GL Transcript Tuesday 3/5/02



Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/5/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Cassie: Reva, I'm sorry. Reva, I've really turned your house into a fire hazard.

Reva: ???

Cassie: No. No, it's good. You know, we could go to a hotel and stay if this is too much for you.

Reva: Over my dead body. No, you and Richard and the kids are going to move in here until you find a place of your own and that is that. (Laughter)

Richard: You know, I think it can be quite an interesting prospect, especially when a certain young boy keeps taking everything out of the drawers as fast as you can put them in. (Laughter) ( cell phone ringing)

Tammy: Hello?

Reva: A cell phone?!?

Cassie: Yeah. Yeah, we didn't want her to feel cut off completely from her friends in San Cristobel, so we got her a cell phone. Speaking of San Cristobel, you know, you think we could have brought some of those servants here with us for a few days, just to help us, like, unpack?

Richard: Well, you know, it's not too late for that.

Reva: Oh-- oh, no, your highness.

Richard: What?

Reva: I mean, your royal president or Mr. Richard Q. Public. You're an irregular... You're a regular American guy now...

Richard: Am I?

Reva: ...And we Americans don't have servants.

Richard: Well, the Spaulding's do.

Cassie: She said "regular."

Reva: Regular. I mean, when it comes to domestic chores, you're on your own there. And that's the way it is.

Richard: All right.

Reva: And tonight you're going to have baptism by fire.

Richard: Oh, that's right. Don't remind me.

Cassie: What are you guys talking about?

Reva: Just a little surprise that we cooked up for you.

Cassie: Girls' night out.

Reva: You, me, Harley, Blake-- no men allowed.

Cassie: Oh, really? We are?

Richard: You are, and I'll be here, taking care of the children, while you're off doing your thing.

Cassie: You are?

Richard: Yes, I am. I can manage. It's not a problem. Don't worry.

Cassie: You know, this is so nice. It's wonderful. And I know that you can. I do. It's just that R. J., you know, he's been quite a handful lately.

Richard: R.J.'s fine. And Tammy's going to help me. Right, Tammy?

Tammy: Gross!

Cassie: Yeah, you can really count on Tammy's help tonight.

Richard: Look, I managed an entire country, right? I think I can manage three children for one evening.

Edmund: Right. Fantastic. Thank you.

Lorelei: You're the one who had to invent me, because you couldn't make it on your own. I'm better than you, you said so yourself. Because I don't give up. I don't surrender. Well, I sure ain't going to give up now.

Edmund: Lorelei? Lorelei. Where did you go?

Lorelei: We got to get out of town fast, Eddie.

Edmund: All right. Is tonight soon enough?

Lorelei: Are you serious?

Edmund: Carmen Santos is hosting a high-stakes poker game over at Inferno, and I can get us a seat at the table.

Lorelei: Well, how are you going to do that? I thought you and Carmen were on the outs?

Edmund: Oh, don't worry, I'll get us into the game. And then with your skill at cards...

Lorelei: I'll win big. And then I'll get enough money so we can blow this pop stand and I can get away from Beth. I mean Beth's memory. Oh, Eddie. I love you. Okay, well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Eleni: I just made two pans of baklava for Buzz.

Frank: I am so sick of baklava.

Eleni: You're sick of baklava? So when do you go?

Frank: Whenever the troops arrive.

Eleni: This raid, or whatever it is-- is it dangerous?

Frank: Let's just put it this way: I'll be home before letterman starts. I want to make sure that my daughter is asleep and out of trouble.

Carmen: I personally hired the wait staff this evening, and I don't remember you.

Marina: You know what? I think that they need me in the kitchen, so...

Carmen: Just tell me who you are or I'll have to assume you're an uninvited guest.

Ross: Holly, sleeping with Tory is the worst mistake I ever made in my life. Don't compound it by telling Blake. It could set us back irrevocably.

Holly: Tory is a problem, Ross.

Ross: I will not let Tory or anybody else hurt Blake. I swear that to you, Holly. I swear.

Blake: Hey. What's up? Something wrong? Mom?

Ross: You were gone for more than a little while. You get your errands done?

Blake: Oh, I wasn't running an errand. I was seeing Tory.

Holly: Blake, you've got to stay away from that woman.

Blake: With pleasure.

Holly: I mean it. There is something you don't understand about Tory.

