GL Transcript Wednesday 4/3/02



Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/3/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: Hey, was that quick enough?

Harley: Hey.

Gus: Quick enough? You and me are going away for the weekend. So bing, bing, bing. So I was just thinking, I did a little thinking, and I thought, I found this bed and breakfast, right, it's on lake Michigan. So we could have lovely long walks on the beach during the day and lovely long nights in bed.

Harley: Listen, Gus.

Gus: Or if you don't like... I actually... There's a cottage that I found, and I called them up from the internet, and they have fireplaces in every single room, so we would definitely get a fireplace, because we could then have nice, long walks in the woods, and then, of course, nice, long, lovely nights in the bed.

Harley: Aitoro.

Gus: Because I got to plan ahead, because that's what I have to do, because...

Harley: You know what?

Gus: Oh, you know what? I didn't even ask, I mean, maybe you don't like cottages, you don't like beds and breakfasts.

Harley: Oh, yeah, that's it. I don't like them.

Gus: You're a five star type of chick. I'll call up and I'll... I'll look into that. Because I'm easy, I'm fine. I'm like... I'm easygoing, you know, just tell me, you know, where the bed's going to be, and we'll have ourselves a time.

Harley: Pennsylvania. Yeah, and actually, there's going to be one for you, and then there's going to be this whole other one for me.

Gus: Why would that...

Harley: Well, see, that's the thing, this is a working trip. Yeah, you're going to be a cop, and I'm going to be a cop, and we're going to Tremont, Pennsylvania, Tory's hometown. And we're going to do everything we can to find out absolutely everything about her. So your car's where, it's out front?

(Latin music playing) ( cheers)

Ross: Don't do this.

Blake: Just stop me.

Blake: What's the matter? It's a party, come on, start dancing!

Ross: Blake, please.

Blake: Do that last thing you're doing, okay? The last thing.

Edmund: I've had enough for the moment. It was delightful. Excuse me.

Blake: The party, my life, what else are you going to ruin, Ross?

Ross: Could we please go?

Blake: No, we can't please do anything, all right?

Ross: I didn't come here to make things worse.

Blake: Hah.

Ross: I came here because I was worried about you. Blake, do you hear me?

Blake: Come on, handsome, why don't you dance with me? Come on. Oh, come on.

Ross: Blake, you need to come home. I want you to come home.

Blake: Oh, and we all know what happens when you want something, right, Ross?

Ross: You've had a lot to drink, you need to come home.

Blake: Oh, where is that home, Ross, because I don't have a home, because you ruined that, too, thank you. Get out of my way.

Olivia: You know, I used to think that if you just focused on your work, you can make everything else go away.

Alan: No, doesn't go away, it just delays it.

Olivia: Yeah, it's too bad, isn't it?

Alan: Why don't you tell me why you're upset? What happened?

Olivia: Cassie informed me that Josh and Reva are engaged.

Alan: Them again, huh?

Olivia: Yes, you know what? I'm sorry if I'm a little thin-skinned where he's concerned, but I was in love with the guy so...

Alan: That doesn't make you a loser.

Olivia: Really? Are you sure about that? Because I had this great idea that I was going to... We were going to run this empire together, right? An empire that I would build, but the only problem was, he didn't want that. He didn't want that... He didn't want me; he wanted Reva.

Alan: Because he's an idiot.

Olivia: No, he's not. I'm the idiot, because I was trying to be her, I was trying to act like her to hang on to him. What does that make me?

Alan: Well, sad from time to time, but it doesn't make you a loser. Your marriage didn't end because of lack of energy or conviction. It ended because Josh never understood you, he never accepted you for who you are.

Olivia: I tried. I tried so hard to make it work.

Alan: I know you did, but it was doomed from the start. As a matter of fact, I would go so far as to say, Olivia, that you have never been your true self with any man you've ever been involved with.

Olivia: Well, I think that would be hard on any man to take.

Alan: Well, I think that's the problem. I mean, you reinvent yourself with every relationship. And you also play down your ambition. Now would you please tell me why?

Olivia: I don't know. I don't know. Maybe because I want to sort of fit into whatever dream I'm having at the moment, whether it be a relationship with Josh or a relationship with Richard, how's that?

Alan: That's exactly true. So no man has ever known you, so no man could ever truly love you. So when you talk to me about love, the truth of the matter is you don't know the meaning of the word.

Harley: You know, I don't think it's going to be the whole weekend, it will probably just be overnight.

Gus: You don't do that to a guy. You don't just say going away and weekend in the same breath, and you don't mean that. And what you really mean is police work. You say, "we got police work in another city, in another town," that's what you say. You just be honest. Just be honest with the person. Honesty in advertising, is that too much to ask?

