Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/18/02 Provided by Suzanne Naomi: I'm not that hard to please, because jellybeans are the best beans in the whole world. Phillip: Hey. You're a hard lady to find. Naomi: Where'd you come from? Phillip: Naomi, you sent me to the bus station when you knew damn well that Edmund and Beth were getting on a plane, didn't you? Mm-hmm. It's okay; it's all right. Luckily you weren't that convincing and I went to the airport anyway, where I finally found somebody that recognized Beth from a photograph. Unfortunately she didn't know which flight they took. Naomi: If they even took a flight. Phillip: We're going to stop playing games. Now, you're going to tell me where Edmund took Beth. Naomi: You mean Lorelei. Phillip: No, no, Naomi, I mean Beth-- Beth Raines, the mother of my children. Now, I'm only going to ask you one more time. Where did they go?
__________________________________________ Edmund: Oh! Oh, bloody cab driver, slamming the door on my hand. Lorelei: Well, don't worry. I didn't tip him. Edmund: At least he could've paid for the emergency room fee. Now we're completely broke. Lorelei: Ah, come on, Eddie, at least we got here, right? Edmund: Yes. Silver Junction at last. Lorelei: I hope Phillip remembered to give James his Binky, because he can't sleep without it. He'd just fuss all night long. Edmund: At least James has a Binky, which is more than what we have at the moment. Do you mind if we get back to the matter at hand? Lorelei: What matter at hand? There's nobody here. This is like a ghost town. Edmund: Yes, well, it's not much to look at, I agree, but the important thing is it's name Silver Junction is named after my grandpappy. Edmund: Edmund. Edmund Winslow. This is... Lorelei: Beth. Edmund: Right. Joel: Pleased to meet you. Edmund: Are you telling me that there's no silver here at all? Joel: Oh, I'm sure there's something left. Edmund: Thank God for that. Joel: Of course, the hard part is once you dig it out, is living to tell about it. __________________________________________
Olivia: I don't want it. Alan: How do you know? You haven't even opened it yet. Olivia: I know. Alan: Well, Olivia, why don't you speak plainly and tell me what it is you want, and then I will get it for you? Olivia: While you were away, Meta Bauer pulled a fast one. Alan: Really? Olivia: She decided to make Richard and Cassie Winslow honorary co-chairs of the lighthouse benefit. And then she sent her skinny little niece to tell me that I had no place in it. Alan: And? Olivia: And once again, I have to watch Richard playing royalty while I collect people's coats. I thought that since you practically financed the restoration... Alan: Not the entire restoration. Olivia: Most of it. I naturally assumed that you and I would be hosting the benefit. Alan: Naturally. Olivia: Are you teasing me? Alan: Naturally. Olivia, nothing gives me greater pleasure than your utter contentment. Olivia: Well, apparently not... Except for Danny Santos. Alan: We need him, Olivia. Olivia: For what? Alan: To light a fire under my complacent son. Phillip responds very well to competition, and Danny Santos just may be the perfect foil. __________________________________________
Danny: What's that? Michelle: The shadow of Gus Aitoro's not hanging over our heads. My, what are we going to do? Danny: Have a good time. Let's not talk about anything other than us, please. For the first time in I don't know how long, it feels like there's nobody looking over our shoulder. Michelle: Except for Alan Spaulding. Why is he staring at us like that?
