GL Transcript Monday 2/18/02



Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/18/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Marah: You know what? Maybe it's time for me to step out from behind my essay. And stop walling off the people who really care about me. Maybe I need to start living my life instead of writing about it and getting it wrong.

Ben: How would you do that?

Marah: You know how.

Ben: Are you sure about this?

Frat guy #1: It's gotten real quiet in there, man. If Reade nails the Lewis chick tonight and we lose the bet...

Frat guy #2: Dude, relax. It won't happen. That girl will never give it up.

Frat guy #1: You sure about that? Ben's played her like a violin. Now he's in there, all alone with her on valentine's day. He just might take her virginity tonight, man, along with our money.

Tony: Will you marry me, Catalina?

Catalina: Put the ring on my finger.

Tony: So, what do you say?

Catalina: Yes. Yes. I love you, Tony. I love you more than I can say.

Tony: I'm going to take good care of you, Cat, you and our kid. Whatever it takes, I'll be there, I promise. What? I thought this is what you wanted.

Catalina: It is. It's what I wanted for a long time.

Tony: Then what's the problem?

Catalina: What you... You just made marrying me sound like an obligation, like a chore...

Tony: No, no, I didn't mean that.

Catalina: Tony. I do want to marry you more than anything-- have a family. But before I can accept this ring, we have to get a few things straight.

Ross: Tory.

Blake: Ross?

Ross: Don't, Tory.

Blake: Ross, Ross, wake up. You're saying Tory's name. Are you having a dream about Tory? Ross?

Ross: Yes. Yes. I was dreaming about Tory.

Phillip: Why is this so hard? You are not Beth! You're not. You are just some woman who looks like her that I don't know at all.

Beth: You do know me. I knew that you would...

Phillip: Don't do that! Stop it.

Beth: Don't do what?

Phillip: Stop it. You know what.

Beth: Stop...

Phillip: Lorelei, I mean it! Stop it!

Beth: Don't! I am not Lorelei! Don't...

Phillip: Stop it!

Beth: I am Beth. I am Beth, Phillip. I am your high school sweetheart. I am... I am... I am the mother of your children, Phillip. I'm Beth!

 Phillip: Man, you are something! You really are. You... You think... You're going to stand here and do this to me again? ( Coughs) Oh, let me tell you something. You can cough until you choke. You're not going to get any sympathy around here. Now, this is going to stop and I mean right now. You are going to stop torturing me, and you're going to stop torturing my daughter.

Beth: Lizzie... Lizzie knows... Lizzie know...

Phillip: Listen, the longer you keep this up, the worse it's going to be for everybody and I mean you.

Beth: Keep what up? You know me. You have to believe me, Phillip. Look at me. Look at me.

Phillip: I'm looking at you.

Beth: Then how could you think that I'm not Beth. How can... Tell me. Tell me what...

Phillip: You've got to stop this.

Beth: ...I have to do to prove to you that you're my family... Phillip, you're my family. If you don't believe me, nobody else is going to believe me. (Sobbing) Please. Please, you have to believe me. Please. Look at me.

Phillip: Hey, you know what? I don't know why I came here.

Beth: Please, please, please, please, Phillip. Please. Please turn around and look at me, please.

Phillip: Okay. Okay. These are the last words that you're going to say to me, so make it good, Lorelei.

Beth: I'm not Lorelei. I think I understand what's going on here. There is someone out there who is... Who is pretending to be me and she looks like me, and she... She's hurt you and she... And Alan and Lizzie and Mom.

Phillip: Right. But it's not you.

Beth: It's not me. No. It's not. It's not me. It's her. It's her, Phillip, and she is still out there!

Catalina: We're talking about a lifetime commitment. And in the past we haven't always been honest with each other. There were things that we didn't discuss-- like your feelings for Marah and for me.

Tony: I told you, that's over.

Catalina: Tony, it has to be. We have to be honest with each other now. We're going to have a child depending on us, plus I can't be uncertain anymore or have any more doubts. It makes me crazy inside and I do really stupid things.

