Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/11/02 By Linda Ross: What in the hell are you doing here? Tory: I just couldn't think of a better place to have an intimate conversation. Ross: Put this on. And you keep it on, all right. Blake is right out there. Blake: Hey. You want some company? Ross: Blake, don't come in here. I don't know what's going on, but the water's cold. I don't know what's happening. Listen, would you go to the room and pick up the sunscreen and get my shampoo. I think it's still in my suitcase, okay? Blake: Gotcha. I'll be right back! Ross: Dear God, will you please get the hell out of here? Dax: Camille, whatever it is, we don't have time for it. Camille: Well, you better make time, because this is going to change your lives. Alonzo: It's going to change all of our lives. But I want you to hear it from me. Dax: Hear what? Camille: Well, I think it's obvious and I've been talking and we've... Alonzo: We've come to a decision. It wasn't easy, but I've been doing some thinking about what's happened to me lately. I was never raised to be heir to the throne, so of course the idea is foreign to me. But denying my birthright that's not right either. Dax: What are you saying? Alonzo: I want a vote. I want the people to decide if they want San Cristobel to a monarchy again. I want to be their prince if they'll have me. Lillian: (Crying) Now I've lost my little girl all over again. Oh, Phillip... Lizzie: What's wrong? Why is Nana crying? Lillian: Oh, honey. Oh, honey. Lizzie: It'll be okay. It can't be that bad, can it? Phillip: Lizzie, sweetheart, sit down. Come here. Lizzie: Is it Grandpa? Did something happened to Grandpa? Phillip: No. Come here. Sit down. Your grandfather's fine. But there's something that I need to tell you. It's about your mom. Lorelei: Excuse me. Excuse me, officer. I think that there's been some kind of mistake. My name is Beth... Cop: Let's move it. Come on. Lorelei: Beth Raines. Thank God. I think... What are you doing here? Edmund: Much the same thing you are. Beth: Okay, officer, excuse me. I don't know what this man is trying to pull, but I don't belong here. Edmund: Hold on. This is going to be very good. Beth: I need to speak to the man in charge. If I could just speak to the man in charge, I'm sure we... Cop: You're talking about Frank Cooper. Beth: Right, Frank. Yes. Yes, Frank... Frank Cooper. Tell Frank that there's been a terrible mistake. That Beth Raines needs to speak to him. I'm sure that this man belongs in here, but I do not. Edmund: You can't be serious. This is never going to work. Cop: Why don't you take a seat and simmer down? Beth: I didn't do anything. Now if you just get in touch with Frank, I'm sure we can clear up this... Cop: He's on a break. Beth: Okay. Then if you could please call my ex-husband, Phillip Spaulding. Edmund: Yes, by all means, call Phillip Spaulding. I'm sure he'll clear everything up. You know, if I were you, Beth, I think I'd give Ross and Harley a shot. Because maybe with them you have a 50/50 shot of pulling this thing off. Beth: No, no, no. Listen to me. You have to call... You have to call Phillip or Alan... Alan Spaulding. Or my mother, Lillian Raines. Cop: I'm not calling anybody. Beth: No... Cop: Step aside. Beth: You can't put this man in here with me. This is a dangerous man. Edmund: Oh, you bet I'm dangerous. Beth: Look, I don't know why I'm here. One minute, I'm one place and the next... You did this. You did this, didn't you? What? What did you do? Did you drug me? Did you hit me over the head? Edmund: Nice try, but the man isn't buying it. So why don't you just give up? Beth: (Crying) Of course. This is all your fault. This is... Okay, look. Just stay away from me. Don't touch me or I'll swear to you-- Edmund: I know. I know. I know. You'll call the police. Look, I promise to be on my best behavior, all right? Beth: Excuse me? Excuse me, sir? Sir? Excuse me? I... Look I know my rights! I want to speak to a lawyer. This can't be happening to me. This can't be happening. Edmund: Look. We're not going to be in here forever, all right? Beth: Just stay away from me. Edmund: All right. I understand that you're angry for me not getting on board, but I could see the bloody train wreck happening a mile away. Beth: Just shut up! I'm going to be out of here in a matter of hours. Alan... (Laughs nervously) Alan, I