Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 2/26/02 Provided by Linda Blake: Kevin? Jason? Are you guys there? Clarissa? Ross: Blake, will you stop it. Blake: They're here... Ross: Blake... Blake: They're here, Ross! Kevin? Ross: They are not here! Blake: They are here. Ross: Honey, they were, okay? Blake: The mitten-- we have Jason's mitten. Ross: I know we do, I know. Listen to me: The kids are fine. And whatever game Tory is playing... Blake: Ross, this is not a game! She took those kids away from us without permission. And you have no idea what she's capable of. Ross: I know Tory Granger and she would not harm those children. Blake: No, you don't. Ross, you don't know her at all. We have no idea, none, where she took our kids and what she is doing with them. Gus: Uh-huh. Yeah, I got it. Bright lights, yes, Mrs.. Huffnagel. Yeah, I'm writing it down. I'm writing it all down. Mmm. Okay. Well, tell you what, we will... We'll get on that and handle it appropriately. Okay? Okay. Bye-bye. Harley: What's up? Gus: This old crazy lady, Huffnagel, is telling me she's seeing aliens in her backyard. Would like us to send a patrol car over. Harley: Yeah, so? Gus: So, what, you think I should send the paddy wagon over and have her taken down to the psycho ward? Harley: No, no, no, no, no. I'll make the call, but I think I will have them put you away instead of her. Tony: Hey, thanks for dropping me off. I'm going to go to the hospital. As soon as I find out anything-- I've got to make sure Catalina's okay-- I'll let you know what's going on, all right? Marah: I hope that Catalina's fine. Mel: I'm sorry, Catalina. There was nothing we could do. Catalina: (Sobbing) I don't understand. I couldn't have lost the baby. Mel: Catalina, you miscarried. It's very common. It's nothing you did wrong. There doesn't appear to be any reason why you can't conceive again, but you lost... Catalina: No, no! I am pregnant. I have to be. My baby... My baby has to be alive. Ben: Catalina, I know this baby meant a lot to you, but you need to... You need to accept what the doctor is telling you. Catalina: Who are you to tell me who to listen to? I'm the only one who knows what's happening. Mel: You know what? Can I get a few minutes alone with her? Ben: Sure. Mel: Why don't you get Catalina some ice water? Ben: Okay. Mel: Thanks. Catalina: I want my baby. I want my baby. Mel: Shh. It's okay. You're angry, just let it go. Let it go. It's hard. I know it's so hard. Something you wanted very much. I'm going to have someone from the hospital come in and talk to you, okay? Someone who could help you deal with these feelings. Catalina: My baby... My baby's gone. And now I'll never get to hold him. Mel: Catalina, listen, no one can tell you how much pain you're in, or quantify the loss that you feel, but I'm here to let you know... To help you take a step back and understand that once you and the father heal, physically and emotionally, you can start again. Catalina: Start again? No, we can't. I'm going to lose him, too. He... He won't love me anymore. Mel: No, Catalina, I don't believe that. I saw the way he was... Catalina: No, no, doctor, you don't understand. He loves the baby; he doesn't love me. Mel: Catalina, you're in shock right now, okay? Catalina: Doctor... Mel: I know it seems that way, but it's not true. Catalina: Please, you need to understand, please. I have to have this baby or he'll leave me. It's over. Mel: No, come here. It's okay. It will be okay. Just rest now, okay? Just have to rest. You'll be okay, I promise. She really needs your love and comfort right now. I need to get someone in here who can help her better deal with this. Ben: Sure, yeah, of course. Mel: She's going to be fine, physically-- she can have another baby. But emotionally, she's pretty shaky. She needs to know you're not going to leave. Ben: Me? I wouldn't... Mel: Well, I know that, but she doesn't. Okay, if you need anything, just press the buzzer and one of the nurses will get me. Ben: Okay. Mel: Okay? Ben: Thank you. Water? Catalina: I lost the baby. And now I'm going to lose Tony, too. Everything's over. Everything's over. Ben: I'm still here. Catalina: I want you to go. Just leave me alone. Ben: Catalina, I don't think alone is the best thing for you. Catalina: Go, get out of here, Ben! I want to be alone. Ben: Listen, if you need... If you need to talk to someone, if you need anything, just... Just call me, okay? Danny: Yeah, good. Thanks. Meta: Hey! Rick: Welcome home. Michelle: Hey. Meta: Welcome home. Danny: Hi. Michelle: Look who's here. Danny: Thank you. Hey there, tiger. Look at you. Oh, my, what is this, huh? Is it my birthday? Michelle: In a way. In a way. Danny: Well, then, there better be cake. Meta: Oh, there will be. Danny: Right, there's got to be cake. Michelle: Let me help you. Here we go. Look at that. Danny: So... Rick: Well, you're not out of the woods yet, Danny. Danny: Oh, Rick, I'm never really out of the woods really. Rick: You did suffer a serious head injury and you got some rehab ahead of you. Danny: Yeah, I'm here with my wife and my kid. That's all the rehab I need. Rick: Well, I wish that were true. Michelle: Don't worry, Doctor. He may be tough, but I'm going to be just as tough, and I'm going to whip him into shape. Rick: Ooh, man. Danny: No, did you hear that? No, please, don't leave me here alone with the Marquis de Sade. No. Rick: I wish I could watch this one. Michelle: That's right. Rick: But I got to get going. Michelle: Okay. Meta: And I'm going to take this young man upstairs for his bath. Rick: Oh, okay, well, let me take him for you. Come here. Here you go, Robbie. There you go, buddy. Danny: So you're going to leave me alone, too, with this torturer. Meta: Mm-hmm. Danny: Okay. Geez, some friends you are. Rick: These are good hands. Danny: Yeah, well, I hope I'm still around when you come back. Michelle: You better watch out. Danny: No kidding. Michelle: I'm going to make Nurse Ratchet look like Mother Theresa. Danny: Uh-oh. Michelle: I'm going to make you beg for mercy. Danny: Ooh. Michelle: Work you till you beg. Danny: (Weakly) Rick? Meta? Robbie? Michelle: Nope, no one's helping you. Danny: Anyone? Michelle: Nope. I'm going to make sure that you come out of this even better than you were before. Danny: Better? Excuse me, how can I possibly be better? Michelle: Honey, there's always room for improvement, come on. Danny: Oh. Really? Michelle: Oh, yeah. Danny: Well, I'll keep trying then. I'll keep trying and trying until I get it right.
__________________________________________ Harley: You know, one time Mrs.. Huffnagel called to tell me that she thought that the aliens were in her neighbor's house. So I went out there to take a look. And guess what? They were! Gus: Is that right? Harley: Yeah. I caught them walking out of the house with the stereo, the TV, and the VCR. Gus: I don't get you for a minute. Harley: It was a burglary. Gus: No, I get that it's a burglary. I hear what you're saying. It's just that that's not the way to solve crimes. Harley: No, but it is the way to promote community relations. Everybody in that neighborhood knows Mrs.. Huffnagel and they know what we do for her. Gus: Great. I'm all choked up. Harley: Gus, this isn't the FBI. This is local law enforcement, okay? It's not just about catching the bad guys. It's about letting the people that we're supposed to protect, know that we're here for them, no matter who they are or what their problems might be. Gus: Okay. Thank you for the village hall residence lesson. All right, look, I'm going to go put on my kryptonite suit. I'm going to get out one of the ray guns. I'm going to beam myself over to Huffnagel's house, all right? Harley: Thank you. Gus: To make you happy. Harley: Take a picture in that kryptonite suit. (Laughs) Blake: Harley, Harley, I need your help. My kids have been kidnapped. They're gone. Tony: Catalina? Catalina: Tony, what are you praying for? Tony: Why didn't you call me? What are you doing here? What's going on? Catalina: The doctor didn't... The doctor didn't tell you? Tony: No, no, no. I couldn't get to a doctor. The nurse told me I could find you in here. Is anything wrong with the baby? Cat? Catalina: Tony, what were you praying for? Tony: Cat, please, I was praying for the baby. I was praying for you and I was praying for us. Now, tell me what happened, Cat. Is everything all right? Catalina, tell me. Tell me, Catalina, is the baby okay? Catalina: I'm okay now. I had some cramps so I got scared and I came here. Tony: How about the baby? Catalina: Tony, you and I are going to have a beautiful baby. Tony: (Sighs) So my prayers were answered. The baby's okay, yeah? Catalina: Yeah, yeah, he's fine. We're both fine. Tony: (Sighs) Catalina, I know... I know when you told me that you were pregnant, I didn't act the way that you wanted me to. Catalina: No... Tony: Or the way that I should have. Catalina: No, Tony, you were good. It was a shock. Tony: I love this kid and I want to be a father, and I can change. Catalina: Tony, you don't have to change for me. Tony: No, it's for me and him. I can be a better dad than my father was to me. If I can do that, that... That changes... It changes everything. And I don't want you to ever think for one minute that I regret you being pregnant. Catalina: Oh, Tony. Tony: We're a family now, and that means everything to me, everything. Ben: Whoa. Marah: Sorry. Ben: Hey, nothing to be sorry about. What are you doing out here all alone? Marah: Just waiting. Ben: Waiting for what? You all right? Marah: Yeah, yeah. Catalina is in the hospital and Tony's there, and I'm just waiting to find out if she's all right. Ben: Catalina, she... Marah: Yeah, I know, she's... She's there and this is driving me crazy waiting. You know what, I need to know. She probably doesn't want to see me right now, but I need to know if she's all right. Ben: Marah, I thought you said you and Tony were trying to stay away from each other. Isn't this the last thing you should be doing right now? Marah: I can't help it. I need to know. Ben: Then do you mind if I go along? Marah: Sure. I could use the support. Come on. Blake: Tory Granger, she took them, she kidnapped them from the house, and we found the mitten... Jason's glove, found it... Harley: Okay, calm down, calm down. I need you to calm down. I need you to slow down and tell me what happened, okay? Ross: Marina was baby-sitting for us. And while we were gone, Tory Granger showed up. Gus: Tory's your assistant? Blake: Former assistant; we fired her. Ross: Yes, I felt it was best if she were to move on. Blake: And she took the kids from Marina. Harley: Okay, what? Ross: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Marina had tickets to this rock concert that she wanted to go to. And Tory volunteered to take care of the kids for us. Blake: And now they're gone, all right? They're missing, and we don't know what she's going to do with them, okay? Harley: Okay, okay, okay. Listen, we're going to find them, Blake, all of them. I'm sure it's just a big understanding. Blake: It's not a misunderstanding, Harley. She kidnapped my children and I want her arrested. Ross: Harley, have you seen Frank? Harley: Uh, no, I just got here. Gus: Frank knows about this? Ross: Yes, we went over to Company because Tory rents a room there. She lives there now, and Frank was there and he's out looking for the kids with two patrolmen. But he told me he was going to put out an APB, but... Harley: Well, I'm sure... I'm sure he has. But that's just the beginning, okay? I'm going to bring the night shift in here early, and we're going to get started on this. They can't have gone far. Blake: Thank you. Gus: When is the last time anybody has checked the house, called home? Ross: A little less than an hour ago. Gus: Okay, well, let's start there, okay? Ross: All right. Gus: Now, Tory, does she know the kids? Do they know her? Ross: Yes, she does, and the kids know Tory. They like her. Blake: Oh, what difference does it make? She kidnapped them without our permission. Gus: Well, because these things have a way of turning into misunderstandings, okay? And sometimes they work themselves out. Normally we like to take a little time and wait to file a missing person's report... Blake: I'm not waiting one minute. She took my children and I want them back. Gus: All right. Harley: There's no buts here, okay? We will find them. Don't worry about it. Blake: Thank you. We have to find them. Harley: We will find them. We will find them. Gus: Can we just please take a second so we can just fill in the blanks, okay? Ross: Yes, of course. Let's do that. Gus: Thank you. Mr. Marler, was there any ransom note or something like that? Ross: Yeah, there was a note-- anything but a ransom note. It was cordial but the information is right here. Gus: Thank you. Okay. So, now, professionally, you ended this on a friendly note? Ross: Yes. Gus: Okay, so technically Tory Granger is a friend of the family's. Blake: She is no friend, no. Gus: No. Okay, Mr. Marler? Ross: No, she is not a friend. Gus: Right. Blake: Enough with the questions, for God's sake. Harley: Look, Blake, we will find them. Whatever it takes, we will find them. Detective Aitoro and I understand that fully and completely. Gus (whispering): Where's the crime? All right, listen, the way that I see it, we have a responsible law student who's taken the kids away from basically an irresponsible baby-sitter, okay? Harley: Be careful, that's my niece. Gus: Well, if my memory serves me correctly, she's had a little trouble with the law. So where's the crime? Ross: Well, I