GL Transcript Monday 2/4/02



Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/4/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Phillip: All right, I'll just sit here with Lorelei. That's right, the game is over. Time to get serious-- dead serious.

Edmund: Are you insinuating I don't know my own wife?

Phillip: Beth was your wife for about 30 seconds, all of which she regretted. No, this woman, Lorelei...

Edmund: Lorelei, Lorelei. Who...

Phillip: ...Was born and raised in Albemarle, Virginia, although that's not where you found her.

Edmund: I didn't find her. She found me. This is ridiculous. Come on, Beth, let's go.

Lorelei: Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. Stop.

Phillip: She sold you out, Edmund. It's done. It took a little prodding, but she finally did tell me everything, days ago. Told me how you found her in Chicago, taught her everything about Beth, rehearsed her until she didn't know who she was anymore. Yeah, see, she's been playing you the way you've been playing me. Fun, isn't it?

Camille: Play ball, Alonzo, or I will go to the courts and demand my son back. I will do it. I'm serious. I will take their precious little William away, and that, my love, will destroy your beloved Richard and Cassie.

Alonzo: You're not taking Will anywhere.

Camille: I'm his mother.

Alonzo: And I'm his father. You are not making a damn move, is that clear? What's gotten into you? Just tell me, what is it? What happened to that sweet, wonderful girl that I used to know?

Camille: That sweet, wonderful girl? She's fighting for what's ours, Alonzo-- yours and mine. And if I have to use the baby to do it, I will. That palace? That is your birthright. That is our son's birthright. But because you were raised by some other people, you can't see yourself on the throne where you belong. But I can. I love you, Alonzo, and I want you to have what is rightfully yours. I am just trying to make you open your eyes.

Alonzo: If you really believe that, you're a hell of a lot sicker than I thought you were. (Knock on door) (knock on door)

Marah: Tony? Oh, hey, Ben.

Ben: I was expecting a "hi," or "hello," or "what a great surprise, won't you please come in?"

Marah: I'm sorry. Come in.

Ben: Okay. Okay, what is it? Is something wrong?

Marah: Well, yeah. It's just... It's complicated.

Ben: Is it anything you want to talk about? You can tell me anything. You know that, don't you? I am so here for you. Whatever it is, I can help you fix it. I'm your guy, Marah. I'm right here.

Tony: Catalina, are you in there?

Nurse: Stop! Don't open that!

Tony: Oh, thank God. I've been looking all over town for you. Are you all right?

Nurse: If you don't leave now, I'll call the police.

Tony: Why didn't you call me, Cat? Why didn't you let me know? Hey, look, I know her, all right? I know her. She's in here because of me.

Catalina: It's okay, it's okay. Can we have a moment to talk?

Nurse: If you're sure.

Catalina: Yeah, I'm sure. Thank you. How did you find me?

Tony: Ray. He told me that you were thinking crazy, that you're pregnant and that you're thinking about ending it. Okay, look, I've been all over town. I've been to every clinic, every one of them, just to get here in time to talk to you. I need to talk to you.

Catalina: What's there to talk about?

Tony: Please. Please tell me you didn't do it. Please...

Catalina: I'm sorry, Tony.

Tony: Cat, no.

Catalina: I'm so sorry.

Tony: Why didn't you tell me what was going on? Why didn't you let me know?

Catalina: I didn't expect this to happen. I thought I was safe.

Tony: Look, nobody's blaming you. I'm sorry.

Catalina: I... When I found out, I didn't know what I was going to do?

Tony: Well, why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you come to me before coming over here and doing this to yourself on your own?

Catalina: You... You think that... No. No, Tony, not yet.

Tony: It didn't...?

Catalina: No, you got here before. This is just a preliminary exam.

Tony: Cat, look. You don't want to do this.

Catalina: Tony...

Tony: I know you don't. You don't want to do this, all right?

Catalina: I have to do this.

Tony: No, no. How could you even say that?

Catalina: Because you don't want to be with me. It's over. So... So I'm going to take care of it, all right? Don't worry.

Tony: You're acting like you're still going to do this. Tell me you're not going to do this. Tell me you're not!

Catalina: What other choice do I have?

Tony: We've got choices, Catalina. We've got all kinds of choices, but... You should have came to me. We've got to deal with this together.

Catalina: You keep saying "we," when it's me, Tony. I'm the one who has to decide whether I want to raise this child or not. Do you think... Do you think that I like being here? You think that I want to do this? It's against everything that I've ever believed in. But it's a way to start over. It's a way out.

