Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/13/02 Provided By Linda Alan: What are you saying we don't have a case against Edmund Winslow and Lorelei... Johnson: Hills, sir. Lorelei Hills. Alan: The imposter. The woman that insinuated herself into my family, stole my grandchildren's heart and tried to rob us blind. Johnson: It's not as simple as... Alan: Dammit, I don't want any excuses from you, do you hear? The beautiful mother of my grandchildren is gone forever. And these people tried to take advantage of our loss. And they will pay for what they did to my family. Johnson: Yes, sir. Olivia: No. No, you are not talking about Beth. Alan: Please. Please, Olivia. Yes, what you just heard is true. Olivia: No, it can't be true, Alan. I saw her. I saw her myself. Alan: The person you saw was an impersonator, someone pretending to Beth. She and Edmund Winslow came back into our lives and tried to take us for everything we have. Olivia: This is awful. This is like some ongoing horrible dream. Alan: Yes, it is a horrible dream. I think I was with you the night that I heard about Beth's death. I was very upset. You were very comforting to me. Do you remember that? Olivia: Yes. Alan, of course I do. Alan: You practically saved my life that night. No, I'm serious. You did. It was also the night that we made love for the first time. Olivia: Alan, you and I were together when you first heard about Beth, but I would hardly call what we did making love. Alan: I would. For me, that moment was the very definition of making love, Olivia. Olivia: Look, just please. That moment was about one thing and one thing only. You getting what you want. Look on your bright side. You know you don't have to spend anymore of your energy in your quest. You've had me. You can check me off your list. Josh: You know this article doesn't really explain anything. Reva: Cassie, honey, it's me. Would you please give me a call? I'm worried sick about you guys. Just call me as soon as you can. I love you. What does the paper say? Josh: It's pretty cut and dry. The citizens of San Cristobel are going to be voting on whether or not to restore the monarchy. Reva: We were just there. Josh: Yeah. Reva: Everything seemed to be fine. I can't believe that they would honestly take the presidency away from Richard. It's just too much. Josh: Do you want to go back down there and be with your sister? We can do that. Reva: Oh, as much as I love Cassie, we have two incredible kids here who need us. Josh: The kids are fine. Reva: Are they? Josh: Mm-hmm. Reva: Because once again, here we are all wrapped up in our own lives. We don't have a clue about what's going on in theirs. Josh: I don't think the kids are spending all their time talking about us and what we're doing. In fact, I think they're pretty much wrapped in their own lives these days. Marah: Where did you get that? Catalina: This? Tony gave it to me. Why? Marah: That's really sweet of him. Catalina: Well, he's a sweet guy. Marah: I'm late. Catalina: Marah, wait. Marah: What? Is there something wrong? Catalina: No. No. You know about the pregnancy. Marah: Yeah, I answered the phone call. Catalina: I know. I know. It's just that we haven't talked about it and it's been a little weird. Marah: Personally, I think it would be a lot weirder to talk about it. This is your business. Thankfully it's not mine. Catalina: Yeah, but you were with Tony when Ray told him. The day that I... The day Tony found out. Marah: Yeah, I was. I get it. This isn't about me. This is about you. Actually it's about me and Tony. You want to know what he was doing here the day you were at the clinic. Catalina: I think that I have a right to know. Marah: He came over here to see you, and we just... We talked for a little bit and then Ray came over looking for him and they left to go find you. Tony: Hey. It's about time. Any problems or what? Romeo: No. Picked it up just like you asked. Hey, Marah. Marah: Hi. Am I interrupting something? Tony: No, no, no. I just... I came by to see Catalina. Marah: Yeah, I'm sure you did. She's in there. Romeo: And Tony's car was in the shop, so I drove him over here. Marah: Chauffeur or chaperone, I could care less. Tony: You know, Marah, maybe we could sit and... Marah: You know what? I'm late. I got to go. Maurice: Carmen! Carmen! Carmen: What are you doing here? Maurice: