GL Transcript Wednesday 2/20/02



Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/20/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Reva: Oh. Thank you. Mm, thank you twice.

Josh: You're welcome.

Reva: You know, to think that I was worried about this-- us. It's been wonderful, Bud.

Josh: Well, I am glad to hear that. Cheers. Because I want you to feel as good about us right now as I do.

Reva: So what are you thinking?

Josh: I'm thinking about what a fool I was to ever let you get away from me in the first place.

Reva: Which time?

Josh: I'm serious. Why didn't I fight harder to hang onto you when things got rough?

Reva: It wouldn't have worked because of who we were then, the way we looked at things.

Josh: Yeah. I suppose we both had our own reasons for leaving, didn't we?

Reva: And at the time, every one of those reasons seemed to make sense. It's just a matter of figuring out a way to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Josh: We just have to not make any mistakes.

Reva: (Laughs) Oh, yeah, well that should be easy.

Josh: Or we have to be ourselves. And I mean that. And I want you to be who you are, Reva. I'm in love with you. The beautiful, sexy, crazy, vibrant woman that I have been lucky enough to spend most of my life with. And whatever else comes along with that package, you bring it on; I'll take it.

Reva: The feeling's mutual, because I'm finally letting myself relax. And I want to enjoy every moment of this.

Josh: You're sure about that?

Reva: Didn't I just spend the last 14 hours showing you just how much I love you?

Josh: Well, I was just thinking there might be some competition out there.

Reva: What?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: From who?

Josh: Oh, an old flame. A very old flame.

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: Now, stay with me on this, see? Now, I distinctly remember the first time you came back from the past, you were not bubbling over about the wonder, the mind- bending experience of going back in time. No. And you weren't going on and on about what it was like to be in New Orleans during the Civil War. You were going on and on and on and on and on and on about a certain Colonel Jack Robechaux, and you couldn't wait to get back to him. Now, I just can't help but wonder if there's something about him that I just can't possibly measure up to.

Reva: (Laughs)

Alan: Ooh. You're welcome.

Olivia: Did you think that was a thank you?

Alan: Well, of course.

Olivia: For what?

Alan: For helping you realize that I can give you everything you need and a little more.

Olivia: (Laughs) Oh, that sounds good. It's completely wrong, but it sounds good. Actually, that wasn't a thank you so much as it was a kiss off.

Alan: Oh?

Olivia: Yeah. Consider it a last moment of contact-- a reminder of what you're going to miss-- because it's never going to happen again.

Frank: All right, Shayne. Way to go, buddy. Good job.

Shayne: Thanks.

Frank: Where'd you put all the snow?

Shayne: On the walk of the shop next door-- my next customers.

Frank: What?

Shayne: I'm just kidding. I piled it all up to the curb.

Frank: You're a funny guy, you know that?

Shayne: Mm-hmm.

Frank: Unfortunately, though, I don't have any money to pay you.

Shayne: What?

Frank: Just kidding. (Laughs)

Shayne: Thank you.

Frank: Oh, and by the way, here's a little extra money for a new joke book.

Shayne: Actually, I want this new cd player, so I'm going to go to the store right now and go get it.

Frank: All right.

Shayne: Is that Marina?

Frank: The one and only.

Shayne: You know, I'm kind of a little bit tired from all this shoveling, so I'm going to ditch this and go grab a quick cup of hot chocolate before I go to the store, all right? Thanks again.

Frank: Yeah. Tired, huh?

Marina: Hey, Grandpa? Hey, can I talk to you for a second?

Buzz: Yeah. What's up?

Marina: Okay, I really hate to be a mooch, but I need money for Rosie's sweet 16 party and I'm totally broke.

Buzz: You're invited to a party already? Well, I just... That's great. How much do you need?

Marina: Um...

Eleni: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing?

Buzz: What? She's invited to a sweet 16 party and I was just contributing to the fund.

Eleni: Oh, would this be Rosie's Sweet 16 Party, by any chance? Yeah, uh-huh?

Buzz: Do you know her?

