GL Transcript Tuesday 3/26/02



Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/26/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

Phillip: The door is not opening. We're trapped in here.

Beth: Damn Edmund.

Phillip: Beth? Hey are you all right?

Beth: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine.

Phillip: What happened? What are you doing?

Beth: With any luck at all I'm getting us out of here.

Josh: These are beautiful. Here.

Jim: Billy said you were looking for something extraordinary.

Josh: That's true. Is it all right?

Jim: Be my guest.

Josh: These aren't quite the size was looking for though. There it is. Look at that thing. That's wonderful. Beautiful.

Jim: Let's wrap this up.

Josh: I think we've seen enough. Hey beautiful, how are you? Good, good. Listen, I know we were supposed to meet, I'm sorry. I was just finishing up some business here with Billy.

Reva: Well. Go ahead and do that. We have work to finish, too, right? We'll just go and have drinks.

Holly: We do, yes.

Josh: You know what? Why don't you meet me at Towers in about an hour and a half, and we'll have dinner?

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Great.

Reva: Hi, Billy.

Billy: Hi. Holly.

Holly: Hey, you.

Josh: All right, let's go. And you might want to think about, you know, dressing up. Something real nice. See you later. Bye.

Reva: Bye. Did you see what he was doing? He was looking at diamonds.

Holly: Diamonds?

Reva: Yeah.

Holly: I wasn't paying attention.

Reva: No, I guess not. And then dinner. And you might want to dress up.

Holly: And that's code for...

Reva: He's going to do it. He's going to propose to me tonight.

Ross: Hey kids, guys, come on, get the lead out. You don't want to be late for a sleep-over, here. Come on. Jackets, please. Thank you. Mmm, oh. Well, you know something? I think Mr. And Mrs.. Keith said that you could bring a friend.

Kevin: She won't go anywhere without him.

Ross: Is that right?

Jason: Tory gave it to her.

Kevin: Are you still mad at Tory for taking us out without telling you?

Jason: Are we ever going to see her again?

Ross: I told you, Tory had to go away for a little while.

Jason: For how long?

Ross: Well, I don't know.

Jason: But you're still friends, right?

Tory: It was like we'd known each other forever. He had feelings for me, and he'd been hiding them for a long time. It was so intense, even the bartender knew we were in love.

Bartender: Can I get you something?

Blake: No, but you can tell me something. I need to separate fact from fiction, and you're the one person who can help me. (Cell phone rings)

Michelle: Hello? Rick, hey. No, no, no, no, it's okay. Take your time. No, don't worry, I'll just wait for you at the bar. Okay. All right. Bye.

Man: What just happened?

Michelle: I think the elevator just stopped.

Man: Oh, no. How much oxygen is in here?

Michelle: No, relax, I think... It'll probably just, you know, take a minute or two and it will start going again.

Man: Where's the trapdoor? What if we can't get out?

Michelle: It's okay, it's okay. Look, there's an intercom. We'll just use the intercom, all right? Hang on.

Man: This can't be happening. (Hyperventilating)

Michelle: Are you okay? Sir? Sir? Are you okay?

Man: Oh, oh!

Michelle: Hey, are you... No.

Blake: Look, it will only take a second. You know my husband, Ross Marler? Oh, come on, we come here all the time.

Bartender: Sure.

Blake: All right. And this is Tory Granger. Oh, I know you know her. Look, it's not what you think. I'm not here on some jealous rampage or anything. Somebody started a vicious rumor about Ross, about a night that he was in here with her. No, please.

Bartender: There was a waiter that helped them that night. I never actually talked with them.

Blake: Okay, look, I don't want to put you on the spot, I just need answers.

Bartender: All I remember is that it seemed as if they were close.

Blake: How close?

Bartender: Listen, Mrs.. Marler, I know your husband loves you very much. Don't go looking for trouble.

Ross: All right, have fun, kids. And Robert, thank you. I'll call you in the morning about picking them up. All right. Oh, Clarissa. Clarissa, come here. You forgot your friend. Here, baby. You don't want to forget your friend. I love you, you know that, don't you? Okay, go find your brothers now. There you go.

