Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/4/02 Provided by Linda Mel: Ben, right? Ben: Dr. Boudreaux, hey. What are you doing here? Mel: Oh, I just came to see my brother, Remy, and I thought I'd check on Catalina while I was here. But I'm glad I ran into you. When a couple loses a child it can be equally devastating for the father. How are you holding up? Ben: Me? Oh, okay, I'm sorry I didn't tell you at the hospital, but I'm not the father. Mel: Oh. Well, I mean, you were there with her the whole time. Ben: Yeah, as a friend. Mel: Why wasn't the father there? Ben: It's complicated. Mel: I'm starting to see that. Ben: Look, I don't want to get into it here, can we just talk about it some other time. Mel: Okay. Ben: Marah, hey, how you doing? Remember Remy's sister? Marah: Hi. How are you? Mel: I'm good. How are you, Marah? Marah: I'm hanging in there. Ben: Mel's looking for Remy. Marah: Oh, I saw him with the R.A. Mel: Oh, okay. Well, I'll go look for him. Oh, Ben, if you see Catalina, can you just tell her that if she needs anything at all, just to please call me? Ben: Sure, yeah. Mel: Even if it's just to talk. Ben: Of course. Marah: Wait, you know about Catalina? Mel: Excuse me. Marah: I mean, you know what happened to her? Mel: Are you a friend of Catalina's? Marah: She's my roommate. She was. She's living with her baby's father now. Mel: Oh, well, I admitted her to the E.R. When she came in with cramps. Blake: Get back here, Tory. Get back here. Tory: What, Blake? What is your problem now? Blake: My problem? No, no. You're the one who's lying about sleeping with my husband, you abduct my children, and now you're trying to humiliate me in public. I'm not the one with the problem. What planet do you live on? What... Get... Tory: Oh, my God. Oh, God. She pushed me. Somebody get her away from me. Will somebody please get her away from me? Blake: Get up. Tory: You stay away from me, Blake. Blake: No, you get up right now. I didn't touch you. Tory: Please somebody get her away from me. I said don't touch me! Buzz: No, no, no. Blake: She was after me, Buzz. Buzz: No, she's on the ground. You're not. Holly: So tell me, Ross, straight out, did you sleep with that girl? Yes or no? Ross: No, I didn't. Holly: Oh. Well, that's a relief. I mean, it had been going on for so long, all these innuendoes. I don't know. I jumped to the wrong conclusion. I'm sorry. Forgive me. Ross: I can't do this anymore. Holly: Do what? Ross: Lie. I can't believe this has happened. Holly: Ross, what are you saying? Ross: I slept with Tory. I deserved that. Holly: Damn straight you did. This is my daughter we're talking about. What do you think you're doing? Why? Ross: Well, I know all too well why. Holly: What? You bored? Ross: Boredom had nothing to do with it. Holly: Then what? Why? Who? Ross: Months ago, when I was asked to teach at the university, I started having these bouts of depression, and it got bad. In hindsight I should've gotten some help, but I didn't. And then classes started at the university, and I met Tory Granger. And her great resemblance to the one wonderful love of my life led me into this fantasy that I thought I'd rid me of the regret that I've always felt for my relationship with Vanessa Chamberlain. Holly: Oh. Ross: But it isn't... It never was an ongoing affair. We slept together once. And now I'm ready, and I want to remarry Blake. Holly: To make you feel better? Ross: No, because I love her. And to prove how devoted I am to her. Holly: Well, I don't want to judge you, Ross. No, I do. But it wouldn't make me feel any better. But you must know how Blake loves you. Please don't marry her out of guilt. Ross: I'm not. I've had that ring for months and months, long before I met Tory. And don't look at me like that, because if I could go back and change it, I would, but I can't. I have to live with it, and I have to try and make up for it, all right. Holly: I appreciate your candor, but you owe this confession to Blake, not to me. Ross: I can't tell Blake that I slept with Tory, it is just not that simple. Holly: Isn't it? Ross: Please, Holly, the rest of this is between... Holly: I know, it's between you and Blake. I realize that. I just happened to run into the little temptress on the way over. Ross: I am no longer tempted by her. Holly: Well, tell her that, because she... Ross: I have told her that. She's not exactly thinking straight. Holly: She thinks the world owes her something, and that something is you. Ross: Well, she's going to be disappointed, because I love Blake, and I'm going to stay with her the rest of my life. Holly: Not if you build it on lies. Ross: Wait. I am not going to let one mistake destroy what we have. Holly: The mistake would be pretending that this never happened. Tory has been waving it in Blake's face for