Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/15/02 Provided by Linda Cassie: Well, things wouldn't have to work out if this referendum never happened. And it's your fault that it did. Blake: Okay. Don't open your eyes. Wait, wait, wait. Stop. We're almost there. Ah, open your eyes. Voila. Ross: Oh, this is incredible. Blake: I arranged it with the concierge. Pretty neat, huh? Ross: (Laughs) It's like a movie. Blake: Oh, no. No talking of movies or the law tonight. It's just you and me. I want you to know how much I love you, and how happy you make me. Ross: I don't deserve this. Blake: Oh, yes, you do. You deserve more. This is a little last minute for that champagne fountain, you know what I mean? Ross: (Chuckles) You're something else, Blake. Blake: Well, I hope you feel that way afterwards. Don't go away. Kind of nice to shut out the outside world, don't you think? Even better to shut out Tory's insane lies. Everybody knows sleeping with you is my department. Stay right there. Ben: I'm sorry, Marah. Marah: Look, can we please just go. Ben: I can't believe I picked up Tony's jacket and not my own. Marah: It's okay. It's okay. Ben: The last thing I wanted was to wreck Valentine's Day for you. Marah: No, it's not your fault. Please, can you take this and can we please just go? Ben: No problem. Marah: What? Ben: I just wish I could make you feel better. Marah: Maybe I'm not supposed to. Maybe... Maybe this is a good thing, you know. Ben: Why would you say that? Marah: Because... Because if I didn't see the ring, then I would still have some kind of hope for Tony, but now... Now I've got to let it go, because he's going to marry Catalina. Ben: Marah, don't torture yourself. Marah: No, I'm glad that they're having a good time, really. Somehow I knew that after Tony found out that Catalina would have the baby that he would stay with her. He's such a good guy. And that ring just proves it even more. Ben: Wait, wait, wait-- why not stay, huh? Marah: Stay here all night and try to keep from crying? No, that would be torture. Ben: You can prove to Tony that life goes on, even without him. Marah: I would just much rather go back to the dorm. I don't know, just go. If you want to stay here, that's fine, you know, you can have a good Valentine's Day. I'm sorry if I messed it up. Ben: There's no point in staying if you're not here. Marah: You're sweet. Ben: Here, you know what? I'll take you back to campus, okay? Just let me ditch Tony's jacket. Hang in there. Lillian: Hi, Phillip. How are you doing? Isn't that the sweetest thing? Lizzie and James gave you that, did they? Beth? Phillip: Mm. Lillian: What do you have, a box full of love letters here? Phillip: No, that one's new. Lillian: What do you mean? Phillip: Lizzie refuses to believe that Lorelei is not Beth, so she went down to the jail to see her. Lillian: When did she do this? Phillip: Earlier today. And not only is Lorelei still pretending to be Beth, she gave her that to give to me. Lillian: Oh... Oh. Phillip, this handwriting is exactly like Beth's handwriting. Phillip: I noticed. Edmund taught her well. She's just twisting the knife. Lillian: Well, this isn't going to help Lizzie. Phillip: No, of course not. Lizzie's never going to be able to mourn for her mother as long as this is going on. Well, you know what? It's going to stop. Can you watch the kids for a while? Lillian: Yeah, of course. Phillip: I'm going to go down and straighten this out. I'm going to put an end to this charade once and for all.
__________________________________________ Edmund: You're really going above and beyond here. Beth: What? Edmund: With Lizzie and James. Why... Why do you refer to them as if they are your children? Beth: They are my children. You don't understand. Edmund: No. I have to admit, I'm having difficulty with the concept. Beth: I am their mother. I watched them grow. (Weeping) I'm their mother. Oh, God, this can't be happening. For Lizzie to see me like this... This can't be happening. This shouldn't be happening. Edmund: I find it very touching that you've... You've come to care for Lizzie and James so much. I'm not surprised because I care for them a great deal myself. But, look, as for our present situation, I am going to get us out of here. It's just... I'm sorry, it's just amazing. I mean, the way you speak about Lizzie and James, if I didn't know any better, I'd swear I was listening to their mother. It's just you're so... You're so good at playing Beth now, sometimes you even fool me. Lorelei: Well, of course I'm good at being Beth. I mean, you're the one that taught me how. Edmund: Well, I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that I was the one that taught you. Lorelei: Well, come on, Eddie, don't be modest now. I mean, yeah, sure, things kind of backfired on us, but... Well, that doesn't mean you weren't aces at showing me the ropes. Edmund: Still, my ability, such as it is, doesn't account for everything you've mastered. Lorelei: What do you mean? Edmund: Well, simply, there are aspects about your behavior and personality that I just couldn't have taught you, and yet you've picked them up, as if by instinct. Lorelei: You think? Edmund: Well, the conversation we had just now was a perfect example. It was... It was so natural, so Beth-like. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Lorelei: Well, I guess it must be hard for you, huh? Edmund: What must be? Lorelei: Well, you know seeing all that Beth stuff, 'cause I know how much you love her. Edmund: Loved. Loved. That's in the past now. Lorelei: Oh, come on, Eddie. I know there's a part of you that must still feel. Edmund: All right. All right, there's a portion of my heart, I suppose, that's still reserved for Beth. But by and large I've moved on. It's not a choice, really. The past-- especially my past-- is best left in the past. I can prove that to you. Lorelei: Yeah? Edmund: Yeah. If Beth were to appear before us, right now, and I had a choice between the two of you, I'd choose you. Aide: Excuse me, sir, the referendum vote's starting to come in. Richard: And? Aide: Early reports indicate the people favor a monarchy. Cassie: I would like to see this tally sheet for myself. Richard: The lady would like to see the tally sheet, Steven. Why don't you show her the tally sheet? Well, it seems that Camille has found a purpose in life. Cassie: I'm really, really sorry. Are you okay? Alonzo: I'll be okay. I don't think anything's permanent. I didn't see Camille come in, and I might have blown the whole thing. Or our plan might have been up in smoke if you hadn't delivered that right. Richard: (Chuckles) So everything is still on as we discussed? Alonzo: Yeah, we're 100%. If the monarchy's voted in and I end up as prince, well, the first decree I'll make will put Will off-limits to Camille forever, no matter how many lawyers she hires trying to get custody. Meanwhile, we have to act like we can't stand each other just to keep Camille fooled. Richard: Only until you issue that decree. Cassie: It seems to be working so far. What's going on? What's wrong? Alonzo: I just... You know, I was kind of half-hoping that the vote would favor democracy. I feel like I'm going to be manipulating a lot of trusting folk. Richard: Yes, well, as long as we're working together, the people will get the best of both worlds. Alonzo: You think so? Okay. Look, I'm going to keep an eye on Princess Tiara. I'll check in with you guys later. Richard: Okay. All right, now it's my turn to guess what you're thinking. Cassie: I'm thinking... I'm thinking how brave you are. I mean, you're giving up everything for us, and that's just the most incredible sacrifice. Richard: Darling, I might be giving up a lot, but in return, we get to keep our son. That's not a sacrifice-- that's a bargain. Ben: I'm taking Marah back to the dorm, so don't come back tonight, okay? Catalina: Oh, right, you still think that you're going to sleep with Marah and win your bet. Ben: It's a sure thing, as long as you can keep Tony occupied. But I'm sure that won't be too hard, right? Catalina: Do you even like Marah, Ben? Is this really just about some stupid bet? Tony: So, what, you're going to take off? Marah: Yeah. It's a really good party, but you know, I've had enough. I just kind of want to go home and curl up with a good book. Tony: A book, huh? Marah: Tony, stop it. I know what you're thinking. Tony: Am I wrong? Marah: Ben is a good guy, a nice guy. Tony: Right. Can I ask you something? Marah: I don't know. Tony: If I wasn't with Catalina, would you even look at Ben Reade? Marah: No, you can't ask me that question. Tony: Marah... Marah: Tony, this is stupid, okay? You are with Catalina, and I'm not going to sit around waiting for things to change. Tony: I'm not asking you to. I'm just wondering how it would be if things were different. Marah: It would be different. But you know what? That doesn't matter because we could go around our whole lives doing the whole what-if thing, but it's not going to get either one of us anywhere, so... Besides, I know that you're moving on. Tony: Oh, yeah? Marah: Yeah. Yeah, and so am I, right now. Ben: Excuse me. Ready to go? Marah: Yes, I am. Good-bye. Blake: So, where were we? Here, I think. Am I wrong? Ross: No. It's just that you're so beautiful. Blake: Well, that's not a problem, Ross. We have no problems. We have three beautiful children. We have the most terrific life that just keeps getting better and better, and I am the luckiest woman alive. Ross: No, you are not. This has got to stop. I can't do this to you anymore. Blake: Do what? Ross: Hurt you-- lie to you. I slept with Tory. Blake: That's a joke, right? I mean, that's not funny, but that's a joke. Ross: I wish it were. I wish I could turn back the clock so this wouldn't have happened. Blake: Oh, my God. Ross: We only did it once, and I hated myself for doing it. Blake: When? Where? Ross: At the University. The last day of classes, and I lied to you about that period of time. At that time, I did have feelings for Tory. The mistake I made was telling her that and then asking her not to leave town. Blake: That's why she stayed? Ross: And she came to class that day, and I was there and I was feeling confused, and I was feeling ambivalent about every damn thing. And we got