__________________________________________ Blake: Ross, what do you mean? Of course I know that you love me. Ross: I mean that sometimes people make mistakes, and I made a serious one, bringing Tory Granger into our lives. I, of course, had no idea she was so unstable, but that doesn't excuse what I've done. Blake: Ross, would you stop blaming yourself? You didn't know she was psychotic. I didn't. You should've seen the look in her eyes. Holly: In whose eyes? Something wrong? Ross: A little while ago, Tory physically assaulted Blake at St. Michael's Church. Holly: What? Blake: She lunged at me with a weapon, is what she did. Holly: Oh, God, are you all right? Blake: I'm fine. She's crazy, though. I mean, she could've killed me. (Pager beeping) She dressed up as a nun. It was just sick. I have to make this phone call. I'll be right back, all right? Holly: All right Ross: I did, and she said she was going to get out of town. I thought I had gotten through to her. Holly: Obviously, you didn't. Ross: You can't make me feel worse than I already do. Tory obviously needs some help, so I'm going to talk to her again. Holly: No, you had your chance; it didn't work. Now, I promised I would keep quiet about the affair if Tory disappeared for good. She's still around, so all bets are off. For Blake's safety, for her state of mind, she needs to know the truth. Now, either you tell her everything, Ross, and I mean everything, or I will. __________________________________________
Ross: You'll be the most beautiful bride ever. Blake: More so than the first time? Ross: A thousand times more than that. You'll be my beautiful bride now and forever, till death do us part. Tory: I should've known it would come to this. I just can't be scared. I have to do it. I have to. I don't have any other choice. Ok __________________________________________
Remy: Not here. Rick: Yeah, in here, right now. Come on. I'll teach you a couple of things. I won't embarrass you. Remy: Don't make me get up and wipe the floor with you, okay? Rick: Oh, come on, come on. Ow. Oh, okay. So when's the big game? Remy: Friday. Rick: Friday, great. That's great. So, how's my knee doing? Remy: Your knee? Hey, I'm the one who's going through the therapy, man. Rick: Hey, I'm the one who told you about the doctor, and I'm the one who told you about the rehab guy. Remy: Okay, all right. So you're angling for a free lunch, right? Rick: I just want to get you on the basketball court and teach you a couple of things. Remy: All right, when the season's over, okay? Rick: Basketball or football? Remy: Nah, man, no more football. Rick: Great, great. That means that we have plenty of time for me to take you out there and teach you a couple of moves. Remy: (Laughs) Rick: He who laughs last, laughs best. Remy: And if I get hurt playing a middle-aged doctor, then I'm never going to hear the end of it, right? Rick: You calling me middle- aged? Come on, right now. Come on, come on. I'm not going to embarrass you. It's just a little lesson of dribbling. Remy: I'm going to show you something. Rick: No, no, no. Just cover me. Remy: A little defense. Rick: Okay, okay. All right, I'm sorry. I'm fine-- fine. I think we better call it quits, okay? I'm sorry. I'm sorry. All right, that was lesson number one, and the lesson is when you dribble the ball, always be under control, okay? Okay? I'm sorry. Remy: So that's it? I mean, are we okay, I mean... Rick: What are you talking about? Remy: I mean because of Mel. Rick: Oh, don't worry about that. We're fine. Remy: No, I mean, you know, I came down kind of hard on you. Rick: I got a little sister. I mean, I know what it's like to be overprotective, okay? Remy: So you know I don't want to see her get hurt, then. __________________________________________
Olivia: Anything? Alan: He's got "Spaulding" written all over him. He just doesn't know it yet. Olivia: You want me to seduce him? Alan: No, I want you to make him feel wanted. You're very good at that. __________________________________________
Waiter: Here you go. Michelle: Thank you. Danny: Extra salty. Alan: Well. Danny: Well, hello. Olivia: Hello. Alan: Look who's up and about. Danny, you had us worried there for a while. Danny: Yeah, well, I'm back. Taking it a day at a time. Good to see you. Olivia: You look wonderful. Danny: Well, thank you. Not bad for a guy who was in a coma for several weeks. Olivia: No, I mean it. You really look wonderful. You have this amazing energy in your eyes. Danny: Thanks. Thank you. Join us. Michelle: The doctor says as long as he avoids stress, he should be fine. Alan: Well, I don't assume you had an opportunity to think about the job offer that we talked about before the accident, so I will refresh your memory. __________________________________________
