Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/29/02 Provided by Linda Beth: Lizzie? We've looked everywhere-- where could she be? Phillip: I don't know what's going on. I called from the plane, you know, everybody knew that we were coming. They should be here. See if there's a message on the machine. Lizzie: Mom? Mom! Beth: Sweetheart. (Laughter) Lizzie: I always knew it was you. I knew you'd come home. Beth: Oh, yeah. Lizzie: I knew it. Beth: It's me, sweetie. It's really me. Alan: Olivia, Beth and Phillip are probably at the house by now, so let's find the manager, wrap up the details for tonight's party and get back to the house. Olivia: You know, I can't wait to see her. I just wish I understood more of what happened, if only to help her. Alan: I don't think anyone's sure, including Beth herself. But the important thing is she's back, and she's not some con artist. I'm not really interested in the psychological details. Olivia: Are you still worried that she still might not be Beth? Alan: She better be-- for her sake and for ours. Carmen: Mr. Webster. Mr. Webster. I'm so glad I caught you. I was just wondering if you and the rest of the Country Club Membership Committee has had a chance to approve my application yet. Mr. Webster: I've been meaning to phone you, Mrs.. Santos. There was a little problem with your application. Carmen: Problem? Mr. Webster: Your original sponsor has been sent away-- 15 to life. Carmen: What? Mr. Webster: As you can imagine, this changes things. Let me know if you find another sponsor. Carmen: (Sighs) Desperate times calls for desperate measures. Mr. Alan Spaulding, how are you? Oh, I just heard that your former daughter-in-law is alive and, well, you must be very happy about that. Alan: We're thrilled. As a matter of fact, that's why we're here at the Country Cub, organizing a little party for her here tonight. Carmen: Well, this is a wonderful place to have a party, though I've never given one. I'm not a member. Alan: Yes. Carmen: Actually, I'm thinking of joining. Alan: You are, are you? Carmen: Yes, and I have to thank you for being so kind to my son Danny, offering him that wonderful job. Alan: Well, I like Danny. I think he deserves a chance to make his mark in this world. Carmen: Yes. Yes, he does. And since you have been so kind to my son, I was just wondering... Well, I hate to ask more of you but, as you know I need a sponsor to join the Country Club, and I was wondering if you would like to... But, of course, you wouldn't. What was I thinking? Why would a Spaulding sponsor a Santos into the Country Club? It might remind people that we're really not all that different. Alan: If you would excuse me. Oh, by the way, good luck in your quest. Ross: I know how you feel right now. I tried to tell you several times, but something or somebody always stopped me, and by not telling you I made a huge mistake much worse. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and the kids. That hasn't changed, it never will, not even for an instant. And I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to take the risk of losing you. Blake: And so you lied, again and again. Ross: Yes, I did, again and again, because I wanted to figure out the right approach to this, but there is no right approach to it, and nothing about it was right. It was all wrong. Blake: Why bother going over the details? I know them all. Holly: Your office said I'd find you here. Ross: That's right. I need to be somewhere. I don't have a place to stay. Holly: I was afraid something like this was coming. Ross: The past few weeks have been like a car accident happening in slow motion-- and the painful part of it is I was driving. Holly: Have you seen her since? Ross: No, I don't think she wants to hear from me right now. Holly: No, probably not. Not yet. Ross: Holly, I tried. I tried to explain, but she's convinced that I put Tory first, ahead of the kids and her. Holly: Ross, that's exactly what you did. Maria: Oh, thank you, Catalina, for coming on such a short notice. Catalina: Well, when you call, Abuela, I always make time. Maria: (Laughs) Won't she be a wonderful wife for my grandson? Oh, forgive me, where are my manners. Catalina, this is Nurse Darlene Brooks. Catalina: It's very nice to meet you. Maria: She'll be helping me for the