GL Transcript Tuesday 2/12/02



Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 2/12/02

By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Cassie: This is wrong. It's just wrong. Richard, you've devoted your whole life to San Cristobel. You founded a democracy. We can't just... We can't walk away from this.

Richard: Cassie, please.

Cassie: I'm not going to let Camille destroy this. I'm not.

Richard: Well, what if she chooses to fight?

Cassie: Then we'd be caving to a selfish woman.

Alonzo: Who also happens to be Will's biological mother. Look, you guys know I don't want to do this.

Cassie: Well, then, there has to be another way.

Richard: Well, there's not.

Cassie: So you're saying that for us to keep Will, Alonzo has to be prince? I'm sorry, I just think that's a bit extreme.

Alonzo: If I don't assume the crown, if I don't make Camille a princess, she's going to wage the mother of all custody battles.

Cassie: Let her. Let her. I mean, what are we supposed to do, just let her run us out of the palace?

Richard: The alternative could be worse.

Alonzo: If you want to risk it in court, I'll throw my weight as Will's biological father behind you, but you have to know that Camille stands a good chance of winning. Either way, she's going to make one big stink in the media. Poor mother, hasty adoption. Her lawyer will guarantee that it casts you in the worst possible light.

Cassie: Oh, God. God, Richard, she knows.

Richard: Yes, I know. Your past. She will use it, Cassie, like a weapon.

Cassie: Then she'll make me look like the unfit mother.

Alonzo: You've only heard part one of my plan. There is a part two.

Michelle: Hey.

Rick: Hi.

Michelle: What's wrong?

Rick: (Chuckles) "What's wrong?" Where do I start?

Michelle: That bad, huh? You know, when it rains it pours, right?

Rick: Yeah, and occasionally you get snowed. Michelle, there's an impostor running around town pretending to be Beth.

Michelle: You're kidding.

Rick: No. She's been scamming the Spaulding family for months now.

Michelle: Oh, well, tell me they caught her. Wow. As if Beth hasn't had enough grief-- marrying Edmund Winslow, almost dying in a flash flood-- and now this. Wait... What?

Rick: This Beth that you're referring to? This woman...

Michelle: Yeah? No.

Rick: She's an impostor.

Michelle: It's impossible.

Rick: No. Her name is Lorelei Hills.

Michelle: This is so bizarre. She looks exactly like her. Wait a minute-- I had dinner with her at Moon Lake. I had no clue.

Rick: Well, none of us did, Michelle. None of us did.

Michelle: So then, if Beth didn't come back...

Rick: There was no miracle. Beth didn't make it.

Michelle: Oh, Rick, I'm so sorry.

Rick: I just really feel for Phillip. He's been through the mill on this. I just... I just wish there was a way I could help him, you know? Hey, Jenny.

Nurse #1: Hey, Rick.

Rick: Thank you.

Nurse #1: Yeah.

Nurse #2: Where's Dr. Boudreau?

Rick: On a date.

Nurse #1: She's out with Ashton King.

Nurse #2: You mean "Cannonball" King, the football player?

Nurse #1: Yeah. She won't be back for a while.

Nurse #2: Unless her date's intercepted.

Ashton: This is so embarrassing. Since when am I allergic to shellfish?

Mel: Well, allergies can happen any time, especially food allergies. We'll give you some antihistamines. It'll be all right.

Rick: Mm-mm... Those naughty little shellfish. Those were some bad shellfish. So, does the restaurant pick up the tab here, or do you just tack it on to the insurance claim? (Quietly) I'm sorry.

Blake: (Gasps) (glass breaking) What are you doing here?

Tory: You told me to let you know if there was anything you could do to help me with my future.

Blake: You followed us down here?

Tory: There's something we have to get out in the open, Blake, and it's something that will greatly affect both of our futures.

Blake: Oh, my God. You're stalking Ross. Tory, this is sick.

Tory: Listen to me. I truly am sorry for the pain that this is going to cause you.

Blake: Careful. You might hurt yourself.

Tory: Maybe we should sit down.

Blake: I don't think so.

Tory: I think you should.

Blake: I think you should leave, Tory.

Tory: Listen to me: I have been more than patient. I have offered Ross plenty of opportunities to come clean, but unfortunately he has insisted on being just a little too considerate.

Blake: What the hell are you talking about?

Tory: You already know. If you think about it, deep down inside, you already know. Ross and I are in love, Blake, and it's time for you to finally admit it and let him go.