Eleni: Oh, yeah, him? Rosie's 6'1" with a hairy chest and a guitar. Marina wants the money to go to a rock concert, Buzz, and the name of the group is...

Buzz: Is Rosie's Sweet 16 Party.

Carmen: What are you doing here, you idiot? We're not supposed to be seen in public together.

Maurice: Sorry. It's important. I heard Danny came out of his coma.

Carmen: Not only that, he's asked for me.

Maurice: Don't go. This is my life you're playing with. Nobody knows that you are the one who gave me the order to torch that warehouse.

Carmen: Yes, and you've agreed to take the fall, haven't you? Unless you'd rather suffer a worse fate for leaving my son to almost die in that fire.

Maurice: No. Only, what if he makes the connection when you're talking with him and realizes that I was working for you.

Carmen: Don't you worry about Danny.

Maurice: You told me yourself he's like a dog with a bone when he gets on to something. If he puts this together...

Carmen: I told you, I can take care of Danny. He's my son. I can handle him.

Maurice: It's because he's your son that you should worry. He is a Santos.

Harley: Hey. Is that covered by your HMO?

Danny: Nope. Private nurse.

Harley: Hey, Danny.

Danny: Come on in. Hi.

Harley: Welcome back. We're all really glad you're feeling better.

Danny: Thanks.

Michelle: This isn't a social call, is it?

Harley: No. No, it's not. I am here on police business. Now that you're up and at 'em, we do need to ask you questions about the night of the fire.

Danny: Sure. Okay.

Harley: Okay. How about the obvious one? Have you...

Gus: Sorry I'm late. I was just trying to buy some smokes. There's not one vending machine in this hospital that sells cigarettes. Can you believe that? This whole health thing-- out of hand. How you doing? What's going on? You weren't going to start without me, right?

Harley: No, of course not, but you know, I was thinking, knowing your history with Danny, maybe I should interview him alone; you should wait outside until I'm done. You know what I mean.

Gus: Yeah, no problem. Right, right.

Danny: Hold on a second. Hold on. There's something I want to say to you first.

Michelle: Honey, why don't we deal with this later, when you're feeling a little better?

Danny: No, I want to deal with this right now. Thank you.

Gus: What? For not smoking in your room?

Danny: Yeah, that. And for saving my life. Michelle tells me that you pulled me out of the warehouse before it went up in flames.

Gus: Yeah, well, you know, that was nothing. It's... Thank my training at Quantico.

Harley: Yeah. You know, police cadets, they get that same training drilled right into their heads. You see a building on fire, you go in. Period.

Gus: That's not exactly what I'm talking about, the same training...

Michelle: So it doesn't matter to you that you saved the life of a husband and a father?

Gus: Well, no. What was important to me was saving the life of somebody that I was trailing, so they could testify in court.

Danny: Oh. I see. So I'm a suspect again, is that it?

Gus: No, a witness. Um, this isn't about you anymore, Danny, okay? I'm not after you. It's your mother-- she's the one I'm after.

Marina: You never let me have any fun!

Eleni: Marina, I am not against fun. I am against lying to get money for fun.

Buzz: You should be straight with me, you know?

Marina: Daddy!

Frank: Right here.

Marina: I feel like I'm going crazy.

Shayne: I know what that's like.

Frank: Here we go.

Marina: Look, Mom won't let me go see Rosie's Sweet 16 Party, which is only like my all-time favorite band, for no reason at all.

Frank: You have money for the tickets?

Marina: Well, yeah. Grandpa was going to give it to me.

Buzz: Except for fudging big-time on what it was for.

Marina: No. I said it was for Rosie's Sweet 16 Party, and it was.

Eleni: Okay, Frank. The last time Marina went to a concert, a kid got into a fight and 30 kids got arrested.

Frank: You let her go to a show like that?

Eleni: No. She snuck out, for a change.

Marina: Okay, why don't you just shoot me? All your problems would be solved.

Frank: Hold on here.

Eleni: Marina!

Frank: Hold on here. That attitude's not going to get you anything. I'm afraid the concert's out.

Marina: Daddy!

