GL Transcript Wednesday 3/6/02



Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/6/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Alan: Well, good morning.

Olivia: Good morning to you.

Alan: You're a little early. I guess you just couldn't wait to spend a little more time with the master.

Olivia: Of what?

Alan: Deal-making, among other skills.

Olivia: (Laughs) He's funny. You know, I think there wasn't enough oxygen in that cabin in your jet, because it's affected your memory. I was the one who clinched that deal.

Alan: Ah, but I was the one that made it possible for you to go to Rio in the first place.

Olivia: I was the one who utterly charmed the development minister.

Alan: Who sold you on Roberto Reyes in the first place?

Olivia: Who came up with the harbor redevelopment concept to sell?

Alan: Ah, touché.

Olivia: I have skills of my own, thank you.

Alan: Oh, you certainly do. And you'll have to admit that we make a splendid team, especially after this trip.

Olivia: I'd say we're in pretty good shape.

Phillip: I'm glad somebody is. Welcome home.

Alan: Well, thank you. Garrison, that will be enough for today. Well, what seems to be the problem?

Phillip: It's Lorelei.

Alan: Wait a minute, don't tell me that impostor's still in my house.

Phillip: No, no, no, no, she's gone, but...

Alan: Well, then there should be no problem. What's happened now?

Phillip: I'm trying to tell you, if you'll just listen to me for a second. I did some digging and I found something very weird. I called directory assistance in Albemarle, Virginia. Now, they told me that Lorelei Hills is the name of a town, not a person.

Alan: The woman isn't who she said she was? I'm shocked.

Phillip: Well, I know you think this is funny, but I'm trying to figure out what the hell has been going on around here.

Alan: I'm sure you're trying to figure it out, Phillip. And the next thing you're going to tell us is that Lorelei Hills is really Beth Raines.

Sam: (Laughs) You are tough, Holly.

Holly: Why play if you don't try to win?

Sam: No!

Buzz: And the crowd goes wild! (Laughter)

Sam: I'm done, that's it. I'm going to have to come back through Springfield when I need some more stiff competition.

Holly: I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow.

Sam: I know. I am. But I still have some people I have to say good-bye to, so I don't mean to lose and run, but...

Buzz: This journalism school, this Hunley, is lucky to get you.

Holly: They are.

Sam: Thanks.

Holly: And even though I'm so sorry you're leaving, it's wise to get there before the start of the summer session, and get settled in.

Sam: You know what? I'm hoping I may be able to hook myself up with some freelance journalism work before classes start. You know, get a head start on it or something, which, of course, is some work that without you giving me that shot at the "Journal," I never even would have a chance.

Holly: I wasn’t taking any risk. You have all the makings of a top-flight journalist.

Buzz: Well, then hire him full time when he graduates.

Holly: If the "New York Times" and "Washington Post" doesn't grab you first. All kinds of opportunities are going to come your way. So, keep your eyes open and give your old boss a big hug. Oh, best of luck to you, Sam.

Sam: Thanks. Thanks, Holly. And you.

Buzz: Yeah?

Holly: (Laughs) You.

Sam: Thank you, Buzz, for being my friend. You have given me sound advice and I have listened to you, and I don't think I'm ever going to find a Buzz Cooper anywhere else in this world.

Buzz: Ah. You're saying that because of the chili fries.

Sam: Ah, he sees right through me.

Buzz: Hey. Knock 'em dead. You're going to do great.

Sam: Thanks. Well, I guess this is it. Bye.

Holly: Bye, sweetie.

Sam: See you.

Buzz: He'll be okay.

Holly: Yeah. He already is.

(Women laughing in distance)

Dr. Nathan: Okay, you had a chance to be named Chief Resident.

Dr. Tucker: Sure, if I was up for sleeping with Rick Bauer.

Dr. Nathan: It worked for Mel Boudreaux. ( Laughter)

Marah: Mom, where's the iron?

