Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/19/02 Provided by Suzanne Phillip: Excuse me. Hi. Joel: Howdy, partner. Can I help you with something? You need a room? Phillip: No, I don't. I'm Phillip Spaulding and... Joel: Well, pleased to meet you. My name is Joel Silver, owner and proprietor. Phillip: Very nice to meet you. I'm looking for two people that I think may be staying in your hotel: A man named Edmund Winslow and a woman named Lorelei Hills. No, excuse me, Beth Raines is her name. Joel: Sir, I run a very discreet establishment here, and I don't give out the names of my guests. Phillip: I understand that, but this woman is an old friend of mine. I think she may be in some trouble. Joel: Well, I appreciate your predicament, sir, but I don't think I'm... Phillip: You know what, Mr. Silver? I have crossed the country looking for this woman and I really do intend to find her, so as I see it, we have a couple of options here. Now, either I can sit in your lobby and wait or, as time is money, come to a mutually beneficial business arrangement. Joel: Mr. Edmund Winslow and Ms. Raines did indeed check into the hotel. Phillip: And? Joel: And then they left the hotel and checked out their brand-new silver mine. Phillip: Which will be where? Joel: Why don't I just draw you a map, make it fast for you? ________________________________________
Edmund (echoing): Yes, well, let's just hope we're the only visitors. Lorelei: There could be millions in here, Eddie, and if we hit the silver mother lode, we'll be set for life, right? Edmund: Yes, well, the trouble is coming up with the money to dig it out. Lorelei: Oh, please. A couple more mind reading shows for these rubes and we'll be hauling silver out of here by the bucket load. Edmund: Well, I hate to burst your sterling bubble, Lorelei, but this mine may prove to be a dud. Lorelei: Negative waves, Eddie. Now, first thing we got to do, we got to seed the mine. Edmund: Seed the mine? What are you talking about? Lorelei: Yeah, well, like in West Virginia, the night before they open a new coal mine, the whole town gathers around the mouth and for good luck they throw a piece of coal down the shaft, and legend has it that the coal will grow overnight and the mine will be a winner. Edmund: Ridiculous but quaint. Lorelei: Mm. Edmund: What are you doing? Stop it. What are you doing? Lorelei: Make a wish. Make a wish on our future. Come on. (Laughs) Okay. Do me proud! Edmund: Do you know what's on my mind now, Lady Lorelei? Lorelei: Why, yes, I do. And if I was any sort of lady, I'd slap your face. But I'm no kind of lady. (Laughs) Can't you just feel it happening already? Edmund: I'm sure you can. Lorelei: I meant the silver. Can't you just feel it in there, just bursting out all over? Mm! Why, Eddie! (Laughs) Edmund: You've just hit the mother lode. Lorelei: (Laughs) Edmund: Whoops. ________________________________________
Reva: Well, I know I missed you. Josh: No, I mean right here and now, in this place. Reva: I'm just a little confused, though. Where-- mmm... So I guess things went well in Singapore, huh? Josh: No, actually, things did not go well at all. Reva: Oh, so I guess that's why you didn't call me. Josh: I didn't call because I couldn't call. Reva: Really? Josh: Yeah. Reva: No phones in Singapore? Josh: I didn't call because I was afraid that what I have to say to you-- what I wanted to say to you-- would be lost in the translation on the phone, and I didn't want to send out the wrong signals, you know, to be misunderstood. Reva: Oh, we wouldn't want you to be misunderstood. I mean, after all, it was me who sent you to Singapore by yourself to sort out your feelings, and you needed that alone time to figure out why you go from one relationship to the next. Josh: Slow down, Reva. Reva: I mean, believe me, I'm more than a little afraid that with all that soul-searching, I don't know exactly where you might have ended up and... Josh: Reva. Reva: ...And a phone call would have been nice, you know? Josh: Honey... Reva: Just one phone call. You were halfway around the world and, you know, I didn't know what to think. Cassie told me I was overreacting, but a phone call, a telegram, even: "Need more time alone, stop." Josh: Right, right, right. Reva: "See you later, stop." ________________________________________