Tony: What things?

Catalina: Those things... Doesn't... It doesn't matter, because right now, starting now, everything changes, yeah?

Tony: Yeah.

Catalina: Okay. Then the truth. I know you still care about Marah.

Tony: (Sighs)

Catalina: Come on, Tony. Admit it.

Tony: I don't know. Maybe. A little.

Catalina: More than a little. I mean, would you have proposed to me now if I hadn't been carrying your child? Don't answer that. I know the answer to that. And it should matter to me, but it doesn't, because I love you. I love you, and I know in my heart that we were meant to have this child together, that we were meant to be together. And I know that someday soon you will believe it as much as I do.

Marah: I'm sorry about the dumb ladder.

Ben: What ladder? All I see is you.

Marah: Don't worry about it. Hey, Ben. Ben.

Ben: This is a great picture.

Marah: Yeah.

Ben: You and Shayne and your parents, you look so... So happy. When was this taken?

Marah: When I was 16, but now I'm a big girl. Hey, what's the matter?

Ben: Nothing. Nothing. How could anything be the matter if I'm with you.

Marah: Ben, look, you don't have to pretend with me, okay? I know something's been weighing on your mind and I think I know what it is.

Ross: I'm sorry. The last thing I should be talking about is Tory on this, our romantic evening.

Blake: Ross, it... I can't believe I'm the one who convinced you to hire her in the first place. How did something so well- intentioned turn so sour?

Ross: Because I encouraged her. I mean, without knowing it, I must have encouraged her. Tory got the impression that I had these deep feelings for her, and that's why she followed us to San Cristobel and that's why she's causing all these problems. I'm so sorry, Blake. I'm so sorry that Tory's doing this.

Blake: Ross, you were just being you. And if she mistook your kindness for something more than it was, that's her problem.

Ross: Yeah, but still...

Blake: No, really. Did you ever do anything that gave her the slightest reason to think that she had a chance? Of course not. It's her problem. Because I know you love me, Ross. And I love you back. We have to have faith in that love, and we just stick to that love, and who gives a fig about Tory Granger? In fact...

Ross: In fact what?

Blake: Well, the way we leveled Tory this evening, I wouldn't be surprised if she never spoke to us again.

Tory: Hi, honey. I'm home.

Catalina: Tony, make love to me.

Tony: Are you... Are you sure that's a good idea? I mean, for the baby?

Catalina: It's safe.

Tony: Okay, but maybe we should check with the doctor first.

Catalina: I missed you. (Knocking at door)

Tony: Coming. Abuela! Hey.

Maria: I'm making some cocoa. Would you like some?

Tony: Um.

Maria: Oh. I'm so surprised to find you here.

Catalina: Hi. Hi, Abuela.

Maria: Forget the cocoa; you want privacy.

Tony: No, no, no, no, no, no. Why don't you... Why don't you stay? Stay. I haven't seen you all day. How have you been? Good?

Maria: As well as I was at breakfast. Oh! Is that what I think it is?

Catalina: Yes. Tony and I are engaged.

Maria: Oh! Oh, my children! Oh, darling... Darling, this is wonderful. Antonio... And you've done all this and you've also taken over the business. And now this. That's great.

Tony: You think she's happy?

Maria: Oh, yes. Yes. You know, this is what I've wanted. And pretty soon you'll give me another great-grandchild? Hmm?

Tony: Listen to her. She's got it all planned out.

Maria: This... This... This calls for a celebration. Champagne.

Tony: Abuela, we drank all the champagne at New Year's, remember?

Catalina: Yeah, we can celebrate another time.

Tony: You know what, though? She's right. You're right. This is the perfect time to celebrate. Why don't I go get some champagne? I'll be right back. I won't be long.

Maria: I'm so happy for you, my darling.

Catalina: I'm glad someone is.

Ben: Weighing on me? Nothing is weighing on me.