I was worried. I heard some kind of specialist is here for Danny. Carmen: And...? Maurice: And if Danny wakes up now, he's going to have a lot of questions, and then we're going to have to deal with that. So maybe now is not the best time to bring in this big shot doctor guy. Carmen: Have you forgotten that Danny is my son? I'm going to do everything and anything possible to help him get through this. Maurice: Even at your own risk? Carmen: My risk? Maurice, my risk? Maurice: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say... Carmen: My friend, the risk is all yours. You see you have two choices. If Danny dies because of your incompetence, you will take the fall. If he survives which I'm praying to God, he does, and he accuses us, you will take the fall. So you see either way, you take the fall, Maurice. Now it's up to you to decide which fall won't break your thick neck. Claire: Mmm, Carmen. So tell me what kind of quackery we're going to perform today? Leeches, voodoo, maybe a little exorcism? So much for your Doctor Hong, huh? Carmen: I was just trying to help. Michelle wanted to try alternative methods. Claire: Well, at least you were trying to help my daughter instead of trying to kill her. Michelle: Okay, stop it. Claire: That's a change. Michelle: Please? Can you stop it both of you? Or I'll find a way to keep you both away from Danny. Danny? Danny, honey, can you hear me? Honey, I'm right here. I'm right here, sweetheart. Everything's okay. It's okay. Claire: Michelle? Michelle, did something happen? Did he have a conscious movement or was it just nervous reaction? Michelle: Come on, Danny. Come on. Can you hear me? You got to tell me if you can hear me, Danny. Come on please, baby, please. Tell me I'm not alone. Come on. Come on. Come on. He's squeezing my hand. He's squeezing my hand. Danny. Michelle: Okay, you. Okay. Hey. We've come this far. I know that you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I know that you could come back from wherever you are, Danny. Come on, I need you. I need you more than ever. We need you, Robbie and me. We're just getting started you know. We took a long time to get our footing, but we have it now. We do. You can't leave us now, do you understand me? You can't. We're just getting to the good parts. Come on, Danny. Come on! Please. Come on, you could do it, Danny. Come on. Honey. Honey. Oh, baby. Harley: Are you saying the person I thought was Beth... No, the person we all.. Beth... Rick: Right. Harley: Was an imposter? Rick: That's right. That's right. She and Edmund are locked up somewhere around here. Harley: I do not believe this. All right, well, where are they? Where are they? Cop: Those two con artists, they were just taken up for questions. Harley: I do not believe this. Well, that certainly explains a lot. I thought she just had a head injury. Rick: Mm-hmm. Harley: Hey, you know what? It explains why we got along so well. It wasn't Beth. Rick: Nope, it wasn't. Harley: Well, I'm sure that Phillip will make sure that Edmund and whoever she is go to jail for a very long time. Rick: Maybe. Harley: Maybe? No there's no maybe after what she did to him... And his kids? Rick: Harley, this gets a little complicated. This actually gets a little complicated. Harley: What? Rick: This woman whose pretending to be Beth, Phillip has feelings for her. Harley: Oh, yes, I'm sure he does. The feeling he'd like to kill her. Rick: No, as bizarre as it may seem, he's attracted to this woman. Harley: Whatever. Whatever. How did you track me down here anyway? Rick: Oh, lucky coincidence. Parking ticket. Parking ticket. Someone in your department doesn't know what MD means when stamped on a license plate, so... Harley: Sorry about that. Rick: That's okay. Harley: I'll take care of it. Rick: You will? How could you take care of it? Harley: Well, I work here. Rick: You do? Harley: Mm-hmm. Rick: What about the maternity leave? Harley: Well, it has to end sometime, right? I figured why not now? Why not now? Rick: No reason. It's just that we just never talked about it. That's all. Harley: Well, I have to get back on the horse, don't I? And if you know, if you're worried about me not spending enough time with Jude... Rick: No, no, no, no. I know. That's not the point. I know that you love our son. And you know, I manage to be able to, you