next few weeks. Catalina: Helping you? Is there something wrong? Maria: Well, with a woman my age, there's always something wrong. Let's face it, I'm not as sharp as I used to be. Catalina: Oh, I'd say you're still pretty sharp. Maria: Yes, well, I'm fine here. Would you pick up my prescription at the drugstore, please? Well, I thought with a wedding approaching we should sit and talk and resolve our differences, huh? Catalina: We're alone now, Abuela, so you can cut the kind grandmother act. Let's get down to business. Tell me what you really want. Maria: All right, let's get down to business. You lied to Tony, you slandered Father Ray, you blackmail me to be silent. Catalina: I thought you, of all people, would appreciate someone who does what they have to do to get what they want. Maria: (Chuckles) That's one way to look at it. Catalina: Abuela, you told me over and over again that Tony belonged with someone like me. Not an outsider. And here I am. If you think about it, I may have hurt Ray and Tony and even you, but down the road I think you'll realize that I've done your family a huge favor. Maria: Oh, really? Catalina: Yeah. I know you see Tony as the future of your family, the Santos empire. Do you know what would happen to your family and that empire if Tony and I didn't get married? Marah Lewis. You know I'm right. Marah and Tony would be together. Look, I know that I am not perfect, but I'm a whole lot better than the alternative. You need me, and I need you. I do. I desperately seek your wisdom, and approval, and help. Maria: All right. All right, my child, so what can I do to help? Catalina: Right now... Right now I need nothing except for you to keep my secret and give me your support. Maria: Done. Catalina: Believe me... Believe me, in the beginning, I had no plan. I just loved Tony, and that's all that mattered, and now it's become so complicated. Maria: I know. Catalina: I lied, resorted to blackmail, and it's not who I am. You know, I've done terrible things to get what I want. Maria: So have I. So have I... Maybe you fit in our family after all. Catalina: I want that. I want that more than anything. I know how much Tony loves his family. Have faith in this, Maria, please. I love Tony, and I am a good person, and he will come to love me. Maria: And Marah? Catalina: One thing I know in my heart is that Tony does not belong with Marah. She would destroy him and take him away from his family. Maria: That's right. Catalina: I love him so much that I would even destroy myself if it meant that I could save him from her. And, see, we have the same enemy. And it's up to you to decide if that's enough to make us friends. Maria: So this child, the idea of this child, is just to keep Tony away from Marah. Catalina: I think it's the only way. Maria: Yes, it's getting clearer. Ross: I honestly thought that Tory would come to her senses, listen to reason, maybe meet somebody, and this whole misbegotten mess would disappear. Holly: You said that to Blake? Ross: Yes. Holly: That is saying it wasn't the infidelity that mattered so much, it was getting caught. Ross: No... Holly: Yes. Ross: No. Holly: Yes. It's as if you trusted Tory more than Blake. Ross: Well, that's the way she took it. You know, I thought by telling the truth, we'd at least start to get on the road to reconciliation. Holly: Too late. Ross: Too late. I'm living a nightmare. Holly: No. The last thing I want to do is make you feel better but it was me who convinced you not to tell her the truth. Ross: No, no, no. I should've told her the day that it happened. What you said to me or didn't say to me shouldn't matter, but what's done is done. Holly: I'm going to go have a little mother/daughter talk with her. Ross: Why? To try to explain why I did what I did? Holly: What you did, Ross, was inexplicable, but I can tell her that it's not worth throwing away every... You have three children together. You need to work this mess out together. Ross: Yes, I don't deserve this. Holly: I know. Lizzie: I always knew it was you. Beth: Oh, honey, I know that you did, and you... You are the thing that kept me going. I always knew that you believed me, and I will never forget that. Never. Lizzie: I'm just so glad you're home. Lillian: Beth? Beth: Mom, oh! (Laughter) Lillian: Oh, sweetheart. Oh, sweetie. Look