Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/28/02 Provided by Linda Harley: (Gasps) (cork pops) I think you need a bigger closet. Gus: Wow. I'm sorry. Look, just don't look at all my things and just help me start stuffing. Harley: Yeah. Mommy's okay. Everything's fine. Don't worry about it. Gus: Everything's fine, everything... Help them out. Harley: You read detective magazines? Gus: Oh, yeah, well, you'd be surprised at the stuff you can learn through fiction is just... Harley: I think she's wearing leather. Gus: Little "MacGyver" tricks and everything. Well, you've got to look past the cleavage stuff... Harley: Cleavage. Gus: Yeah. (Laughs) You know, can you give me that magazine, because that's a... Harley: I'll just put it up here. Gus: No, that's a classic. Harley: I'll reach up here. I can see where it has to go. (Struggling) Gus: Sorry. Harley: Whoops. Gus: (Out of breath) I'm sorry. All right. I don't know. You okay? Harley: I think I'm a little off balance. Gus: Yeah. Me, too. Harley: Bedtime. Gus: Bedtime? Harley: Come on kids. Gus: Before dinner? It's going to be exciting. Harley: Everybody tired? Come on sweetie. Let's try to get some sleep. Gus: Hold up. Harley: Hey, before I go back here, it's safe, right? This room? Gus: Yeah. No, it's safe. Tony: Why did Catalina invite us to dinner? Maria: Why does Catalina do anything these days? Tony: What do you mean? Maria: Women are strange sometimes when they're pregnant. Catalina: You're here. I'm sorry I'm late. I couldn't decide what to wear. Tony: For what? What is this all about? Catalina: I'll tell you if you give me one minute alone with Abuela. It's a surprise. Go on. Come on. Tony: Okay. Catalina: I hope my surprise is the only one tonight. What were you and Tony talking about? Maria: You mean, did I tell him you lost his baby? Catalina: Did you tell him anything? Maria: No. No. My family would suffer if I do, correct? Catalina: Look, I don't want to hurt you or anyone else. I'm just scared. Maria: Scared of losing Tony? Catalina: Once we're married, everything is going to change. Tony will see into my heart and so will you. Maria: I see now. Catalina: Don't force me to do something I'll regret. I have evidence, and I'll use it. Maria: Oh, you don't have to tell me twice. My hearing is very good. Tony: Hey. Danny said that you invited him to dinner, too. Catalina: Yeah, I did. I did. Michelle: Hi. Catalina: Hi. Sit. Everybody sit down, make yourselves comfortable. Michelle: You look wonderful. Catalina: Thank you. Michelle: How are you feeling? Catalina: I'm feeling good. Well, you know. Michelle: Oh, I know, all right. Do you have any movement yet, or is it too early? Catalina: Well, this is my first time. I'm not sure. Michelle: Oh, you'll know, believe me. It's like a butterfly fluttering inside of you. There's really nothing like it. Catalina: Wow, I can't wait. Danny: So, what's going on? What are we all doing here? Catalina: Well, we're still waiting for somebody. I invited your mother. Danny: Why? Tony: What is all this? Catalina: Okay, okay. I won't make you wait any longer. I called this celebration in honor of our wedding. It's tradition for the bride and the groom's family to meet, and since my family isn't here, I thought I'd bring your family together. So I would like to thank you in advance for welcoming me into the Santos family. (Knocking at door) Ben: Hey. Is this a bad time? Marah: Well, that depends. What do you know about "Beowulf"? Ben: "Beowulf..." Isn't that the movie with Michael J. Fox? Okay, okay, okay. Original old English, contemporary translation, what? I am a virtual encyclopedia. Turn my pages. Marah: Oh, my gosh. You're so easy, you know that? Ben: No, you are just too hard to resist. In fact, I was wondering how Santos did...When you gave him the baby gift. Marah: Uh, he was fine. Ben: And you? Marah: Well, I didn't throw anything this time. Ben: Break down, cry? Are you sure you didn't throw anything? Marah: (Laughs) I just... I gave him the gift and I left. All right. All right, it was a little bit uncomfortable. Ben: But you got through it. Marah: Yeah. I can't say that I am happy about Tony and Catalina getting married, but I am willing to accept it, move on and be friends, you know, just like you said. Ben: I'm proud of you. Marah: Well, you should be, because this proves that once and for all, you and I can... Ben: Hey, why don't we get out of here, huh? Go someplace fun and celebrate? Marah: Oh, really? Ben: Maybe even get engaged. Marah: (Laughs) Oh, engaged. Ben: Come on. Get on your coat. We're going to Millennium. Marah: I will change clothes. You just wait outside. Ben: Okay. Marah: Okay? Ben: All right. Blake: I read Tory's diary. I