GL Transcript Wednesday 3/27/02



Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/27/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

Josh: No, see, this is our first big sit-down since Billy and I were able to reacquire Lewis Oil. So I want to have a meeting with everybody there-- at least one representative from each department. You understand what I'm saying? No, no. No suits and ties. I want it to be casual. I want them to wear what they wear in the fields because I want everyone to feel free to speak however they wish. Yeah. No, it's not the way that Spaulding does business and that's the way we intend to keep it. All right. Call me back. Bye. Sorry about that.

Reva: Oh, it's okay. I mean, we came to Tulsa for business, right? So you want to tell me why we're here?

Josh: Here in Cross Creek?

Reva: Mm.

Josh: Yeah, well, you know, first of all, we can't come to Oklahoma without paying some kind of respects to Cross Creek. And secondly, we're having a lunch meeting in the area with Ward Hanneberg and his crew tomorrow, so I figured we might as well spend the night here tonight. Reva?

Reva: When was the last time we were here together?

Josh: You don't really want me to remind you of that, do you? Yeah.

Reva: This place holds a lot of memories for us. Not all of them good.

Josh: Not all of them bad, either.

Reva: What are all the candles doing out?

Josh: Oh, I had somebody from the office stock the place with candles in case there was a power outage. You know what it's like here when there's storms. Are you okay?

Reva: You don't feel sort of strange being here?

Josh: No. You know, I also asked them to stock the fridge. I'm going to go check...

Reva: Joshua.

Josh: What?

Reva: You act like you have amnesia. This place has been very intense for us.

Josh: Yeah, I guess so. Excuse me. (Knock at door) Could you get that, darling?

Hawk: Ah-ha.

Reva: Pop!

Hawk: Your one and only.

Reva: Oh, Pop!

Hawk: Such a special hug for your old man.

Reva: I don't believe this.

Hawk: Look at you.

Reva: I was going to call you tonight. I was. I mean, how did you even know we were... You did this. You set this whole thing up, didn't you? We're not going to have lunch with anyone named Hanneberg, are we?

Josh: No, ma'am.

Reva: This is a ruse. This was a whole... All a ruse just to get me up here.

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Why?

Josh: How you doing, Hawk?

Hawk: Answer my daughter's question. Why'd you insist on us meeting you up here?

Reva: He did?

Josh: (Laughs)

Hawk: He wouldn't take no for an answer. He said there was something he needed to do and...

Josh: That's right, and I have to do it right here at Cross Creek.

Hawk: All right, then, what is it? I mean, what is so hot-dang important that you had to drag these old bones all the way out here to Cross Creek?

Josh: I need to ask you a question.

Hawk: You could have done that on the telephone.

Josh: No, sir, not this question. I need to know if you will give me your daughter's hand in marriage.

Blake: "And then in the place we met, the first place I set eyes on him, Ross made love to me, and it was better than I ever dreamed it could be. He's mine now. Ross will always be mine." "When I close my eyes, I see the way he looked at me when I walked back into his classroom. And that's when our fates were sealed." "I wanted to get on the plane, but one look, one kiss and suddenly there was no denying it." "He told me he didn't even know how badly he needed me, that I made him feel that he had a second chance to get back what he had given up on earlier in his life." "He can deny it all he wants, but a love this strong..." "A bond this strong never dies." No. No! No! No! (Sobbing) How could you do this to me? How could you do this to me, Ross? Over and over again, you denied it and I believed you. I believed you because I believed in you. You're not the man I thought you were, Ross. You're not that man at all.

(Knock at door)

Holly: Ross? Blake? Blake? The door's open. Hello. Oh, hi, honey. What's wrong? Was Ross here?

Blake: No. But I'm sure he will be soon. Unless he's found another law student to shack up with. He did it.

Holly: Did what?

Blake: It. What everybody's been thinking he did. He did it. And I will never forgive him. Never.

Ross: Tory, please forgive me. I let you down-- along with my family and myself. I'm sorry. But all the apologies in the world won't bring you back.

Frank: Ross?

Ross: Yeah?

Frank: Ross?

