Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 2/5/02 Provided by Linda Olivia: You know what? You can think what you want, but you have no right to be angry with me. I'm simply protecting my interest, something I've had to learn how to do around you. Reva: Did you or did you not show up at the palace uninvited interrupting Josh's meeting offering your services to his client. Olivia: All right. I have a better question for you: Why are you and Josh even on the island right now? The harbor project. My brainchild, my baby, something that Josh fought me on practically every step of the way. But now that it's successful and people are coming from all around the world to see it, he wants all the credit. Reva: No, he doesn't. Olivia: Well, then you want it for him, I guess. Anything to cut me out of the loop. Reva: Do him a favor, Olivia, leave him alone. Olivia: Oh, no, no. Oh, relax, okay? I have no interest in taking your man away again. Reva: You never took him away from me in the first place. Olivia: You're right, I didn't. I've never taken anything from you, but you have taken things from me. So you see, I have a dozen reasons to hate you, Reva. But the question is why? Why do you hate me? That's what I don't understand. Rick: Hey, Jude. (Chuckles) Well, it's time for daddy to go home, son. Well, you know what? You're going to have a chance to come by the house a lot, and I'm going to be here a lot, too. So we're going to see a lot of each other, and... I'm still going to miss you. Harley: He's going to miss you, too. We're all going to miss you. Rick: This is just a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Harley: We're going to see a lot of each other, right? You said that. Rick: You bet we are. I'm going to be here for our son, Harley. And for you and Zach, too. And if there's anything that you need at all, I will be here for you, I promise. Okay? Harley: Thanks. Buzz: You guys are almost as nervous as your daughter. Frank: Hey, Pop, if this meeting goes badly with this school guidance counselor... Eleni: Marina won't get into Springfield High. Buzz: Oh, come on. Of course she'll get in. In the first place, it's a public school. She has a right to go. Frank: Not if she's perceived as being a behavioral problem or disruptive to other students. Buzz: Behavioral problem, that's hogwash, Frank. Frank: Dad, that's exactly what they're going to think when they see she was expelled from another school. Buzz: Just explain the situation to the guy. Just do that. I mean, she was upset about the divorce, moved out to L.A. Come on, now she's got a support system here at home, in Springfield. She'll be fine. Eleni: Let's hope Mr. Workman sees it that way. This has got to go well. It's got to. Marina: Thanks. Shayne: Yeah. Marina: Traitor. Shayne: Look, I just heard your dad talking about an interview. So you're going to Springfield High? Marina: Yeah, if some dumb guidance counselor says I pass the test. I'll just turn on the charm. It's a piece of cake. Shayne: Cool, maybe we'll be in some classes together. Marina: Not if I can help it. Shayne: Look, for the 100th time, I'm sorry. Look, I thought your folks knew when you were coming back into town, okay? Marina: Shayne, you have no idea what I have been through the past couple of days because of you. But I know how you could make it up to me. Shayne: And how would that be? Marina: I'm out of the loop. I need to know where I can go in this town to have some fun. Adult fun. Shayne: Adult fun. My best guess would be Inferno. The Russian... Marina: (Laughs) Shayne: What's so funny? Marina: What? What kind of name is that? Shayne: Inferno. It's Spanish for hell. It's run by the mob, and they got a casino. Marina: Okay, it sounds good. So when are you going to take me there? Shayne: When you're 21. They're not going to let you in. Marina: They won't let you in maybe. I have a fake I.D. Shayne: A good fake I.D.? Marina: Yeah, it got me into bars and clubs all the time in California. You have one, too, right? Shayne: I never needed one. Marina: Then I guess you won't be joining me. It's your loss. Shayne: Marina, have you considered that you're already in trouble and it wouldn't be that smart to get into more. Marina: It's only trouble if you get caught, Shayne. Shayne: Funny. Yeah, that's the guidance counselor. So I guess I'll let you do your interview. I'd wish you luck, but