Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/08/02 By Linda Richard: What is it? Cassie: It was that... That story that Blake told us. How the twins had this party for their matching toys-- it was just so cute. All I could think about was no matter how many stories we had to tell about Tammy, R.J., And Will, it's always going to be someone missing. I keep... I keep wondering: Would he have taken his first steps by now? How many words would he know? But then, you know, I look at Will-- hey, come here... I look at this little guy and he gives me a smile or a funny face, and I think that he's just... He's reminding me that we've got an angel right here to take care of. Richard: We are blessed, you know. And I think we can honor the child that we've lost by giving this child the best life he can possibly have. Cassie: You're right. I just look at him and I... I want to protect him from everything and anything. I can't stand the thought of someone taking him away from me, too. Richard: No one is going to take him away, darling. Now I know you're concerned about Camille... Cassie: I want Camille to go away. I want her to go home because Will is not safe until she does. Alonzo: That's it. I've had it. I don't know who you have become but the girl I married would never try to extort money from innocent people. Camille: Richard and Cassie are anything but innocent. They're playing you for a fool and you're letting them. Alonzo: Stop. Camille: If you would just challenge their authority, you would see what they're really like. Alonzo: Like I'm seeing the real you. Open your eyes, Camille, and face reality. You pushed Richard and Cassie to adopt Will. The only reason you've come back for him is 'cause you found out he's royal. You want to cash in on the crown. Camille: They even have you doing their work for them. I bet they're just laughing their heads off. Alonzo: Watch it. Camille: Oh, why? God, you are so deluded. Alonzo: You're the one who's deluded. I am never going to be a prince, and look at me and listen to this and understand: You are never, ever going to be a princess. So if you insist on going through with this, on trying to take Will from them, I'm going to fight you with everything I've got. Ross: Oh, would your majesty care for a drink? Blake: Aye. And your highness? Ross: Yeah, I do, but first things first. Champagne? Blake: The Rusty Anchor, huh? Ross: At the Rusty Anchor. Yes, it's hard to believe that this used to be a hole in the wall. Blake: I know. Remember what Cassie said, it was like a swill. And she and Reva dressed up as hookers to try to get dirt on Olivia. Ross: All right, stop-- stop. Please stop. Please. So you're saying that my idea to have our wedding here is a bad idea. Blake: I'm talking candelabras, dueling harpists... Ross: One visit to one palace and you're ruined. All right, if it's romance that you want... Blake: Extreme romance. Ross: Careful what you ask for. Want some champagne? Blake: What an extremely romantic idea. Ross: Follow me. Phillip: What do you mean, you "took care" of Lorelei? Alan: I simply called the chief of police and had Edmund and this Lorelei girl... Phillip: No. No. Alan: ...Arrested. Phillip: I told you to leave it alone. Why couldn't you do that?! Alan: I had to keep Edmund and this Beth impersonator from leaving the country. They bilked us. They bilked me out of a blank check just a few hours ago. Now I can rest assured that they will rot in jail where they're supposed to. Phillip: You idiot. Don't you know what you've done? Alan: Excuse me? Phillip: If you could stop thinking about yourself for one second, and think about your grandchildren, it will come to you. Thanks to you, they are going to find out that their mother is really dead on the evening news. Frank: All right, Patrick, I got this one, all right? Lorelei: You know, Frank, this is all a big mistake. Edmund: I want to talk to a lawyer. Frank: Oh, you'll get one all right. I'll personally assign you our finest public defender. How's that? All right, let's go. Rick: Frank, what are you doing? Frank: What do you think I'm doing here? Rick: Beth, what's going on? Frank: Rick, not now, okay, buddy? Rick: Frank, you're arresting her with this one, at least you can tell me why. Frank: Can I fill you in later, please? Let's go. (Phone rings) Lillian: