GL Transcript Monday 2/25/02



Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/25/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Frank: Okay, here you guys are.

Blake: Frank!

Ross: Frank!

Blake: Have you seen our kids?

Ross: Where's Marina? Is she here?

Frank: What? I thought she was going to go to a concert right after she babysat for your kids.

Blake: Frank, our kids are missing, all right? We got home from the open school night and everybody was gone.

Frank: What?

Ross: Look, I'm going to go upstairs. I'm going to see if Tory took the kids to her room.

Eleni: Wait, wait, what do you mean the kids are missing? Who's Tory?

Ross: Tory Granger, a former student of mine.

Blake: More like a disgruntled employee. And Marina let her take the kids-- Kevin, Jason and Clarisse. All we got was this note from Tory, you know, saying "don't worry."

Frank: Hold on a second here. Ross? Tory, as in Tory that nice girl that used to help you out in court?

Blake: No, not so nice, Frank. And now that she has our children, I wouldn't put anything past her.

Tony: Look, I love you. And you love me. Now, that has to count for something.

Marah: It doesn't change things.

Tony: I know, but I want it to. I can't help it.

Marah: You're with Catalina now. You're going to be a father.

Tony: I'll never really be with Catalina. Even if we move a million miles away it's always going to be you. From that first moment I saw you at the club, I couldn't get you out of my head. Your family, my family, nobody wanted us to be together, and still I can't get you out of my head. (Knock at door)

Remy: Catalina, it's Remy.

Marah: (Moans) Hey. Come in.

Remy: Catalina's history book. Is she around?

Marah: No. She decided to move out.

Remy: (Laughs) Oh, yeah, that's right. That's right. Congratulations, by the way, man. I'm betting you'll make a great father.

Tony: Yep.

Catalina: I can't lose this baby, Ben.

Ben: Hey.

Catalina: I can't lose this baby.

Ben: Just try to stay calm, okay? Lay back. That's it.

Catalina: If something happens... If the baby dies, then Tony... Tony will never grow to love me and he'll leave.

Ben: Hey, look-- look, what we need to do right now is just stay positive, okay? All right? Getting upset can't help the baby.

Catalina: How can I not be upset? This baby is everything to me. And to you, too.

Ben: Hey, don't worry about me. I will find a way to be with Marah. One way or another. I'm not a quitter and neither are you. Look at me. Look at me-- we're going to be okay, all right? Both of us are going to be okay.

Catalina: Doctor? Please... Please tell me that you can save my baby.

Edna: I know I had that fingerprint report on Lorelei Hills. Has to be here somewhere.

Edmund: Edna? You don't mind if I call you Edna, do you? You're just far too attractive to be addressed as officer.

Edna: Look, I know you're trying to charm the keys out of me, but it's too late.

Edmund: Oh, that's too bad. But I would be eternally in debt to you for the use of the phone.

Edna: It's against the rules.

Edmund: Local call?

Edna: I could lose my job.

Edmund: Only if one of us tells.

Edna: Make it quick.

Edmund: I knew I could count on you. Good evening, it's Edmund. Yes, reports of my incarceration are regrettably true. As a matter of fact, I'm calling from jail. Well, when you're done laughing, I could use your help.


Lillian: Phillip, how could she know that song?

Phillip: If that's what it was, Lillian, you know...

Lillian: No. I do know. I heard her singing it. I know. I sang her that song all the time when she was sick her whole life.

Phillip: Maybe her mother knew the same lullaby.

Lillian: Lorelei's? No, Beth and I made that up. Phillip, there's no way anyone would know that unless...

Phillip: They were taught.

Lillian: Taught. What, do you mean Edmund?

Phillip: Yeah. Taught everything else that he knew about Beth. Why wouldn't he teach her that? No wonder Lizzie is so confused.

Alan: Lizzie is confused because the grown-ups in her life are not giving her the protection she needs.

Phillip: That is going to change right now.

Alan: The woman in that room is Lorelei Hills, a con artist and a thief. And you two keep gazing upon her as if it were Beth. No wonder Lizzie is confused-- she takes her cues from you.