Gus: Be right in. Just give me, like, a second to put my finger on it. I did have it.

Harley: This is where you live?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: How do you find anything in this mess?

Gus: It's not really that hard.

Harley: Not that hard? Are you kidding me? This stuff has got to be... Okay, how old is that?

Gus: All right, look. You know, just stop being such a girl about everything, okay?

Harley: Yeah, ha ha ha.

Gus: Here, you want to sit down? No, you know what? Don't sit there. I to...

Harley: Okay, where? Where, where, where?

Gus: Right here. Sit right here. Make it nice and comfy for you. Comfy. Sit right here. There it is, because I... Well, I knew... I know where everything is pretty much, just...

Harley: Miracle. Yeah. Okay, thanks.

Gus: Well, wait, wait. Don't. Shouldn't we talk about it? You know, go over it and see if all the paperwork's in order. And, you know, together.

Reva: Is that...?

Holly: Yes, that's Tory granger, Ross' personal assistant. Let's not talk about that. Let's talk about your big night ahead of you.

Reva: You mean the fact that he's going to propose to me, and I am just not prepared?

Holly: What's to prepare? He goes down on one knee and pledges his undying love to you. And you cry, and then later he goes on both knees and begs for forgiveness, and everybody cries.

Reva: Excuse me?

Holly: I'm sorry, I'm being a little cynical. And I'm a little distracted. Okay, so josh is going to propose.

Reva: He is, isn't he.

Holly: And you are nervous, scared, excited?

Reva: Uh, yeah, all of the above.

Holly: Well, I think you can handle this.

Reva: My heart is telling me to go for it, and I should trust that, but I'm scared. I'm scared that I'm going to hurt him again, or hurt the kids again, and that's why I wanted to take it slow for once.

Holly: Well, you don't have to get married tomorrow.

Reva: I want this, Holly. I really do.

Holly: Good, you deserve it.

Reva: But I'm going to tell you what I told Josh: I don't want to put him through anymore pain, and I couldn't bear letting him down again or letting down the kids by diving into something that we're not ready for.

Holly: Well, I may be no expert, but I think you're ready for this.

Reva: Oh, God, Holly. I hope you're right.

Josh: Thank you, Mr. Andrey. I'm looking forward to it. Right. Bye-bye. Well, our portfolio now includes the Cty of Lions. Singapore is officially on board.

Billy: Whoo, whoo! Nice going. Hey?

Josh: What?

Billy: Now you can concentrate on that other merger.

Josh: Yeah, you got that right.

Billy: Hey, so what did you think of Jim’s stuff? It's pretty first rate, huh?

Josh: I wouldn't have it any other way. You know that.

Billy: So you excited?

Josh: Yeah.

Billy: You a little nervous?

Josh: Yeah.

Billy: A little scared?

Josh: Yeah. (Laughter) No, I'm fine, I am. This is going to be great, you know. I'm going to get it right this time. I'm ready. Come on, let's go.

Michelle: Oh, come on, Rick. Come on. Answer your phone. Oh, the voice mail. Okay, Michelle. Okay, you know CPR you can do this. Come on. Oh, God. (Blowing) Okay. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Okay. Come on, come on. You're okay.

Man: (Coughing)

Michelle: Hey, hey. Can you hear me? Hang in there. Hang in there. You're okay. You're okay. You're going to be just fine.

Beth: Okay, we're going to do this.

Phillip: If you say so.

Beth: I do.

Phillip: Okay.

Beth: On the count of three. One, two, three. (Struggling) Oh, ah! Ah, ah.

Phillip: Okay. It's okay. I think we can make this work.

Beth: Yeah.

Phillip: Looks like pretty close.

Beth: Okay, okay.

Phillip: Let's try again.

Beth: Okay, just...

Phillip: Wedge it. Wedge it all the way under.

Beth: Okay. Okay, just give me something to keep me going.

Phillip: (Laughs) Any suggestions?

Beth: Tell me about Lizzie and James, what they were doing just before you left.

Phillip: They were missing you.

Beth: Well, they won't be for long.