am so glad to see you. They wouldn't let me call you and... Well, I don't know... I don't know why I'm here exactly. But I know that there's been a big mistake. Alan: I'd say there has. A big mistake. Beth: I just need to get out of here. I need to get back to Lizzie and James. Are they all right? Alan: I'm amazed that you can even ask that question. Beth: Alan, I need to get out of here, okay? How long do you think it will take to figure this out and get me out? Alan: Get you out? (Laughs) I'm the one who put you in. Phillip: We Spaulding's are very lucky. We've talked about that before, haven't we? Lizzie: I feel lucky all the time. Phillip: Yeah. We get to live in this big, beautiful place and we have horses and we have cars and all kinds of nice things. But mostly... Mostly, we have a wonderful family. And we love each other very much, don't we? Lizzie: And now that Mom's back, things are perfect. So why does everybody look so sad? Phillip: Darling, you know how we've also talked about how sometimes we have to be careful because there are strangers, people that we don't know very well, who want the things that we have and how sometimes they might try to take advantage of us to try to get them? Lizzie: Like how? Phillip: Sweetheart, there are people out there who want very much to have what your family has. So they'll do anything to try to make you happy just to fit in. Lizzie: Fit in how? Phillip: Lizzie, do you know what an impostor is? Lizzie: Sure. Phillip: That's when somebody pretends to be somebody that they're not, right? Lizzie: I know, Dad. Phillip: Okay. Lizzie: But what does that have to do with Nana? Phillip: Well, there was a woman, she was a stranger, and she wanted to have children like you and James. And as a matter of fact, she wanted... She wanted to be your mom so much that she pretended that she was. She talked like your mom and she dressed your mom, and she really looked like your mom. And she told us that she had come back from Mexico. But, see, we know now that that wasn't true. Lizzie: You don't mean... (Crying) No, no. Someone else, right? Someone I haven't met? Lillian: No, Lizzie, you have met her. We all believed that the woman who came back was your mommy. Lizzie: But she is! Phillip: No, honey. Listen to me. That's why we're all so sad. Because the woman who has been acting like your mom, the one that looks so much like her, is really somebody else. Your mom is in heaven like we thought she was. Lizzie: No. You're wrong. No. My mom didn't die. Phillip: Yes, she did, honey. She did. Lizzie: No, no. Don't say that. I know her! I saw her! Phillip: Oh, Lizzie, we all thought we saw her, honey. But it wasn't your mommy. It wasn't Beth. Your mother... Your real mother never came back from Mexico. It's true, sweetheart. Rick: It's true, sweetheart. It's not easy on any of us, but it's true. Lizzie: I don't... I don't believe you. My mom didn't die! She's not dead. Phillip: Come here. I'm sorry. Cassie: Since when did you want to be prince, Alonzo? Since when? Alonzo: Since I've had some time to think about it. Cassie: That's funny, because you told us that you weren't interested. Matter of fact, you went on national television and made an announcement. Richard: I thought we settled this days ago. Alonzo: So did I. But Camille and I got to talking about everything I'd be missing out on and I realized that I'd better give this a shot, so I don't have any regrets later on. Cassie: So Camille talked you into this? Alonzo: Nobody talks me into anything. Or out of it for that matter. My mind is made up. Cassie: Just like that? Alonzo: Camille and I have an understanding. I won't be alone in this. She'll be by my side. Camille: I think Alonzo was just insecure about accepting the title, because of the way he was raised. Alonzo: But she helped me get over that quickly. Richard: So you want to claim the throne? Alonzo: If the people vote me in. Cassie: Oh, this isn't right. And this isn't you. Camille: Well, maybe you didn't know Alonzo as well as you thought you did. Cassie: If you do this, you will be undermining everything Richard has worked for. Camille: Alonzo is one of the people. He knows their needs better than anybody. Alonzo: I'm sorry if this seems like I'm dropping this in your laps, but it's the only way it can be. Look, this is tough on all of us. All I'm trying to do right