GL Transcript Thursday 3/7/02



Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/7/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Tony: What do you mean you're not going to marry us?

Ray: Exactly what I said.

Tony: What are you, crazy? You have to marry us.

Catalina: Tony.

Ray: I can't.

Catalina: I can't. I'm an unwed mother in the eyes of the church and that's why he can't.

Ray: Don't hide behind the church...

Catalina: Ray, please!

Tony: What's going on here? What?

Ray: You need to be having a conversation with Catalina.

Tony: I'm asking you. You tell me.

Ray: Tony, all I can tell you is that I can't bless this union.

Ben: See, that is so much better. You are a natural. I can't wait to tell my friends all about you. Now, let's say we take it from the top.

Marah: No, let's say we don't. Ben, what's going on...

Ben: Marah? Excuse me. What are you doing here? Hi.

Harley: Why don't you lose the smirk, this isn't funny.

Deadbeat Dad: Hey, I got fired, I'm doing the best I can.

Harley: If you were doing the best you could, you wouldn't be four months behind in child support payments, would you?

Deadbeat Dad: What do you want me to do? I can't pay if I'm not working.

Harley: So when we found you behind the register at your brother's gas station, that was what, a guest appearance?

Deadbeat Dad: I like to visit family.

Harley: You have family. Mandy, your daughter, sound familiar?

Deadbeat Dad: Like I said, once I get a little money.

Gus: Excuse me. (Snaps fingers) Can I see you in my office for a second?

Harley: Don't move.

Gus: The guy's already shown us his pink slip, he's got a court date. We can't book him. We cannot book him.

Harley: I don't want to book him. I want to strangle him.

Gus: Do you hear yourself? Do you hear yourself? You're always telling me I've got to play it by the rules. Look, you've got to walk the walk or talk the talk, okay? And you can't even walk your own talk, can you?

Ross: Well, the kids are building a fort, they're using every pillow in the house.

Blake: Oh, that's nice. This is fun, you know? Being here with the kids, and I'm cooking. This is a great idea that Michelle had this house party thing. What?

Ross: You're cute, that's all. It's good to be here, away from everything.

Blake: Tory. You can say the name, Tory. You know the last time I was up here, I raced through a snowstorm in a jealous fit because I thought the two of you were here alone.

Ross: Come on, the Bauer cabin is filled with years of good memories, don't let one bad one spoil it.

Blake: I don't intend on it. I have too many wonderful things to focus on.

Ross: Such as your wedding.

Blake: Exactly.

Ross: You know, Tory tried her best, but she couldn't come between us, and she never will.

Felicia: Tory, hi.

Tory: Hi, Dr. Boudreaux, how are you?

Felicia: Just fine, and you?

Tory: I could not be better.

Felicia: Well, I'm glad to hear that. I know that the last time we spoke, you told me you were having boyfriend problems.

Tory: Ah, yeah, well, turns out the problems weren't with him, they were with his crazy wife.

Felicia: I beg your pardon?

Tory: I'm sorry, forgive me if that sounds insensitive, but you have no idea what that woman's put me through. I really think that she's losing all touch with reality. She can't handle the fact that her husband is in love with me. In fact, just yesterday she pushed me on the ground outside of this very restaurant.

Felicia: Really?

Tory: Mm-hmm, right in front of everybody. You know I think that she actually may be quite dangerous.

Felicia: Well, must have been a very busy day at Company. My friend Blake Marler was here yesterday, but she gave me a very different version of the events.

Tory: So, you know Blake?

Felicia: And her husband Ross.

Tory: Ex -husband.

Felicia: Soon to be husband again. Nice, isn't it?

Tory: If you say so.

Felicia: I've known them both for a very long time.

Tory: How lovely for you.

Felicia: And they're devoted to one another. Now, are you trying to tell me that Blake attacked you?

Tory: Yes. And I have witnesses.

Felicia: Oh?

Tory: "Oh?" What the hell is that, some kind of psychiatric code? There were people who were on their way into this restaurant and they saw what happened with their own eyes. And you know what? I'm glad that you're her friend because she's going to need a good psychiatrist. You know, people just can't go around lashing out at other people, even if they are losing their husbands. And you know what? He isn't even really her husband.

Felicia: And the way you see it, Blake is losing him because?

Tory: Because he's in love with me. Ross is in love with me. And I realize that he's going through a lot of difficult things right now, and that he's experiencing some sort of denial, but I know that he'll come around, because he knows in his heart that we are meant to be together.

