Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/1/02 Provided by Linda Tony: Now, you sure you're going to be okay in here while I take care of business? Catalina: I'm... I'm fine. Stop... Stop worrying so much. Tony: No. No way. After I saw you in that ER, lying there all pale, I thought for sure that you'd lost the... But you're okay and the baby's okay, and I'm going to make sure it stays that way. You got it? Catalina: Got it. (Knock at door) Ben: Hey, guys. How are you feeling today? Catalina: Fine, fine. I'm feeling fine. Everything seems to be back to normal. Ben: That's great. Tony: Yeah, but the doctor said she should be taking it easy for the next couple days-- keep a low profile. Ben: Yeah, I heard. No classes, so I brought you all your reading assignments, plus my history notes for the test next week. Catalina: You're an angel, Ben. Ben: (Laughs) You may not think so when you try to decipher my handwriting. In fact, I should probably go over a couple of things with you, if you've got a minute. Catalina: Uh, yeah, sure. Sure. Tony: All right. I'll be outside. Ben: Good seeing you again, Tony. You call me a liar? You could write a book. You still haven't come clean with him? Catalina, read my lips: You lost the baby. Catalina: Shh! Ben: You're not pregnant anymore. Catalina: Shh! Ben: You think Tony won't notice? Are you crazy? Catalina: No. I am not crazy. I'm desperate. Blake: We have unfinished business to discuss? Tory: I know we do. Ross: Blake, who is that? (Cell phone rings) Yeah, Ross Marler. Oh, Judge Walker. Thank you for getting back to me. Yeah, I've got a few questions about the McCloskey case. Yes. Tory: Hello, Blake? Are you still there? Blake: What is it, Tory? Tory: Well, in all the confusion yesterday, when I was taking care of the children and you and Ross misunderstood... Blake: There was no misunderstanding. You kidnapped our children. Tory: Blake, I'm not going to go around and round with you on this one again. Blake: Because you know you're wrong. Tory: Look, Kevin left his action toy in my car, and I'm assuming that you want it back. And in fact, if you're going to be home, I can bring it right over. Blake: (Scoffs) How incredibly thoughtful of you, but I'll pass. Tory: You don't want your son to have his favorite toy back? Blake: I don't want you anywhere near my home. We'll meet someplace neutral-- public. Tory: Whatever. Blake: Where are you right now? Tory: Company. Blake: Fine. I'll be there in ten minutes. Tory: "Let's meet somewhere neutral, in public." God, Blake. You just make things so easy for me. Edmund: So what's your problem here, Phillip? I'm offering to take Lorelei out of this house, out of Springfield, out of your life. You'll never have to see either one of us again. Isn't that what you want? Phillip: What I want is you out of my life and out of my face. Edmund: Well, good, then, because this will accomplish that end. Phillip: Yes, at her expense. In case you haven't noticed, she's sick. Edmund: Lorelei. Lorelei is sick, so remind me again why you care. Phillip: You... Edmund: This is the woman who cheated you, lied to you, pretended to be the great love of your life, the mother of your children, back from the dead. Phillip: All at your instigation. Let's not forget that. Edmund: Oh, no one forced her hand, trust me. Phillip: Oh, I don't trust you, Edmund. I don't think any of this would have happened without you constantly pushing her, because you are poison, and she needs to be away from your influence. Edmund: What about your influence, Phillip? I think Lorelei's in far greater danger from you than she is from me. Phillip: (Laughs) Do you, really? How do you figure that? Edmund: History. Precedent. Look how you destroyed Beth's life. Phillip: How I destroyed her life? Edmund: You never wanted her to be strong and independent. You wanted her to remain weak, a victim. Now you've transferred that perverse need onto some woman who looks like Beth. Well, that's not Beth upstairs. It's Lorelei, and she needs you as she might need a hole in the head. So give it up, Phillip. Give her up. Lorelei: Well, that's freaky. For a minute I thought... Beth: You thought what? That you were me? Hello, Lorelei. I think it's about time we met. Don't you? Lorelei: This is a little too weird. Beth: Why do you think you made such a convincing Beth, Lorelei? Because you are Beth. You're me, and I'm you. Lorelei: No. Uh-uh. Beth: I didn't believe it at first either. It took being in this house, lying feverish in that bed, for the truth to finally sink in-- why I've lost all those months; why I can't convince people