Blake: You and Ross in love? Oh, God, where do you get off, Tory? Coming here and stalking Ross, and telling these hurtful lies?

Tory: It is not a lie.

Blake: It is pathetic. Ross and I are engaged. Ugh.

Tory: I am well aware of that.

Blake: Then what is this, this last resort? Oh, Tory, you're pathetic.

Tory: You know, I used to admire you.

Blake: Please.

Tory: But that day that you came to the cabin crying in front of Ross just until he left and then you turned around and you lashed out at me? I realized in that moment just how manipulative and nasty you really are. Ross deserves so much better than you. And I'm going to give it to him.

Blake: (Laughs) You definitely are not, sweetie.

Tory: You sound so sure.

Blake: Tory, what makes you think that you could come here and stalk Ross and fling yourself in front of him and he would abandon me for you?

Tory: You really want to know?

Blake: Whatever this is, it's not going to work.

Tory: Oh, well, my, aren't we confident? Must be the ring. I guess, for some women, a diamond will mend anything.

Blake: You know what? You just get out of here before Ross sees you.

Tory: Why should I hide myself from him?

Blake: To spare yourself further humiliation, dear.

Tory: He already knows I'm here, dear.

Blake: Excuse me?

Tory: That's right. So I guess that little ring on your finger doesn't mean as much as you think, because I already had your fiancé. He made love to me, Blake. He just didn't have the heart to tell you.

Blake: You and Ross?

Tory: We made love. In his classroom. All over his classroom, in fact.

Blake: Oh... Oh, you are so sick. Ugh. I can't believe you are so hurtful.

Tory: I'm only being truthful.

Blake: I just had no idea you could stoop this low, Tory.

Tory: Oh, come on, Blake. You must have felt Ross drifting out of your life and into mine.

Blake: (Laughs) What an imagination you have!

Tory: So do you. What were all those things you were doing? Creeping around, peeking through windows, seeing if you could try to catch us doing something naughty.

Blake: No, no, no, no. You're not going to make me use my jealousy against me, because that's not going to work.

Tory: You know what? This is really too funny. I finally admit what you've suspected all along-- that Ross and I are lovers-- and you refuse to believe me. Quite ironic, don't you think?

Blake: No, I think it's pathetic. Because it was never Ross I was worried about.

Tory: Well, it takes two to tango, so I think your logic's a little flawed.

Blake: Well, I happen to trust Ross with my soul.

Tory: That's unfortunate. You know, especially considering you of all people should know exactly what he's capable of. I mean, didn't he cheat on your own mother to be with you?

Ross: Blake? That's the university on the phone. Clayton wants--

Tory: Hello, Ross. Well, Blake, you trust Ross with your soul? Then I think you should go ahead and ask him for yourself.

Rick: (Laughs)

Nurse #2: Mr. King's hives are spreading.

Mel: Aminophylline, and set up a dopamine drip.

Rick: Give him a shot of cortisone. Is his airway clear? I mean, is his tongue swollen like a balloon? Then he's not hypertensive. Just, you know, give him a shot of cortisone. He'll be fine.

Mel: And a topical antihistamine, please.

Rick: Right. And give him that industrial- strength size, because he's... You know, he's a big guy.

Mel: You are really getting a kick out of this, aren't you?

Rick: Mm.

Claire: Michelle, I know how hard this is for you, but I just want you to know that if you want to talk, I'm here. Okay?

Michelle: Thanks.

Claire: You're determined to punish me for not being super-mom, huh?

Michelle: Not now, Claire. Okay?

Claire: Now is the perfect time to bury the hatchet, Michelle. You know, I did save Danny's life once before.

Michelle: You're fishing for compliments, now?

Claire: No. I'm trying to be your mother. And Danny's physician.

Michelle: Well, I'm on the verge of losing it right now, okay?

Claire: I know how that feels, believe me.

Michelle: And I don't know how much longer I can hang on.

Claire: Michelle, you are a strong person. You can get through this. I know you can.

Michelle: I don't know. I don't know.

Claire: Well, you're going to have to dig a little deeper, that's all, for your husband's sake. I know you can get through this. It's going to take a while.

Michelle: What do you mean, a while? How long? A week? A month? A year? I can't sit here and do nothing when there are other things we could be trying.

Claire: Other things? What do you propose that we do?