Tony: Look, you couldn't do this to yourself. I know that you couldn't. Could you?

Catalina: It's better than raising a child who isn't wanted.

Tony: Look, I'm not trying to pressure you, I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, but we can't rush off and do something like this without talking about it first. Look, we've got to figure out what's best for everybody. Can we do that? Can we do that? Let's go. Anywhere. Anywhere but here.

Catalina: I don't know... Are you sure?

Tony: I'm sure. Never been more sure about anything in my life. Come on. Come here.

Reva: We can't just skip out on the party. It's in your honor.

Josh: I'm not skipping out on the party. I'm just taking a well-deserved break, that's all.

Reva: Oh, like recess.

Josh: Yes. Did you not hear the bell? I distinctly heard the bell ring. I'm thinking it was kind of like when we used to go out behind the swing set...

Reva: Oh, you are...

Cassie: Oh, no, no, no, no.

Reva: What? What? We were just taking a break.

Cassie: Uh-huh. Well, Richard set up this party to introduce you guys to some movers and shakers, people who may be interested in duplicating the harbor project in six different countries.

Richard: Seven. Seven, actually.

Cassie: Do you guys want to make some money or do you want to make out?

Josh and Reva: Make out...

Josh: ...I think that sounds good, if you would just leave us alone for a few minutes.

Richard: Fine. I'll just have to tell Mr. Tanaka that he'll have to wait. He is only the third wealthiest person in Singapore responsible for construction there.

Cassie: Why don't you just tell him that Josh is trying to have his way with Reva. I'm sure he'll understand.

Richard: He'll understand that, yes.

Josh: Okay, okay, okay. Don't do that. Just fill me in on Mr. Tanaka, and then lead the way. And you, remember to tell me where we left off.

Reva: I'm trying so hard.

Josh: I'll be back.

Reva: (Laughs)

Cassie: You look so happy...

Reva: Don't say that! Don't say that. That is bad luck.

Cassie: Happy, happy, happy, happy...

Reva: Thank you, Cassie. Thanks for putting this party together for Josh.

Cassie: Thank Josh. That harbor is the bright light of San Cristobel right now.

Reva: No, no, you are-- you and Richard. Everybody loves you and wants you here. Even that Contessa... Von...

Cassie: Weinerstauten?

Reva: (Laughs) Yeah, I think that's the one. She said, "if Mr. Baptiste claims the throne, I will personally lead the revolution." That's what she said.

Cassie: I'm not worried about Alonzo claiming anything.

Reva: Camille doesn't stand a chance, Cassie. If what Alonzo says is true, he will never allow her to take Will.

Cassie: I hope he can stop her. I had this dream the other night that they came and took Will away from me. And Camille was there, and she ripped him out of my arms, and he was just screaming and crying.

Reva: That is not a dream. That's a nightmare, and that's all it is. Nobody is going to take Will away from you.

Camille: Think about it, Alonzo. Think. They live in a palace. They fly in a jet all around the world. They go to places that you and I have only read about in magazines. And the only way for them to keep that is to pretend that you are their friend so that you don't betray them. But going after what is rightfully yours is a betrayal to no one. Not going after it would only be betraying one person, and that's you, Alonzo. And I am not going to let that happen.

Alonzo: So this is all about me, now?

Camille: Yes.

Alonzo: You're doing this for me?

Camille: Yes. Alonzo, they hate you. They hate everything that you represent. So I think it is time that you got angry and staked your claim. Do you want to end up being a loser for the rest of your life? End up dying somewhere in a shack smelling like fish while they're out spending your inheritance?

Alonzo: Is that what you think I am? A loser?

Camille: You will be if you don't do something. You have always prided yourself on being independent. Well, you are a puppet, and they are pulling your strings. Are you really that blind that you can't see it?

Alonzo: You're right, Camille. I've been blind.

Camille: Thank God.

Alonzo: Blind to just how simpleminded and self-centered you really are.

Sam: Wow. Get a load of this place. I remember when it was all wood and nails and wall-to-wall drunks.

Olivia: Oh, I didn't realize you'd been here before.

Sam: Yeah, it was the only bar in town that wouldn't card m... You. But now look at it-- lights, decorations, the walls. You really did it, Liv.

Olivia: Well, it wasn't just me. I mean, there were reparations after the earthquake...

Sam: Oh, come on now. You have to give credit where credit's due. This island of ours was in rubble. There were chimneys on the streets, and rooftops on the sidewalks. But now? Now it's a magical, glistening tower on top of the hill, all because you had a vision. So what can I get you to celebrate?

