GL Transcript Wednesday 3/20/02



Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/20/02

Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Ross: I need a drink. Do you want one?

Blake: No. I need think so.

Ross: Yes.

Blake: Tory's suicide, it doesn't make sense.

Ross: No suicide does. I prefer not to revisit the details of this one at the moment.

Blake: Ross, when someone is about to kill themselves, there are usually signs.

Ross: Not always, dear.

Blake: Depression, isolation.

Ross: Our problem was we weren't looking at Tory. We were looking to get away from Tory.

Blake: What about the suicide note? Why did she make it out to me?

Ross: I imagine that she felt a good deal of regret and remorse over what she put you through.

Blake: Something doesn't add up, because I don't believe she's dead.


Gus: Yes, and they score.

Buzz: Hey, kiddo.

Harley: Hey.

Buzz: So, what... What, you're here for the free food? Or for a visit?

Harley: Both.

Buzz: Well, you're going to have to cut the visit short, because I think your partner's over there waiting for you. You know, I used to admire Chief Franklin, but I don't... You have to wonder what he had in his mind when he hired Aitoro or whatever...

Harley: Aitoro. Yeah. I should probably get over there, because we got a lot of stuff to talk about with the whole Tory suicide mess.

Buzz: Oh, let me know when you catch up with the family, okay. Because I got stuff to give them.

Harley: Oh, right, of course, okay. Hey.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Listen, did you... Did you have Tory's room sealed off?

Gus: Yes, I did. (Coughs) Yeah, absolutely.

Harley: Because I want to show you the suicide note.

Gus: Righty-o. First things first here.

Harley: For me?

Gus: Yeah. That's for you, yeah. That's... I know that you don't think I'm... Joe fantastically romantic or anything, so I thought I'd surprise you.

Harley: Ah! A magic eight ball. Lizzie had one of these. I love these things.

Gus: Yeah, I thought that it would remind you of me. See... See what I'm... Get it?

Harley: You're behind the eight ball.

Gus: I'm behind the eight ball. See, right in there, I was going one way and then...

Harley: I know, I saw it.

Gus: See what I did?

Harley: I got it.

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: Very cute.

Gus: Thank you.

Harley: So, let me see. How did Gus Aitoro get to be such an incurable romantic? "Concentrate and ask again."

Gus: Rephrase it, ask it a different... Ask it a different question, I mean, a different... Rephrase it.

Harley: Okay. How about, will I ever again see Gus Aitoro as vulnerable as he was today?

Gus: Yeah, about that. You know, I... Allergy season. And I'm kind of getting hay fever, you know?

Harley: Right.

Gus: And more than that... More than that, actually, I was eating a whole lot of onions. And, well, I'll just prove it to you.


Tony: So, I was thinking about putting my weight bench here, and the treadmill over here.

Marah: And then down the road, maybe you can use it as a playroom for your baby. I'm sorry. You know, I know you're building this house for Catalina and your baby, but seeing it...

Tony: I know. I know. It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Marah: Don’t.

Tony: It should be your house.

Marah: Don't say that.

Tony: Why not? It's the truth.

Marah: And it's supposed to make me feel better about it?

Tony: I'm just trying...

Marah: Trying to what? To remind me of how unfair that this is? It's hard enough without having to hear it.

Catalina: It's perfect timing. You make love to me now, and I’ll get pregnant.

Ben: Look, Cat, this is crazy, okay, even for us.

Catalina: Well, Tony won't make love to me until we've moved into our new house. This is the only way.

Ben: No, there has to be another, okay? I don't want to see any little Ben’s running around. Not in this way. Stop it!

Catalina: I'll show Marah your precious ledger. Show her who you really are. Do you think she'll surrender her precious virginity when she finds out that you drew bets on it? You'll lose her forever. Doesn't make a difference now, Ben. I made copies, remember? Now, make love to me, right here, right now. (Crashing)


Beth: Phillip? Phillip!

Phillip (weakly): In here.

Beth: Phillip? Phillip? Oh, my God, what happened?

Phillip: I was looking for you, and it all came down.

Beth: Oh, Phillip... (Crashing)

Phillip: You have to get out of here. It's going to collapse.

Beth: Oh, yeah, and I'm just going to leave you here...

Phillip: It's not safe. You have to go.

Beth: Hey, look, I don't care, okay? I'm going to... I'm going to... Get this stuff off you, and I'm going to figure out some way to pry that beam off you.

Phillip: Beth?

Beth: Yeah. It's me. It's Beth.


Edmund: Silver, have you seen my partner?