you've got your act so together, I guess you don't need it. Eleni: Thanks for coming here. Frank: Nice to meet you too. Thank you. Guidance counselor: Is your... Your daughter's here? Frank: Yeah, she's right here. Lorelei: How could I tell you the truth? I knew that telling you the truth would just hurt you. And hurting you is the last thing that I wanted to do, because I care about you, Phillip. Phillip: You care about my money. Lorelei: No. No, not anymore. Phillip: Well, good. Because you're not getting a red cent. You need cab fare back to or from, call your pal Eddie. Lorelei: I'm not going to Edmund for money or anything else. I'm staying. I'm staying right here with you until you admit that you love me. Phillip: You think I love you. Lorelei: I know you do. Phillip: Well, then, my dear, you have conned even yourself. Lorelei: You kept the letter that I wrote. I saw. I know where you put it. Why would you keep it if it didn't mean something to you. Lizzie: Look what Nana bought me. Phillip: What is it, honey? Is it a scrapbook, what? Lizzie: I'm going to fill it with things from your wedding, like, the invitation, pictures, ribbons and dried flowers. Oh, speaking of flowers, hint, hint. Mom? Lorelei: I'm sorry, what? Lizzie: I'm still going to be your flower girl, right? Well, actually, now I'm old enough to be a bridesmaid, so... Lorelei: Well, you know something, we should maybe talk about this later, because right now your dad and I are in the middle of something. Lizzie: More wedding plans? Lorelei: Yeah. Plans in general. Lizzie: Well, if you're deciding on a color scheme, I vote for pink. Lorelei: Pink. You want me to leave so bad, why didn't tell her just now? Phillip: You think I relish the idea of breaking my daughter's heart. Lorelei: Then don't. Don't tell her or Lillian anything. Just stay quiet. Let me stay here. Phillip: Right. Oh, and then what? What do we do after that? We spend the rest of our lives lying to the entire world? Tell me, how exactly do you see this working, Lorelei? Do you know? Have you given it a moment's thought beyond today? Or are you just so caught up in your own selfish needs you just don't give a damn. Phillip: See, this may be difficult for someone like you to fathom, but your actions actually do have consequences. Lorelei: I know. Phillip: People loved Beth. People mourned her. Two innocent and beautiful children's lives were devastated when she died. Do you have any idea what it was like to tell that little girl that her mother was dead? Lorelei: Yes. Phillip: No. No, you don't. You don't even have a clue. Or what it was like to try to tell James. Because, you know, a child his age really has no concept of death. All he could do is keep saying, "Mommy come back? Mommy come back?" As if somehow by repeating it over and over again, he could make it happen. Lillian, at the memorial service was so overcome by grief that she almost passed out. And I... I felt as though someone had reached inside of me and taken a chunk of me out. That's literally what it felt like, as though I had physically lost a piece of myself. And then miraculously, "Mommy" came back. Beth came back. And our world was whole again. Lorelei: And you fell in love again. You did, Phillip. You fell in love with me. You want to be honest, let's be honest. Phillip: Yeah, you're right. I did fall in love again. But not with you. I fell in love with Beth. I thought I was getting a second chance to have my family together again. Lorelei: Was it Beth you kissed? Phillip: It was Beth I wanted. Lorelei: And you can still have her and me. In a way, you can have what's best in both of us. Phillip: Really, Lorelei? Well you tell me, what is it that's best in you, Lorelei? Is it your sick cruelty or your pathological deceit? It really amazes me that somewhere in that head of yours you think there is a way that we could be together. Now aside from the obvious, let me just ask you. Let's say... Let's say I wanted to pretend that you were Beth, do you think that I would ever trust you again or let you within ten feet of my children? Lorelei: You need me. Those children need me. And Lillian needs a daughter. And I'm here. I'm here right now, ready to fill the empty space that she left in this house, in your heart. Phillip: You think you can fill Beth's shoes? You're not fit to scrape them. I want you out of this house and out of