Ben: Don't call her that. Greg: Okay. How's it going with Marah? Ben: Everything's fine. Right on track. Greg: Yeah? Come on, some details. Ben: Sorry, man. What's between Marah and me is between Marah and me. Greg: What's the story, Ben? You going all soft on this chick? What, you want her to fall in love with you or something? Come on, man, it was a bet. Ben: You listen to me: Don't you ever bring that up again. Okay? Hey, man, say it. Greg: Yo, take it easy! I won't say a word. Like it never happened, okay? Ben: I'm sorry, I just... Never mind. Have you seen my black book? You know, my little black ledger book? Greg: Where you wrote down that thing we're not supposed to mention? Ben: Yeah, man. It's missing. Greg: No, I haven't seen it. But if I find it, I'll be sure to burn it. Ben: Listen, man, if you do find it, just bring it back to me? Marah: Hey. Ben: Hey. Marah: Find what? Ben: Oh, a library book I lost. Marah: Oh. Here. Ben: What's this for? Marah: Just a little something. I've been thinking about last night, and well, you're always getting me gifts. It's my turn. Ben: Oh, hey. (Laughs) Marah: It's for our next trip to the hot tub. Ben: Thanks. Marah: I really had a wonderful time last night. Ben: Me, too. You look fantastic in a bikini. Marah: I hope Meta and Michelle don't tell my mom that we broke in. Ben: Do you think they'd do that? Marah: No, probably not, but I don't think it would matter to my mom anyway because she likes you. Ben: Ugh, the kiss of death! Your mom likes me! Marah: Stop it. Stop. (Laughter) No, mom thinks I should keep playing the field, but she thinks you're the perfect rebound for me. Ben: Rebound? Rebound from Tony. ________________________________________
Maria: I don't believe it for one second. Your brother would never stray from his vows. Tony: I know. But why would Catalina lie about something like that? It doesn't make sense. Maria: You must put it all behind you for the sake of your baby, Antonio. Catalina: Abuela's right, Tony. We have to put this behind us. For our sake and for our baby's sake. I mean, every time I even think about it, I start to get upset. Tony: No, don't. Don't get upset, okay? Here, I want you to take a seat. I'll get you some water, all right? Catalina: Thank you. Maria: How have you been feeling, my darling? Catalina: Fine. The baby and I are both fine. Maria: Good, good. I was worried. Catalina: Yeah, I bet you were. I had your special tea tested, you know. Maria: And? Catalina: (Sighs) And nothing; it was just tea. Maria: Oh. I was worried. Catalina: I still think that tea had something to do with my trip to the hospital. Maria: You must understand, I would never do anything to hurt my great-grandchild. (Sighs) It's good the way you're carrying. Catalina: What do you mean? Maria: You're hardly growing. I mean, every woman carries her baby differently, but the way you're carrying, it's definitely a boy. Although you knew that already, didn't you? Catalina: I have to do something. Fast. ________________________________________
Reva: Stop. Josh: (Laughs) Reva: I'm serious. Josh: Okay. Reva: Why can't you think straight? Josh: I couldn't think straight because I was alone. Trying to work out this kind of stuff on your own is kind of like trying to play tennis by yourself. You know what I'm saying? Reva: Well, that can be done. Josh: Yes, but it's exhausting and it's not fun at all. Reva: Oh, so working out our relationship, trying to figure out where we are is no fun at all? Josh: That's not what I was trying to figure out. You and me together, I have no doubt about that. I just needed some time on my own to try to work out some stuff of my own, and I realized I can't do that without your help. Reva: So you and I were never in doubt. Josh: Never in doubt. And I'm sorry if that was the signal I was sending out. Reva: It's me. It was a signal that I produced all by myself because I've been so anxious since you left town, and it's a monster that I kind of created all on my own. But a phone call, at least I would have known what you were thinking. Josh: I'll tell you what I'm thinking. The last week and a half in Singapore is the longest period of time that I can handle without you. ________________________________________