Silver: Well, I wasn't looking for her. But if you ever want to start blasting that silver mine of yours, you better find her, because you're doing the late show.

Edmund: What are you talking about? We're done for the night.

Silver: Well, that's show business.

Edmund: Yes, but... All right. Do you happen to know of any barbecue establishments in the neighborhood?

Silver: Oh, yeah, all you can eat, down the street.

Edmund: Really?

Silver: Yeah.

Edmund: All right, then, Silver, you may have just solved the missing co-host case.

Silver: Make it snappy, or she can kiss that silver mine of yours good-bye.


Phillip: Oh, God, you're deteined to do this, aren't you?

Beth: Yeah, uh-huh, just watch me.

Phillip: While you're at it, why don't you tell me about Lorelei?

Beth: Well, you probably know more about her than I do, actually.

Phillip: Was it... (Groaning) No, no, don’t. Was she something that Edmund created? Just forced you... To... Become...

Beth: No, no, no. I think that... That I created her. I don't know, Phillip, you know. After everything that happened, I think that I just... Couldn't bear to be me anymore, so I... Became someone else so I could escape.

Phillip: Oh, what the hell did happen in Mexico? Do you even know?

Beth: You know... It's all foggy, actually. I mean, what I... I remember going downstream. I remember the mission, people there, I think. I don't know, Phillip, I... I think... I think I just... I just realized that I... That I wasn't working, so I became someone else so I could survive. Someone who could take life in stride and wind up on top. Let me try this again, okay?

Phillip: Okay. (Grunting)

Beth: Okay. Then... Let me see... Okay. Then, Lorelei found Edmund and fate took a hand. She... (Grunts)...She helped him and he helped her... Or he helped me.

Phillip: Yeah.

Beth: Well, he did. He brought me back to Springfield. He brought me back to you.


Catalina: Come on, Ben. Think of it as security! You give me a baby and Marah is yours. No threat of Tony.

Ben: I can't do this, okay. Not to me, not to Marah and not to you.

Catalina: Close... Close your eyes and think of Marah.


Ross: Blake, I want you to stop it. Now, I don't know if it's the shock or the trauma which we're both experiencing, but Tory is dead.

Blake: I will believe that when I see it.

Ross: She committed suicide because she thought she was in love with me. And I have to come to terms with that. And you are not helping by maintaining that she's alive.

Blake: Ross, it's not your fault. You didn't do this. Tory has been afflicted since her husband died.

Ross: I should have seen it coming.

Blake: No, you should have seen the escalation of violence.

Ross: Which led to her self- destruction.

Blake: Twice, she said she was going to leave town, twice.

Ross: Yes, I know that.

Blake: She abducted our children, Ross. She hijacked my car, and then she physically threatened and attacked me at St. Michael's.

Ross: And in her note she said that when she attacked you, she knew that she had hit bottom, she'd lost everything. And she killed herself because of that.

Blake: How can you buy that?

Ross: How can I not? And how can you be so cold?

Blake: Because it kills me to see you tearing yourself up, while she's out there lying in wait.

Ross: If Tory... Did fake her death, what's the motive?

Blake: You. She wants you. This is supposed to be the happiest time for us, Ross. We're finally planning our wedding.

Ross: I know.

Blake: Don't you see that's why I can't rest? Not until I know that she's dead.

Ross: I'm sorry about this, about all of it. More than you know.

Blake: There's that word again, Ross.

Ross: Sorry. I am, yes, about everything.

Blake: You're not responsible.

Ross: If not me, then who?

Blake: Ross, you are not to blame for Tory’s psychosis.

Ross: There was a connection between us, and it was real.

Blake: Well, yes. She was your assistant.

Ross: My assistant, yes, and much more than that. There was a bond between us.

Blake: A bond?

Ross: Yes.

Blake: What do you mean? What kind of bond? Ross? (Knock on door)

Holly: It's true, then? A reporter called and told me Tory committed suicide.

Ross: Yes.

Holly: Honey, where are you going?

Blake: I'm going to go check on the boys. They're down the street at the Keith's. I'll be right back.

Holly: You didn't tell Blake you slept with Tory.

Ross: I'm on the brink. I'm doing it tonight.

Holly: No, Ross, don’t. You can't tell her now.


Harley: Thanks, Daddy.

Buzz: A refill.

Gus: Buzz? I... I got a feeling that you have a little problem with me?

Buzz: Well, up until a moment ago, just about the same thing everybody else does with you.

Harley: Daddy...

Gus: Is that right?