Lillian: But Alan, something really strange just happened. Lorelei just sang a song that only Beth would know.

Alan: Lillian, she has been shacked up with Prince Edmund for months. I'm sure they shared all kinds of silly little sentimentalities.

Beth: Mama? Mama?

Lillian: I'll be right there, honey.

Alan: Now, you see, Lillian, that's what I'm talking about. You are not that person's mother.

Lillian: She's sick, Alan.

Alan: She's using your kindness to get what she wants.

Phillip: Okay. All right. What do you propose we do about it?

Alan: Pack her things up and take her back to the prison infirmary where you should have left her in the first place.

Phillip: Regardless of how that affects Lizzie?

Lillian: He's right, you know. Alan, just think about Lizzie watching her mommy's look-alike being carted off in this condition. It's just too much.

Alan: Too much for you or Lizzie?

Phillip: Okay, that's enough. Look, if we take her out of here like this right now, Lizzie is always going to have questions about who she was. But, if we let her stay until she recovers, then she can explain to Lizzie and she can apologize, and then Lizzie could at least have some closure about all of this.

Alan: Closure?

Phillip: Yes.

Alan: The three of us have told that woman to stay away, and you think if we nurse her back to health she's somehow going to be so grateful that's she's going to slink away into the sunset?

Lillian: Alan, she is on the verge of pneumonia. She just has to stay a few days.

Beth: Mama? Mama?

Alan: I've had about enough of this as I can take. If you want to talk with me, I'll be in Rio for business.

Phillip: Give my best to Olivia Lewis.

Alan: I will. And by the way, if she is in that bed when I get back, I will personally boot her out. Do you understand?

Lillian: I want you to take these aspirin. Come on.

Beth: No. No, my throat hurts. No.

Lillian: Honey. No, no. Sweetheart, you have such a high fever. If you don't take these, we're not... You've got to take them. Come on.

Beth: No, no, no.

Lillian: Beth. Yes, Beth! Beth. Beth.

Mel: You're in premature labor. What you're feeling right now are contractions.

Catalina: (Gasping) But you can make them stop. You can make them stop, right?

Mel: I've put some medicine in your IV to slow down the process, and yes, hopefully make them stop. But we can't be sure it'll work.

Catalina: And if it doesn't? If it doesn't work?

Mel: You know, sometimes-- I know this is really hard-- but we have to accept the wisdom of our bodies.

Catalina: (Whimpering) No.. No.

Mel: And if yours chooses not to continue this pregnancy...

Catalina: No! No. I have to keep this baby. It's my whole world.

Mel: Catalina, you're young. You can have lots of other children.

Catalina: No, no. I have to have this child. This one. And if I lose it... If I lose it, I'm not going to...

Ben: Look, nobody said you're going to lose the baby, okay? I'm sure this happens to a lot of people, right?

Mel: Well, yes, 30% of all pregnant women experience some bleeding during pregnancy. And of that 30%, less than a third actually miscarry.

Ben: So the odds are good, right?

Mel: Look, I know you two are under a lot of stress, and I'd like to reassure you, but all we can do is wait and see right now, okay?

Catalina: Okay.

Mel: Now, I want you to try and relax, and I'll be back later to check on you, okay?

Ben: Thanks, doctor.

Catalina: The doctor didn't sound so sure, did she?

Ben: Sure, she did. You know how doctors are. They're scared to say anything good in case something bad happens. Afraid somebody might sue them, you know?

Catalina: Please. Please, God. Please don't take my baby. Don't punish it. Don't punish it for the lies that I told Tony.

Remy: Catalina is going to be one great mother. She's got the instinct for that, you know? At least that much I know. So, look, I better get going. Just tell Catalina I said hi and I miss her around here.

Marah: Okay.

Tony: I'm sorry.

Marah: No. No, I think Remy did us a favor. He brought us back to reality. For a second there I thought it was just us again.

Tony: It is just us.

Marah: No, Tony, it's not just us. You're going to be a father, and you're going to be with Catalina, and you're going to make such a good dad. You're going to be the best dad a kid could ever have. I mean, I've seen how protective you can get and how good you are at taking care of the people that you love.