Blake: What? What don't I understand? You know, never mind, Mom, because that woman couldn't surprise me with anything she does. She's certifiable.

Blake: Do you know what you just did? That woman tried to pick a fight with me at Company.

Ross: What do you mean, "pick a fight"?

Blake: She started yelling at me, accusing me of harming her. And then she faked a fall, as if I pushed her, in front of all the customers. It was humiliating.

Holly: Are you all right?

Blake: Oh, I'm fine, except for the fact that I want to shove her head down a toilet. If she thinks that she can make me doubt myself, doubt you, and destroy our family with her lies, she's got another think coming. Because I have come too far to go back to feeling worthless and insecure. Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.

Ross: Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry. I'm glad you did it.

Blake: Thank you. So, what? What is it you want to tell me about this little tart?

Holly: It's not about her, it's about you. I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You have come a very long way. I just want you to be happy.

Holly: Thank you, Mom.

Nolan: Mr. Spaulding, you have a guest.

Phillip: Thank you, Nolan.

Rick: Thank you. Hey, pal.

Phillip: Hey, Rick. What's up?

Rick: I was just in the neighborhood. I was wondering how Lorelei was doing.

Phillip: Well, you would have to ask her. Of course, to do that, you would have to find her. She's gone.

Rick: She's gone?

Phillip: Mm-hmm. She left earlier today. I assume to be with Edmund.

Rick: You just let her go?

Phillip: Well, what was I supposed to do? Aren't you the guy that told me that I should keep my distance and not get sucked in?

Rick: Yeah. Yeah, I did. I did. It's just... She was just so deluded when I came over here to treat her. She was just so convinced that she was Beth.

Phillip: Oh, I know. So convinced, and so convincing.

Rick: It's just that, in that state of mind, I'm wondering if she can take care of herself.

Phillip: Well, she was obviously well enough to get up and leave here on her own.

Rick: So you're obviously not concerned.

Phillip: Why should I be concerned about it, Rick? You know? What she did to me? You know what, you think about it. Anybody else had played me for a fool like this...

Rick: Yeah, I know, they'd be very sorry they did that.

Phillip: Right. I don't owe her anything. The fact that she happens to look exactly like Beth... The fact that I feel like I'm supposed to go out and find her for some reason...

Rick: I know. I mean, it was just... It just hurt like hell when she was begging me to help her and I had to say no.

Phillip: Well, but you did. That's the important thing. You did, and that was the right thing to do, and that's what I have to do now. I don't care what Edmund does to her.

Rick: Well, you know what? On the other hand, they're both cut from the same cloth, you know?

Phillip: Right. That's exactly right.

Naomi: Oh, to heck, your announcement. I don't need any announcement.

Nolan: I'm sorry, sir. I tried to stop her.

Naomi: I want to see Lorelei now.

Phillip: Well, this breath of fresh air is Naomi. She was in on the scam with Edmund and Lorelei. Actually, she's lucky she's not in prison right now.

Naomi: Prison? You want to talk about prison? This here's a prison. You kidnapped my girlfriend.

Phillip: Yes, well, Naomi, it's been really lovely to see you again. Nolan, would you please show her out?

Nolan: Ma'am, please.

Naomi: Get your Yankee paws off me! Who do you think you are, anyway? You're no better than me.

Rick: Nice work. Nice work. Really nice work. You got rid of the one person that can actually help you with your problem.

Phillip: My problem?

Rick: Yes.

Phillip: What are you talking about?

Rick: Get that woman back here and I'll tell you.

Carmen: Now, tell me who you are.

Romeo: Lulu, there you are. Hey, listen, you better not be giving Mrs.. Santos any lip.

Carmen: You know this girl, Romeo?

Romeo: Yeah, yeah, I used to run with her brother. What?

Carmen: What did I tell you? I hired the wait staff myself for security reasons.

Romeo: Lulu's cool. You can trust her.

Carmen: You better be right about that.

Marina: (Sighs) That was close.

Romeo: What the hell are you doing here? Do you have any idea what Carmen Santos would do to you if she found out you're Frank Coopers daughter?

Marina: Look, I do not want to be here, trust me, but I had to, and you wouldn't listen to me earlier.

Frisco Red: Yo, girlie, bring me a glass of milk. I need it for my ulcer.

Marina: Yes, sir. One glass of milk coming up.

Romeo: Do you have a...

Marina: Like I was saying, look, I need to talk to you.

