GL Transcript Monday 3/25/02



Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/25/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

Danny: Hey, I thought I'd find you here.

Tony: Yeah, why is that?

Danny: Well, I saw Marah Lewis pull out of the parking lot.

Tony: Yeah, she came by to say hi, and she dropped this off, too.

Danny: For the baby, huh? That's cute.

Tony: Yeah, it's cute.

Danny: I didn't realize you and Marah were still talking.

Tony: Yeah, we are.

Danny: How'd it go?

Tony: Oh, you know, it was fine. Just a friendly meeting, Danny, you know. So, what are you doing here?

Danny: Oh, here, I came to drop off some tax stuff that you're probably going to need.

Tony: Okay.

Danny: So, I hear you moved up the wedding date.

Tony: Yeah, that's right.

Danny: Because you're so excited about getting married, huh?

Tony: Well, it's Catalina's idea, but, you know, it's a good thing. You know, baby's coming, and she wants the kid to have my name so I'm all for it.

Danny: Right. I can tell; you look overjoyed. I mean, it's a wedding, Tony, it's not an execution.

Romeo: Hey.

Marina: Hey.

Romeo: So, what's up?

Marina: I don't know.

Romeo: What do you mean? You said you needed to see me.

Marina: They made me call you.

Romeo: Who?

Frank: Nice of you to stop by.

Romeo: Yeah, well, too bad I can't stay.

Frank: Uh, you definitely have a couple of minutes for this.

Marina: Dad...

Romeo: What's the problem?

Frank: A little illegal gambling at Infierno.

Romeo: (Scoffs) There's no such thing.

Frank: Like hell.

Romeo: Excuse me, Detective, but you yourself raided the place the other night, and came up empty.

Frank: I have something new.

Romeo: Yeah, like what?

Frank: Like a certain underage waitress you had working there.

Beth: Hello? Stop it!

Edmund: Lorelei, come with me, and this will all be over.

Lorelei: You got that right!

Phillip: Beth, don't give up!

Edmund: Shut up!

Phillip: Beth?

Beth: I won't, I won't. I won't...

Edmund: Lorelei, whatever he's told you, forget it. It's all lies. Just put it out of your mind. You don't need Phillip. We don't need the Spaulding's. We don't need anything. We can go someplace and start new if you just come with me now.

Lorelei: We'd be happy?

Phillip: Beth!

Edmund: Of course we'll be happy. Phillip never knew how to make Beth happy because he never accepted her as she truly was. Beth left...

Phillip: Get away from her!

Edmund: ...Phillip by her own choice long before she met me. Save yourself. Save yourself. Forget about Phillip!

Phillip: Don't listen to him. He's lying!

Lorelei: I can do just as I want!

Edmund: (Laughs) Of course you will!

Phillip: Beth is in there.

Edmund: You're Lorelei!

Phillip: How many times has he lied to you? How many times has he manipulated you? Every time! Listen, don't go with him! Don't listen to him! Beth!

Edmund: Lorelei, what's your alternative? Being stuck in this dismal hole in the ground with a man who wants nothing more than to control you? Of course not. You don't want that. That's you, Beth! That's not Lorelei!

Phillip: Think about us!

Edmund: I know what you want.

Phillip: Think about us!

Edmund: I know what you want and I can give it to you.

Phillip: Beth, think about the kids! Think about Lizzie, think about James, think about us. Beth!

Edmund: You think about your own family! They're not her family anymore!

Phillip: (Grunting)

Edmund: Come on-- come on, Lorelei.

Beth: No, you go! But I'm not going with you.

Edmund: Lorelei...

Beth: Just go.

Edmund: Don't do this to me, not after all I've done for you.

Phillip: No, you’re mean to her.

Edmund: I've had enough of you!

Beth: Don't touch him!

Edmund: Lorelei... Lorelei, you can't turn on me like this. We're friends, we're partners.

Beth: I'm not Lorelei! Don't you recognize me? I'm the widow that you seduced with pity and sweet talk after Jim died. The woman that believed you when you said that we would rule San Cristobel together as equals!

Edmund: You can't know that. How... How...

Beth: I'm Beth! Yeah, go on! Go on, ask me something! Ask me something that Lorelei wouldn't know, like... Like... Like how I really got out of that Tower in San Cristobel. Or where I was in that plaza in Los Flores when you kidnapped me.