Catalina: Good, because I want you lying down, too. Tony: I don't think that's such a good idea. Catalina: Come on, Tony. I'm pregnant, not sick. You don't have to worry so much. Tony: I know, but... Don't you think we should talk to a doctor before we do this? Catalina: I did. She said okay. She even gave me a note. Why don't you come search for it. Tony: I just think we should give it a little time, make sure everything's all right. Okay? Catalina: No. No, no. Come on, Tony, we can't wait. Tony: Hey, whoa! What's going on here? Catalina: Nothing, I just... I just want to make love to you. I don't want you to think you can't be with me just because I'm pregnant. I need to know that you still find me attractive. Tony: Of course I want to be with you. You look beautiful. When you start showing I知 even going to be more attracted to you. But for right now, it's just not right for me. Catalina: Then when? Tony: When we get married. When we move into our new house. I promise. ________________________________________
Lorelei: I don't know what I dreamed anymore. Edmund: I never thought I壇 fall in love with a girl like you. Lorelei: You mean so low class? Edmund: You have a spark, a lust for life that gives my life meaning. Lorelei: Did you say these things to Beth? Edmund: Don't do this to yourself, Lorelei. And I'm not going to be tricked. I've sworn never to say her name again. Lorelei: Okay, okay. Well, I unswear you, because just this once I just need to know. Edmund: What? I'll tell you anything. Lorelei: Okay. Well, if you had the chance to have Beth back, I mean, if you could choose between her and me, who would you choose? Edmund: Oh, come on. We've been all through this, Lorelei. Lorelei: I just need to hear it again, okay, please? Edmund: All right. I loved Beth; it's true. And losing her was... It was unspeakable. But you shared yourself with me in so many ways that I feel as if you're a part of me now, and if I lost you, I would be losing the best part of me. So let Phillip Spaulding grieve for the rest of his life for Beth. I choose you-- not once, not twice, but a thousand times, over and over. Lorelei: Prove it. Not once, not twice, but a thousand times, over and over. Prove it.
________________________________________ Phillip: Oh, Beth. (Rocks and debris falling) ________________________________________
Catalina: Now? Right now? I mean, can't it wait? Tony: Hey. You know, I'm doing this for us. Nothing is too good for our family. Catalina: I know. Tony: And now I知 late. Okay, have you seen what I did with those plans? Catalina: Yeah, they're over on... On those boxes. Tony: Ben Reade. What are you doing with this jerk's book? Catalina: I... I don't know. I must have picked it up when I was moving from the dorm. I bet he's going crazy looking for that. Tony: Good. Let him go crazy. I'll see you later, all right? Catalina: Okay. Ben. (Sighs) You put the bet in writing. ________________________________________
Ben: Look, Marah, it's okay. Marah: No, it's not okay. Look, I admit that when we first started seeing each other, I was still in love with Tony and I was using you a little bit to hurt him. But something changed. Something happened inside me, and I have really grown to care about you. And I don't know, it may sound corny, but I知 hoping... Ben: Go on. Marah: I can't wait to see what happens next. Ben: That doesn't sound corny. I feel the same way. I want to make you happy, Marah, I do, because you deserve it. (Cell phone ringing) Marah: Oh. Yeah, you better get that. It might be Jackie telling you how he did on the test. Ben: Oh, yeah. Hello? Catalina: Hi. I just found something of yours that is very interesting. Ben: What? Catalina: Well, it's rectangular, black, has your name in it. Ben: Oh, that's great. Listen, I'll come pick it up later, okay? Catalina: What's this on page 13? Looks like you put the bet in writing, Ben. So I think you're going to come to Infierno and get it right now, because we need to talk. Ben: I can't right now. Catalina: Well, either you come to Infierno right now or Marah Lewis will have some real interesting bedtime reading. Marah: Is everything all right? Ben: No. I mean, yeah. I just... I have to get going. That was my friend. They found my library book and I have to go return it. I hate to do this right now, I just... Marah: No, no. It's okay. We'll get together later, all three of us. Ben: Yeah. Marah: Bye. Ben: Bye. Thank you. ________________________________________