Marah: Then how come every time we talk-- I mean really talk-- about stuff that matters, we always talk about my feelings and never about yours. I'll tell you why.

Ben: Marah, I don't want to talk about this.

Marah: Look, Ben, I know your history, and you know my history, and sometimes when you were a kid, didn't you ever just feel like screaming, "Hey, what about me? Somebody pay attention to me. Don't I matter, too?"

Ben: All the time.

Marah: It was always all about them, all about our parents. And they're good people.

Ben: Great people.

Marah: Trying to do the right thing, you know, muddling around doing the best that they could, but... So you can't fault them, you know, but... But sometimes, inside, didn't you ever just feel like you wanted to be a kid, you know, and not have to understand all the time, not have to be an adult all the time. God... God, to have a normal life for a day or a month or even a year. Could you imagine what a miracle that would be? What a huge...

Ben: Relief. You understand. You really understand.

Marah: That perfect picture? It didn't exist. But, oh, how I wanted it to. And so did you.

Ben: You are so beautiful. (Cell phone rings) It'll stop, it'll stop. Just ignore it.

Marah: (Giggles) I can't. You better get it.

Ben: Whoever this is, it better be good. Hello?

Frat boy: How's tricks, Ben? Yeah. Me and Mike just came from the virgin's dorm. We know you're in her room.

Ben: Yeah?

Frat boy: So? Have you done it yet?

Ben: No.

Frat boy: But you will? Tonight?

Ben: What do you think?

Frat boy: Well, I think that--

Marah: Who was it?

Ben: That was one of the guys from the frat.

Marah: Well, you should have told them that you weren't going to be back to the dorm tonight.

Ben: There's a problem. They need me over there.

Marah: What? What kind of problem?

Ben: It can't wait. I'm sorry, Marah. I'm sorry.

Marah: Well, come back when you're done?

Ben: I'm so sorry.

Blake: From now on, we tell each other everything, right?

Ross: Yes.

Blake: I have a confession to make. I booked this room tonight because of Tory. I just thought if we could get the focus back onto us and get away from everything-- the house and the kids-- and change the environment, it just might do the trick.

Ross: But it didn't?

Blake: Just the opposite. The real world came crashing in on us.

Ross: Tory is not part of the real world and she's certainly not part of our world, and we can't let her be.

Blake: That's right. Well, that leads me to another confession. I want to go home.

Ross: Do you mean now?

Blake: Yeah. I want to be home, in our own bed, and I want to wake up in the morning and be with our children. In our house. Our family. Because that's our world, Ross. And the only way Tory can take it from us is if we let her.

Ross: And I'm not about to let her. So, with that in mind, let's go home.

Beth (hysterical): Please, Phillip! I need to see my babies! I'll stay up with you all night...

Phillip: Stop. Stop.

Beth: I'll convince you! Please!

Phillip: Stop. Listen to me: Stop. This has got to stop.

Beth: What's got to stop?! What's got to stop?!

Phillip: This has got to stop. I can't let this go on. You understand me? I can't let it go on. This is... This is no longer just about you and me and the money. You... You are becoming a threat to everyone that I care about, and I can't let this go on. I have got to put a stop to this now.

Beth: What do you mean? What do you mean, you're going to put a stop to it? What are you going to do?

Phillip: I'm going to do the only thing that I can do, and I'm just going to pray that I don't live to regret it. I'm going to bail you out.

Beth: Phillip...

Phillip: I'm going to bail you out, and I'm actually going to do more than that. I'm going to make sure that the charges will be dropped against you. You'll be completely free.

Beth: I knew. I knew... I knew that you would come around. I knew it.

Phillip: Be quiet for just a minute. There are conditions, okay, and if you don't meet them, you will be right back in this jail cell. Do you understand me?

Beth: Conditions?

Phillip: Right. If I get you out of here, you are going to agree that you never come back to Springfield. And I mean never.

Beth: Never?

Phillip: Never.

Beth: You expect me to never see my children again? That's what you expect out of me?