Romeo: Do you have a death wish? Get that guy his milk and then you get out of here.

Marina: No, really... I really...

Romeo: Do it, now.

Marina: Excuse me, sir? Would you be requiring whole milk or low fat?

Gambler #1: Three aces.

Frisco: Damn. All I got is... A straight.

Marina: Excuse me, sir? Your milk?

Frisco: Forget the milk.

Marina: Okay.

Frisco: No, you don't. You just brought me luck, little girl. You are going to sit right here by me.

Marina: I am? (Laughs nervously) For exactly how long?

Frisco: All night.

Frank: All right, fellows, here's the deal: We've got 20 or more players right now at the club, plus Carmen Santos, plus Romeo Jones, plus the support staff. Now, the second we get inside, I want all the exits completely sealed. You understand what I'm saying? I don't want anybody getting out of there. All right, let's go.

Holly: From now on, you have to stay away from her.

Blake: Oh, there's no problem in that department. I'm sorry that I let her sucker me into meeting her. I just figured that a public place would be safe.

Ross: I just can't believe Tory would do such a thing.

Blake: Oh, believe it, Ross. This is the woman who took our children. I just don't get what set her off in the first place. Was it jealousy? Is it as simple as that?

Holly: Or maybe she's been like this all along. We just didn't see it.

Ross: Well, now, she's not psychotic. She's just very confused.

Blake: Well, whatever she is, I want to stay away from her. Hey, can we go away this weekend, take the kids?

Ross: What?

Blake: Well, Michelle invited us up to the Bauer cabin, and Harley's going to be there. It'll be a lot a fun and a distraction.

Ross: Yeah, that sounds like just what we need.

Holly: Yeah, just what Tory needs: A little distance. (Car horn)

Blake: Oh, that's my car.

Ross: What car?

Blake: I forgot to tell you. Reva arranged this "Welcome Home" dinner for Cassie at the Towers, and I need to go change. Will you tell the car to wait for me?

Ross: Yeah.

Blake: It's just a girls' night, so... But I won't be late.

Ross: Okay.

Blake: And I love you. Bye-bye.

Ross: (Clears throat)

Holly: You still think Tory can be reasoned with? Did you hear what she said? She provoked physical confrontation with her.

Ross: Thank God she wasn't hurt.

Holly: This time. What about next time?

Ross: Holly, there is not going to be a next time.

Holly: There better not be, Ross. You've got to find a way to stop her or I will tell Blake the truth-- for her own protection.

Ross: I understand that.

Holly: I'm going to go see the boys.

Ross: Tory, it's Ross. I need to see you right now.

Cassie: Hi.

Harley: Oh, my God, it's so good to see you. You look beautiful.

Cassie: Oh, thank you. So do you. My gosh, I'm going to cry. I haven't seen you guys... My mascara's going to run. ( Laughter) It's going to be a mess.

Harley: Haven't you discovered the waterproof mascara yet? I tell you, these former first ladies.

Reva: Yeah, they're backwards.

Harley: So backward.

Cassie: Did you do this, Reva?

Reva: No, Harley.

Harley: Well, you know, I feel when you're dining with royalty...

Cassie: Get out of here. (Laughter) So, where's Blake?

Harley: Oh, late, as usual. Forget that, tell me.

Cassie: Tell you what?

Harley: Everything.

Cassie: No, first you.

Harley: Me?

Cassie: You were living with Rick, then you were going to marry him, and now the whole thing's off? What's going on?

Harley: You know what? That was just an experiment. Failed, obviously.

Cassie: Baking a cake is an experiment. Living with a man is...

Reva: Fun. (Laughter) See, fun.

Cassie: So how come it didn't work?

Harley: Because it just didn't.

Cassie: There's somebody else.

Harley: No. Oh, no, no, no. I would tell you. No, no, no, no. No. The only one I'm involved with is my work and my children. That's it. That's all I'm involved with. There's nobody. Nobody.

Cassie: I was talking about Rick.

Harley: Oh. Forget about that. Let's talk about you. Now that you're back, what are you planning to do? Are you going to run for office, Mrs.. Winslow, like Mrs.. Clinton?

Cassie: No. I know I'm not going to do that. I don't know. You know, when I was in San Cristobel, I felt like I could do anything, and now I think I want to join the PTA and I just want to drive in a carpool.

Harley: Yeah, that sounds great.

