GL Transcript Thursday 2/14/02



Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/14/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Josh: Wow, look at this. It really is all about love, isn't it? For our heroes, and for our families and friends and neighbors. For each other. What was that for?

Reva: You are the most wonderful man in the world, Joshua Lewis.

Josh: Well, I am glad you feel that way, Reva Shayne.

Reva: (Laughs) So you're not disappointed that I wanted you to come here with me to this Valentine’s Day dance, instead of someplace more intimate?

Josh: Well, I have had the sense that you've been holding me at an arm's length.

Reva: Well, maybe I am. I don't know, it's just that everything's been so right. We're dating. When did we ever date? You know, seriously. And we're talking. And we're spending a lot of time together. This works for me.

Josh: Me, too. What's bothering you?

Reva: Maybe I'm a little scared about taking that next step.

Josh: It's not like we haven't taken that step before.

Reva: It's like every time things were wrong, we knew that we could make love and everything would be right again. We could just shut out the rest of the world, but I don't want that this time. I want it to be right. I want to know that things are right between us before we take that next step, because this time it has to be perfect.

Catalina: Let's dance.

Tony: Wait. You sure you're up for dancing?

Catalina: Oh, come on, Tony, I'm pregnant, I'm not an invalid. And besides, I love dancing with you. And I think it's really good for our baby that we're getting so close.

Buzz: Yo, Cinderella, clock's ticking. You can't exactly wear that to the ball.

Harley: Well, I could say the same thing about you.

Buzz: No. I have a business to run.

Harley: Not tonight you don't. I'm taking over so that you and Holly can be together.

Buzz: You know, this dance is to honor the policemen and firemen's fund, you know. Last I checked, you were on the force.

Harley: Yeah. That's true. But Frank can represent the Coopers, you know? And besides it's a sweethearts dance, and I'm not a sweetheart, you know.

Buzz: Oh, come on.

Harley: Come on, you have to understand why I wouldn't want to go.

Buzz: So you broke your engagement to Rick, right? You know, you don't love him, that's a good thing. You deserve to go out and have some fun tonight. You may even meet someone at the dance.

Harley: Who? A cop? Yeah, a lot of good that did me last time.

Buzz: There will be other men there.

Harley: Daddy, I'm swearing off men for a while. I'm taking a rest. You, on the other hand, you deserve to have a good time with the woman you are head over heels for. Come on.

Buzz: Don't give up on love, kiddo. You know? You've got a heart that's healing, and I hate to think, you know, you'd miss out when the right man comes along.

Harley: Boy, you are such a romantic.

Buzz: I am, as a matter of fact. Happy Valentine’s Day.

Harley: Daddy. You are hopeless. Would you... Would you just get out of here, Holly is waiting for you.

Buzz: Hey.

Harley: Thanks.

Lizzie: How could you bake?

Lillian: Oh, I didn't bake them, Lizzie, I bought them in the store.

Lizzie: Oh. Then how could you buy them?

Phillip: Hey, honey, come on.

Lillian: They're your mommy's favorites, aren't they? I saw them in that store window, and I guess I just went on automatic. Lizzie, um, if I could bring your mommy back to you right now, believe me, I would. But I can't, because she is gone.

Lizzie: She's gone, but she isn't dead.

Phillip: Darling, I explained this to you. Lorelei is not your mother. Lorelei was an impostor.

Lizzie: I don't know Lorelei. I know my mom. Where did you send her?

Phillip: Honey, your grandfather... Your grandfather had her put someplace where she could not do this to anybody else.

Lizzie: Jail. He put her in jail? How could you let him do that to her, Dad?

Phillip: Honey, listen to me, I know that this is very hard for you to understand right now, but eventually, in time, you will. And what you have to do right now, what we all have to try to do right now, and I know it's hard, but we have to try to forget that this happened.

Lizzie: I will never forget my mom. She's alive. I know it in here. If you two could just look at her, you'd know too.


Edmund: Sleeping beauty. She wakes.

Lorelei: Where have you been?

Edmund: Well, the police seem to want to ask me the same five or ten questions over and over again. I think they think that I'll change my story out of sheer boredom. But there was one very charming, incredibly shapely warden who took a liking to me.

Lorelei: Should I be jealous?

Edmund: Dame Edna, no. No, I think she just fancies herself cupid.

Lorelei: Really? Well, is Ms. Cupid going to spring us out of this joint?

Edmund: I know how much you hate being in here, but I also know how much you love presents.

Lorelei: Did you give me something?

Edmund: Valentine’s Day comes but once a year.

Lorelei: That is so weird.