Frank: Sweetheart, you lied and you deceived your grandfather. We don't do that in this family.

Marina: (Sighs) I am sick of this family.

Shayne: How do you feel about hot chocolate? I could buy you some. You know, sweeten things up.

Marina: Okay. Sure. Thanks, Sean.

Shayne: It's Shayne.

Reva: Was I in love with Jack Robechaux? Absolutely.

Josh: Great. Terrific. Glad to hear it. So I'm in competition with a guy who is 150 years old?

Reva: Oh, wait. Don't forget about John Macgregor. I had a major thing for him.

Josh: You know, maybe I should just put that fire out right now and come back in 100 years and try again.

Reva: Don't you dare, because each one of them was completely different.

Josh: Yeah, but you see, there was something about both of them that made you all warm and mushy inside.

Reva: Oh, yeah. I mean, Jack... (Sighs) ....Jack was so wounded; not just physically, but emotionally, too. He lost his son in battle and he lost his wife to another man.

Josh: So you felt sorry for him.

Reva: I wanted to heal him. It's a very different thing.

Josh: And what about John Macgregor, the Scotsman?

Reva: Oh, John. (Laughs) He was the complete opposite. He was impulsive, devil-may-care.

Josh: I see.

Reva: It seemed like all problems just rolled off his back. He was something. They both were.

Josh: (In Scottish accent) Perhaps...Perhaps I might have to give you a wee taste of John Macgregor from time to time, ma'am... (With southern accent) ...Or call up the memory of that gallant gentleman from the south when you're pining away for the company you used to keep. (In normal voice) What?

Reva: You... You just made them both come so alive for me again, which really is no surprise, seeing as they were both mirror images of you.

Josh: You really were caught up in their lives, weren't you?

Reva: Well, as much a part of their lives as I was, I never lost track of why I went back to the past in the first place, and that was to understand what you were going through in the here and now.

Josh: Seems like a long way to go.

Reva: It was worth the trip, though.

Josh: Well, if you consider the last 14 hours of lovemaking, yeah, I would say it was worth the trip.

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: I guess I was just concerned that now that you've spent some time with my historical counterparts, you might think my best years are behind me.

Reva: Oh, well, if I thought that, I wouldn't have come back. I always knew that there was someone in the 21st century that I wanted to spend more time with than anyone else, and his name is Joshua Lewis. Ooh, sorry.

Olivia: The truth is, I probably won't have a lot of time for you anymore, so ciao.

Alan: Well, then, perhaps I should give you back the keys that you gave me?

Olivia: No. No, no. Keep them. Just know that I probably won't be around if you decide you want to use them. See, I have been offered a job in Rio de Janeiro building a project very similar to the one I built in San Cristobel.

Alan: Really?

Olivia: Yeah. And since I'll be traveling back and forth so much, I won't have a lot of time for those extracurricular activities.

Alan: Mm.

Olivia: Work comes first, you understand that, and this is a wonderful opportunity for me.

Alan: I understand, and Olivia, congratulations! Is something... Is something wrong?

Olivia: Yes, something's wrong. I... I wasn't exactly expecting such a benign reaction from you.

Alan: Well, why not? I mean, obviously you are rising up from the ashes to show Reva and Josh that you are a woman to be reckoned with. I am just thrilled that this job came along for you.

Olivia: Oh, you are just a little too gung-ho for my liking, Alan.

Alan: When you're happy, I'm happy, and I think you're going to love Rio.

Olivia: You know the city?

Alan: Very well. And by the way, when you're down there, I want you to say hello to a friend of mine, Roberto Reyes.

Olivia: Roberto Reyes? That's the man who hired me.

Alan: Really? Well, what a small world. I knew he was part of the development down in Rio, but I had no idea that he would hire you.

Olivia: You liar!

Alan: Excuse me?

Olivia: I knew you were too blasé about all this. I didn't get this job on my talent and abilities, did I, Alan? In fact, I didn't get this job at all. You set this up!

Olivia: Oh, I knew this fell into my lap too easily.