Phillip: You sure about that?

Beth: Yes, I am.

Phillip: Okay.

Beth: Okay. One, two... Oh, hold on. One, two, three. (Struggling) Are you okay? Are you okay? You okay? (Laughs)

Phillip: You did it. You did it.

Beth: Phase one, onto phase two.

Phillip: Ha-ha. Ready when you are.

Beth: We're going to get out of here. We're going to get back to Springfield, and we're going to get home our babies.

Phillip: I know we are. And I'm with you every step of the way. (Laughter)

Reva: I mean, marrying anyone three times is... Even if they are the love of your life, it makes you start to wonder.

Holly: You said it, he's the love of your life.

Reva: Yes.

Holly: How many people can say that after two divorces?

Reva: You mean, practice makes perfect?

Holly: Yeah, something like that.

Reva: Yeah. But thinking and doing are two totally different things. I'm making you crazy, I am.

Holly: Yeah, yeah, oh, you. (Laughs) I... I don't know what to tell about you what to do. Well, you're not going to listen to me anyway. Love, love, it's so much like life, isn't it? Up and down, up and down. You can back off because of the downs. You have to embrace it for the ups. That's the part I'm working on.

Reva: (Laughs)

Holly: It's going to be okay if it's meant to be.

Reva: I have to go. I have to go because I have to go get dressed up for dinner.

Holly: Oh, you must. Enjoy.

Reva: Thanks.

Holly: Congratulations.

Reva: Don't... Don't. Oh, you're going to jinx it. He hasn't even proposed to me yet.

Holly: Right.

Reva: Hi, Ross.

Ross: Hi, Reva.

Reva: How are you?

Ross: Good.

Holly: What's wrong? You look...

Ross: What? Relieved?

Holly: I was going to say agitated. What's happened?

Ross: Nothing has happened. I'm just relived that Blake is not here. I mean, it's come to that. It's come to the point where I'm afraid to see her for fear of what I'm going to say or do.

Holly: You're not thinking of telling her about Tory.

Ross: I no longer know what I'm thinking. All I know is that Tory Granger is dead, and it's because of me.

Romeo: Wait, what was that? Trinity Retreat House? Thank you, Monsignor. Mrs. Marler, can I get you something?

Blake: Oh, yeah. Now I need a drink.

Romeo: Pinot Grigio, chardonnay?

Blake: How about something wild. That is your trademark, isn't it?

Romeo: Yes, it is. How'd you hear about it?

Blake: Tory Granger.

Romeo: Yeah, that's a shame, isn't it? I had no idea she was...

Blake: Suicidal? Shocking, isn't it? Especially since you knew her so well.

Romeo: I didn't, obviously.

Blake: Oh, come on, a hottie like you, I'm sure you could have had her like that.

Romeo: Oh, she was interested.

Blake: Yeah?

Romeo: Yeah. Matter of fact, she used to flirt with me like crazy. But then one night she came in here and I made her one of these, and she was totally into me, or so I thought. She was just one of those brainiac chicks, like, knows everything.

Blake: Oh, she shot you down.

Romeo: She was the one who wanted me until...

Blake: Until what?

Romeo: Who cares. She's gone, so it doesn't really matter, does it? How's the drink?

Blake: Well, you're a terrible liar.

Romeo: What?

Blake: She rejected you. You just don't want to admit it.

Romeo: Look, she dug me. It was just... It was one of those things. Nothing came out of it.

Blake: Because she shot you down.

Romeo: No way. You can ask anybody. She wanted to dance with me, like real close. Any closer and we would have had to get a room.

Blake: So what stopped you?

Romeo: You don't want to know.

Blake: You didn't have the right moves?

Romeo: No.

Blake: Because it never happened.

Romeo: No!

Blake: Then what?

Romeo: You really want to know?

Blake: Yes.

Romeo: Then ask your husband. (Door slams)

Holly: She's not dead because of you. She's dead because she chose to end her life. And you didn't know how troubled she was.

Ross: Yes, I did. I was just too busy trying to control the situation to pay any attention to her.

Holly: You were blind. And I guess there were no outward signs.