Edmund: Well, you're so very welcome.

Lorelei: No, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie, thank you. I just... I didn't know that it was Valentine’s Day, I mean. How could I forget a thing like that?

Edmund: Well, the prospect of spending several years in prison is enough to throw off anyone's clock.

Lorelei: No, no, no. It's more than that. See, I didn't know that it was Valentine’s Day, but I dreamed it.

Edmund: You dreamed this?

Lorelei: No. No, I dreamed about a wedding.

Edmund: We were getting married?

Lorelei: No. It was Phillip and Beth's wedding. And it was Valentine’s Day, it was a long time ago. Everything was so pretty, it was like a fairy tale.

Edmund: Well, I suggest you wake up, because I will not have you fantasizing about the man who put us in here.

Lorelei: I wasn't fantasizing. I don't know, Eddie, it was weird. It was real... It was like I was there.

Holly: Do you want to talk?

Ross: What?

Holly: You and Blake came back from your vacation days early, you drive to my house to pick up the kids. Did something go wrong in San Cristobel?

Ross: Um, no, everything was just fine. Blake and I thought it would be best to come on home. We do have this wedding to organize.

Holly: Oh.

Josh: Look, I know what we're doing is risky.

Reva: Ah.

Josh: I get that. After all this time, what if we fail? But Reva, love requires a leap of faith, right?

Reva: Oh, yeah. But how many times have we leapt? How many chances do we get?

Josh: I wish I could offer you some guarantee, I really do. Some promise that things would be perfect this time, or better at least. But it's still us.

Reva: Exactly. And falling into bed would be the easiest thing in the world for us to do, because that was never the problem in our relationship.

Josh: Until now.

Reva: I learned at a very young age that I could use sex to get just about anything I wanted, or to cover up things when they weren't right. This time, I want to go into this with my eyes wide open. I want to look before I leap, because I want it to be right. Not just for our sakes, but for our kids' sakes. I just want it to be perfect this time. I don't want anyone to get hurt.

Josh: I really wish I could give you what you need to feel safe, I do. But like I said before, there are just no guarantees. Look around at this crazy world we're living in right now. The one thing I do know is that we have to grab onto every good thing this life has to offer. And for me, that's you.

Catalina: You are being very sweet tonight.

Tony: I'm being what I should be. You know it is true, you are glowing tonight. You look very good.

Catalina: Really? Well, thank you. Actually, I was about to go to the restroom to freshen up.

Tony: You look fine.

Catalina: But I'm going anyway, so I'll be right back.

Ben: (Whistles) Nice ring. But I'm sure she's worth it.

Lorelei: Mmm, this is too sweet.

Edmund: Since when have you ever been discriminating about food.

Lorelei: No, Eddie, I'm talking about you. You're too sweet.

Edmund: Got you something else.

Lorelei: Yeah?

Edmund: Yeah.

Lorelei: What did you get? What's there left to play for?

Edmund: Anything you want. There's an entire world out there to win, and win it we will.

Lorelei: Eddie, I'm glad I'm here with you today. You want some of this? (Laughs)

Edmund: Lorelei Hills, sharing food? You must really care for me.

Edna: Hey, you love birds, public defender's on the phone for lover boy here?

Edmund: You see, I told you we'd be out of here soon. I'll be right back.

Lorelei: Not soon enough for me.

Lizzie: Mom? Mom, is it really you?

Ben: So I guess congratulations are in order. You're a lucky man. Catalina is a wonderful girl. Hey, what's wrong? You're worried she might say no. Don't. She'd do just about anything to be with you.

Tony: How would you know?

Ben: Just an objective observer. I'm sorry, man, I'm just trying to help you.

Tony: You want to help, you keep your mouth shut about what you saw. This is supposed to be a surprise.

Ben: I won't say a word to the bride-to-be. For what it's worth, I think you're doing the right thing.

Tony: For what it's worth, I don't care what you think.

(Knock at door)

Harley: We're closed. If you're looking for your sweetheart, you'll have to go somewhere else. (Knock at door)

Gus: It's cold out here.

Harley: Uh, we're closed.

Gus: Just a slice of pie, a... A cup of coffee's all I want.

Harley: I don't believe you.

Gus: I like it à la mode.

Harley: Well, sounds yummy, but actually, I was on my way out, so you'll have to go somewhere else.

Gus: Got a date... Hot valentine's date, do you?

Harley: Um, no.

Gus: Well, then you won't mind serving me a piece of pie and a little bit of coffee. I'd like my pie heated, please.

Lizzie: Officer, can you let me into the cell?