Harley: I'll be home in a little while.

Gus: Is it too much to ask? Just be honest with me!

Harley: Are you through?

Gus: You know something? I am. I'm very through. You have yourself a nice, little weekend in your two-bed scenario thing, all right?

Harley: Wait, wait. I want you to go with me.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: It's police business. I mean, it's just... It's not official police business.

Gus: Did chief put you up to this? Did chief do this?

Harley: No, no. This was all my idea.

Gus: Why do we have to go to Tory Granger's hometown? Why?

Harley: Because I have a thought. If I can find out everything there is to know about her, and find out why she committed suicide, then maybe that will help Ross and Blake to work everything out, to find their way back.

Gus: Hello. (Sound effect) Rewind. What was that? Blake, Ross, they have something to work out. Why would they ever have something to work out? Tory just killed herself, right? What's it got to do with them?

Harley: See, it turns out, actually, that after all of that, Tory and Ross were involved. Don't say a word.

Gus: I told you. God. Oh, this arm is where you hit me. You know, "I know Ross. I know he's such a decent man, he'd never have anything to do with Tory."

Harley: Shut up.

Gus: "He's such a decent...." No, just please... Please, okay? He's such a decent. You know, you read me the riot act, you told me that "No man thinks like you, Aitoro." Oh, no. But in fact, every single man thinks exactly like I do.

Harley: I pray that isn't true. Are you going to help me out or not?

Gus: "I know Ross, I know he's such a decent man."

Harley: All right, I'm out of here.

Gus: Wait, just a second, let me have the time to wallow in this. "I know Ross." You know, the fact is you think you know everything, and you don't really know anything. I'm good enough for you to take down to Pennsylvania, drive you on down there, but I'm not good enough to invite you to your little party here, in front of your friends, right? I'm not good enough for that.

Harley: Well, actually, she's not really a friend of mine. Do you even know Beth?

Gus: Oh, isn't that convenient. Why is it because Phillip is here, or Rick is here, is that it? Or are you still embarrassed to be seen in public with me, is that it?

Harley: That's not what it was, honestly.

Gus: Yeah, right.

Harley: No, it's not. Listen. It's not that, honestly. And cheer up, because... If you're a good sport about this whole thing, then maybe... Maybe this weekend won't be all business after all.

Gus: No. Wait and see if it's a good weekend. Maybe it will be a good weekend, maybe it won't be. We're going to both be cops.

Blake: Back off.

Ross: We have to talk.

Blake: You want to talk, great? We can talk right here, everybody understand English, right?

Ross: Lower your voice, please.

Blake: Lower? No, you couldn't get any lower than you did, Ross. No! You want to talk, you want to be honest, have an honest conversation? We can do that. Here, you know, guys, do you mind if we have a frank discussion? I mean, I'm sure you all know the story, right? I mean, hell, I was the last person to find out. After all the bartenders in town, and ooh, I don't now, maybe the janitor at the law school building. Hey, anybody, if you haven't heard the latest Springfield saga, listen up, this one's good. It's really good. It's great material if you're writing a book or a movie. See, it's... It's all about him. Mr. Ross Marler, Mr. Decent, Mr. Honorable. "I never tell a lie." But guess what? He lied to me. See, he got really close with his assistant, Tory Granger, incredibly close. Oh, hell, you couldn't get any closer than he got with this woman. Whoa. And then you know, then stuff happened. She started popping up all over the place. She was just following us everywhere. I mean, oh, she was stalking us. She kidnapped my children. She physically threatened me. She tried to kill me. I mean, this woman was so obsessed with Ross. And talk about deluded. She swore, she swore that he had made love to her. Poor, loyal Ross having to deal with this very disturbed woman. But see, I was the one who was deluded, because he had slept with her. And he kept it his dirty, little secret, until she conveniently killed herself.

Ross: For God's sake.

Blake: Hey, Ross! Ross! Why won't you leave me alone, huh? Oh, I know. It's because Tory's dead. Because if she was alive, you would be with her right now!

Ross: That's not...

Blake: What does she smell like, Ross? What did she feel like? Did she make sounds when you had sex with her? I want to know. Was she the best you ever had? Was she really good?

Cassie: Blake?

Blake: I'm done talking.

Cassie: Why don't we go sit down? Come on. Come on.

Phillip: Did I tell you that Lizzie's got a recital coming up at school?

Ross: No, you didn't. That's very nice.

Phillip: Yeah, she's been practicing like crazy for it. I know that she would really like it if her Uncle Ross could be there when she played.