Edmund: This isn't possible.

Phillip: Wrong again.

Beth: I know it must be such a shock to you, Edmund, after everything you shared with Lorelei, but it's me-- I'm back.

Edmund: Wait... Wait a minute. I don't understand what's happening.

Beth: Well, if I thought that you needed an explanation, I would give you one. But let's just say I survived the flood and went on from there.

Edmund: As... As... Wait, what... The accident caused some complete psychological split?

Beth: The only accident was the fact that I ever loved you!

Danny: What's going on? Whoa, forget it. Hey, Cat.

Catalina: Hi.

Tony: Hey. How are you?

Catalina: I'm great. What's this? Oh, it's a gift for the baby. I love it. Thank you so much, Danny.

Danny: Oh, no, it's not from me.

Tony: It's from Marah.

Catalina: Marah? Really? Well, that was very nice of her.

Tony: Yeah. Have you finished sorting through those papers I gave you from yesterday?

Catalina: No, but I can do that right now. It won't take long, okay?

Tony: Okay.

Catalina: It was good seeing you, Danny.

Danny: You, too. What's the deal?

Tony: How come I can never hide anything from you, huh?

Danny: I don't know. Maybe because it's not meant to be hidden.

Tony: You sound like Ray.

Danny: What? Does it have something to do with him?

Tony: Kind of.

Danny: Well, what? What is it?

Tony: Ray said he won't marry Catalina and me, and he won't tell me why. He said I had to ask Catalina, so I did, and she said it was because Ray is ashamed.

Danny: Ashamed about what?

Tony: She said that Ray made a pass at her, that he tried to kiss her at church...

Danny: What? Are you kidding me?

Tony: She swore it was the truth.

Danny: (Laughs) That's... That's crazy. Did you ask Ray about it?

Tony: Of course I did. He told me it never happened.

Danny: Right. So who do you believe?

Tony: Who do you think, Danny? (Sighs) The thing is that Catalina's carrying my kid. Now what am I supposed to do, huh? Just bail on her? Forget it.

Danny: Why doesn't Ray want to marry the two of you?

Tony: I don't know. You know, the Bishop sent him off on some retreat until this garbage gets settled. "Retreat," you know, that's like the church version of jail.

Danny: Yeah, well, you can't get married to her with all this going on. You can't.

Tony: (Sighs) I already told her we would.

Danny: Well, that's ridiculous. If Catalina's lying to you?

Tony: Well, don't say that, all right?!

Danny: Well, how can you think about anything else? Every time you see her, every time she walks into the room, huh?

Tony: I hate this.

Danny: Well, you've got to... You've got to find out why Ray won't marry the two of you. Got to track him down and make him tell you the truth. Because obviously Catalina's not going to tell you. You have to find out what's going on, because if you rush into this marriage without knowing, it's not going to last.

Romeo: There's nothing illegal going on in that club.

Frank: I had you dead in your tracks, if we found the cash, but unfortunately it went out the side door with my lovely daughter.

Romeo: Your dad, he's got a good imagination.

Frank: No, I just got good eyesight. There was a surveillance van parked outside Infierno that night. The pictures, by the way, they came out crystal clear.

Romeo: It still doesn't prove anything.

Frank: It proves that you used my daughter as a safety valve.

Marina: Look, Dad, you don't know what was in that bag, and, honestly, neither do I. I mean, I just... I saw it and so I took it outside.

Frank: I know that's what you told me at the police station the other night. I suppose you still haven't found that bag yet.

Marina: No! Not really, I mean, everything was just happening so fast.

Frank: I got a tip for you, pal. I'd be real careful driving in your car. Because if you have a tail light out, if you make an illegal turn, or if you even have a simple parking violation, I'll make sure you pay, big time.

Romeo: That's harassment, Detective.

Frank: I'm just giving the taxpayers their money's worth. I want you to stay the hell away from my underage daughter.

Marina: Dad! I think that he gets the message.

Romeo: Loud and clear. You're bad luck, kid.

Buzz: Well, Frank... Gee, no furniture splintered, no clock re-broken? Excellent.

Eleni: I hope that little creep won't be back here.

Marina: Don't worry. He'll stay a million miles away from me now.

Eleni: Well, that's all I wanted to hear.

Frank: If he comes back, he'll pay.