Ross: Oh, Frank.

Frank: I got a couple divers in the water right now. They're dragging the lake.

Ross: You haven't recovered Tory's body, have you?

Frank: No, no, we haven't. I'm sorry. How you doing? You holding up all right?

Ross: I've been better, Frank.

Frank: Yeah. It's a shame, you know. A pretty young thing like that, you know, with a lot on the ball. Something threw her out of whack. I'd love to know what it was. Casey, what have you got?

Diver: A scarf. Maybe it's the vic's and someone can I.D. it.

Frank: All right, thanks, buddy. Ross, can you I.D. this? Could that be Tory's?

Ross: Is this blue or gray?

Frank: It's hard to see in this light. It looks blue to me.

Ross: I think that Tory had a blue wool scarf, but I can't be certain, Frank. I'm sorry.

Frank: What is that? What is that? That looks like an earring.

Ross: Yes. And this is Tory's.

Frank: You're sure.

Ross: I'm positive. Her late husband gave it to her, and I once complimented her on them, and she wore them most all the time.

Josh: Now, I'm guessing I don't need to tell you how much I love your daughter and how I fell in love with her the moment I first laid eyes on her, back when we were kids. And now I want to marry her.

Hawk: Seems to me I've heard that one before.

Josh: Yes, you have. But it's different this time. You see, I have loved your daughter pretty much my entire life, and we have had our share of ups and downs-- there's no question about that. But I've learned a few things and one of them is this: All of those wrong turns and false starts were absolutely necessary to bring us to where we are right now, today, to a place where we appreciate each other and where we acknowledge what a blessing it is that we found each other all those lifetimes ago. You see, the bottom line is this, sir: Reva is the love of my life, my true love-- now and forever. And it would be a great honor if you would give us your blessing.

Hawk: Whoa, whoa. You got to ask Reva about that, boy. She has never needed my permission to do anything, and that's a good thing, because she never asked for it. Yeah. Call me and let me know what you tell him.

Reva: I will.

Hawk: I do want to know. I want to see you before you fly back home, hmm? You hear?

Reva: I hear.

Hawk: You better.

Reva: I will.

Hawk: Because it's clear we got a whole lot of catching up to do.

Reva: I love you.

Hawk: I love you, too.

Reva: Before you go any further, you should probably know that I am very angry with you.

Josh: I know that. I can see it in your face.

Reva: You've been toying with my emotions, Joshua Lewis. All that business about the diamond drill bits, the dinner at Towers, the hard hat, this so-called business meeting.

Josh: It was all part of the big setup.

Reva: (Laughs) Why?

Josh: Because I wanted to keep you off-guard.

Reva: Well, you've succeeded.

Josh: And... And because I wanted you to see-- to really see-- that not everything has to turn out the way we think or expect it will. There's a whole world out there, Reva, full of possibilities, full of surprises. And things, situations, events that seem familiar to us, they can be made completely new for us. It's all about what we bring to them.

Reva: Kind of like this place?

Josh: Mm. That's why the candles are here.

Reva: Oh. So it has nothing to do with a possible blackout.

Josh: I remember everything. Everything that ever happened between us here, I remember it. It's where it all began for us, and that's why we're here now. Every moment, every second is etched into my mind, and I want to take some time tonight to appreciate those moments, to acknowledge those memories. But, see, the thing is that those memories don't have to dictate the future for us. We can take the good things, the lessons we've learned, and hang onto those. But the bad stuff, we can take a look at that, but then put it away somewhere, where it belongs, move on. That's what I want to do here tonight. I want to take us on a journey, a little trip into the past, hmm? These candles represent all of the time, all of the memories that we've shared together, and we're going to light them all, one by one. Celebrate and commemorate those memories. And then when it's done, we're going to start putting together a whole new set of memories. You with me?

Reva: Every step of the way.

Josh: All right. Pick a memory, something that happened here, anything you want.

Reva: Well, the first time we made love.

Josh: That's a good memory.

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: The first time we made love.

Reva: I thought that was the best night of my life, but now I'm starting to think maybe this is.

Josh: That's a good thing. The magic's working already.

