GL Transcript Tuesday 4/2/02



Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/2/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

Kevin: Where's Mommy?

Ross: She had to go out.

Kevin: Why didn't you go with her?

Ross: Someone had to stay here and help you with Clarissa, right? Shouldn't you be asleep? Oh. A spelling test. L and M words. Leg, lioness, leftover, love... This is a very long list.

Kevin: Mommy was going to help me. When is she coming home?

Blake: To Beth... Lorelei-- whoever you are.

Phillip: (Quietly) Blake, get down. Get down.

Blake: Are you happy to be home?

Beth: Yes, I am.

Blake: Home, sweet home. Sometimes it's not so sweet, right? You know, sometimes it's enough to split a girl in two. But then, hey, there's more chances for a girl to love, right?

Phillip: That's enough, Blake.

Blake: No, it's not. I just got started, all right? Well, hey, the honeymoon period... It doesn't last, but it's really nice.

Harley: Blake, come on down.

Blake: Here's to good intentions. Here's to love. That... That thing that little girls dream about, that writers write about, that some of us feel so lucky to have. And then the lies start-- right, Mother?-- And all you're left with is the dream. So, Beth, congratulations for finding your way back to Phillip when so many of us tried to keep you apart. I mean, my friend Harley tried. Right, Harley? Didn't work. So, enjoy your happiness while you have it, because it doesn't last. Nothing good ever does. Hey.

(Crowd murmurs)

Harley: I'll take care of her. Thanks.

Blake: You look like you could use a drink.

Harley: Really?

Blake: Yeah.

Harley: You look like you could use a muzzle.   Put your shoes on.

Richard: Do you have any idea what's going on with her?

Cassie: Whatever it is, Ross said he and Blake were going to work things out.

Richard: Well, apparently, they weren't successful. (Cell phone rings)

Cassie: Hello?

Reva: Hi, sweetie.

Cassie: Reva! Hey.

Reva: You having fun?

Cassie: Not really, but you sound like you're about to burst.

Reva: Guess what I'm wearing?

Cassie: Hard hat?

Reva: No-- Miss Martha's ring. Josh surprised me and whisked me off to Cross Creek and proposed.

Cassie: Oh, Reva, that's wonderful. That's amazing.

Reva: And you know what? It's just as good the third time around, in case you were wondering.

Cassie: Well, you tell Josh congratulations.

Reva: I will. So, are you ready to be my maid of honor-- again?

Cassie: You know I am. Wow, everything is working out for both of us.

Reva: It is. It's kind of scary, isn't it?

Cassie: Pretty wonderful.

Reva: If you see the kids, don't say anything to them. Josh and I want to surprise them and tell them in person.

Cassie: I won't. They're going to be so happy.

Ben: If things really are over between you and Tony, you will let him find out what Catalina has done or not done all by himself. Tell me that it hasn't occurred to you that this truth will set Tony free, for you.

Marah: That doesn't matter to me.

Ben: If you really believe that you're helping Tony because it's the right thing to do, then you're kidding yourself. But I guess I'm kidding myself, too.

Marah: Ben, this isn't about us.

Ben: That's the problem.

Marah: I care about you, Ben, more than you know, and me helping Tony doesn't change that. Catalina is lying to him. His baby is gone and he deserves to know.

Tony: I need to know the truth, Catalina.

Catalina: The truth is that Ray believes you're still in love with Marah, that you shouldn't rush into a marriage when you're in love with someone else.

Tony: No, but the baby is...

Catalina: The baby. The baby. That's why I'm here.

Tony: Why, what happened? Is there something wrong with the baby?

Catalina: No, something's very right. After all I put you through recently, I wanted to share something good. I think... I think it was right here.

Tony: The baby kicked? Are you okay?

Catalina: Oh, yeah. It felt like... You're going to laugh.

Tony: I won't laugh-- go ahead, tell me. Tell me.

Catalina: Like I swallowed a butterfly, just like Michelle said. The smallest flutter.

Tony: Wow. That is so... Wow.

Catalina: Wow.

Tony: What?

Catalina: I think he must've gone to sleep.

Tony: You think?