Marina: Dad, he wouldn't be that stupid.

Frank: Where you going?

Marina: I'm going for a walk.

Frank: No, not really, because now it's your turn.

Edmund: First time I saw you... On that bridge in Chicago... You were standing over me, wearing that awful coat. And your hair the color of mud. I thought in that instant...

Beth: I don't want to reminisce, Edmund!

Edmund: Reminisce?

Beth: I've had time to sort things out. And I realized that what I thought when I first came back from San Cristobel was true. My marriage to you was wrong.

Edmund: You loved me.

Beth: Well, if I did, I was wrong! Because, you see, in the process, I neglected my children, I neglected my family, I gave in to the worst part of me-- the selfish part. The part that wanted what I shouldn't have. I conveniently ignored everything that you were doing to Richard and Cassie and everyone that got in your way. And then, when I became one of your enemies, you nearly killed me.

Edmund: I never tried to kill you.

Phillip: He doesn't listen. (Laughs) It's over.

Beth: Phillip, no, I can handle this. In fact, I need to. You're right. I did love you... Once upon a time, in a fantasy that turned out to be an illusion. But not anymore. What I feel for you now is closer to hatred.

Edmund: One day you'll regret this. You'll regret it almost as much as going back to Phillip.

Beth: And who said I'm going back to Phillip?

Edmund: Well, it's obvious, isn't it? It makes sense. It's all about your fear.

Beth: I can take care of myself.

Edmund: No, you can't, because you wouldn't be going back to a control freak like Phillip Spaulding.

Beth: Oh, and going back to you would be so much better?

Edmund: It's better than backsliding into the passivity of your old life. You know, I guess it's better, after all, that you weren't around for Lizzie and James, because really, you're terrible as a role model when it comes to instilling independence of spirit.

Beth: I think you should go now, while you still have a little dignity left.

Edmund: Dignity? You have no idea what I have left. God, I loved you. To hell with you. To hell with both of you. (Creaking)

Marina: Look, I know, I messed up. I mean, how many times do you need to hear me say it?

Eleni: The question is how many times will things like this keep happening?

Frank: Sweetheart, laying down the law...

Marina: Okay, don't call me sweetheart, when you're just about to cream me, okay, Dad?

Frank: Fair enough. I think I let Romeo know the consequences if he's found hanging out with you again. So, you know what? It's going to work both ways here. So, starting now, he's totally off-limits.

Marina: (Mumbling) Why don't you just break out the electronic anklets?

Frank: What was that?

Marina: Nothing.

Eleni: Honey... Marina, you came 2,000 miles to be with your father. You obviously have some respect for him.

Marina: I'm sorry.

Frank: Sorry's not going to cut it anymore. If I see you going to Infierno to go looking for him, or if I see you maybe talking to him on the street, or hell, if you even talk to him on the phone, you're going to be in very, very big trouble.

Marina: Like I'm not in very, very big trouble already.

Frank: Yeah, you are. You know what? I looked up some records of some kids comparable to your age and your offenses that you've done. And you know what the standard penalty for that is? Three months of community service.

Eleni: That doesn't seem like much.

Marina: Yes, it does.

Frank: Well, you know what? Starting right now, every day after school and on weekends, you're going to work here at Company for the next three months.

Marina: Are you serious? But, Dad, summer's coming up and I wanted to go...

Frank: Well, you know what, sweetheart, look at it this way. Now, you don't have to look for a summer job, it's right here. And if you keep getting into trouble, I'm just going to tack on more and more time. Unless, of course, you want to do real community service. Which is-- what?-- Scraping graffiti off walls, picking up trash off the highway, maybe even working in a soup kitchen. So you know what? Your decision, your choice. But right now, you can go bus our table, okay?

Marina: Yes, master.

Frank: I'm sorry, I didn't hear that.

Marina: I didn't say anything.

Frank: I thought not.

Eleni: You were great.

Buzz: Oh, yeah, you were great, Frank, you know? You just love that tough love stuff, don't you?

Frank: I take it that comment means that you disapprove.

Buzz: No, what I disapprove of is making honest work sound like a minimum security sentence. She's going to think all work is punishment.

Frank: She already does. I'm not backing up on this. Dad, you know what she did? She was backing up a mob guy. Come on! I got to get her a strong dose of reality here.

