away from or... Mel: No, none. Marah: Rick, hey, I've been looking all over for you. Rick: Are you okay? Marah: No, I'm fine. But Danny was supposed to give me some information, but he never got back to me. Rick: Marah, I'm sorry, I don't know where he is. Ben: You know what? We really should get going. I'm sorry, guys. Rick: Wait a second, you know what? There's a chance he may be over at the Santos house, you may want to try there? Marah: Thank you, guys. Thank you so much. Rick: No problem. Good luck. Ben: Marah, two trips to the Santos mansion? I feel like we're pushing our luck here. Marah: Tony... Look, Tony needs to know the truth about Catalina, and I'm going to do whatever it takes to find him. Father John: I hope your stay was not too uncomfortable. Catalina: No, it was wonderful. Thank you, Father John. Tony: Yeah, but we got to get on the road before it gets too late. Father John: I understand. Vaya con dios. Tony: So Romeo left about an hour ago to start setting up the wedding arrangements. Catalina: Really? Tony, I am so excited. Tony: I got to find Ray and try to convince him to come back with us. Catalina: But... Tony: No, look, he's my brother. That's all I want to hear bout it, all right? Catalina: Okay. Tony just went to find you to say good-bye. Ray: I know, I waited for him to leave. Catalina: Why? Ray: Why, because I wanted to give you another chance to change your mind. Catalina, you're about to ruin my brother's life, do you expect me to stand by and watch you do it? Rick: You know you could've used my cell phone, I have plenty of minutes. Mel: I know, I just... Rick: I know, you wanted to be alone when you tell your father what's going on, in case he started yelling at you when you told him, "Hey, daddy, guess who's coming to brunch." Mel: Stop, stop. Anyway, my dad doesn't yell. And I was talking to my mother. Rick: Mm-hmm. Mel: Unfortunately, she's going to be late, she's in with a patient. But I was able to reach Remy, so. Rick: You seem awfully uptight. What happened to this Mel Boudreaux sense of humor that I fell in love with? Mel: It flew out the window when I started to realize this is more of an event than a regular family lunch. Rick: Sweetie, I don't want to push you into something you're not ready for. Mel: No, no, honey, this is ridiculous. I am so ready, okay? What's the worst that could happen? Rick: You sure? Mel: I'm sure. Rick: Everything's going to be fine. I'm going to go to this lunch, and I'm just going to tell your father the truth. Mel: Which is? Rick: That I absolutely adore you. Clayton: Hey, son. Remy: Dad. Clayton: Give me some love, man. Remy: Welcome home. How you doing? Clayton: I'm doing good. So where's your mother and your sister? Remy: Oh, mom called, she says she has a patient emergency, she'll be here as soon as she can. And Mel, she's late. Clayton: Oh, yeah. Remy: Yeah, she hasn't been acting too much like herself lately. Clayton: Yeah, well, you looking good, huh? Sit on down. Remy: Coach got me lifting weights, you know. Says it will help me up under the boards and everything, so. Clayton: Well, I've been checking your basketball exploits out. That's right, I get the box scores off the net. Can it be possible that you're better at basketball than football, huh? Remy: Well, you know. Clayton: (Laughs) Hey, how about baseball in the spring? What do you think? Remy: Dad, please, I've got to find some time to study, all right? As it is, I'm already borrowing hours from Tuesday to finish Monday so. Clayton: Mm-hmm. I guess you're right, especially after that calculus midterm, what was that, an 82? What's up with that, huh? Remy: How'd you know about that? Clayton: Son, I'm the Dean of the university; I do have access to the transcripts, all right. So what happened? Remy: Dad, it was above the mean, and, you know, the professor he... Wait a second. Look, I'm not going to defend an 82 or any other grade to you. And what are you doing checking up on me anyway? Clayton: Look, the mean does not mean anything and you know that. I'm not concerned what grades other people are getting, I'm only concerned with... Remy: Dad, look. I know I'm not a wonder kid like Mel, all right? But I've been working really hard, so I would appreciate it if you just cut me a little bit of slack. Clayton: All right. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump on you, Remy, I just... This Ross Marler thing is just getting to me, that's all. I'm sorry. Remy: Yeah, I heard about that. That's all over campus. Man, it must be tough on you, especially, you know, since he's your friend and all. Clayton: Well, I recommend Ross Marler for a teaching assignment here at the university and it's front-page scandal. A teacher-student affair that ends with the student taking her own life. I mean, it's custom-made for the tabloids. It's definitely not the attention that the university's looking for, you know what I mean? (Sighs) You know what, I guess your sister is just not anxious to see her old man, is she? Remy: Maybe she's just working up her courage. She's bringing a date. Clayton: Is that right? Remy: Yeah. Rick Bauer. Clayton: Rick Bauer? Remy: Mm-hmm. Clayton: What's this all about? What are you saying? Remy: I don't know what it's all about, Dad. All I know is, is that mom told me to make sure that you were on your best behavior, you know, till she gets here. Clayton: She did, did she? Catalina: The only thing I expect is that you keep the vows you made to God. Ray: Don't worry about my vows; I'm not going to say anything to Tony. But I want you to take a long, hard look at yourself, look at the kind of person you've become. Catalina: One who gets what she wants. Ray: You use people; you lie to get what you want. Catalina: No, I do what I have to do to get the family I deserve. Ray: You know I thought for sure you'd see that your lies would get you nowhere, that ultimately deep down you were a good person, and that would give you the strength to stop. I was wrong. Catalina, you're throwing everything away-- your integrity, your faith, your humanity. Catalina: If I end up with Tony's love, then I will have everything, okay? Tony: What's going on? Ray: We were discussing whether you can stay an extra day. Tony: Stay? Ray: Yeah, you both may benefit from a day of reflection. You don't need to rush into anything, just a day. Tony, please? Maria: Carmen, Carmen, Carmen. Guard: Mrs. Santos, there's this girl here to see you. Marah: Is Danny here? Maria: It's okay. Marah: Danny, is he here? Maria: He was; you just missed him. So nice to see you again, mm- hmm. Marah: Do you know where I can find him. Oh, my gosh, this is crazy. I need to find Danny. Danny, you're here. Danny: Yeah, what are you doing here? Didn't you find Tony. Marah: No, no, after you didn't call me last night, I figured I would I would track you down. I thought maybe you forgot or something. Danny: I called you, I left you a message. Marah: What? No, when? Danny: Last night around, I don't know, 9:00. Marah: No, you couldn't have, because I was there. I was at my house, and if I wasn't there, then Ben was there, and you said there were no calls, were there? Gus: I have it here somewhere. 501. This is the place. Harley: Did a good job getting the sheriff to help us. Gus: Well, let me tell you, that's why I get paid the teeny, tiny bucks. Harley: Interesting that Tory's mother also committed suicide, don't you think? Gus: Oh, yeah, it's real interesting. Harley: We might find something, anything to help Ross and Blake, anything. Gus: Yeah, whatever. Now, let me tell you this, though, we get a tip from a cop, we find out her old house. I mean, I think we're doing pretty good, don't you? Harley: Starting to wonder if we're going to find that little into who Tory was before she came to Springfield. You know, I mean, they say if walls can talk, I don't know if these walls are going to say anything. Am I making any sense at all? Gus: No, you're not. Got you, got you. Look at that. The old hide-a-key trick. You know, why are people so stupid? Harley: Wait, maybe we shouldn't break in after all. Gus: We're not talking about breaking in, I've got the key. Harley: Yeah, but we don't have a warrant. Gus: Oh, please, what is Tory going to do, call the cops? Harley: I knew you weren't going to like that. Gus: I don't think so. You know why? Because she's dead. Rick: Most professors would take their sabbatical and go to France or the Bahamas or something like that, but not you, though. No, you went to Maryland, Mississippi, and Missouri. (Laughter) Clayton: Well, originally I tried to sell them on the idea that the best place for me to do research for Abraham Lincoln was Tahiti, but that didn't go over too well with the trustees. Rick: Well, it's got to be hard to be away from your beautiful wife. Clayton: Well, that's why I came back for a couple of days, you know, I was hoping that I'd get to see her. Rick: Just a couple days? Oh, that's too bad, because I was going to get you on the basketball court and teach you a lesson. ( Laughter) Clayton: No, no, no, I'm a little out of shape, you know. Just too much sitting around. Rick: Oh, Clayton, I will take it easy on you, I guarantee you. Clayton: Oh, that's not what I mean. Even so, I'd kick your butt. Rick: Oh, right, right, right. Remy: Don't worry, Rick, man, I'll play with you. Rick: No, you made it very clear you don't play basketball with middle-aged guys. Mel: Did you call him middle- aged? Rick: Oh, I've heard worse, believe me. Clayton: Yeah, well if the shoe fits. Rick: I tell you, both your kids are making me feel real old these days, Clayton. Mel: Me, how? Rick: Mm-hmm. By being brilliant, young, and just brilliant. I'll tell you, Mel, she's just... I don't know, just having her around work makes