know, play with him and have some quality time with him and mix in work. So I know you can do the same thing. So don't worry about it. Harley: Thank you. Rick: Yeah. Harley: And don't worry about the parking ticket. I will take care of it. That's what friends are for, right? Rick: All right. And good luck getting back on that horse, Cooper. Harley: Thanks, Rick. Rick: All right. See you later. Thank you. Cop: It's good to have you back, Harley. This place was getting kind of dull. Harley: Thanks, Pete. Hey, Pete? Cop: Yeah? Harley: Have you seen my blue coffee mug? It's gone missing? (Laughs) Cop: Yeah, and so were you until today. Harley: Funny guy. No, I'm serious. You know, my blue mug. It's my absolute favorite. Cop: No idea. But it's a good thing you're the detective. Harley: Everybody's a comedian. Where's my mug? Frank: Is everything okay, Detective Cooper? Harley: Yes, sir. Yes, Chief. Glad to be back. Feels good to be back. Frank: Yeah, it's good to have you back. Harley: Yes. Well, I'm excited to get started. Where do I start? Frank: Good to hear that. Well, since the two of you are starting this week then you can just take your time ease your way into the fight. Harley: Right. The two of us. The two of us? Gus: Thanks, Chief. Reva: Just want to check on Marah. Josh: Save your free minutes. Look who just walked into the door. Hey, darling? How are you, sweetheart? Marah: I miss you. Josh: I miss you, too. Reva: With her cold belly hanging out. ( Laughter) How are you? Oh, honey, it was great. Marah: How's Cassie and the baby? The pictures she sent were so cute. Reva: Will is getting more and more adorable everyday. And they all seem to be doing well even with all the changes that are going on right now. Marah: Good. Josh: How's the college student, huh? Marah: Mmm... Josh: Oh, oh. Reva: Is everything okay? Marah: Yeah, it's okay. I'm fine. You know just some exams and stuff on my mind. All right. It's Tony. Reva: Tony? I thought that was over a while ago? Marah: It was and then it wasn't kind of and now it is. And there will be no Tony ever again. Josh: Well, I have to say I'm not all together sorry to hear that. I mean, he has brought a lot problems into your life. But I am sorry if he hurt you again. Marah: No, it's not like that. He couldn't have helped what happened. Reva: Well, what happened? Marah: Nothing. Nothing. It was my fault. I just thought that there was something that wasn't. Reva: Oh, well, that's happened to me... Once. Twice. (Laughs) Okay, look, honey, you can not let what happened with Tony ruin this time of your life. You just... You can't. It's not important enough. It's not like Tony was the only guy in the world for you. Josh: That's right. There's probably dozens of guys out there just waiting for you to give them the word. You could probably be going out with a different guy every night if that's what you wanted to do. Forget it, I didn't say that. Don't listen to me. Reva: No. But your father's not completely wrong. You know what I want for you? I want you to have a life that is uncomplicated and just fun. I want you to have fun-- more fun than I had when I was your age. Josh: Hey. Reva: Well, I mean, of course I did happen to find the love of my life when I was very young, but that doesn't mean that my life was easy. It was very intense and very complicated. And I don't want that for you. Marah: I don't know if that's possible. Josh: Of course it's possible. I'm sure there's a nice, uncomplicated guy out there somewhere. Romeo: You okay? Tony: What are you, my guardian angel? Romeo: Sometimes, yeah. Tony: Well, not this time. I'm fine. Romeo: I see the way you and Marah look at each other, Tony. Tony: Why are you so interested in my love life, huh? Maybe it's because you need to get out there and get one of your own. Romeo: Hey, don't worry about my love life, okay? I'm doing just fine. A lot better than you. Tony: I got responsibilities now, and I'm going to do right by Catalina and my baby, you got that? Hey, Cat. Catalina: Tony. I didn't know you were here. Tony: I just got here. I was about to knock. Look, you go take care of those deliveries and I'll meet you back at Inferno. Go on. Romeo: Okay, boss. Catalina: I'm so glad that you're here. I'm... surprised. It's... Tony: Why? Why are you surprised? Catalina: I don't know. I'm glad to see you. I'm