Hello? Rick: Lillian, thank God. Lillian: Rick? Rick: Is Phillip there? Lillian: No, I just got here. I'm here to see Lizzie and James. Rick: Lillian, I need to speak to Phillip. Lillian: Are you okay? Rick, talk to me. Are you all right? Rick: Yeah, everything's fine. I'm actually at the police station. Lillian: Why? Rick: Overdue parking ticket. I came in to pay for it and I ran into Beth. Lillian: Beth? What's she doing there? Rick: From the looks of it, she's being arrested, Lillian-- with Edmund Winslow. Phillip: I can't find Lizzie. Don't you understand, I wanted to be able to tell her myself. I didn't want her to have to hear it on the news. Alan: I don't think the kids will be able... Phillip: That's just it. You don't... You don't think, you just react with your ego and your pride. You didn't give a single thought to your grandchildren, who have already lost their mother once, and now look what you've done, you've assured that this house is going to be turned into a three-ring media circus while they're dealing with it for a second time. Alan: No, because I can control the media. Phillip: Oh, I know you think you can control everything-- well, you can't. Every time Lillian and the kids walk out the door, they're going to have this shoved down their throat. Alan: All the more reason we should have these con artists put behind bars. They hurt the children and now they will take us for everything we own. Phillip: I know with you it always comes down to money. Alan: No, the fact of the matter is I'm a man who thinks on my feet, I take action. And one of these days, Phillip, maybe you will thank me for that. Richard: Camille's a loose cannon-- she's unpredictable and she's immature-- but she's not going to take Will away from us, all right? Cassie: I want to believe that, Richard. I do. Richard: Look, for her, Will was just a burden that she couldn't wait to unload. Cassie: How could somebody do that to a child? Richard: But you know what I think? I think that our son is looking down on all of us, and especially his brother. Cassie: Hey. Tammy: Hi. Cassie: Hey there, come up here. Come here. Give me a hug. Oh, my. Tammy: These are for you. R.J. picked them himself. Cassie: Oh. Tammy: And I made the bouquet. Cassie: You? Tammy: I showed him all of your favorite flowers. Cassie: They are my favorite flowers. And what is... R.J., did you do this? Yes, he did. Look at this, this is Daddy and Tammy and Mommy holding baby Will. This is absolutely beautiful, R.J. Richard: Suitable for framing, I should think. Cassie: Most definitely. I have to put this in a prominent place so I can look at it and be reminded every day of the great family that I have. Camille: Wait until the Winslow's turn on you. Alonzo: Never happen. Camille: It is scary how you idolize them. Alonzo: I see them for who they are. Camille: No, you're siding with them because they have power. Alonzo: And you can't stand that, can you? You can't stand the fact that they have the power, and if you can't grab the tiara, then you're going to make them suffer for it. You'd be hurting your son in the process, but, hey, even that won't stop you. Camille: I just want my son back. Alonzo: Please, Camille, you never even wanted to be a mother. Camille: That's not true. Alonzo: You'd be in Iowa right now if you hadn't given birth to a royal. You couldn't wait to wipe your hands of him and me. Camille: How dare you say that-- you abandoned me. You married me, you got me pregnant, and then you took off to the high seas. When I gave birth to Will, I was scared and lonely. And then I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. Alonzo: Yeah. You know, I'm sorry, I wish I could believe that, Camille. I really do, but I came back, I begged you to stay and you wouldn't. Camille: Yeah, you were a little late. Alonzo: You weren't even going to tell me I had a son. Think about it. Please, just think about this. Can you really see yourself changing diapers, nursing a sick baby, putting him before yourself day in and day out for years? Camille, you'd be miserable, and worse, you'd resent Will. Camille: I think I would adjust. Besides, I'd have nannies. Alonzo: Don't do this, Camille. Camille: You are forcing me to. Alonzo: If you do this, if you drag the Winslow's to court, I'll discredit you. I'll make sure the court knows