to talking, and then she stayed a little longer. And we ended up making love. Blake: In the classroom? Ross: And how dangerous was that? How stupid was that? Shows you how out of it I was. And the worst mistake I ever made in my life. It wasn't done, because Tory now thinks that we are meant for each other, and she insists that she's in love with me. Blake: (Softly) She told me that she slept with you. Ross: But you didn't believe her because you had so much faith in me, but Tory was telling the truth, and now I don't have the words to tell you how sorry I am. Blake: You lied to me. Ross: Yes, I did. Blake: You betrayed me. Ross: Yes. Blake: You proposed to me out of guilt, didn't you? Ross: No, I didn't. I proposed to you because I wanted... Blake: Has anything you've said or done been real? Has anything been honest, Ross? Ross: Blake. Blake. Blake: Don't you touch me. Ross: Blake. Blake: I don't mean anything to you, Ross. Nothing has been real, because obviously our life has just been a lie. Good-bye, Ross. Ross: Blake, no! Catalina: Hey. Tony: Hey. Look, do you mind if we leave? Catalina: No. Not if you want to go. Tony: Okay. I'll take you back to your dorm. Come on. Catalina: The dorm? Tony: Yeah. Why, is there a problem with that? Catalina: Well, it hasn't been the easiest place to be lately. There's a lot of tension with Marah and I because of the baby. Tony: All right, whatever. Forget the dorm. But you got to sleep somewhere. Catalina: (Sighs) Company. Company. I can stay at Company. Buzz said I could always stay there if I ever needed a room. Tony: A room in a boarding house? Catalina: A room is a room. Tony: Well, no, what if you get one of those twinges again, and what are you going to do? Who's going to take care of you? Catalina: Who would take care of me at the dorm? Tony, there's a phone in the room. I could call a doctor. Tony: No, forget that. Look, what happened to you the other night, I don't want that to happen again. Catalina: Like you said, I got to stay somewhere. Tony: You're going to stay at my house. Come on. Catalina: Are you sure? I don't want to be any trouble. Tony: Look, you're the mother of my baby-- our baby-- and I promised I'm going to take care of him, and that means taking care of you, too, let's go. Lorelei: Do you mean that, Eddie? You'd choose me over Beth? Edmund: Yes. Yes, I would. Lorelei: Why? Edmund: That's a good question. I don't know, I suppose there's just something about a woman who eats pork rinds. Lorelei: I'm serious, Eddie. I'm serious. Edmund: Oddly enough, so am I. I would chose you over Beth. But, in the final analysis, the joke is on me because Phillip has gotten to you, too. Lorelei: Now hold on a minute, Eddie, just because I was attracted to the guy doesn't mean he's got a chunk of my heart. Edmund: No? You seemed to fall rather hard for him. Lorelei: I fell for the package. Edmund: Really? Lorelei: The kids, the money, the house, the built-in family. I wanted that stuff my whole life. But I was ready to give it all up for you. Edmund: Well, I know that you told me that. Lorelei: Now, was I or was I not about to hoof it out of town with you before we got pinched, huh? Edmund: Yes, you were, as soon as Phillip kicked you out of the magic kingdom. Lorelei: You got a hanky or something? Oh, thanks. And let me tell you something, Eddie, when Phillip eighty-sixed me, I could've left town, I could've never seen Springfield or you again, but I didn't. I tracked you down so we could hit the road together. Now, what does that say? Edmund: That you needed someone to buy you barbecue. Lorelei: No, you dope, it says that I love you. I do love you, Eddie. Don't you believe me? Edmund: Yes. Yes, I do. Because I love you, too. Phillip: Well, isn't this cozy? Lorelei: Well, I wish you'd stop staring at me. I'm not Beth. Phillip: I know that. Why did you lie to my daughter? Lorelei: Well, I didn't mean to lead her on, but when she called me on the phone and I just heard that sweet voice of hers... Phillip: I'm not talking about the phone call. Why did you crank up the act for her when she came down here to visit you? Why did you do that? Lorelei: I didn't lie to Lizzie when she came to visit me. Phillip: Don't act like you don't know what was going on. You led her on. She thinks her mother is still alive. Of course she does. Look at you. I can't even look at you. You are Beth. Just without the scars. Without any of the pain. You aren't a victim anymore. You stood up to Edmund. You made peace with Harley. You helped Rick and me put our friendship back together. How did you do that? How did you do that? Was all of that just a lie? Blake: What were you saying no about? Ross: Just all of this trouble that you went through to make me happy. I appreciate it. But you know, don't you, of course, that you don't have to do this to make me love you. It's you, Blake. That's all I need is you. And you'd be beautiful in a broom closet. You'd be seductive in a potato sack. Blake: How about nothing? Ross: Oh, that would work, too. That would work even better. Blake: Maybe the negligee should go, then. Ross: Oh, I think you're right. I think it