GL Transcript Thursday 2/7/02



Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/7/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

(Telephone rings)

Marah: Hello?

Tony: Hey, it's me.

Marah: Hey. It's so good to hear your voice.

Tony: (Sighs) I was thinking about you all night.

Marah: You were? So was I. I was thinking about everything. So, how's the baby?

Tony: The baby's fine. So is Catalina. I went with her to the doctor yesterday.

Marah: Good.

Tony: I'm just trying to do what's right. You know that.

Marah: I know.

Tony: I went to your dorm afterwards.

Marah: You did?

Tony: Yeah. I got all the way to the door. But I couldn't bring myself to knock. I didn't know what to tell you. I was... I mean, last night... I didn't know what to do about Catalina and the baby and you. I was pretty confused.

Marah: And now?

Tony: I'm still confused. I spoke to Ray. He... He told me to do what's right. But he also said not to forget about my happiness, and that got me thinking that I could do the honorable thing, but still have what I really want.

Marah: Hmm. That's funny, Sam said the same thing.

Tony: Maybe they're both right. Marah?

Marah: Yeah. Yeah, I'm still here. Um, you know what? Do you think I could see you, maybe? Just to spend some time together?

Tony: Yes, please. Please.

Marah: Good, good. I'm at Company right now. I'll get some food to go and maybe we can, like, go skating at the pond?

Tony: Oh, I... I don't skate.

Marah: (Laughs) Well, I can teach you. Or I can just hold you up. It doesn't matter. I just... I really want to see you.

Tony: Okay. I'll meet you there.

Marah: Okay.

Ben: Have you heard from Tony today?

Catalina: Not yet.

Ben: That's not good, Cat.

Catalina: No, things are very good, Ben. They're very good. Tony and I are getting closer and closer every day.

Ben: Really?

Catalina: Yeah. Yeah, we are. You should have seen him yesterday. He was so kind and gentle.

Ben: Yeah, well that was yesterday. Don't forget, Marah told me that she is still in love with him. If she tells Tony that, we're both in big...

Catalina: Look, Ben. Ben. Tony is an honorable man. He knows that he belongs with me now.

Ben: I hope you're right.

Catalina: I know I'm right. Tony... Tony wants to be a real father to this baby, and that means being with me. We'll go to all our doctor's appointments together and we'll sit around and pick out a name together. And then he's going to be right there beside me holding my hand when I give birth to our baby. Stop it. Stop. Don't look at me like that. You know what? I know that I can make Tony see that I'm the real love of his life. I know. It's about all I do know right now.

Ross: Oh, thank you. Hey, you know, before you know it, we're going to be on our way to San Cristobel.

Blake: Mm. Sun, sand and you. I can't wait.

Ross: And I'm going to use every available moment to make up for all the trouble I've caused the past couple of months.

Blake: Trouble?

Ross: Yeah. With my mid-life crisis, or whatever it was I was going through. Whatever that was, it's in the past, and I am so looking forward to our future together.

Blake: Ross?

Ross: When we get to San Cristobel, let's get married.

Blake: What?

Ross: Married in the most romantic spot on the island. Richard can do the ceremony and Cassie can be your matron of honor.

Blake: Are you serious?

Ross: Yeah, I am. I loved marrying you so much the first time, I can't wait to do it again.

Edmund: No, thanks.

Lorelei: Oh, go on. It's my last stick. Who knows when we'll have more. Okay, we're down but we're not out. I mean, so what if Phillip threw me out of the house. It just means we leave town sooner rather than later.

Edmund: At least we'll be together.

Lorelei: Yeah. Only since Phillip cut off Beth's credit cards, we can't even buy a couple bus tickets out of town.

Edmund: Well, leave that to me. I'll think of something

Lorelei: Well, you know, I could ask Phillip for one last thing.

Edmund: No. I mean, why tempt fate? Look, he's not having us prosecuted for fraud, so why don't we leave while we still can?

Lorelei: Well, I still have to go back to the house because I left all my stuff there.

Edmund: Well, perhaps you should let me do that. The less Phillip sees of you, the better.

Lorelei: Yeah, yeah. You're probably right.

Edmund: Of course I am. I'll be back soon.

Lorelei: I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt anyone; I didn't. I wish you could see how much I'm hurting right now.

Alan: Ah, Beth. Good morning. What a wonderful way to start my day. Look, why don't we go inside where it's warmer and I'll buy you a cup of coffee, maybe some hot chocolate?

Lorelei: You... You didn't, um, talk to Phillip yet today?

Alan: No, I just got back in town this morning. I haven't had a chance to speak with him. Why? There's nothing wrong, is there?