Phillip: They're not your children. Well?

Beth: There's no other way?

Phillip: No.

Beth: All right.

Phillip: You agree to those conditions? Say it.

Beth: I'll do whatever you want, Phillip. I'll leave town and I'll never come back.

Ross: We need to get better lighting out here. Could you move for me a little bit?

Blake: Well, if you could just manage to get us inside, I'd show you some moves that you wouldn't believe.

Ross: (Laughs) Be still my heart. Oh, yeah. We left the desk light on.

Blake: I didn't do that.

Ross: I don't know. Oh, I know what happened, the baby-sitter probably left it on. I'm sure Jeanie stopped by to get some stuff for the kids and she left them out.

Blake: Well, you, me, babysitter-- doesn't matter. We're here.

Ross: (Laughs)

Blake: We're home. And we have the biggest, most comfiest bed upstairs. I say we make the most of it.

Ross: I plan to do just that. I'm going to show you there's no place like home. I'd rather be right here with you than anyplace else on earth.

Edna: Stand back.

Edmund: What did Phillip say to you? Lorelei, what's wrong? Tell me.

Lorelei: I don't know. Just the darnedest thing...

Edmund: Come on. Sit down. Sit down. Okay, what is going on with you?

Lorelei: I don't know. It's just every once and a while, it's like I don't... I don't know how I got here. Just like the last few minutes, just-- poof-- you know?

Edmund: Perhaps this is a cold you're dealing with. Made you all fussy. You're a bit warm, but... What happened with Phillip?

Lorelei: Phillip? Oh, yeah. Yeah, oh... Where'd he go. Where'd Phillip go?

Phillip: Right here.

Edna: Miss Hills, please stand up.

Edmund: What's going on?

Edna: Mr. Spaulding has just paid your bail.

Lorelei: You did? Oh, Phillip, I knew... I knew that you were a good egg. Did you hear that, Eddie? We're free.

Phillip: Oh, no, no, no. No, no. Not him, just you.

Edmund: What?

Phillip: See, I think there's a small chance of redemption for Lorelei, but you're obviously a lost cause. Okay, just so we're clear about the ground rules.

Lorelei: Ground rules.

Edmund: Wait a minute. You and he spoke? You planned this?

Lorelei: No. No.

Edmund: Oh, I see. You're just trying to turn her against me, is that it?

Phillip: Right, that's it. It's all just a big conspiracy, okay? You, once you set foot outside this jail cell, are to leave Springfield and never come back, right?

Lorelei: Never? I can't even come back for...

Phillip: That's the deal. Take it or leave it.

Edmund: Wait a minute, you're not actually considering this, Lorelei?

Lorelei: I'll take it. Yeah, I'll be out of town faster than you can sing "stand by your man." I'll do it.

Catalina: Well, yeah, you might become a great-grandmother sooner than you think.

Maria: You mean?

Catalina: I'm pregnant.

Maria: Oh, how wonderful. Out of wedlock? But... Well, anyway, you'll get married soon, so there'll be no... No shame.

Catalina: Yeah. Abuela, you remember when Tony and I first started dating that you said that you thought that I was good for him, better than Marah. But I knew that he still had feelings for Marah and that he would keep having them unless there was a strong reason for him not to.

Maria: And you gave him the reason.

Catalina: I was on the pill, and I went off without telling him because I knew I might get pregnant, and I did. And then...

Maria: And?

Catalina: I tricked father Ray into thinking that I was going to have an abortion so that he would tell Tony and he did. And then Tony would rush to the clinic and stop me and he did, because I knew that once he understood what it meant to bring a life into the world that he would do the right thing. And it is the right thing, because I love him. I'm going to be a good wife for him, better than Marah.

Maria: You've been a pretty busy girl.

Catalina: You didn't think I had it in me, did you? Neither did I. So, tell me, are you proud of me now?

(Knock at door)

Tony: Hey. I hope this isn't a bad time.

Marah: What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here.