Alan: Olivia, you've been very down lately, and you've... Your marriage has just broken up. You lost the Singapore project. We've just discovered that Beth is gone for good. Now, the only thing I was trying to do was just to do something nice for you, that's...

Olivia: Patronize me.

Alan: No. No, not at all. Look, I can't make that project a success. I can't get inside your head and make brilliant decisions. That's up to you.

Olivia: Oh, gee, Alan, thanks.

Alan: This project will be a triumph or a disaster just because of you.

Olivia: Not anymore.

Alan: What do you mean?

Olivia: I'm not taking the job, Alan.

Alan: That's ridiculous. Now, why don't you just accept it in the spirit that it's offered to you?

Olivia: No!

Alan: Oh, damn it! Olivia, listen, why don't you... Why is it so hard for you to let me make things easier for you?

Reva: Well, it's called gaining perspective. I mean, we had drifted so far apart from each other that it seemed like a fantasy, the idea of ever being with you again. But now maybe we can carry over that fantasy into real life.

Josh: I'm sure we can. We just have to keep on coming up with new and interesting ways to do that.

Reva: Oh, don't start. Don't start again because Shayne could walk in at any moment. Not to mention your daughter. She has a habit of showing up here with all of her dirty laundry. And as for you...

Josh: What about me?

Reva: Well, you, probably, now that we're together, you probably assume that you can bring your laundry over here and add it to the piles I already have.

Josh: Wait a minute. You think I can't do my own laundry?

Reva: Well...

Josh: You think Billy and I aren't doing our own laundry over there, huh? You know, maybe I should consider bringing...

Reva: Oh, no, no, no. No. Don't even think about bringing Billy's laundry.

Josh: Socks and...

Reva: Please, no. (Both laugh)

Josh: Do me a favor, okay? Before this moment ends and before the fantasy just goes away and life becomes about what's colorfast and what's not colorfast, kiss me.

Danny: I must still be in a coma. I thought I heard him say he's not after me.

Harley: Yeah, that's what he said.

Gus: You can give Cooper here the credit.

Michelle: Oh, Harley read you the riot act, huh?

Gus: No, she just showed me that my extraordinary interest in Danny didn't help me to be a better cop or a good team player, or, you know, a good person.

Danny: Uh-huh.

Gus: Well, look, I don't blame you if you don't trust me, you know, so I'm willing to take myself off this case, actually, just as long as you are honest with my partner. Just tell her everything that happened that night at the warehouse, in the warehouse, whatever you saw.

Harley: Who torched the place, maybe?

Gus: Exactly. Because we're pretty sure all the evidence will point back to Carmen.

Harley: But in the meantime, we definitely need as much information as we can get now.

Gus: Oh, yeah. Of course.

Harley: So, Danny, you want to tell us what you remember about the night of the fire?

Danny: Um, I'm sorry. I really wish I could help you, but I can't. I can't remember anything about that night. I don't even remember being in the warehouse.

Carmen: You're up, and you have guests. Popular guy.

Gus: Yeah. Especially with the Springfield Police Department.

Carmen: How would you know?

Gus: Because I'm one of them.

Harley: Detective Aitoro and I are investigating the warehouse fire. Turns out it was arson, you know?

Carmen: Yes, I heard that.

Gus: Carmen, should we be congratulating you that your son is alive, or should we be giving you our deepest condolences?

Harley: You know what? Why don't we come back later and finish up this little chat?

Gus: Sure.

Carmen: Yes. Please, do come back.

Gus: Thanks.

Carmen: I hope you do find the person who did this terrible thing to my son.

Gus: You know, Carmen, if you have any ideas who could be possible suspects, call us.

Harley: Let's go.

Gus: What?

Harley: Listen to me: You want to tell me exactly what your agenda was in there? I'm a good influence on you? I make you a team player? Give me a break.

Gus: Well, it's true.

Harley: It's also bull. You have been on Danny's case forever and now you expect me to believe that you are just backing off, just like that, out of the blue.

Gus: You're good. You are very good, Cooper. I'm impressed.

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: It must be my influence.

Harley: Mm-hmm. What are you up to?

Gus: I am just... I'm playing nice, you know, until he incriminates himself, and his mother.