Catalina: Tony, feeling... Feeling our baby, it was the most amazing thing. It was like... It was like I was meant to do this. Like we... We were meant.

Tony: Cat...

Catalina: What is it?

Tony: Look, I care about this baby more than anything. It's just that I... It's the husband part. (Sighs) I'm sorry, it just... I think we should hold off on the wedding for a while. (Music playing)

Harley: I'll take that.

Blake: (Sighs) Harley mad at Blakey-wakey?

Harley: No, Harley's not mad at Blakey-wakey, she's just... She's just worried, because the Blakey-wakey she knows would never talk about Harley-warley's past with Bethy-wethy in front of everybody. Blake...

Blake: It's true!

Harley: Oh, as long as it's true...

Blake: Oh, come on, you're, like, the last person who would be happy that she's home.

Harley: Do you think it's easy for me to see Barbie and Ken over there doing their reunited-and-it-feels-so-good thing? It's not.

Blake: Now, there's the Harley that I know and love.

Harley: You know, I ran into Phillip the other day in front of Company. He was waiting for Rick.

Blake: (Laughs) Talk about a love story. That's a love story.

Harley: The point is, you know, that we were working hard at... At trying to get through all this stuff, for Zach's sake. But it doesn't make it any easier to have us publicly reminded by my best friend.

Blake: You're so good. You're such a good friend, you're such a good mother, Harley.

Harley: Blake...

Blake: I could never be that good because I just don't have it in me.

Harley: What's going on with you, hon? What is this, exactly? I know it has to do with Ross. Tell me so I can help you. Talk to me.

Blake: I need to mingle. (Fierce whisper) Cassie! Mr. Ambassador.

Richard: Not necessary, Blake.

Blake: Mrs. Ambassador? Madame? (Laughs)

Cassie: It's Cassie, Blake, and what the hell is going on? Where's Ross?

Blake: (Sighs) Why does everybody want to talk about Ross?

Cassie: Where is he?

Blake: He's away from me. He's watching my kids.

Cassie: Won't you talk to me? Please? Your mother, maybe you can talk to her?

Blake: Maybe not, all right?

Cassie: What the hell is going on, Blake?

Blake: Look, I want to talk to someone who's not talking to me like I'm drunk, because I'm not drunk.

Cassie: Okay, fine. Fine, fine, fine. Okay, I'm going to talk to you. All right? I will talk to you and I'm not going to talk to you like you're drunk because I have a really big secret. I mean, I don't think she'll mind if I tell you.

Blake: I might not remember it, but shoot. Go.

Cassie: Josh and Reva are getting married. They're engaged.

Blake: (Scoffs) Well, if you first don't exceed, try, try, try again.

Cassie: Look, Blake, if they can make it back together, you and Ross can get through this. That's what I'm trying to say.

Blake: Oh, yeah, Josh and Reva, a shining example of love conquering all. What is it? How many times on the love carousel is it for them?

Cassie: The point is they found their way back to each other, okay? You know, and stuff happens. And it happens over and over again, but you and Ross, you can make it through this. You guys can be happy.

Blake: Who says I want to?

Holly: Honey...

Blake: Oh, not now, Mother.

Holly: Please.

Blake: Oh, please, no. Please with sugar on top? Forever no. You had your chance to talk to me, and you didn't, did you, Mommie dearest?

Holly: I was just trying to protect you.

Blake: You were trying to protect Ross. You know what, Mom? I'm here at a party, and I don't want to talk... You don't make me feel warm and fuzzy. Although I feel kind of warm right now and everything is looking a little fuzzy. What are you doing here? Why are you all ganging up on me?

Harley: We're not ganging up on you, okay? I'm your friend and I know when you're hurting, and I'm going to talk to you, okay? Let's get out of here. Will somebody get her some food.

Buzz: You want to fill in the blanks here?

Holly: Ross had an affair with Tory Granger.

Buzz: Oh.

Holly: I kept his secret.

Buzz: Oh.

Holly: And now she has every right to hate me for it.

Buzz: Well, I... You know, whether she has the right or not, she's going to hate everybody for a while, so you know, you've just got to, like, you know, try to convince her that your heart's in the right place and then, after a while...