Tony: I know. And I won't be long. I just... I have people waiting for me back home.

Marah: Catalina.

Tony: And Abuela.

Marah: So then why are you here?

Tony: Because something happened tonight and I don't want you to hear it from someone else. It should be me who tells you.

Marah: Okay.

Tony: You know, Marah, I never wanted it to be this way. You know I didn't. But stuff happened... The baby... And now I have to deal with it.

Marah: I know that.

Tony: I have to do the right thing now. So I asked Catalina to marry me.

Marah: (Crying) I figured. I saw the ring at the party. Congratulations.

Tony: You mean that?

Marah: Well, shouldn't I? All right, look, time out. We've got to stop this. We've got to deal.

Tony: Deal?

Marah: With us, Tony. We both know why you came here tonight.

Maria: I hope this isn't too hot.

Catalina: Tea?

Maria: Yeah. An old family recipe to soothe a new mama's tummy.

Catalina: It's bitter.

Maria: More sugar?

Catalina: Thank you. Thank you for looking after me.

Maria: Of course I'm looking after you. You're family now, you and the baby. Drink your tea and don't worry so much. Everything will work out.

Marah: Tony, part of you came here tonight hoping that I would say don't do it, don't marry Catalina and be with me instead, and a huge part of me wants to do exactly that, and I can't help that. But I can fight it. Deciding not to be with you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. But it was the right decision. It was right for you, and your baby, and most of all, it's right for me, and I'm not going to back down.

Tony: You're right. About everything-- you are so right. It's just that I can't... I can't stop loving you. I can't.

Marah: I can't stop loving you. But we cannot act on that. We can't.

Tony: How am I going to do this? How am I going to marry Catalina? How am I going to commit to being with her, while thinking everyday if I'm going to run into you, and have all these feelings come back again.

Marah: It's going to be really hard.

Tony: It's going to be impossible. That's it. I have to do it. I have to.

Marah: Do what?

Tony: To me, Springfield is you. Everywhere I look I see you. I can't go on and not think about you, so... So I have to go, I have to move. Me and Catalina, we'll leave town, that's it.

Marah: When?

Tony: I don't know. Tomorrow. As soon as possible. I have to, right? I have to.

Marah: When am I going to see you again?

Tony: I don't know. Maybe never.

Marah: (Sobbing)

Lorelei: Well, I guess this is it, Eddie, you know, hasta la vista, but don't take it personal or nothing. A-ha! I got you. Oh, lord, the look on your face. I mean, I know that that was mean, but I just couldn't resist that.

Edmund: Wait, wait, wait-- what do you mean, you're not leaving?

Lorelei: Well, I'm sure as shooting leaving this jailhouse. I'm not leaving you, you handsome thing. You thought that I'd hang you out to dry? Oh, come on, Eddie, I'm hurt now. I'm really, really hurt.

Edmund: Oh, come on. Don't tell me you weren't at least tempted.

Lorelei: Well, yeah, I was tempted for a second. But I love you, you big lug. We're in this together.

Edmund: Come here, Lorelei.

Lorelei: You're going to catch my cold.

Edmund: I don't care.

Lorelei: I'll get you out of here. I will. I'm going to find a way to raise the cash and make your bail. I don't know how, but I'm going to do it. I'll be back, I promise. Okay.

Blake: Oh, I love it when you do that.

Ross: I'll have to do it again.

Blake: Guess what I brought back from San Cristobel?

Ross: Mm?

Blake: The coconut oil that we never used.

Ross: Oh. (Laughter) You know what I say to that? Waste not, want not.

Blake: What say you... We go upstairs and run a tub and oil up.

Ross: Oh, you've become a Goddess-- lead the way.

Blake: (Laughs)

Ross: No, no, no, no. Get back here.

Blake: No, no, no, no, no. I forgot... I forgot the... Ow.

Ross: What happened? Are you all right?

Blake: No, I just stepped on something.

Ross: Blake, did you find what you're looking for?

Blake: I sure did.

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