here is just put it right. Cassie: Right? You call this right, Alonzo? Alonzo: It's the way it has to be. Cassie: So you're just not going to walk away? Alonzo? Richard: Let it go. Cassie: Like hell! Alonzo?! Richard: Let it go. Cassie: This is Camille, Richard. This is all Camille! Richard: Or maybe we don't know Alonzo as well as we thought we did. Ross: You keep this on. Tory: Ross... Ross: It's time for the stunts to stop. Tory: What stunts? I only did this because I wanted to see you. Ross: I'm not going to tell Blake anything, all right? What we had, what we did, it is over and I'm not going to hurt her, because of nothing. Tory: I am not nothing. Ross: That's not what I meant and you know it. Tory: Don't you ever call me nothing. Ross: Don't you pretend to misunderstand what I'm saying, because it is very simple. I love Blake. I do not love you. Tory: Yes, you do. It just scares you. We have a connection, Ross, and that is there even if you choose to deny it. Ross: That is not true. I want to be with Blake. I have never wanted anybody else. Tory: You wanted me. Ross: Tory, that was an impulse. I could have controlled it. Tory: No, you couldn't have. Ross, you have to tell Blake. Ross: No. For the last time, I am not going to tell Blake a damn thing. Tory: Fine. Don't tell her. But if you don't, I will. Ross: Tory, get out. Tory: Not until you tell, Blake, Ross. Tell her before it's too late. Ross: Too late for what? Blake: All right, I've got everything you need. How's the water? Ross: It's still freezing. I'm giving up! I'm coming out! God! It's unbelievably freezing out there. I've got to get into the room, honey. Honey, I'm going to make a call downstairs and find out what happened with the water. Blake: You were going to give me a back rub first, right? Ross: We could do it in the room, can't we? Blake: Oh, no. Come on. What's the hurry, sweetie? Ross: Listen. (Laughs nervously) I just took the proverbial cold shower and if I don't go in there and get dressed, I'm going to catch pneumonia. Blake: Well, you know what? I'm going to keep you warm? Cassie: I can't believe that Alonzo would turn against us like this. Richard: Well, he shows up out of the blue and he tells us that he wants to be prince, all of a sudden. After weeks of telling us that he want nothing to do with monarchy, why would he do that? Cassie: Camille. She's obviously gotten to him. Richard: Camille's not going to force Alonzo to do something he doesn't want. He said so himself. Cassie: Camille is really good at manipulating people to get what she wants, Richard. And now that she's got to Alonzo, who's next? Hmm? Who's next? Richard: No one is going to take our son away. Cassie: Well, she got to Alonzo, and he was supposed to be our friend. Richard: It doesn't add up. Why would he go behind our backs? Cassie: Maybe you're right. Maybe we don't know him like we thought we did. Richard: The man risked his life to save our son. There's got to be a reason. Cassie: Camille made him realize everything he was giving up... The palace, the servants, the title. Richard: No. A man doesn't change like that overnight. And he doesn't suddenly pledge devotion to another woman that he doesn't love. No. There's got to be an explanation. Cassie: Like what? Richard: There's got to be a reason. We just have to find out what it is. Phillip: Honey, I know how hard this is for you to believe. I wish with all my heart that it weren't true. And I would do anything in the world to bring your mom back to you. But, you know, sometimes... Sometimes God doesn't see things the same way that we do. Lillian: Sweetie, I think that God loved your mommy so very much that he had to have her with him, you know. He had to take her. But, sweetie, your mommy right now is so happy that we can't imagine it. Phillip: Yeah, honey, she's happy. We're the ones who are going to be miserable right now. But she's happy. She's in a good safe place. And you know what? What we have to do now is we have to be brave, because that's what your mom would want. And I know that you could do it, because I know you're tough and you're strong. You're a fighter, because you proved it again and again and again. But we're going to be okay. We're going to get through this. Because as long as we have each other, we'll be all right. Lizzie: It's not true. Not any of it! My mom's back. Rick: Lizzie, this