things a lot more fun these days. Clayton: Oh, that's great. I'm really glad you're having a great time at my daughter's expense there, Rick. Mel: Dad, that's not what Rick meant. Rick: I'm sorry, Clayton, I must be missing something here. Clayton: Yes, I think you have. Rick: Then what is it? I'm sorry, I guess I must have not been paying attention here. Clayton: No, Rick, you haven't been, especially when it comes to the welfare of my daughter. Mel: Dad. Rick: What now? Nothing is more important to me, Clayton. Clayton: No, I don't think so, Rick, or else you would understand why a man like you shouldn't be dating her. Mel: Okay, Dad. Rick: No, no. It's all right. It's obvious your father has a problem with us, Mel. Clayton: You got that right. Marah: Ben, you said there were no calls. Ben: I mean, when I was there no one called. Danny: Well, wait, hold on, I may have screwed up, you know, I was really distracted. I called you on my cell phone. I couldn't really hear your outgoing message. I may have called the wrong number. Ben: Some poor guy is probably sitting there trying to figure out your message Marah: I can't believe this. Danny: Oh, wait a second, I still have the address where he is, if you want it. Marah: If I still have time. Danny: Yeah, yeah, there you go. Marah: Great, thank you, thank you. I got to go, guys. Danny: All right, good luck. Ben: Marah? Marah, wait up. Marah: I can't. I've got to go try and make it up there. Ben: Are you sure about this? Marah: Yes, of course I'm sure. Okay, Tony deserves to know the truth. Ben: Be careful, Marah. This truth is going to rock Tony's world, and it's going to make Catalina very mad. Sometimes it's easiest to just shoot the messenger. Marah: I can't worry about that right now, Ben. Ben: Well, let me drive, you're upset. Marah: No, no, it will be okay, all right? I got to make this journey by myself. I just got to see it through to the bitter end, and I want to do this alone, okay? Tony: Stay another day, well, if this is about you two reconciling? Ray: No, no, this is about you being sure of what you want. Catalina, can you give us a minute? Catalina: Tony, we really need to go. Tony: I'll just be a minute. Give me a minute. Ray: Tony, you're taking a big step. Tony: Oh, yeah, I got that all figured out now, Ray. Just want to get through it, that's all. Ray: Get it over with? Tony: Hey, Ray, you know, with all due respect, I am sick and tired of all this. You have talked around this reason for weeks now, so either you tell me the reason or forever hold your peace, you get me? Ray: You know why I can't. Tony: Yeah, I know, Ray, your vows. But you know what? I'm your brother, and that's got to count for something. Ray: Look, I am doing the best I can. Tony: It's not good enough, Ray. Ray: Just a day, Tony, give yourself one day, one day. Tony: I am doing the right thing; I'm marrying the mother of my child. Ray: Look, Tony, I know... I know breaking up with Marah was difficult for you. Tony: What are you talking about? This has nothing, and I mean nothing to do with her. I am sick of hearing her name, okay? Ray: Tony, come on, Tony. Tony: Forget it, Ray. Forget all about it. Look, I am moving on, and she has moved on. In fact, I am moving on right now. Catalina! Ray: Tony, come on. Tony: Cat! Great. Ray: Tony, please. Tony: Come on. We've got a wedding to get to. Danny: Okay, see you later, Abuela. Edmund: Danny, leaving so soon? Danny: Mm-hmm. Edmund: Thought we'd have a chance to talk. Danny: Talk? Talk about what? Edmund: Oh, you know, fatherhood, business prospects, whatever you like. Maria: Excuse me, Edmund, would you kindly pour me some more tea? Edmund: Yes, of course. Danny: So, you and Edmund again, huh? Carmen: He's a friend. He's good to have around. Danny: Sure, yeah, if you're planning to stage a coup, otherwise, I don't get it. Carmen: What don't you get, Danny? Hmm? That I actually get lonely sometimes, hmm? That despite all of his faults, he makes me laugh. And whatever you may think about me, Danny, I still do enjoy laughing. Danny: Yeah, okay, whatever, good... Good for you. Carmen: Danny, stay. Danny: No, I got to go. I got to go. Catch you later. Romeo: Hey, Danny, has Tony called in yet? Danny: No, I've been trying to reach him all morning, why? Is he in some kind of trouble? Romeo: Trouble, yeah, well, that depends on how you look at it. Carmen: Romeo, what's going on with Tony? What's wrong? Romeo: You're about to find out. Tony's on his way back now., He's going to marry Catalina here, in this house, tonight. Maria: Tonight? Danny: What do you mean? When did he decide that? Carmen: Is he coming here now? Romeo: I'm just following orders. I got a find a caterer, flowers, tuxes, a priest. Maria: He has a priest. Romeo: Again, I'm just following orders. Danny: I better go tell Michelle. See you later. Edmund: Well, I love a good wedding. Piano's