Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/28/02 Provided by Linda Naomi: Well, shoot, Eddie, do I have to spell it out for you? She's left you high and dry. Edmund: No, she wouldn't do that. Something's wrong. Nolan: Let me get the double order of cheese fries and your dry rubbed ribs, and chili omelet. Edmund: Chili omelet? Naomi: You know I like you Eddie, I really do, but... Edmund: You see that man over there? Naomi: Yeah. Edmund: He works for the Spaulding's. He just placed a huge order. Fries, ribs and a chili omelet. Naomi: All my favorite foods. Edmund: Yes, Lorelei's, too. Naomi: My Lordy. Edmund: Phillip's got her. I have to get her out of that house before it's too late. Phillip: I appreciate you coming. Rick: Well, impostor or not, she's a human being. She definitely needs help. Phillip: Oh, hang on a... Come here a minute. There's actually something else. She thinks that she's Beth. Rick: I see. Well, you know, high fever can make her delusional. Phillip: Really? Rick: Yeah. Well, if we can get her fever down, maybe she'll come around. Phillip: Okay. Rick: Actually, pal, I'd like to handle this. Phillip: Okay, I'll wait out here. Rick: Okay. Beth: Hi. Rick, I thought I heard your voice. Rick: How you feeling? Beth: Better. Rick: Good. Beth: I knew that I could count on you. I knew... Rick: It's going to be okay... Beth: ...I could count on you. I'm so glad that you're here and you and Phillip made up. I knew that you couldn't stay mad at one another for long... Rick: I want you to inhale, okay, exhale. Good. One more time, one more time for me. Good, good. Beth: Rick. Rick? Why aren't you saying anything? Rick: You're going to be fine. You're going to be fine. Beth: Rick, look at me. Rick. Oh, no. No, no, no, not you, too. You can't think I'm an impostor, no. You have to believe me. Nobody... Nobody believes me, only Lizzie knows the truth. You have to believe me. You have to help me, Rick. Rick: I will. I will definitely help you. Beth: Oh, thank you. Rick, I have to tell you something. Ever since I woke up in jail, nothing has made any sense to me. And this Lorelei person stole my identity, but you believe me. Rick: Yes. Beth: You believe me. You've always been such a good friend to me. Rick: Of course I do. You've been through a lot. You've been through a lot. You need to take it easy and get some rest, okay? Beth: Okay, but I've been... I've been resting, Rick. And every time I wake up, I see Phillip and my mother looking at me like I'm a stranger. They accuse me of hurting the children. Why would they think something like that? We have to convince them... Rick: You just got to get some rest. You need to lie back and take it easy. Beth: We have to tell them the truth, okay. You said that you would help me. Rick: I told you I will, I will. Beth: You'll tell Phillip. You'll tell Phillip? Rick: Yes, I will. Beth: Okay. Okay. Rick: Um... Beth: What are you doing? Rick: This is going to help. Beth: What are you doing? Rick: This is going to help calm you down. Beth: (Sobbing) No, no, no! Don't! No! No! No, please don't... Beth: I trusted you. Rick: When you wake up, you're going to feel a lot better. Beth: After what Bradley did to me... Carl and Edmund... You were the only two that I could trust and now... I'm alone. Rick: (Whispers) Let's go. I don't know how you're getting through this. I mean, you told me it was going to be tough, but I had no idea. Phillip: Oh, believe me, I know. Rick: She kept telling me that she was Beth. She told me about the prom. I mean, it just... It was just so convincing. Phillip: The thing that is so weird, Rick, is that every day she seems more and more like Beth. I just want her to get the hell out of here and leave us in peace. But I can't... I can't kick her out of here, as long as she's sick. Now, that she's back in the house, I have to be very careful about how I handle this for the kids' sake. Richard: How perfect, thanks. Cassie: Hey. Richard: Hey. Cassie: Are you okay? Richard: Yes, it's a lot easier than I thought it would be. Alonzo: At the risk of sounding, at the risk of sounding, at the risk of sounding, at the risk of sounding like a broken record... Richard: (Laughs) Alonzo: ...You guys don't have to leave, please. Richard: Alonzo, you are the man in charge now. So, the last thing to think that you would want, while you try to rule this country, is a former president getting in your way. Alonzo: Yeah, who happens to be my brother. Look, I need your input, Richard. Name a title and it's yours. Richard: Alonzo. Alonzo: Yeah, okay, all right. I respect your decision. But if and when it ever changes, you let me know, right? What's next? Cassie: We're not 100% sure yet. Alonzo: I guess I can understand that. I mean, I haven't got my bearings either. Cassie: Believe it or not, this is the most