Lorelei: No. No, no, no, no. Everything's fine, especially now that my knight in shining armor is here, because I just need the smallest little favor. (Laughs)

Phillip: How am I going to do this? How am I going to do this to her again?

Lizzie: You wanted to see me, Daddy?

Phillip: Yeah. Hi, sweetheart.

Lizzie: Where's Mom? I've been looking all over for her.

Phillip: Um, you know, honey, why don't we sit down? Come here.

Lizzie: Did I do something wrong?

Phillip: Oh, no honey. No, you didn't do anything wrong. You didn't do anything wrong. Um... Come here. You know I love you very much.

Lizzie: I know. And I love you, too. And I'm so excited that you and Mom are getting married again. I've been wishing for this ever since you...

Phillip: I know. I know. Ever since I left you and your mom in Arizona.

Lizzie: But it's okay now. You and Mom are getting married again, and I was...

Phillip: Sweetheart. There's something that I have to tell you, something about your mom.

Richard: How are you holding up?

Cassie: I'm okay. I don't think I can show the harbor project to one more dignitary, that's for sure.

Richard: I meant what we were talking about before.

Cassie: That it's been a year since we lost our son? I can't believe that happened to us. I can't believe it happened to him. Even though I can't imagine our life without Will, I still think about him everyday.

Richard: Me, too. Let's go home. Come on.

Cassie: We should at least see if Alonzo's here and he can have a visit with Will.

Richard: Camille might be in there.

Cassie: I don't care. You know, she can't run our lives. We're Will's parents now, and I don't care what she threatens us with. She cannot hurt our family.

Alonzo: Call off your attack dog, Dax. Make Camille drop the ultimatum.

Dax: I can assure you, Camille is now acting on her own.

Alonzo: Camille doesn't care about Will or how she's going to hurt him. She doesn't care about anybody but herself.

Dax: That may be true, but she still holds Richard and Cassie's happiness in her hands. I know you may not like hearing this, your highness, but it would seem you have no alternative but to take your rightful place on the throne, if only to spare those you love!

Phillip: There are some things that no parent ever wants to tell their child once, let alone twice.

Lizzie: Please, Dad, tell me. Is there something wrong with Mom?

Edmund: Hello, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Hi.

Edmund: I hope I'm not interrupting.

Phillip: Get out.

Edmund: I just came by to tell you how much I love you and I never meant you to...

Phillip: Get out.

Edmund: ...Be hurt by any of this. I hope your not terribly angry at me.

Phillip: Get out now.

Lizzie: It's okay, Dad. I'm not angry. Mom forgave you and so did I.

Edmund: You haven't told her yet, have you?

Lizzie: Told me what? Dad, tell me.

Lorelei: You know, Alan, you are a lifesaver.

Alan: Anything I can do to bring a smile to that beautiful face of yours, all you have to do is name it.

Lorelei: Bingo. Well, you know that Phillip and I are planning our wedding.

Alan: Know it? I'm counting the days.

Lorelei: Aren't you sweet? Actually, the reason that I'm here is to meet with the florist. He's the top in Springfield.

Alan: Good girl.

Lorelei: Well, the thing is, he's going to expect a deposit and I haven't reopened my checking account, Phillip forgot to give me a check, and he is right over there. And I don't want to lose him.

Alan: Well, what are we going to do with that Phillip?

Lorelei: (Laughs) Well, I don't know about you, but I'm going to marry him. (Laughter)

Alan: Well, why don't you just tell me how much it's going to cost me to mend that little

faux pas of Phillip's, huh?

Lorelei: Well, um...

Alan: I'll tell you what, why don't I just give you a blank check. That should cover everything.

Lorelei: Blank?

Alan: Yes.

Lorelei: Yes. Yeah, I think that's best, too. It's easiest.

Alan: But don't you skimp on one thing. First class all the way, and that's an order.

Lorelei: Yes, sir. (Laughs)

Alan: Now, go over there and have your meeting. You know, I can't wait to have you officially back in our family.

Lorelei: Alan, your secret's safe with me. No one has to know you're one of the sweetest men in all of Springfield.

Alan: Well, don't you blow my cover. And get over there and spend, spend, spend.

Lorelei: That's just what I'll do. (Laughter)

Ross: I think we should get to the airport. With all the extra security, it takes a long time.

Blake: Sure.

Tory: Well, hello there, Ross, Blake. You two seem to be in an awfully big hurry.

Ross: Uh, actually we are.

Blake: Yeah. We're going off for our romantic getaway.

Tory: Really?