Buzz: Yeah, but now I've sort of gotten a personal problem here. Would you like to go outside?

Harley: No, he doesn't.

Gus: I'd be delighted to go outside.

Buzz: I know you don't like me interfering in your life, but you know, sometimes there are times that people just have to step in on other's behalves, and this is one of those times.

Harley: No, it isn't. No, it's not.

Buzz: You let him kiss you! With his mouth! He's taking advantage of you...

Harley: No, he isn’t.

Buzz: ...Now that you've broken up with Rick.

Harley: No, he isn’t. Daddy, Gus is... See, we are... We're more than partners.

Buzz: Oh, God.

Harley: Now. We might even be more than friends, but we're not even really sure about that. And I'm sorry if that upsets you or freaks you out or makes you mad or whatever, but you know, you're the one who told me that it's about feelings, not about logic.

Buzz: I know, I know.

Harley: And you're the one... You're the one who supported me in my breakup with Rick, when everybody else said we were such a cute couple.

Buzz: I know. But him?

Harley: Yes, him. And I shouldn't have to defend my social life to you, Daddy, and I won't do it. I won't. I mean it.

Buzz: All right, all right.

Harley: There's a silver lining to this whole thing. You remember how, you know, all those times I went for Mr. Right, like Mallet and Phillip and look where that got me. Well, here I am going for Mr. Wrong, you know what I mean? I mean, how bad can it be?


Marah: Leave me alone.

Tony: I will. Look, I want you to just promise me one thing.

Marah: What?

Tony: I want you to be careful. This guy...

Marah: Ben is not just some guy. He's my boyfriend.

Tony: You know, Marah, I want you to be happy. But you're really vulnerable right now and this guy, Ben Reade, I mean, he's the kind of guy who's going to take advantage of that.

Marah: Well, I'm not going to get pregnant, if that's what you're worried about. I'm sorry.

Tony: No, that's all right, you know? I have no right to give you advice. Who am I kidding? I just... I want you to know that you deserve the best.

Marah: Just go. Go and build your house and have your baby and live your life and don't tell me how to live mine.


Catalina: Abuela, you remember Ben Reade. He's my T.A.

Maria: Ah, of course. I never forget a handsome face.

Ben: I'm leaving, okay? It's good to see you again.

Catalina: See you around. Don't forget about what we discussed.

Ben: Oh, I won't. Ever.

Maria: So, did you enjoy your kiss?


Beth: A little bit more. (Grunting) Okay, okay. Okay, okay. We'll just try a little bit harder.

Phillip: No, no. No. You've got to see what it's doing. You tried and I love you for it, but you need to go get help. If you don't, we're both just going to be trapped.

Beth: Okay, well what if it collapses?

Phillip: It won't.

Beth: Yeah? How do you know that?

Phillip: I don’t. I just believe it. Hey, you want to rescue me? I think you better do it.

Beth: I'm going to be back so fast.

Phillip: I know you will.

Beth: I'm going to get you out of here. ( Debris falling) (crash) No! Come on. Okay. Come on. Oh, come on. (Grunts) ( door crashes)

Phillip: Beth? Beth, are you okay?

Beth: (Coughs) Well, the entrance is blocked. So much for my dramatic rescue.

Phillip: Another time.

Beth: Well, Edmund's going to be here. He's probably going nuts looking for me-- I mean, looking for Lorelei-- and eventually he'll come out here and he'll figure out a way to get us out.

Phillip: Edmund. Edmund... Edmund doesn't know that you're Beth?

Beth: No. No, he believes that Beth died in the flood.

Phillip: But...

Beth: I know, I mean he has some doubts, I guess. But as far as he's concerned, he's with Lorelei. I think he likes her better. I think he loves her.

Phillip: You think he loves Lorelei?

Beth: And she loves him, I think.

Phillip: But not Beth, right?

Beth: No. No, I remember everything.

Phillip: I'm just trying to wrap my mind around all of this.

Beth: Yeah. Well, I don't totally understand it myself.

Phillip: Oh, Beth. She was you. She's just a part of you that's been pushed down over the years. I've seen it before. It was... It was great to see you so free.


Gus: What else?

Harley: Tory's suicide note. Addressed to Blake, of all people. She says she's sorry for causing her all this pain.

Gus: Uh-huh. Did she mention how she was doing the nasty with...

Harley: No. No, she didn't. And I don't want you to, either.

Gus: Okay, so we're not going there. So have you established another sort of motive?

Harley: Yeah.

Gus: Hmm.

Harley: Consumed by guilt.