weeks, and Blake believes you. Ross: Yes, I know that. Holly: So you repay her loyalty by playing her for a fool. You know, cheating on her is one thing, but if you keep this from her... Ross: Blake has cheated on our wedding vows three times. She's cheated on me with three different men, and I'm still here because it is a good place to be for both of us. We've never given up. We've always worked on it. And I'm not going to lose it over one mistake, and that's why I'm not going to tell Blake, and you're not going to tell her either. Blake: Oh, you're not fooling anyone. You saw what happened. I mean, she pretended to fall. I didn't push her, right? Bystander 1: We sort of came in the middle. Bystander 2: Don't get involved. Bystander 1: We're meeting someone, different restaurant. Bystander 2: Let's go. Buzz: These are regular, paying customers. Blake: Yeah, well, she was the one on the ground winning the Oscar. Tory: Blake, I really think that you have rage issues. But it's all right, I'm not going to press charges. Blake: Excuse me. Tory: The last thing I want to do is make you more angry. I just want you to stay away from me. Buzz: Would you mind just taking a walk? Tory: Sure. Thank you, Buzz. Buzz: Thank you. Blake: What is the matter with you? Buzz: I don't want a scene outside my restaurant! I don't want you to get hurt. Blake: She's completely faking it, Buzz. I didn't touch her. Buzz: I didn't say you did, you know. Blake: You don't believe me, though, do you? Buzz: Huh? Blake: Buzz, that woman is certifiable, and if you don't see that, you're crazier than she is. Buzz: You're all certifiable. Shayne: You're a hard person to track down. Marina: Ha! Not likely, since I'm on probation. Let's see, there's school, work, yeah, that's about it. Woo! Shayne: Look, I need to ask you something. Marina: Yeah, what happened? Shayne: You know that bag you had me watch? Marina: Mm-hmm. Shayne: I was completely happy to do it, until, you know, Romeo almost threatened my life... Marina: Have you heard this one? Shayne: No, I actually really don't like techno that much. Marina: No, but it's really, really good. Romeo turned me on to it. He was just... He was playing it one day, you know. Shayne: Marina, look, I'm no carrier ring. Ben: Marah was so worried about Catalina that night. We all were. Thank God she had a great doctor. The second I see her, I'll let her know you were asking for her, okay? Mel: Okay. Ben: So the R.A.'s room is just down this hallway. It's kind of tricky getting there. Hang a right, quick left, and you're there. Marah: I was there that night at the hospital. Remy was the one who told Tony and me. Mel: Tony? Marah: Yeah. Yeah, you were probably with another patient by the time we got there. Mel: Oh. Well, I'm glad Catalina has such good friends. Marah: She was so tired, it must've been really close. Mel: I beg your pardon? Marah: Well, with the baby, I mean. She must feel like she owes you for saving the baby. (Phone rings) Oh, excuse me. Mel: Saving the... Saving the baby? Okay, this is all starting to make some sense to me now, like, why you've been trying to get me to leave. Ben: Dr. Boudreaux, I can explain what's going on here. Mel: You haven't been straight with me. Catalina lost her baby-- you know that-- and for some reason, you don't want Marah to know, and I'd like to know why. Romeo: Hey, Tony, I've been thinking. Tony: Always a mistake. Listen, Romeo, I need you to do something for me. Romeo: I am. I've got this great new angle I'm working, pirated DVDs. All I need is your okay. Tony: Look, don't... Forget about the angles, would you just, for once, just follow an order, all right? Romeo: I didn't sign on here to be your bag boy, okay, man? Tony: Okay, okay. I just... I need you to do me a favor, as a friend. I need you to find some names of doctors, a baby doctor. Romeo: What's wrong with the one who saved your kid's life? Tony: Nothing. I just think I need a second opinion. Romeo: Really getting into this whole daddy thing, aren't you? Carmen: It runs in the family, love of children before everything else. Tony: What do you want? Carmen: I want to talk to you about a little something I cooked up for tonight. You'll get a piece of the action-- that is, if you play your cards right. Tony: What action are you talking about? Carmen: High rollers, in for one night, looking to make a quick hit. Tony: And you told them they could come in here without even asking me? Carmen: I'm asking you now. You close Inferno for one night, you charge a fee, and then you take a house cut. Tony: A house cut? Carmen: Yeah, that's right. And then all we do is sit back and relax and watch the money pile up. Tony: We? Carmen: Yeah, we. Of course, Antonio, I mean, I did all the legwork. And no offense, but my legs are better than yours. Tony: Why don't you listen to me, Carmen? Nobody cuts me in. This is my place. And don't you ever set something up without running it by me first. Do you hear me? Ben: Look, I know what you're thinking, okay, but it wasn't really deception. Mel: What would you call it? Ben: Catalina... Well, you saw her, she's devastated. Mel: Catalina is young. She can have another child. Still, losing the baby... I'm just glad she has friends to lean on. Ben: No, that's just it. Her friends care too much. All that pressure, and she sort of clammed up. Mel: Well, it's normal to not want to talk about a miscarriage, but when you're talking about hiding the truth, especially when you have friends like Marah who could help... Ben: No, Dr. Boudreaux, it's worse than you think. Catalina has convinced herself she never had a miscarriage. Mel: What? Ben: She still thinks she's pregnant. Mel: Oh. Ben, I wish you would've told me this before. Ben: I'm sorry. Mel: What about the father? I mean, does he know anything? Ben: About the pregnancy? Mel: About losing the baby. Ben: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. She told him. But I don't think she wants Marah to know. Catalina and Marah were roommates, but they weren't very good friends, you know. Mel: Ben, if what you're describing is really happening, then it sounds like Catalina has detached herself from reality. Ben: Okay. Mel: I know you're trying to do the right thing, but if you want to help Catalina, you have to stop pretending she's pregnant, starting now. Phillip: Too many people. Come on, Rick, this was your idea. I have got to stop looking for her. Oh, man, this is a good thing. The best thing she could do is get out of my life and get out of my kids' lives. So why do I have this nagging feeling that I shouldn't let her go? Hey, Buzz. Buzz: Hey, Phillip. You all right? Phillip: Yeah, I'm great. How you doing? Buzz: Just trying to keep control of things around here. I came out for a breather. You know, I would think you're the last person I'd expect to see sitting on my bench talking to himself. Phillip: Just having one of those years. Actually, I'm waiting for Rick. He said that he's meeting me on a break from the hospital. Buzz: Good, good. Well, I'm glad to see that you two didn't let, you know, my daughter come between you. Some love stories are just sort of meant to last a lifetime, Phillip. Phillip: Okay. Well, I can wait in the parking lot, no problem. Buzz: No, no, I'm heading inside. I'm sorry about this Beth or whatever her name is sort of nightmare. It must be terrible to break your kid's heart a second time. Phillip: Yeah, it pretty much bites. Buzz: It just never gets any easier, does it? Phillip: Nope. It doesn't.
___________________________________________ Ross: I wish she'd pick up. I can't deal with that. Holly, Tory Granger is confused. She was a widow at a very young age, and then her law professor made her the centerpiece of his fantasy. She's angry and upset, but she will get over it. Holly: Ross, she's been stalking you. She took your children. Ross: She hasn't been thinking very clearly. Holly: How do you know she ever will? Ross: I... I just do. Holly, you can slap me again for bringing this up, but a while ago, you went through an awfully rough time, so I thought you might... Holly: (Groans) Ross: ...Be just a little more understanding of what Tory's going through and what I am going through. Holly: Ross. Ross: And I only say that because you came out of it. And Tory will, too. Holly: I still think you have to tell Blake the truth. Ross: I think that, too, sometimes. But then I ask myself, why? Why would I do this to Blake over something that was a fantasy, that was nothing? Holly: Because you are an honest man. Ross: And what would my honesty accomplish? Ross would be himself again, yet Blake would be devastated. That sounds so selfish to me. Holly: You're using love as an excuse to hide your infidelity. That's not protecting Blake; you're saving yourself. Carmen: Antonio, so sorry. What was I thinking? I got a little carried away with myself. Let me start again. I'm here to ask a favor. I would like to use Inferno for one night. Now, in return for this generosity, you will be handsomely rewarded. It would give me pleasure to offer you this opportunity. Tony: All right, okay, okay. Wrap it up. Come on, let's go. Carmen: Okay, if it's not to your liking, please once again accept my apologies for wasting your time. Romeo: Hey, Tony. Look, it's no hassle. Let these high rollers do their thing for the night and you'll walk away with, like, three times what you would've made all weekend. Tony: Maybe. Romeo: Come on. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, you know? Tony: All right. You can have your game. But I want nothing to do with those guys. You're the pit boss. You make sure that they run away with their cut. And you know what? If I see so much as a cocktail fork missing, it's coming out of your cut. Romeo: You're welcome. Carmen: I thought you were looking out for your friend Tony. Romeo: I was, because what's good for him is good for me. Carmen: Ambitious, aren't we? Romeo: Just give me a chance to prove it. Carmen: Well, you can start by clearing the room. Romeo: Hey, Tory. Tory: Hey. Romeo: I'm sorry, we're closed. We've got this private party thing going on and... Tory: Oh, well, that's too bad, because I'm in the mood for one of your signature cocktails. Romeo: Oh, yeah? Tory: Yeah. I've got some celebrating to do. Romeo: By yourself? Tory: Not for long. Romeo: Oh, that Ross dude. He finally figured out that you're the better catch. Tory: No, he will. His significant other has a significant problem. Romeo: Yeah, you. Tory: Oh, no, no, no. I have nothing to do with this one. You know, she's always been a little touched. She just went right off the deep end. So enjoy your party. Marina: "Fascism should be called corporatism, because it is the merger of state and corporate power." Shayne: Mm-hmm, Mussolini. Marina: No, thanks. I already had pizza. Shayne: Mussolini-- Benito Mussolini. That's the guy who said that. Marina: Oh, right, I know. Shayne, you are just... You're such a brain, and I'm this complete bust. Shayne: Look, you're a very smart woman. You just need to try harder, okay? That's all it is. Marina: You think a milkshake would motivate me? Shayne: You have to get one to find out. Marina: Well, I'll be right back. Frank: Chief, you wanted to see me? Franklin: Oh, there you are. Sit down. We've got a hot tip. Frank: What's up? Franklin: There's this big game over at Inferno tonight. One of our informants got an invite to it. Frank: What, Tony Santos learned how to play bridge? Franklin: Yeah, right. This is a bunch of Chicago high rollers, a big bunch. I want you to go over there, and I want you to crash his party. Frank: So I take it it's the Santos ring. Franklin: The party's in their backyard. You figure it out. Could be Carmen, Tony, maybe even this Romeo character, all right? Frank: Okay, so this is going down at Inferno. What time? Franklin: Our man says that it's closing down now. Frank: Then I've got to get going. Franklin: It's a big group, Cooper. There's about 20 or more people there. Frank: All right, not a problem. Franklin: Cooper, are you listening to me? I want you to make an example out of them, all right? Frank: Yeah. You got it, Chief. Franklin: Go. Marina: Romeo. Shayne: See, look, you've got all the right notes and everything; you just need to rearrange them a little bit. Marina: Yeah. Shayne: Where's your milkshake? What's wrong? Marina: Shayne, I need you to do me a favor. Shayne: This isn't for Romeo, is it? Marina: Look, I just... I need you to cover for me for just a little bit. Please? Shayne: What do you want me to do? Marina: Just, okay, if anybody asks where I am-- especially my dad-- can you just tell them that I went to the library? Come on, Shayne, please. Okay, please with baklava? Or nachos? Or, I don't know, anything that you want on top? Shayne: What did you say? I can't hear you. I can't hear you. You're at the library studying your butt off. Marina: Thank you. You are the best. Thank you. Shayne: I'll watch these... Yeah. Buzz: Blake, I... I'm sorry if I seemed like I was jumping to conclusions. It just... You... You looked like you were going to kill somebody. Blake: Yeah, I kind of felt like it. You know, she baited me in front of all your customers. She made it look like I tried to push her over. You know, I try not to let that girl get to me, but I've got to tell you, it's pretty freaky when you meet somebody, you think they're really normal, and suddenly this mask peels off, and there's this creature. Buzz: Seems pretty tame for a creature. Blake: (Sighs) You know what? I don't want to talk about it. I don't even want to think about her. All right? Buzz: You know, this doesn't add up. What does she want? Blake: Ross. She wants Ross. But she's not going to get him, not in a million years, because Ross sees right through her. I've got to go. Buzz: I've got to stay home more. Ross: Holly, it is not about protecting me. It's about protecting Blake. I mean, you of all people know how insecure she was, and now she's finally past that. Holly: And she finally has a reason to doubt you, but she trusts you so much, she can't see it. Ross: Yeah, I know she does. And I probably don't deserve it. But on the other hand, she doesn't deserve to have her self-esteem shattered. Holly: You can't pick and choose what you're going to say to her based on how she's going to respond. Ross: I'm not. That's not what I'm doing. Holly: Yes, it is. It's exactly what