Reva: That'll last about a week. Would you let Richard spoil you rotten? You know he's dying to do it.

Harley: Yeah, let him. I say give the man what he wants.

Reva: Absolutely.

(Pop music playing)

Richard: I suppose you think this is amusing, don't you? Please stop. Don't do that. I'm going to get you. I'm going to get you. R.J., come back here. (Cell phone rings) R.J., I mean it, come back here. Does the music have to be so loud?

Tammy: Yes. Hello? Get out! What? (Baby crying)

Richard: All right, Will, I promise I'll be right back. Just give me a second, R. J., R.J.? Give me the gun.

R.J.: You have to say please first.

Richard: Please give me the gun. You're right, it works. Thank you. What on earth has gotten into you?

Tammy: Sugar shock. Told you not to let him have that cupcake.

Richard: I see.

Tammy: Dad, don't let him get that.

Richard: No, R.J.!

R.J.: (Laughs)

Richard: I bet you think this is funny.

Edmund: Carmen, Carmen, Carmen. You are looking absolutely fantastic as always.

Carmen: Long time, no see, Edmund. I hear you want in on the game? (Laughs) Are you joking?

Edmund: No. Why should I be? You know how much I've always enjoyed cards.

Carmen: Yes, not to mention lying, cheating, back stabbing, double-crossing...

Edmund: I think that's why we always got along so well. Like minds.

Carmen: Like crazy. Now I hear you've taken up with this one. Jeez, Edmund, talk about a fixation. The resemblance to Beth is uncanny. I hope you're not as boring as she was.

Lorelei: Far from it.

Carmen: Beautiful. You can both entertain each other while waltzing out the door.

Edmund: Oh, I see. She's afraid we'll win, make her look bad.

Carmen: On second thought, fine. You want to lose your shirt, Edmund? Go right ahead. Just pay your fee to Romeo.

Edmund: Fee?

Carmen: Yes, fee. There's an entrance fee, Edmund.

Edmund: All right. You can take it out of our winnings.

Carmen: What winnings?

Edmund: Then loan it to me. You know I'm good for it.

Romeo: Do you know who that guy is? You don't double-cross that guy and live to tell about it. Now get out of here. Go.

Marina: Don't you at least want to know why I came here?

Romeo: No.

Marina: Not even if it could, oh, save you from getting busted?

Romeo: You better explain what you meant by that.

Marina: Look, the cops know about the game. I overheard my dad. They're going to raid the place tonight.

Romeo: Really?

Marina: Yeah, really. That's what I've been trying to tell you.

Romeo: And why warn me about it? What's in it for you? Your dad would kill you if he found out.

Marina: Well, I said that you could trust me and you didn't believe me. And so this is my way of proving it to you. Besides, you're way too cute to go to prison.

Romeo: I got to tell Carmen. She's got to stop the game.

Marina: What's wrong?

Romeo: The bag. It's got all the players' cash in it. Cops find that and I'm sunk. Carmen first.

Frank: All right, everybody freeze, and keep your hands on the table. Sit down! Everybody sit down now! Sit down. Sit down! Sit down. Sit down, right now. Sit down. All right, everybody freeze! Sit down! Sit down! Stay down! Keep your hands upon the table! Hello, Carmen. And here I thought you were walking down the straight and narrow path. You mind if I take a little look in your office right now?

Carmen: Wait. I assume you have a warrant.

Frank: You assume correctly.

Romeo: I want to see it. The warrant.

Frank: Styles, get the warrant.

Romeo: No, no, I want you to show it to me. You're the one in charge here.

Frank: What's the matter? Is there something in that office you don't want me to see right now? I don't need your permission. Get out of the way.

Lorelei: We got to get out of here. I can't spend another night in jail or I won't be able to fight off...

Edmund: Fight off what?

Lorelei: We just got to hit the road, okay, Eddie?

Edmund: Well, I'll be happy to oblige you, Lorelei, but how do you propose to finance our departure? We don't even have bus fare now.

Lorelei: Well, we'll walk.

Edmund: Whatever is going on with you? You're positively spooked. Did something happen at Philip's that you haven't told me about?

Lorelei: Why... Why would you think something like that?

Edmund: The way you're acting. As if you're afraid something's after you. Something or someone.

Naomi: Well, you certainly are lucky you came to your senses. I was about to go to the cops and have them arrest you for kidnapping. I want to see Lorelei.