woman fooled everyone. What your dad is saying is true. Lizzie: How do you know? Phillip: Because she told us, honey. This woman's name is Lorelei Hills and she's not your mom. Lizzie: Oh, I don't believe you. Phillip: Honey... Lizzie: I don't want to hear anymore! Phillip: I want you to listen to me. Look at me. Look at me. Look at me and listen to me. I'm your father and I love you more than anything in the world. Have I ever lied to you? Have I? Lizzie: I want my mommy. Phillip: I know you do, honey, but Lorelei is not your mother. Lizzie: I want my mommy. Where is she? Phillip: Honey, listen... Lizzie: I don't care what you or you say she is. Where is she? Phillip: Lorelei is gone. She went away with Edmund. Lizzie: Where? Where? Phillip: Honey, it doesn't matter. I know how much this hurts, but you have to believe me. I'm telling you the truth. Your mom is not coming back. Lizzie: I don't care what any of you say! I know my mom and I don't care if she says that she's Lorelei. She's my mom. And you... You have to bring her back. Phillip: Honey. Lizzie... Lizzie, don't. Please, honey. Lizzie? Honey? Lillian: Please. Phillip, please let me go. Please. I need her as much as she needs me. Please. Rick: I'm sorry. I wish there was something I could have said to make her feel better. Phillip: There's nothing anybody can say, Rick. How do I convince her that Lorelei's not Beth? Rick: I don't know. I don't know. Phillip: I don't feel like I believe it. Beth: You put me in jail? Alan: If I had my way, you'll never see daylight again. Fact of the matter is, I'm here to sign off on a complaint against you. Beth: Why? Alan, what do you think that I've done? Alan: You know very well what you've done. You've lied, you've cheated, and you deceived my family. Beth: Why? Alan, why would I do that? You know that I wouldn't. You know me better than that. Alan: This act doesn't play anymore. Beth: Act? What act? Edmund: Give it up! He knows. Beth: Stay out of this! Edmund: He knows what you're trying to do, Lorelei. And it's not working. Beth: Lor... Who's Lorelei? See what your money is doing? Alan: I think I've had enough of this ridiculous charade. Beth: No, Alan. Alan, don't go! Alan, I didn't do anything! Alan! Edmund: Did you really think he was going to let you pull the wool over his eyes for a second time? Beth: Second time? Edmund: "Who's Lorelei?" (Laughs) It was quite a performance. It was all I could do to keep from applauding. I think even Alan there wavered there for a minute or two. And the look in your eyes, the look in your eyes was perfect. It was like a little lost doe. (Laughs) We're going to have to find a place to use that again, maybe on the judge. Wait, that's it. (Snaps fingers) That's it. Why didn't I think of this before? Lorelei, you actually believed that you were Beth. It was pure delusion. You were off your medication, it doesn't matter. This could work. Lorelei, we have to mount a defense. Lorelei. Lorelei. Lorelei: Yeah, yeah, Eddie. Why do you keep saying my name? Rick: How you holding up? Phillip: I'm all right. Rick: I'm amazed that you're still standing after everything you've been through. Phillip: I mean, she really had me going. Rick: She had us all going. Phillip: I never questioned who she was for a second. Rick: Well, why would you? I mean, she looked exactly like Beth. Phillip: Yeah, but you know what, Rick? It's more than that. Because she was different. She... The way she looked at me, the way she talked, it was... There were a lot of differences. But I feel the way Lizzie feels. I... In here, I don't want to believe that she's not back. Rick: I'm sorry. I just wish there was something I could do. Phillip: There's nothing anybody can do, Rick. She's gone. We just have to... We've just got to deal with it. Rick: Yeah. Phillip: She was something, wasn't she? So bright. So beautiful. She was so beautiful. I can't believe she's gone. Rick: We both loved her for a very long time. Phillip: I'll always love her. Ross: All right, now I have to get back to the room because if I stay out here... Blake: No, no, no. I want you to sit down right here. Ross: ...My neck's going to be as red as your hair. Blake: I'll give you one. I have some oil in here. It's... Oh. Ross: Just leave it, Blake! Blake: Ew, Ross. Wow, that's disgusting. There's mold in there. What's the matter? Honey? Ross: Um, come here. For a while now, I've been meaning to tell you something. I don't know why I haven't, but... Blake: But what? Ross, are you all right? Ross: No, I'm not all right, and I'm not going to be all right until... Until we set a date for this wedding of ours. Because I love you and I want to be with you until the end of our days. You know something? I promise you, nothing ... I promise nobody will stand in the way of that. I promise you. So I want you to set a date, I want you to circle it, and I want you to swear that you will not break it, all right? Because I refuse to lose you, Blake. I will not lose you. Blake: You would never lose me. Ross, you are my heart and soul. You and the kids are everything. You're all that matters. Ross: Set the date. Blake: I think we should make some dinner and talk about this, because I think we're going to need a lot of fuel for tonight. Come on, you. Edmund: Are you feeling all right? Lorelei: Yeah, I guess. Edmund: Are you... Are you sick or something? Lorelei: No, I don't think so. Edmund: You've been through a lot in the last 24 hours. The accommodations here don't help. They leave something to be desired. They could at least give us a place to sit that's comfortable, maybe a book or two to read. Cable television, a movie channel, maybe. Lorelei: Eddie, did I lie down? Edmund: Lie down? Anything but. You gave as good as you got, damn the torpedoes-- even though the went in the wrong direction. It's Alan, isn't it? Lorelei: Alan? Edmund: Yeah, Alan. Phillip. All of them. It's our own damned fault for setting all our hopes and dreams on their fortune. We should have been out making our own-- or at least bilking someone who couldn't identify us. (Laughs) I'll think our way out of this. With your acting ability and my tongue, I doubt we'll be in here for more than a day. Lorelei: You think? Edmund: We could overcome anything. We've proven it. All we have to do is come up with a plan. Lorelei: You're right. Yeah. Yeah, you're right, Eddie. We've just got to... We've got to give them hell, right? Yeah. ( Laughs nervously) Ross: Oh! (Exhales deeply) (exhales deeply) Cassie: I'm not going to sit around here wondering what Alonzo's thinking. I am going to find out. Richard: Well, perhaps he's not at liberty to talk right now, because of Camille. Cassie: Well, I don't care. You're right, you know. There has to be more to this situation than meets the eye. Alonzo: You're right about that. But I don't think you're going to like it. Richard: Well, at least you're on a steady course. Cassie: What the hell's going on? You specifically told us that you weren't cut out for royalty, that you would rather be lost at sea! Alonzo: Camille had papers. The only way to stop her was to give her what she wanted. Cassie: Those papers that she had? Alonzo: They were custody papers. She's all set to file and take you to court. Cassie: I'll fight her. We'll fight it, Richard. She's not going to take Will from us. Alonzo: She can't take Will from you. If she does, she forfeits the tiara, and that's all she is concerned about. Will's going to be fine, Cassie, as long as Camille believes that we're doing this her way. Richard: Believes? Alonzo: Yeah. I came in here and I said everything she wanted to hear. Richard: All right, you told her everything that she wanted to hear. That might appease her for a little while, but then what? What's after this ruse? Alonzo: There is no ruse. The only way to stop this woman is to let me take over the country. Cassie: What? Alonzo: Either Richard quits the presidency, or you're going to lose that little guy. And that's as simple and as ugly as it gets. Cassie: You cannot ask Richard to step down. You can't do it. We'll counter-sue. We'll sue her for blackmail. Richard: We can't prove that, Cassie. Alonzo: Even if you could, is it really worth the risk? Look, Camille talks a good game. She can win custody. You should hear her when she gets going on this mother stuff; she's like little Bo peep with her sheep taken hostage. Richard: The rich royals taking advantage of the poor little, misguided American girl, right? Alonzo: Right. Listen to me. If I become prince-- even for a week-- I could declare the adoption complete and final. Camille couldn't hold this over our heads anymore, and then... Richard: And then what? Alonzo: Well, I was hoping you could help me