this town tonight. And should you ever be so ill-advised as to try to come back, I promise you, you'll regret it. Lorelei: Phillip. Don't do this, Phillip. Don't throw away this chance at happiness. You'll regret it. I know you will. Edmund: Phillip came over here earlier, read me the riot act. Lorelei barely said two words and then she left with him. Naomi: Well, maybe she doesn't want to burn the bridges. Maybe she wants, she hopes, that Phillip will want her anyway. And then the two of you, you know, you can get the big payoff further down the road. Edmund: Phillip still wants her, and God knows she's smitten with him. She betrayed me right in front of him just to show him where her loyalties lie. Naomi: Okay. You know, maybe she's turned on by his money and his incredible good lucks. I mean, what gal wouldn't be. ( Laughs) And, you know, the ready-made family deal. But the girl loves you. Edmund: She certainly has an odd way of showing it. Naomi: Listen to me. If Phillip and her get together, Phillip's just going to want her to be like Beth all the time, isn't he? But you, now you, you like the real poker-playing, rib-eating, cussing, sassy Lorelei. You love her for her. Deep down she knows that. Buzz: Hi. Holly: Hi. So how's it... How's it going with the guidance counselor? Buzz: I can't tell. I mean, I put up a good front for Frank, but I'm worried. Guidance counselor: Obviously, our main concern is Marina's expulsion from Abercrombie high and the pattern of behavior that surrounded it. Now if we do admit you, you'll be on probation for the first year, Marina. Do you understand that? Eleni: She understands. Guidance counselor: You'll have to maintain at least a C average in all of your subjects, sign up for some extracurricular activities, and all of your free periods will be in supervised study halls. Marina: All of them? But don't you... Eleni: She understands, Mr. Workman and she'll do whatever it takes. Guidance counselor: All right. Well, I've flagged a few items here so shall we go through them? Frank: Absolutely. Marina: Yeah. Guidance counselor: All right. First of all, your attendance and tardiness. You consistently missed first period class at Abercrombie. Frank: Actually, that won't be a problem, because we've already discussed... Eleni: And actually that wasn't Marina's fault. I had promised. Marina: Look, I'll be on time, okay? What else do you have a problem with? Guidance counselor: Well, it says here you never took the final exam in history. Eleni: Well, that was... She was sick. She had mono for a week. Frank: That should be in your record, right? Guidance counselor: Yeah, it is. And it also says that her teacher scheduled a make-up test for her twice, but you never showed. Marina: Well... Eleni: That wasn't her fault. Marina: Mom. Eleni: It wasn't... I promised I'd give you... Marina: Well, it's my interview, will you just let me answer. Frank: Marina. Marina: Look, I'm sorry, but every time she talks she just makes it worse. Frank: I'm just trying to make Mr. Workman understand. Mr. Workman, my daughter is a very good girl. Trust me, she really is. And unfortunately in the past couple years here, well, she's... She's had to deal with a lot changes. A lot of changes in a very short period of time. So please don't blame her. Marina: Yeah, don't blame me. Blame her. She's the one who keeps screwing everything up. Frank: Marina. Marina. Rick: Well, I'd better get going before I stop blubbering and making a fool of myself. Harley: Wait, wait. Can't forget this. In case you ever want to make coq au vin again. For Mel maybe? Rick: So what does this all mean? I mean, now that we're just pals, does this mean you're going to be poking around in my love life? Harley: Yes. Rick: Okay. Great. Harley: I like Mel. She's nice. And if you want things to move forward with her, then I want that, too. Rick: I really wish I could say the same thing about Gus. Harley: Yeah, well, I'm not getting involved with Gus. Rick: Well, as I said before, I think you guys have an undeniable chemistry together. Harley: Well, as I said before, I want more than just that. Not just for me, for the kids. Rick: I really don't trust him. And I don't want him to hurt you or our son. Harley: I know. I know. And I understand that. And I'm not a complete idiot, I know who this guy is. He lied on the witness stand, almost got Danny convicted of