glad to see you. I was actually just about to go take a shower, but I'll be right back. Is that okay? Tony: Oh, yeah. That's fine. I got time. Catalina: All right. All right. I'll be right back. Is there something that you wanted to talk about? Tony: What, I need an excuse to come and see you now? Huh? Catalina: No. No, never. Wait for me in my room. The door's open. I'll be right back. Gus: Can you believe it? We're working together. I didn't plan it. Harley: No, I can't believe it. This day is getting stranger and stranger. Frank: I know he has a bit of a reputation. Harley: That's a bit of an understatement. Frank: He paid his dues at the FBI. That is a level of expertise that we cannot afford to pass up right now. Harley: Why not? Gus: Can I just say something, please? Harley: No, no, I don't think that's a good idea. You can be quiet. Frank: Listen, Detective Aitoro, he came to me, he convinced me that his unorthodox methods, they are a thing of the past. All right? Harley: Oh, he did, did he? Frank: Is there a problem here, Detective? Gus: She's overwhelmed, I think, is all it is. We used to be partners, you know. Harley: Yeah, overwhelmed. Partners. Gus: 50/50. Well, 60/40, we were actually because... Well, what's 10% between friends? Captain, can I ask you quickly, where do I... Can I park all my gear? Frank: Check with your supervisor. Gus: Right, okay, I'll do that. And I'm sorry, tell me again, that is, who's my supervisor? Frank: You report to your direct superior, that is detective first grade Cooper. Gus: Frank is my supervisor? Frank: Oh, no, no, no. Harley Cooper. Alan: "I can take you off my list." Well, that's one way off looking at it, Olivia. Very mercenary, but it is accurate, isn't it? Olivia: Okay. All right, all right. Alan: You know what? Life is too short to sit around pining after something you needed and wanted. Olivia: There was something that I wanted and needed that day, too. Alan: Mmm, yes. Or else it never would have happened. Olivia: And now that I've had some time away from Josh, I think I know what it is. At first I thought I was doing all this to save my marriage and my business, but then I realized that there was something I wasn't getting from Josh. Something that I could get from you. Alan: Is that so? Olivia: You put me up on the pedestal that he never could, and I wanted to feel appreciated and wanted and loved, and he just couldn't. Alan: Tell me something, how did it feel to be up there on that pedestal? Olivia: Powerful. Alan: Hmm. You enjoyed that feeling of power, didn't you? And you know something? That's what I want to give you again. Olivia: Why? Alan: Because you deserve it. You also know how to use power. You use it with confidence and precision. Olivia: Well, that's how I felt that day-- very confident and very powerful. Alan: But you know, there's something I will never understand about that. You fought your own destiny to the very end, just to stay with Josh Lewis. Now, would you please tell me why? Olivia: Because I don't like to lose, Alan. Reva: Is that Ben? Marah: Ben Reade, yeah. Ben: Reva? Reva: Oh, my goodness. No. Oh. Ben: Oh, it's amazing to see you. Reva: I can't believe you are so grown up. Ben: Oh. Well, tell that to my dad-- please. Reva: How is your dad? Fletcher? Ben: Great, great. Same as ever. Reva: Yeah. And Meg? Ben: Doing great, too. She's going to a good school and she's a real doll. I miss her. Reva: I bet. Ben: I'm sorry, hi. Josh: That's all right. Ben: Hi, Mr. Lewis. Josh: You can call me Josh. It's nice to see you again. You'll have to say hi to Fletcher for me next time you see him. Ben: I will, absolutely. Marah: I keep forgetting that you guys know Ben more than I do. (Laughter) (cell phone rings) Will you guys excuse me for a second? This is about a class. Reva: You want to join us? Ben: Can I? Reva: Absolutely. Josh: Have a seat. Ben: Great, thanks. Josh: Sure. Reva: It's so strange to think that after all these years, you and Marah are going to the same college together. Ben: Yeah, it's lucky for me. She has made coming back to Springfield much happier than I thought it would be. You have a wonderful daughter, but I'm sure you know that. Reva: Well, she's been saying some pretty nice things about you, too. Hmm. Josh: Hmm. Reva: Have you heard about the Valentine's Day dance at the country club? Ben: Sure. That's a pretty hot ticket. Reva: Well, I just happen to have two of those very hot tickets that I'm trying to unload, and I would love them to go to friends that we would like to have there. What do you say? Ben: Well, I can't speak for Marah, but I can't think of anybody else I'd want to spend Valentine's Day with. Catalina: Hey. Tony: Hey. Catalina: Thanks for waiting. Tony: No problem. So... Oh. Hey, how are you feeling today? Catalina: Fine, fine. I'm feeling fine. Tony: Good, good. And your classes? How are they going? Catalina: Good. Tony: Good. Catalina: Tony? Tony: Hmm? Catalina: Is there something that you wanted to talk about? Tony: No. No. I just... I wanted to see you. Is that a crime or something? Catalina: No. No, but it seems like there's something else on your mind. Tony: Nope. Nothing. Catalina: Well, actually, I have something to talk to you about. Tony: What? Catalina: Well, a friend of mine had plans for tomorrow night, but then she had to pull an all-nighter to finish a paper. Tony: That's too bad. Catalina: Well, not really, because she gave me these. They're tickets to the Valentine's Day dance at the country club. Would you like to go with me? Tony: Sounds good. Catalina: Yeah? Tony: Yeah. A night out, just the two of us. Carmen: Michelle. Michelle. Did he talk? Is he conscious? Michelle: He's groggy. He spoke. Just a few words. Carmen: I need to see him. He's my baby, Michelle, I have to see him. Michelle: Just two minutes, Carmen, please. No longer. He really needs his rest. Claire: Just a few minutes, Carmen. I think I owe you an apology. Maybe there is something to that Dr. Hong. Michelle: I think it was probably just as much you as him. Claire: Well, I think it has a lot to do with you and the pull that Danny was feeling from you. I mean, Michelle, he obviously is coming out of his coma. This is wonderful, but I've got to tell you, this is going to be rough. I mean, we really need to stick to western orthodox treatment because the rehab is going to be very difficult. Michelle: I'm going to be by his side through the whole thing. Claire: I'm going to check with the head nurse and make sure that his visits are restricted. And maybe we can limit Carmen's visits, as well. Michelle: Just stop right there, okay, please? I know you're trying to help, but just stop. Claire: Stop what? I am trying to help. Michelle: I know you're trying to help and that's what you're always trying to do. You're always trying to help, but right now that's not helping. Claire: What about Carmen? Michelle: I know Carmen, and I can handle her. Claire: But I'm just trying to think of you, Michelle. I mean, Carmen. Michelle: Are you? I wonder. Ben: I just want to make sure Marah doesn't have any other plans. Josh: Well, I'm guessing you can be a pretty convincing guy. Ben: Maybe. Marah has a mind of her own. Josh: Gee, I wonder where she gets that from? Hmm. Reva: Hey. Hey. (Laughs) Ben: Look, thank you. Thank you for the tickets. Reva: My pleasure. Ben: Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some convincing to do. Reva: Good luck. Josh: Good luck. Ben: Bye, you guys. Nice to see you again. Reva: Take care. Josh: Well. Reva: I just hope Marah doesn't think I'm overstepping, giving Ben those tickets. Josh: I wouldn't worry about that. I kind of think she likes him. Reva: Even though she's still pining away for Tony Santos? Josh: It's all the more reason to go out on the town with a guy like that, right? Reva: You know, you're right. When things need to be changed, they need to be helped along a little. Josh: Well, you just help along all your heart desires, as long as you didn't give away our tickets. You didn't do that, right? Reva: I had to... Buy four. (Laughter) See? Josh: Good thinking. Reva: So you'll come with me? Josh: You just try going without me. Reva: What is it? Josh: Well, I'm expecting a call from Singapore. Reva: Ooh, about the project? Josh: Yeah. Reva: The one Olivia's trying to steal away from you? Josh: Well, like I said before, either I'll get it or I won't. I just want to know for sure. That's all. (Cell phone rings) Here it is. Here we go. Alan: That didn't sound too good. It sounded like a loss. Olivia: A setback. It was a setback, that's it. I had an opportunity to capitalize on the success of the harbor project in Singapore. It just didn't work