Reva: All the things we've shared here.

Josh: You want to stop?

Reva: No. No. I want to keep going ahead with you forever. Do you remember when you first proposed to me?

Josh: Uh, yeah.

Reva: Let's light a candle to that.

Josh: Okay. Which time? There's a couple of candles.

Reva: (Laughs) The first time.

Josh: Okay, all right. That would be this candle.

Reva: I believe I was a little tipsy.

Josh: I believe you were looped, and you were wearing a cowgirl outfit, and you looked really sexy.

Reva: Were we ever really that young?

Josh: Yes, ma'am. And then some.

Reva: There's still one candle left.

Josh: That's the bad candle.

Reva: Uh-oh.

Josh: This candle here represents all the bad things-- all the times we hurt each other and got our signals crossed, didn't say or do the things we meant to, and of course the times that I didn't accept you for who you were.

Reva: And I got my back up.

Josh: And I got my back up.

Reva: And I went crazy.

Josh: And I wouldn't listen.

Reva: Well, because I wouldn't give you the chance.

Josh: This candle is for all of those things. There. We acknowledge all of those things. We are not deluding ourselves, but it's time to put those things in the past. Yes?

Reva: That's a big yes.

Josh: Okay. The past is not the present, and the future is what we make of it. Only love from here on.

Reva: Only love.

Gus: Okay. Here you go. I have a glass, but it is clean, okay? A little water.

Harley: Thanks.

Gus: Where were we?

Harley: Um, our first real date.

Gus: Right. Well, it's not like... It's not like I haven't asked you before, because I, you know, well, you either turned me down, you know, or it was bad timing because of Rick or...

Harley: Sorry about that.

Gus: It's all right.

Harley: (Squeals in horror)

Gus: Oh, my God. I am so sorry. I'm sorry.

Harley: Oh, that's disgusting!

Gus: I don't even know how that got there. I haven't had Chinese food in...

Harley: It's dripping.

Gus: I don't even remember having Chinese food. Here, I'll help you.

Harley: Okay, you know what? Now that you're done with your obsession with Danny, maybe, I don't know, maybe you could move on to something else.

Gus: Why?

Harley: Like... Like housecleaning, for one thing.

Gus: Well, is it really that bad, because, see, I don't really notice. I've been a bachelor for a while.

Harley: Obviously.

Gus: I'll help you. Because I'll work on it, you know. I mean, does it bother you that much? I can... I'll work on that.

Harley: Listen to me. My two-and-a-half-year-old has a cleaner room than this dump. You know what I mean? (Gasps) My two-and-a-half-year-old! My kids! I got to go! My sitter is only there till 7:00. I got to go. Sorry.

Gus: It's the sitter, just... Can you bribe her? It's a girl? Bribe her. Give her a couple of bucks and just tell her you'll come back. Tell her you want to go there for a second and come right back because you got someplace to go. Unless... Are you... Hold it a second. Are you canceling? Do you want to cancel our date? Because I got to be honest with you, it's just that, you know, it would actually hurt my feelings a little bit because I've been looking forward to spending some time with you.

Harley: Me, too.

Gus: All right, so then you will go and you'll say that and you'll come straight back?

Harley: I'll do my best, okay?

Gus: No, don't say that, please. Just say yes.

Harley: Well...

Gus: Just say yes. Can you say yes? Say yes.

Harley: Yes.

Gus: Say, "Yes, Gus."

Harley: Yes...

Gus: Gus.

Harley: Gus.

Gus: "I will go there and I will come straight back."

Harley: I will go there and come straight back.

Gus: Okay, good. Okay, not okay.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: Don't leave me hanging.

Harley: Oh, I won't. I'll be right back.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: Okay.

Blake: I was positive she made the whole thing up-- even planted a phony diary just to drive me crazy or justify all the crazy things she did.

Holly: Well, that's certainly possible.

Blake: No. Because I started reading her diary, Mom. And the more and more I read, the more and more I got this sinking feeling. You know, it couldn't be a complete fabrication. There had to be just a grain of truth.

Holly: Honey...