murder, he shows no remorse for it. I mean, what kind of an idiot would I be if I got involved with a guy like that? What does that make me? Rick: You know, it's a good question, isn't it? Unless you had some wild notion that you were going to change this man. Harley: Well, see, that would be crazy. Rick: Yeah, it would be crazy. It would be crazy because I think we get to a point we all know that we can't change each other, right? I mean, we couldn't make Phillip stop loving Beth. I couldn't force Abby to have children, and you and I couldn't force each other to fall in love. And Gus is... Gus is always going to be Gus. Harley: I got it. Rick: I know. You do what you want to do. Harley: Okay. You need help with any of your stuff? Rick: Nope, this is it. The rest of it's in the car. Harley: Oh, good. I'll get the door for you. Rick: Oh, thank you. Harley: It would be my pleasure. Reva: The root of your problems don't start with me, Olivia. It's all about your lousy judgment. You wouldn't even be on my radar if you hadn't married my husband. Olivia: Ex. See that's ex-husband. And I'm not the reason that Josh left you. Reva: I never said you were. Olivia: You two had problems before I even came into the picture. You have this way of just crushing his spirit, do you know that? You took away his pride and his power, and I guess you're here to do the same thing. I don't know. Reva, tell me, is that what love is? I don't think it is. See, I think you like to possess him. And then once you own him, once you have him, you're going to screw things up like you always do. Reva: Well, live and learn, Olivia. Olivia: I'm with you on that one. And what I've learned is that you've brought Josh a lot of pain. And this time won't be any different. Gus: You guys going someplace? Rick: I'm leaving. Gus: Oh. Well, let me do a little investigative reporting that I learned at Quantico. I get a lot of use out of... Taking stuff to the... Well, I'd say you're taking stuff to Goodwill-- medical books, softball mitt... Really, Rick, a used toothbrush? Well, that would be pretty unhygienic. Rick: Call you in the morning? Harley: Okay. Yeah. Gus: Why do you have to call her? You live here, right? Unless... Rick: Do you want me to stay? Harley: No, I'll be fine. Rick: Okay. Call me if you need me. Harley: I will. Rick: I mean it. Gus: So what was the straw that broke the old nuptial back there? Harley: I don't think that's any of your business. Gus: Is it the thing that happened at your niece's welcome home party? Harley: No, actually, it was a lot of things. Gus: It was our kiss. Frank: Excuse me for one second, please. Why don't you give your old man a hug here, okay? Marina: Okay. Frank: Okay, why don't we sit down here for a second. Marina: Thanks. Frank: Mm-hmm. Yeah. You want to tell me what happened over there? Marina: I messed up. Frank: Okay. Okay. And when we're done with this discussion, what else is going to happen? Marina: I'm going to say that I'm sorry. Frank: Good. Good. You're two for two. Marina: Look, I am sorry, Daddy. Frank: I understand that. And I know that. And I want you to know that I love you so much. And I want you to come to me with anything, any problems, okay? But you can't keep pulling this kind of stuff, sweetie. Marina: Yeah, I know, it's just that I want to be with you so bad. Look, I will be little miss perfect from now on. I swear. Edmund: Lorelei. Lorelei: You rang? Miss me? Edmund: Shouldn't you be with Phillip? Lorelei: Well, you know, it's a funny thing you should mention that... Edmund: Don't. Don't, please. I know what you're going to say. Lorelei: You do? Edmund: I know how you feel about Phillip, Lorelei. And now that we've been found out, you're afraid... You think everything's changed. There's one thing that hasn't been changed by today, and it's not likely ever to change, and that's the way I feel about you. When I lost Beth, I never thought I'd have that connection again. I never thought I'd want it. But then, you... You came and you gave me hope again. You gave me warmth and laughter. And I just... I never thought I'd feel those things again. Lorelei: Eddie, are you saying that you love me? Edmund: Yes. Lorelei: Yes, what? Edmund: Yes, Lorelei Hills, I love you. Lorelei: Still? Even after the lowdown, dirty way I treated you in front of Phillip? Edmund: I love you in spite of every awful thing you've ever done, in