Carmen: Turn elsewhere. Danny's coma is obviously beyond your range of expertise, so I have flown in a world-renowned expert healer.

Claire: "Expert healer"? By whose standards?

Carmen: Michelle's. And her brother, Dr. Bauer. Dr. Hong is a miracle worker.

Claire: So, how'd you convince him to come to Cedars? What, did you threaten to break his kneecaps?

Carmen: You'd be surprised how easily things can happen when you open your mind.

Michelle: Look, if Danny is going to come out of this, we have to work together, right?

Claire: Well, I... I suppose that depends on what this "expert" plans on doing.

Alonzo: There's no reason that Richard should have to lose everything to save his family.

Cassie: He's devoted his entire life to San Cristobel.

Alonzo: Let the people vote. If they want me as a prince, then the first thing I will do is issue a decree making Will's adoption iron-clad.

Cassie: So Camille won't be able to sue for custody.

Richard: And our family will be safe.

Alonzo: But here's what I've been trying to tell you: I'm no prince. So the second thing I will do is make Richard my right-hand man. He'll still call the shots.

Cassie: From behind a curtain?

Alonzo: No. No, out in the open. He should make all the big decisions. I want him to.

Richard: Darling, the important thing is that our family will be safe.

Cassie: This is a lot to process, you know?

Richard: Alonzo, I think we need some time.

Alonzo: Okay, but as you know, Camille's on the warpath.

Richard: Yes, and with Colonel Dax in her corner. And should he hire a high-powered attorney...

Cassie: And he can get her access to the media.

Alonzo: Either we go with my plan or you take your chances in court. It's your family.

Cassie: And Will's future.

Alonzo: Which is why it's up to you. But you have to make a decision tonight. (knock at door)

Cassie: Hi. Thank you for coming.

Nancy: My pleasure. Sorry, I was on a media junket. I got here as quickly as I could.

Cassie: That's okay. I just have a few questions, and they're pretty important. They concern the president.

Richard: John, thank you for coming.

Lawyer: What can I do for you, Mr. President?

Richard: Well, I have a couple of questions, and they concern the first lady.

Cassie: They concern his career. I was just wondering what would happen, say, if we had to go to court.

Nancy: Yeah?

Cassie: Would a custody battle destroy his presidency?

Nancy: So this has to do with Will?

Cassie: And considering the source, this could get pretty ugly.

Nancy: The president fought hard to stabilize San Cristobel in the wake of Prince Edmund. Now this?

Cassie: Richard's happiness means everything to me. So I need you to tell me: Will this destroy him?

Richard: So if we opt to go to trial, I just need to know, you know, what could happen to Cassie?

Lawyer: They're going to drag her through the mud. They'll spin it that you cut corners to adopt Will, that you greased the birth mother, packed her off to the states. And this business with the crown, the secrecy, on the heels of Edmund's coup, the earthquake...

Richard: Yes, all right, all right. I've got it. So I'll be tarred and feathered in the media. Well, you know, I'll survive, provided we can guarantee that they won't take that boy away from Cassie. All I care about is her happiness.

Cassie: So if San Cristobel turns against us, there's... There's no guarantee that Richard will be able to salvage his presidency.

Nancy: None, whatsoever. I don't envy you. What do you want to do?

Richard: Thank you again, John.

Lawyer: You're very welcome, Mr. President. Any idea what you're going to do?

Richard: (Sighs)

Cassie: (Sighs)

Mel: You know, I would think that you'd be too busy planning your wedding to Harley to stick your nose in my business.

Rick: Speaking of Harley, there's something I've got to...

Mel: I mean, honestly, Rick, what do you expect me to do? Stand here and label patient files all night?

Rick: Will you just give me a chance to explain?

Mel: No. I'm not going to give you a chance.

Rick: Why not? Why won't you just give me one...

Mel: Because I need to get a life, okay? And I need to stop mooning over some guy who has an already-made family at home.

Rick: But you don't know the whole situation.

Mel: No. You know what? This is none of my business, okay? And from now on-- and I mean this, Rick-- whatever goes on between us is strictly professional.

Rick: That's fine. That's fine.

Mel: I don't want to hear another word.

Rick: Will you just give me a second?

Mel: No. I do not want to hear another word.

Rick: You haven't given me a second ever since you were walking down the hallway...

Mel: That's it. It's over.

Nurse #1: Hi.

Rick: Hi, Jenny.