Reva: Marah? Honey, it's under the steps in that closet like it always is. What are you doing?

Marah: Mine broke.

Reva: What do you have, a wrinkle emergency or something?

Marah: No, Ben is taking me someplace.

Reva: Someplace? Someplace this morning?

Marah: Yeah.

Reva: You two have been spending an awful lot of time together lately.

Marah: Well, yeah, I've got you and dad to thank for that.

Reva: Oh, the Valentine's Day date.

Marah: Yes. You guys sort of paved the way for us, I guess.

Reva: Well, parents certainly love doing that. (Laughs) So, are you... Are you two an item now?

Marah: Well, define "item."

Reva: Well, I mean, are you dating each other exclusively, or are you still playing the field?

Marah: Mom...

Reva: Well, I mean it. I'm serious. I mean, because there's all kinds of dating. You know there's dating with a capital "D" and then there's...

Marah: ...Dating in general with thousands of guys.

Reva: Oh, well, now, you... You know that's not what I meant, but you know, I could do that for you, but not. (Laughs) And what about Ben?

Marah: He's fun. I like him.

Reva: No, I mean, what about him? Is he dating with a capital D, or does he have one of those little black books with all kinds of phone numbers in it?

Marah: Well, he might, but he doesn't use it. He's not that kind of guy.

Reva: You know that for a fact?

Marah: I can tell. He's really loyal to me. No, he's a one-woman kind of man.

Reva: As opposed to?

Marah: Don't even go there.

Reva: Ah.

Ray: So, what's on your mind?

Tony: Huh?

Ray: That you had to tell me here, now, instead of waiting till we met up at St. Michael's?

Tony: You mean besides the fact that I have my life in order now? That I'm going to get married and I'm going to be a dad?

Ray: Yeah, besides that.

Tony: Isn't that enough, Ray?

Ray: You tell me, Tony.

Tony: Man.

Ray: What, that's not the answer you wanted to hear?

Tony: What do you think? I put everything that you ever told me about responsibility in gear. And do I get so much as a pat on the back for doing the right thing? No.

Ray: Come on, Tony, it's me, your big brother. Why don't you tell me what's really going on in that head of yours? Marriage is serious business, Tony.

Tony: I'm a serious guy, Ray.

Ray: It's tough enough for couples that are just starting out; even couples that are madly in love.

Tony: You want to see what Catalina and I are starting out with? Take a look at this.

Ray: You're building a house?

Tony: That's right. If this doesn't show that I am 100% committed to being a dad and a husband, I don't know what does.

Ray: It's huge.

Tony: It's over 8,000 square feet of dream house for me, Cat and the kid. It's over 2,000 square feet a piece.

Ray: I thought you guys were planning to leave town.

Tony: No, no, no. I changed my mind. I'm living here. I met Catalina here. We made our kid here. I'm going to raise him in Springfield, in this house.

Ray: I'm sure it will be beautiful. I just hope the foundation's strong enough.

Tony: That's cute.

Ray: You can't build on something that won't hold, Tony.

Tony: Well, I got news for you, Ray, this foundation is as solid as it's going to get. Wait and see.

Catalina: Santa Maria, I've sinned. It's wrong to sleep with a man before you're married. But it's not a sin to love. And I do love him. His name is Tony. I've done some really bad things. I should have probably come to you sooner to pray for courage and guidance, but I didn't, and now I'm in trouble. And I'm too afraid to tell the truth about what I did. Is that a sin, too?

Reva: Boy, do I like to see that. (Laughter) Oh, you missed a spot.

Marah: So, what about you and dad? Are you guys dating with a capital D or are you playing the field?

Reva: Well, I... I think we are capital D-ers.

Marah: You think? You don't know?

Reva: Well, no, I mean, I... I... I know as well as I can know. I mean, I think that before your dad went off to Singapore on his own, that we were pretty much one on one.

Marah: Weren't you supposed to go with him anyway? What happened with that?