Tony: I never wanted any of this-- any of it.

Marah: Sometimes what we want isn't always what we get, and we just have to accept it.

Tony: What if I can't do that?

Marah: You have a family now, Tony, and I am not a part of it. You have to go.

Ross: Tory's not up there.

Frank: Oh.

Blake: Oh, God, Ross. What has she done? It's so cold out there. What if they're hurt or they're scared?

Ross: No, no, Tory wouldn't do that. She would not hurt the children. Now, she's misguided, she's confused, but she's not evil.

Eleni: I am so sorry. I can't believe Marina just left your kids with a complete stranger.

Frank: That's part of the problem here. She wasn't a complete stranger. She worked with Ross for months.

Eleni: Well, I don't care. She was a stranger to Marina. When is she going to grow up and learn right from wrong? I'm just furious with her.

Frank: Eleni? Okay, just hold on a second.

Eleni: I can't believe she did this.

Frank: We will deal with Marina later. Right now we need to find these kids. Ross and Blake, I promise you, you have the full cooperation of the entire Springfield P.D., starting with me. All right, let's just go at this from the top. Now, do you have any idea why she would pull a stunt like this?

Ross: No. Frank, considering the note that she left, this might all be a misunderstanding.

Frank: Ross, that's not the answer I'm looking for right now. Tell me everything that you know about her. I mean, if Blake thinks that she's trouble, then...

Blake: She's trouble.

Frank: Well, then, you know what? Something set her off. I need to know exactly what it was.

Beth: Don't... It's so hot. To see what I've lost. You and me and Lizzie. Especially Lizzie. It's so hot.

Lillian: I'm going to get her a cold compress. I'll be right back.

Beth: Hey, you.

Phillip: How you feeling?

Beth: A little woozy, I guess. I thought we were back home in Arizona. And Lizzie was crying and I went to find her, but she wasn't there. You weren't, either. The only thing I could find was that pink bear.

Phillip: Pink bear...

Beth: Yeah. You know, I found it. I found it by that jade plant. No, it was by the garage. I wonder how big that plant is now. It's probably bigger than Lizzie.

Edna: You have a visitor.

Edmund: Ah! Olivia.

Olivia: I have to tell you, jail bars actually become you. You should have tried this, like, years ago.

Edmund: Oh, come now, what about a kiss for your once almost brother-in-law?

Olivia: Oh, Edmund, please.

Edna: Hey, you have ten minutes.

Olivia: Okay. That should be sufficient.

Edmund: Never used to be. What do you say you post my bail and then we'll head on out there?

Olivia: You really do live in a fantasy world, don't you?

Edmund: Now, is that any way to treat the prince who made you rich and successful?

Olivia: I am successful because of my hard work and determination.

Edmund: And the opportunity I gave you in San Cristobel. Without the harbor project, you just become another one of Josh Lewis' ex-wives sentenced to a life of alimony-- if any-- that he had given you.

Olivia: I might still be married to Josh if you hadn't put the mob into my little project. Why don't you get begging if that's why you dragged me down here, because I have a plane to catch, and I'm not particularly entertained by this anymore.

Edmund: All right! All right, all right. Enough of the fun and games. Just get me out of here.

Olivia: Even the monkeys at the zoo shake the bars and grin, Edmund. Why don't you shake something for me? Maybe I'll throw you a banana.

Edmund: Do you think this is funny?!

Olivia: I think you're exactly where you belong.

Edmund: All right. All I want to do is go home to San Cristobel. They've restored the monarchy there. I have a brother there I have never met, and an opportunity in which I might share, and then share it with those who have been loyal to me.

Olivia: Bull. Alan told me what you've been up to. Exploiting Beth's memory, scamming the Spaulding's for money by using some imposter?

Edmund: Her name is Lorelei Hills.

Olivia: I don't care who she is or where you found her. What you did is beyond understanding. You know, I actually thought that you loved Beth.

Edmund: I did!

Olivia: Well, what did you do? You turned into Dr. Frankenstein and decided to go out and build another one? What kind of love is that?