all about your maternal instincts. Camille: You wouldn't dare. Alonzo: Try and turn our son into a political football, I will fight you every step of the way. Blake: To life. Ross: Yes. And all its new beginnings. Blake: You, me, and this island. Ross: I know my only job is to romance my fiancée. Blake: And search for the perfect potential wedding site. Ross: Yes, which is months away, and if we do decide to get married here, I was very taken with the gazebo at the botanical gardens. Blake: Then there's the cliff-side church, overlooks the ocean. Ross: That was good. And a view to take your breath away. Blake: Imagine the photo album. Ross: And if we want to go simple, I really liked the poet's garden. Blake: We can do formal and barefoot. I get my rose petals. Ross: Or maybe Richard will just give us the palace. Blake: Wow, can you imagine that? An orchestra and me. Sea of tulle. Ross: You would be my beautiful bride queen. Blake: Have I told you how happy you make me? Ross: Not lately, so why don't you get busy? Blake: I'm so ecstatic right now that I could cry. This is all I've ever wanted. Thank you. Ross: I'm the luckiest man on earth. Tory: Is this seat taken? Ross: Tory, what the hell are you doing here? Tory: Ross, I'm here on business. Ross: What? Tory: Edmund Winslow hired me. He needed me to tie up some loose ends, I needed a job, and apparently he can't travel without the fear of being detained. Are you satisfied? Ross: No, not exactly. Tory: Relax. Ross: I was doing just that before you showed up. Tory: Ross, come on. It's not like I'm stalking you. Camille: Fine. Try to prove that I'm an unfit mother. Won't be as easy as you think... Or at least that's what my lawyer tells me. Alonzo: You've already hired a lawyer? Camille: Mmm... What, did you think I was just whistling in the wind? Alonzo: No, I was just hoping you'd come around, but I guess it's too late. Camille: Not for you. See this, this little piece of paper? This makes the Winslow's magically appear in court. Alonzo: Is this just a game to you? Do you even get that you're playing with people's lives here? Camille: I just want my son back. Alonzo: All you want is to be princess. Camille: Yeah, and why not? I deserve it. My father had all this money and he bailed out on my mom and I when I was still in diapers. I have been poor my whole life. I saved up just enough money to come down here on vacation and I found you. And then look what happened, I gave birth to a royal. I am owed this. And I will be damned if someone takes it away from me. Alonzo: So you admit it. This is all about money. Camille: I am standing up for myself. Right until I get on the stand, and then I show everyone how I was manipulated into giving the president my son. Alonzo: Oh, yeah, I'll bet you've been rehearsing that. Camille: Look what I'm going to be up against. I'm sure they're going to hire some fancy lawyers to pick me apart. As soon as I show them that I'm the poor mother who was forced into giving her child to the Winslow's... Alonzo: Nobody forced you, Camille. Camille: And then I've had a change of heart, and I really just want my baby back. My lawyer also says that the court of public opinion is important, too. I'll be the media's darling, and there are a lot of people that want the monarchy back, so the Winslow's can't really deal with a lot of bad press. Alonzo: Have it all planned out, don't you? Camille: So I want you to think long and hard about what the Winslow's mean to you, and about how much they're going to suffer if you don't cooperate. Cassie: Thank you. Richard: For what? Cassie: For these. Richard: Tammy and R.J. gave you those, remember? Cassie: You put them up to it. I know you did. You knew that the anniversary of our son's death was going to be hard for me. And you knew just how to make it better. Thank you. Thank you for being so loving and caring, for just loving me. Thank you. Lillian: Excuse me. Excuse me, I'm looking for my daughter Beth Raines. I think she was arrested. Desk sergeant: No. No one by that name. Rick: Lillian... Lillian: Oh, Rick. Rick: Hey, is Phillip with you? Lillian: No, I didn't have time to find him. But I just checked with him, he said there was no arrest record and I don't see her anywhere here. Rick: Well, that's ridiculous, because I just spoke to Beth. Lillian: Well, we