Ross: I think once we're married, Tory will quit fantasizing and realize she can never break us up.

Blake: Oh. Wait a minute. It just occurred to me, you're not marrying me just to get rid of Tory, are you?

Ross: No, no, no, of course not. But I was crazy to wait this long, because the best thing that ever happened to me is right in front of me, and I almost lost you.

Blake: You would never lose me. (Car horn honking) Maybe what they say is right about a way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Should we tell Danny and Michelle to take one trip around the lake.

Ross: No. I believe we better let them in.

Blake: Hi.

Ross: Hi.

Michelle: Hi.

Danny: Hey.

Blake: Hey, what'd you do, take the scenic route?

Danny: Oh, no, Michelle was just driving like a little old lady.

Michelle: Was not. I have precious cargo, okay? Ooh, good, you guys got the fire started.

Blake: Yeah.

Michelle: Why don't you go inside and sit and relax, and I'll go get the little sleepyhead out of the car seat.

Danny: I can go get the little sleepyhead. I can carry some bags, too.

Michelle: You know what? Why don't you sit, enjoy it while you can, because it ain't going to last.

Danny: Hey Ross, you're my lawyer, help me out.

Ross: Yeah, he looks good enough to unpack a car.

Michelle: All right, all right, all right. Don't carry the blue bag, though, let Ross get it, because it's heavy.

Danny: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Blake: Is Danny okay?

Michelle: He's doing really well. He's just a little impatient and he thinks he should already be 100%, and he's not. Where's Harley; she's not here yet?

Blake: No, actually, I thought she'd be pulling up behind you. Why is something wrong?

Michelle: I don't know, I'm just a little worried. She's been a little closed off since her break up with Rick, and I think she's hurting a little bit more than she's letting on. 

Gus: All right now, so let me explain what walk the walk and talk the talk means, okay? It means have the courage of your convictions.

Harley: Stop saying it. Stop saying it. I know what you're saying, okay? I followed the rules. I can quote you chapters.

Ben: All right, there's this outreach program through my frat and I help him out once a week.

Marah: Well, it's very nice to meet you, Jackie.

Ben: Listen, I'm really sorry I had to break our date, but Jackie had this huge test coming up and he needed to get in an extra session so.

Marah: Well, why didn't you just tell me, I would've understood.

Ben: I don't know why. I guess I haven't really mentioned it to anyone.

Marah: I'm not just anybody.

Ben: No, you're not.

Jackie: That's for sure. Can I go get something to drink.

Ben: Oh, yeah, sure. We usually take a break around now. Get some sodas, all right? Come right back. So, how did you find me?

Marah: Well, when you broke our date you sort of dropped the little note and so I sort of followed you.

Ben: Oh, sort of, yeah. You checking up on me?

Marah: No. Yeah.

Ben: You weren't jealous, were you?

Marah: Maybe a little. But you know, you've got a reputation, and it's not like...

Ben: We're sleeping together.

Marah: Yeah.

Ben: We're friends, okay, who have a lot of fun together and who really trust each other. I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world. Well, maybe. Sorry.

Marah: No, I'm so sorry I doubted you.

Ben: You want to stay for the rest of it? It's almost done. But I have to warn you, it won't be nearly as entertaining as the crazy stories you've been inventing in your head.


Catalina: Please, please, Ray. You have to marry us. Look, I know that I'm a sinner, but I'll do whatever I have to do! I'll do any penance that you want me to do, just please don't say that you won't marry us. Ray?

Ray: I can't do this.

Catalina: You're Tony's brother...

Tony: Catalina, look, it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay. Tell me, Ray, why won't you marry us?

Ray: I can't.

Tony: Don't give me that! I think I have a right to know why you won't marry us.

Ray: Yeah, you do have a right, but the person you need to be talking to is her!

Tony: Okay, what? What's going on here? Why won't my brother marry us?

Catalina: I don't know what he's talking about. He must've changed his mind, I don't know.

Tony: No, my brother doesn't just change his mind, not without a reason.

Catalina: I'm an unwed mother. The church doesn't approve of that. I don't know, Tony.

Tony: You never lied to me before.

Catalina: And I'm not lying. I wouldn't do that to you. Not to you.

Tony: Something's going on. I asked Ray, he tells me to ask you, and all you do is just clam up. Now in my book, that's just as bad as lying.

Catalina: Tony, listen, if I mean anything to you, why don't we just... Why don't we just let this go? We can get married at city hall, I don't have to have a church wedding. All I want is for us to belong to each other. God will bless our union, no matter where we're married.