Ross: And the clock is ticking. Let's go.

Blake: Oh, Ross can't wait to get me alone in San Cristobel. Sun, sand, dancing in the moonlight.

Tory: Well, I'm sure you two will have an absolutely wonderful time.

Blake: Oh, we will.

Ross: Yes, we will. And it was nice to see you, Tory.

Tory: You too, Ross. And a pleasure to see you as well, Blake, as always. I'm sure you'll be the most beautiful woman on the beach.

Blake: Thank you.

Tory: Ross should be careful. Some little beach boy just might snatch you up.

Blake: Oh, I don't think so.

Ross: Let's get going. Goodbye.

Tory: Don't worry, Ross, I will not let you down. Hello? Yes, I need a ticket on your next flight to San Cristobel. Thank you.

Phillip: Honey, I need to... I need to say goodbye to Edmund, so why don't you run along for a little while and we'll finish this up in a little bit, okay?

Lizzie: Okay.

Phillip: Okay.

Lizzie: Bye, Edmund.

Edmund: Goodbye, Lady Elizabeth.

Phillip: You know what? In about five minutes, because of you, I have to destroy that little girl's life all over again.

Edmund: Yes, I'm real sorry about that.

Phillip: You should get out now.

Edmund: As soon as I pick up Lorelei's things and join her, we'll be on our way. As soon as we can. Unfortunately, we've hit a bit of a financial snag. A bit short on funds.

Phillip: You and Lorelei are never to set foot in Springfield again. Am I clear?

Edmund: Very clear.

Lorelei: Payable to my new best friend: Cash. Okay, come on, Eddie. Come on. Let's get a move on. We've got to get out of here. (Cell phone rings) Finally hello?

Lizzie: Mom? Mom... Mom, are you okay?

Waitress: Marah. Sorry to keep you waiting. What can I do for you?

Marah: Um, I'm just glad it's you here and not Buzz, otherwise he'd be teasing me to no end. I need a romantic picnic basket for tonight.

Waitress: It's pretty cold out there for a picnic.

Marah: It's okay. We'll be fine. We're going to go ice skating by the pond, and I just want something to set the mood.

Waitress: I think I can handle that.

Marah: Good. I'll come back later and pick it up. And please don't tell Buzz.

Catalina: Can you make a big snowball? Let's see it. Let's see.

Boy: Oh, wow!

Tony: Whoa, whoa, what are you doing? No. No, don't throw it at the nice lady.

Catalina: Oh, we're so sorry.

Tony: What a big boy you are. You know that you are the greatest thing that ever happened to me? I love you more than anything.

Catalina: Come on.

Tony: What are you doing out here in the cold?

Marah: I thought we were going to see each other tonight.

Tony: I know, but I couldn't wait. Look, I said a lot of things the other night in your dorm. And I want you to know that I meant every one of them.

Marah: Tony.

Tony: It's always been you, Marah. I'll always love you.

Marah: But your baby.

Tony: Yeah, I know. Look, Catalina and I are going to have a baby, but that doesn't change how I feel about you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. We belong together, forever.

Marah: No, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I can't let you do this.

Richard: It was quite a sacrifice, so you know, and you've saved San Cristobel a lot of chaos by not pursuing the throne. Everyone is very grateful.

Alonzo: I did what had to be done. That's all. You seem awfully quiet today.

Cassie: Um... It was a year ago today that we lost our son.

Alonzo: Oh, Cassie, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

Cassie: It's okay. You couldn't have known.

Alonzo: Still...

Cassie: And we're so grateful to have Will, you know? We would do anything for him, and I hope you understand how much he means to us.

Camille: Hey. How's my little guy.

Alonzo: Get away from him, Camille.

Lizzie: Mom?

Lorelei: Yeah. Yeah, I'm... I'm here.

Lizzie: Everybody's acting so strange. Dad was going to talk to me about you, but then Edmund showed up.

Lorelei: Well, um, Daddy's going to talk to you soon.

Lizzie: Are you okay? Dad seems really sad.

Lorelei: He's fine. He's fine.

Lizzie: Mom?

Lorelei: Well, you know what? I was just thinking about all the good times we've had in the last couple of months, because we've had fun, right?

Lizzie: You were really funny and everybody was so happy.

Lorelei: I love you. You know that, don't you?

Lizzie: Yeah. I love you, too.

Lorelei: And I want you to know that I would never hurt you intentionally. You've been the greatest gift that I've ever been given, and I truly feel blessed to have known you.

Lizzie: I'll talk to you later, Mom. Hurry home.

Alan: Hey. Hey, how are you doing?