stable home I've ever had. Richard: And now? Cassie: Now we move on. Just wish I knew where we belonged. Harley: Excuse us. Gus: Yes? Harley: Why did you bring her here? Gus: Well, you said we didn't have to play by the book on this one... Ross: Tory... Harley: I didn't mean throw it out the window. Ross: ...I don't know why Aitoro brought you over here, but I don't think it's a good idea and I think you should get out. Tory: Why are you treating me like this? Blake: Because you abducted our children. Harley: Listen, Blake, Aitoro brought her here thinking maybe you could work out some sort of understanding. Blake: Oh, I understand, I do. Harley: Okay, I guess I could, you know, explain her rights and explain your options, but this seems like something worth a shot. Blake? Blake: Well, it's pretty cut and dried, Harley. She took our children out of the house without our consent. Gus: Tory, why did you take the kids out of the house? Tory: This is a waste of time. Gus: All right. Miss Granger, we're going to have to take you down to the station, book you for kidnapping, okay. Tory: (Laughs) Oh, my God, okay, wait, wait. This is ridiculous. You know I only took those kids out of this house because I was trying to protect them from an unreliable sitter. And I'm sorry, I know she's your niece, but it's true. Blake: You have no right to take our children anywhere. Tory: Blake, they had fun. Ask them. Gus: She left a note. Blake: Which didn't tell us where she was taking them! She covered her tracks. She probably coerced them into lying. Tory: Okay, you want me to play devil's advocate? Fine, let's say that I did just swoop in here and kidnap the children. What motive would I possibly have? Blake: The same motive you had when you followed us down to San Cristobel. You're in love with Ross and you're crazy. Tory: (Scoffs) When did I lie to you, Blake? Blake: When you insisted that you're in love with Ross, Tory. Oh, go on, tell them. Tell them how you and Ross slept together. Tell them how you had this torrid affair. Come on. Tory: Okay, Blake. I really don't think this is something we should be discussing in front of these people. Blake: You cut the innocent act. You tell them the truth, or I will make sure that you get behind bars. Tory: Excuse me, but are you threatening me? Blake: You are the dangerous one. You are the irrational one. Tory: No, I am perfectly calm. The only one who is acting irrational, Blake, is you. Harley: Blake! Gus: Whoa, whoa. Harley: Calm down. Calm down. Hey, do you trust me? If you trust me, let me handle this. Tory, why didn't you simply call Blake or Ross when you decided to save their children from my niece? Tory: I did, I tried to call their cell phones, but I couldn't get through. Harley: So, you just gave up? Tory: I didn't want them to worry. And, you know, I really don't think that your niece is a bad girl. I didn't want to get her into trouble. Blake: How noble. Tory: Look, Marina didn't think that they would be back so soon, and I didn't see any harm in taking them out for a little while. And as Detective Aitoro already pointed out, I did leave a note just in case. I really don't know what more I can say. Harley: Yes. You can go. But do me a favor, don't leave town or anything anytime soon. I'd love to be able to question you a little further. Tory: All right. And I am sorry if I worried you. That wasn't my intention. I only did it out of love. Harley: Okay, okay, before you freak out, Blake, okay, maybe she is after Ross. Blake: Maybe? Harley: Okay, she's after Ross, but you know what, her story checks out. What can I do? Blake: For how long? Gus: Ross, I want you to have a little talk with me, all right, just man to man. You're sleeping with this girl, aren't you? Reva: Here you are. I've been looking all over for you. What are you doing out here by yourself? Finally free of Olivia. It's hard to believe, isn't it? Josh: Yeah. It's all over, just like that. Reva: Well, you've been wanting to end your marriage to Olivia for awhile now, you should be relieved, right? Josh: Yeah, I am. I think. I don't know. You know, I see my name all over these divorce papers and I think failure. Reva: You're not a failure, Joshua. Olivia betrayed you. Josh: Yeah, I know that. She was selfish and manipulative. Reva: And how is that your fault? Josh: Because I'm the one that asked her to marry me. I'm the one that put our kids through that Hell. Reva: Well, you didn't know. Josh: Don't you think I should've known? Reva: What are you getting at? Josh: Reva, every time that we've fallen apart, I've always blamed you, you know, your recklessness. Reva: Well, I probably deserved it. Josh: No, I don't think so. My point is this. It was easy for me, because I've always known my role. You know, I'm the guy that everybody can count on, but I look at