Tony: Don't you see? I don't want that. I want to do this right. I want to have a proper wedding. And when our baby's born, I want to have a proper baptism. What, don't you want that to?

Catalina: All I want is you.

Tony: You got me. But look, whatever Ray's upset about is not going to go away. So we either deal with this now, or else we're not going to be able to move forward.

Catalina: You would call off the wedding?

Tony: Yeah. Till I find out what's going on, yeah.

Catalina: I don't know how to tell you this, but I went to confession before you came here, and your brother made a pass at me.

Tony: What?

Catalina: Yeah, it's true. That's why Ray won't marry us, because he's ashamed.

Phillip: Well, nice of you to actually show up this time.

Rick: Listen, pal, I'm going to need a separate beeper just to handle all your calls. And what is with this place? Company not good enough for you?

Phillip: What do you care, you're not paying for anything.

Rick: It's a nice place.

Phillip: I just didn't feel like being someplace where everybody knows me. Here, it's actually been five minutes since somebody came up and said, "Hey, Phillip, you okay?"

Rick: Hey, Phillip, are you okay?

Phillip: Very funny.

Rick: Are you all right?

Phillip: Yes, I'm fine. I'm fine. I've got a few more things with the whole Lorelei mess that I have to put to rest and see for myself, and then, I will move on. I don't want to talk about that. Actually, what I would really like is to be distracted. Why don't you tell me what's going on with your life.

Rick: Oh, no, no. I don't think you're ready for that.

Gus: Smoke?

Deadbeat Dad: No, no thanks.

Gus: I don't feel like one either. Make me nauseous.

Deadbeat Dad: Hey, thanks for the apology. Not all the cops who pick me up are so understanding.

Gus: I understand. I do, pal.

Deadbeat Dad: That other cop, she's cute, but, you know... Hey.

Gus: All right, we're just going to have ourselves a nice, little man to man, okay?

Deadbeat Dad: I can't breathe.

Gus: Breathing's overrated. I bet you're having a good old time with all that cash you're making at your brother's garage. But the thing is, I think that you could probably save a little of that money and send it to your daughter, because right now, your old lady can't even afford to pay the gas bill, which means that your daughter is going to bed every night cold. And that, that's just not right, is it? Get my drift, daddy?

Deadbeat Dad: Yeah.

Gus: Well, good. I'm glad we had this little talk.

Deadbeat Dad: I'm going to report you.

Gus: Really? You see this? Do you see this? Do you see it? I will gladly throw this to the curb anytime I've got to deal with you, all right? Because without this, I am a guy, a regular guy, just like you, only thing is I'm a lot worse. Do you know what I mean? Do you hear me?

Deadbeat Dad: Yeah.

Gus: Good. Bright boy. You better get out of here and start praying that I don't see you anymore, okay? Not in here and not on the street. Have a nice day. Have to pass a test to drive a car, but anybody can be a parent, what a world. How long have you been standing there?

Harley: Long enough.

Ross: (Shivers) I said (shivers) (laughter) Where's the brandy?

Blake: Well, dear, if you didn't let your sons pull the sled up the hill and get all the exercise, you wouldn't be so cold.

Ross: Hey, hey, hey, I was saving myself for the next event.

Blake: Ah, going for the gold, are we?

Ross: Well, you be the judge.

Blake: Okay.

Ross: Thank you.

Danny: I think it's time that I go outside and teach those kids how to really sled down the hill.

Michelle: I think that you're going to be staying right here.

Danny: Come on. I want to go outside and play.

Michelle: Honey, after all that time we spent apart, wouldn't you rather be sitting here next to me in a romantic fire, come on?

Danny: No. I'd rather be throwing the twins into a snowdrift.

Michelle: Okay. And what if you fall and hit your head?

Danny: What if I fall off this chair and hit my head?

Michelle: I'm serious.

Danny: So am I. So am I. You know, I've never lived my life afraid, I'm not going to start now. Would you want your life like that?

Michelle: No. No, I don't. I want to live my life loving you and that's all. You know, when I thought I was going to lose you... Never mind.

Danny: When you put it that way, it's kind of nice in here.

Michelle: Good.

Blake: They're pretty cute, aren't they?

Ross: We're cute, too.

Blake: Ooh, keep talking, you're going to make that gold.

Ross: You're my gold, dear, and my bride-to-be.

Blake: Glory hallelujah.