better ask... Rick: Let me straighten this out. Excuse me, sir, there must be some sort of mistake. A friend of mine, Beth Raines, was just brought in along with Edmund Winslow. Frank Cooper, the detective, he brought them in. Desk sergeant: Frankie? Yeah, he's got your guy Winslow. They're processing him now. Lillian: My daughter will be on the list, too. Beth Raines-- will you check again, please? Rick: Or just check under Winslow. Lillian: Yeah. Desk sergeant: The gal with Winslow was Lorelei Hills. Rick: Lorelei Hills. Lillian: Lorelei Hills, no, no, no. There's been some terrible mistake. It's my daughter Beth Raines who came in with Edmund. Rick: I just spoke to her. Lillian: Could you find somebody else for us to talk to? Oh, Beth, hoy... There she is. Rick: Thank God. Lillian: Oh, sweetheart, I'm so glad. They were trying to tell us that you weren't here. So I finally got you. Lorelei: Mom... Lillian: What happened? Has Edmund hurt you again? Is that what this is all about, Beth? Lorelei: No, no. It's just... You know, why don't you just go home? Lillian: Go home? Rick: Beth, you've just been arrested. We're not going anywhere until we get some answers. Lillian: Yeah, we're going to take you home with us, sweetie. Rick: What's happened? What's going on? Lorelei: Why don't you let him finish processing me, okay? And then I'll... I'll give you a call and you can come pick me up. Cop: You're done with booking, ma'am, but you're not going anywhere. Lorelei: I'm really confused. Lillian: Well, so am I. They've been trying to tell us that you're someone else-- someone named Lorelei. Rick: We've got to straighten this out. Lorelei: We can't... Can't do that. Rick: Well, what did Frank say? Lillian: Honey, can you go clear this up, maybe? Beth, I look in your eyes and I see that you are very, very scared. So why don't you tell me what this is all about and then we'll tell them who you are. Lorelei: I can't tell them that I'm Beth. Lillian: Well, why not? Lorelei: Because I'm not. Alan: The sole reason I had them arrested was to teach Lizzie and James a lesson. Phillip: Really? What lesson would that be? Alan: Never let an outsider hurt your family; always stand up for yourself and the people you love. Phillip: I get the picture. Alan: Oh, you get the picture? Well, sometimes, Phillip, I wonder. Because if you really got it, you would've never allowed Edmund to get away in the first place after Beth... Phillip: See, I actually had a plan. Alan: You had a plan? The man is a murderer. You don't plan, you don't think, you act, and if you had, he wouldn't have had an opportunity to hook up with this Lorelei person right now. Phillip: You know what? I actually have to go find Lillian and the kids right now. Do me a favor, try not to help me anymore. Alan: Oh, you would love for me to take all the blame for your mistakes, wouldn't you? Alonzo: I can't believe you're going to do this. Camille: Well, you refuse to see the light, it doesn't leave me with many options. Alonzo: If you go through with this, if you drag this through the courts, it's going to ruin us all. Camille: Not me and Junior. I will get custody, trust me. And you'll be very sorry that you didn't play ball. Ross: Tory, I will leave you to your so-called business. Guy: I thought you'd gotten away from me. Tory: No, not a chance. Ross, I'd like you to meet Guy. Ross: Hello. Tory: We met at the airport. Guy: She hired me as her guide. Tory: And what an incredible guide you've been. But you know, I was wondering if you could show me something a little more off the beaten path. Something tucked away. Guy: Sure. Ross: Excuse me. Tory: Just wait here for a second. Guy: Sure. Tory: Ross, what's wrong? Why are you going? What's wrong? Ross: What's wrong? I'm on vacation here in San Cristobel with my wife. And you get on a plane and you follow me down here and now you're playing mind games with the cabana boy in there, trying to make me jealous. Tory: You're being ridiculous. Ross: Let me tell you something, I don't feel jealous. I don't feel anything but pity. I just feel sorry for you. Blake: Back so fast. Ross: You are not going to believe this. Blake: No? Hmm. What am I not going to believe, hmm? Ross: Just after you left... Blake: Hmm? Ross: ...The restaurant got a rush and it's now jammed with people, so... Blake: Well, you're not going to believe this. Ross: What? Blake: I charged all the way over there, and no fax. Ross: You're kidding? Blake: No. Ross: Well, maybe it hasn't been transmitted yet. Blake: Well, when I talked to the production assistant, she said that she was holding the confirmation paper in her little hand. Ross: Blake, the assistant was a she? Blake: Yeah. What's the matter? Ross, I haven't seen you go this pale since we left Springfield. Ross: I don't know what it is. The champagne, the heat, it's not a good combination for me, that's all. Blake: Why don't we take a swim, see if that helps, huh? Ross: Okay, you're on. Blake: Okay. And then after that, while you're taking two aspirin and a hot shower, I'm going to whip up a couple of piña coladas and we'll make love to the setting sun. Ross: I'm in heaven. Blake: That makes two of us. Buzz: So run this by me one more time. Alan Spaulding calls you and asks you to arrest Beth. Beth, the perfect Beth, who drove your sister nuts all the time that she was married to what's his name, Phillip. Frank: Yeah, well, actually it's not Beth. She's some con artist that's hooked up with Edmund Winslow, trying to scam Spaulding out of all their money or God knows whatever else. Anyway, I just came back from booking Edmund Winslow. Buzz: What about whatever her name is... This Beth impersonator? Frank: Lorelei. Lorelei Hills. Buzz: Lorelei? That doesn't sound like a real person, Frank. Frank: Yeah, well, that's the name she's going by. Pop, just when you think you've seen it all, it's unbelievable. Anyway, it's been a nice diversion from all the craziness that's going on between Eleni and Marina. (Sighs) I haven't had any time to think of anything else. Buzz: I noticed. Frank: What is that supposed to mean? Buzz: Well, Frank, you know, I hate to load you down with some more pressure, but Harley could use a big brother right about now. Frank: Why, what's going on with sis? Buzz: Well, I don't... She's going to be okay, but ever since she and Rick decided on giving up on being a couple, she's been sort of lost. Frank: What? They decided what? Nobody told me that. Buzz: Well, I just sort of thought your hands were full right now. Frank: Oh, God. Rick is such a great guy. I was really hoping things were going to work out between the two of them. Buzz: They're doing the right thing. It's just that, you know, they don't love each other the right way. Frank: The right way? Who the hell knows what the right way is? I still haven't figured that one out. Just when you think you've found the love of your life, they dump you and they take your daughter and move across the country. And then you have Harley, Harley marries Phillip, who still hasn't gotten over his first love, Beth. And then she comes back, and then he thinks he's got another chance, and what happens, finds out that she's a scam artist. (Laughs) It is one crazy, crazy, wacky world out there. Anyway, I've got to... I've got to get back to the police station. I've got a feeling all hell's going to break out loose there. I love you, Pop. Lillian: Well, of course you're Beth. Lorelei: Lillian, I'm sorry. Lillian: My God, what has Edmund done to you? Rick: Beth, just talk to us. Tell us what's going on. Lillian: Honey, honey, are you confused? You're having one of your headaches, aren't you? Lorelei: Can you help me out here? Can you put me in solitary or something? Lillian: Beth? Lorelei: I'm sorry, Lillian, I never meant to hurt you or anyone, okay? Lillian: Would you please tell me what's going on? What is this accent, honey? Lorelei: I'm Lorelei. I'm the one they're talking about. That's me. I'm from Albemarle, Virginia. Rick: Okay, Beth, look, I'm your friend, but right now I'm going to be your doctor. I want you to listen to me. I think you are suffering from some sort of delusion here. Lillian: Yes, honey, you're... You're just having a little memory lapse, that's all. Lorelei: There was no memory lapses, Lillian. I just made that up. It was a cover in case I forgot something about Beth's life. Lillian: No, no, no, honey, you did forget things. You forgot little things, you forgot I had breast cancer... Lorelei: I didn't know. I'm not your daughter. I'm sorry. Lillian: You are my daughter and you're just confused. Lorelei: You have no idea how sorry I am, Lillian. Lillian: Would you please help me understand this? Lorelei: Lillian, I regret it. Okay, I do. I wish you were my mother. But you're not. But I have come to love you and I love Lizzie and James... Lillian: Oh, my God. The children. The children are going to see you like this, and so is Phillip. Oh, poor Phillip. Honey. Lorelei: Philip's pretty mad. Lillian: Phillip knows about this? Lorelei: Well, he's the one that busted me. I tried to tell him that I'd grown to love him, but he didn't want to hear it. Lillian, I'm sorry. I just... I... I never had a mother like you. I didn't know hat a mother's love was. And I love Beth's kids. And Alan, he doesn't show it much, but he's got a heart that's just as big. Phillip... Well, Lillian, I just want you to know if you don't believe anything else, I want you to know that I... My love for you is real. All of you, it's real. Lillian: The only thing that is real is that you are my daughter and you're very confused right now. Lorelei: Lillian, I'm trying to come clean with you. I don't know what else I can say to you. I'm... I'm sor... Ask Eddie. He knows who I am. He's the one who found me. We're in this together. Ask him. Lillian: Honey? Lorelei: Lillian, don't make this any harder than it has to be. You should go talk to Phillip. Cassie: I think I'm going to take Tammy and R.J. to the butterfly sanctuary. Richard: Oh, I wish I could go with you, but my budget meeting calls. Cassie: Well, maybe you can meet us at the beach later, what do you think about that? Richard: Oh, look who's here, Camille. I'm sorry, whatever it is, we really don't have much time. Camille: Well, you better make time, because this is going to change your lives. Alonzo: It's going to change all of our lives, but I want you to hear it from me. Ross: Blake! Lillian: Well, maybe Phillip will explain this. Phillip: Lillian, I've been trying to call you... Rick: We just talked to Beth. I was at the police station, and I saw her being arrested along with Edmund Winslow. She told us her name was Lorelei? Phillip: Um... Lillian, why don't we sit down? Lillian no! Phillip: She is. Lillian: You believe this? Phillip: I should've told you as soon as I found out. Lillian: Well, how long ago? Phillip: Not very long. It just... I've been trying to find a time... Find a time, you know, time to tell you that she's gone. Lillian: No. She's not gone. Don't be ridiculous. I told her, even when she kept telling me that she wasn't my daughter, that she is my daughter, Phillip. I mean, when she used that accent, she'd laid out all these awful things that she supposedly did to her. I don't believe this. Rick: Lillian. Lillian: She's my daughter. I can't believe it! Rick: Lillian, I just remembered something. Lillian: What? Rick: A couple months ago, I was at Company and Edmund walked in with this woman who was in disguise. She looked just like Beth. I didn't think of it at the time, and Edmund must've realized that and I got this call from her, it was a phony call, and by the time I turned around, they were both gone. I'm sorry, if I just would've put it together then, this wouldn't have happened. Phillip: Rick, we didn't know who she was without the disguise. There's no way that you could've known. Sorry, Lillian. Lillian: So this means that she... She didn't survive the flood that... That we lost her all over again? (Sobbing) Oh, no. Oh, Phillip, no, no, no! (Sobbing) Oh, no. Don't tell me this, please. Lizzie: What's wrong? Edmund: Lorelei, are you all right? If it helps, I feel awful about Lillian. If nothing else, I think she knew you meant it when you apologized. Officer: Prints didn't take. Edmund: That's because you have to put the ink on my fingers, you idiot. I'll find a way out of this, I promise. Lorelei: (Breathing heavy) I can't be cooped up like this. Can't be locked up. I've got to get out of here. Edmund: No, Beth, you can't. You can't go. Just stay, stay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just stay here. I'll come back and I'll explain everything. Beth: No! Edmund: You'll understand, Beth. You will. You'll understand. It's just... I'll be back. Beth: (Screams) Edmund! Edmund! Excuse me? Hello? I think I need some help. Desk sergeant: Give it a rest, Lorelei. Beth: No, no, I'm sorry. I think there's been some kind of mistake. I'm Beth. My name is Beth Raines. |