didn't believe it at first, so I decided to do some checking. I talked to a lot of people, Ross. I followed all the clues and it led me to this. You did it. You slept with Tory. And you went out of your way to keep me from finding out. That's a betrayal for every single time that you looked me in the eye and you told me it was all in her head, because it wasn't. Am I wrong? Am I? Ross: No. Blake: So it's true. You slept with Tory. Ross: Yes, I did. Blake: (Scoffs) Ross: And I came here tonight to tell you that. Blake: Oh, stop lying to me. Ross: I'm not lying. Blake: Oh, you had no intention of coming and telling me anything, Ross. Ross: I know how you feel right now and I tried to tell you several times, but something or somebody always stopped me, and by not telling you, I made a huge mistake much worse. Blake: Because you were hoping I would never find out. Ross: For a while, yes, because I was convinced that was the only way that I could keep you. And then somebody reminded me that if you don't have the truth, you don't have anything. And I knew it had come to its end. So I came here tonight to tell you the truth. Blake: The truth? If you cared about the truth, you would have told me this a long time ago. You say one thing and you do another, Ross. What am I supposed to think? Ross: I don't know. I just don't know, but I'm not defending myself. Blake: Oh, the hell you're not. Catalina: We wanted our wedding to be very special, something that the whole family will remember. Right, Tony? And we couldn't wait to share our joy with all of you. Carmen: That's very thoughtful, Catalina. Maria: Isn't it? Catalina: Oh, Michelle, I wanted to ask if you would be my bridesmaid. I don't have a lot of friends in Springfield, and since we are going to be cousins... Michelle: I'd be honored to. Catalina: Good, good. Tony will be really happy. He was going to ask Danny to be his best man. Danny: He was? Tony: Yeah. Sure, you know, whatever. I'm... I'm going to go check on the champagne. Catalina: I'll check with Javier on the food. It's a very special Cuban meal. You'll love it. Maria: Or else? Michelle: Uh... Oh, I left my purse in the car. Can you come with me to get it? Danny: Sure, I'll come with you. Michelle: Excuse us one second. Is there something that I don't know about? Danny: What do you mean? Michelle: Well, Catalina seems happier than ever and Tony seems like he's on his way to prison. Danny: Yeah, well, maybe he is. Marah: Hey. Ben: Hey. Michelle: Hi, how are you? Ben: It's still so chilly out there. Marah: You're the one who wanted to walk. Ben: I know, I know. Oh, man, what was I thinking? Come on, let's just go someplace else, okay? Marah: No, no. Remember, we said no more running away. Ben: I know what I said, but I don't want it to be... Marah: Come on. Let's go say hello. Carmen: If I didn't know any better, I'd say Tony still has a crush on that Lewis girl. Maria: You don't know better. They dated when she was in high school. Carmen: Well, we should thank our lucky saints that he's marrying Catalina. That girl is just like Michelle. She'll poison Tony, turn him against the family. Maria: It won't happen. Carmen: That's what I said about Danny. Maria: No, it won't happen. (Laughter) Ross: I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you and the kids. That hasn't changed. It never will, not even for an instant. Blake: (Scoffs) How can I believe anything you say now, Ross? Ross: I don't know. Maybe because over the years, I've done more things right than wrong, and maybe it took something this horrible to make me realize how much I needed you and how much you're a part of me. Blake: What part is Tory? Hmm? Ross: I never loved Tory. It was a mistake from the beginning. It was a mistake, but it was so vivid in that she reminded me of... Blake: Of what? Ross: ...Of Vanessa Chamberlain. She reminded me of Vanessa and of the love and the future I had and lost when I was so young. And I knew it was an illusion but I reached out for it again, just the same. Blake: Vanessa? Ross: And there were days when I thought I was just going mad, and I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to take the risk of losing you. Blake: And so you lied again and again. Ross: Yes, I did, again and again, because I wanted to figure out the right approach to this, but there is no right approach to it, and nothing about it was right. It was all wrong. But it happened and I regretted it, and then I told Tory that we could never see each other again because I loved you. And for me, that was it. It was over. That was it. Blake: Ross, everything you're trying to explain away right now, it's not the issue. It's not what you did with that woman. It's what