Lorelei: I love you, Lizzie. I really do.

Alan: Well, once again, I've had to save the day. I just ran into Beth at Company. She was having a meeting with the florist for your wedding. It seems that you forgot to leave her a check for the deposit?

Phillip: Did you give her a check?

Alan: I did.

Phillip: A blank check?

Alan: Yes. Someone has to pay attention to details in this family. I may even have to help her plan the wedding.

Phillip: Stop payment on the check.

Alan: You know, not everyone is given a second chance at happiness, Phillip, and I would think you'd be a little bit more careful, a little more respectful this time.

Phillip: Listen to me.

Alan: When are you going to realize that Beth is the best thing...

Phillip: She's not Beth! The woman that you gave the check to is not Beth.

Camille: I think I'm allowed to touch my own son.

Alonzo: Richard and Cassie are Will's parents.

Cassie: It's okay, Alonzo.

Alonzo: I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure that everybody was all right.

Richard: Of course you do. And Camille, if you wouldn't mind, we're having a private conversation here.

Alonzo: There's something you need to know.

Cassie: Oh, my goodness.

Richard: What? What is it?

Cassie: Blake and Ross. We're supposed to meet them back at the palace. I totally forgot. We have to go.

Richard: Okay.

Cassie: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Do you want to walk with us and you can tell us?

Alonzo: It's all right.

Cassie: Are you sure?

Alonzo: Yeah, it'll keep. You guys go ahead, meet with your friends.

Cassie: Okay. We'll see you later.

Camille: I would really hate to break up that happy little family.

Alonzo: Then don't.

Camille: Fine. Stay with me. Take your place on the throne. Or I'll go after Will and that will destroy your precious little Cassie, won't it?

Cassie: I cannot stand how she keeps stalking us.

Richard: Well, we can't let her get to us; that's exactly what she wants.

Cassie: She can't keep doing this. Something has to be done about her.

Phillip: If you think about it, it makes sense. Remember how different she was? We thought... We thought it was because of the trauma from the accident. Well, it wasn't. It was because she's not Beth. Her name is Lorelei Hills. She's somebody that Edmund found in Chicago and brought here to scam me.

Alan: This is impossible.

Phillip: No, unfortunately, it's not. What's impossible is the miracle that Beth was still alive.

Alan: Are you certain about this?

Phillip: Yes, I'm positive. She confessed. She's not Beth. The only reason she was here was to get at my money.

Alan: Well, you've got to do something about this.

Phillip: No, we are not going to do anything about it. I've already handled it.

Alan: This woman has come into our home, fooled you and the children, and has run off with our money.

Phillip: Just cancel payment on the check. Edmund and Lorelei are going to be on the first bus out of town, and that's going to be the end of it, period.

Alan: These two people have humiliated our family and you're going to allow them to just walk away?

Phillip: It is not about your ego or mine. I just want them gone.

Alan: No! This is not about my ego. This is about maintaining the integrity of our family. Now, what is to keep this woman from going to the next town, introducing herself as Beth Spaulding and... And... And using our name!

Phillip: Listen to me. Lizzie and James have been through enough already. I am not going to drag this out any further to satisfy your pride or mine. Now, this is my decision to make and I have made it. That's it.

Edmund: Lorelei?

Lorelei: Hey. You get my stuff?

Edmund: Are you all right?

Lorelei: Yeah, I'm fine and dandy.

Edmund: Viola! Enough for bus fare out of town and I dare say a small snack for you.

Lorelei: Viola right back at you.

Edmund: Oh, my God. How did you do this?

Lorelei: Well, we came here to scam, so I scammed.

Edmund: Well done! It looks as if we can leave town in style. It's time to say goodbye to Springfield and to Beth forever.

Lorelei: Yeah.

Marah: It's too late, Tony.

Tony: What are you talking about, Marah? Look, we can still be together.

Marah: I wish we would have told each other the way we felt months ago!

Tony: Well, we're saying it now. Look, we still have a chance. And I love you. Don't you know that?

Marah: I love you. I will always love you.

Tony: Then, please. Look, I'm telling you, we can still be together, I promise you.

Marah: If I took you away from your child, you would end up resenting me. You would!

Tony: That's never going to happen. That's never going to happen.

Marah: Come on. I know how much family means to you.

Tony: You're my family. You're my home. Please. Please, Marah.

Marah: Oh, you would try to do right by me and your child, you would, but you would resent every time you couldn't be with him and you wouldn't say anything to me because you wouldn't want to hurt me, but every day I would see you die just a little bit. (Sobs) You want to be with him. You'll want to raise him to be a good man. Tony, I am so proud to love you, and I would give anything-- anything-- to go back to the day we first met, but we can't. (Sobbing)

Tony: Please, Marah, please. We can be together. I promise you. Please.