I'm not some impostor-- because I am the impostor. You and I are the same person. Or rather, you grew out of me because I needed you. Lorelei: Needed me how? Beth: After I was swept away in the flood in Mexico, when I came to, everything was such a jumble. I'd made such a mess of things just by being me. I must have realized I wasn't working. I couldn't take care of myself, so I became someone else, to survive, because that's what I am: A survivor. Lorelei: No. No, what you are is nuts, girl. Look at me. I'm talking to my own reflection. Beth: I'm not a reflection. I'm real. Lorelei: You're real, huh? Then what are you doing in there, huh? If you're so real, why don't you come on out here? Beth: I can't. Lorelei: You bet you can't, because you ain't real. Beth: I can't because... Lorelei, please don't take what I'm about to say in the wrong way. You've been an enormous help to me. There's no way I could have gotten through the last few months without you. But I have, and I'm stronger now-- so much stronger that I don't need you anymore. Lorelei: What are you saying? Beth: I'm ready to come back. I want to exist. But I can't do that as long as you're around. There can't be two of us, Lorelei. You have to go. Lorelei: You're talking trash, girl. Look at me, I'm yakking' to myself. I'm me. Of course I'm me. I've always been me. I just learned how to be you. I learned it real good. Maybe too good. Yeah, that's it. I got a fever. Delirious, having hallucinations. Beth: You're the hallucination. You only exist because I needed you to. Lorelei: Says you. Beth: You have no life outside the one I've given you. You have no history, no memories. Lorelei: Sure, I do. Beth: What did you wear to your prom, Lorelei? Lorelei: Huh? Beth: Describe your dress. Who was your date? Lorelei: You're asking me trick questions. Beth: No. Those are questions that any real person would know the answer to. What was your first job out of school? Lorelei: Shut up. Beth: Where did you live? What kind of car did you drive? Lorelei: I said shut up. Beth: Look, I'm not blaming you, okay? I owe you a huge debt of gratitude. You had to step in, take over. I was weak. I was a victim. But you... You didn't take nonsense from anyone. You were brave and strong and free-- all the things that I needed to be, but couldn't. But you're just a shield, that's all-- someone that I could hide behind while I was getting my strength back, while I was learning to be like you. And I have learned. You taught me well. I'm ready to take care of myself now, as myself, by myself. Lorelei: Are you sure about that? Beth: Not positive, no. But I'm sure enough that I want to give it a chance. Lizzie, James, Mom, Phillip-- they've been without me for too long. I miss them. I have to come back now. That means you have to go. I'm sorry, but that's the way it has to be. Holly: Well, what do you know? It's still standing. Buzz: Oh, yeah. Holly: What? Buzz: Thank you. Holly: What was that for? For what? Buzz: For talking me into going to England. You know, we get there, Jenna's aunt opens the door, and there are Rocky and Coop, looking at me with those little faces filled with love and... Holly: Oh. You had tears in your eyes. The way they ran into your arms, and then they stuck like the whole time we were there... They missed you, you know. Buzz: They looked happy over there. Holly: They're happy. They have a lot of friends. The Mortimer's are lovely people. Buzz: So I'm right, leaving the arrangement as it is until the end of the school year anyway. Holly: Yeah. Buzz: Yeah. Holly: As long as you drop the idea that prolonged contact with you is a bad thing for children. Buzz: It's over, finito, gone. Done. Holly: Good, because I am living proof that the exact opposite is true. Buzz: You know, speaking of prolonged contact... Holly: Yeah? Buzz: Yeah. Well, I see things are running smoothly over here. Why don't we go over to my place for prolonged... Holly: Good idea. But I'm going to call Blake, make sure she's all right, because after what happened with the kids and Tory... Oh, wonderful. You'd think she would have left town by now. Would you excuse me? Buzz: I don't suppose "no" would make a difference? Holly: Well, if it isn't the local kidnapper. Tory: Well, takes one to know one. But unlike you, I didn't actually abduct anyone. It was just a huge misunderstanding. Holly: Yeah. And denial is a river in Egypt. Tory: Well, if we're going to talk about denial, then I think we ought to award your daughter first prize. Holly: Meaning? Tory: You know exactly what I mean, Holly. You've sensed the chemistry between Ross