Buzz: Oh, great. You know, then my restaurant becomes what? A jail. Thank you, Frank. It's just great.

Frank: You know, if you have a different idea of how to deal with her, feel free.

Maria: May I join you?

Marah: Why, did I do something?

Maria: Yes, you did.

Tony: I just want to be the best father I can be to this kid, Danny.

Danny: Well, yeah, sure, but that doesn't mean pretending you don't have doubts about the mother.

Tony: Why are you twisting my words around?

Danny: Tony, you can put the baby first without putting yourself last.

Tony: I'm doing what I have to do.

Danny: Yeah.

Tony: All right?

Danny: Okay. You sure you're not rushing into this marriage prematurely because you're afraid you'll back out if you don't?

Catalina: I'm all finished.

Danny: Yeah, so are we. Take it easy.

Catalina: Is Danny okay?

Tony: Sure, yeah, he's fine.

Catalina: Are you okay?

Tony: No. You know what? Something's bugging me.

Catalina: What?

Tony: This thing with Ray.

Catalina: Tony...

Tony: I know. You hate talking about it and you just wish it would go away, but the problem is it's not going, it's getting worse.

Catalina: What do you mean?

Tony: I mean that I don't feel that I can go ahead with things until this junk with Ray gets settled.

Catalina: And by "things," you mean the wedding. Tony, I've answered all your questions.

Tony: Well, I think I have some more.

Catalina: So you think I'm lying to you?

Tony: I think that you're scared.

Catalina: I was. I was, because of what Ray did, and I forgive him. I don't understand why everyone else can't.

Tony: You know why, because he's a priest, Catalina, okay? He's in a lot of trouble. They sent him away because of what went down.

Catalina: He's on a retreat...

Tony: Because of what you said! Look, I feel that I know Ray inside and out. Only you're telling me that there's this side of him that I can't even believe is there.

Catalina: So you don't believe me.

Tony: You told me that my brother made a pass at you. Only my gut says that there's no way he could have done that. Something is not right, and it is driving me crazy, and I need your help, please. I need you to tell me everything you said about Ray putting the moves on you is the truth. I need you to swear to God that it is the truth.

Catalina: I can't.

Tony: What?

Catalina: It's not true. I made the whole thing up.

Tony: Ray didn't lay a finger on you? He didn't try to kiss you?

Catalina: No.

Tony: How could you lie to me? He's my brother.

Catalina: I know, I'm sorry.

Tony: A lot of good that does us now, huh?

Catalina: You don't think I feel horrible about this? I hated myself as soon as the words came out of my mouth.

Tony: Well, why did you put them there? What do you have against Ray?

Catalina: Nothing! Nothing, Tony. He's a wonderful man...

Tony: Yeah, yeah, whose life is in hell right now.

Catalina: I'm sorry. I was too scared to tell you the truth.

Tony: So tell me now. You tell me, Catalina.

Catalina: Please... Please.

Tony: What... What do you think? You think I'm just going to let you sit on this, after you pulled a number like this?

Catalina: I can't.

Tony: Forget it.

Catalina: I can't say it.

Tony: You have to. You have to tell me.

Catalina: It's awful. Tony, I hate myself for it.

Tony: Tell me, Catalina. Tell me why my brother wouldn't marry us.

Catalina: Because he knows that you're still in love with Marah, and that you always will be.

Marah: What did I do?

Maria: A very caring thing. I saw the... The baby gift you brought Antonio.

Marah: Well, we are still friends.

Maria: Mm-hmm. Why?

Marah: Because I do care about him.

Maria: How much do you care?

Marah: Look, Mrs.. Santos, if you're worried that I'm going to interfere with Tony's life, you don't have to. You can stop, because Tony and I are through.

Maria: Are you sure?

Marah: It has to be; he's having a baby. Besides, Tony and I are too different to work it out.

Maria: Oh, you mean he's not good enough for you?

Marah: No. No, that's not it at all. In fact, if I had to say between the two of us, I would say that he was the better person.

Maria: So, you're just friends?

Marah: Yeah, that's all.

Buzz: Donna Maria. You look beautiful. What can I get you? Oh, an espresso.

Maria: Si.

Buzz: Si. There you go. Coffee, Marah?

Marah: No, you know what? I'm fine. I'm hyper-caffeinated enough, but I have a paper due, so I think I'm going to go. Bye.