Blake: So I went on a fact- finding mission, Mother. I went to Towers, where Tory claimed that a bartender had seen her and Ross together. And then I went to Infierno, where she made similar claims, and I talked to real, unbiased witnesses.

Holly: Oh, honey.

Blake: You want to know what they said? They said, "Yeah, we saw them together." It was unmistakable. It was undeniable the way they touched and their body language. They were having an affair. They were in love and it wasn't just poor, deluded, sick Tory. It was Ross. It was my Ross.

Holly: Honey, just because things looked that way...

Blake: It was the father of my children! The Ross I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with. He was with her and it was exactly what she said. It was the same way she said it was.

Holly: No, you can't assume that, you know. Not until you hear his side of the story.

Blake: No.

Holly: Blake. Blake, he loves you.

Blake: (Laughs bitterly)

Holly: He does. He does. He loves you more than anything. You mean everything to him.

Blake: He made love to Tory. He loved Tory. He cheated on me, Mom. He cheated over and over again. He lied to my face, and that is a betrayal beyond anything, and I will never forgive him. Never.

Holly: You know, Blake, no matter what these eyewitnesses said they saw, even if Ross had some sort of a connection with Tory, he was not in love with her.

Blake: Oh, so he just had sex with her? That's supposed to make me feel better?

Holly: No, that's not what I'm saying.

Blake: Because it was more than sex, Mother. It was much, much more. It was.

Holly: On Tory's part it was.

Blake: No, on Ross's part. On both of their parts. Because, see, he encouraged her. That's why she slept with him. That's why she was so devastated when it was over-- because he encouraged her. And at some point they had something very real and it was a connection that was intense and I can't believe that I'm saying these words about Ross.

Holly: Oh, honey.

Blake: But it's true. It's true.

Holly: Even if it is, there is a whole other side of the story that you haven't heard yet.

Blake: Oh, I don't want to hear it, okay? I read all about it! Every painful word! Here. Read it.

Holly: I don't...

Blake: Read it!

Holly: I dealt with Tory. I know she twists the truth. Even when she tells the truth, she twists it to her own advantage.

Blake: Do you believe it? So you believe that they actually had an affair? You believe that he slept with her?

Holly: Blake, whatever happened, it's over with in every sense of the word, and maybe it was... It served as a wonderful wake-up call for Ross to realize how much he does love you.

Blake: Oh, my God. I can't believe these words are coming out of your mouth.

Holly: Honey, he loves you. He wants to remarry you. He wants to build a wonderful life with you.

Blake: Oh, so he says!

Holly: He loves you. Okay, all I am saying is that you have to give him a chance to have his say and then... And then take it from there, but just give him a chance to explain before you... Before you fly off the handle and do anything you might regret later. All right? (Pager beeping)

Blake: Is that the paper?

Holly: I'm going to have to deal with this.

Blake: It's fine. I want to be alone. I need to be alone.

Holly: Don't... Don't do anything until you speak with Ross. Will you promise me that? Promise me, please?

Blake: Can I at least punch something?

Holly: Here. Here. Punch that. I will call you. I'll call you from the office.

Reva: I love the idea of all the candles, but I don't... I don't need anything to remind me of what we've been through together. Or how special you are to me. Or of all the rough times we've had, mostly inflicted by yours truly.

Josh: Oh, no.

Reva: It's true, it's true, and you just said that we have to admit the truth. Because life is a journey and if you're smart, you learn something from it. And I've learned. I've learned so much, especially about myself. And I'm ready for you now, Joshua Lewis. Because I've grown up into a woman who actually likes herself, and knows exactly what she wants. And she wants you. And I am ready, willing and able to take all the love you want to sling my way, and I am so wanting to sling it right back your direction, and more even, in return. Because we were meant to be together. And that's why we're here, again, looking into each other's eyes again. Because this is real. And this is all that matters.

Josh: Always.

Reva: Always.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Hi.

Gus: You made it.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Gus: Yay. Yeah. Well, I can see that you haven't been on a date lately, have you? Dating etiquette...

Harley: I couldn't get the sitter to stay. I'm really sorry. I'm going to fire her tomorrow, I promise.