Gus: Consumed by guilt over an affair that never took place. That's a good one. Yeah. What is she, some kind of a martyr or something? Is that what you're going for? Is that what you think? I don't think so.

Harley: So therefore she must have slept with Ross. Don't you think that's a little bit of a leap?

Gus: Well, no, Harley. I just don't think it makes sense any other way.

Harley: Ross loves Blake. I know him. And they're getting married-- again.

Gus: Oh, married. It's just nothing, a piece of paper. You were going to marry Rick.

Harley: Completely different.

Gus: No, it isn't.

Harley: It's completely different.

Gus: They are your friends. You love this guy, you love his fiancee, they are your friends, so you don't get the big picture. Look, okay, no matter... So Ross loves Blake, okay? He's still a man. He spent a lot of time, a lot of hours with that pretty young thing.

Harley: No, no, no, no. Blake is Ross' pretty young thing.

Gus: Well, I'm not saying that he meant to cheat on her, but she was there, she was pretty, she is pretty sexy, he's a man, he did it because he could, so he caved in.


Marah: Don't do this to me. I backed away because I knew that it was the right thing to do. But most of the time, it's all that I can do to keep it together without screaming. And then you show me the plans for the house and tell me that I’m the one who's supposed to be living in it?

Tony: Marah, I can't... I can't help it. Hey, look, I... I'm still in love with you, and down the road...

Marah: Down the road? Down the road what? When you and Catalina have, like, six million of your babies running around? Like I'd want to live in a house you built for her anyway.

Tony: You're not listening to me.

Marah: No, you're not listening to me! You want to know what I think of this house? (Sobbing)


Catalina: I wasn't kissing Ben.

Maria: (Chuckles) No, I may be old, but I'm not blind.

Catalina: Stop looking at me like that.

Maria: I used to think you were smart, honest, decent.

Catalina: You're the one who told me to go after what I wanted, that I would be a good wife for Tony.

Maria: I didn't mean to trap him into marrying you.

Catalina: Well, what difference does it make when we're meant to be together?

Maria: You cheat. You play games. You lie about Father Ray.

Catalina: I made some mistakes. Big ones. I was confused, but that doesn't mean I’m a bad person.

Maria: I know evil when I see it.

Catalina: I'm evil? You're the one who sent me to the emergency room with that tea! You're the reason I lost my baby!

Maria: So you lost the baby. No wonder you weren't showing. Hmm? And kissing Ben? I mean, trying to make a new one, huh? As if Tony wouldn't know the difference?

Catalina: Please. Please, you... You can't tell Tony. All right, I was wrong. I was wrong to try and get Ben to help me, but I can have more babies once Tony and I are married. Please. Please. I'll be a good wife. I'll be...

Maria: There'll be no marriage. You don't deserve my grandson.


Marah: I'm sorry. I'll tape it back together. I really will.

Tony: No.

Marah: Please?

Tony: Marah, I said no.

Marah: Tony, I am trying here, but I need you to meet me halfway.


Harley: So Ross told you he slept with her?

Gus: Well, no, he didn't... Not verbally. But, you know.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Gus: Like, what's the one way you can tell when someone's lying to you. What's the surefire way? When they don't look at you in the eyes.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: Okay. And Marler?

Harley: Let me guess.

Gus: Are you kidding me? Please. He was darting all over the place like watching a tennis game.

Harley: Did it ever occur to you that maybe he was uncomfortable? You guys aren't the best of friends. You can be a little aggressive.

Gus: His story didn't wash. Tory, she's acting normal and they're working closely together, and then a little too closely and then she starts stalking, and then she's threatening Blake and then she kills herself. Oh, my God. I mean, if that is not a scorned lover. Scorned lover-- am I right or am I right? Without a doubt. Isn't that what it said last time?

Harley: You have a point, okay. Let's go.

Gus: Thank you and let me tell you something, if I get a chance to talk to him, I’ll be like a one-man team, like a football team. I'll be like a battering ram. I'll take him on myself. I'll tell him...

Harley: I'll do the talking.

Gus: Okay.

Harley: Daddy, we have to go. Back to work.

Buzz: Hey, Aida!

Gus: The name's Aitoro. It's Aitoro.

Buzz: Don't hurt my kid.

Gus: Right. That's not part of the plan, sir.

Harley: I think I can take care of myself, boys. Come on.

Gus: Thanks.

Buzz: You can do better than this! A diseased yak would be better.


Holly: Let it go to the grave with Tory. Otherwise you ruin your family and its future. Don't tell me you don't see that.

Ross: I don't think you're right.