Ross: Holly, she was stalking us. She threatened Blake. She deluded herself into thinking that I loved her.

Holly: Well, it's signs of a troubled mind, yes, but not of suicide. Ross, you didn't push her off the pier.

Ross: I didn't say that I did, but if I had come clean in the beginning, she wouldn't have been on the pier, and she wouldn't have killed herself.

Holly: Her death is not your responsibility, but your family is. And telling Blake about Tory is going to cause so much pain that they just don't deserve.

Paul: Professor Marler, just the man I was looking for.

Ross: Hi, Paul. How's it going?

Paul: Just ran across one of your summations.

Ross: "The law doesn't exist to serve man's pride. It exists to serve justice, and justice is only served by the truth."

Rick: Hey. What is it? What happened?

Michelle: Well, we got stuck in the elevator and he started having trouble breathing. And he grabbed his chest, fell to the ground-- he was obviously having a heart attack.

Rick: So what did you do?

Michelle: Well, I tried to page you. I loosened his clothing. I administered CPR. And when he started breathing again, I just kind of kept him comfortable until they got here. But thank God you're here, because with a real doctor, he might have a chance.

EMS technician: He's got a lot more than that, thanks to you.

Michelle: Well, I wish I could have gotten him help sooner.

EMS technician: Well, you were trapped in an elevator. That's good you're here, Doc, but this guy is stable. You're a real life saver.

Rick: Did you hear the man? You saved that man's life, Michelle.

Michelle: I just did what anyone would have done.

Rick: No, no, that's not true. I mean, a lot of people would have panicked even if they did know CPR, but not you. My little sister is a hero.

Michelle: (Laughs) No.

Rick: Yes, yes. I mean, if you ask me, I think some of those Bauer genes are starting to kick in. I don't know. Maybe you're meant to be a doctor after all. (Pager beeping) That's the hospital. Nice job.

Michelle: Thanks.

Phillip: (Grunting) Damn it!

Beth: Okay, okay. Look, it's not budging. We just need... We just need to conserve our energy.

Phillip: Yeah, damn it. (Breathing heavily) Maybe there's another way out.

Beth: Yeah, but where? Wait a minute.

Phillip: What?

Beth: Look at this.

Phillip: Look at what?

Beth: Why didn't I notice this before?

Phillip: Why didn't you notice what?

Beth: Well... There's a... There's one set of tracks here, you know.

Phillip: Yeah. So?

Beth: Well, shouldn't there be two? You know, one to take things in and one to haul things out? This has got to go outside. I mean, they mine this place to the point of needing this thing.

Phillip: Wait a minute. Yeah, well...

Beth: Yeah, yeah. So, I mean, this... This mine was built into the side of a mountain, so I think it's possible that these tracks veer off down the line and head outside.

Phillip: Well, you know what? You may be right about that, but who even knows whether or not this thing makes it all the way outside?

Beth: Well... Well, so what do you think, the tracks just drop off somewhere?

Phillip: I don't know, but, I mean, look around. Who knows what kind of structural damage the rest of mine has suffered.

Beth: Well, they go someplace. So I... You want to chance it?

Phillip: I just want to find a way to get out of here and get home to the kids.

Beth: Yeah, me, too. So unless... Unless you have another plan, let's... Let's chance it, huh? I say we hop in and hold on. (Laughs)

Phillip: What the hell. We have very little left to lose.

Beth: Yeah. Let me help you. Okay, okay.

Phillip: (Grunts) Oh, that hurt.

Beth: Sorry. Okay.

Phillip: Okay. Now what?

Beth: I release the brake.

Phillip: Okay. What are you waiting for?

Beth: A kiss for luck.

Phillip: Is there something about near-death experiences that...

Beth: Yeah, something like that, yeah.

Paul: It's got everything: Passion, guts...

Ross: Please, Paul, believe me. I don't deserve your praise. And do me a favor. Never compromise your integrity for selfish gains or any other reason, okay?

Paul: Thanks, Professor.

Ross: Thank you for reminding me of what's really important here. Would you mind if I kept this? I'll get it back to you tomorrow.