Marah: Tell me you won't want to spend every waking minute with your son or your daughter. (Sobbing)

Tony: I will never stop loving you. What are you doing? No, no. Please, Marah, don't do that. Marah. Please. No.

Marah: I want you to give this to your baby, okay?

Tony: No. No.

Marah: Yes. Yes. It belongs to him now, okay? And so do you. We have to let go, Tony, okay?

Ben: Marah? Are you okay? What's the matter?

Marah: Ben. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I was stringing you along and that's not fair. It's not fair to you. It's not fair to anybody. I'm sorry. (Sobbing)

Ben: Hey, hey, forget about all that. Did you talk to Tony?

Marah: Yeah. Yeah, we did what we had to do. And that's it, it's over. And I was stupid to think that it could be any other way.

Ben: Hey. You weren't stupid. Don't say that. You're in love. But you have to move on, Marah. You have to put you, first. Come here. Here, give me your keys. Thanks. Come on. You don't have to say another word, okay? It's okay. Come here. Hey, come here. It's going to be okay, all right? Everything's going to be okay.

Catalina: What's that?

Tony: This is a St. Anthony medallion.

Catalina: For me? Oh. Oh, Tony. What a wonderful surprise. This is... This'll be like the baby and I having you close to us all the time.

Tony: Catalina.

Catalina: Tony, I love it. This is so sweet. Thank you so much. I'll wear it. I'll wear it every day. Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. This isn't for me, is it?

Tony: Yeah. It is.

Catalina: Really? I'm so excited. My hands are shaking. Could you help me put it on, please? Oh, Tony, this... This... This will bring good luck to our baby.

Tony: I just want to do what's right by you and the baby.

Catalina: What does that mean?

Tony: I mean that I don't want to go halfway on this. Our baby deserves better than that.

Ross: Good heavens, would you look at this place?

Blake: Well. This is bigger than my first apartment.

Ross: Higher. Royalty holds their hands up. Oh, man. Well, we're in the palace...

Blake: Uh-huh?

Ross: ...Let's have a rousing game of King Henry VIII. You can be one of my wives.

Blake: Can we skip the beheading part?

Ross: He only beheaded two of them! But if you're squeamish about that kind of thing, I can be your loyal subject who comes to offer his love to the beautiful queen.

Blake: Oh. I hope we can bottle the air here, because I love what it's doing for you.

Ross: Oh, it's not the air. It's being alone with the lady I love. And these next few days are all about you.

Blake: Us.

Ross: No, you. Because lately, I've been taking you for granted. And to make up for that, you're going to get foot rubs...

Blake: Mmm.

Ross: ...And back massages...

Blake: Mmm.

Ross: ...And just general adoration, because I'm your man.

Blake: You certainly are.

Ross: And if I've ever done anything to make you doubt me or my love, I'm sorry. You don't know how much I'm sorry.

Blake: Where is this coming from?

Ross: From someone who's made a few mistakes along the way but who nonetheless loves you deeply, and wants the world to know that. Will you marry me?

Blake: We've already done that part.

Ross: Well, I'm so much in love I can't remember what I've done. But maybe I'll propose every day, just to let you know what a wonderful, wonderful woman you are. I'm the luckiest man on earth.

Tory: "Hi, how do you do? I'm Mrs.. Ross Marler." "Hi, I'm Tory. Have you met my husband, Ross?" I know you love me, Ross. I just have to help you realize it.

Phillip: I can't find Lizzie. Have you seen her?

Alan: Phillip, I want you to know I've taken decisive action.

Phillip: What are you talking about? I told you not to do anything. What did you do?

Alan: Well, right now Edmund Winslow and this Lorelei person are getting exactly what they deserve.

Edmund: So, ready to start your new life?

Lorelei: Well, we don't have much of a choice, do we?

Edmund: Well, that's where you're wrong, you see? We have everything we set out for: Each other-- we didn't set out for that, but we have that now-- we have a healthy nest egg, thanks to your brilliance. We've won, Lorelei. We have everything that we want.

Frank: All right, Gerry, cuff them.

Edmund: What are you talking about, cuff...

Lorelei: Frank? What...

Frank: Cuff her, too.

Lorelei: Frank, no, no, no. There's got to be some kind of a...

Frank: You're both under arrest. Lorelei Hills, Edmund Winslow, you have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you by the court. Do you understand your rights as I've read them to you so far?

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