Harley: You are unbelievable.

Gus: No, I'm just clear.

Harley: I'm going to tell you this again-- I've said it 100 times-- but I'm the lead detective on this case, and I'm telling you, there's no room here for personal grudges. I won't have it.

Gus: You won't even know it's there, okay?

Harley: Listen to me. I'm telling you this as a friend. I understand that you want to get back at Danny because his father killed your father. That's valid, believe me.

Gus: No. You know what? The lead detective should not be able to use psychobabble against her partner, especially when it doesn't make sense, all right? They are not going to go to jail because their last name is Santos. They're going to go to jail because they're guilty. Let's go.

Carmen: I just wanted to come in here and be with you, that's all, Danny, not fend off a police investigation.

Michelle: Well, these things happen.

Carmen: You know how worried I was about you?

Danny: Yes, I do. Michelle told me that you brought a doctor over from China. Thanks. Honey, can you give us a little privacy, please?

Michelle: Sure.

Danny: I need to speak to Carmen alone.

Michelle: Okay. I'll... I'll be outside if you need me, okay?

Josh: I'm sorry about this. I was starving.

Reva: I know. And I'm sorry I didn't have anything in the fridge for you. I guess it's time to get back into mommy mode and fill the larder.

Josh: I'm sure Shayne will be thrilled to get home and find out there's nothing in the refrigerator.

Reva: Oh, yeah.

Josh: Ah, speak of the young devil.

Reva: Ah, it seems to me that his attentions won't be on us, though. Wow. Live and learn. Eleni. Hi, sweetheart. Oh, my goodness.

Shayne: Look who's back in town.

Marina: Yay.

Reva: Marina. Oh, wow. Look at you. Your dad has to be thrilled that you're home.

Marina: Oh, yeah. Yeah, thrilled.

Shayne: She's actually living with her...

Reva: Oh.

Frank: Yeah, with her pain-in-the-neck father, actually.

Reva: Uh-oh.

Frank: Can you excuse us for one second, guys?

Reva: Sure.

Frank: Can I talk to you, honey?

Shayne: So, what's for dinner? I'm starving. I've been shoveling snow all day. If I don't eat something, I'm going to pass out.

Reva: Okay, I guess that's my cue to go to the market. Why don't you keep him company while he waits for Marina to get back?

Shayne: Thank you, Mommy.

Josh: So you're shoveling snow to make some extra money, huh?

Shayne: Yeah.

Josh: Well, good for you. How's school going?

Shayne: It's fine.

Josh: Good, good. I haven't seen Marina in a long time. She seems like a good kid.

Shayne: Kid? Give me a break. Does she look like a kid to you?

Josh: You're right. She's much too grown-up to be a kid. And maybe you are, too.

Shayne: Hmm?

Josh: Son, if there's anything at all that you would like to talk about, I'm here to listen. You know, if you want to talk about school or homework or sports or Marina.

Olivia: Okay. As I recall, you played a major part in the demolition of my marriage, so you'll have to forgive me, but I'm not ready to let bygones be bygones.

Alan: Your marriage to Josh ended by itself because he didn't understand you or your needs.

Olivia: Really? And you do?

Alan: Haven't I proven it?

Olivia: By getting me that job in Rio?

Alan: Work is what you want, Olivia.

Olivia: And what do you get in return, Alan? What's the string that's attached to that act of kindness of yours?

Alan: I get the satisfaction of seeing you be a success in Brazil, and I will revel in it.

Olivia: Oh. Oh. You have money invested in this, don't you?

Alan: What if I do?

Olivia: That is the ultimate string. What better way to control me than by using your financial clout in a project that I'm involved with?

Alan: I have no desire to control you.

Olivia: What do you want to... What word do you want to use? Do you want to use handle? Manipulate? Manage? It's all the same, okay? I get pressured into doing what you want. Well, you can forget about it. I am not going to put myself in that position. Not this time.

Holly: How much money were you going to give her?

Buzz: I don't know.

Holly: You were going to give her whatever she wanted. You are such a softie.