would agree with that, but Tory has proven herself to be somewhat unstable. Blake: She's stalking us. Harley: What? Blake: Ever since she stopped working for Ross, she's been stalking us, all right? She was supposed to leave town, then she changed her mind, and she stayed. And then she followed us down to San Cristobel. Harley: Well, does she have an explanation for that? Ross: Yeah. She told me that she was doing some legal business for Edmund Winslow. Gus: Well, that's easy enough to track. Blake: That's not what she told me. Gus: Ooh, the plot thickens. Blake: She told me she was there to be with Ross, and she claims that they are having an affair. Harley: Well, Ross, do you have any idea why she'd say something crazy like that? Blake: Because she's delusional! She's completely fixated. She's totally in love with Ross. Gus: But unless it's true, it doesn't make any sense. I mean, it doesn't track. Blake: Well, you're wrong about the tracking! Gus: Why would an excellent, brilliant law school student, a trusted assistant, just turn bad like that? I mean, it doesn't make any sense to me. Ross: It doesn't make any sense because there's more to this story. Meta: (Clears throat) Danny: Uh-oh. She caught us. Meta: I'm glad to see you're taking your rehabilitation seriously. Danny: Oh, yeah, she's killing me. Meta: I thought you'd like to know your son's about ready to go to sleep. Michelle: Oh, thank you, Meta. We'll be right up to tuck him in. Meta: Good. Michelle: Danny? Danny: Hey, come on, give me a break. Honey, I'm not completely helpless. Getting some water. Michelle: Here, honey, let me help you. Danny: I got it. I got it. Michelle: Let me help you. Danny: No, come on, I got it! I said I got it. Michelle: Danny! Danny: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (Sighs) I just... Michelle: It's okay. Danny: Sorry. I'm sorry. Michelle: Honey, it's going to take time. Danny: It's just... I'm scared. Michelle: I know. Not half as scared as I was sitting next to you in that hospital day after day. Danny: I want to be better now. I want this nightmare to be over. Michelle: Every morning you'd be laying there in a coma, nothing at all like the man that I married. And I would say to them, "I just want him to be better now. I just want this nightmare to be over." And they would tell me that, "It's going to take time, Michelle." So it's my turn to tell you that. It's going to take time, okay? Danny: Okay. Michelle: Touch my nose. Danny: Why? Michelle: You heard me, just... We're starting your rehab early. Lift your finger, touch my nose. Danny: (Sighs) Michelle: Come on. Danny: It's easy. Michelle: Okay, my ear. Danny: Uh-huh, yeah. Michelle: And my eyes. Now my lips. Danny: I like this. Michelle: Danny Santos, you always did have fine motor control. Rick: I'll have a stir fry. Waitress: You got it. Would you like chocolate cake? Rick: That'd be great. That'd be great. Thank you. Waitress: You're welcome. Mel: Hey. Rick: Hey. Mel: What are you doing here? I thought you were working the graveyard shift. Rick: I was, but I decided to help Danny home, just trying to be the good brother-in-law. How are you doing? Mel: Good. Rick: What's up with you? Mel: I'm just meeting my brother for dinner. Rick: Aren't we just good family people? Mel: How's Danny doing? Rick: It's tough to tell. You know, he's got some rehab ahead of him. It's going to be really tough. Mel: Yeah, well, at least Michelle will be there to help him. Rick: Michelle, Staff Sergeant Santos? Are you kidding me? I wouldn't want to be in Danny's shoes right now. Mel: (Laughs) Rick: Finally a smile. Mel: Oh, honey, I'm sorry. Rick: That's all right. What, you have a tough night? Mel: Yeah, it was a tough one. A woman came into the ER, cramps, bleeding; she miscarried her baby. Rick: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Mel: Yeah. Rick: How far along was she? Mel: Not far. Eight weeks or so. Rick: Uh-huh. Well, not that it makes any better, but at that stage there's really not much you could do. Mel: You're right. It doesn't make it any better. Rick: So how's the mom? Mel: Well, physically she's fine. Rick: But? Mel: Emotionally, she's pretty devastated. Rick: How old is she? Mel: Well, that's the thing. You know, she's young, early 20’s. First pregnancy, first miscarriage. So there's no chronic problem. Rick: Right. Well, you know, at any stage it's really tough for a mother to lose a child, you know. Mel: Well, that's the thing that weighs on me. She was more concerned about what the father's reaction