Holly: There is something I could do. Would you mind if I...

Buzz: Oh, no. You know, one of these days, we're going to get through one of these parties, like, together-- to the end. You know what I mean?

Holly: I'm sorry. Forgive me?

Buzz: Don't, I'm going to sulk. I'm going to hold it against you, I'm going to... I'm injured.

Carmen: What manners. And she has a membership. I would never display myself like that.

Edmund: No, of course you wouldn't, Carmen. To your credit, you've always displayed impeccable manners-- even when stabbing someone in the back.

Carmen: Have I ever stabbed you?

Edmund: No. I remember a few ropes and chains, but I was never so foolish as to turn my back on you.

Carmen: Except when you left me rotting in that jail-- but who's keeping score? Anyway, you're making it up to me tonight, and the night is young. Excuse me while I go exert some social leverage.

Edmund: Of course.

Carmen: I know what I would like in return.

Danny: In return?

Carmen: In exchange for that information I gave you.

Danny: Right. Of course you would expect a profit from helping one of your own.

Carmen: Relax, Danny, it's harmless. Actually, it's Michelle's help that I need.

Danny: Really?

Carmen: Yes. That Bauer name will come in very handy right now.

Michelle: Oh, you're interested in changing your name.

Carmen: Oh, no, no, Michelle, I was just wondering if you would help me, once. Didn't Danny tell you he owes me a favor?

Michelle: Danny doesn't...

Danny: Carmen.

Michelle: ...Owe you anything, Carmen. And if you need something, you're going to have to ask somebody else.

Carmen: Oh, you'd be surprised what Danny would do, given the circumstances.

Olivia: Poor Blake. You know, if that's how she behaves in public, you might want to consider losing her Lighthouse Gala invitation in the mail.

Cassie: You know, that's what I like about you, Olivia: So much warmth and compassion. Maybe that's why Meta doesn't want you to represent the lighthouse project.

Olivia: Well, now, why would she want little old me when she could have a gorgeous former prince and his little plastic princess?

Cassie: You're funny. You're so funny.

Olivia: Don't worry, Cassie, it won't last. I mean, right now, everyone's treating you like royals but sooner than later you'll just be that couple formerly known as prince and princess.

Ben: It's their problem, Marah. Leave it alone. I mean, you can't catch up with him now, anyway.

Marah: I'll go see Tony's grandmother. She knows everything.

Ben: No way. Have you ever heard the term "shoot the messenger?" In the Santos family, it is not a joke.

Marah: Well, I... I just... I won't tell her what's going on. But I'm going to go see her. I have to.

Ben: I can't let you go there alone.

Marah: Ben, this isn't your problem.

Ben: No, no-- listen. We're going.

Catalina: You don't want to marry me anymore?

Tony: I didn't say that.

Catalina: Well, then say something.

Tony: Just... Look, everything's been moving so fast now. I'm not saying we have to wait forever, I just... I need to let things slow down.

Catalina: I understand. Maybe you're right. Maybe you're right. Maybe this is the best thing for both of us.

Josh: Hi, there. What are you doing?

Reva: Oh, I made a promise to myself that I'd never take this ring off, and then I went in there to make that stupid chili, and look.

Josh: If you clean that thing up anymore, I'm going to have to get my sunglasses.

Reva: You know, I haven't even had this a few hours. Your mama would not be proud.

Josh: My mama thought of you as one of her own, and I want to tell you something, she got her hands dirty from time to time, too.

Reva: Yeah, well, she had an edge up on me because she knew how to clean up her messes.

Josh: What does that mean?

Reva: There are two different ways to cook. There is the one way where you clean up as you go along, and then there's the way where you just plow on through and you clean your messes up later. Well, I'm going to change all that. I'm going to... I'm not going to wait and clean my messes up later.

Josh: You're still waiting for the other shoe to drop, aren't you? Reva, you don't have to do that.

Reva: Last night was wonderful.

Josh: But?

Reva: It's like a honeymoon up here, away from everything.

Josh: Great, why don't we stick around for a while, then?

Reva: I wish we could. But the minute we get back, there's going to be something.

Josh: There's always going to be something, Reva.