who's here, mommy. Beth: Oh, it's my boy. Lillian: Isn't that something. Sweetie, I just have to tell you, I am so, so sorry I didn't not believe you. Beth: It's okay. I understand. Lillian: No, it's unforgivable. I'm your mother. But I was just so devastated, honey, when I lost you the first time... Phillip: It's okay, she's right here, and she's not going anywhere. As a matter of fact, you know what? I don't think I'm ever taking my eyes off of any of you again. I mean, all of you. Lillian: Hi, snookums. Beth: My boy. Edmund: Bartender? Bartender: What can I get for you, sir? Edmund: A glass of that cognac. Bartender: Would that be the $15-a-glass cognac, sir? Edmund: Why, yes it would. Keep the change. Carmen: Drinking alone, Edmund? I didn't think that was your style. Edmund: What do you know of my style, Carmen? Carmen: I thought you were leaving town with your girlfriend, (in southern accent) Lorelei. Oh, let me guess, she turned out to be your ex-wife, Beth. ( Laughs) Oh, I'm sorry, Edmund. It's just so funny, isn't it, how life just throws these ironic twists of fate at you? Edmund: Yes, isn't it, though. Carmen: Well, you don't look any worse for the wear. Although I suggest you invest your next $20 in a dry cleaner. Edmund: Thanks for the tip, Carmen. But I was looking for financial advice of a different sort. Well, not financial advice so much as a strategic alliance. Carmen: Oh? Edmund: "Oh." I thought we could take a meeting, perhaps discuss how we can help one another in the future. Carmen: Does this mean you're staying in Springfield? Edmund: Yes, is that a problem? Carmen: I don't know. It might be less-than-welcome news to poor, dear Beth and her family. But I think it's wonderful. Welcome back. Edmund: What Beth thinks of my return is neither here nor there. I've moved on. Carmen: Whatever you say, Edmund. I have to run. Edmund: Busy day? Carmen: Actually, you might be able to help me with my current project. I'm having trouble getting one of these Springfield stuffed shirts to sponsor me into the Country Club. Edmund: Well, what a surprise. Are you asking me to sponsor you, Carmen? Carmen: Are you a member? Edmund: Card-carrying. Being a prince does have its advantages. Carmen: Well, well, well, maybe it is time you and I sit down and have a business chat. Edmund: Mmm, what about your busy day? Carmen: Oh, I'm never too busy for an old friend. Why don't you and I go over to your Country Club and discuss our new alliance together over a fabulous dinner. My treat. Edmund: Thank you, Carmen, I don't think so. I'm not really in the mood for the crowds at the moment. Carmen: Oh, I think it's going to be empty. We'll have the whole club to ourselves. Edmund: Here... No-- that was expensive. Carmen: You can have a whole bottle at dinner. Edmund: Well, the Country Club it is. (Knock at door) Holly: Blake? Blake? Blake, it's your mother. Blake, come on, open the door. Sweetie, did I wake you? Blake: No. I don't know when I'm awake or asleep anymore. It's just one big nightmare. I thought you were Ross knocking. Holly: Well, when he comes, I hope you open the door, because you do have a lot to talk about. Blake: You're not taking his side, are you? Holly: I'm not taking any side. Blake: That's good, because for a minute there I thought you were going to take his side, and that would make me very angry. Holly: But it's not the first time your relationship has had a rough patch. Blake: I know that. And I know all the other rough patches were because of my mistakes, all right? My insecurities. Are you going to tell me that this is my fault now, Mom? Because this time Ross is the one who had the affair. He's the one who lied to me, he's the one who put our children at risk, and it's not my fault. You're going to tell me it's my fault? Holly: No. There's no excuse for what Ross did. None. But I want you to think about all that you have to lose before you go tossing it all away. Blake: Yeah, just like Ross thought about it before he slept with Tory? He did it, Mom. He threw the relationship away. He lied to me over and over again. God, don't you get it? He put her first. He put her first, and he put me and the children at risk to protect her and to protect himself. Holly: I wanted him to tell you, then she killed herself, and well, I