Reva: Yeah, well, that was the original idea.

Marah: And so, what happened?

Reva: I... I just felt like I haven't been around much this past year, and I wanted to spend some quality time with my two kids. And I think your daddy needed a little alone time himself.

Marah: But everything's okay?

Reva: Everything's fine.

Marah: You don't sound fine.

Reva: Everything's fine. It is. I'm just a little antsy. Because I haven't heard from him, you know. And you know how I get.

Marah: Yes, I do.

Reva: Now, if I'd known that you were going to be spending so much time with Ben, I probably would have gone to Singapore with your dad.

Marah: I feel lucky, I really do. I mean, Ben... Ben is totally happy just spending time with me and nobody else. It feels really special.

Reva: You deserve special. (Doorbell rings)

Marah: Who's that? (Gasps) Mom, it's Ben. Will you... Will you stall him while I put this shirt on real quick? Please?

Reva: Uh, yeah. I... I can do that. Oh, Ben, hi.

Ben: Hi, Reva. How you doing? Good to see you again.

Reva: You, too.

Ben: Is Marah here? One of the kids at the dorm told me this is where she'd be.

Reva: She's here. She's here.

Ben: Hi. Hi.

Reva: I'll leave you two alone.

Marah: Sorry. I just didn't know where we were going so I wanted to change shirts.

Ben: Actually, we're not going anywhere.

Dr. Nathan: Hello, doctors.

Rick: Hi.

Mel: Hi.

Dr. Tucker: Are they a great looking couple or what?

Mel: Come on, Anne.

Dr. Tucker: It's true. And congratulations on being named Chief Resident.

Mel: Thanks. Is it the knee?

Remy: What?

Mel: Is your knee bothering you? Because you look like you're hurting, and there's nothing like being on the basketball team to strain a surgically repaired ACL.

Remy: My knee is fine.

Mel: Oh. Well, something's up with you. Or are you going to pretend like there isn't?

Remy: You want to know what's bugging me? Okay, I'm going to tell you what's bugging me, but get your boyfriend over here first because I want him to hear this, too.

Alan: You know, I knew Lorelei Hills was a fake name. Phillip, she probably picked it up out of a phone book or something.

Phillip: But there's more to it than that.

Alan: The hell there is! She is a phony, period!

Phillip: I'm trying to tell you something, but you just don't want to get it, do you?

Olivia: Maybe you should both calm down! Come on, fellows, breakfast is barely over.

Alan: All right. All right, Phillip. You obviously have something you need to say, so let's hear it.

Phillip: Just listen to me. I'm not worked up because some blonde came in here and tried to get my money, okay?

Alan: Well, you damn well should be.

Phillip: I am upset because my daughter thinks that her mother is walking out of our lives again. Okay? That's why I'm upset.

Alan: Lorelei Hills is not Lizzie's mother.

Phillip: But...

Alan: You have not...

Phillip: But I can't convince her of that because there are things that Lorelei knew, things that Lorelei said to Lizzie-- and not just Lizzie, to Rick, to me and to Lillian-- things that only Beth should have known.

Alan: We've gone over this.

Phillip: No, we haven't. I'm trying to tell you. You don't understand. It's more than that. She knew songs that Beth and Lillian made up when she was a kid. Now, how the hell would she know that?

Alan: I'm not surprised at all.

Phillip: You're not sure...

Alan: Because she is a con artist. They study their characters very carefully, and she played Beth Raines to the hilt. All the more reason you should be glad she's gone, which is exactly why I dropped the charges against her and Edmund.

Phillip: Oh, okay. So it was you, then? You're the reason that Edmund broke in here the other night, instead of being in jail where he belongs.

Alan: Yeah.

Phillip: You are the one that sprung him.

Alan: Yes.

Phillip: Great. Great.

Alan: Wait a minute, he came here?

Phillip: Yes. He came here to "liberate" Lorelei.

Alan: Well, I hope you didn't stop him.