has to go right now. Blake. Ben: I hope it wasn't all bad. Marah: No, being with you is good. Of course, the opposite probably isn't true. I'm sorry I was such a drag tonight. Ben: I'm sorry I couldn't cheer you up. Of course, the night's not over yet. What are you thinking about? Marah: You really want to know? Ben: Yeah. Marah: Virginity. Ben: One of your favorite topics. Marah: Actually, I'm kind of embarrassed about it. Not because my essay was emailed to everyone in the world, but because I actually believed what I wrote. I don't know, it just seems like a joke now. Ben: Why? You should be proud. You know who you are and where you stand on issues. Marah: That's just it. Right now I'm not sure who I am or what I believe in. Ben: Where is this coming from? Marah: I was thinking about my mom. I mean, here is this woman who's lived this incredible, full, wide-open life. Ben: Reva's kind of famous for that. Marah: Exactly. I mean, she's had a bunch of passionate affairs and now she's back with my father and happier than I've seen her in ages. But she didn't need to hold on to her virginity to know who she was or to go after what she wanted. And then there's Catalina... Ben: What about her? Marah: Isn't it obvious? She wanted Tony, so she slept with him, and now she's pregnant. And it worked, he's going to marry her. Ben: Sex can be a very powerful thing. Marah: Yeah, and what have I been doing this whole time? Playing it safe. Ben: Not true. It took guts to write that essay, put your feelings down on paper. Marah: Yeah, except now I'm beginning to wonder if it was more about fear than empowerment. I don't know. What's so noble about being a virgin queen if it's just an excuse to push people away? Ben: Do you really think that's what it is? Marah: I'm beginning to, at least with me. I've been afraid to get close to people. "People"... Look at me-- men. Men-- I have been afraid to get close to men. But it's been easier for me to just hide behind my virginity than to admit that I am scared. Ben: You are close to me. And I won't let you push me away. Camille: It's official. 98% of the vote is in, and you are the new prince of San Cristobel! Alonzo: You've heard. Richard: Yes, the monarchy's been restored. I hope you're very proud of yourselves. Camille: You could shake his hand, at least. Cassie: Not me. No, thanks. Richard: Congratulations, Alonzo. Or will you insist in Prince William now? Alonzo: I just might. Camille: Well you are Prince William, and there are a ton of people waiting out by the front gate. So we should probably go out there. You should really say something to them. Alonzo: You know what? I'm not much for making speeches. Richard: Oh, I'm sure it will all come quite naturally to you. After all, you're royalty now, aren't you? Cassie: That's right. The people are waiting for you, your highness. Camille: Not for long. Come on. Here comes the new prince! Richard: Well, Princess Camille seems to have forgotten all about Will. Cassie: Are you that surprised? Richard: Any regrets about any of this? Cassie: Now we have our own life and Will's safe. That's all that matters. Catalina: Tony? Is everything okay? Tony: It's fine. I need to tell you how I'm feeling-- about Marah. Catalina: Okay. Tell me. Tony: Things are over between us. And I know I said that before, but this time, things are different. Everything's different. Catalina: And how do you feel about me? Tony: You're my future. You and our baby. And I know I've said that before, but this time... This time I want to prove it to you. Catalina: Tony... Tony: Will you marry me, Catalina? Catalina: Put it on. Tony: So, what do you say? Catalina: Yes. Yes, Tony. I love you. I love you more than I could ever say. Ben: Does this scare you? Being this close? Marah: No. Ben: Why not? Marah: Because I know you. You're my friend. Ben: What would make you afraid? Marah: Being seen-- really seen-- and not wanted. Ben: By someone you had feelings for? That's why you wouldn't make love? Marah: No, that's why I'd be afraid to. I don't know, I think I would just die if I got close to someone and I was rejected, if they just walked away afterwards. Ben: I see you, Marah, and I'm still here. In fact, the more I'm with you, the more I want to see you. Marah: Then maybe it's time for me to step out from behind my essay and stop walling off the people that care about me. Ben: How would you do that? Marah: Maybe it's time for me to start living my life, instead of just writing about it and getting it wrong. Ben: And how would you do that? Marah: You know how. Ross: Oh, Tory... Lorelei: Well, it wasn't all a lie. I wasn't faking how much I cared for your kids... How much I wanted to see you all happy. Phillip: You know what I almost wish? Lorelei: What? Please, Phillip. Phillip: I almost wish that it had just been about the money, that that's all there was to it. Lorelei: It wasn't like that, Phillip. It wasn't. It wasn't like that at all. Phillip: Damn it, why is this so hard? You're not Beth. You're not. You're not Beth, you're just somebody who looks like her that I don't know at all. Beth: You do know me, Phillip. You do know me. |