you have done to us. Harley: Whew. I thought Zach would never fall asleep. Gus: Is he okay? Harley: Oh, by the way, he found that little candy bar under your pillow. He tried to feed it to Jude. There's chocolate everywhere. The room's a huge mess. Gus: Well, hold on a second. Wait. Did he eat my whole candy bar, because I eat that before I go to sleep. Anyway... Okay. Harley: I tell you, it smells great. Gus: Yeah. Harley: What are you cooking over there? Gus: Got a little lasagna cooking. Harley: Really? Gus: Yeah. Harley: You know, I'm very impressed. I had no idea that you were such a good cook. Gus: To be honest with you, I ordered it in, but I'm re-heating it and that's why I'm making this special little sauce. I put the little sauce on it... Harley: It smells great. Gus: It's a homemade deal. Harley: Can I do something to help? Gus: No, no, no. As a matter of fact, I poured this for you earlier. Sit down there. Sit on down and relax yourself. It's going to be... Take a load off. Harley: You have any crackers to go with this? Gus: I'm so sorry. You know what? It's... I didn't even... Where was it? Under... Just stick it back in behind. Harley: Sure. Gus: I have a pile back there that I'm going to work on later, well, tomorrow. Whatever. Harley: Spacemen. Cute. Gus: It was a gift. Hey! Harley: You don't get a lot of company, do you? Gus: Well, you mean, like, in terms of women? I haven't had a girlfriend for the longest time, but it's not because I didn't want to have one or whatever. I just wanted to take time for myself to sort of recharge my batteries. Harley: Yeah. Yeah. What about hers? Gus: Listen, I can explain. Harley: You really don't have to. I think I understand. Gus: No, you don't understand. You don't. You don't. Harley: I think she looks a little like me, don't you? Gus: I have a perfectly good explanation, okay? Harley: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Gus: I use her in the car. Harley: I'm sure you do. Gus: No, please. I use her in the car so I can drive in the carpool lane in the mornings when I go to work. Harley: Mm-hmm. Gus: This is Mona, okay? Mona's only got one use and one use only. Harley: Mona? Gus: Yes. She's a fully-dressed carpool lady with the little skirt that comes with the thing, and she's got her own hat, okay? You think I would come up with this? This is her hat. This is Mona's hat. You see? That's so... That's Mona. Harley: I don't think that works on her. Did you put this outfit together? And she has no shoes. What is this? But seriously, you guys look really cute together. Is there a pull string back there for her? She says, you know, "are you making a left?" "Are you making a right?" Gus: Are you finished? Harley: I'm just asking a question. Gus: No, you're not. You're jumping to a bunch of conclusions, okay, and now you're jumping all over me and you're judging me. And I don't really appreciate it and I'm not joking, okay? And I'm not... If this isn't good enough for you, and I'm just doing the best I can here. Harley: Who said it isn't good enough? Hey! This is fine. You know, the room looks... The room looks fine, okay? So it's a little messy. And you have an inflatable friend. That doesn't bother me. Do I seem that shallow to you? Gus: Well, I don't know, but you know, you're doing a pretty good shallow impression. Harley: Oh, okay. Fine. I guess I could always leave. Maybe you want to be alone with somebody who doesn't mind being attacked. Gus: Excuse me, but I was not attacking you. Harley: You were attacking me! Gus: I was not attacking me. Harley: I know this is a carpool doll. I know what a carpool doll likes like. I was just having fun with you. Gus: Oh, sure. At my expense. Look, you know what, this is just a disaster, this date, okay? And I don't think... I think we should just call it a night, okay? Let's just call it a night because this is not going very well and, you know, I'll see you down at work, whatever. Harley: That's fine. It's fine, if that's what you want. Gus: That's fine. Because that's what you want. Harley: No, I think... I think it's what you want. But really, that's fine. I'll get my kids; we're out of here. (Buzzing) (explosion) Blake: You didn't just lie to me, Ross. You didn't just sleep with that woman. You kept me in the dark while she went crazy. And you knew she wasn't in her right mind. Ross: I didn't believe that. I did not think that she was unstable. I knew she was hurt. She was confused, but I never thought that she was capable of what... Blake: Killing herself? Or us? She was. Ross, she stalked us down to San Cristobel, and you led me to believe she was there on business. My God, she kidnapped our children! And you defended her! You said it was