with that. Look, I don't like this any more than you guys do, but I cannot think of another way. Cassie: No. Hell, no! This has gone way too far and I am not going to let Richard step aside so you can rule. Never. Rick: This is the hospital. I'm just going to let somebody else take care of it. Phillip: No, that's okay. Go ahead. Take it. I'm all right, Rick. I need some time, anyway. I'm a little confused. Rick: About Lorelei, or Beth? Phillip: What? Rick: I know this is going to sound strange to you, but you know, when everybody was up at the cabin and Lorelei was pretending to be Beth, I could have sworn you guys were hitting it off with each other. Phillip: Yeah. I thought she was Beth. Rick: Was that all there was? Phillip: Yes. Yeah. I mean, obviously, she was different. But I didn't know that. I mean... I... I just thought I misunderstood. I thought that I was seeing a part of Beth that I always knew was there, but that I could never get to. She was so beaten down by Bradley and by Carl. But I always... I always thought that that was there. You know, that spontaneous side. She was happy. She was having fun. I never knew what was going to come out of her mouth. She made me laugh. Man, she knew what she was doing. Rick: Yeah, she did. This woman was trying to get you to fall in love with her. Did you? Phillip: Lorelei is not Beth. Stand the two of them up, side by side, I would grab Beth every time, so fast it would make your head spin. Rick: Just remember that. Phillip: I don't think I will ever forget that. Rick: You know something? If you want my advice on this one, I'd stay away from this person. What she did to you and Lizzie, it was so cruel, and I think that being around her is just going to confuse you. Phillip: Yeah. You're probably right. Rick: I always am. It's a burden. Phillip: Don't you have a patient to torment? Rick: No. He's probably flat-lined by now. ( Laughter) Phillip: Man, you are... Rick: A good friend? Phillip: You're a very good friend. Rick: Thanks, buddy. Phillip: You're welcome. Rick: Listen, you want me to come by later? Phillip: No, I'm okay. Rick: All right. You know, all kidding aside, I meant what I said about Lorelei. I think you need to stay away from her. Lorelei: Hey, um, Eddie, you ever lose track of time? Edmund: Ooh. Are you propositioning me? Lorelei: No. Edmund: Because I'm very susceptible right now, and you know how much I love being watched. But I think there are more important things to do right now. First, we need to get you out of here. Lorelei: Well, what about you? Edmund: Well, I thought I'd come along with you-- if you'll have me. Lorelei: Now, how could you even say that? You know I wouldn't go anyplace without you, even if they wanted me to. Edmund: I don't think you mean that. Lorelei: I do mean that. We're in this together. I love you. Do you love me back? Edmund: Yes, I love you back. And I'm going to do everything in my... That's it. Lorelei: What? Edmund: We're not going to court. We're not going in front of a judge, and the Spaulding's can file all the charges they want, because as soon as we make bail, I'm taking you someplace wonderful. Lorelei: (Laughs) You mean we're going to jump bail? Edmund: Is that what they call it? Lorelei: No. They call it "inspired." ( Laughs) Blake: I just want you to sit here and relax, Ross, until dinner's ready. Okay? Just sit and relax. Ross: Oh, you're asking me to do two things: Sit and relax. You're a hard woman, Blake Marler. What do you want next? Blake: I don't know. I guess I'm going to have to check the agenda. Ross: Yes, I think you should do that, because I'm not quite sure what I'm doing these days. Blake: Well. Let's see, Mr. Marler. Well, you have a candlelight dinner with your fiancée. Ross: Uh-huh. Blake: Followed by romantic dancing on the patio. Ross: Oh. Great. What comes after that? Blake: Why, the calendar says "free time." Ross: Why doesn't it say "wedding?" Blake: Because your fiancée hasn't picked out a date yet. Ross: Well, what's up with that? Give my fiancée a call. What kind of a woman is she? Doesn't she know I'm a catch? Blake: Yeah. She needs a reminder. ( Telephone rings) Ross: Oh, damn it! I'll get it. If it's the kids, I'll bring it out here, all right? Why don't you pour? Blake: Ross. (Gasps) (glass breaks) Oh, my God, what are you doing here? Tory: I'm so glad you asked me that. |