was. I mean, she was convinced that the father would leave her because there was no longer a baby. Rick: Okay, did you meet the father? Mel: Yeah. Rick: Is it true? Mel: I didn't see it. You know, he... He didn't even mention the baby, not in a bad way. He was just more worried about the mother. Rick: Well, they're probably both in shock, you know. Did you call a counselor? Mel: She's on her way. Rick: Well, it sounds to me like you made all the right moves. And kind of sounds like I made all the right moves, too. I recommended you for Chief Resident, didn't I? Didn't I? Well, there you go, another brilliant move by Dr. Bauer. Mel: (Laughs) Rick: And another smile. Boy, this is going to be a good day. This is going to be a good day Mel: Oh, Rick, I just... I just wish I could have saved... Rick: ...Wish you could have saved that baby. I know. But you know sometimes life and death decisions are out of our hands. Mel, all you can do is your very best, what you did, and be there to help pick up the pieces, okay? Marah: Hello, is Catalina Quesada here? Nurse: Right there. Marah: Do you know if she's doing all right? Ben: I guess that's why they call it the emergency room. You know, we don't have to do this, okay? Why don't we go back to Company, okay, have a cup of coffee? They can come and tell us later. Marah: They might need us. Ben: No, I don't think so, Marah. Sorry, guys. I know this is a really bad time. Catalina: Marah, why are you here? Tony: She brought me to the hospital. She's just checking in. I don't know what he's doing here, though. Ben: I'm so sorry to be here right now. Catalina: No, don't, don't be. Ben's the one... Ben's the one who got me to the hospital. And I told him not to tell anyone until I knew what was happening. Ben: Marah, the baby... Catalina: The baby's fine. The baby's fine. Thank you for your concern. Ben: Fine. Catalina: Yeah, there was some bleeding and some cramping. And we're lucky that we got here when we did. The doctor just said that I needed some bed rest, that's all. Ben: The doctor said she just needed some bed rest. Catalina: Isn't that good news? Tony: Yeah, that's fantastic news. Marah: It's great. Ben: Fantastic, yeah. It's unbelievable. Catalina: I mean, I couldn't imagine if anything had happened to our baby. That'd be terrible for both of us. Rick: Hey, man. There you go. Remy: I see we'll be three for dinner. Rick: Oh, I'm sorry. I won't be able to join you guys. I got to get this food back to my sister and my brother-in-law. You know, you guys can catch up on some family business maybe. Remy: You sure? Rick: Yeah, positive. I'll catch you at the hospital, okay? Mel: Bye. What? We're good friends. Anything wrong with that? Remy: Not a thing. I'm sure you can afford to see a lot of movies. Mel: What do you mean? Remy: I mean, you know, what with his senior citizen discount and all. Mel: Remy Boudreaux, he is not that old, thank you. Remy: Wait a minute. Are you two-- what would his generation call it?-- Going steady? Mel: Are you applying for law school, because I'm not sure where this line of questioning is going, counselor? Remy: It's just brotherly curiosity, sis. Mel: Really? Well, I have a distinct feeling that you don't like me dating the doctor. Ross: There is more to the story. There is a reason that Tory Granger's obsessed with me. (Phone rings) Harley: Cooper. Really? Got it. Yep, they're on their way. Blake: Oh, God, what happened? Harley: Listen, listen: That was a cop calling from your house. Tory and the kids are back home. Everything is fine. Blake: (Gasps) Ross: Thank God. They're at the house? Harley: Yes. Gus: It's funny, isn't it? Because in a real kidnapping, that would just never happen like that, kids just getting returned to the house. Harley: Do you want a patrol car to take you guys back home? Ross: No, I don't. Our car's outside. Blake: Thank you. Harley: Okay, okay. Well, you know what? The officer is going to stay at the house and he's going to help you work all of this out, all right? I'm so glad everything's okay, you guys. Blake: Thank you. Harley: Sure. Ross: Thank you. Harley: Sure. What are you mimicking for? Gus: Nothing. Harley: Okay. What exactly was that for? Gus: Well, I just figure all the rules are going into the trash. You're always on me about not following the book, not going by the rules, and then your friends, the Marler's, they just waltz right in here, and boom! All the rules go right in the trash. Harley: Please. Gus: It's true. You accepted their story without any question at all. Unauthorized