out. Alan: Let me guess: Lewis Construction got the bid. Olivia: I don't know, Alan. It's possible. All right, they got it. They got the project, but it's only because... Alan: It's because they have the resources, the power, the money behind them to make the bid. Tell me something: Are you very upset at losing to Lewis Construction or more upset at losing to Reva? Olivia: Reva has nothing to do with this. She's not a businesswoman. This is about business, pure and simple. Alan: Well, there's nothing pure and simple about you, Olivia. That's what attracted me to you in the first place. You don't like to lose. When you lose, you take it personally. Your instinct is to hit back. Well, why don't you let me help you? Fulfill your destiny; you deserve it. You can use me, my power, my money, and you will never have to lose again. Michelle: You know, you try, Claire, you do. You try. Sometimes you just try too hard to be my mother. And I feel so sad for you, because I watch how hard you're trying and the harder you try, the more I pull away. Claire: What am I supposed to do when you say something like that to me, Michelle? Am I supposed to just leave and give up? I want you in my life. Michelle: No, that's the problem. I don't think you do want me in your life. I think you need me in your life. Claire: Want, need, what is the difference, Michelle? Aren't they kind of connected? Michelle: See, Claire, everything with you comes with an agenda. A price tag. You don't give because it makes you feel good. You do it because you think of it as some kind of a trade. Claire: What I do, I do for you, Michelle. Michelle: You're not being honest. Everything you do is to fill a need for yourself. Claire: What exactly is this need? Michelle: I don't know. I guess to make yourself feel better about giving me up in the first place. Claire: And so what's wrong about that? Michelle: What do you mean? Claire: Michelle, I know that I made a terrible mistake when I was younger and I am... I can't fix what's happened in the past, but I certainly can try to make the present better. You tell me what I should do. You just tell me what I should do and I'll do it. Michelle: It's not a trade, Claire. Claire: Why not? What's wrong with that? I mean, at least we get what we want, what we both need-- a mother/daughter relationship. Michelle: You see, you just don't give to give, and that's why it's always going to be so hard for us. Carmen: Michelle. Danny wants to see you. Michelle: You see, you know, you and Carmen are a lot more alike than either of you realizes. Frank: Now, look. I've made this perfectly clear from the beginning, Aitoro, that you are going to follow procedure to the letter. Gus: Yeah, I understand. Frank: No, listen. You are the junior detective in this department and that means that you report to Cooper about everything. Now, is that clear? Gus: It's all... Yeah, it's... Before, it used to be the other way around. Frank: Right. And that didn't work too well now, did it? Gus: Well, it did. Not at the end it didn't. Frank: Oh, good. I'm glad you agree with me. Cooper, are you up to this? Harley: Absolutely, Chief. Frank: Detective, will you give us a moment together, please? Gus: Yeah. Excuse me. Frank: Is this going to work for you? Harley: Uh, yeah. Oh, that before? I was just thrown. It's fine. Frank: You know, there are still rumors flying around, Harley, that when you and Aitoro were together you were more than just partners on the job together. Harley: That's not true. That's not true. We just worked together. That was it. Frank: Look, your private life is none of my business unless it interferes with your work. Now, it hasn't, and I wouldn't have ask except that you seemed a bit thrown by this assignment. Harley: Well, it's just not... You know, it's not what I thought my first day back was going to be. I thought I'd sit around for a while and drink some coffee and fix some parking tickets. Frank: Listen, this job, it is tough enough as it is. Now, if there's going to be a problem, I want to fix it now rather than later. You're the superior officer, this is your call. Harley: What do you mean, partnering with Aitoro? Frank: About hiring him period. As of now, Gus Aitoro joining this force is entirely up to you. Harley: Chief, it's not my call. It's your call, and if you feel that Aitoro is an asset