and I from the beginning, and it worried you because you knew exactly where it could lead. Holly: Yes? You know, you have a very vivid imagination, Tory. Tory: And you're a realist, Holly, so you know that not only is it possible that Ross and I were together, it's probable. Excuse me. Holly: I... I got to go. Buzz: Huh? No, we're going to my place. Holly: I'll call you. I'll call you. (Knock at door) Marah: Who is it? Shayne: It's your ever-helpful brother. Marah: Ah. Shayne: AKA the family slave. I ain't giving you this without a tip. Marah: What is it? Shayne: It's your allowance. Mom called from San Cristobel, all bugged out that she didn't give it to you before she left. She said, "Marah needs her money for her hair polish, her nails." Marah: Come on. Shayne: Hair polish... Marah: Give it to me. Shayne: You could have went to the house and got it yourself, you know. Marah: Mom knows that I'm a busy college student and my time is really valuable. Shayne: And mine isn't? Look, I think I really know why she wants me to come here more often, you know. She wants me to see the campus, you know, so I decide to come here instead of some college far away. Marah: Ooh, how far away? I hear they have some great schools in Alaska. I could probably get you some brochures. Shayne: Look, let me finish my junior year first, thank you. Marah: Oh, what about Florida, huh? Sun, sand, beaches, pretty girls in bikinis-- sounds like your kind of educational environment. Shayne: Well, there's some pretty girls here in Springfield. Marah: Oh, really? Anyone in particular? Shayne: Maybe. Marah: Oh, my God, Shayne. Are you seeing somebody? Shayne: Maybe. Marah: Uh-uh. "Maybe" doesn't cut it when it comes to relationships. You're either in or you're out. Shayne: Mm. Coming from the mouth of the queen of "maybe." "Oh, I'm with Tony; no, I'm not; I am; I'm not; I'm not." ( Laughs) It's like watching this romantic ping pong tournament. Marah: Not anymore. Tony and I are over for good. Shayne: Why's that? Marah: Circumstances beyond our control. Maria: Hey. Tony: Hey. Maria: You and Catalina missed a delicious arroz con pollo last night. Tony: Oh, my. We were supposed to have dinner with you last night. Abuela, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. Maria: You come home after I'm asleep; you leave the house before I wake up. Maybe you don't love me anymore. Tony: No! Maria: Or maybe you're just busy with the wedding and leaving town. Tony: It's nothing like that at all. Actually, I was with Catalina most of the night at the hospital. Maria: The hospital? Tony: She got these really bad cramps, but everything's fine now. She's okay. Maria: How's the baby? Tony: Fine. Perfecto. Maria: Thank God. Catalina: Ben, when Tony... When Tony came to the hospital, I was ready... I was ready to tell him that I had lost the baby. But then... Then he was so sweet and so concerned. He cared so much about the both of us that... Ben: That you decided to keep playing him for a sucker. Catalina: Tony cares about this baby, Ben. Ben: There is no baby anymore, Catalina. Catalina: And he cares about me, too. He cares about me more and more every single day. And one day he'll forget about Marah, and we'll be together. Ben: I got to hand it to you, Cat. I admire your determination. Or is it self-delusion? Catalina: It's called love. I love Tony, and I'll do anything I can to keep him, and you... And you... You're going to do anything you can to help me, because this isn't just my problem, is it? Ben: Look, I'll help you however I can, okay? But short of a miracle, I don't see a way out of this. Catalina: Yeah, well, think harder. Look, Tony and I together-- that's in your best interest as well, unless you're willing to lose Marah and that bet. Ben: That's old news. I already told you I called it off. Catalina: Yeah, I remember, you made good on the bet. Why? Why, Ben? Did your buddies say, "time's up," or was it something else? Ben: No, okay? I just got bored with the whole situation, all right? I got better things to do with my time. Catalina: $5,000. You just gave it away. Ben: Easy come, easy go. Catalina: Don't tell me, you've developed feelings for Marah. What are you, like, in love with her? Ben: Okay, okay. I wouldn't go that far, okay? Catalina: But you like her. A little? Maybe a lot? Maybe a lot. You know, I don't understand what it is about Marah that makes all you men act like idiots. Ben: And what do you care, okay, as long as it's to your advantage? Because the more I want to be with Marah, the more I want Tony to be with you, right? Catalina: I know. So you're going to help