Ross: You know, dare I say it?

Blake: I dare you.

Ross: I lead a perfect life, thanks to you.

Tory: I have to thank you for your honesty. Now that I know that you're a friend of Blake's, I know that anything you have to say about Ross and me will be biased.

Felicia: Tory, the fact that I'm Blake's friend doesn't mean I'm not concerned about your feelings.

Tory: Right.

Felicia: I understand that you have very deep feelings for Ross.

Tory: You do?

Felicia: Yes, I do. But he doesn't reciprocate.

Tory: Well, that shows just how little you really do know.

Felicia: Tory, they are getting married.

Tory: That's what Blake thinks.

Felicia: Look, they moved up the date. They sent these invitations by messenger to all their guests. It came this morning. So you see, anything that you think you have with Ross is just a fantasy. And this proves it.

Tory: Okay, so, I realized that Blake pulled a guilt trip on Ross. And he's a good man, so he thinks that he's supposed to marry her.

Felicia: That's one interpretation.

Tory: No, that's the only interpretation.

Felicia: Is it?

Tory: (Laughs) Hard up for patients?

Felicia: Tory, I want you to come to my office to see me.

Tory: Sorry, can't afford it.

Felicia: It's on me. I want to discuss with you all the things that are troubling you. Look, I'm not here to judge you, Tory. I want to help you.

Tory: Do you really think I should?

Felicia: You're obviously a very bright and very well-educated young lady. And I think that we should discuss all the alternatives in your life that don't involve Ross Marler. Now, I have all my information on the back of the card. You can call me. How about coming by tomorrow 4:00 pm.?

Tory: Okay. Thank you.

Felicia: I look forward to seeing you. Okay?

Tory: Me, too.

Felicia: All right.

Tony: Catalina, we have to talk about this.

Catalina: Can we just please forget about it?

Tony: No, we cannot forget it. Look, I can't imagine my brother making a pass at you or any other woman.

Catalina: Okay, it was a mistake, a mistake. That's all. Just a moment of closeness that he pushed too far. And we have to forgive him, Tony, because that's what we do with the people we love, we forgive them. You can't just stop loving somebody because they make a terrible, terrible mistake. And Ray is under a lot of pressure as a priest. He saw me as a friend and he reached out. And I know that he's sorry. And if I can forgive him, then you have to.

Tony: What did Ray do to you?

Catalina: I... I don't want to talk about this...

Tony: No, you tell me, tell me. What did he do to you?

Catalina: We were talking about commitment and love, and how sometimes you can love somebody with all your heart and soul. And then... And then, I said that he was my first real friend in Springfield. And he just nodded and then looked at me differently.

Tony: How did he look at you?

Catalina: I don't know, just... Just differently. And then he put his hand on mine and leaned in as if he... He were going to kiss me. I can't do this. I mean, I can't talk about this anymore. It was nothing, okay? I overreacted. Let's just forget all of this ever happened, Tony.

Tony: I can't... I can't. If.. If what you're telling me is true, I have to go see Ray now...

Catalina: Tony, please! Tony. Just... (Sighs)

Ben: "My sweet mistress weeps when she sees me work, and says such baseness had never like executor. I forget, but these sweet thoughts do even refresh my labors most busy least, when I do it."

Jackie: (Scoffs) Man, people don't talk like that.

Ben: Well, not anymore, but...

Jackie: I don't get it.

Ben: Okay, let's try this. Give Marah your book. You mind helping me out?

Marah: Shakespeare's "Tempest?" Sure.

Ben: Now, listen how it becomes almost casual, okay, like a real conversation.

Marah: Uh, where do you want me to start?

Ben: Let's start right here.

Marah: "Do you love me?"

Ben: "Oh heaven, oh earth, bear witness to this sound. And crown what I profess with kind event if I speak true. If hollowly, invert what best is boded me to mischief. I, beyond all limit of what else in the world, do love, prize, honor you."

Marah: "I am a fool to weep at what I am glad of."

Jackie: Cool.

Rick: Then well, why not, let's talk about me. Because I'll tell you, pal, my life has never been more exciting. Meta made some meatloaf for me yesterday. And it was very good, which means tonight... Tonight is "make a meatloaf sandwich" night. I tell you, it doesn't get any more thrilling than that.

Phillip: Hey, wow, that's great. Actually, I was a little more interested in what's going on with you and Mel.

Rick: That's Dr. Boudreaux to you.

Phillip: Sorry, Dr. Boudreaux. Apologize, yeah. So, what are you doing? Are you guys... Are you dating?