use of personnel. I'm really glad the night shift's coming in early, because I might be able to get a card game in. Why don't you face it, Cooper? You break the rules just like me, whenever it suits you. Harley: You know what? It's apples and oranges. Okay. I broke the rules because my friends were in need. No one got hurt in my scenario. Gus: You know, hmm. Well, I bet you Tory Granger wouldn't see it that way. Get the book out of the garbage because you got a lot of studying to do there. You broke the rules. Harley: You know what? Your father was a police officer. How do you think he would have handled this? Gus: Not as unprofessionally as this. Blake: Oh, hey guys. Hey. You okay? Everybody okay? Hi, sweetheart, come here. Come here. Mommy wants you. What do you think you're doing? Tory: I thought I was helping. The baby-sitter wasn't really paying attention to the kids, and I thought I was doing everyone a favor. Blake: A favor? Jason: Mom, don't be mad. It's not Tory's fault I lost my mitten. Blake: Oh, I know, sweetheart, I know, I know, I know. Listen, I love you. And I think it's time to get ready for bed. It's getting kind of late so, you know, pretty soon. You deal with her? Ross: Okay, you guys run up and I'll be up there in a minute to tuck you in, okay? Kevin: Good night, Daddy. Ross: All right. Jason: Good night, Tory. Tory: High five? Kevin: Good night, Dad. Ross: Good night. Tory: All right, kids, see you soon. Bye, boys. Officer: You want me to take her in? Ross: No. Officer, thank you, but I believe this was just a terrible misunderstanding. Thank you and good night. Are you out of your mind? What did you think you were doing? Tory: I thought I was doing everyone a favor. Really. Ross: Get out. Tory, stay away from my family, or you'll pay the price. Tory: I think I've already paid the price, Ross. Blake: Did he take her away in handcuffs? Ross: No. He let her go. Blake: He let her go? Ross: He let her go, as opposed to doing what? Blake: I want her arrested. Ross, she took our children without our permission. I want her arrested. I want her to pay the price. Remy: Me not like Rick? I didn't say that, Mel. Mel: It just seems like you don't approve of me dating the doctor. Remy: I mean, you know, you could date Dr. Hannibal Lecter for all I care. I know better than to get involved with your choice in men, okay? Mel: Good. Good. Okay, because let me make this clear: I date who I want, when I want. Remy: You made it clear. Mel: Good. Rick: Hey, you know, after having dropped all that food off, I decided I was starving. Can I join you guys? Remy: Three's a crowd. I got to go. Rick: All right, take care. What's his problem? Mel: I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Danny: See, I knew rehab would be a breeze. Michelle: I think you're ready for the serious stuff. Danny: Absolutely. Michelle: Carmen. Danny: What? I feel a coma coming on again. Michelle: Danny, seriously. You were in the hospital, you asked to speak with Carmen alone. I let you. I mean, you're not going to tell me what you guys talked about? Danny: I want to, but I don't think you're going to like what you're going to hear. Tony: All right. She needs to get some rest. Ben: Of course. Marah: Glad everything's all right. Tony: Thanks. Ben: Hey, if you need anything... Tony: Yeah, I'll let you know. Catalina: Thank you. Thank you, Ben, for everything. Ben: Can I give you a ride back to the dorm? Marah: No, my car's parked at Company. Thanks. Ben: All right. I wanted to... About the other night when we... Marah: ...We almost slept together. Ben: Yeah, that's the night I'm thinking about. Marah: Look, I was feeling really low that night, and it's not the way that I would have wanted it to happen. Ben: Good, good, me, too. I just hope... I hope we can still see each other. Marah: Yeah. I wouldn't have it any other way. You just got to wait till it's time, you know? Ben: Yeah, yeah, I more than know. I got to get back to class. Marah: Okay. Ben: Talk to you later? Marah: Yeah, later. Tony: You all right? Marah: Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Tony: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Marah: Well, you did. Tony: It's lucky thing everything turned out all right. Marah: Yeah, I'm glad. I've got to go. Look, about what we were talking about earlier, I will always love you. Tony: I will always love you, too, Marah. Marah: You better go back inside. Your family needs you. Your baby needs you, and he'll... He'll need you forever. Tony: I know. Catalina: (Sobbing)