Phillip: Of course I stopped him. She was sick.

Alan: Phillip, you have become obsessed with this woman for one reason. Because she is your last connection with Beth. But, now, Beth is dead. She's dead, Phillip.

Olivia: Alan, stop it. He has a right to grieve in whatever way is easiest for him, okay?

Alan: And I have a right to deal with this in a sane manner. God knows someone in this family should.

Phillip: Olivia, let me ask you something.

Olivia: Yeah?

Phillip: I know the view is nice from up here, but how do you stand being with him? The only thing that he gives a damn about is his own opinion and getting what he wants. I just... I just can't imagine that that makes for a very good companion.

Olivia: You know what, Phillip? I think in this case you're being a little hard on him.

Phillip: Really?

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: Really? How do you figure that?

Olivia: His dropping the charges on Edmund and Lorelei was my idea.

Phillip: Oh, that was your idea.

Olivia: Yes, it was my idea. I miss her. She was more of a friend to me than I have ever had in my life, and the idea of this Lorelei person running around town pretending to be her was horrific to me, and I wanted her gone. So I figured if Edmund were free, he would leave Springfield and take her with him. (Sighs)

Phillip: So that's why you sold him on the idea.

Olivia: I thought it would be best for all of you, okay? I just didn't think enough. I didn't take into account the feelings that Lorelei stirred up in Lizzie and Lillian, and obviously you.

Phillip: Okay. Well, see... See, at least you can see that. See, Alan is so stubborn and so deep in denial that he can't even acknowledge how difficult and how confusing this situation has been at times.

Olivia: I'm sorry.

Phillip: It's okay. It doesn't matter. She's gone.

Olivia: You are going to... (Clears throat) Don't take this the wrong way, but you and Alan are actually very much alike.

Phillip: Oh, hey, that's something I wanted to hear.

Olivia: It's true, okay? It's true. In a sense, you haven't been able to let go of Beth, and neither has Alan.

Phillip: What are you talking about? Olivia, he... He let go of Beth the minute that he found out about Lorelei. That was... (Snaps fingers) That was like that. His words to me, as a matter of fact, were, "done, over, forget it, pretend it never happened." Did you hear anything he was saying in here? No, the book on Beth is closed.

Olivia: That's my point. For him, a clean break is protecting himself.

Phillip: Protecting himself from what?

Olivia: From having to re-experience the pain of her loss.

Phillip: Oh...

Olivia: From having to be reminded every single day of how much he's going to miss her. Aren't you going to miss her?

Phillip: I will. Yeah.

Olivia: So what are you going to do about it, Phillip? It seems to me you can keep brooding over the what-ifs and be living in the past or you can make a choice to move forward. Personally, I vote for moving forward.

Phillip: Yeah, well, you're not the first person to give me that advice.

Olivia: Well, maybe-- just maybe-- if you could find some way to let Beth go, then maybe Lizzie can, too.

Phillip: Yeah. Maybe.

Ben: Marah, I'm really sorry, but something came up, something really important so I... I'll call you and reschedule, okay? I promise.

Marah: Wait. So that's it, you're just going to go?

Ben: Well, I've got to...

Marah: Can't you come in just for a second? I won't bite, I promise.

Ben: Okay.

Marah: So what is it that's so important?

Ben: Uh, school. Schoolwork. I've got this huge assignment due Monday and I've barely cracked a book, so I...

Marah: Why did you put it off for so long?

Ben: It just kind of got away from me.

Marah: Well, maybe you can get an extension. Who's your professor?

Ben: It doesn't matter. I mean, I already asked for an extension and basically got shot down, so I got to do this and I've got to ace it or my grade is going to take a major hit.

Marah: Wow. That's the first time I've heard you worry about grades.

Ben: Well, like they say, there's a first time for everything.

Marah: Well, what about when you take a break? I could come visit you or something.

Ben: I'm not taking a break. I can't.

Marah: All right. Then I guess we will have to reschedule.