a misunderstanding. Ross: Because I believed it was. Blake: And was it a misunderstanding when she attacked me at that church? You knew and you said nothing. Ross: I said nothing to you. I went to Tory and I tried to reason with her, and she promised me that she was going to leave town... Blake: I don't give a damn what Tory promised, Ross. She made our lives a living hell because you slept with her. And you kept quiet about it. And you knew the real reason she was so disturbed. My God, Ross, you could have saved us all from this hell, but you didn't. You were too busy trying to protect yourself. It's one thing to be selfish, Ross-- I know all about that-- but you went further. You were selfish at the risk of your family. Who the hell are you, Ross, because you are certainly not the man that I fell in love with. Ross: No, I am not the man that you fell in love with. I have changed in so many ways. In the past year I haven't felt normal about anything. I've been struggling with depression. I've been struggling with what I mean to people in my life. And you could call it what you want. And I should have asked for help, yes, but I was trying to find answers on my own. Blake: With Tory? Ross: She was there. And so was Vanessa's ghost. You're the woman I fell in love with. And you're the woman I want to spend my life with. So don't turn your back on that. Blake: Well, it's a little late to ask me that now, Ross. Ross: Tory is gone. Blake: No, she killed herself because of you. Ross: That's what I meant. I'm going to have to live with that for the rest of my life. I didn't tell the truth until now. And it cost everyone including an innocent young woman. Blake: An innocent. Ross: The Tory that I knew was smart, she was grounded, incapable of doing what she did. And if I failed to protect my family, it's because I didn't think that I had to. I honestly believed that Tory was the person, we believed and thought she was. Blake: No, you thought she was. Ross: When she first came to work for us, you liked her, you hired her, you helped her. And that is the Tory Granger I believed in. And it is not an excuse, but it is a reason why I didn't say anything. I thought she was going to get better and I thought this would just...Go away. Blake: You believed in her. Ross, do you realize what you are saying? On one hand, it meant nothing, it was a big mistake; you had no feelings for her. And on the other hand, she was wonderful. Smart, grounded, wonderful Tory. Do you hear yourself? You were in love with her. Ross: No, Blake. Blake: Yes, you were. You put her in front of me and your children. And you would with her now if she weren't dead! Ross: No, I wouldn't. Blake: (Crying) What have you done to us, Ross? I can't believe you done this to us. Ben: Remember, none for Catalina. Tony: Catalina? Ben: Yeah. Marah: Yeah. Pregnant women aren't supposed to drink. Tony: Oh, yeah. Right, right. Ben: Do you know if it's a boy or girl yet? Maybe you don't want to know. I'm not sure that I'd want to know. Danny: What are you looking for? Michelle: I have to call and check on somebody in the hospital. Danny: Who? Michelle: It's not...Well, okay. I was going to tell you after we got home. I got stuck on an elevator today with a man who had a heart attack. Danny: You're kidding? Michelle: Nope. And for a second, he was laying there on the floor not breathing and I completely froze. I was just frozen. And-- Danny: Well, did you help him? Michelle: Yeah, I remembered my training and I performed C.P.R Danny: Wow! Michelle: ...And he started breathing again. And when that first breath came back and the color came back to his face, Danny, it was like...It was nothing like I ever experienced before. And the paramedics said that I saved his life. So I just want to check on him. Danny: You did. That's great, honey. I'm proud of you. Michelle: Thanks. You go and talk to your cousin. I'll be right back. Danny: Okay. Hey, guys. Tony: Hey. Marah: Hey. Danny: Can you excuse us for a minute? Marah: Yeah. Danny: Thanks. What's going on? You look miserable. Did you talk to Catalina? Tony: Yeah, I had it out with her, all right. Danny: Yeah. Did you ask her outright? Tony: I laid it on the line. I told her that I couldn't believe that Ray would make a pass at her. She finally admitted that it wasn't true. Danny: All right. So she lied. Tony: Only she changed her story now. Now she says that Ray won't marry us, because I'm still in love with Marah. Danny: Are you? Tony: That's not the point. I don't believe this story anymore than I believe the other one. If Ray had a problem with me and Marah, he'd say it to my face. Danny: Right. So what really is going on? Tony: I don't know. I can't figure it