in tune, I can always sing "Here Comes the Bride." Carmen: Edmund. Edmund: What? Carmen: Excuse us, Maria. I had a really good time last night. Edmund: So did I. Carmen: Good. But I think it's time for you to say good-bye, don't you? This is family business. You understand, don't you? Edmund: Of course. Carmen: I have to make some phone calls. Edmund: Lovely to see you. Maria: You, too. Mel: Dad. Rick: Mel, let your father have a say. Clayton this isn't about me being older than your daughter, is it? This is about me being white. Clayton: I don't care if your white or black. Hell, it doesn't even matter what I think, but there are plenty of people out there who do care. And let me tell you something, they won't like the idea one little bit, Rick. Rick: I don't give a damn about those people, Clayton. Clayton: I don't give a damn about them either, but I do care what they do. And my first priority is to protect my family always. Rick: Oh, come on, Clayton, times have changed. Clayton: No, no, no, no, don't give me that times have changed garbage. There are places in this world where the two of you will not be able to go. Hell, there are places in this country where people are going to look at you, they're going to raise their eyebrows, and they're going to say... Rick: We won't be going to those places, Clayton. Clayton: Listen, Rick, listen to me. It's going to be harder for her, do you understand that? It is going to be harder for her. Mel: Dad, I think I can handle it. Clayton: Sweetie, black people are going to look at you, and they're going to wonder, they're going to say, "What's up, what she's too good to go out with her own kind, huh?" No, no, wait, just wait, wait a minute. Now you are always going to be viewed as a trader to one side and a second-class citizen to the other. Mel: Dad, it's going to be a little harder for us, that's all. Clayton: No, sweetie. It's going to be a lot harder for you. It's going to be a lot harder for her, do you understand that? Now I'm... I'm being a father here, all right, pure and simple. I'm not your friend right now. Your mother and I, we have worked very hard to make sure you and your brother have everything you need to be happy, successful people. I love my daughter more than my own life, and I want what's best for her, Rick. And if you care for her the way that you claim, then you'll want the same. Mel: Okay, Dad, you said what you have to say. Now you're going to hear from your daughter. Harley: Are we done breaking and entering yet? Gus: Listen to me, you brought me along to dig dirt, right? Just let me do what I do. That's why you brought me, right? To help you with Tory. Harley: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Gus: Unless, of course, you couldn't stand the thought of being away from me for two full days, two long, full, empty days, huh? Harley: Am I that transparent? Gus: Just let me dig. Did you look at this thing? This thing isn't even real. Ha, a fruitcake, how appropriate. Harley: Maybe it's full of nuts. Gus: Yeah, exactly. Harley: Did you find something? Gus: I don't know, maybe. Harley: It looks an awful lot like a wall. Gus: Yeah, but take a look at this. You see the color difference right there and that crack, going nowhere, the back of a wall. I don't know. Harley: Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh- huh. Gus: But sometimes walls talk, and I think this one's talking to us. Harley: What is that? Gus: It's like a tomb or a shrine or something. Harley: Okay, this is really weird. Gus: Is this a picture of Ross when he was young or something? Harley: Huh? Well, it looks like him. No, that's Stewart Thompson. That's Tory's late husband. Gus: So this is, like, a shrine to her dead husband or something. Harley: Okay, that's weird. I mean, that's weird love, weird, you know. Gus: Look at this. This is a picture of Ross during the Santos trial. I don't even remember Tory being around during the Santos trial. Harley: That is so creepy. Gus: What is? Harley: Look, look at the resemblance between these two. Gus: Oh, yeah. Look at this, come here. This is a paper that Ross obviously graded for Tory when she was in class with him. Saving everything. Harley: Okay, so this isn't just a shrine to her ex-husband, this is a shrine to Ross Marler. Gus: Well, you know what? Maybe in her mind she's got the two of them confused as one person or something. Harley: Okay, let's go. Gus: Wait, wait, wait, wait, what's the rush? Harley: No, no. Gus: Let's go upstairs. Harley: No, I have a better idea, let's go back to Springfield. I want to tell Blake about this. Come on, put that back, let's close up shop. Come on.