you're doing. You think by steering her away from the ugly truth, you're protecting her? If you truly loved her, you would trust her to rise to the occasion. But you won't even give her that chance. Ross: If I tell Blake the truth, I think that she could handle it and she'd survive. Holly: Well, then what's stopping you? Ross: What if I'm wrong? What if I tell her the truth and she can't handle it, and it backfires on me and our family? What about our children? Holly: (Sighs) You should have thought about that before you slept with Tory. Ross: Holly, there is a possibility that if I tell Blake the truth, our family will be destroyed. Holly: If you don't tell Blake and get this out in the open and stop the game, Tory is going to go on and on and on. Ross: No, no, no. Tory is not a bad person, and she's certainly not stupid. She will realize that she has to move on. Holly: So Blake doesn't need to be told because Tory is going to realize the error of her ways? Ross: She will. I'll see to it. Holly: Yeah. She's going to stop torturing Blake, and then she's just going to move on. Ross: Holly, I think she will. Holly: Well, that's a mighty tall assumption, Ross. What have you got to back that up? Phillip: Yeah, hey, Blake. Say hi to... To Ross. Harley: I'm not kidding, you better not be late tonight, Blake. She's going to be late. Hi. Phillip: Hey. Well, this is the spot if I want to see everybody in town go by. Your niece went flying by here; you saw Blake. Harley: Just sitting watching people go by, huh? Phillip: Actually, I'm just waiting for Rick. Just needed to get out of the house, take a break. Harley: Yeah, I bet. I mean, yeah, I hear you got a lot going on lately. Phillip: Okay, so I guess you heard about Beth. Yeah. Well, things should... Things should start to improve now. Lorelei Hills is hopefully on her way out of town by now, so that's a good thing for everybody. Harley: Is it? Phillip: Yes, it's a great thing for me. I think it's going to be a little hard on the kids, but you know, like I said, I think things will get better. Harley: Mm-hmm. Phillip: Oh, God, I meant to tell you, I am so sorry that I had to cancel on Zach last week. But, you know, would you... If you're going out tonight, the thing with Blake, I would love to take him tonight. I would love to take him home, and I know Lizzie and James would love to see him. Harley: I know that you would, but actually, tonight's already taken care of. Phillip: Well, it's not a problem. Harley: Don't worry about it. No, it's not a problem. And don't worry, he's fine. He really is. I mean, Rick takes him along whenever he comes to pick up Jude, and he loves it. I mean, obviously he would love to see his daddy more. Phillip: Mm. You know, it's really amazing. You... God, you try as hard as you can to take care of everybody in your life, and somehow, somebody important always gets left out. Harley: Well, I guess it's hard when some people take up more space than they should, especially when they're supposed to be gone. Sorry. Phillip: Oh, no. Oh, no, no, no, no. I think if anybody has a right to feel that way, it's you. You put up with a hell of a lot because of her. Harley: Well, everybody has their tough times, I guess and it's fine, you know? Life is good. Phillip: Yeah? Harley: Yeah. Phillip: Good, good. Harley: Yeah, you know, I'm... Phillip: Is it really? Harley: I'm happy, and the kids are healthy-- at least for right now-- and I'm glad to be back at work. Phillip: Really? Harley: Mm-hmm. Phillip: Good. Oh. Although I heard you got stuck with the partner from hell. Harley: Yeah. Yeah, Aitoro. Yeah. Well, it turns out he's not so bad. I think I can handle him. Phillip: Oh, I'm sure you can. Buzz: Uh, I... I hope everything's all right. I've got enough trouble, like, for the whole day. Harley: No, I'm fine, I'm fine. I just... I have to pick up this food for the nanny and for Zach. I'm going to be late for my dinner. Phillip: You know what? I'm actually going to get going, too. Anyway, would you do me a favor? If Rick ever does show up here, would you just tell him that I headed back to the house? Harley: Sure, sure. Phillip: Great, thanks. I'll see you. Harley: You know, if you... If you need any help with Lizzie, just give me a call. Phillip: Thanks. Take care. Mel: I'm going to need a full report. Yeah, check Dr. Bauer's annotations for the dosage. Ben: You want Catalina to stop lying about the miscarriage? So do I. But over the past couple days, whenever she's brought it up, I've had to hold myself back. Mel: Why? Ben: Because it's not my place. Mel: Catalina has to face the fact that she lost the baby. Ben: I know. But if I jump all over that and tell people she's lying, she might become even more detached. Mel: That's a possibility. But still... Ben: I know, I know. I've got to