these papers and I think about what they represent and they say something else. Reva: Maybe now is not the time for you to sort out your whole past. Josh: Why not? Reva: Well, because we... We have a future to look forward to. We've been through a lot and what we need to do is put one foot in front of the other. Josh: Just move ahead. Reva: That's right. Josh: Like I always do. Reva: Like everybody always does. So what are you thinking? Josh: Reva, when I proposed to you a few weeks ago, I was still married to Olivia, right? Reva: Technically. Josh: Yeah, and I did the same thing to Olivia. When I asked her to marry me, it was right after we'd split up. And before that, I did it to you right after Annie and so on and so on and so on. Reva: So what are you saying? Josh: Apparently I have a problem being alone. Now what does that say about me? Reva: What do you think it says? Josh: I don't know. Reva: Maybe you should take some time and figure it out. Cassie: Thank you. Richard: Alonzo, really, we can manage from here. Thank you. Alonzo: You sure? Richard: Yes. You've got more important things to do now, you know? Alonzo: Yeah, I guess you got a point there. But before I get to those things, I want to talk to you two about something. I know we've had our problems, but you really stood behind me when it mattered. Cassie: You did the same thing for us and for Will. Alonzo: Yeah, well, any guy worth anything would risk his life for a kid. But if it weren't for the two of you, I'd still be out there searching aimlessly at that. Well, for the first time in my life I've got a chance to do something really big. You gave me my life. Cassie: I'm glad. Alonzo: I don't know how, but I'm going to thank you one way or another. I'll figure it out. Richard: Well, you've made sure that we're going to get to keep Will, so, believe me, that's more than enough. Alonzo: I'll make sure to put those in the right place. Richard: Okay, thank you. What is it? Cassie: I feel like I'm searching. Richard, you and the children, you, you give my heart so much joy. I just feel like I'm missing this big connection and I thought that I found it here in San Cristobel, but it's like a fairy tail can just sweep all the questions away, but reality just brings them all back. Richard: Well, we'll have to find the answers together. Rick: The sedative should help. I mean, she should feel like herself when she wakes up. Phillip: I hope so. I don't know how much more of this I can take. Rick: Take it easy. Phillip: Thanks, man. Edmund: (Whispers) Lorelei, it's Edmund. Time to go. Lorelei. Lorelei, it's me, Edmund. Beth: Rick. Edmund: Rick? Rick Bauer. What about Rick? Beth: Needle. Edmund: Needle? Oh, my God. He shot you up with a sedative, didn't he. From the looks of it too, enough to drug a horse. I knew it. Damn him. Damn Phillip Spaulding. Beth: Edmund. Oh, no. No. Edmund: Listen to me. Beth: No. No. Edmund: Listen to me, Lorelei, I love you. I'm going to get you out of here. We're going to go away and we're going to start a new life. First, I have to get you out of this house. Come on. Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm not going to let them stop us. It's going to be all right. Lorelei: Eddie. Eddie. Edmund: We'll be out of here in no time. Nolan: Here we are, provisions for the lady. Phillip: What do we have? Richard: About this journey... Cassie: You know, I'm sorry. I'm sorry it was silly. Richard: It's not silly. Cassie: No, it is. It is. I love you. I love you so much. And I had no right to mention it. I shouldn't have brought it up. You have given up so much for me, and I'm just a little overwhelmed, that's all. Richard: If something's troubling you, darling. Cassie: It's okay. Richard: I'm not the only one who sacrificed something, you know. You... You left Springfield and your sister to be with me. Cassie: I don't regret that for a second. Tammy and R.J. love it here and so do I. Richard: I spoke with Reva. Cassie: What did she say? Richard: Well, nothing that isn't obvious. I couldn't see with my own eyes. Cassie: She gave me this. It was Sarah's, our mother's. She said that Sarah would've wanted me to have this. Richard: You don't have to hide from me, darling. Cassie: She gave me up so long ago, and my family should be enough for me, and it is. Richard: Of course it is. That doesn't stop the hurt, does it? Cassie: I just need to find this... Something that is missing from my life, I have to find it. Richard: Well, you're not going to find it here. Cassie: I tried to fight it when Reva suggested to me... I'm not sure where this journey ends, but I know where it begins. It begins with my family-- in Springfield. Josh: Reva, this doesn't mean I'm having second thoughts about us. Reva: Well, we don't exactly have the best track record. Josh: I know that. But my hope is