Buzz: How was I supposed to know that what's-her-name's... Rosie's Sweet 16 Party was a band and not an event.

Holly: I knew. Our radio station was giving out promotional tickets for that very concert, but no, I will not get you one. The last thing I want to be is between Marina and her parents.

Marina: Baby-sitting? Forget it.

Frank: What do you mean, forget it? If you want to go to concerts, you need money to go to concerts and I think baby-sitting is a good idea here.

Marina: Yeah? You try it.

Frank: You said you wanted rules; that's one of them. Of course, unless you don't want any pocket cash, huh?

Shayne: Can I guess what it is?

Josh: Hmm.

Shayne: We're going to be talking about Marina.

Josh: I just want to talk about, you know, liking someone.

Shayne: You already gave me the birds and the bees speech years ago.

Josh: No, this isn't the speech about sex, son. That's something entirely different. This is more about, um, getting someone's attention in a positive way. This is very important, Shayne.

Shayne: Okay. So how do I get someone's attention in a positive way?

Josh: Well, first of all, you do nice things for them, you know? You let them know that you care about the things that they care about.

Shayne: Even if you don't care about them yourself?

Josh: Oh, yeah, especially then. I know that seems difficult and I know it's a sacrifice to do things that you don't want to do, but see, sacrificing for someone that you have feelings for, that's all part of... Part of getting closer to them.

Carmen: Danny, before you tell me what's on your mind, I want you to know that I'd do anything for you. You do realize that, don't you?

Danny: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Carmen: Why do you think I brought in Dr. Hong in from halfway around the world?

Danny: And I'm very grateful to you for that.

Carmen: Oh, thank you. You don't know how wonderful it is to hear that.

Danny: That's not the only thing I wanted to say to you.

Carmen: No?

Danny: Uh-uh. No. It's very... It's weird. Lying here, I've been getting all these flashbacks about what happened the night the warehouse burned down.

Carmen: That's good.

Danny: Yeah, yeah. Because it means my memory's not shot after all. See, all this talk with the cops has made me remember a lot of what happened. Most of it, actually.

Carmen: How can you tell?

Danny: Because I remember getting hit from behind by one of your flunkies, who obviously left me there to roast in the fire you set. My mother, the arsonist.

Shayne: So what happened?

Marina: I've got to baby-sit to make money by order of Dad.

Shayne: Mm-hmm.

Marina: I mean, all I wanted to do was to go and see Rosie's Sweet 16 Party. I mean, is that so horrible?

Shayne: It's an awesome band.

Marina: Yeah.

Shayne: How about I take you?

Marina: You'd do that? Really?

Shayne: Of course. I think it'd be fun.

Marina: Yeah, except I don't have any money.

Shayne: I do. You know, I've had some money put away for something, so... I think the concert would be better.

Marina: They wouldn't let me go, anyway.

Shayne: Well, not alone. Should I give it a try?

Marina: Do your best.

Frank: ...The work is too much. Too much.

Shayne: Excuse me, Frank.

Frank: Yes.

Shayne: I just wanted to know how you'd feel about me taking Marina to the Rosie's Sweet 16 Party concert.

Frank: Uh, well, honestly, not very enthusiastic.

Shayne: I'll make sure nothing bad happens to her.

Eleni: Well, didn't you get her a baby-sitting job for...

Frank: Well, actually Ross called and said it would only be for a couple of hours and that they would be back before the concert started.

Shayne: So what's the problem?

Frank: Maybe there isn't a problem. Young lady, you can go to the concert.

Marina: (Cheers) Daddy, thank you so much!

Eleni: Frank.

Frank: Well, we've known Shayne for a long time. I think we can trust Shayne. Right, Shayne?

Shayne: Of course you can. Thanks.

Frank: Yep.

Shayne: That went well. What was that for?

Marina: For being so sweet. I know that I called you Sean before. I'm sorry. There is no way that I would forget that you're Shayne now.

Reva: Joshua. (Laughs) You know very well that I have work to do today. I still have a job and so do you. Well, it is still early. I'm right behind you. ( Laughs)

Josh: Hi.