Paul: No, not at all.

Ross: Thanks. The man who wrote this summation, he would have done something about Tory's cry for help. And he wouldn't hide behind a lie, even when it was hurting his family.

Holly: That's not what you're doing.

Ross: Yes, it is. I hesitated when I should have been confessing. And I am just sick and tired of wallowing in despair.

Holly: So what are you going to do?

Ross: Holly, there is a solution out there somewhere. I'm going to find it.

Gus: It's sad, you know, what happened to Tory Granger.

Harley: Granger.

Gus: Yeah. You know, it makes you think about life, you know, like how short it is and how you should grab every moment that you can, make the most out of it. You know, grab it, happiness.

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: What?

Harley: Are you kidding me with that?

Gus: Is it not working. (Laughs) No, it's not, is it?

Harley: We shouldn't do this.

Gus: What is the matter?

Harley: Just because... Just because.

Gus: Why? Listen to me. Will you stay here with me tonight, all night?

Harley: Wow. I... I don't think I'm ready for that...

Gus: All right, okay, all right, okay, fine. Stay part of the night?

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: What?

Harley: Come on. (Laughs)

Gus: What?

Harley: Well, I... Well, for one thing, I'm... I'm on duty for like another hour here.

Gus: What? Now, we're working. This is work. We are working.

Harley: We are not working.

Gus: No, we are working, we are working, we are working out our communication skills. See, read my lips.

Harley: I can't, because you know what, when I'm... When I'm done here, I... I've got to do so much other stuff.

Gus: What do you have to do?

Harley: Well, I have children. I have to make dinner.

Gus: Couldn't we have... Could we eat together? Would that be too much?

Harley: Well, that's a great idea. Let's do that.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: Let's eat together.

Gus: All right. Well, can we eat here? Because I'll cook. I'll cook up a storm.

Harley: In your gourmet kitchen?

Gus: Oh, yeah. I am a whiz with a microwave. And I got a new hot plate, too.

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: So, yeah, seriously, I will cook and we can go over all of our stuff together-- the paperwork and, you know... So I'll do the cooking and then we can work and eat and be together all at the same time. How's that? Does that... How's that?

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: What?

Harley: It sounds good.

Gus: Yeah, seriously.

Harley: Well, wait, I'm just... Let's just get something straight. Right now, are we... Is this work or is this social?

Gus: Right now, this second?

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: It's whatever you want it to be.

Harley: Okay, then I want it to be work until I clock out, and then it's social.

Gus: Okay. That's good. Nice that way.

Harley: Okay. Wow. So this is sort of a... This is a big deal. I mean, it's not huge or anything, but, you know, we're... If you think about it, we're not eating at work. We're eating here, you know, outside of work. So that would make it, technically-- if you think about it-- this could really be considered a...

Gus: You talk so much.

Harley: ...Our first date.

Gus: Yeah. Yeah. Then I guess it's true what people say, you know. There's got to be a first time for everything, right?

Reva: Oh! (Laughs)

Josh: Hi, there.

Reva: Hi.

Josh: I'm sorry this is last minute, but I am so glad you are here. You look stunning, I must say.

Reva: Thank you.

Josh: Walk this way.

Reva: I am.

Josh: I have a confession to make right off the bat. I have brought you here under false pretenses.

Reva: You don't say?

Josh: That's correct. Dinner is not the only thing on the menu tonight.

Reva: Oh?

Josh: Mmm, mmm, mmm. I have a surprise for you.

Reva: Really?

Josh: Yes, really. And I wanted to keep it a surprise, but I figure, you know, since we're both here and together and it's so romantic, I thought I'd just... What did I... Oh, here it is. This is for you.

Reva: Oh, it's so big.

Josh: Yeah. Aren't you going to open it? (Laughs) Try it on. Ah, it fits you like a glove.

Phillip: (Grunting)

Beth: You okay?

Phillip: (Grunting) Yeah!

Beth: Good. End of the line.

Phillip: Yeah, I think so.

Beth: Okay, shall we?

Phillip: Are you okay?