Holly: Yes, you do, before another second goes by. Ross: And I was about to, when you arrived. It's just that I don't know how to do this. Holly: You just open your mouth and say it. Ross: And then what happens? Holly: That's a chance you have to take. Ross: And what if she goes off the deep end? Holly: Ross, why are you suddenly treating Blake like she's some fragile china doll? And you know, maybe you should get off your high horse and let her forgive you for a change. Ross: My point is, what if she can't? Holly: Again, that's the chance you took when you decided to get involved with a lunatic. Ross: It was not a decision. Holly: I understand all your reasons for not wanting to tell her, Ross, but there is a serious threat out there, and Blake cannot fully understand it unless she knows the truth-- all of it. This is not going to go away, Ross. Ross: I just wish I knew the right way to do this, that's all. Holly: Just do it. Ross: I will, right now. __________________________________________
Edmund: Bradley's little girl. Lorelei: Yeah, I never thought he'd leave me much, let alone a silver mine. Joel: Well, the title's over at the registrar's office. Edmund: Which is? Joel: Right here, since I'm the main officer. Edmund: Well, I guess we're on the road to riches then. Joel: If you can get the silver out before it gets you. There's more skeletons in that mine than a trick-or-treat shop. Edmund: Oh, come on. There must be someone who understands the mechanics of it all, some foreman in charge of production-- something like that. Joel: Oh, yeah, you're looking at him. Edmund: Wait a minute. You're a clerk, registrar, and a miner? Joel: And the sheriff and the judge and the undertaker. But I got my start hauling silver. Fact of the matter is, I'm the best there is. Lorelei: Okay, well, then it looks you've got yourself a job. Edmund: Right, good enough. When can we get started? Joel: Well, how much you want to put up? Edmund: Put up? Joel: Well, startup fees. See, it takes money to make money, my friend. Now, you don't know how much silver's up in them hills, but you've got to have cash money to dig it out. Edmund: Cash money? Joel: Ring-a-ding-ding. Edmund: (Grunts) Lorelei: We can make money. Edmund: All night long. Lorelei: I want to introduce you to Mr. Eddie Ivories, national piano bar star. And he can sing so good, it just make you want to cry, yeah. Edmund: I can make more money in tips in an evening than most people make... Lorelei: Stealing. Edmund: Right. Lorelei: Yeah, he is... He is great. He is the best, and you'd be lucky to book him. Joel: Book him? No, I can't hardly do that. Look, if he misses a note, people will bury him in boot hill. Besides, I've already got a mind reading act that people just go nuts over. Edmund: Mind readers? Joel: Mm-hmm. They can tell you exactly how much change you have in your pocket. It is the gosh-darndest thing. It is just... They even got one guy who... He sees dead people. Edmund: Well, perhaps Eddie can fill in. Joel: He sees dead people, too? Edmund: No, but I sing all of their popular tunes. Joel: Can't book you. Edmund: Oh, come on. Joel: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Look: No money, no silver, all right? Lorelei: You sure you don't see dead people, Eddie? __________________________________________
Naomi: Your little old secretary could've typed up that paper. Better still, heck, you are so rich you, could've bought out the entire police station. Phillip: Okay. You know what? You're right. You're right, I could've done that. Explain this to me. Explain how Lorelei knew the lullaby that Beth's mother used to sing to her when she was a baby. Naomi: Eddie could've taught her. Phillip: Could he have taught her the intimate details of our wedding-- things that we hadn't discussed in two years? How about the layout of our house in Arizona? Little insignificant things that we've said and done with each other-- forgettable, stupid, little things that Edmund couldn't possibly ever know and could never explain. How could that happen? Naomi: Well, I... Phillip: It couldn't-- that's what I'm telling you-- because they are the same person. Now, please, Naomi, I'm... I'm begging you here. If you... If you are Lorelei's friend, and I believe that you are, that means you're Beth's friend, too. So please help me to help her. Please help me bring her back to her children before she's gone for good. Naomi: Lorelei did love them kids. Phillip: And they love her, and they need her. Come on, take a chance. Tell me where she went. Naomi: Eddie said something about a silver mine. Phillip: Oh, Bradley's silver mine. Why didn't I think of that? Thank you. Naomi: Lorelei's not going to like this, not one little bit. Phillip: Hank, it's me. Fuel up the jet. We're going to Colorado. __________________________________________