that we'll learn from our mistakes and we won't make them anymore. I also realize that I'm the one that's been telling you there's no guarantees and we just have to take a chance, so you have to bear with me on this, okay? Reva: You're scared we're going to, like, blow it. Josh: No, I don't think that's it. Reva: Well, then... Then, what? What are you afraid of? Josh: Being alone. Reva: No, no, not you. You're strong. Josh: I don't know... I don't know about that. I do know this, though, that I don't ever, ever want to see my name on this kind of document again, ever. Reva: Neither do I. Josh: Reva, I just... I don't want to do that to us. I want this to last. Reva: I want it to. But, if you're feeling like we're rushing into something here, you need to take some time, you know. You need to have time alone to figure this out. Maybe... You know, maybe you should go to Singapore alone. Josh: I don't think I can do that. Reva: Well, I know you would never suggest it, so I am. You take care of business; you take care of yourself. I'll wait. I'll be in Springfield. Josh: Okay. I'll go alone. Harley: Blake, come on. Ross: There is nothing going on between me and Tory. Nothing. Gus: Ross, if you're sleeping with this girl, I could care less, okay? So if there is something that you'd like to get off your chest, I suggest you do it now. Ross: You do, do you? Gus: Yeah. Ross, we're on the same team this time, okay? Ross: Gus, obviously I did something to lead the woman on, but it was not intentional. And if could go back in time and change a few things. Gus: Okay. I hear what you're not saying. Ross: My hands are tied. Gus: And as a former D.A., I'm sure that you understand these things tend to get worse before they get better. Ross: Yes. As a former D.A., I understand these things, how they tend to get. Gus: Okay, a little bit touchy. Ross: Sorry. Gus: Little touchy, but I think I know why. So that's why I want to offer you a chance to nip this in the bud, okay? Ross: No. Gus: Yes. I will suggest that Miss Granger gets the hell out of town. Ross: I said no. I don't want you to bully people and then have it backfire on my family. But thank you all the same. Gus: Messy. Harley: I cannot do anything unless she commits a crime, and no crime has been committed. Blake: Yet. So what do we do? We sit around and we wait for her to do something worse? Reva: If we can beat this, if we can figure out our happily ever after, we'll be happy. Go. Josh: Okay. Reva: Go. Josh: I'm going. Reva: Do what you have to do. Just take care. Take care of yourself. Go, because you're going to miss your flight. Josh: Okay. I miss you already. Reva: Would you go, before you change your mind. Richard: Alonzo. I have an announcement to make. Alonzo: You are accepting my offer? Richard: No. We're going to Springfield. Alonzo: You're turning down my offer. Richard: Well, I'm not going to Springfield on holiday. I'm going there to live. And I've always found that ruling from afar is ineffective. Alonzo: But it could be. It could be if you were my ambassador-at-large. Think about it Richard, you'd get a chance to travel, you'd be maintaining San Cristobel's interests abroad. I know that's important to you. The flexibility of it would be great. You'd have a chance to figure out the things you need to figure out for your family. Look, changing your lifestyle does not mean you have to change your purpose in life. Richard: Okay. I accept. Alonzo: Excellent. That's fantastic. You know, and I can only hope to be half the leader that you are. I pull that one off and then I will have really accomplished something with my life. Cassie: We have so much to thank you for, we could never repay you for. Thank you. Alonzo: You know what? I really hope that you find what it is that you're searching for. Cassie: Thanks. Alonzo: And you need to do me a favor, okay? Pictures. I want you to send pictures of him. Cassie: Of course. But you don't have to worry about that, because I'm sure we're going to visit a lot. Alonzo: Can I? Hey, look at you. Look at you, big guy, you look so good. Yeah. I think we all look kind of good today. Okay, I need to tell you something. All right? The only reason I... The only reason I decided to give you up is because... Is because you've got the best parents on earth. But I want you to know something, okay? Look, if you ever want to go fishing, I'm not talking about on the yacht, okay? I am talking about a real boat, a real fishing boat with poles and everything. I will take you to where all the big fish hide. I promise. Take care of yourself, buddy. Here. You guys all take care of yourself and each other. Edmund: Hold on. We'll be out of Springfield in no time. Phillip: Hey, what... What the Hell do you think you're doing? Put her down. Edmund: Taking her out of here! You're not going to