Ben: (Sigh of relief) I knew you'd understand. Thank you so much. And I'll call you tomorrow, okay? Bye.

Marah: Don't work too hard.

Reva: Hey. What are you still doing here?

Marah: (Sighs) Ben canceled the date. He has too much work to do. Must have dropped out of his pocket.

Reva: You can probably still catch him if it's important.

Marah: No, no. I have a feeling he'll remember what it's about.

Catalina: Why wasn't I stronger? Like Marah. She didn't sleep with Tony and now he loves her more than ever. More than me. (Sniffles) And that's why I did the things that I did. Because I was afraid that he'd go back to her, but I should have been stronger and I... I should have been better. And then I wouldn't have made the mistakes that I made.

Ray: Hey. Well, I hope these are tears of joy.

Catalina: Is Tony here?

Ray: Not yet. He had to stop by Infierno. He won't be long.

Catalina: Good, good.

Ray: I'll leave you to your prayers.

Catalina: Father, um, I need to talk to you.

Ray: Okay. Why don't we go to the confessional?

Catalina: No. Can I just do it right here? I mean, it would still be confidential, right?

Ray: Sure, of course. But you might be more comfortable in the confessional.

Catalina: No, I just need to say this before I change my mind.

Ray: You're afraid. Go on, Catalina. Say whatever you have to.

Catalina: Please give me strength. Please. Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

Ray: What have you done?

Catalina: I've hurt a lot of people. And the person that... The person that I hurt most is your brother.

Sam: "Beautiful Woman with Business Papers." This could be a picture by Degas.

Olivia: Hi. What are you doing here?

Sam: I came by to say hello.

Olivia: Yay.

Sam: And goodbye. How was your trip?

Olivia: It was fantastic, successful, wonderful. What do you mean, goodbye?

Sam: I'm leaving.

Olivia: Yeah, I know. In a couple of months.

Sam: Tomorrow.

Olivia: What?

Sam: I changed my plans while you were in Rio. I think I need to get to Hunley now, get an apartment, a job, and get settled.

Olivia: Okay, let's talk. I mean, really. What's... What's the rush?

Sam: Well, you may see it as a rush, but I kind of feel like I've been dragging my feet. I have to go. It's my time. You know, I have to make my move. You know how that is.

Olivia: Yeah. I'm going to cry. (Laughs) Okay.

Sam: I might, too. We're still partners?

Olivia: Are you kidding? Forever.

Sam: Forever and ever.

Olivia: Forever and ever.

Sam: I'll write.

Olivia: Yeah, well, you better. Otherwise I'm going to track you down, and you know, take away that motorcycle again. ( Laughter)

Sam: Well, then, if I don't write or don't call, then how are you going to find me?

Olivia: Oh, you're smart.

Sam: (Laughs)

Olivia: So, did you say goodbye to Marah.

Sam: Ah, yes. Yeah, a couple weeks ago. You know, it was pretty low-key, which I think is best for her and me.

Olivia: Well, I... I'm sure it's hard for you to leave her.

Sam: Well, it's hard for me to leave you.

Olivia: See, I'm in trouble. (Laughs) Because you've been my conscience and my guide.

Sam: Not like you ever listened to me.

Olivia: No, I never listened to you. No, I did.

Sam: (Laughs)

Olivia: I did.

Sam: Sometimes.

Alan: Well, my favorite cable repairman.

Sam: Hello, Alan.

Olivia: Sam is off to journalism school tomorrow.

Alan: Oh, is he?

Olivia: Mm-hmm.

Alan: Well, good luck.

Sam: Thanks. You, too. I guess I'd better get going. Come on. I love you, sis.

Olivia: I love you too, Sam.

Sam: I'm gong to miss you. So, I guess we're all up to date now, huh?

Olivia: Yeah.

Sam: Okay, that's the way I like it. Ciao, Bella. Bye.

Olivia: Bye.