Edna: That's against the rules.

Lizzie: It's my mother's birthday. Please?

Edna: Okay. A few minutes.

Lorelei: Lizzie, honey, honey. You got me all wrong. You got this all...

Beth: Lizzie, Lizzie. I missed you. Oh, sweetie, it has been so long since I've seen you. I thought that I would never see you again, I... My baby.

Lizzie: Oh, Mommy, we have to get you out of here. How can they not know you're you?

Beth: Of course I'm me. Okay, look, there are a lot of things that I don't understand right now, but I know that I love you. I love you.

Lizzie: Oh, I knew it was you, Mom, I knew it.

Lizzie: I know a way we can get you out. Here. It's a Valentine’s Day card for Dad. I figured if you wrote something, something special, something only you would know, then Dad would know, too, and you would be out.

Beth: Sweetie, Valentine’s Day is a long way off. What day is today?

Lizzie: Valentine’s Day. Your birthday. You and Dad's anniversary.

Beth: Sweetie, Mommy and Daddy got married a long time ago.

Lizzie: But neither of you will ever forget it, though, right? We have to make them see. This is the only way.

Beth: Alan didn't know me. No matter what I said, he didn't know me.

Lizzie: But this is your chance to fix everything.

Beth: Yeah, okay.

Lizzie: So we'll tell them things, things only you'd know about your wedding and about you.

Beth: Okay, sweetie. For as long as I can remember, I loved Valentine’s Day. I thought it was special to be born on that day. I thought it promised something I hadn't experienced much in my life. It promised love. And you fulfilled that promise when we were married on this day so many years ago. I wished I could stop time because I had everything I ever wanted in one place. I had you and Lizzie. I wish I could make sense of all that's happened since that day. I know we're far apart. I know you feel that you don't know me anymore, but I know you. You're the man who taught me about love, the one I'd wait a lifetime for. And I wait for you now.

Lizzie: Mom, it's perfect. I have to go.

Beth: Okay.

Lizzie: I love you.

Beth: I love you, too, sweetie.

Harley: What are you doing?

Gus: Well, it's dark in here. You know, I need to be able to see what I'm doing with the pie, so I can enjoy it.

Harley: Well, there's this wonderful invention called the light switch.

Gus: Oh, but I'm too lazy to...

Harley: I'll do it.

Gus: No, it's... Don't... I... This is nice. Here. Okay. Here, I got you something.

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: It's a...

Harley: A valentine?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: "Roses are red, I wouldn't be blue, if you took the tip to fill my coffee cup, too."

Gus: (Laughs) Be careful with that. I signed it. I signed it "Love, Gus" in there. It's supposed to make you laugh. Should I have... Like a gift? I should have done a gift?

Harley: I don't want anything from you.

Gus: I'm sorry. I... The envelope, I just found it behind... I'm sorry, I didn't... It's just that usually, you know, you're so thick-skinned about these things and I... It's pathetic, forget it.

Harley: What does that mean? "Pathetic?"

Gus: No, you're not pathetic, it's just you're here alone, and that's all.

Harley: That's all?

Gus: No, I mean, you're here alone because you choose to be...

Harley: Choose to be pathetic.

Gus: Can you please not be so defensive.

Harley: Well, maybe I wouldn't be so defensive if you weren't making fun of me every five minutes. I mean, you said nicer things about the pie.

Gus: Oh, look, it's not my intention, it's not what I was trying to say. What I wanted to say was that when I'm not so mad at you, I'm mad about you. And I... I wanted to come over here because I want you to be happy. I want to be happy. You make me... You make me happy. You make me happy.

Harley: Well, why didn't you just say that?

Gus: I know. That's what I should have said.

Holly: What are you thinking of?

Buzz: I'm trying to figure why I get to spend Valentine’s Day with the most beautiful woman in Springfield.

Holly: Nice try. What are you really thinking of?

Buzz: I'm worrying about Harley.

Holly: Why don't you go pick her up, bring her back here?

Buzz: And interrupt our fun?

Holly: Go. And it'll give me a chance to take care of Blake.

Buzz: But what about...

Holly: If we put the kids to bed, then we'll be able to dance till dawn.

Buzz: I don't know, I'm crazy leaving you here. I'm just crazy.

Josh: I have an idea.

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: Why don't you let me take you home.

Reva: Oh.

Josh: Hear me out. I will walk you to your door, give you a sweet, simple, chaste kiss and then I will stand outside on the porch, wait for all the lights to go out, make sure you're safely upstairs, and that will be it. Reva. I'm willing to wait for as long as you need me to wait until you're ready to let me back in.