Nurse #1: Hi.

Rick: How you doing today?

Nurse #1: Good.

Rick: Good.

Nurse #1: Hey, I heard you broke up with Ms. Cooper.

Rick: Yeah, I did.

Nurse #1: Well, that's really too bad. You know, if you ever need a shoulder, just...

Rick: You sure?

Nurse #1: Yeah.

Rick: Okay. Just a friend, that's all. Listen, I'm going to go over to Company and get a bite to eat. Can you cover for me? Great, thank you.

Ashton: Hey. Hey.

Mel: Oh, hi.

Ashton: When the guys are in the office and hounding me for details, would you mind if I spin the... Our date a little different?

Mel: Yeah.

Ashton: Our date.

Mel: Yeah, no, no. That's fine. Totally.

Ashton: Thanks, thanks, thanks. Any interest in a rain check? Steakhouse.

Mel: You know what? Ashton, you are an incredibly, incredibly sweet man and very accomplished and...

Ashton: It's the cream, right? Right? I fought for the gel, but the nurses are tough, you know.

Mel: Any woman who is lucky enough to go out with you should be very honored, but...

Ashton: Ouch! And there's a "but," too?

Mel: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry but I just feel like it's unfair for me to lead you on when I'm preoccupied with someone else.

Claire: You know, I do understand alternative medicine's appeal.

Michelle: So you support this?

Claire: The benefits are marginal at best, Michelle.

Carmen: Well, the conventional approach is not working for Danny whatsoever.

Claire: Well, you know, not every case has a quick fix, Carmen, and if you think you can just fly in this charlatan and override my authority, you've got another think coming.

Carmen: This was not my idea, Claire. It was Michelle's.

Claire: No need to hammer it home.

Carmen: I only enabled Dr. Hong's visit.

Claire: Yeah, because you knew it would infuriate me, that's why.

Carmen: Get over yourself. I'm only fulfilling Michelle's wish and trying to bring back my son.

Michelle: I just can't believe how narrow you're being about this.

Claire: I can't believe that you're turning to a quack.

Michelle: Claire, he's performed miracles.

Claire: With his faith-healing garbage?

Carmen: Successful documented stories.

Claire: Like the placebo effect, right?

Carmen: Just because he doesn't subscribe to western medicine doesn't mean he cannot help Danny.

Claire: Well, you can cling to your mumbo-jumbo, I really don't care, but it's not going to happen in my hospital.

Carmen: Is it because you think he can hurt him? Or because he can help him, and you can't?

Tory: I'm sorry. I know you told me to stay away, Ross, but I had to tell Blake. She had to find out sooner or later.

Blake: Did you know she was here?

Ross: Yes, I knew Tory was in San Cristobel.

Tory: I'm going to leave you two alone. I think you two have a lot to discuss. I'll see you later.

Ross: What did she say? Blake, what did she say to you?

Blake: Well, she had nerve. She told me that you made love to her, that you two were having an affair.

Ross: Blake, I want you to understand something...

Blake: Please, Ross, you don't have to... Ross, Ross, Ross, please. Look, I knew something like this was going to happen. I just convinced myself otherwise because I trusted you.

Ross: I know that, and that's why I need to explain that...

Blake: No, don't! You and Tory making love in your classroom? What is that, fantasy material? I mean, she thought that I would actually believe that? Of course not. Oh, please don't look at me like you think I'm going to burst out into tears, Ross. Give me more credit than that. My God. My jealousy destroyed us once, and I'm not going to let that happen again. I really did learn my lesson.

Ross: Yeah. I'm just as stunned at Tory's behavior as you are.

Blake: She needs help, Ross, and I realize that you don't see that.

Ross: Oh, believe me, I see it now.

Blake: Well, that's good. That's good, and I hate to say "I told you so," but since she told us about the story with Stewart, I've never believed... I still don't think she's telling us the whole story, Ross.

Ross: Well, you know what? That's pretty much irrelevant.

Blake: But the point is, she's a liar, and I'm so glad that you finally see that.

Ross: Did you believe her at first?

Blake: Ross. You would never betray me. We've worked too hard to get where we're at. I wouldn't... We're getting married again-- for all the right reasons. Oh. There is one thing that I'm bothered by.

Ross: What?

Blake: When you realized that Tory was in San Cristobel, why didn't you tell me?

Michelle: We're not here to debate eastern and western medicine, we're here to help Danny.