Reva: So, what does the note say?

Marah: It doesn't matter.

Reva: "Jackie, 9:30, Hampshire Hall."

Marah: So much for loyal Ben.

Reva: Marah...

Marah: Mom, look, the guy makes a date with me and then he comes over here to cancel it, saying that he's too busy, he's got work to do? You know, I thought it was a little weird him coming over here all nervous, but Jackie here explains everything.

Reva: Can I just say something in Ben's defense? That note could mean something entirely different.

Marah: All right, I know I'm a little paranoid lately because of the guys that I date, but can you blame me?

Reva: Sweetie, you are smart and your intuitions are incredible, but you've also been hurt-- badly, several times. And sometimes that affects the way you react to things like this and there's a tendency to freak out, you know, and not really think things through. But...

Marah: Maybe I should just chill?

Reva: I couldn't have said it better myself. Chill. (Laughs)

Marah: I'll get it.

Reva: No. Just leave it. I know you've got better things to do.

Marah: You're right.

Ray: So what about Tony?

Catalina: I lied to him.

Ray: All right.

Catalina: No, it's not all right. I lied about the baby.

Ray: In what way?

Catalina: In the worst way. I went to the hospital because I thought something was wrong.

Ray: You mean with the baby.

Catalina: And there was. And I miscarried. I lost the baby and then when Tony... When Tony came to see me, I told him that the baby was fine.

Ray: Why?

Catalina: Because I love him. Because I love him with everything that there is in me!

Ray: And you didn't think it would be better to tell him the truth?

Catalina: Why does he have to know? Why does he have to know what happened? I mean, once I'm his wife, once I'm his wife, then I can give him another baby. And then... And then we'll have that baby, a healthy baby, and then he'll have his child. So, no, Ray. No, we can't tell him anything, okay? I can't tell him. And you can't tell him. You can't tell him either, Father.

Ray: (Sighs)

Remy: I just hate that people think that you got this new gig just because you were dating the boss.

Rick: Mel was named Chief Resident because she was most qualified for the position, period.

Remy: Well, I'm sure she did, but it's also true that women, you know, they get taken advantage of in the workplace.

Mel: The workplace?

Remy: Yeah, and I just hope you're not one of those women.

Mel: Rick would never take advantage of me, Remy.

Remy: I mean, I know he probably wouldn't mean to. It's just that I heard those two speaking before, and it just...

Rick: You weren't sure. Right?

Mel: Remy, you know I can take care of myself. And everything is fine. Better than fine.

Rick: Your sister's one of the smartest, hardest-working doctors that we've ever had at the hospital, which has absolutely nothing to do with me. The fact is that she would have a wonderful career whether I was around or not. Okay? Now, that being said, as you can see, there are people who gossip and they back-stab. But if any of that garbage makes its way back to your sister, I'll be the first one to step to her defense. You got it?

Mel: Not that I need it.

Remy: You might need someone looking out for you. You don't know that.

Rick: That's right, and that someone is going to be me. No one is going to disrespect you. Period.

Mel: Is that a promise?

Rick: That's a promise.

Remy: I'm going to hold you to it.

Rick: You got yourself a deal.

Remy: I'm glad to hear it.

Ray: No, you're right, I can't say a word to Tony, but you have to.

Catalina: I'd lose him.

Ray: You'll lose him if you don't. I guarantee it, Catalina. Look, the truth always has a way of coming out and it'll be worse because you kept it hidden.

Catalina: You know what? This was a mistake. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have said anything to you.

Ray: But you did, because you wanted my help. You want to get rid of your pain and your fear? Well, I'm telling you how to do it.

Catalina: I can't tell him. I can't tell him. Not now.

Ray: When?

Catalina: I don't know. But I will. Okay? I will. When the time is right.

Ray: You're about to take the sacred vows of marriage, all of which hinge on trust, the belief that you can count on your spouse to be genuine and honest.

Catalina: And I can be all of those things to Tony.