Reva: I know. But this time, if we're careful with each other and if we pay attention to the little things, then when the big things come along, we can just hold on to each other. You know, this isn't the first time I wore this ring.

Josh: Really?

Reva: Mmm. I snuck into your mama's room once, and I know I shouldn't have, but there were so many things, beautiful things. The dresses and the perfume...

Josh: The jewelry.

Reva: And you know, it was laying there. She'd left it laying on her dressing table and I just... Oh, it was a little big, but I put it on anyway. Just kind of slipped it on there.

Josh: I'm sure she wouldn't have minded.

Reva: She didn't. At all. She walked in on me. And you know what she said? "That looks very pretty on you." I always thought of you like this ring. I always thought that no matter how much I wanted you, I shouldn't have you, so I'd give you back.

Josh: Reva, I never wanted you to feel that way. You are the only woman in the world for me, and you are so much more than good enough.

Reva: We're going to make it this time, aren't we?

Josh: Yes, babe. That's the whole point of getting married, right? We're going to show ourselves and the world that practice makes perfect. (Laughs) Reva, I have loved you my whole life. I've never been able to shake you, and I don't want to.

Olivia: So, how is it? I mean, how is it adjusting to losing everything?

Cassie: I didn't lose anything, Olivia. I'm back here with my family and my friends.

Olivia: Oh, I know, but what about Richard? I mean, what about him, hmm? How long before he resents you and this teeny little town? I mean, do you really think he's going to be content singing show tunes somewhere like his brother before him?

Richard: Well, you know, I just might have better luck with the standards than old Eddie Ivories.

Olivia: Good point. Hi. How are you adjusting to life in Springfield?

Richard: Fine. Everyone's been terribly kind. And you?

Olivia: Good. Better than ever. It's good. It's good that I can learn how to take care of myself and not rely on a man to give me what I need.

Cassie: Well, that's great.

Richard: That is good.

Cassie: Yeah.

Richard: It's very good.

Cassie: Then you should be happy to hear that Josh and Reva are engaged. They're getting married.

Carmen: I want to be a member of the country club.

Michelle: (Laughs) You're really serious about this. You want to be one of the ladies who lunch.

Carmen: I have every right to be here. It's because of my business that people don't see me for who I really am, but I'm no worse than Alan Spaulding.

Michelle: Maybe not, Carmen, but I really don't think I can help you with this one.

Carmen: I don't expect much from you, Michelle, except to repay the favor that Danny owes me. Oh, you mean he didn't tell you? Shame on you, keeping secrets.

Michelle: She never stops.

Danny: She's telling the truth. She did do me a favor.

Blake: Oh!

Harley: Relax. It's water, not vodka.

Blake: Oh.

Harley: Drink it.

Drink it. You'll thank me in the morning.

Blake: I have a right to an attorney. No, actually, that's the last thing in the world that I want.

Harley: Blake...

Blake: What? No, okay? I don't want this to be real.

Harley: Oh, no. What did you do this time?

Blake: All right. This time it wasn't me. It was Ross. He did it. He slept with her.

Harley: What? What?

Blake: He slept with Tory.

Harley: What?

Blake: Yeah. You know, how many times she showed up, no matter what she said, no matter what she did, I didn't believe her because I had Ross' word, right? (Groans) The whole time I just thought that she was lying, and it was Ross who was the big, fat liar. He did the one thing I didn't think he could ever do. He broke my heart.

Tony: I didn't think you'd react that way.

Catalina: Tony... Tony, I want to be your wife more than anything. We're going to make a wonderful life together, but I don't want to... I don't want to force you down the aisle if you're not ready.

Tony: I just... I thought you'd be upset.

Catalina: Well, before... Before I used to spend every minute waiting for you to run back to Marah, but not anymore. It's like the weight's been lifted.

Tony: Why?

Catalina: I guess it's because I felt the baby move, and I realize that we have a lot to look forward to, so what's the rush?

Tony: So that's it? There's nothing else?

Catalina: I shouldn't... I shouldn't tell you this.

Tony: No, you can tell me anything.