Carmen: Exactly.

Michelle: Claire, you're a doctor. I've studied medicine. Even a normal layperson knows just from watching TV and reading the papers that the mind/body connection's proven.

Carmen: Western medicine makes a distinction for the sake of simplicity.

Claire: And scientific accuracy.

Michelle: Which we both know falls short of explaining things, especially when it comes to healing. So unless you feel there's a medical threat to Danny, I'd like to give Dr. Hong a chance.

Claire: Fine. But I will research his credentials.

Carmen: Thank you.

Michelle: There's no need to thank me. You know I'd do anything for Danny.

Carmen: I just pray that Dr. Hong is up for one of his miracles.

Michelle: Me, too.

Carmen: Danny has to come out of this. He just has to. And when he does, I'm going to make sure I get my family back together.

Michelle: At this point, I almost hope you succeed. Right now I just want Danny back. And then we're finally going to find out what happened that night in the warehouse.

Carmen: Well, the important thing is to bring Danny back.

Mel: Hey.

Rick: Hey.

Mel: About our last discussion.

Rick: Kind of one-sided, don't you think?

Mel: Yeah. Can I press rewind and go back to the part where you were going to tell me about you and Harley.

Rick: Oh, yeah, Harley, of course, why not. Go ahead, sit down. Harley and I decided it's not going to work out between us, so I've moved out, and we're going to raise Jude together except we're going to do it apart. It's the best thing-- except the timing.

Mel: Timing?

Rick: Timing. Timing. You and me. Our timing. Our timing stinks. From the very beginning, it stinks. I mean, you know, you're available, I'm not available. And then suddenly, you know, Dr. Suave is footloose and fancy- free, and then you hook up with this football guy, who looks like he can eat beer cans for lunch. And I'm not going to mess with him, you know? Right? I mean, you're going to go out with this guy again once his face clears up, and why shouldn't you? He is smart and he's successful. And you know what? It is a story of my life. Mr. Timing. Right woman, wrong time. Well, you know what? At least you're not in love with Phillip.

Mel: Can I say something here?

Rick: What's left to say? What is left to say? I cannot compete with Ashton King. There, I said it. Check his credentials next to mine. What am I? What is Rick Bauer? I am a local doctor who is divorced and has a child out of wedlock. You know what, Mel? You did the right thing. This Ashton King is the right guy for you.

Mel: You're wrong. I'm looking at the guy I want.

Cassie: I've been looking all over for you.

Richard: Well, I was looking for you.

Cassie: I was with Nancy.

Richard: I was at the lawyer and we were talking about what a custody battle might do...

Cassie: Me, too, Richard. If we went to trial, I couldn't stand the thought of you being the center of a smear...

Richard: I'm not going to let anyone drag your name through the mud. I don't want to...

Cassie: And you would lose the presidency...

Richard:...Risk losing Will. Listen, I just want you...

Cassie: I just really want you to be happy.

Richard: ...To be happy. So it looks like... It looks like Alonzo's plan is the only option.

Cassie: There has to be another way. There has to be an angle that we're not looking at here.

Richard: I can't see it, and listen, we're running out of time.

Cassie: You were destined to rule San Cristobel. It's inconceivable that you would have to surrender it, Richard.

Richard: I was destined to be with you. I'm only going to be giving up a title, all right? And this way we won't have to give up our son. I'll never forget the first day when you held him, how your eyes lit up. Darling, that boy was meant to be your son.

Cassie: How did it come to this?

Richard: I don't know. But you know what? I made a promise to myself that day and I promised Will would be yours forever. That promise is going to be kept. Oh, God. All right, so we're going to do it. All right? All right, we're going to put the vote to the people and they will vote for Alonzo. They have to vote for Alonzo.

Cassie: No, I can't see them voting against you, Richard.

Richard: They have to. All right, they're going to be voting for a monarchy, it's a way of life that they're accustomed to.

Cassie: I can't believe this is happening.

Richard: We can get through it. We can get through anything, because we're together, okay? All right, so I'm going to call a press conference, and we're to announce Alonzo's intentions to become prince. And we'll hold a referendum.

Cassie: You're amazing. You are. I have never been prouder of you than I am right now, and I've never loved you more.

Richard: I love you, too.

Rick: Don't mess with me. I'm very vulnerable right now.

Mel: I'm not messing with you. If you haven't noticed, I'm a very serious woman.