Joel: Room service! Edmund: Perfect timing. A little pig swill to christen our big celebration. Joel: Here we go. Edmund: It's warm, and there's no ice. Joel: Oh, well, there's an ice machine. Just go down the hall, take a hard right and the ice machine will be right there. Edmund: Oh, for pete's sake. Joel: Oh, listen, sometimes that machine gets a little cranky, so if it's acting up, just go fill the bucket up outside with some snow. Edmund: Is there anything else I can do for you? Joel: No, that's about it. Edmund: You're too kind. Joel: Hey, your friend ever find you? Lorelei: Friend? What friend? Joel: There's a guy looking for you two-- blond hair, square jaw, about... Oh, about so tall. Lorelei: Phillip? Joel: Yeah, that's him, Phillip Spaulding. Yeah. He ever find you? Lorelei: No. Joel: Oh. I told him you were up looking at your new mine. I even gave him a map of how to get there and everything. Lorelei: Well, how long ago did he leave? Joel: Uh, well, it's a pretty long time ago. He should be back by now. Lorelei: Well, maybe he changed his mind, you know, decided not to go. Joel: No, that wouldn't be the fellow, then. This guy definitely wouldn't give up. Lorelei: No. No, he's not. Joel: Listen, you want me to call the police, have them drive around up there? It's a dangerous place at night. Every year we lose a tourist wandering around where they shouldn't. Lorelei: Well, hold on a second. I mean, well, there's no need to panic. I'll just... I'll just call him on his cell phone. Joel: Well now, that's smart thinking. Lorelei: Yeah. I got it on auto-dial. Phillip? Hi, it's Beth, sweetie. You okay? Oh, we're just worried about you is all. Oh, okay. Then we'll see you later. Bye-bye. Joel: That's a relief. So your friend's not in any trouble, then. Lorelei: No, no, no. Believe me, he can take care of himself. Joel: All right. Well, you have a good night, now. Lorelei: Thank you. Well, if Phillip went and got himself into trouble, that's his fault, not mine. From now on, I知 looking out for number one, and that's me. ________________________________________
Josh: (Laughs) It's an island. I had no place to go. I had nothing to do but think about you, day and night, night and day, and I missed you. Reva: Well, you had your work. Josh: But work made it worse. I didn't have you to bounce ideas off of. I didn't have your unique perspective on things. Reva: You could have called. Josh: Are you trying to make this harder than it already is? I already apologized for not calling. Reva: And I did get a very nice telegram. Josh: This is what I want to say to you. I've made mistakes; I know that. I've jumped from one relationship to another. But in my heart I believe that this is right. I need you in my life. I want you to be with me, and I love you more than I have ever loved you before. Reva: I don't think I can. Oh, what the hell. It's like riding a bicycle. Josh: What is? Reva: Making a very public spectacle of myself. Josh: Uh-oh. (Laughs) ________________________________________
Tony: It's the way it has to be. Marah: It's true, you need to be with Catalina and I知 with Ben, but we can still be friends, right? Tony: I don't think so. Marah: Tony, to sit in the same restaurant and pretend like we don't even know each other seems dishonest. Tony: Hey, I'm a Santos. I was born dishonest, right? Marah: Tony, don't. Tony: Don't what? Don't look at you? Don't think about you? You know, if just running into you can get to me... Marah: Come on, we can do this. We can be adults, right? Tony: I guess we could try. Marah: If we don't do it now then we're never going to be able to do it. See? It's not so bad. So... So what's this? Tony: This is nothing. This is just some junk. Marah: It looks like a house. It is a house, isn't it? Yours and Catalina's? ________________________________________