me. Ben: I already told you I would, all right? But like I said, short of a miracle, I don't know what... What are you going to do? You're going to fake an entire pregnancy? You're going to fake another miscarriage down the road? What? Catalina: Abuela. Maria: Am I interrupting? Catalina: Oh, no, no. Ben Reade, this is Maria Santos, Tony's grandmother. Ben: Mrs. Santos, I've heard so much about you. Nice to meet you. Catalina: Ben... Ben is a teacher's assistant at Springfield University, and he just came by to bring me my work. Maria: How thoughtful. Would you excuse us for a moment? Ben: Of course. Maria: Tony told me about last night. Catalina: Oh, it's all right. Maria: Are you all right? Do you have any pain? Catalina: No, no. I'm fine, and the baby... The baby's okay, too. Maria: Thank God. Tony: Ben? Thanks for stopping by. Ben: Yeah, of course, man. Of course. Catalina, if there's anything else I can do for you, just let me know. Nice meeting you, Mrs. Santos. Tony: So, I got some more business to take care of. Maria: Oh, go, go. Go, go. I'll keep Catalina company. Tony: Okay. Maria: Mm. Your hands are like ice. Catalina: Oh, no, I'm just still a little... A little shaken up, that's all. Maria: Of course you are. Of course. And I have just what will warm you up. Catalina: What are you... What are you looking for? Maria: A healthy, special tea my cousin sent me from Cuba. I'll make you a cup. Catalina: No. You know what, Abuela? I'm okay. Maria: No, no, no. Don't worry. This will take care of everything. Catalina: Take care of everything? Oh, my God. Marah: Trust me, Tony and I will not be getting together anytime soon. He's with Catalina. Shayne: My first love. Marah: So, who's this new girl you're seeing? Shayne: I'm not going to tell. Marah: Come on. You said you'd tell me. Shayne: Look, you said you were going to tell me something, too, and you have yet to do that. So until you do, I'm... Marah: A name, little brother, now. Shayne: Getting a little feisty, aren't we? You want to know so bad? Marah: Mm-hmm. Shayne: I'll tell you. Shakira. You know, her and Britney have been fighting over me for a long time, and Shakira finally won. Marah: Oh, my gosh. Come on, why don't you just tell me? I mean, there's no harm in it. I probably don't even know the girl. I do know her? Shayne: I didn't say that. Marah: Okay, you know, I'll just call up one of your friends... Shayne: No, you will not. I'll tell you. Marina. Marah: Marina Cooper? Shayne: No, Marina Papalapadapogous, okay? How many Marina’s are in Springfield? Marah: She's kind of cute. Shayne: Cute? She's a babe and a half. Marah: Does she like you? Shayne: I don't know. I think so, you know? I hope so. Marah: Wow. You've got it bad. Well, I'm sure she likes you. You're an amazing guy-- the best. My question is, is she good enough for you? Shayne: She's gorgeous. Does it really matter? Marah: Seriously. Take it slow, all right? Take your time. Shayne: You know, I think all girls find me irresistible. You can't really determine how fast or slow the relationship's going to go. You know, just like you can't choose who you're going to fall in love with. Marah: Yeah, don't I know it. Phillip: I could throw you out on the lawn and just shoot you for trespassing. Edmund: Well, I'd like to see you explain that one to your Lorelei. Phillip: Oh, I think she'd be fine, and I'd be more than happy to oblige. Edmund: Oh, give it up, Phillip. You don't care a fig about Lorelei's welfare. All you care about is getting to me. You just want to keep me away from her out of spite. Phillip: Hang on. I thought it was because I wanted her. Now it's out of spite? Man, Edmund, you've got to make up your mind. Edmund: You see, it's all the above and more. You just want to put the screws to me, and to her, too. Phillip: Okay. Well, you know what? Actually... Actually you're right. I cannot tell a lie. Just the thought of giving you pain makes me delirious with joy. In fact, let me tell you how vindictive I am. I am going to make it my life's mission to grind you into the dust. You know what my next move is going to be? Edmund: I'm all ears. Phillip: Well, good. Then you'll enjoy this. It's a bit of legal maneuvering. Since Beth is in fact dead, those divorce papers that Lorelei signed are now null and void, which takes us back to square one with estate. Edmund: So? Phillip: So you have no idea where this is going, do you? So, Edmund, you're not going to get a penny of that settlement. No, I'm going to make sure that now you're not going to get any of her money or her effects, and that includes Bradley's silver mine. So