Rick: Yeah, dating.

Phillip: These are not tough questions. How's it going?

Rick: It's going as good as it can get. It's a very simple, straightforward, honest relationship. And, you know, with my history, it's very confusing. I just... I just saw her and her brother at Company.

Phillip: Oh, you did?

Rick: Yeah.

Phillip: Oh, her brother?

Rick: Yeah.

Phillip: So, you're meeting the family.

Rick: They all adore me.

Phillip: Oh, well. Hm-hmm. How are the Bauer’s warming to miss Boudreaux?

Rick: Well, they don't... They don't really know her yet. But I mean, come on. What's not to like? I mean, the woman is stunning. She's intelligent and she's got a great sense of humor. What?

Phillip: I was just thinking, maybe I should ask her out. (Laughs)

Rick: (Laughs) That's very funny.

Phillip: Rick, let me tell you something, one thing you could be sure of: The last thing I want right now is another woman in my life. I'm going to get this Lorelei business cleared up and then I'm going to take a very long break before I even look at another woman.

Rick: I'm going to give you some free advice here. What you need... What you need is a woman with no baggage, like Mel, but not Mel.

Phillip: See, but there's a problem because I actually, you know, I think... I think Mel might be the only woman in town that neither one of us have been married to. Actually, this is great. You'll love this. The other day when I was at Company waiting for you, my ex-wives just started walking by. It was like a stream of them... Don't laugh. Hey, you know what, at least your ex-wives have the decency to leave town once you're divorced.

Rick: That's true.

Phillip: No, my ex-wives just hang around, reminding me of all the mistakes I've made in my life. Keeping me humble.

Rick: You know, I tell you, you know what's really nice is starting a relationship over when they have no idea what all your baggage is, that's what's nice.

Phillip: I can't even imagine. But you seem happy.

Rick: I am. I'm really happy. Mel and I are... She's good for me. She's... She's calmed me down. I'm taking one step at a time. It's great. And all we have to do now is straighten your life out, right?

Phillip: Yeah. Look, I swear to you, I'm close to putting a lid on this whole Lorelei thing. Just a couple loose ends that I've got to wrap up first. Oh, yes, that reminds me, one loose end I have to take care of now.

Rick: What, no food?

Phillip: Why don't you... Why don't you meet me at Towers later, and we'll have dinner, okay? And ask Mel if you want.

Rick: I'm hungry.

Gus: I know, don't say anything to me, okay. I didn't do it by the book. Sue me.

Harley: Actually, I like the way you handled that.

Gus: Really?

Harley: Really. Maybe that guy will think twice now before he lets his kid go without.

Gus: Maybe. I just have a hard time seeing kids suffer, you know. So, it just brings out the kamikaze in me.

Harley: I think it brings out the little boy in you.

Gus: My childhood wasn't a bowl of cherries, you know, but I survived, I'm fine.

Harley: Me, too, I know.

Gus: My manners. I'm going to get you that coffee.

Harley: Wait. Wait. Maybe we should go out for that coffee.

Gus: What, you mean you and me in public for a coffee?

Harley: Well, if you're going to make a big deal out of it, we can forget about it. I want to have coffee with you.

Chief: Oh, Detective Aitoro. I got a prisoner over at the courthouse, he needs to be escorted back to the pen. As you can see, I'm shorthanded around here today. It's going to have to be you.

Gus: All right, yeah, just give me like 30 minutes, all right, Chief?

Chief: Now, Aitoro.

Gus: That's what I meant, now. I'm going to... I'll be back, okay?

Harley: Actually, I'll be gone. I... I was going to leave anyway and go pick up the kids. I'm heading up to the Bauer cabin for the night.

Gus: (Disappointed) Oh.

Harley: Yeah. I'll see you.

Gus: See you.

Jackie: I guess I'll see you next week, Ben.

Ben: You will. Hey, good work today, Jackie.

Jackie: Thanks. You, too. I'll tell you something, she likes you.

Ben: Get out of here.

Marah: Bye. I still can't figure out why you wouldn't tell me you were doing something so great.

Ben: I don't know. I guess I'm always waiting for you to tell me that you're going to get back together with Tony. So, I try to keep a little distance. If I tell you everything, and you go back to Tony, you're just... It would make it a lot harder. I guess I'm not making much sense here.

Marah: No. More than you think. Look, Ben, you know if you want us to have a chance, you're going to have to let me get to know you. And secrets aren't going to help, even little ones. And you know what? Forget about me and Tony. He and Catalina are practically married.