thought, "it's over, maybe it's better he doesn't." But, anyway, mistakes were made and now you have to think about moving on. Blake: Excuse me? Mistakes were made. What do you mean you wanted him to tell me? When did you find out that Ross was having an affair? Did you know before I did? Did you? You did. You knew about Ross and Tory, and you didn't tell me. Catalina: You know, did you know that Marah was the first one to find out I was pregnant? Maria: Really? How? Catalina: Well, we're roommates. She answered the phone and whether it was by mistake or she was pretending to be me, I don't know the truth. The nurse told her I was pregnant. Maria: What did she do? Catalina: She kept it to herself. She knew if Tony found out, that that would mean the end of them. See, Marah does things for Marah. Maria: And if she would find out you lost the baby, she... Catalina: Oh, she'd tell him. She'd tell him so fast. And I would be out in the cold, and Marah would be warm in his bed, and in your family. Maria: That's be a great tragedy. Well, go, my child. Go, my child, and be with Tony. We... We have plenty of time to talk after the wedding. Catalina: Thank you. Thank you for understanding. Maria: I understand everything. Richard: All right, then, I supposed I should contact the real estate agent, thank you, so that we can have one last look before we decide on one of these three residences. Cassie: Well, I've been thinking a lot about this. Richard: Is there one you prefer? Cassie: Not really. I'm having second thoughts about our living situation here. Richard: Well, what are you talking about? Cassie: We lived at the palace for a long time, and it was your home, you grew up there. And I loved it, it was wonderful. It's... Just that, you know, it's not what you would call a normal home. Richard: Right, well, I'm sorry, I never realized that. Cassie: No, it's just these houses that we're picking. We're picking them because they have large rooms for parties... Richard: Right. Cassie: You know, diplomats can be shuffled in and out, security precautions. Richard: These are all necessary concerns, darling. Cassie: I know that, for an ambassador's residence, but not for a home home. I just really want a home, Richard. I want to be able to walk around in my bathrobe and not have to worry about it. I want the kids to be able to leave their toys all over the place, not worrying about some prime minister slipping on it. Richard: You want two homes, you mean. Cassie: I know that sounds really, really greedy, but these houses I've looked at... They're really homey. Richard: (Chuckles nervously) it... It certainly is a sellers' market, isn't it? Wow. Cassie: Yeah, I guess it is. I didn't want to think about that. That's not a problem, is it? Richard: No, of course not. And you know what, you're absolutely right. You do need a home of your own. (Phone ringing) Marah: Hello? Woman: Catalina Quesada, I'm calling to confirm your doctor's appointment tomorrow. Marah: I'm... Woman: It's important you have a follow-up after a miscarriage. I have you coming in at 11:00. Marah: A miscarriage? Woman: Hello? Is this Catalina Quesada? Maria: Just what the doctor ordered. You did very well. I think we'll get along fine. Beth: Olivia, hello. Olivia: So is it really you? Beth: It's really me, yes. How are you? You and Alan are... Olivia: Partners. Partners. Beth: Right. Yeah, mm-hmm. Olivia: Stop it. He's actually been very good to me. Beth: Well, I'm glad. Alan: Beth, we've organized a little get-together tonight at the Country Club. Some dinner with family and some close friends. Beth: Great, I can't wait to see everybody. Alan: You know, I couldn't help but recall when you and Phillip were married there, how that room was filled with beautiful flowers. Beth: (Laughs) Alan: What? Why are you laughing? Beth: Oh, Alan, you're testing me. Alan: No, no, I'm not testing you. I was just recalling... Beth: Because Phillip and I were married right here in this house. Alan: Really? Well, my memory deceives me. Beth: I don't suppose you would have much of a memory of the wedding, because you weren't there. Alan: Mmm. Phillip: She pass the test? Alan: She certainly does. Welcome back, Beth. Cassie: It'd just be so great if we had a backyard, you know? We could put a swing-set up, the boys could... We