Edmund: All right, all right! I made a mistake and it cost me. When this woman, Lorelei Hills... She reminded me so much of Beth, for a while it was as if Beth had come back to me. And then, after that, it started to change and I thought... Look, oh, look, never mind. All I want to do is take Lorelei away from here. Anywhere, so we can start over again. Forget the money, forget the monarchy, forget all of it. Just get me out of here.

Olivia: My, my... Edmund's in love.

Edmund: I'm telling you the truth now. Look, we'll leave Springfield. You'll never see either one of us again. No one will be hurt. No one. You were given a second chance. Can't you find it in your heart to give me one, too?

Olivia: That was a really nice try. But no. I think it's safer for the rest of the world if you stay exactly where you are. So sit tight and rot.

Edmund: Olivia? Olivia!

Blake: Kidnapping children. I mean, it's just sick, it's terrifying.

Eleni: Look, I know how you feel.

Frank: Okay, well, hold on, Blake. First of all, we don't know that she kidnapped any of the kids, all right? Now, can you remember where she might take them? A fun place? A movie?

Blake: Frank, she's trying to get back at us.

Ross: Frank, we should treat this very seriously until we know otherwise, I guess.

Frank: Right, I agree. I'll dispatch squad cars but I need a description right now.

Blake: Of the kids?

Frank: I'm sorry, Blake. Yes, of the kids, so we can identify them.

Blake: Clarissa had... (Voice wavering) She has on green pajamas with little flowers on them and a little pink ski coat. And the boys are wearing yellow and gray ski coats.

Ross: Honey, we will find the kids.

Blake: What if she took them far away, Ross? What if she took them upstate or something?

Ross: She would not do that. These kids are fine. I know it in my heart.

Eleni: Marina! Oh, thank, God. We thought you were at the concert. Honey, what happened? What happened?

Marina: Whoa! Whoa! Calm down! You see what I mean?

Shayne: Well, a fight broke out at the concert and then I brought her home safely.

Frank: Okay, forget about the concert. Where's Tory?

Blake: What happened to my children?

Ross: Did Tory tell you where she took the kids?

Eleni: Marina, the kids have disappeared, and you are responsible.

Marina: Look, nobody has disappeared.

Frank: Marina, is Tory with the kids or not?

Marina: Yes. And they couldn't be happier. Look, you probably just missed the call or something.

Blake: What call?

Marina: Tory said she was going to call you to let you know that she was with the kids. I mean, maybe she couldn't get through. I don't know. Calm down.

Blake: Now I'm really scared.

Tory: Come on, boys. Right in here.

Jason: It's dark.

Kevin: Spooky.

Jason: I don't like this place.

Tory: Oh, don't be silly. You're going to have a great time. Oh, my goodness. See, you guys, isn't this great? Look at all the neat horses. Come on, let's go for a ride.

Jason: How?

Kevin: The horses don't work.

Tory: So we'll use our imagination. Come on.

Clarissa: (Murmurs)

Tory: Imagination. That's right. Come on, everybody pick your horse. We're going to have our own snow derby horse race. All right, hurry up, you're going to miss the starting bell. Do you want to get on the horse?

Clarissa: No.

Tory: Okay, we'll ride side- saddle. We'll ride side-saddle. All right, is everyone ready?

Jason: Ready.

Kevin: Ready.

Tory: All right. Five, four, three, two, one, and we're off-- here we go. And it's Kevin Marler taking an early lead on Snowball.

Kevin: Lightning Bolt.

Tory: Oh, well, excuse me-- I stand corrected-- on Lightning Bolt. Kevin Marler on Lightning Bolt. But wait a minute, there's Jason Marler on... Hey, Jason, what's your horse's name?

Jason: Spot.

Tory: Spot? All right. So Jason's on Spot, Kevin Marler on Lightning Bolt, and they're both running neck and neck. Look at them go. They're so fast. They're running right around the last bend. What a minute? Who's that streaking past them? (Gasps) I think it's number 16. It's number 16 and there she goes! And she's going right over the finish line. And the winner is Clarissa Marler. Yay! (Laughter) High five, you're the winner, sweetheart.

Jason: No fair.