Olivia: Oh, okay, I'll have a... Iced tea.

Sam: What? No champagne?

Olivia: Not until you graduate, and you won't if you don't make your plane.

Sam: Come on. Liv, this is my last, you know, fling before college.

Olivia: Iced tea, cab, airplane-- in that order. When you graduate at the top of your journalism class, we will talk about champagne.

Sam: I don't suppose we can debate this? I will lose anyway. Okay.

Olivia: "The people who gave it life." Not a mention. Not even my name.

Edmund: You told him? You went behind my back and you told him?

Lorelei: No, he found out on his own and then he confronted me.

Edmund: When?

Lorelei: When I thought he was going to ask me to marry him. He was onto us, Eddie. He knew everything, and he made it clear that he...

Edmund: Yes, he made it clear whose side you needed to be on. My God, after all I did for you!

Phillip: There's a hell of a lot more going on here, not just a little squabble between thieves. See, what this means to me... What this means to me is that a woman that I loved is dead. Of course, I guess that doesn't mean anything to you, Edmund, because I think you probably killed her.

Edmund: That's where I draw the line. I didn't kill her!

Phillip: You don't know how to draw the line, Edmund. That's why she's dead. And that's probably why you thought it was okay to take her and turn her into Beth. And you did. You did. You did a hell of a job. Not quite right, but I guess good enough for you.

Edmund: You have no idea what I've been through since losing Beth.

Phillip: Oh, I know. I know. You've told us all, Edmund, about how much you've suffered. You came to her memorial service and you fell on the ground in grief. But it's obvious that you... You didn't care about Beth at all. She didn't mean anything to you.

Edmund: That's a lie. I loved her, and of all...

Phillip: No, you didn't. Because if you had cared anything about Beth at all, you never could have done this. Are you... Are you really so sick that you don't know what you've done? You took a stranger and you let her walk into the hearts of two little children and give them back their mother, knowing full well that as soon as you got your money, she was going to be taken away again. And for that... For that, I really hope you burn in hell one of these days. But right now what you're going to do is sit down and listen to what I have to say, or I will show you how, with one phone call, I will put you in jail for a long time.

Alonzo: I married you once, and either you've become a completely different person or I wasn't seeing clearly from the start. You keep putting this on me, telling me how I have to grab what's right for me. But it's all about you. It's never been anything else since the day you found out I wasn't just the simple guy you met on the wharf.

Camille: You haven't understood a word that I have said to you.

Alonzo: I've understood more than I want to. So let me say this, Camille: I'm never going to make you a princess. I'm not going to restore the monarchy. It's not going to happen.

Camille: Well, that's your decision.

Alonzo: You're right. Now you make a decision: Decide to stay away from Will.

Camille: You're a prince. You're going to rise to the occasion or I'll make you do it, and you'll thank me for it later.

Alonzo: Camille, wait.

Camille: No. You have one day, Alonzo-- one day, and then I file for custody of my son.

Sam: Hey, I've got an idea: Fly home with me. We'll race to the airport, throw your stuff in bags, jump on the plane. It'll be fun.

Olivia: No, you're on your own.

Sam: Why?

Olivia: You need to go to Hunley, and I need to stick around here for a couple of days.

Sam: And do what?

Olivia: I've got a few things on my mind.

Sam: Oh, yeah? Parties, press conferences, that sort of thing?

Olivia: Yeah, no, sure, if they come up. Yeah.

Sam: Are you feeling left out of all this stuff going on?

Olivia: No. I wouldn't exactly put it that way.

Sam: Come on, don't lie to me, Liv. I know that you risked everything in order to make the harbor side project a success. And now that it is, Josh is the one basking in the glory, alone.

Olivia: Why are we talking about this? We should be talking about you going to college and how much I'm going to miss you.

Sam: I want you to be proud of yourself. I don't want you to think that you've lost just because Josh isn't in your life anymore. You won. You've done something great. You know, you realized your dream.

Olivia: I love you, Sam.

Sam: Oh, now don't get all maudlin on me.

Olivia: No, I don't say it enough, and it's true. You're the one bright light in my life. You're the one constant. What am I going to do without you?

Sam: Well, you're about to find out.

Olivia: Oh, it can't really be that late.

Sam: Yes, it really is that late. And just for the record, I love you, too.

Olivia: Don't get all maudlin on me.

Sam: Are you going to be okay?

Olivia: Just call me the minute your plane lands.

Sam: You are one in a million, Olivia Spencer. I want you to feel good about that. Bye.

Olivia: Bye. You're right, Sam. I will feel good about it.