Remy: If enough of her colleagues start talking, she's going to get burned, Rick. Rick: Hey, look, she's brilliant, she's stunningly beautiful, and she's got a great since of humor. You know, that comes with the terri... I understand that perfectly. Remy: Not to mention she's dating the main man. Rick: Okay, look. First of all, your sister got that residency by herself. That's number one. Number two, I would never abuse my authority for the sake of a personal relationship-- never, okay? Remy: Okay. I know that, okay? I know that. I mean, I probably shouldn't have brought it up. It's just that Mel, she's a lot more sensitive than she lets on. Rick: I hear you. Remy: You know, I mean, she doesn't say a lot. She kind of just closes down and goes quiet, you know? Rick: So in other words, when she gets really, really angry, she keeps it all in? She doesn't express it? Remy: Exactly. Rick: Yeah. See, I... Mel: Damn it, Rick, I knew I'd find you here. What were you thinking, changing Mrs. Bigelow's medication? You countermanded my order in front of the nurses, and now they're trying to push to release her. How could you not talk to me about this first? __________________________________________
Danny: Mmm. Yeah, I remember it was a... It was a pretty good offer. A little generic, but... Alan: What do you mean by "generic"? Danny: Well, it had the usual perks and bonuses, but aside from that, it lacked something. I don't know what-- something. Alan: Why don't you try to tell me what? Danny: The guarantee that I will find it worth my while. Alan: You see, the last time Danny and I were together, he was about to accept my offer, and then the fire at the warehouse put everything on hold-- gave him a little chance to renegotiate his terms. Well, Danny, at least you're attempting to arm wrestle me, and I think that's good. Danny: But am I winning? Alan: I'd say it's a draw. Michelle: Well, if I know Danny, he does like a challenge. Danny: And you know Danny. Olivia: Well, then you've come to the right place, because Alan is branching out all the time, creating new departments. And there's a team spirit at Spaulding that's really quite satisfying. You know, perhaps we could get together for dinner and discuss how exciting it can be. Danny: Perhaps we could. __________________________________________
Ross: She went to the office. Blake: She didn't say good- bye? Ross: She says she's going to call you later. Blake: All right, just as well. I want to get down to the police station, so... Before I lose my nerve. I want this on record, Ross, before she tries anything else, okay? Ross? Ross: Um, I don't know where to start or how to go about this, so I'm just going to state the facts to you, and I don't want you to interrupt me until I'm through, all right? (Cell phone ringing) Blake: You should get this. Ross: No, um... Let it take a message. This is too important. Blake: Ross, it could be the boys or the babysitter. You really should. Ross: Hello? Harley: Ross, it's Harley. Ross: Harley, it's not a good time. Can we talk later? Harley: No, we can't. I need you down at the ferry docks right now. It's about your former assistant, Tory Granger. Ross: What about her? Harley: You should get down here, Ross. Ross: All right, I'll be right there. We have to go see Harley. Blake: Why? Ross: Something is wrong. Blake: What? What do you mean by that? Ross: You wanted to talk to the police about Tory? They now want to talk to us about Tory. __________________________________________
Alan: An empire from your jail cell. Danny: My knowledge can get me into all kinds of places. Seems that there are a lot of businesses out there who are looking for what I have to offer, especially in the ways of security. Alan: Are you telling me you have other offers, Danny? Danny: I can't remember. Alan: Ah, so you have, huh? (Cell phone rings) I'm going to have to take this call, if you'll excuse me. Don't anyone move. Danny: Been there, done that. (Laughter) Olivia: I think he's met his match. Michelle: I think so, too. Olivia: What is it you do? Michelle: (Laughs) What do I do? Well, I spend most of my time with my son, Robbie. Olivia: Oh, oh, that's right. You get to be a stay-at-home mom-- how nice. Michelle: Yeah. I feel very fortunate. Olivia: Well, you look amazing. I mean, it's amazing how quickly you got your figure back. I would be terrified to have a baby. God knows what all that nursing does to your... Well, you know what I mean. Michelle: (Laughs) Excuse me? Olivia: No, you look great! Waiter: Excuse me. Phone call for Mrs. Santos. Danny: Oh, that would be you. Michelle: Okay. I'll be right back. Danny: Okay. Olivia: Now that we're alone, I feel I need to tell you some corporate secrets. One, it is very enriching working for Alan in so many ways. Danny: Olivia, thank you for your advice, but I really don't think you need to sell me on Alan Spaulding, and I'm actually pretty capable of figuring out where I want to work. But thanks. And between you and me, my wife's body, after she gave birth to our son, is the sexiest thing on the planet. Olivia: Oh. So does that mean we can't have dinner? Danny: Yeah. Olivia: (Laughs) __________________________________________