Phillip: Sure, but first there's just a couple of questions I'd like to ask you.

Naomi: What kind of questions?

Phillip: I just... I want you to tell me everything that you know about Lorelei Hills from the time that you were children together until now.

Naomi: Well, Lorelei and I wasn't kids together.

Phillip: No, you... I thought you grew up together. But you're so close, and your accents are very similar.

Naomi: I know. Ain't that a pip? Pure coincidence. You know, I met Lorelei-- what, six months ago?

Reva: Here's to Cassie being back in Springfield where she belongs. (Glasses clink) Cheers.

Harley: And away from that lovely little island where they have plane crashes and coups every five minutes.

Reva: Let's change the subject.

Cassie: Uh-huh. How about to Rick?

Harley: No, not to Rick.

Reva: How about to men, in general?

Cassie: To men! All right.

Reva: Sex.

Cassie: Okay.

Reva: Sex with men.

Blake: Yay.

Cassie: Oh, my goodness. Hello!

Blake: You look beautiful, sweetie. Except...

Cassie: Except what?

Blake: I don't know. I knew that I was going to be dining with the royalty and the first lady and you just look so unroyal. Where's your tiara?

Cassie: I had to leave it. (Laughter) I got to bring some personal stuff, but it all belongs to the royal collection.

Harley: She doesn't need any of that stuff anyway now that she's sitting with us commoners.

Cassie: You guys, common? That's a joke.

Harley: You tell her, Blake. You tell her. Now that she's back in the good old U.S. of A. She can be whatever she wants to be, right?

Blake: That's right, and you will do it with style and panache.

(All): Cheers.

Blake: You just stay away from those muscle herbal relaxants. (Laughter)

Harley: Was that the last time we were together? Your wedding!

Blake: Now refresh my memory, did you walk down the aisle, or was that a slow stagger? (Laughter)

Cassie: Oh, my God! You gave me those stupid pills.

Blake: Well, yes.

Reva: And I would have killed you if we'd had time, but we had to get her in her dress. Remember that?

Harley: It was like dressing Gumby!

Blake: That's okay. It all worked out in the end, right? You got to marry the man of your dreams.

Cassie: Yes, I did.

Blake: Hey, and we had a free vacation in paradise anytime we wanted.

(All): Yeah!

Cassie: Wow! I feel sorry that it's ended. ( Laughter)

Blake: I mean, it was paradise. Except when it was under siege.

Reva: Or cracking in two. (Laughter)

Blake: So do you miss it?

Cassie: San Cristobel?

Blake: Do you miss it? Be honest.

Cassie: When I walked in here tonight, yes, I thought I missed it. But now, sitting here with you guys, there is no place that I'd rather be.

Harley: Hear, hear. (Glasses clink)

Cassie: I want to say that I've missed you guys so much, and I love you guys so much.

Blake: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute-- you've said that before.

Harley: Now she's said it... Well, that's five now. I'm keeping track.

Cassie: Oh, my God!

Blake: It's vandalism.

Harley: So I'll have to arrest myself. ( Laughter) Speaking of which, hey, seriously, if you guys are thinking of driving home...

Reva: Taxi!

Blake: I have arranged for transportation.

Reva: Oh. Well, bully-bull on you!

Blake: I got a limo. I charged it to the studio. It's fabulous. So to heck with all our problems, at least for, you know, tonight. Who cares if a psycho's after my fiancé?

Cassie: What?

Reva: Yeah, and who cares if Josh went to Singapore by himself. So what?

Harley: Who cares if I can't stop thinking of whatever his name is?

Cassie: Wait a minute. Wait a minute, what do you mean a psycho is after your husband? I thought that was a mutual decision, and who the hell can't you stop thinking about?

Blake: A man.

Harley: Not a word. Not a word. We need some dessert over here. Whose name...

Cassie: No, no. What man?

Harley: Blake? Blake?

Cassie: What man?

Harley: I'm going to kill you for this!

Tory: I'm so glad you called me, Ross. I needed to see you so badly.

Ross: Yes. We need to see each other. Because this has gone too far, and we need to quickly and permanently put an end to it.

Tory: Don't say that. I've asked you please not to say that.

Ross: Tory, we have to do this before somebody gets hurt. The things you've been doing recently are disturbing, almost dangerous, and not only to me and my family, but also to you.