Ross: Okay, you tell Lizzie that I'll be there.

Cassie: Well, you were kind of rough on him.

Blake: Oh, yeah, right, I treat Ross so unfairly.

Cassie: I'm not saying you don't have a right to be mad. I mean, what he did was terrible.

Blake: He's the worst.

Cassie: He made a mistake, Blake. We all do somewhere down the line.

Blake: Yeah, my mistake was thinking that Ross wasn't like most people, you know? Waiter.

Cassie: Uh-uh. No, no. You don't need anymore to drink, you're way out of control.

Blake: Oh, like hell. Come on.

Cassie: You threw yourself at Edmund.

Blake: I was dancing.

Cassie: This is me you're talking to, okay? I used to get paid for that kind of dancing. You stay away from Edmund; it's not smart to hang out with him. And then Ross walks in here, and all he's trying to do is take you home and protect you.

Blake: Ross doesn't need your sympathy. He'll be fine all on his own.

Ross: Lizzie, playing at a recital. She's growing up too fast.

Phillip: Oh, she is.

Ross: So are Kevin and Jason. Time just races by so quickly. Thing is, though, you don't notice till the bottom drops out, and then you realize that you should've savored each moment just a little bit more. God, Phillip, I love her. God help me, but I do love her.

Beth: Am I interrupting?

Cassie: You already heard the good stuff, okay?

Beth: Blake, I know that we haven't exactly been friends in the past, but maybe we can just get to know one another a little better, what do you think?

Blake: Well, from what you just heard, you know me pretty well. But sure, give it a shot. Have a seat.

Beth: I really hate to be forward, but do you still love Ross?

Blake: Can I hate him at the same time?

Beth: Sure.

Blake: Yes, I guess I still love him, but it doesn't mean anything, so who cares.

Beth: Yeah, it means that it's not too late.

Gus: I do this every chance I get.

Harley: Freeze dry your passengers?

Gus: No, I pull off on the side of the road and take a little gaze at the stars. Ah. Perfect.

Harley: Well, don't you think it would be a little bit better if maybe the top was up?

Gus: Just look at the stars.

Harley: There's Orion, and Virgo, and... The Big Dipper.

Gus: That's right.

Harley: Okay, let's go.

Gus: You surprise me. I'm thinking right about now you're amazing.

Harley: Amazing and cold. Can we put the top up, please?

Gus: Sure.

Harley: Thank you. Whoo. Thank you. What's the matter?

Gus: Mm-mm. This happens sometimes.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: Hold on a second. Okay.

Harley: What?

Gus: This is stuck.

Harley: Yeah, right.

Gus: No, I'm serious. It's an engine, and it's stuck. I'm not joking.

Harley: What? That's impossible. Well, pull it up.

Gus: I'm trying to, but you can't force it.

Harley: Well, if you pull it.

Gus: Can you just watch your nails in the plastic, because you're going to rip it. I don't want you to rip it.

Harley: Well, better ripped than stuffed down in here. It's not doing us any good.

Gus: Now you watch the paint.

Harley: Are you crazy? We can't ride all the way to Pennsylvania with the top down!

Gus: Listen, I know a way that I can warm you up, okay?

Harley: Are you going to make me push the car?

Gus: Yes, I am. No, I'm not. I should, though. I have a better idea. I'm going to teach you how to dance.

Harley: What? Well, I... I already know how to dance.

Gus: Not with me you don't.

Blake: I'm supposed to pretend that Ross didn't sleep with Tory and didn't proceed to lie about it? Why should I let him off the hook that easily, huh?

Cassie: Because you love him.

Blake: I trusted Ross with my heart and soul, and he betrayed that.

Beth: Okay, so what do you want to do? Do you want to just walk away and let this rip your lives apart?

Blake: I don't know what I want to do, okay? I don't know.

Cassie: Don't you think Ross has suffered?

Blake: Ross? What about me?

Beth: Okay, okay. Nobody's perfect.

Blake: Oh, oh, perfection is not something I would associate with Ross Marler at all, ever again.

Cassie: Could you sit down, please.

Blake: I know that I embarrassed him, but he deserved it. And I don't give a damn what anybody thinks about me, because every time I think about what he did, I see red all over again.

Cassie: Blake, I just don't want to see you wind up alone, not when it's obvious you and Ross still love each other.

Blake: Cassie, don't you get it? I'm already alone. The Ross Marler that I knew, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, that wonderful man, he's gone forever. He's never coming back again. And he did it to us, he did it to me, and I'm never going to forgive him.

Buzz: Ross? Wow, still breathing?