to this department, then so do I. Frank: All right, then. But I want top-flight work from the both of you. Harley: And you will get it. Absolutely. Frank: Good. Welcome back. Harley: Thank you, sir. Frank: You! (Whistles) Gus: Yes, sir. Frank: Stop by my office. Pick up a copy of the departmental rules and regs-- I'm a stickler for rules. Gus: Got it. I'm a stickler for rules myself, sir. Frank: Oh, good. Then you're aware of section 102, paragraph five? Gus: Section... Uh, yeah, that's the thing with the... Frank: Regarding facial hair. Good. Excellent. Gus: Okay, you got it. Stickler for facial hair... That is a rule that is just begging to be broken. What? Harley: Why did you do this? Gus: Cooper, I thought you said that you were okay with working together. Harley: Yeah, but this is not what I meant and you know it. Gus: Well, it's not exactly what I meant. Please. And what does he have to talk to you in private for? What was that all about? Harley: Oh, nothing. It was just a little refresher course on, you know, one of the bigger rules. Gus: Oh, again with the rules. Rules... Harley: The one about fraternizing between officers. Are you familiar with that one? Gus: Oh. Mm-hmm. Is he for it or against it? Harley: Listen, let's get two things straight, okay? My two rules. Gus: Oh, again more rules. Harley: The first rule is, there's absolutely nothing going on between you and me other than work. Okay? Gus: Got it, yes sir. The second... Harley: The second rule is... Gus: The second rule. Harley: Just give me my mug. Gus: Well, there. That's another rule that's got to be broken right there, the whole mug thing. Because I've got a thing for your mug. Olivia: You are unbelievable. You will take advantage of any situation just to get me into bed. Alan: Well, at least I'm consistent. Isn't there something to be said about that? Olivia: Yes. Isn't it that consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds? Alan: Well, now, you can misquote Emerson, but you can't deny the fact that there is a force that bonds us together. Now, you told me that yourself. Olivia: Did I really? I don't remember that. Alan: Olivia, if you walk out this door alone, we both lose. Olivia: Alan, if I walk out that door alone, we both win. Alan: Oh. What are these? The keys to your heart? Olivia: Better. The keys to my front door. Carmen: He's come back to us. It's a miracle. Michelle: It's not a miracle. He's strong. We're strong. We did it together. And you helped. Thank you for bringing in Dr. Hong. I really think it made a big difference. I'm really grateful to you, Carmen. Now we're finally going to be able to find out what happened that night in that fire. Danny's going to be able to tell us who hurt him like this. Tony: So I will pick you up at 7:00. Catalina: Oh, I don't even know what dress I'm going to wear. Do you have a favorite? Tony? Tony: Huh? Catalina: Are you here or are you someplace else? Tony: I'm here. Here. Why? Catalina: It just... It seems like you have something on your mind. Tony: Well, I do. But it's going to have to wait. All right? Bye. Reva: Oh, congratulations. Josh: Thank you, thank you. Reva: I knew you could do it all along. Josh: Excuse me? Reva: I did! Josh: Wait a minute. Now, weren't you the one who was... You were trying to tell me that Olivia was going to steal this away from me. Or did I just imagine that? It's okay, it's all right. I'm not going to hold your lack of faith in me against you. Reva: That's not what I meant. Josh: I know. Thank you for caring. I appreciate it. Marah: Yeah, yeah. The Valentine's dance? Sure, I'll go. Ben: Great. I'll pick you up around 7:00. Marah: All right, perfect. Thank you, Ben. Ben: It'll be great. I promise to make it a night to remember. Marah: I'll see you tomorrow night, okay? Ben: Okay. Frat boy: She doesn't look any different. Ben: That's because she is no different. Yet. Frat boy: Hey, if you're not going to make good on that bet. Ben: Don't worry, I'll close the deal. Frat boy: When? There's a statute of limitations on virginity. Ben: Tomorrow night, that's when. Frat boy: Doesn't give you much time for a plan. Ben: Oh, I have a plan. Frat boy: You sure? Ben: Positive. The symbolism is too much to pass up. Mark it down, spread the word, take it to the bank, my friend. Marah Lewis will lose her virginity on Valentine's Day.