out. Danny: You still going to go through with the wedding? Tony: For the kid, Danny, I told you that. I'm going to marry Catalina for the sake of the baby. Danny: But if you still love Marah, it's not something that's just going to go away. Gus: Stay down. Harley: What was that? Gus: Stay down. Just wait a second until I can find my gun. Find out what's happening. Harley: I think it sounded like-- Gus: Shh! Shh! Wait. Give it a second, okay? Harley: Well, it's just I think it sounded like... Gus: Okay, everything is great. Harley: Like I said, I think it sounded like our food exploded. Gus: Yeah, it's my fault. I think I left the foil on it. Harley: Wow. Gus: Not supposed to do that. Harley: All that...All that rescuing for exploding lasagna. (Laughing) You're my hero. Oh, come on. It's funny. Don't you think that's sort of funny? Come on, it's not that bad. Look, you cleaned your room for me and you sort of cooked for me. I got to hang out with some of your very best friends. Gus: Stop. Harley: And you rescued me from exploding lasagna. I don't think it's a disaster. I actually think the night is sort of fun. Gus: It's a nightmare. It's a nightmare. It's a nightmare. Harley: Hey, do you want to take this to the bed? I mean, it's not that I don't trust your vacuuming skills. Gus: Oh. I got excited for a second. What are you talking about? This is a motel here and I got a maid, all right? So, listen... Harley: Was she abducted? (Laughing) I'm just kidding. Gus: All right, you know what? Let's do what you just said, okay? Harley: Okay. Gus: Allow me. Harley: Oh. Whoa! Gus: So does this feel weird to you? Harley: What? Gus: It's just, you know, we're alone, and I'm not looking over my shoulder to see if your dad is ready to yell at me or your brother, Chief Captain. (Harley laughs) It's just, you know... Harley: Well, as long as you stay away from the microwave, I think we're going to be okay. Gus: Yeah. You know, I don't think I've said this to you, not yet. But you're like a classic beauty. Do you know that? ( Harley laughs) No, honestly. Do you know that? Your hair and your skin, your eyes. In fact, if you were dead, and I had to fill out a police report... ( Harley laughs) ...I would say those words. I'd say striking, beautiful, good skin, good bone structure. Harley: Ah. Gus: Good muscle tone. Harley: Muscle tone? Gus: Yeah. This is weird. We're alone and the first time in a while, I don't feel like some kind of monster, you know, like you're embarrassed to be with me. And it just makes me... Harley: Would you shut up and kiss me? (Jude cries) Jude. Gus: Shh. Maybe it's the room next door. ( Jude cries) Harley: Oh, I think he's hungry. Gus: Maybe he'll just go back to sleep. See. (Jude crying) Harley: Okay. Not now. Coming. Both: Coming. Gus: Coming. I'm not taking you anywhere in the future. Danny: Listen, I think it's admirable that you are thinking about the kid and putting the kid first, but that's not... Tony: Don't you understand that it's not enough for me to just throw money at him. That's not enough. I have to be around. Danny: I understand that. Family is important, I understand that. Tony: No, it's everything, all right? It always starts and ends with family. That's why I sent Romeo to go find Ray. I'm going to find him, I'm going to talk to him. I'm going to find out what Catalina did. Danny: Are you listening to yourself? If you're this suspicious of Catalina now, how could you even consider marrying her? Tony, there are a lot of fathers out there who are not married to their kid's mother-- a lot. Tony: That's not me. Danny: Tony, if you're in love with Marah, you should call off the wedding. You should call it off. Catalina: Hi, Marah. So, what, did you just accidentally show up here? You know, Tony's family does own this place. Tony runs Millennium. So it's not exactly a random place for you to just stumble in off the street. You were looking for Tony. Marah: Actually, it was Ben's idea to come here, not mine. But if you don't believe me, you can ask him. Catalina: Yeah, and I bet Ben will say whatever it is you tell him to say. Marah, you certainly have a way with men, because they can't have their way with you. Marah: Look, Tony and I dated when I was in high school, and that's never going to change. But we are friends-- just friends. I even bought him a little baby gift the other day. Catalina: Yeah. See, now that's exactly what I'm talking about. You can't stay away from him. You keep finding excuses to come and see him. Marah: There are no excuses. Catalina: How many times are you going to say good-bye? How many times? And yet here you are again. Your perfect little hair, your perfect make-up, hoping for an encore? Marah: God, if