spite of every awful thing you're likely to do in the future. Lorelei, as far as Phillip's concerned, just forget about him. We can find another way to get money, get rich. Together, we're unstoppable, so what I'm saying is let's leave Springfield tonight. Let's just leave all of this behind us and start afresh, just the two of us. Olivia: How long before you blow it? How long before you figure out you have another husband or child from some former life? Or you feel the need to drive off a bridge or you feel compelled to go save some underdog in some far-off place on the planet and leave Josh in the wake, wondering what hit him. Leave him feeling like he's playing second fiddle, again, to your dramas and needs, huh? How long? Let's make a bet. (Cell phone rings) Hello? No, that would be wonderful. Whatever's good for you. Great. I'll see you then. That was the gentleman from Singapore. He wants to meet with me, probably to talk about the deal. Whenever you want to make that bet, Reva, just let me know. Josh: What did Olivia say to you? Reva: Nothing in particular. She just presses all the wrong buttons. Josh: Really, I didn't know that. Reva: But you know what? The heck with her. Because this is our time together, and I'm not going to let anything or anyone spoil it. Josh: I agree with you, 100%. Now, why don't we just forget about anything that has anything to do with business, including Olivia, and just focus on each other. Reva: Well, when you put it that way, how can I resist? Josh: Don't. Reva: How did you do that? Josh: Family secret. Look, I have... I have an idea. Why don't we reverse roles, okay? You be... You be the upright responsible, let me be the bold, impulsive one. Reva: (Laughs) Oh, yeah. Josh: Right? Who does things just because they're fun. In fact, I'll start that right now. Let's dance, okay? Because I want to feel you in my arms. Reva: Oh, what's come over you tonight? Josh: Must be the sea air. Come here. Reva: Whatever it is, it's certainly made you downright irresistible. Josh: Well, that's the whole idea, baby. Harley: You are just so full of yourself. It's incredible. You know, you've been chasing me this whole time. Gus: Okay, well, not anymore. Harley: Then what are you doing here? Gus: Business. Just came by to tell you that the police report came out from the lab, the fire, the warehouse. Harley: Uh-huh. Gus: Uh-huh. Harley: And you got this before me how? Gus: Well, I have my ways. Harley: Don't tell me, though, because I want to guess. You bribed the guy at the lab. That would be good. No, you stole it off of somebody else's desk. Gus: If you want to hear what I have to say... Harley: No. You want to know why? Gus: Why? Harley: Because you are a private citizen now, Aitoro. You're not even a P.I. Gus: I never was a P.I. Harley: Well, then it's really none of your business. Gus: No, it is my business. It's my business, I was in the fire. I took a chest full of acrid smoke just to save Danny Santos' life. It's my business. So you want to hear what happened? It was foul play. The fire was set. Look at that. Look how big your eyeballs get when you do that. Harley: That was set? Are you sure. Gus: Well, now I have your attention. Now I do. Yeah, it was set. You know how that works, right? Someone takes a match to a combustible material and then the sparks start to happen and things start to sizzle and the fire and the flames get higher and higher. The heat just, well, it grows unbearable until finally, just finally-- poof. It can be dangerous, playing with fire. Gets out of control. It is fun to play with, though. Lorelei: Yeah, okay. Yeah, I'll go away with you, Eddie. And the sooner the better. Oh, you know, we probably shouldn't do this here because people think I'm still Beth. Edmund: I don't care. What does that matter anymore? Unless, of course, you're having doubts. Lorelei: No. No. Edmund: No, wait, Lorelei, if you're having doubts, you have to come out and say them. Lorelei: No, I'm not. Edmund: You know, Lorelei, I know how smitten you were with Phillip and the whole Spaulding lifestyle, so if you're worried about giving all that up... Lorelei: Well, I don't have a choice, you know? I mean, now that the cat's out of the bag, I realize that you were right about Phillip. He never loved me for me. And even if he wanted to make it work, it wouldn't, because... Well, you know, we're just too