Mel: Mrs. Bigelow is 93 years old and doesn't have a prescription plan. If we send her home, it's going to cost her $240, which she does not have. So I overrode your overriding, and I want you to get down there and tell those nurses where to shove it. (Laughter) What is so funny here? Rick: Nothing, nothing. Mel: Why do I get the feeling that this is some sort of inside joke, only I'm the joke? Remy: Look, don't worry about it, all right, sis? Seriously, I mean, we wouldn't dream of laughing at you. Rick: Right. The joke was my need to protect you, when obviously you just needed to protect me. I mean... Mel: Oh, okay. So you two were talking about me. Rick: I... Remy: You know, I got to... I got to hit the books. Rick: No, you don't. Remy: I got a big test coming. Rick: You are a chicken. Remy: No. Hey, I'm not the guy that confiscated the old lady's meds, all right? That was you. Mel: Okay, what did you do to my little brother? __________________________________________
Lorelei: Come on, you never even met him. There's got to be someplace that we can get another singing gig. Edmund: We can't travel from town to town because we don't have the bus fare to leave this town. We're stuck, Lorelei. We're stuck. Lorelei: Well, don't come unglued. You know what they say. When one door shuts, another door opens. (Door shuts) Man: Why do you always... Woman: ...Slam the door like that? Because I can't stand... Man: ...Being on stage with me. Woman: That's right. So, I'm going home. Man: Well, go on then. Show's over. I am sick and tired of your... Woman: My ranting and raving? Well, I am sick to death of you, too! Man: Well, I knew that. Woman: I know you knew that. Edmund: It's a bit premature, but I think this establishment needs another act. Lorelei: Just call me Lady Lorelei. Yeah! I know all; I see all. Edmund: We can't do their act. And you're not Lorelei here, remember? Lorelei: Well, Lorelei can be my stage name. I mean, come on, what's to this mind-reading stuff? Just a few established codes, and presto-chango, we empty their wallets. Edmund: Somehow, I doubt it's that simple. Lorelei: Would you rather wash dishes? Edmund: Let's go talk to Mr. Silver. Lorelei: Now, how'd I know you were going to say that? (Laughs) Eddie, fetch. Edmund: She was bitten by a rattlesnake in the hills of Kentucky. Some say she died and came back. Others say it was just the venom. But when she awoke, she could see into people's minds and into their wallets, which put her suitors at a serious disadvantage-- and you, too, if you forget to tip her. (Audience groans) So please welcome with me now, Lady Lorelei, mistress of the other side. (Cheers and applause) Lorelei: There's so much energy in here tonight! In fact, I'm picking up so many messages, I don't know where to start. Oh. (Laughs) I know what you're thinking, but I can't repeat it. Old geezer: Better not. Wife: Jeb, for heaven's sake. Lorelei: Oh, now, don't you worry. He loves you. Now, hold on, hold on. You've been married, let's see, let's see... Wife: Too many years! Lorelei: (Laughs) Oh, now, he doesn't think so. Wife: (Laughs) Edmund: Let's put Lady Lorelei to the test, shall we? I want you all to pick an object-- any object-- and hold it tightly in your hand, all right? Turn around. Now, who will be my first volunteer? You, sir. You. Perhaps Lady Lorelei can unlock the mystery of your choice. Lorelei: Well, I'm picking up something, but it's a little fuzzy. Edmund: Concentrate on what you're holding, man. Turn it over in your mind. It's the only way Lorelei can get inside. Lorelei: Oh, oh, oh, I got it. I got it. I see a... I see something now. I see... I see silver. A... A house... A car... A... Oh, it's the keys to your house and your car. (Laughter and applause) Yeah. (Laughs) Edmund: Yes, I can see you want to make this difficult. It's reflected all over your face. Lorelei: I'm getting an image. Uh-huh. Yeah, I'm getting an image now. It's... Ooh, it's... It's... It's a double image. It's... It's... It's like a mirror. It's... It's a compact. (Laughs) ( applause) Edmund: Yes, well, isn't that unique? May I see it? Oh... Oh, I'm terribly sorry, terribly sorry. Perhaps we should just halt all this, and I should brush up on my manners. (Laughs) Lorelei: Well, why don't you brush your hair instead with that one you're holding in your hand? (Cheers and applause) Edmund: Can you guess what I'm holding now? Lorelei: A ticket to heaven. Oh! __________________________________________