Ross: I think I am, Buzz. It will come in handy when I go back in there.

Phillip: Oh, you sure you want to do that?

Buzz: I think you've taken enough hits, you know, for, like, one night, even a lifetime, maybe.

Ross: I appreciate your concern, but I came here to make sure that Blake was all right.

Phillip: Yeah, but obviously she isn't, so maybe the best thing that you could do is just leave it alone, for right now.

Ross: I hope you're not telling me to give up, because this is the moment that she needs me the most, plus she's had a lot to drink. I want to make sure Blake gets home okay.

Buzz: Yeah, but I know I don't think she's in a cooperative mood tonight.

Ross: Yeah, well, all I can do is try. So I'll play it by ear, hope for the best. Excuse me.

(Music playing)

Gus: How's the temperature now?

Harley: Getting toasty. If any people saw us out here, they'd think we were crazy.

Gus: See, that's the thing about this road, I think it's kind of the road less traveled. Maybe the occasional serial killer or something.

Harley: That's comforting. (Music slows) What's up with your tape?

Gus: It's probably a little glitch, it's an old tape.

Harley: It definitely is a glitch?

Gus: It's not supposed to happen like that. I'll check it out.

Harley: Is that the problem?

Gus: It's just the gas pedal; it sticks right back...

Harley: Great. Don't tell me... Don't tell me that the battery's dead. Don't tell me that. Don't tell me the battery's dead, out here in the middle of nowhere.

Gus: Somebody might come along.

Harley: Oh, yeah. The occasional serial killer, remember?

Gus: Wait. It's not... It's a vintage.

Harley: Where is my pocketbook? I will call for help. All right, where are we?

Gus: Well, if you ask me, I'd say I haven't got any idea whatsoever.

Harley: "Can you hear me now? Can you hear me now?" No, I can't hear. I can't hear anything, because we're not anywhere near cell phone range. Aitoro! Gus?

Gus: Here, right... Calm down, please. Why... Why do you have to...

Harley: Wait! Wait! Wait, stop. Stop.

Gus: You got him. You got him. That's good. You did that, good. He might be a serial killer, but he's a serial killer with a pickup truck or tow truck, that's good.

Clint: What's the problem, lady?

Harley: You mean besides him?

Gus: Our battery's shot.

Clint: Oh, dang, I just lent my jumper cables to my brother-in-law.

Gus: Dang. Well, we're going to need, you know, a tow to anything-- garage, station.

Clint: Well, the closest motors is Clint's.

Gus: Perfect.

Clint: Clint being me.

Gus: Clint's it is then.

Clint: You know, it's a good thing for you I took a shortcut, because nobody ever comes down this road. Some real nasty stuff's gone down along this stretch.

Harley: Great, next time we break down, maybe we can choose someplace safer, like the highway to hell.

Gus: Well, you know. Look, we are a couple of police officers, you know, we're not completely helpless, but we could use some help.

Clint: Yeah, well, you're still going to need a tow, though. You officers like dogs?

Gus: Yeah, sure.

Harley: Why?

Clint: Because my pit bull Turbo's in the cab. You ride with me, you ride with him-- probably on your lap.

Harley: A pit bull named Turbo.

Clint: Mm-hmm. Don't worry. He's a cream puff. He is shedding, though.

Gus: Well, we like pit bulls. My partner's a pit bull. Okay, I am getting abused. I'm an abused person.

Clint: Got your pocketbook?

Olivia: Okay, Mr. Spaulding, since you're so sage on the subject, why don't you tell me why you're alone.

Alan: Good question. Because falling in love is easy, maintaining and keeping love is very difficult. Because people change, they want other things, they grow apart. Love isn't easy. I'll tell you one thing, I know when it's real.

Olivia: Hmm. And you think what I had with Josh wasn't.

Alan: No, I didn't say that, I just think you like to take risks, you like a challenge, it makes you feel alive when you have something to prove.

Olivia: Oh, you know what, I never said that.

Alan: No, you didn't say it, but it's the truth. Olivia, I know you, I understand you, Josh never did. And you've spent far too many years with men like Josh. It's because you think small.

Olivia: Small?

Alan: Yes.

Olivia: I don't think small! I'm talking about running an entire empire!

Alan: Yes, but it would be a minor empire. I'm not taking away from your projects in Rio and San Cristobel, no, those are wonderful. But if you're going to be a major player, Olivia, you have to step up. You have to dream big.

Olivia: Oh, oh. For instance?

Alan: Well, that's up to you. You have to dream. Think about it for awhile. And when you come up with something that electrifies you, something you feel passionate about, let me know. Because I want to finance it.