could put a pool in. Richard: Huge backyards in these estates here, you know? Cassie: Well, could we build a tree house? Richard: No, you've got a point there. (Cell phone rings) Oh, bloody thing. Cassie: Oh, no, take it, take it take it. Richard: Are you sure? Cassie: Yeah, I'm going to go say hi to Ross. Ross? Hi. Ross: Hi. Cassie, good to see you. Cassie: You, too. So, are you and Blake going to go to Beth's party tonight at the Country Club? Ross: Oh, I'm not sure. I doubt that Blake... I didn't know you were all that close with Beth. Cassie: I'm not, but you know, all that stuff happened... It was a long time ago, and Phillip's been wonderful to us, and we'd like to go to support him. Where's Blake? Ross: I don't know. Cassie: Ross, is something wrong? Ross: I'd rather not get into it except to say that what happened was my fault. I think I should start fixing it. Excuse me, Cassie. Blake: How did you find out? Holly: Ross told me. Blake: Ross told you before he told me? When? Holly: He was so wracked with guilt. Blake: Oh, that's good. Poor little Ross, he's all wracked with guilt because he slept with his little assistant and he confesses to you, my mother. And what do you do? You tell him to say three Hail Mary's and two our fathers; it's going to be okay. Holly: No, it wasn't like that. Blake: Oh, was it more like, "Oh, my daughter's a fool, so you know, she'll never understand what happened, so let's just keep it under our hats, pretend it never happened." Holly: No! Blake, when he told me, I insisted that he go to you, or I was going to. Blake: But you didn't. Holly: The suicide just changed everything. It seemed unnecessary. Blake: Well, how convenient. How considerate of Tory. Holly: I was wrong. I was trying to protect your feelings. You and Ross... You love each other so much, I didn't want this mistake to destroy what you... Blake: Oh, right, that's so noble, Mother. Is that really the reason that you didn't tell me? Holly: Yes, of course. I wanted you two to work it out together. Blake: No, no, no. Really, you can come clean with me now. Holly: What do you mean? Blake: Ross confiding in you, telling you his deepest, darkest, deep secrets. Isn't there something inside of you that said, "Ooh, this is how it should've been all along"? "I should've been the one with Ross," right?" Holly: Ross? Blake: Is that what it is? Holly: No! Blake: Or what? Is it payback? That's it, right? Holly: No, Blake. Blake: Payback, Mom, because you know what? It's a great way to settle the score, "Mommy." Holly: Honey, this just sounds so crazy. You're not thinking clearly right now. Blake: Oh, I'm thinking very clearly right now. You finally did it, Mom. You got your revenge. How does it feel? Look at me. You finally got me back for stealing Ross from you. Marah: Excuse me, I'm looking for Tony Santos. They told me he'd be up here. Bartender: "They" were wrong. Marah: Well, do you know where he is? Bartender: Sorry, lady-- not my day to watch the boss. Marah: How could you do this? Catalina: Do what? Marah: Tony. Tony. How could you do this? You don't love him or you wouldn't do this. Catalina: Marah, you're not making any sense. Of course I love him, he's my fiancé. Marah: Stop. Stop lying. Okay? You're not pregnant; you miscarried. You lost your baby and you're trying to trick Tony into marrying you. Guess what? I got a call in my dorm room from the doctor's office-- you miscarried. Catalina: You're crazy. You're so desperate to break up Tony and I, you'll lie about anything. Marah: I'm not the one who's lying, and now Tony's about to find out the truth, too. Catalina: Poor Marah, some people... Some people don't know how to accept it when they've lost. Marah: Why don't we go get Tony, and we'll all go take a walk to the hospital. We can get a blood test, or a sonogram or an amnio... Your choice. You know, we'll clean up this little misunderstanding really quickly. Come on, let's go. Catalina: Wait, wait, wait. Marah, okay. All right, it's true. I lost the baby. But you can't tell Tony-- ever. Lizzie: Dad, don't distract mom, she needs to get ready for the party. And so do you, actually. Beth: (Laughter) Phillip: Spent a little too much time with my father lately. Beth: Oh, that's all right. At least she knows how to get what she wants. Phillip: Yeah, great, just what we need. Phillip: How are you? You ready for this? Beth: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Okay. I just... I was just thinking how long this house has been a part of my life. Phillip: Scary, huh? Beth: Well, it used to be, when I was a teenager. Of course your Aunt Alex and Vera were always nice to me, but Alan used to make me feel like I should be dusting or serving tea or something. Phillip: That's okay, he does that to everyone. Hey, you got the last laugh, he's throwing you a welcome home party. Beth: This is my home, isn't it? Though I'm not sure that I'm ready for a party yet. Phillip: He promised it would just be family and friends, and you know you can trust him. We're just going to kick off our shoes, have a good time at the Country Club. Beth: Oh, darn, you mean I can't wear my tiara tonight? (Laughter) Will you do me a favor? Will you just promise that you'll stick close by tonight. Phillip: That's the easiest promise I'll make this year. Lizzie: Hello? Time to get dressed for the party. Beth: Oh, yes. Phillip: Hey, event coordinator, come here. Ladies, last one to get dressed has to dance with Uncle Rick all night. Beth: (Shrieks in mock disgust) (laughter) Richard: Is something wrong? Cassie: That was the weirdest conversation I just had with Ross. I know something is up with him and Blake. Richard: Oh, do you want to call Blake? Cassie: No. No, I'm sure I'll see her tonight at the party. Richard: The party? Oh, we've got to get ready, darling. Cassie: Right. Richard: And I still have another phone call to make. Cassie: Well, you make the phone call, and I will go tell them to bring our car around. Richard: Thank you. Be right there. Jenkins, hi, it's Richard here. I'm sorry to bother you so late, but I just have one quick question. As you know, we're thinking of purchasing a new home, and, well, I just wanted to know, given our current financial situation, how much we could expect to borrow from the bank. That's all? No. No, I understand, it's just an estimate. Well, why don't we talk in the morning, and perhaps we can, you know, come up with some more creative financing. Right, thanks. Holly: You must know I would never, ever hurt you like that. Blake: What are you talking about? You already have. Oh, Mom, you know, I could just picture you and Ross having a drink together, a nice little chuckle over how stupid I am for not seeing this coming. Was Tory there, too? Was she in on the joke? Holly: You're right. I was totally wrong for not telling you. But you must know that I was not doing it to be malicious. I was trying to.... Blake: Protect me. Holly: To spare you the pain. Blake: You know, you could spare me some pain right now by leaving. Holly: No. I don't want to leave now. I want us to talk about this. Blake: Mom, I want you to go. Holly: Will you call me? Blake: Will you go! Alan: Well, Richard. Richard: Hello. Alan: Cassie, I'm thrilled that you could make it on such short notice. Richard: Thank you for having us. Let me say that we're very happy that Beth is home, safe and sound. Cassie: Despite the fact that Edmund tried to trap them in the mine. Alan: Well, we're not 100% sure that Edmund tried to trap them. Unless he confesses, we'll never know. Richard: Knowing my brother, I'm sure he's very far away. Alan: If he knows what's good for him, he will stay far away. Carmen: Wait. You clean up nicely, Eddie. Edmund: Well, I do own more than one suit. Carmen: Well, if you're going to sponsor me, I want you to look perfect, and you do. Edmund: Well, thank you. I'm actually starting to feel myself again. Looking forward to a nice, quiet evening. Blake: Hi, you've reached Blake... Ross: ...Ross, Jason... Blake: ...Kevin and... Ross: ...Clarissa. Blake: Please leave a message after the beep. (Beep) Ross: Blake, are you there? Please pick up. I'm sorry, Blake. I want you to know I still love you very much. Blake: (Crying) Marah: If you think that I'm going to let Tony torture himself for one more minute then you're more deluded than I thought. Catalina: All right, let me do it. Let me do it, that's all I ask, okay? I can explain what happened. Marah: You think I can trust you to do the right thing ever again? No, I am telling Tony right now.
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