Catalina: Does it matter? Ben: Hand it over, okay? Catalina: No please? Come on, Ben, where are your manners? Ben: Sorry. Please. I'm really glad you have that. I was worried... Catalina: That Marah might find it? She still can. Ben: What? Hey, you and me, we're on the same team here. And I've kept my end of the bargain, I've kept your little secret. So give me my book and you'll keep my little secret. Catalina: This? Ben: Come on, I知 not playing around. Give me my book. Catalina: Don't worry, I made copies. Ben: What is with you? Why would you want to sabotage everything, huh? Especially when we are both so close to getting exactly what we want. Catalina: Well, I don't want to tell Marah. Ben: Then don't. Catalina: But I will. I will if I don't get exactly what I want. Ben: Okay. Okay, we can work something out, okay? What do you want? Catalina: A baby. ________________________________________
Tony: I don't think so. Marah: Tony, come on. You should have nothing to hide. Let's be adults about this. Show me. Tony: Are you sure? Marah: Yes, I知 sure. You're going to get married, you're going to have a baby, you're going to build a house. You know, this is what happens. It's going to be great. You and Catalina are going to be happy, and I want you to be happy. Tony: What about you? Marah: I'm very happy. Things are going great. Come on, show me. Tony: All right, well, this is the kitchen. That opens up to a patio, and the dining room over here. Marah: And what's this? Tony: That's the nursery. I told you this was a bad idea. Marah: I'm sorry. You're right. It's just seeing the plans in black and white on paper just overwhelmed me. I used to have dreams like that. Tony: Well, you know, you can still have dreams like that, just not... Marah: Just not with you. Tony: That's right, just not with me. ________________________________________
Catalina: You don't? Come on, Ben, it's going to be pretty obvious to Tony and the rest of the world pretty soon that I致e been bending the truth and that I知 no longer pregnant. Ben: I know. And I'm really sorry, but I... Catalina: And I can't let that happen, Ben, because I need Tony. To have Tony, I need a baby. Ben: Well, he's delivered before, he can do it again. What's the problem? Catalina: Well, he's been pushing me away, so I need somebody I can count on right now, right here. Ben: Are you out of your mind? No, Catalina, I'm not going to do that. Catalina: I told you that I will do whatever it takes to get what I want, and I want Tony. And since you want Marah, then let's just... Can we just get this over with? Okay, so here's what we're going to do: You close your eyes and think of Marah, and I will close my eyes and think of Tony. And you and I, we're going to make a baby. ________________________________________
Beth: You can't run away from me, Lorelei. Lorelei: No, no, no, no, no. Just go away! Beth: I can't do that, even if I wanted to, which I don稚. Lorelei: Why can't you just let me be happy? What? What is it that you want? Beth: I want you to think of someone else besides yourself. I'm not going to let you leave Phillip out there alone in the cold searching for me. Lorelei: Oh, please. He's a grown man. Nothing's going to happen to him. Beth: You don't know that. Right now you don't have any idea where he is or what's happened to him. Lorelei: Well, I didn't ask him to follow me down here and track me out to that mine, now, did I? Beth: He is the father of my children and a man that I have loved my whole life. Lorelei: Well, time to let go, sweetie. Beth: Sorry. He's rescued me more times than I can remember, and now it's my turn to rescue him. Lorelei: Oh, please. Now, where was he when you needed him in Mexico, huh? Or how about when you were locked in that Tower in San Cristobal? Beth: It's time for you to go, Lorelei. Lorelei: Are you kidding me? Me and Eddie, we got a good thing going, and I知 not going to let you ruin it. Beth: Go. Hurry. Every second we waste arguing could mean the difference between life and death. Lorelei: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the strongest one of all? That's me. You're the weak one, remember? That's why you created me in the first place. So shoo. Go on, now. Beth: You underestimated me, Lorelei. You see, my strength comes from within. It comes from the people who love me and from my love for others. Lorelei: Take a hike. Beth: Lorelei. Lorelei: Oh, save the... No! No! No, no, no! Not now! Not now! Not now! Beth: Phillip. Oh, my God, Phillip. (Debris falling) Phillip (weakly): Beth.
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