Gus: Oh, no.

Harley: If this is uncomfortable, we can leave. It's so weird.

Gus: No, no. I love kids. I love all kinds of kids.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: It's fine. You want to go in?

Harley: Wait. I was thinking before, why don't we go to a restaurant. You know, some place sort of kid friendly?

Gus: My place is kid- friendly, and the occupant is very kid-friendly.

Harley: Well, you know, you know kids, they get on the floor and they crawl into everything, and I mean, I don't want to be offensive, but your room, it's sort of disgusting.

Gus: Oh, no it's not.

Harley: Yeah, it is.

Gus: No, it's not.

Harley: Yeah, it is.

Gus: No, no. Listen, the Chinese food, by the way, is only two days old. I did have it for breakfast. I forgot it. Ready?

Harley: Wow.

Gus: And this is for you, as well.

Josh: I have something for you.

Reva: A drill bit?

Josh: No. Something much more precious, because you are precious to me.

Reva: Miss Martha's ring?

Josh: I can't believe you recognized it after all these years. What were you, six years old the last time you saw it?

Reva: Oh, I may be a woman, but even at six you know a rock when you see it.

Josh: It's not that big.

Reva: Oh, well, at six it was the size of a boulder. I never thought anything so beautiful even existed. I mean, my mama's jewelry was gold-plated with the nickel showing through.

Josh: My mother was crazy about you, you know that?

Reva: Yeah, well, the feeling was very mutual.

Josh: She would have wanted you to have this.

Reva: Well, then put it on my finger.

Josh: Look at the inscription first.

Reva: "Always." Oh, Bud.

Josh: Reva Shayne, will you marry me? Will you allow me to love, honor, and cherish you for all of our days on this earth and beyond?

Reva: Yes, I will. And I swear to you here and now that I will love, honor and cherish you just as much. Perfect fit.

Josh: Just like us.

Reva: Here I am, wearing Miss Martha's ring in the place we first made love. We've come full circle. Speaking of which...

Josh: Mm-hmm?

Reva: I thought you lost this ring in high school.

Josh: I did. I distinctly remember Trish yelling at me for that. "How could you lose mama's ring, yadda, yadda, yadda."

Reva: Well?

Josh: I don't know. I never figured it out. It was there one minute and then it was gone. It was up in the trunk in the attic, and then it just disappeared one day.

Reva: How did you ever find it again?

Josh: Well, actually, it was while you were "away" in England. I had to stop by and pick up some things for Shayne out of the attic, and I looked across the room there, and there was that trunk sitting there, all dusty. And I don't know why or how, but...

Reva: Something drew you to it.

Josh: I heard a voice say "trust your heart." And my heart happened to be pointed in the direction of the trunk, so I walked over there and opened it up and there was the ring, wrapped in tissue, sitting there right on top, as if it had never gone anywhere in the first place. As if it was waiting for me to... To come and get it. Waiting for me to see what had been staring me right in the face all along.

Reva: Kind of like us.

Josh: Exactly like us. And now this ring is where it's always belonged, and I feel like I'm where I've always belonged. With you.

Gus: You're very... You're very beautiful, Coop.

Harley: Oh, no.

Gus: No, you are. You're beautiful. You smell nice, too.

Harley: I'd love some of that wine right about now. (Laughs nervously)

Gus: Yeah, well, I'd love to give you some.

Zach: I can't get the car?

Harley: Oh, no, you better get it. Hey, that smells good. What are you cooking?

Gus: I got a little surprise working.

Harley: Well, I hope you made some chicken nuggets for the boys. They're starving. Just kidding.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: They ate already. It's no big deal.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: I'm going to hang up my coat.

Gus: Sure, go ahead.

Harley: Mommy's going to hang up her coat.

Gus: Wait! No, no! Don't!

Harley: Come on, it's no big deal. (Gasps)

Ross: I'm glad you're here. I need to tell you something. I need to tell you the truth, because there can't be any more lies and there can't be any more secrets between us.

Blake: There are no more secrets, Ross. I know about you and Tory. I know everything.


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