Catalina: God, please forgive me. Why... Why did I lie like that?

Waitress: Excuse me. You don't want to forget these.

Catalina: Oh, Tony. Our house. It's so beautiful. That's... That's why I do whatever I have to do. So, we're going to have a dream life together. And I'll have more babies. I promise. We deserve this.

Ray: Did you talk to Catalina?

Tony: I did.

Ray: I'm... I'm sorry, Tony. I know how this must hurt.

Tony: I can't believe what she told me is true.

Ray: What did she tell you?

Tony: She told me everything, Ray. But I want to hear it from you.

Ray: Tony, anything she told me is...

Tony: Yeah, I know, it's... It's sealed in the confessional. The church has a lot of rules, doesn't it?

Ray: Yeah, it does.

Tony: Yeah. It's not always easy to obey those rules, is it?

Ray: What are you talking about?

Tony: I mean, what about the rule that says a priest can't take advantage of a young girl just looking for help?

Ray: What are you talking about, Tony?

Tony: I'm talking about trust, Ray. I talked to Catalina, and she said the reason you couldn't marry us is because you made a pass at her!

Ray: Catalina told you I made a pass at her?

Tony: Yeah. I had to drag it out of her. So what, is it true?

Ray: Come on, Tony.

Tony: Yes or no?

Ray: What do you think?

Tony: Don't play this game! Just answer the question, Ray!

Ray: Even if I wasn't a priest, do you think I would make a move on the woman you're about to marry? Come on, Tony! Do you?

Tony: No. No, I... Why would she make up something so terrible, Ray? Huh?

Ray: I can't tell you that.

Tony: Don't do this, just tell me!

Ray: Hey, little brother, I am trying to help you!

Tony: Just tell me, man.

Ray: Tony, look, if we're going to discuss this, we all need to be here, and that includes Catalina. Go bring her back here tomorrow. You'll know everything then.

Tony: I always trusted you, Ray. I'm begging you, don't let me down, don't.

Marah: What you're doing for that kid is so great.

Ben: It's nothing.

Marah: No. I mean, you're really making a difference in this kid's life. I mean, you're opening him up to a whole new world. I don't know. I've never met someone like you.

Ben: You mean in a good way, right?

Marah: (Laughs) You know that I do.

Ben: No, here's what I know. I want to be the guy that you can depend on and trust when the chips are down. And that I'll always put you first.

Marah: Well, Mr. Wonderful, we still have the whole day ahead of us. Do you want to maybe take a rain check on our date, or is too late?

Ben: Not if it means I can spend one more moment with you.

Marah: Good. Because I'm not ready to go home yet.

Ben: Well, I wouldn't want you to do anything you don't want to.

Marah: (Laughs)

(Blake on answering machine): Hi, you've reached the Marler residence, but we're not in right now. Please leave a message at the beep.

Felicia: Blake, it's Felicia. Listen, I have to talk to you. Call me, it's important.

(Harley screaming)

Harley: Enough! (Laughter)

Ross: They got you.

Harley: Blake, what are you feeding those children? (Laughter) They were so nice to me when I came through to put Zach and Jude to bed. And now, wham! They are still sleeping, right?

Blake: Yes.

Danny: Why does Harley get to go out and play in the snow and I can't?

Harley: Oh, I'm sorry, Danny. Are you being a bad boy? (Laughs)

Michelle: No, actually, he's been such a good boy, I just want him right by my side.

Harley: Aw, cute. What was that, Ross? Oh, you read my mind. I'd love some brandy, thank you.

Ross: Brandy, yes, yes, I knew that, I knew that.

Harley: Oh, my God. So, isn't school in session? How did you get out of class?

Ross: Well, it's teacher prep days. And this week we had two and I got finished in one, and that's why I'm here serving you brandy.

Harley: I'm so glad you are. (Laughs) ( knock on door)

Ross: Since when do our kids knock? ( Knocking continues)

Blake: She wouldn't.

Harley: You know what, I'll get it. What are you doing here?

Gus: You asked... You asked for a coffee. It's light and two sugars.

Tory: Hello, yes, may I speak with Ross Marler, please? For a few days? Well, I really need to speak with him. It's very important. Because I'm the wedding planner, and, as you know the date of the wedding has been moved up, and I need to discuss some last minute details with him. The Bauer cabin, of course. Thank you. No, no, no, no. That's all right. I have the number.

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