Tory: You're the winner, sweetheart.

Clarissa: I want my daddy.

Tory: Yeah. Okay. (Laughs) Oh, you're fine. You guys want to go again? Of course it's fair. You know, ladies always go first. So you want to ride again??;

Kevin: Can we go again?

Tory: Yeah, let's do it. All right. Ready, get set...

Clarissa: Go.

Tory: (Laughs) What do you guys think will happen if I flip that switch over there?

Clarissa: I want to watch.

Tory: Yeah. We could go up and down. Or maybe we'd get bucked off our horses.

Clarissa: No, we get off our horses.

Tory: I don't know. Anything could happen.

Clarissa: I want to see daddy.

Tory: What do you think?

Clarissa: Where's daddy?

Tory: Come on, we're brave, right? We're brave? All right. (Music playing)

Jason/Kevin: Whoa!

Tory: Oh, my goodness. See? Wow. Isn't this great?

Jason/Kevin: Yeah.

Tory: I always knew I'd make a great mommy.

Clarissa: I want to go with daddy.

Ross: No messages at the office either.

Marina: Look, Tory said she was going to call so that there wouldn't be any surprises when the Marler's got home. But I'm assuming that she didn't?

Ross: No, she didn't. All we found was a note and an empty house.

Frank: Marina, this is serious business, okay. Let's just start from the beginning, and tell us everything that you remember.

Marina: Okay. Well, Tory, came over. I mean, I knew that she was a friend-- the kids were all over her-- and we just decided that she should stay with the kids so I could get to the concert on time.

Frank: Who decided here? You decided or she decided?

Marina: Look, I don't understand why this is such a problem.

Eleni: The problem is that you left the kids with someone the Marler's had just fired.

Marina: Oh.

Eleni: Yeah, oh. And now the kids are missing. We have no idea where they are.

Marina: Well, is it supposed to be, like, my fault that Tory just took them somewhere?

Frank: Excuse me. I need to talk to you for a second. We're going to try this one more time. We told the Marler's that they could trust you with their children and you let them down. And you let me down. Do you know how long it takes to get trust back?

Marina: Yeah, kind of like you trusted me when I first came here, right?

Frank: Sweetheart, I do trust you. I trusted you to baby-sit, I trusted you to go the concert. And it looks like I was wrong. You know, obviously, you're not as grown-up as I think you are-- or mature.

Marina: Dad, the kids wanted to go with Tory. I mean, it wasn't like I forced...

Frank: Well, you know what, Marina? Now I have to find those unfortunate children right now. We will definitely talk about this later. Eleni?

Marina: God, I mean, you'd think those kids were, like, dead or something.

Shayne: They're just worried, Marina.

Marina: Yeah. I really blew it, didn't I?

Shayne: Mm-hmm.

Alan: Since when does a little snow on the ground close an airport?

Olivia: Look, the pilot said it would be a couple of hours. So why don't we relax, have a cup of coffee, and go over our business plan?

Alan: Olivia, I will relax when I see you sunning in a teeny bikini on our balcony in Rio.

Olivia: On my balcony. Because I'm sure we have separate rooms, right?

Alan: Well, they may have lost one of the reservations. Who knows?

Olivia: (Laughs) Well, you know something? I will guarantee you I will find mine but you, on the other hand, you might sleeping the lobby.

Alan: Always so charitable. That's what I love about you.

Olivia: Speaking of charity, I had a conversation with Edmund Winslow. He was begging for alms, enough to post bail.

Alan: Well, I hope you didn't give it to him.

Olivia: Why would I do that? I know what he's done to you and to Beth.

Alan: You don't know the half of it. That charlatan Lorelei Hills is lying in my guest room and she's playing Phillip and Lillian like a violin. If she's still there when I return, I don't know what I'll do.

Olivia: Maybe I can help.

Alan: Really?

Olivia: Yeah, I think so. And you wouldn't even have to lift a finger. No, that's not true. Maybe one. But just to dial.

Marah: You, above anybody else, should know how important family is. This has to be your priority now. What we had started when I was in high school.

Tony: Don't write this off as some high school thing, okay? Because it isn't.