Ray: Not if you carry a lie to the altar! You'll be breaking your vows even as you speak them.

Catalina: Doesn't God forgive sinners? He does, doesn't he? Then he'll forgive me. He'll forgive me once I am the best wife for Tony. The best wife...

Ray: Catalina, don't you understand? The truth isn't something you admit to or withhold depending on how it suits your purposes. You can't build a marriage based on deception and selfishness.

Catalina: I can make this work. I can. All I need is a chance.

Ray: Catalina, listen to me. As a priest, as Tony's brother, as your friend, I am begging you, tell Tony about the baby now, before you take those vows. Tony deserves to know the truth.

Tony: The truth about what?

Olivia: (Sighs)

Phillip: Hey.

Olivia: Hi.

Phillip: You all right?

Olivia: Yeah.

Phillip: What, did Alan come by and deliver another dose of that legendary Spaulding charm?

Olivia: (Scoffs) No, no. I just... Sam came by to remind me of how silly and pointless my projects and deals can be sometimes.

Phillip: Hm.

Olivia: He's heading off to journalism school tomorrow.

Phillip: Hunley, right?

Olivia: Yeah. It's a good school.

Phillip: Very good school.

Olivia: Yeah. Maybe in between writing leads, he'll find time to write me, who knows?

Phillip: I'm sure he will. I'm sure he will miss you as much as you miss him.

Olivia: I don't think so. Are you looking for the other one?

Phillip: Oh. No. I know where the other one is. It's in Mexico.

Olivia: Oh, my God. Those are Beth's shoes... I saw her wearing those.

Phillip: Yeah. This was in her closet, and I was packing up some of her things to give to Lillian. I figured it was a step towards letting her go. Good. A step. How appropriate.

Olivia: You know, Phillip, I really think this is going to help the whole family move forward. You found that shoe when you were looking for her in Mexico, didn't you?

Phillip: Yeah. I knew where it was, the last place anybody had seen her. This was the only trace that I could find of her.

Olivia: I'm... I'm sorry.

Phillip: Yes. One shoe never means anything good, does it? It always means that something is lost or broken. Or forgotten.

Olivia: No. Are you kidding? I mean, the whole Cinderella slipper and the prince had the one shoe, and it led him back to her, you know, because it could only fit his one true love, right? And it did. So that's a happy thing.

Ben: Jackie, have I told you how incredible you are? Because if I haven't I'm going on the record right now. You're the best. No one else even comes close.

Tony: What happened? What, did the florist mess up again? I told him...

Ray: This isn't about the flowers, is it, Catalina?

Catalina: No. No.

Tony: Well, then what? Then what? Is it the catering service? Is the guest list too long?

Catalina: No, no. It's nothing. It's nothing like that. I was just... I was just a little scared, that's all.

Tony: Oh. You're scared? You know what? I've got something to turn that around. I'm going to build you a new house.

Catalina: What?

Tony: You see?

Catalina: What?

Tony: You see? You feel better already. Wait until you see this place. It's got so much room, it's going to have a pool, it's going to have a hot tub. Me, you and this little kid-- we're going to be living large.

Catalina: Oh, Tony. I can't believe it. A house?

Tony: Yeah.

Catalina: You're so good to me.

Tony: See? I'd do anything for my girl. And my baby. So what are you sad about?

Catalina: I wasn't sad. I was scared.

Tony: How come?

Catalina: I was... It's silly. It's silly. I was scared because I thought I wasn't going to be a good wife.

Tony: You thought you weren't going to be good?

Catalina: You know, that I wouldn't make you completely happy and that you'd leave me.

Tony: That's nuts.

Catalina: I know, I know. I... I love you so much and I just don't want anything to go wrong.

Tony: It won't. It won't. You're going to be my wife and you're going to be the best. But before you can be my wife, we've got to get married, right? So come on, let's plan this wedding.

Ray: We're not. Because I'm not going to perform this marriage.

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