Rick: Okay, then tell me something serious.

Mel: I want you.

Rick: Wow. This is... You do? That's great. I mean, that's great, because I want you, too.

Mel: I kind of figured it would go that way.

Rick: Well, this is incredible, because I want you and you want me and, hey, we're both available. And so... Well, what's next?

Mel: That's a good question.

Rick: Well, I guess the first thing we need to do is just figure out what we're going to do with the work situation, how we're going to handle it. I guess we should probably tell people right off the bat that we're... That, whatever... What are we doing?

Mel: Dating.

Rick: Dating. Dating, makes sense. So we're dating. Of course we're dating. We're grown-ups, right, so? I just... Are you sure you really want to do this with me, because Mel, I do, I come with so much baggage, you know? I'm divorced, I have this child out of wedlock.

Mel: You said that.

Rick: I did. I just... I just have a very complicated life.

Mel: Rick.

Rick: I do. I just have a very complicated... I don't want you to pass a guy like Ashton King up for a guy like me.

Mel: Rick.

Rick: What?

Mel: You talk way too much.

Michelle: Well, Dr. Hong, hi. I'm Michelle. Thank you so much for coming. This is Danny. I really, really hope that you can help him.

Dr. Hong: I will re-channel his energy. He will harmonize his life force with the universe.

Michelle: Okay.

Dr. Hong: And he will heal himself.

Michelle: Is there anything I can get for you? Anything that you need?

Dr. Hong: Only a moment of solitude with Danny.

Carmen: Is that Dr. Hong?

Michelle: Yeah. Yeah, he's in there with him now.

Carmen: Thank you. I know you're praying for him. So am I.

Ross: Blake, I didn't tell you that Tory was in San Cristobel because this was our romantic getaway; I didn't want her to spoil it.

Blake: Well, she's not going to, Ross. I won't let my jealousy get in the way, not this time.

Ross: Good, I'm glad to hear that.

Blake: Did you know about this? Did you realize that she was in love with you?

Ross: Recently, yes.

Blake: Well, why didn't you tell me?

Ross: Because I was afraid that you...

Blake: That I would react with insane jealousy? Ross, don't you realize by now that I trust you completely?

Ross: Oh, yes, I understand that. And that's why I'm so sorry that this happened.

Blake: No, you shouldn't be sorry. Tory's the one who should be sorry. She's delusional. Ross, she thinks you are in love with her.

Ross: Yes, I know.

Blake: She's capable of stalking you, who knows what else she might do. Should we be doing something?

Ross: Yes, of course we should. And don't you worry, I'm going to put an end to it.

Mel: I mean, this is the way it should be. Very simple. You, me, here, now.

Rick: Here? Right now?

Mel: (Laughs) (pagers beep)

Both: The hospital.

Rick: Yeah. Saved by the beep. Let's go.

(Knock at door)

Aide: Mr. President, the camera crew's here. The press corps is filtering in.

Richard: All right, thank you. You coming?

Cassie: I don't think I could stand there and listen to you tell the people that they can restore the monarchy and have you resign. I would burst out in tears.

Richard: You know, it could be good, that, you know? Could convince Camille.

Cassie: I'll be here, waiting for you, okay?

Aide: Mrs. Winslow, you can watch on closed circuit.

Cassie: Thank you.

Richard: I'll keep this brief and I will not be taking questions afterward. What I need to tell the people of San Cristobel can no longer wait. This constitutional crisis has tugged at the very fabric of our nation and threatened to pull it apart. I love San Cristobel too much to allow that to happen. So I will be proposing a referendum, a referendum to restore the monarchy, should you wish. And should that be the case, I will be stepping down as your president.

Alonzo: Somebody wants his mommy.

Cassie: Hey, there. Come here, sweetie.

Alonzo: Richard's doing right by you-- and Will.

Ross: The more I think about it, the more I think I should take care of Tory on my own.

Blake: Okay.

Ross: I'll make it very clear that she has to stay away from us. But I'd prefer not to start doing it here. I'd like to wait till we get to Springfield where I know the territory.

Blake: The local authorities?

Ross: I don't believe it will come to that, but, yes. Blake, I feel terrible that this has happened. This was supposed to be our romantic getaway.

Blake: It was, until Tory showed up.

Ross: I'll make it up to you.

Blake: You already have. You know, I don't mind going home early. I have a wedding to plan. (Soft laughter) Let's go home.

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