Catalina: I saw Marah at Millennium today, and when I saw her I got so mad, because it just seem like she shows up wherever you might be. I couldn't help myself and I lost control and I accused her of trying to break us up. But the reason that I'm so secure is because of what Marah told me, that she and Ben had gotten really close, as close as two people can get. And I know this... It's horrible, but knowing that Marah and Ben are sleeping together, it just... It made me feel like whatever it was between you and her, that's over and she's not hanging onto you anymore, so... So we can wait, as long as it takes, for you to marry me.

Marah: I'm looking for Tony. I need to see him right away.

Maria: How passionate you are about another woman's fiancé.

Marah: He's my friend.

Maria: There was a time when my grandson would have left his family. Luckily, that time has passed. Antonio has made his choice. I don't think there's anything you can do to change that. Is there?

Marah: That's what I'm trying to say...

Ben: You're exactly right, Mrs.. Santos. Thank you very much for your time.

Michelle: So, what do you mean by that?

Danny: Well, honey, I had to track down Tony for Marah and I knew that Carmen would be able to help me quickly. So...

Michelle: So you asked your mother for a phone number, and of course she's going to use that as a back door back into our lives.

Danny: Well, of course she is. Of course. She... She... That's how she operates. She doesn't do anything for free. You know that. But Marah was so desperate, and... Honey, I would have told you, but it just didn't feel like the right time or the right place.

Michelle: I know. I know you would have.

Danny: Okay. So, are you okay? Are we okay?

Michelle: We're better than okay, baby.

Danny: Okay. Okay.

Olivia: Well, I'm really happy for Josh and Reva. Perhaps now they won't feel the need to pull other people into their dysfunctional relationship. Let's hope they can make it work this time.

Cassie: I cannot believe that you were engaged to that woman.

Richard: Yes, I know. Well, Olivia has not had an easy time of it, you know.

Cassie: Well, she needs to keep her unhappiness to herself. She said that you would never be satisfied here. I mean, I know we talked about this before, but maybe you don't think you're going to be happy.

Richard: What are you talking about? I have you, I have the children, and the rest is all details, darling. They'll take care of themselves.

Blake: You know, when I think about it, I knew something was wrong. I mean, I did, I just didn't want to face it. I just... I just didn't want to feel that Ross could... Oh, God. You know, that's why I didn't think that she was dead at first, because I just couldn't... I had to obsess over something else and distract myself from thinking that Ross might have done something with her. To us.

Harley: I don't... Is there anything I can do?

Blake: Would you make that woman come back from the dead and tell me why she went after my husband? You could do that. Ugh. Why wouldn't she? I did, right? Harley, I feel like my whole world is just falling in on me. There are no ceilings and there's no floors, and I have this terrible feeling in my heart that it's broken and it needs to be fixed and I need Ross to fix it. And he can't, because he's the one who did this to me. I never thought I'd see the day where I couldn't trust Ross.

Ross: Holly...

Holly: Get over there, Ross. You need to fix it before she self-destructs. Your wife needs you.

Ross: She doesn't want me anywhere near her.

Holly: Just go to her. She is... Hurting. And, with Blake, that means one thing: Big trouble.

Ross: Well, what am I supposed to do? Pick her up and throw her over my shoulder?

Holly: If that's what it takes.

Ross: Can you watch the kids?

Holly: Yeah.

Ross: Okay. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Holly: All right.

Harley: Okay, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Before I let you loose, let's just set a few ground rules.

Blake: No rules.

Harley: Just a couple. No big deal. Okay, number one, no boys for you. Okay? Number two is no matches.

Blake: What about dancing?

Harley: Dancing's fine. You can dance, but keep it safe, okay? Dance with someone safe, like my father. You can dance with my father. And also, because I've been through this myself and I know, don't punish yourself, okay? Because you didn't do anything wrong. That's it.

Blake: Thank you. Okay.

Harley: Aitoro... Gus. I didn't know what to call you. Yeah, listen, since we're off for the next 48 hours, I have a way that we can fill that time. You in? Well, I was thinking, why don't you pack an overnight bag and meet me down at the country club? Because we're heading out of Springfield. Yeah. (Laughs) Well, before you get too excited... Gus? Before you get too excited, we're going to investigate Tory's history. I don't know, find out what made her tick. Maybe that'll help Blake.