__________________________________________ Mel: Dad, I love you. And I love how much you love me, but if you just listen to yourself you'll see why you're wrong. I mean, you expect me to be bright, and independent, and successful, and then you turn around and try to put me in a cocoon. You can't have both, Dad. It just doesn't work that way. Now, Rick and I know that there's going to be small-minded people who aren't going to accept us. But I'm willing, and I think Rick is, too, to face those problems head on. Now you and mom taught Remy and me by setting great examples, and I love you for it. And you would never, ever take the easy way out. Why would you accept any less from me? Clayton: Sweetie, I... I love you with all my heart, and that's not with this is about. It's about being a parent and maybe knowing one or two things that you don't know yet. Look, this is not something that we're going to settle over one meal, so just... Tell you what, why don't the two of you just promise me something. Promise me that you'll think about what I said, please. Tony: Danny! Carmen! Who is it? Romeo! Romeo: Hey. Tony: Hey. Romeo: We got the happy couple. Tony: Yeah, what's up? Romeo: Well, I got almost everything you've asked for-- food, flowers, priest... Tony: And you got that other thing we discussed? Good, you're the man, look, I'm going to meet you back at the gate house in, like, an hour, and we'll get ready over there. Romeo: Okay, so I'll... I'll get the tuxes and hang them. Tony: All right. These are for you. I had Romeo pick up a couple different styles of wedding dresses. Catalina: Oh, Tony, I can't wait... Tony: Wait, now, not yet. See, I'm a little old fashioned, I can't see the dress till the wedding. Catalina: Do you know how wonderful you are? I love you. I love you so much. Tony: Well, you better get ready, you don't want to be late for your own wedding. Catalina: Tony, I promise, I'm going to make you the happiest man alive. Tony: I know you will. I'll see you in a little while. Harley: Okay, well, I'm pretty sure it's not the battery, so what is it this time? Gus: I don't know, but it sounded strange. Just... Let me just check it out, because, you know, it's getting dark out, I don't want us to get stuck... Again. Harley: We're in the middle of nowhere. What is it? Gus: It's a big engine, Harley, what do you think it is? I don't know, everything looks like it's in place. Except this starter cable. Harley: What? Gus: I said... Just try turning it over, will you? Harley: Okay. Gus: No, are you turning it over? Harley: Aitoro. Gus: Just try turning it over again. Nothing? Harley: Nothing. Gus: Hmm, isn't that strange? I don't know. Harley: Do not tell me that we are stranded out in the middle of nowhere for the second time in two days! Gus: We are stranded out in the middle of nowhere for the second time in two days, okay? But at least we have the stars. At least we have the stars. Marah: I need to speak with Tony Santos. He came here to see his brother Ray Santos. Father John: I'm sorry, we don't allow visitors here. Ray: John, John, it's okay. I'll take it from here. Marah: Ray, I need to speak to Tony before it's too late. Please tell me it's not too late. Catalina: Everything's coming together. Nothing will come between Tony and me ever again. Nothing. Dr. Boudreau? Mel: I'm right here. Catalina: What happened? Mel: I'm so sorry, Catalina. We did everything we could, but I'm afraid we lost the baby. Catalina: No. (Crying) Just let us get married, and I'll make things right for me and Tony. I'll make up for the lies, all I need is a chance. Maria: Well, you'll make a beautiful bride. Catalina: Maria, I didn't see you standing there. Maria: What's the rush with the wedding? Afraid the lies will catch up with you? Catalina: There will be no more lies. In a few hours, Tony and I will be married, and I will be part of your family. You know, you're going to have to learn to live with that, Maria. Romeo: Everything all right? Maria: That girl... That girl does not deserve to live. Meta: But when I was a girl, we used to listen to Reverend Rutledge at the church in five points. He's the best man I've known at finding hope for people in trouble and I guess that's for just about everybody at one time or another. He used to say something I'll never forget: "There is a destiny that makes us brothers. No one goes that way alone. All that we bring into the lives of others comes back into our own. Merry Christmas. All at once: Merry Christmas. Sadly, on February 28, Mary Stewart, who portrayed Meta Bauer passed away. For the past six years, we've had the enormous pleasure to work with Mary right here on "Guiding Light." And we were lucky to experience her warmth and nurturing presence, which her fans saw every time she entered a scene. But for 35 years, Mary entertained the viewers of another Procter & Gamble show, "Search For Tomorrow." Mary was one of those rare spirits who comes along once in a lifetime. And with her passing, we lose one of the greats of a daytime, as well as one of our guiding lights. Mary Stewart, sweet, gentle, Mary, we miss you dearly. |