that's what you think, then you're more insecure than I thought. In fact, you're getting downright paranoid. Catalina: You're just mad because I see right through you. I see right through this. Marah: Catalina, you're having Tony's baby. That has to count for something. I mean, isn't this wedding party for you? I mean, I think you would be instead... Catalina: You know what? I would be happy if you just left. You don't belong here, Marah. Marah: Oh, okay. So now I'm getting kicked out of a restaurant because you decided to get pregnant? Catalina: Okay. I did not decide... Marah: This day and age you decided. There are plenty of precautions you could have taken, but you didn't take them. Why? Let's be honest. Because you wanted Tony, and you would do anything to get him. Catalina: Get out. Marah: Of course. You know, if you can't hang on to him now, then what are you going to do after you get married? Catalina: I said, get out. Take Ben and leave. This is my party and I'm not going to let you ruin it. Ben? Ben? Tony: Hey. What is going on here? What? Ben: Catalina wanted a word with Marah. Tony: About what? Catalina: Look, I was just thanking Marah for her little gift. Thank you. Tony: Yeah, all right. You know what? I think it's better if you two took off. Ben: You know what? I'm getting the same feeling. Come on, Marah, let's go. Michelle: Can you believe those two were roommates? Danny: Yes, I'm amazed they didn't kill each other. Maria: It's amazing, isn't it? Incredible. Gus: Happy trails. But listen, if you want to come down, I'll come down and help you. Harley: No, no, no. I think you have enough of a mess you need to clean up. Gus: Yeah. Harley: By the way, next time, how about my place? Gus: Okey-dokey. Harley: Well, thank you for a very memorable night. Gus: Well, you know, as long as there's frozen food out there in the world, plenty of new moments for you. Harley: I've got to go. Gus: I understand that. Oh, I... Harley: Okay. Gus: Right. Harley: I'll see you at... Gus: See you at work. Harley: Oh, by the way, have fun with your friend. Gus: My what? That's very funny! Ben: I'm sorry, Marah. I can't believe I was stupid enough to bring you there. Marah: Quit beating yourself up. It's okay. You know, Catalina is a little high-strung, but we did all right with Tony, right? Ben: We did, didn't we? Marah: I think it was the first civil conversation that the three of us have ever had. Ben: I have to admit something. Tonight was the first time I ever felt like I wasn't competing with Tony for your attention. Marah: Well, you've got my attention, Ben. All of it. Ben: Should I... Why don't I stay here tonight? I don't have any classes tomorrow. Marah: Oh, but I do. Ben: Ah! Marah: Maybe some other time. Ben: Sure. Some other time. When? Marah: (Laughs) Get out of here. Ben: Hey. I'm glad you're friends with Tony, because now you can be more than friends with me. Bye. Marah: Bye. Tony: Would you guys excuse me for a second, please? So? Did you find Ray? Romeo: Mission accomplished. Tony: Good. You didn't strong-arm any priest or anything like that did you? Romeo: Oh, come on man. Even I wouldn't do that. Tony: Good. Romeo: All right, I might. But no, I didn't. Tony: Okay. Good work. Romeo: So what's the deal? Why do you need to find Ray so badly? Tony: I'll tell you on the way over. Wait right here. Catalina: You're just in time. Dinner's ready. Tony: That's the thing. I can't come. I've got some business I need to take care of. Catalina: Right now? Tony: Yeah. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you. Catalina: Tony, this is our wedding celebration with your family. Tony: Send my regrets. I'll see you the day after tomorrow. Let's go find my brother. Find out what my wife-to-be has been up to. Romeo: Catalina? Tony: She's been lying to me. The question is, about what? Blake: So I guess it was all a lie, huh? Our perfect little family life and all of our plans. Ross: Ever since we've been together, it's always been about you and the kids. Now, I should have told you about Tory, I understand that. But I couldn't bare to see the look on your face that I'm seeing right now. It was a mistake. But we cannot allow it to ruin the rest of our lives. We belong together. Blake: No, don't do this to me. I can't even look at you right now. Ross: You don't mean that. Blake: Yes, I mean every damn word of it, Ross. I don't trust you. I don't trust what you say. I don't trust what you do. I don't trust you in this house. And I don't trust you around my children. Ross: You want me to leave? Blake: Yes. I want you to go. Ross: Do you want me to call... Blake: Get out! (Door slams) Blake: (Sobbing)
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