stop us! Phillip: Are you going to take her through the window? No, you're not taking her anywhere. Now put her down, now! Edmund: All right. Phillip: Okay, you know what? I have had enough of you. Lorelei: What am I doing here? Oh, God. What's happening to me? Oh, God. Cassie: Reva, I thought you were supposed to be at the airport? Reva: Oh, hi. Cassie: Where's Josh? Reva: At the airport. He's on his way to Singapore. And it's a long story, but I'm fine. I just need to get on the horn and book a flight back home. Cassie: Well, you got one. If you don't mind last ride on the royal jet. I mean, you have to wait for us to load, like, all of our stuff on to it. Reva: You're heading back to Springfield? Cassie: Moving to Springfield. Reva: Oh, that is wonderful. Oh, I've missed you so much. Cassie: I know. Reva: Okay. Put me to work. What can I do to help? Richard: Well, we're just about ready to go, actually. Cassie: You can help get the kids together. Reva: Oh, I love that. Hi, sweetie pie. You know what, guys? R.J., let's go get packed really fast, so that then we can go back into the kitchen and get the last of the royal ice cream sundaes, what do you say? Let's go. Cassie: Wait. I wanted to tell you something. I wanted to tell you that you're the best daughter in the whole world. And I couldn't have got through this without you. We've been through so much. Reva: Come on, Tammy. Tammy: Okay. Reva: Springfield's going to be great, I promise. Cassie: I don't want to leave him here. Richard: It's only for a little while. It's going to be safe here. Cassie: We're going to miss you. And we love you, and you're going to be in our hearts wherever we go. I can't believe that we're leaving San Cristobel. Richard: We'll be back, right? Vacations, visits, that sort of thing. Cassie: It's not going to be the same. Richard: No. No. I can't imagine what my life is going to be off of this little island. Cassie: Richard. Richard: Well, you know, it's difficult, isn't it, saying good-bye to this place? But I have so much to look forward to with you. Gus: Hello. Harley: Yes, I want milk with my coffee. You know, you don't have to keep writing me notes, you could just try talking to me. Before at the Marler's, I'm glad you took my advice. Gus: Oh, really. Well, you're not acting like it. Harley: Because I'm being sarcastic. When I said I wanted you to think about what your father would do, I meant you know, reflect on things internally. Gus: All right. All right. You know. Just because I had a little bit of fun and the Marler's didn't, doesn't meant that was a bad piece of police work. Harley: Really? Convince me. Gus: Well, we got to observe the entire dynamic, right? And we assessed that Tory Granger isn't really a threat. Harley: Hmm.. Gus: Yeah, we also figured out that Blake is a complete basket case See, this is your problem. Harley: I have another problem. What? Gus: It's... You worry about, it's the line in your head between being a friend and being a cop. Harley: Hey, I don't buy Tory Granger's story. Yeah, legally, maybe, but not in my gut, I don't. Gus: But you completely trust the Marlers. Harley: They wouldn't lie to me. Gus: Really? Harley: They wouldn't. Gus: That's your problem. Sorry, but it's true. You shouldn't assume. Harley: Look, I know what I'm talking about. What are you talking about? Gus: I just... I think that there's a little more to it. Harley: No. No. It's what Blake says, Tory has the hots for Ross, that's it. Gus: See, that's what happens when someone in this town gets the hots for someone else. Harley: What? Gus: You end up getting burned. I got the coffee. Can we just drop this, please? Harley: Well, I think the important thing is that at least Tory knows she better keep her distance. Ross: Blake. Blake: You know I just don't understand where it could be. Ross: Who cares? They're kids, they lose things. Blake: No! Kevin specifically said that he put his Cyborg Rex in the toy chest because he keeps losing things. Ross: Blake, would you stop it? Just let it go. Nobody cares. It's going to be okay. Blake: I can't sit here and be a target. Ross: Tory got the message. Blake: What if she didn't, Ross? This time maybe she was toying with us, but what about next time? Ross: There's not going to be a next time. Blake: What if you're wrong? Ross: The police are keeping an eye on her. Blake: The police just let her go. My God, if you can't trust the law to protect you. (Phone rings) I guess I have no choice. Ross: Blake, what does that mean? Blake. Blake: Hello? Tory: Guess who? Blake: What do you want? Tory: We both know that we have some unfinished business to take care of. Lorelei: Well, that's freaky. For a minute I thought.... Beth: You thought what? That you were me? Hello, Lorelei. I think it's about time we met, don't you? (Eerie music playing) |