Phillip: Oh, hi.

Blake: Hi. I'm sorry about earlier. It's just kind of a habit, manufacturing drama, being a writer and all.

Phillip: It's okay. You sure that that's all it was?

Beth: I, for one, thought you were very dramatic.

Edmund: It was a magnificent toast. I agreed with everything you had to say. Love truly is an act of courage. It's a pity when the person you love can't be as brave. Maybe she's scared, or maybe she's not the person you thought she was to begin with. In the end, she disappoints you, and leaves you wondering why you bothered in the first place.

Beth: I personally hate it when "he" locks you in a dark tower. But you know what? Maybe that's just me. (Laughs) You know, I'm feeling really claustrophobic. Shall we?

Phillip: I am, too.

Beth: Yeah.

Phillip: You want to just go?

Beth: Yeah.

Phillip: Fresh air. Cheers.

Blake: I just love it when they finish each other's sentences.

Edmund: Yes, well, I love the way you look tonight. Where's your husband?

Blake: Well, single women are allowed to go to parties on their lonesome.

Edmund: Single? I thought that you were...

Blake: I did, too, but you know, it changed. I'm unengaged.

Edmund: Disengaged.

Blake: Whatever. You know what I want to do?

Edmund: I hope so.

Blake: Everything that I wanted to do I couldn't as a soon-to-be-married. But I'll settle for a dance.

Edmund: No, I don't think you're in any condition to dance.

Blake: I can manage.

Edmund: Really, no offense, but I'm used to partners who are a bit steadier on their feet.

Blake: Come on, Edmund. Loosen up. We're both in the same boat, okay?

Edmund: Maybe so.

Blake: Give me that dance.

Catalina: So... So, do you want to set a date? I mean, we don't have to. It could be a month, two months, three months. Should we wait until after the baby? I do want to fit down the aisle.

Tony: I can't think right now.

Catalina: Okay. Okay, take your time.

Tony: You know what? We'll get married whenever you want.

Catalina: Don't. Don't tease me like that, because you know I'd say tonight, or tomorrow.

Tony: Then tomorrow it is. Nothing is stopping us now.

Catalina: Tony, we're really going to get married?

Tony: Look, do you remember where we are?

Catalina: Well, let's go someplace else.

Tony: I'm going to have Ray put us up tonight and that means... That means separate rooms, okay?

Catalina: Yeah, well, maybe I can slip into yours once the lights are out.

Tony: I don't want to disrespect Ray. I want you to talk to him. I want him to accept you again.

Catalina: I want that. I want that, too. Just... I'm so happy.

Tony: Yeah, well, it's only one night. By tomorrow...

Catalina: Tomorrow, tomorrow... Tomorrow we'll get married and no one will ever come between us again.

Marah: Ben, I'm sorry, but I have to do this. Look, I know you don't believe me, but I really do care about Tony and I can't just stand by.

Maria: Why don't you give me the message?

Marah: I can't.

Maria: And I can't tell you where Tony is. If you pursue this, you'll encounter... You'll encounter danger.

Marah: Well, I will risk it. I'll find him myself.

Nurse: Let me have the guards try to stop her. What if she causes trouble between Tony and his fiancée?

Maria: That's what I'm counting on.

Beth: Are you afraid to be alone with me?

Phillip: Why would I be afraid to be with you?

Beth: Well, I don't know. We've barely been alone since the mine, and now this big party...

Phillip: No, I... I'm just trying to... I'm giving you some space. Give you a little time to readjust. You've been through a hell of a lot.

Beth: Mm-hmm, but I'm pretty resilient. I'm not made of glass. See? Not glass.

Alan: Olivia, where are you going? One moment you're having a marvelous time at the party, talking with Richard and Cassie, and the next moment you're running off.

Olivia: You know what, Alan? Blake was right.

Alan: Blake was drunk.

Olivia: Love is for losers. I've had enough for one night. (Music playing)

Blake: Woo hoo!

Cassie: I think you should cut in.

Richard: I don't think so, darling.

Cassie: Richard, he's your brother.

Richard: Don't remind me.

Cassie: This is going to be bad.


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