Mel: Well, something happened. I think he really likes you. Rick: Yeah, I think he's coming around. He's a good kid. Mel: Yeah, and you're a good guy. Rick: Yeah, it's the story of my life. Mel: What? You don't want to be a good guy? Rick: Oh, no, bad boys have much more fun, don't they? Mel: Oh, no, that's just an illusion. You don't see them pay for it later down the road. Besides, I don't like bad boys. Rick: You don't? Mel: No. I'm much too sensible for that. And if you were a bad boy, I wouldn't be here with you doing good things. Rick: I can be a bad boy right now if you want me to. Mel: Hmm, let me think about that. Rick: So, you think good boys are sexy? Mel: Oh, definitely. Rick: Really? Mel: Yeah. Rick: Okay. Well, on that note, I'm going to invite you over to my house for dinner to meet the family. How's that sound? Mel: Oh, uh, with Aunt Meta and Michelle and everybody? Rick: Yeah. Unless you don't want to. Mel: No. No, I'd love to. __________________________________________
Harley: This is what's happening. We haven't finished investigating, but we've been given the okay to drag the lake. Blake: Drag the lake? Ross: For what? Where's Tory? Harley: It's not 100%, but it's pretty sure. Ross: Where is Tory? Harley: Tory's dead. She's dead. She committed suicide. But she left a note for Blake. __________________________________________
Edmund: We got the job. Joel: Ah, heck fire, you were... You were both better than the ones who bailed on the job before. The way you guys were working off each other, it was like you were born to do it. You know, the way that you're working right now, you might be able to earn yourself enough to start working that mine of yours. Edmund: What do you mean? We don't have enough now? Joel: Well, if you have as good an act tomorrow, we can talk about it. Edmund: May we discuss it now? Lorelei: You know, tomorrow's not so awfully long. And you know, I want to take a walk around my mine. I want to see that silver glinting in the moonlight. Joel: Oh, I... I don't... I don't think that's a very good idea. Lorelei: Why not? Joel: Well, it's dangerous enough during the daytime, but during the nighttime... Lorelei: Well, that's okay. We won't get too close. 'Sides, if I'm reading Eddie's mind correctly, he's going to be wanting to get to bed real soon. Yeah, I'm reading his mind correctly. (Laughs) We'll be back before you know it. Joel: Okay, well, just be careful, now. Don't stray too far from the path, you hear me? Phillip: Hello? __________________________________________
Michelle: Hey. Danny: Who was on the phone? Michelle: Oh, it was for somebody else-- a mistake. Alan: Well, are you ready for round two, Danny? Olivia: You know what, Alan? I think we should leave these two alone and let them think about your offer. Danny: I will, but Alan, what was the job exactly? I... I can't recall any specifics. Alan: Why don't we start with something that excites you, something you're passionate about. It's a good place to start, I think, Danny. Waiter, a bottle of your best champagne for this couple. Waiter: Right away, Mr. Spaulding. Alan: You two have a wonderful evening. Danny: Well, thank you. Alan: Just let me know what you decide. Danny: I will. Michelle: Bye. Olivia: Bye. Danny: So, what do you think, huh? Not too long ago, you said it would be a mistake for me to turn down another job offer from him. Michelle: Right, I did. Danny: And now? Michelle: I still think it's a good idea, as long as you don't have to work for her. __________________________________________
Dockworker: Dark hair, pretty. 20s, maybe. Suddenly she just jumped in and disappeared beneath the water. Harley: And you jumped in after her? Dockworker: Yeah, but I couldn't find her. I was afraid I'd get pulled in, too, so I... (Sighs) Harley: It's all right. It's all right. You did everything you could. Listen, why don't we... Why don't we get you into a car before you catch pneumonia? Put him in a car. We're not done with him yet. It's the guy who found the note. Ross: Do you want me to read it? Blake: "Dear Blake, I am so sorry for the pain I've caused you and your family. Today, when I almost attacked you in church, I knew I'd completely lost it. Watching Ross comfort you afterwards was like an epiphany. I suddenly realized how far gone I was-- to the point of no return. So rather than stick around and hurt the people I once loved, I choose to take the journey that my husband... He did before me. It's where I belong anyway. Tell Ross and the kids good- bye... For me. Make him happy the way I wish I could have. And if you can find it in your heart, please, please forgive me. Tory." |