Beth: Yeah, I'm okay, okay. Can we do this?

Phillip: Yeah. Yeah.

Beth: Okay. Okay.

Phillip: Okay. Thanks. (Coughing)

Beth: Well, I don't see anything.

Phillip: I'll look around down here. I'll go up here and see if I see anything.

Beth: Well, keep looking.

Phillip: See anything?

Beth: Phillip?

Phillip: Yeah.

Beth: I think I found something here. Oh.

Phillip: Oh, God. Ha-ha! (Laughs)

Beth: Oh, we did it, we did it!

Phillip: No. No, we didn't do anything; you did it. You did it. You got that beam off of me, and you got us out. (Laughter) Oh!

Beth: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Phillip: It's okay.

Beth: Did I make it worse for you?

Phillip: Yeah, you did. But you know what? It's okay. A little pain right now is good. It beats the alternative.

Beth: Yeah. Let's go home.

Phillip: Let's go home.

Beth: Yeah. (Laughter)

Reva: So, how does it look?

Josh: Perfect.

Reva: So I'm sitting here in Towers wearing a hard hat, and you want to tell me why?

Josh: Well, in a very short time, I'm going to be getting on a jet to Tulsa, and I want you to come with me.

Reva: Oh?

Josh: Yeah, thought we might have a little picnic in the air, if you know what I'm saying.

Reva: (Laughs) And the hard hat comes in how?

Josh: (Laughs) Actually, it comes in once we get to Tulsa, because we're to tour the oil fields. And I just thought that this might come in handy. So, do you want to come with me?

Reva: Sure. Tulsa, absolutely. I...

Josh: Good.

Reva: I... I haven't been there in a while.

Josh: Yeah, I know that. Hey.

Billy: Hey. Never needed one of those with me.

Reva: Oh, shut up.

Billy: Hey, I put in the order for those industrial diamonds.

Josh: Oh, good. What about Jim? Did you talk to him?

Billy: Oh, I hammered him, I hammered him. Look, I got shot ball, high- density ultras.

Josh: Great. Good.

Reva: Jim?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: Jim is the guy that you were with at Company?

Josh: Yeah, one and the same. We just bought some, you know, diamond drills from him.

Billy: Oh, the plane's all fueled.

Josh: Good.

Billy: Can I just talk to you for a second? I just want to brief him on the thermal conductivity of this.

Josh: Yeah, sure, excuse us for just a second. Oh, and if the waiter comes by, tell him to grab our food to go, all right? Excuse us.

Reva: Absolutely.

Josh: What the heck was that?

Billy: (Laughs)

Josh: "Thermal conductivity"? (Laughs)

Billy: You are bad. You're bad.

Josh: Well, I'm just trying to keep her on her toes, that's all.

Billy: I think you're keeping her on her toes all right.

Josh: Well, hey, if I pop the question right here and now, it would be so obvious. She would see it coming a mile away.

Billy: Oh, come on, Josh. Flying to Tulsa is subtle?

Josh: I just want to surprise her, that's all.

Billy: I think you're surprising her.

Josh: I want her to, you know, feel that thrill, that excitement that's supposed to come with a moment like this, you know? We're getting engaged, even though it's the third time around.

Billy: (Laughs) It's going to be a little more difficult, but...

Josh: I know, I know. And I admit, I almost blew it by asking her to marry me at Company a while back. But this time I'm going to do it in such a way that there's no way she's going to be able to say no. I'm going to do it the old- fashioned way, but I want it to go perfect. Hmm?

Billy: I think you're right on track.

Blake: "And then in the place we met, the first place I set eyes on him, Ross made love to me. And it was better than I ever dreamed it could be. He's mine now. Ross will always be mine. When I close my eyes, I see the way he looked at me when I walked back into his classroom. And that's when our fate was sealed. I wanted to get back on that plane, but one look, one kiss, and suddenly there was no denying it. He told me he didn't know how badly he needed me, that I made him feel that he had a second chance to get back what he had given up on earlier in his life. (Sobbing) He can deny it all he wants, but a love this strong, a bond this strong never dies." No! No! Oh, God!


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