Reva: What are you doing?

Josh: I'm picking up my laundry. What are you doing?

Reva: Well, no, you're not done yet. What are your clothes doing on the floor?

Josh: Well, I thought I would do the laundry as sort of a romantic gesture. See, I had a little talk with Shayne today about doing nice things for people that you care about.

Reva: (Laughs) Okay. So I guess that means you care about me.

Josh: Well, there aren't a whole lot of women that I would do laundry for, that's for sure.

Reva: (Laughs)

Josh: What were you doing? What were you thinking?

Reva: Well, I thought when I saw your clothes on the floor that you were upstairs, naked, and waiting for me to be the same.

Josh: Oh. So which would you prefer, laundry or lovemaking?

Reva: Both. Just not in that order.

Josh: Great. Come here.

Alan: You know, Olivia, if I really wanted to control you, all I would have had to do was steer that project in Rio to Lewis Construction. Then you would have been home alone and available to me. I make a good point, don't I?

Olivia: Mm-hmm, okay. So what... What is the turn-on for you in all this?

Alan: I get turned on watching you control things and making brilliant decisions. My investment in the San Cristobel project made me millions, so I would gladly roll my dice on you again.

Olivia: Are you trying to tell me that this sweet talk is all a cover? That your motivation is to make money off me? ( Laughs) I love it.

Alan: Well, I'm glad, and I'm a little relieved.

Olivia: Oh, so am I, because I am much more comfortable with Alan the shark than I am with Alan the altruist. So you must really believe in me.

Alan: I do. You know, you're not only a woman with drive and ambition, you have vision. Not many people can say that-- especially your ex-husband. If you chose to do this project, you would make it a huge success. And as for having time with me, you'll make it. Trust me on that.

Olivia: Hmm. Okay. I'll take the job. But don't think that a thank you kiss is coming now.

Alan: It never entered my mind.

Olivia: Good.

Alan: Good luck.

Olivia: You, too. I just want to get one thing straight: Remember, we are doing this on my terms, okay?

Alan: Yes.

Olivia: Or not at all.

Alan: Absolutely.

Harley: You are no longer the maverick FBI agent. You are no longer the no-rules-apply P.I. You are merely a Springfield police detective, reporting to me, so if it is your intention to play fast and loose with the law, you can give me your shield back right now.

Gus: You want to play this game your way, I don't have a problem with that, but don't pin all this on me, okay, because your feelings for Danny and Michelle are getting in the way of this investigation just as much as anything... Anything I got cooking.

Harley: That is so not true.

Gus: Oh, it is. You know, tell it to the judge, okay? We both have a personal stake in this. You just happen to think that Danny's innocent and I just happen to believe he's guilty, very guilty.

Harley: Well, who needs a judge? You've got the guy tried and convicted already. Hey, maybe it's a good thing that Danny can't remember anything about that night because you'd just take it and twist it and use it against him anyway.

Gus: He didn't forget anything. Wake up! Smell the coffee. He's just protecting his mother, and that's a mistake, a big mistake.

Harley: Do I have "stupid" on my forehead? Of course I know that's a possibility, but we have no evidence. We have no evidence. So until we have evidence, I want you to back off, and that's not a request, it's an order. I am still the one giving orders here, right? Right?

Gus: Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Hey. Yeah, it's Detective Aitoro. Listen, I need a 24-hour a day tail on Carmen Santos immediately, starting... Yeah, right. Authorization, that comes from the top. Lead Detective Harley Cooper. Okay. Thank you.

Danny: I remember going into the warehouse, being hit from behind and then coming face to face with some idiot who mentioned you by name. He kept telling me to get out of there, that the place was rigged to go up in flames. He knew that there was going to be a fire, and he knew you. And I realize you probably weren't aware that I was going to be in there when you ordered the place to be torched...

Carmen: Of course, I didn't.

Danny: ...But... But that doesn't mean that it wasn't attempted murder. At least that's what the cops think, and they're obviously on to you. All they need is a little proof, which I can give to them. So what do you know? Not too long ago my life was in your hands; now your life is in mine.

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