Maria: Fascinating girl.

Buzz: Yeah, I think you just chased that fascinating girl away. You frightened her.

Maria: She frightens me more.

Buzz: Espresso. Lynn? Espresso. Would you smile? We're losing enough customers already, for gosh sakes.

Marina: You got something to smile about?

Buzz: For you? I would say that would be about, yeah, early next week would... She lives! She's alive! Put down that, sit down.

Marina: Yeah, right. My dad would shoot me.

Buzz: I'm your dad's dad. Sit down.

Marina: You mean I'm free?

Buzz: No. No, I should... You know what? Remind me to play you my favorite record about freedom. Janis Joplin sang it.

Marina: Is Janis a friend of yours or something?

Buzz: You never heard of Janis Joplin?

Marina: Oh, yeah, maybe, like... Maybe I heard her on some oldies station or something.

Buzz: She was the best white blues singer of the 1960’s. She tore Woodstock apart.

Marina: Oh, yeah, I've heard of Woodstock. That was that... That concert thing that was on cable a couple of years ago, right?

Buzz: No, the first one. Didn't your parents teach you anything?

Marina: No. Well, nothing I really feel like remembering.

Buzz: Well, I'm going to have to change that right now.

Beth: Oh, Phillip, I feel so free.

Phillip: You know what? I'm really happy about that, but I still feel a little trapped.

Beth: (Laughs) I'm going to go. I'm going to go get help.

Phillip: Okay. You know what? You did great with him.

Beth: Oh, Phillip. Edmund was such a disaster for me. And you tried to tell me, everyone tried to tell me that he was wrong for me. But, you know, I just... I didn't want to believe it, because the truth is he made me feel secure, and I know that sounds terrible, but that's... That's... That's it...

Phillip: It's okay. Hey, you know what? Don't torture yourself about it, because you're not that person anymore. Now, everything that you have learned, and everything you've been through, you are never going to be vulnerable to someone like Edmund again.

Beth: And you're going to keep reminding me of that for the next 50 years or so?

Phillip: I won't need to. (Creaking)

Beth: What was that?

Phillip: Something's cracking. Sounds like wood. (Crashing thud) Well, I think we know what that was.

Marina: Espresso.

Buzz: Do you know what this is?

Marina: Is it a lobster imitation?

Buzz: What'd she... Why, I...

Marina: Yeah, I'm kidding. I know, it's the peace sign. I've seen pictures of hippies doing it.

Buzz: Oh, you have, huh? So, hippies and stuff isn't, like, totally alien to you?

Marina: No. I mean... I don't know, they looked kind of weird.

Buzz: They look weird? You know what you sound like? You sound like adults, July and August of 1967. That would be, baby, the summer of love. It was...

Marina: Well, who named it that?

Buzz: Girls didn't wear anything under their... It was like a kaleidoscope of a world. There was beauty, there was... It was terrible. There was enlightenment, brutality, and the war was shifting into higher gear in Vietnam. Kids back here were talking about love, harmony, you know? It was the age of Aquarius.

Marina: Okay, I've heard that song.

Buzz: That was actually astrologically wrong, you know. Everywhere you turned, it was demonstrations everywhere. I mean, the kids were picketing, they were marching, they were carrying signs that said, "Stop the war," "The war is wrong." I mean, can you imagine what it was like for some grunt coming back, you know, on leave, stateside?

Marina: What?

Buzz: Grunt. Soldier.

Marina: Right, yeah. Okay, you were in the army, weren't you?

Buzz: I haven't told you about that?

Marina: No.

Buzz: I'm throwing myself off course here. Anyway, the whole country was churning. It was like... You know, like our lake during a storm, you know? And parents, they were going bonkers trying to figure out what to do with their kids, who were by the way questioning not only the war, but everything. Sort of like how it is now.

Marina: You think?

Buzz: You don't think I have a point, do you? I do have a point. It's that as long... Ooh... It's that as long as there are teenagers, there are going to be uptight parents rolling their eyes, which I find strange.

Marina: Why?

Buzz: Because parents were teenagers, and then they have kids who become teenagers. They should know what it's like, and give them some slack, but that's not how it works with, you know...