Olivia: Oh, see, this is beautiful. What would be my cut of the profits?

Alan: 40-60.

Olivia: Flip those numbers I might consider it.

Alan: Then you would have to do something for me, then, to make up for the 20% that I've lost.

Olivia: Of course I would. Have anything in mind?

Alan: Mm-hmm. Move in with me.

Edmund: Thank you. It's been a long time since I was here.

Carmen: A lot has happened for both of us.

Edmund: Do you ever feel freakish, Carmen? As if you just don't fit anywhere?

Carmen: (Laughs) All the time. That's probably why I'm not involved with anyone right now. And after that spectacle we witnessed tonight, I'm glad.

Edmund: Ah, love. Well, it's not for me anymore.

Carmen: Good choice. It's better to be alone. Well, for us anyway.

Edmund: Probably right. Well, I should be heading...

Carmen: Beth didn't love you, Edmund.

Edmund: I know. I just wish I'd realized that sooner. Well, live and learn.

Carmen: Love is a waste of time, but passion isn't. There's a lot to be said about being together, hmm, when the moment is right. Don't you agree?

Edmund: More and more. You know, in the beginning, I thought it might be a mistake to stay at Beth's party, but quite frankly, I think the evening is turning out to be grand.

Carmen: All my pleasure.

Edmund: I hope so. Well, I'll be leaving. It's late.

Carmen: Yes, my chauffeur can drive you home, if you'd like.

Edmund: You're too kind.

Carmen: You could always stay, if you like.

Cassie: Give him a chance.

Blake: What is this, round two?

Ross: Come home.

Blake: No.

Ross: You've had a lot to drink; I can't leave you here. I think you should be at home where it's safe.

Blake: Are you going to be there?

Ross: Yes.

Blake: Then it's not safe.

Ross: Then, where will I go?

Buzz: With me, my place, we can go to Company, there's a room you can stay in, and we'll send him back tomorrow, you know.

Ross: Okay.

Cassie: (Whispers) You should.

Buzz: Okay, come on.

Blake: Buzz, you're a good guy.

Richard: If there's anything we can do?

Cassie: Give it some time, Ross.

Ross: Thank you, I appreciate it.

Phillip: Ross, you know you're more than welcome to come back to the house.

Ross: No. I've got the kids at home.

Beth: So you're leaving?

Ross: In a minute or so. You two go ahead.

Phillip: Okay.

Ross: Oh, Phillip, you tell Lizzie I'll see her at the recital.

Phillip: Okay.

Gus: All right, I got something for your little problem. Come on.

Harley: I do not believe this. I mean, that dog was not shedding, he was going bald.

Gus: Just quit your whining, please. We could still be on serial killer highway.

Harley: I'm going to beat you senseless with that. Stop.

Clint: Stay, Turbo. Stay. So this is my garage, but it's closed till morning. Got a place to stay?

Gus: No, actually, that's a bit of a problem. Is there a motel or a hotel around here?

Clint: Yeah, about 40 miles away. Look, you're welcome to stay at my trailer with me, it's just up the street. You up for that?

Harley: No.

Gus: Well, that would be great.

Harley: No. I think we should stay here with the car.

Gus: Yeah, stay here.

Clint: Suit yourself, see you in the morning.

Gus: Okey-doke.

Clint: Come on, Turbo. Come on!

Gus: That's great. That's great, we're going to stay here.

Harley: Are you crazy? I'm not going anywhere with that weirdo. He gives me the creeps.

Gus: Where are we going to sleep? Hmm?

Harley: We'll sleep here. We'll sleep in your car.

Gus: Oh, we're going to sleep on my car that's still on a tow truck, and it's at a whack angle. I don't see us getting any sleep.

Harley: I'd rather sleep in this thing at a weird angle than go anywhere near his... I don't want to think about the trailer. Here, give me a boost up. Okay, lift.

Gus: Oh.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: Okay?

Harley: Yup.

Gus: Okay?

Harley: Yup.

Gus: All right. All right. Goody, you're in.

Harley: Here.

Gus: (Groans)

Harley: Oh. Sorry.

Gus: I'm okay. I just don't need any help, okay? Okay, all right.

Harley: Wow, it's sort of like being in the space shuttle, isn't it?

Gus: I get the same gas mileage.

Harley: You know what? Why don't we just call it a day and just try to get some sleep, all right?

Gus: Yeah, sure. You're the one that keeps going on and on, keep talking.

Harley: Fine, I'll shut up. Fine.

Gus: Good night.

Harley: Hey, Gus?

Gus: Yeah?

Harley: You're a pretty good dancer.


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