if that was worth anything, you could kiss that good-bye, too. Edmund: I don't give a damn about the money. Phillip: Oh, you did all this just for fun? Edmund: All I care about is Lorelei, so I'm going to take her out of here right now. Go ahead, call the police. When they get here, I'll inform them that you've been keeping Lorelei here against her will. Well, FYI, that's called kidnapping. Phillip: No, see, your problem there is that she came to me. Edmund: Yes, but now she wants to leave. Phillip: No. You are not taking her anywhere. Hey, listen to me. You are not taking... Nolan: Hey! Cook: Move or I'll turn you into pork chops. Phillip: Whoa! Okay. Nice going, cook. Nolan: We heard all the commotion downstairs. What shall I do with the gentleman? Phillip: You can do anything you like with the gentlemen. Just get him off the property. Cook: Move it. Nolan: Yeah, come in. Edmund: I'll be back. Phillip: Not in one piece. Beth: When you leave, it won't hurt. It won't be like dying or anything. You'll just cease to exist. Lorelei: Just like that? Beth: Painless. Lorelei: No. Beth: It will be painless, I promise. Lorelei: I meant no, I ain't doing it. Okay, so maybe what you're saying is true. Maybe you did create me. But that don't mean you've got the right to erase me Willy- nilly as you please just because you feel like it. Why I got to take responsibility for your mistakes? I like it here. I like it here just fine. Maybe you're the one that should go. Beth: Lorelei... Lorelei: Yeah, you. You're the one with all the problems. You're the one who had to invent me because you couldn't make it on your own. I'm better than you-- you said so yourself-- because I don't give up. I don't surrender. Well, I sure ain't going to give up now, no way, no how. It's me who should stay, not you-- me. Beth: No, Lorelei, you can't. Lorelei: You don't think so? Just watch me. Beth: No, stop. Lorelei, you can't do this. This is horribly wrong, and you know it. Lorelei: All I know is I'm the one in charge, and I've got to stay that way. I'm a survivor, too. Beth: Lorelei, don't. Please. Don't do this to me. Don't do this to yourself. I'm begging you. Ross: Gus. What do you want? Gus: I came to apologize. I was out of line earlier when I offered to lean on the Granger chick and get her to stop hassling you. I know that you're Mr. Ethical, and it's not your style, so I apologize, okay? Ross: Well, thank you. If you knew it wasn't my style, why did you make the offer in the first place? Gus: Well, I was watching the girl, and either she's an amazing liar, you know, or she's a psychopath. I guess in my own, you know, crude way, I'm trying to warn you. Ross: Warn me of what? Gus: Whatever's going down here, you just might not have it in you to fix it, Marler, unless you stop. Ross: Stop what, Gus? Gus: Stop being so nice. Blake: I'll take my son's toy back. Tory: And I'll take your husband. (Laughs) Just kidding. Blake: No, you weren't. You got a minute, Tory? That's good. We need a little reality check. Tory: You mean Ross finally told you? Blake: Oh, no, honey. You have to face the facts. Ross is mine. You never had him; you never will. Now, I know that is a very difficult pill to swallow, but get over it. And if you can't get over it by yourself, get help fast, because you have problems. Tory: Don't you threaten me. Don't you dare try and threaten me. Maria: Here we are. I remembered you like sugar in it. Something wrong? Catalina: What's in that tea, Maria? Maria: Chamomile, I think; sunflowers. My cousin sent it... Catalina: From Cuba. Yeah, you said; an old family recipe. Maria: Yes. Catalina: What's it a recipe for? Maria: (Laughs) I don't understand. Catalina: I wonder... I wonder if it's a coincidence that after I drank that tea, I ended up in the hospital. Maria: Oh, no. No, you're mistaken. Catalina: Yeah. Yeah, after I drank that tea, I started feeling those cramps. Maria: What are you saying? Catalina: I think you know. Maria: You think... You think I poisoned you? (Laughing) You think I... Catalina: You wanted me to miscarry. That's exactly what I think, and I almost did, because of you. Maria: I can't believe you're accusing me of this. I just can't believe it. Are you crazy? After I've treated you like my own daughter? After I brought you together with Tony? Catalina: But you don't feel that way anymore, do you, Maria? No. No, you don't, because after I told you the truth about what I did to keep Tony, about getting pregnant on purpose, I could tell that you didn't approve, obviously. Maria: Oh. So you are telling me you can read my mind now, is that it? I've