Tory: No, it's not. Stop it, Ross. It's not dangerous. It just feels like that because it's so exciting. And it's exciting because you and I are on the verge of finding true love.

Ross: Tory, stop. No. It is not even remotely that.

Tory: Yes, it is, Ross. Do you realize that people spend their entire life looking for what we have? This is real love. This is not a love that's based on obligation or duty or just loving someone out of habit.

Ross: What you are talking about doesn't exist for us. It was a fantasy. It's not real.

Tory: Yes, it is. And you know that it's the most sensible thing you've ever done. You missed it the first time with Vanessa. You told me that. And if you miss it again you're going to regret this for the rest of your life.

Ross: About the time that I was asked to teach at the university, I started having bouts of depression, and it got bad and it went beyond a midlife crisis. And with meeting with you, it converged into this illusion, into this dream of the first great love of my life. And because your resemblance to her, it made me...

Tory: To Vanessa?

Ross: Yes, to Vanessa. The resemblance made me act on this fantasy and the confusion became too much, and I just did what I did, but it wasn't in any way real. It was a fantasy and now it is causing you to act out something of your own. You were a victim of my fantasy. And now I'm a victim of yours.

Tory: It is true love.

Ross: It's a dream. I've been in any number of relationships. I know what a real one looks like.

Tory: And you think that's what you have with Blake?

Ross: What I have with Blake, it has endured a lot and it runs deep, and Blake and the kids are my entire life. And putting that in jeopardy is the worst mistake I've ever made.

Tory: Then why did you do it?

Ross: Because I saw something that was not there. And I tried to embrace a shadow. Now you listen to me. You've come to the point where you have power to destroy Blake, me, our family, everything. Is that what you want to do?

Tory: What do you think?

Ross: I think no. Other people think otherwise. I think you're a bright and beautiful woman with a heart full of love who will one day give that to a man who will love only you, but that man will never be me. So I'm asking you now, tonight, let go of this dream that we went through together. Let go, so we could be happy again, apart. Will you do that for me?

Tory: For you.

Ross: Thank you. I know I've made things miserable for you. And Tory, this is the only thing to do, and believe me, it's the right thing to do.

Tory: You're wrong, Ross. Neither of us will ever be happy unless we're together. I know it. I know it. I know it, and I just have to prove it to you. I just have to prove it to you. (Heavy crashing)

Frank: Where's the damn cash? (Pans clanging) You find the cash? It's totally clean. Totally clean! Where the hell is the money? It's like somebody tipped them off.

Romeo: (Muttering) Wherever you are, Marina, stay there.

Frank: All right, everybody, listen up. You're free to go. But if I catch anybody, any one of you, ever in here again-- especially you-- you won't be as lucky. Let's go. Move it out. Let's go!

Man: All right, I'm cashing in. I want my money now.

Carmen: Relax. You'll get your money. Minus the fee, of course. I'm sorry about all the mess, guys. How did you manage to hide that briefcase so fast? Never mind, just bring it to me. Hello? Hello, Romeo? Romeo? Wherefore art thou? Is there a problem?

Romeo: What? No, there's no problem.

Carmen: Where's the girl?

Romeo: Huh?

Carmen: Your friend, the waitress. She better not have my money.

Edmund: What's your hurry? The police have nothing on us.

Lorelei: Yeah, and we got nothing, period, which is less than we came with and we still got to find a way to get out of town.

Edmund: In time. In time.

Lorelei: Now, Eddie. Now.

Naomi: You know, I don't know nothing about Lorelei's past. Not that it's any of your business, I mean, how you treated her and all.

Phillip: What... So wait a minute, so what you're saying is the two of you met in Chicago?

Naomi: Mm-hmm. Last summer. We hit it off from the get-go, had loads in common.

Phillip: Such as?

Naomi: I don't know. Country music, food... ( Laughs) Girl stuff. Enough of this interrogation. You tell me what room Lorelei's in before I bust down every door in this... This incredibly beautiful mansion of yours.

Phillip: Lorelei is not here anymore. She left this afternoon. I assume to be with Edmund.

Naomi: You lie like a dog.

Phillip: Okay. You know what? Why don't you see for yourself? Nolan. Why don't you show her the rest of the house?

Nolan: Right this way, ma'am.

Naomi: It was nice to meet you.

Rick: Nice to meet you, too. Thanks for all your help.

Phillip: Uh, and then, Nolan...

Nolan: Yes?