Blake: Well, the boys are fine. They'll be home as soon as they finish their little squirt gun fight they're doing. Hey, Ross.

Ross: What?

Blake: The boys, they had a little fort. Topographical charts on all the backyards in the neighborhood. Very serious. Just like their daddy.

Holly: So, how are you feeling?

Blake: I'm fine.

Holly: Honestly?

Blake: I'd be a hell of a lot better if you told me what I walked in on.


Silver: We're the heck have you been?

Edmund: I've been out searching for Lor... For Beth. I've been through every barbecue pit, shack and shanty in this miserable town. And there's no sign of her.

Silver: Oh, that's too bad. You're just going to carry on without her.

Edmund: I can't.

Silver: I don't think you understand. Now these people have shelled out good money. And they expect a miracle.

Edmund: No, I don't think you understand the age or the act. I can't do it without lady love.

Silver: Well, then maybe you better be praying for a miracle yourself. Because my friend, you are up.

Edmund: Please.

Silver: Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome the amazing mentalist, Eddie ivories! (Cheers and applause)

Edmund: Right, then... You asked for it. How y'all doing tonight? (Cheers and applause) Yeah. You, sir. Yeah, you. I see your whole life very clearly and probably right now.

Man: All right. You're on.

Edmund: All right. I see... Well, I see a large meal in your recent history.

Man: And if you can count liquids. (Laughter)

Edmund: And I see a fight. I see a fight in your distant past.

Man: Yeah, I see one in your not-too-distance future if you keep up hokum. (Laughter)

Edmund: Lorelei, I can't pluck these chickens without you.

Shank: Lorelei? My mother's name was Lorelei. She used to pluck chickens at the factory before she died.

Edmund: Yes, of course she did. And it... It was a bizarre machinery accident. Oh, yes. Sir, she's speaking to me from beyond the grave. She was a brave woman. Tough as nails.

Shank: That's mamma all right.

Edmund: Yes. It was... Wait, wait, wait. Wait. I have to concentrate. Oh, yes. Oh, I could see it. She was sweet, lovely woman. Oh, she wants me to tell you something. She wants met to tell you something. She wants me to tell you that she always, always loved you. Oh, sweet, sweet, good, kind Lorelei. Is there anything... Is there anything you want me to tell her?

Shank: That witch walked out on me when I was three.

Edmund: What?

Shank: You tell her this.

Woman: Hank!

Silver: Eddie? Eddie? Eddie?


Beth: Is that better?

Phillip: Yeah. I don't know what you did, but it is.

Beth: Well, you know, Edmund’s probably going to be here any minute. I mean, I'm sure he's running around like a chicken with his head cut off. It's a small town and he'll figure it out. He will. He will.

Phillip: (Laughing) I have to rely on Edmund Winslow to save me. I'm worried. Believe me. But you know what? I don't care. But I'm happy, too. I am so happy that you're alive. I love Lizzie and James are going to have you.

Beth: That's right. And we're going to stay that way. I'm going to get you out of here. I promise.


Maria: You will never marry my grandson.

Catalina: Wait. Wait! Wait. If you tell Tony, I will destroy you.

Maria: What a pity. Evil and stupid.

Catalina: I'm not kidding. I've been around here for a long time. I know all kind of secrets about the family business.

Maria: Be careful, Catalina.

Catalina: But I won't say a word. If you promise me... If you promise that you won't tell Tony. Look, I came all the way here, because I wanted to make a life for myself. And now that I've found it, I'm not going to let you ruin it for me-- especially since you're the reason I lost the baby in the first place.

Maria: I did no such thing.

Catalina: If you tell Tony, I will go to the FBI. I will destroy your family. Don't push me. I mean it. You tell Tony over my dead body.

Maria: You said it. Not me.


Ross: We were discussing the possibility of Tory faking her suicide.

Blake: As time passes without a body, I'm more and more convinced.

Holly: Well, after all you've been through I can understand that. I can't blame you. But I hope you're wrong. For everyone's sake. I'll call you tomorrow.

Blake: All right. Drive safe. Where are you going?

Ross: For a walk. I have built so many of them, I thought I could give some advice to the kids on how to build a fortress.

Blake: Looks like you're too late.

Harley: Sorry about this.

Blake: What's going on?

Harley: Got to ask you more questions about Tory’s death.

Gus: We thought you'd be the go-to man with the answers.

Ross: I'm not in any condition to answer any questions.

Blake: All right. Time out. Time out. The question isn't how she died or why. The question is how are you going to prove that she's alive?


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