different. Edmund: Even if he wanted to? What, are you saying he didn't? Lorelei: I'm just saying that what you and I have is real, okay? That's all I'm saying. Edmund: No, no. What I think you're saying is that Phillip tossed you out, and that's why you're here. That's why you said yes to me, because Phillip gave you the boot. Harley: So the official word is arson. Gus: Arson, yeah. Then you have to ask yourself, you know, who set it? Was it Carmen, was it Danny? I don't know. Harley: Maybe it was neither one of them. Gus: Right. Maybe it wasn't. But then you have to ask yourself why was the fire set. You know, were they trying to destroy the warehouse or the stuff inside the warehouse? You know? Harley: I think you should go. You know why? Because I'm getting a little sick and tired of this obsession with this Santos family. Gus: Just work with me on this case. Just work with me. Come on, it's good. Attempted murder, arson, mob connections. Think of all the late stakeouts we could have together. Those late nights eating stale doughnuts and cold pizza, it would be fun. Horrible, lousy, burnt coffee to rot our guts on. Harley: You sure know the way to a girl's heart. Gus: Not just any girl. Not just any girl. Just come on. What have you got to lose, really? Harley: No. No. No. N-O. Nope. Gus: Well, I'm glad you spelled it out for me, that's cool. I'm going to just work on the case myself. Harley: No, you're not. No, you're not. Gus: Do me a favor, say nighty-night to Jude, right? Make sure you tell Jude who it's from, the kiss. From the guy that brought him into the world. Harley: Don't do this. Gus: Take it easy. Got my answer, thanks. Harley: Hey! I will allow you to work with me on the case, and not for the reasons that you think, okay? I want to keep an eye on you, make sure that you don't railroad Danny again. Gus: Whatever. Harley: Okay. Gus: It's nice to have you back. Partner. Harley: What am I doing? Eleni: Marina. You just got into Springfield High. Marina: What? Are you serious? I thought they were going to say no. Eleni: Well, he almost did, but I made him some promises. Marina: What kind of promises? Eleni: Well, I told him you'd write for the school newspaper and that you'd get special tutoring and that you'd try out for a team sport. Marina: I hate sports, and the last thing I want to do is write some stupid articles for some dorky newspaper that's probably run by a bunch of loser nerds. Eleni: Marina... Marina: Thanks for nothing. Again Buzz: So how did it go with Marina? Frank: I don't know, Pop, I hope I connected with her. I'm trying, you know? Marina: Yeah, Inferno. No, all I need is the address. Thanks. Nobody tells me what to do. Edmund: So Phillip tossed you out. Lorelei: No, he didn't. It was my choice. Edmund: Now you're lying to me. You're trying to con me. God. After I poured my heart out... Lorelei: Okay, okay, you're right, he kicked me out. But I'm glad. I am. Now I don't have to play games anymore. Edmund: Anymore? Lorelei: Ever since this whole thing started I've been torn between you and Phillip. Edmund: Yes, well, I think you've made that abundantly clear, thank you. Lorelei: But I've seen the light now, Eddie, I have. The way Phillip's treated me since he found out? He's not the good guy I thought he was, far from it. You. You, with every bump and turn in the road, you come out looking like the prince you are. Edmund: Knowing you, that's probably another lie. Lorelei: No, it's not. Edmund: I really don't... I don't care. If you're with me, come on. Lorelei: You want me back? Well, I guess you were sure of yourself. Edmund: Hardly. The hotel evicted me for nonpayment. Phillip canceled your credit card. Lorelei: Darn, you got any cash on you? Edmund: Oh, about $20 and some change, you? Lorelei: About the same. That's not even enough for bus fare. We need to get some money. Edmund: Well, we'll find some somewhere. Poker game, perhaps. Lorelei? Lorelei: Don't touch me. What are you... Edmund: Lorelei? Lorelei: What's wrong? Edmund: I don't know, you tell me. I touched you, you jumped up and you sounded almost like... Lorelei: Like a woman that's starving, doesn't know where her next meal's coming from. We're going to scare ourselves up some cash. Phillip: All of these loving words. All these lies. This is absolutely unbelievable. The handwriting is identical. If I didn't know better... But I do. |