Marina: Yeah, you're telling me. (Laughs)

Buzz: Right, they treat their kids... They want their kids to act like, you know, adults, and they treat them like infants, not even like teenagers. So, you know... They're morons, go figure. What?

Marina: I don't know. It's just... I guess you're, like, the first adult I've ever talked to who gets what it's like to be my age.

Buzz: Oh, well, I've had my share of acting out. There's better ways than others, you know.

Marina: Like maybe crashing a gambling night at Infierno?

Buzz: Well, you said it, I just... This isn't a sermon. Look, I've made more mistakes in my little finger than you have in your entire life.

Marina: Yeah, and you almost sound proud of it.

Buzz: Look, I worked hard-- look at this-- to make the mess I am. I'm not passing my crown off to you. It's mine and mine alone. It's a little heavy on the head, makes the neck hurt, you know? I don't think you'd like it that much.

Marina: You know, my mom never lets me forget how much I screw up. And, I don't know, even sometimes my dad makes me feel really guilty for not being perfect.

Buzz: He doesn't really mean to do that, you know. Let's astonish them in the morning. What do you say? You and I will work on being perfect together.

Tony: How could you lie to me?

Catalina: I was afraid. You kept pressuring me.

Tony: What do you mean, pressuring you?

Catalina: To tell you why Ray wouldn't marry us. I wanted to tell you the truth, but you were so close and it was so intense, and all I could think about is how you want Marah and not me. And don't you think that hurts? Tony, don't you think that hurts me? I wanted the pain to go away so I just said the first thing that came to mind, and I'm not proud of it. It made me feel mean and ugly, but it's better than lying next to you every single night knowing that you'd rather Marah be there!

Tony: That's not true.

Catalina: And now you're lying! See how easy it was? But, Tony, that doesn't mean... That doesn't mean that... That things need to change.

Tony: What do you mean?

Catalina: You don't have to say that you love me. Just say that you love our child. Please. Say that you love him and that you still want to marry me.

Buzz: It was Chicago, it was a blonde and a brunette. They said they were 18...

Marina: (Laughs)

Eleni: Whoa, what are you doing sitting down?

Marina: Hey, the boss told me to.

Eleni: Uh-huh. Buzz, the cook's swamped. He needs you in the kitchen.

Buzz: See, I stuck my foot in it already.

Marina: What are you going to do? Uh, hey, you need any help?

Buzz: (Stammers) No, I mean, you know, it's like labor for you in the gulag. I wouldn't want to make it worse.

Marina: No, I mean, I don't mind, like, giving you a hand if you need one. I mean, it could be different from the whole punishment thing. You know, like actual work-work.

Buzz: Are you asking me for a job?

Marina: Well, I mean, I'm obviously going to be here a lot, and I really wouldn't mind that much getting paid for it.

Buzz: Minimum wage is as high as I go.

Marina: That's okay with me.

Buzz: Company welcomes you.

Marina: Well, thank you. Where do I start?

Buzz: Behind the counter while the cook chews me out.

Marina: Okay. Grandpa, after the cook is done with his chewing, you think maybe we could talk some more?

Buzz: Talk? Ay-yi-yi...

Carmen: Having cafecito?

Maria: Si. Alone.

Carmen: Rumor has it there's going to be a wedding in the very near future. You might as well get used to me, Maria.

Maria: Yes. Another happy Santos family occasion.

Carmen: I thought you approved of Catalina. She's far better than the alternative.

Maria: Marah Lewis?

Carmen: At least Catalina is Cuban. Marah Lewis is... Well, she's like Michelle, an outsider. She'll tear Tony away from his family, his roots, just like Michelle did with Danny.

Maria: You may be right. You know, Antonio is this family's future. But if Marah Lewis is with him, she'll destroy him and us.

Tony: I'm going to marry you. And I'm going to do right by this kid. I promise. No matter what.

Catalina: Does that mean you forgive me for lying to you?

Tony: Sure. Why don't you go splash some water on your pretty face, all right? Go ahead.

Romeo: Hey, Cat.

Tony: I have a job for you.

Romeo: Yeah, what's that?

Tony: I need you to find out where the Bishop sent Ray. I got a story I need to check out.

Edmund: The sooner I'm out of this miserable hick town, the better.

Phillip: (Weakly) Was it the door?

Beth: Yeah.

Phillip: How does it look?

Beth: We're trapped. And this time, nobody's coming to get us.

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