Phillip: Show her the door. I was sure that they had grown up together.

Rick: So was I.

Phillip: Well, thanks for nothing. Now I'm more confused about who Lorelei is than I was before. Figment of my imagination.

Rick: No, she's not, and don't worry about this. There's other ways we could get some information. We just need to do a little research.

Carmen: Where's the money, Romeo? Correction: Where's their money?

Romeo: Don't worry, it's safe.

Carmen: Don't you "worry" me. You're the one who's on the hook for all this cash.

Marina: Hey, sorry I didn't come sooner. I wanted to make sure the coast was clear. Followed your orders to the letter, boss.

Romeo: Nice work, Lu. Carmen? Satisfied now?

Carmen: Perhaps I shouldn't have doubted you.

Romeo: No, you shouldn't have.

Marina: Good thing for you that I found that secret exit in the office.

Romeo: Me? Good thing for you. You would have been grounded for life.

Marina (laughs) Yeah, and you'd be in the slammer. Look, listen to me the next time I'm trying to tell you something, okay? And, oh, by the way, you're welcome.

Reva: Did a tornado hit?

Cassie: Yeah, he's about three years old and he's packing a squirt gun.

Reva: (Laughs)

Cassie: Oh, the poor guy passed out from exhaustion.

Reva: Oh, well, I'm sure you can find a way to revive him. Good night.

Cassie: Thank so much for my little party.

Reva: I'm going to go find some non-aspirin aspirin.

Cassie: Okay.

Reva: Welcome home.

Cassie: Thanks.

Richard: R.J., don't. Put that down.

Cassie: Oh, you poor baby. Come on. They really did a number on you, didn't they?

Richard: No. No, I was fine. There was no problem. No problem at all. A piece of cake.

Cassie: Cake, huh? Hmm? Sugar shock-- does it every time. Coconut, wow! Hmm.

Richard: How was the party?

Cassie: It was great. Can I ask you a question?

Richard: No, you may not go out tomorrow night.

Cassie: (Laughs) No. Do you regret leaving San Cristobel?

Richard: No. No, I'm thoroughly enjoying this civilian life. It's... I'm finding it quite challenging, actually. And you?

Cassie: No regrets. None. This is home. This is home.

Richard: And you're happy?

Cassie: Yes.

Richard: Well, then all is right with the world.

Cassie: Not yet. Mmm, strained carrots?

Richard: No, squash.

Cassie: (Laughs) Even better.

Blake: Where have you been?

Ross: Is Holly still here?

Blake: Nope. Gone. Bye-bye. Nighty-night. I repeat...

Ross: I had to go to the office, take care of some paperwork.

Blake: Ross, I had the most wonderful night.

Ross: Oh, really? I couldn't...

Blake: With Harley and Cassie and Reva, and we laughed, and we were so naughty, and I didn't think about terrible Tory, not once.

Ross: (Laughs) I don't think you're going to worry about her ever again.

Blake: I hope you're right.

Ross: I know I'm right.

Edmund: First we had very little money, and now we have no money.

Lorelei: We got to do something.

Edmund: Yes, well, there's an understatement.

Lorelei: We got to get our hands on some cash and we got to get out of town before I disappear altogether.

Edmund: Disappear? What on earth are you talking about?

Lorelei: Well, I meant... I meant, you know, go to jail. I meant go to jail, because I can't go back there again, Eddie. I can't and I won't.

Edmund: Look, you won't have to. I'm going to find a way out of this mess-- somehow. Come here.

Phillip: All right, Naomi has departed. Did you find anything?

Rick: Yes. Here's the area code for Albemarle, Virginia-- hometown. Got to start someplace.

Phillip: Okay. Get this over with. (Phone ringing)

Operator: Directory assistance, what listing, please?

Phillip: Yeah, hi. In Albemarle, Virginia, the number for Lorelei Hills, please?

Operator: The name?

Phillip: That is the name. Lorelei Hills.

Operator: Lorelei Hills isn't a name, sir. It's a town in Albemarle County.

Phillip: Okay. Would you see if there's someone by that name in the town?

Operator: No, sorry, nothing.

Phillip: Okay, thanks.

Operator: Mm-hmm.

Rick: No go.

Phillip: Lorelei Hills is the name of a town in Virginia.

Rick: Why would she use a name of a town?

Phillip: Why would she give us a phony name? But why... If she's not Lorelei Hills, who the hell is she?

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