do more than just stand by and hope she snaps out of it. Mel: That's good. Ben: But by the same token, I've got to respect her privacy. And I would assume the same would go for you, being a doctor. Doesn't doctor-patient confidentiality prevent you from saying anything? Marah: Hey, sorry it took so long. Weren't you looking for your brother? Unless you wanted to talk about Catalina some more? Mel: No. No, I've said all I can on the subject. But I want you to know that Catalina went through quite an ordeal, and right now she can use all the support she can get. Ben: We all want to help Cat anyway we can. Trust me. Marah: That was weird. Ben: What? Marah: She was so serious about Catalina. Ben: She's a doctor. Now, who was on the phone? Marah: A friend. Ben: Male or female? Marah: Ben... Ben: Now, come on. I just want to make sure you weren't making plans for tomorrow. Marah: I think that I'm still free. Ben: Well, that's great, because I have an incredible, indescribable night in mind. Marah: Oh, God. What did you do? Ben: Well, I told you-- it's indescribable. Marah: Ben, we promised, no surprises. Ben: I know, I know. But I'm just being myself, and being myself means caring about you. That's no surprise. Marah: What am I going to do with you, huh? Ben: I'm sure we'll come up with something. To great expectations. Bye. Marah: Bye. Carmen: I hired a private staff for tonight, all trustworthy. Romeo: It's going to be a blast. We've got all these rich cats slapping down their cash, and us with the biggest buy-in of them all. Carmen: Yeah, well, we need something to put the money in, a suitcase or something. Romeo: I'll take care of it. Carmen: Yeah, you do that. I'll make some phone calls. Marina: Hey. Romeo. Romeo: Hey. How did you get in here? You can't be here right now. Marina: Yeah, yeah, I know. Romeo: We're closed. Marina: But I have to tell you something, though. Romeo: No buts about it. Marina: No, but... Romeo: We've got a party starting up. This is no place for a little girl. Marina: That's what this is about. It's about the party. Look, I have information. Romeo: Yeah, sure you do. Go on, and run along like a good little girl. Buzz: Frank? Frank? Frank: Yeah, Pop? Buzz: Can you cover for me? Frank: Listen, I'd love to, but I can't. I'm on duty right now. Get Marina. She's around. What the... Hold on one second. Hey, Shayne, where's Marina? Shayne: She's... We were just studying, you know? Frank: Okay, well, where is she now? Shayne: She's at the library. Frank: She's what? Shayne: You know... Frank: Wait, wait, we're talking about Marina Cooper, my daughter? She's at the library? Shayne: Yeah. She's getting some books. We're doing this big thing in class on totalitarianism. Frank: Wow. That's awesome. That's great. Whose idea was that? Shayne: It was hers actually. Frank: Her idea. Hey, listen, I just want you to know something. I really appreciate what you're doing here. You've been a real positive influence on her, and that means a lot to me. Thank you. Carmen: Thank you for coming. Man: Wouldn't miss it for the world, Carmen. Carmen: You're going to have a good time. Man: The place looks nice, Carmen. Carmen: Yes, it does. We did some redecorating. Oh, excuse me for a minute. Frisco Red, good to see you. Frisco Red: You, too. Carmen: How are you? Frisco Red: Very well, thank you. Carmen: It's going to be a very good night tonight. Frisco Red: Oh, yeah? Well, we'll see. Lady luck hasn't been treating me so well. Carmen: Well, she's going to treat you very good tonight. I'll see to that. Excuse me. You see to it that he loses his shirt, and don't let him touch the deck. Gentlemen, follow me. I'd like to get business out of the way so you can all sit down and relax, enjoy yourselves. Here we go. Good luck to you all. They need drinks over here. Excuse me, they need... Hello? Excuse me? Little girl? Who are you? I've never seen you before. What the hell are you doing? Ross: Tory will come to her senses, Holly. I need your help. Holly: You're asking me to lie to my daughter-- you realize that. Ross: Yes, because the future of our family is in danger. Holly: Now, whose fault is that? Ross: Mine. I told you the truth, not only because you asked me, but also because it has been hell not to be able to say anything to anybody about this. Holly: Mm. So you've unburdened yourself. Ross: Yes. I'm putting it on you. Holly: What are families for. Ross: It's unfair, and I'm sorry, but please, for the sake of our family, keep it to yourself. Holly: I don't know, Ross. Ross: Holly, sleeping with Tory was the worst mistake of my life. Don't compound it by telling Blake. That would set us back irrevocably. Holly: Tory is a problem. Ross: I will not let Tory, or anybody else, destroy us. I swear that to you, Holly. I swear. Blake: Hi. Something wrong? |