only had kindness for you. Catalina: Maybe too kind. Maria: All right. All right. You don't trust my word, do you? All right. Have it tested. Look what's in it. You'll find that there's only love from me... From me. (Speaking Spanish) Blake: Me threaten you? You've got to be crazy. Tory: I don't understand why you always say such hateful things to me, Blake. I've never done anything to you. Blake: What the hell are you doing here? Oh. Oh, wait a minute. Are you trying to make a public scene to make me look like the bad guy? That's not going to work. Tory: You just stay away from me, okay? Buzz: Girls, girls. Come on. Blake: I, stay away... Buzz: Can you hold it down? Tory: Just keep her away from me. You are sick, Blake. You are a sick and dangerous woman, and you need help. Blake: You are not going to do this. You get back here. Buzz: Look, look. Just stay... Blake: No, no, no. Get back here, Tory. Ross: You think I'm nice now, Gus, but you didn't think so when we were in court together. Gus: Then I'll rephrase, Counselor. Everybody knows that you're an upstanding, you know, by-the-book, straight-and-narrow kind of guy. You put a huge premium on honesty. Ross: You think so? Gus: Look, despite our history, Ross, I respect you, man. I really do. I figure that's... You know, there are guys like in the world to balance out guys like me. So if you need someone, you know, to help you out with your little problem, help you do a little something and look the other way, I'm your guy. And I figure, you know, maybe someday you can pay the favor back. Ross: A deal with the devil, is it? Gus: The devil's in all of us, Ross. It just, you know, matters to what degree. Well, you have my number, okay? Ross: I do. Thank you, Gus. Gus: Oh, here comes the press. Holly: What did he want? Ross: Nothing, really. Blake's not here, you know. Holly: Good, because I want to talk to you. Nolan: I would have brought that up for you, sir. Phillip: That's all right, Nolan, you're on your break. But if you would knock, that would be great. Nolan: All right. (Knock at door) Phillip: Actually, you know, she may be sleeping. Why don't you go ahead and open it and I'll just leave it for her. Must be done sleeping. Nolan, check the bathroom. Nolan: All right. No, she's not in there. Phillip: Talk to the staff. See if anybody has seen her on the grounds. Nolan: Okay. Phillip: No, wait a minute. Never mind. Nolan: All right, sir. Phillip: To hell with it. You're well enough to get out of here; I don't care where you are. Lorelei: Don't you know salt's bad for you? Edmund: Lorelei. Lorelei: The one and only. Edmund: You're back. Lorelei: Back for good, Eddie. Back for good. Marah: Keep me posted on the Marina situation, okay? Shayne: Yes, I'm going to tell you every little juicy detail. Marah: Oh, assuming that there are any. Shayne: You just brought my confidence up that much. Marah: (Laughs) I love you, you nut. Shayne: You too, you piece of... Marah: Hey, bye! (Laughs) Ben, why can't I like you the way I like Tony? Mel: Ben, right? Ben: Dr. Boudreaux, hey. What are you doing here? Mel: I just came by to see my little brother, Remy. But I just thought I'd check on Catalina while I was here. But I am so glad you're here. When a couple loses a child, it can be equally as devastating for the father. How are you holding up? Ben: Me? Blake: Tory? Tory? Get back here. Get back here right now, Tory. Tory: What is it, Blake? What is your problem now? Blake: My problem? You are the one who's lying about sleeping with my husband. You abduct my children, and you're trying to humiliate me in public. I've got the problem? What planet do you live on? Tory: Oh, my God! Oh, God, she pushed me. What is wrong with you? Get away from me. Will somebody get her away from me? Somebody please get her away from me. Ross: You're here to see me? Holly: And I'm going to cut right to the chase, because you and I don't have to pretend with each other, do we? Ross: I don't think we could if we tried, Holly. Holly: Exactly. So you're going to give me an honest answer. Ross: Do I get to hear the question first? Holly: When Tory first came on the scene, she was obviously attracted to you, and you didn't seem to mind. In fact, from what I could see, you encouraged her. Now she says you slept together. She insists on it, and Blake is desperately trying to take the high road and doesn't believe her. Ross: Do you? Blake: Well, call me older and wiser, or jaded and cynical, but I know what people are capable of because I know what I've been capable of. So tell me straight out, Ross. Did you sleep with the girl? Yes or no? |