Marah: All right. And then you know what I'm saying is true. We can not see each other anymore. You have to go away with Catalina. Why... Why are you refusing to accept this?!

Tony: I know I have to take this seriously. Baby, you know, it's probably the most important thing that's ever happened to me. See, I didn't have a dad when I was a kid, so I know how it feels. Now, for the first time, I'm getting real. I can finally say that. I love this baby. I do. I love... I love you, too, Marah. And I want you both.

Marah: You can't have us both.

Tony: Man... Man, I really messed up.

Marah: Maybe... Maybe this is supposed to be this way.

Tony: I can't believe that.

Marah: Just... You just got to go, all right? Just go.

Tony: I don't think I can do that.

Marah: It's time.

Tony: No.

Marah: It's time, Tony! It's time! You have to go! (Sobbing)

Catalina: Something happened. Something's wrong.

Ben: Oh, God.

Catalina: I think I'm bleeding. I think I'm bleeding. My baby!

Ben: Nurse, help. Somebody help.

Catalina: Oh, my God!

Ben: Doctor, get in here. Quick! Hurry!

Catalina: Not this baby!

Mel: Okay, sit back.

Catalina: Oh, please... (Sobbing)

Mel: Relax. You're hemorrhaging.

Nurse #2: Blood pressure dropping.

Mel: Pulse.

Nurse #2: 112.

Catalina: What does that mean? What does that mean?

Mel: Okay, that means we're taking you to the O.R. Type and print another six units of blood. Get another bottle of ringers and run it wide open. Come on.

Catalina: But the baby... The baby's going to be okay, right?

Mel: Listen, Catalina...

Catalina: (Hysterical) The baby's going to be okay?!?

Mel: The best thing you could do for you and your baby is relax. Let's move.

Ben: Catalina, you're going to be okay.

Tony: How do I... How do I say good bye to you, huh? Huh?

Marah: You just do. The harder... The longer we do this, the harder it's going to be.

Tony: I want to make sure we understand each other. I don't want to go away with you still thinking that I never wanted you.

Marah: It doesn't matter anymore.

Tony: No, it matters to me. I can say good-bye-- fine-- but I want to do the right way. I want you to remember me as somebody who always cherished you.

Marah: I will.

Tony: You promise?

Marah: As long as you promise to walk out that door, to the mother of your child, and never look back. Not ever.

Tony: Okay. Okay.

Remy: Hey, Kathy, it's Remy. My sister around?

Kathy: She's in emergency surgery.

Remy: Well, could you ask her what time I'm supposed to meet her for dinner?

Kathy: Look, it's really crazy right now.

Nurse #2: We need three pints of AB-positive.

Kathy: Which patient?

Nurse #2: Catalina Quesade, up in op-2.

Remy: Catalina?

Kathy: Look, I've got to go.

Remy: Wait. Kathy? Hello? (Knock at door) Look, I'm sorry for interrupting again, especially since I'm not exactly sure what I just heard, but I just called my sister and is it possible that Catalina's in the hospital?

Tony: No. She's...

Remy: Where?

Tony: I don't know.

Remy: Listen, man, maybe you better check it out then, all right?

Marah: Why?

Remy: Look, all I know is that there's someone in the E.R. with the same name.

Olivia: Look, don't take this the wrong way, because I'm no fan of Edmund's, but as long as he's in jail, Lorelei Hills is going to stay here.

Alan: Are you suggesting that I bail Edmund out?

Olivia: He said that he wants to take her someplace, so if you drop the charges, who knows? Maybe he'll pack her up, they'll go back to San Cristobel, and face the new heir apparent.

Alan: Or maybe not.

Olivia: You have a better idea?

Alan: If I do that, Phillip will have a fit.

Olivia: What price for peace?

Alan: Well, I'm glad you're not one of those sentimental females.

Olivia: I'm sure I'm supposed to be insulted.

Alan: No, that was a compliment. I love the way we think alike.

Ross: Blake, please, honey, sit down. I am so sorry that this happened.

Blake: It's all right, Ross. It's not your fault. I mean, you had no idea how sick she is. How could she do this?