Tory: Holly. Oh, I love your dress.

Holly: Drop the sweetness and light. Stay away from Ross. He's taken.

Tory: I take it that Blake told you.

Holly: What that you're so desperate you made up some story about sleeping with him.

Tory: Oh, come on, Holly, we both know this isn't the first time Ross has found himself in love with a younger woman. I mean, wasn't he all set to marry you when he fell for Blake? Now, I can understand why Blake might not believe that history could repeat itself, but you're a very intelligent woman, and I would expect that you'd know differently. Now, if you'll excuse me. May I cut in?

Blake: Oh, I think not.

Tory: Well, you let me sleep with him, what's one little dance?

Ross: Tory, would you stay the hell away from us.

Tory: How can you speak to me like that after what we've shared? Ross, you mean everything to me.

Ross: If you care about me, as you say you do, you wouldn't try to destroy the most wonderful thing in my life-- my relationship with Blake.

Blake: Oh, please, Ross, let's just go.

Tory: Fine. Run away. Pretend like nothing happened between us, like I don't mean anything to you.

Ross: Shut up! And I am not pretending. You don't, not anymore.

Tory: All right, fine, Ross, go. Go, but just remember that no matter how far you run, you can't outrun what's between us.

Blake: Oh, just watch us. Ross, I booked a room at the Towers. We're going to get rid of her, and we are going to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Ross: Good, that's exactly what we need. We need to be alone.

Blake: Right.

Ben: It's you... You're freezing. Got goose bumps.

Marah: All right, so maybe I'm a little bit cold.

Ben: Well, I can fix that. I can warm you right up.

Marah: Oh, really. What exactly do you have in mind?

Ben: Well... There. You warmer?

Marah: What's this? Is it your wallet?

Ben: I don't think this is my jacket. I must've picked up the wrong one, Marah.

Marah: It's Tony's.

Josh: Let me get that for you.

Reva: Oh, look, Joshua. A shooting star.

Josh: Make a wish. There you go. Here's your keys.

Reva: Thanks.

Josh: Uh, Reva?

Reva: What?

Josh: You know what I said before about guarantees, right?

Reva: That there are none.

Josh: Well, I still feel that way, but... But there are promises. I can't promise you perfection, but I can promise you that everything I have and everything that I am is yours. When you're ready.

Harley: Wait, wait.

Gus: What?

Harley: No. Wait. Wait. I can't think.

Gus: You don't have to think. Don't be afraid, okay? Rick is not out on the porch with a baby stroller. And the captain is at the party and your father is not in the kitchen making baklava. At least I hope he's not.

Harley: (Laughs)

Gus: We're all alone. We're finally alone. We're alone.

Harley: You don't understand something, I'm never alone. I have all this stuff, I have all these people...

Gus: You just want something of your own. Don't you want something to yourself? Don't you? Come with me.

Harley: Where?

Gus: Anywhere. Nowhere. No pressure, okay? We can talk, not talk. What do you say? What do you say? What do you say? Cooper.

Harley: I have to...

Gus: What?

Harley: I have to turn off the kitchen.

Gus: Turn it off. Close it up. Turn it off.

Harley: Yeah, just meet me... Meet me on the porch.

Gus: Yeah.

Buzz: We're closed.

Gus: Mr. Cooper, it's not what you think. Okay? I'm...

Harley: Daddy!

Buzz: Hi, I came to take you to the dance, it's okay with Holly. I'm glad you're here, because what's his name was about to enlighten me as to why he's here!

Gus: I'll let Harley...

Harley: Yes. Well, he came by for a piece of pie and when I... When I told him that we were closed, he wouldn't take no for an answer.

Buzz: Right.

Harley: Okay. Sounds good, let's go. Sorry. See ya.

Gus: Yeah. (Sighs) Yeah, I'm sorry, too.

Lizzie: Where's Nana?

Phillip: She's in the living room making a phone call. Do you need her? How you doing, sweetheart? I was just going to come up and check on you.

Lizzie: I wouldn't have been there. I went to jail to see Mom.

Phillip: How did you get there?

Lizzie: Does it matter?

Phillip: Well, yeah, it does. But we can talk about that later.

Lizzie: I wanted to prove that it was really her.

Phillip: Did she tell you who she was.

Lizzie: She's my mom. She told me so herself. She wrote you a Valentine’s Day card. Once you read it, you'll just have to get her out of jail. You'll have to. Just read it.

Josh: You sure about this?

Reva: Always, Bud.

Josh: Always, Reva. Happy Valentine’s Day.

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