Ross: Well, we don't know exactly what it is she done.

Blake: Ross, this is the coldest night we've had in years. What would possess her to take them?

Ross: I don't know, and maybe I should have seen this coming, but I'm sorry. I just don't know.

Blake: When we find our kids.

Ross: And we will find them.

Blake: When we find our kids, I'm going to deal with Tory personally.

Frank: Thanks a lot. Thanks. Okay, let's put out an APB for this county and the next. Everybody will be looking, so then, we'll take it from there.

Ross: Good. Thank you, Frank.

Frank: You're welcome. It's a really cold night out there, so trust me, people will be inside. They should be very easy to spot.

Eleni: Can I get you guys anything? Do you want anything to eat?

Blake: You know what? I can't sit around here and eat. I have to do something. I've got to find her car or do something.

Frank: Okay, I agree. We should look. Then, Blake, tell me, where can we look? Do you have any idea?

Ross: I don't know. We have no idea.

Frank: Okay, then under friendlier terms, where would she have taken the kids?

Ross: Up to the park?

Blake: Up to the park or the pizzeria, the carousel, but that's closed for the winter.

Frank: All right, fine, then let's just all divide up and go our own ways and search.

Eleni: I'll stay here and hold down the fort.

Blake: Well, it's better than doing nothing. I just want to get to her.

Ross: Honey, I'm going to call home, check our machine once more, see if Tory's left us a message.

Blake: She's already left us a message, Ross. And we haven't heard the end of it.

Edna: I hate this part of my job.

Edmund: Why? Am I being transferred to maximum security?

Edna: No, you're being released.

Edmund: What?

Edna: Alan Spaulding dropped the charges. You're a free man.

Edmund: Oh, I could kiss you.

Edna: Oh, it's against the rules, but be my guest.

Edmund: Now all I have to do is find Lorelei.

Edna: Lorelei.

Edmund: Go away? Phillip be damned.

Lizzie: Hi, Mom.

Beth: Hey, sweetie.

Lizzie: Feeling better?

Beth: I am so much better now that you're here.

Lizzie: That's because I know you're you. But Nana and Dad think you're someone else. We know better though, right?

Beth: Why don't they believe me, sweetie?

Lizzie: They will. I'll take care of it, okay?

Beth: You've always been my big girl, haven't you? Always taking care of me, even when you were tiny.

Lizzie: You're really cold. I'll cuddle with you until you're warm again, okay? You just sleep now.

Beth: I will.

Lizzie: Love you.

Beth: I love you, too, sweetie.

Marah: So she's in the emergency room?

Tony: I don't know. They won't tell me anything. Have you seen my jacket?

Marah: You're wearing it.

Tony: Right. Okay, whatever. What about my keys? Where are my keys?

Remy: They're right here.

Marah: Are you going to be okay?

Tony: Yeah, I'm fine. Sure. Look... I can't believe this is happening. You know, I saw her a few hours ago, and she was fine.

Marah: You know, I'll drive you over.

Tony: No. Marah, I'm fine.

Marah: Fine. Let's go.

Catalina: Dr. Boudreaux...

Mel: I'm right here.

Catalina: What happened?

Mel: I'm so sorry, Catalina. We did everything we could, but I'm afraid we lost the baby.

Catalina: (Crying) No... No.

Ross: Blake, I don't think anybody would be here.

Blake: I know, but we saw those tire tracks.

Ross: Those tire tracks could belong to anybody.

Blake: I know it was a long shot, I just... I just want to know where our kids are. I mean, what did Tory do with them?

Ross: Honey, I don't know, but I think we should get in touch with Frank, see if he's heard anything.

Blake: Okay. All right. Wait a minute.

Ross: Blake?

Blake: Wait a minute. This is Jason's mitten! This is Jason's mitten!

Ross: What?

Blake: They were here.

Ross: Yeah, this is his glove. Yeah, they were here. But obviously they aren't anymore. You know, if Tory brought the kids here, then her intention was not to...

Blake: Kidnap them.

Ross: I wasn't going to say that. It's going to be okay. They'll be fine.

Blake: I just want my babies.

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