Ben: Do you trust me?

Marah: Yeah.

Ben: Good. Good, because I would never do anything to hurt you. I consider you to be a very special lady, somebody I tell all my darkest secrets to... If I had any.

Marah: Don't you?

Ben: Okay, so maybe not my darkest secrets, but things wouldn't tell anybody else. Like how much I care about you, how I think about you all the time, how I respect and admire you, because I do. I do. Now, do you think any less of me?

Marah: I think you're just awful.

Ben: You see, we don't have to pretend. We can tell each other anything. So if something is upsetting you, I really wish you'd just tell me what it is.

Marah: Ben, you're a really good friend.

Ben: I hope I'm more than that.

Marah: You are. You are. You mean a lot to me, but... And I know I've just... I've confused myself right now, and I really don't want to say anything until I'm sure.

Ben: Sure of what?

Marah: Just sure. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I wish I could tell you, but can we just drop it for now? Do you understand?

Ben: Of course I understand. And it's okay. It's okay. You don't have to confide everything in me, unless it's about me.

Marah: Thank you, Ben. You're a really good friend.

Ben: I will be more than that whenever you need it, okay? Bye, Marah.

Tony: Hey, how about I get you a cup of coffee or something? No, not coffee, coffee's not good for the baby. How about some tea?

Catalina: Tony, Tony. Can we just... Can we sit down and talk?

Tony: Yeah, let's sit down and talk. You know, the important thing is that I got there on time. You know, that's the important thing. Look, Cat, I know you. What you tried to pull tonight, that's not you. Maybe for other people, you know, that's... That's fine, but that's not you. That's not us, you know.

Catalina: Tony, if you know me, then you know the way that I feel about you. Look, we were friends long before we were together, and I couldn't do it to you.

Tony: You couldn't tell me you were pregnant?

Catalina: No, I couldn't force you to stay with me. I didn't want you to be with me just because of this. So I just... I just thought that I would take care of the problem.

Tony: I can't... I can't believe you almost... I can't believe you almost did it.

Catalina: Whoa, listen, what was I supposed to do? Tony, you came and you broke up with me. What was I supposed to say? "No, wait, I'm carrying your child." How would you have reacted? How? I can't make you do something that isn't in your heart.

Tony: Look, Cat, you know, just because we broke up doesn't mean I don't care about you. We're still friends.

Catalina: I know. I know. I know that we're friends. I know. That's why I went to the clinic: So that you could move on with your life, and so could I.

Tony: And that's it? It's done and over with, huh?

Catalina: You think I wanted to do it? I hated being in there. But I have school and I work two jobs. I can't raise this baby alone.



Phillip: This is the second time you've put me through this wringer. Second time that Beth has died because of you.

Edmund: Good God, man, you have no idea what you're...

Phillip: And if I can ever prove that you killed her, Edmund, I'll see that you're fried for it. But I probably won't. I probably will never know exactly what happened down in Mexico and how she really disappeared. But what I do know, what I have in front of me right here, is a very clear case of fraud-- not a very competent one, but fraud nonetheless.

Edmund: Have you contacted the authorities?

Lorelei: Are we going to go to jail?

Phillip: Not yet, because the more I make of this right now, the harder it's going to be for my children. So right now, I'm willing to let this die quietly. But if you make one false move, I will make you wish you were never born. Am I making myself clear?

Edmund: All right, Lorelei, let's go.

Phillip: She's coming with me.

Edmund: We were in this together.

Phillip: She's coming with me. We have things to discuss that do not concern you.

Tony: Look, I've got to think, all right? I got to think about what's right. And if this wasn't happening, we wouldn't be together. I got to think. We both go to think about whether it's fair to go after something that... That wasn't supposed to happen. I don't want to hurt you-- I don't. I know I'm not saying... Well, I don't know what I'm saying. I don't know. I just... I need time, you know?

Catalina: Well, don't worry. I'm not going to force you into anything.

Tony: I know. I know you're not. But this is big. It's huge. It just... I need to take it slow, you understand?

Catalina: Sure. Sure, Tony.

Tony: You got to promise me that you're not going to try any more of that crazy stuff like you pulled today-- no more of those clinics or anything like that.

Catalina: Okay.

Tony: Look, I'm here, all right? And I want to be part of this baby's life. I just don't know how that's going to work out yet. All right, let's go.

Catalina: Where?

Tony: I'm going to take you home-- back to your dorm. Catalina. Catalina, look. I know I'm not saying the things you want to hear. I'm sorry.

Mr. Tanaka: I think we will do much business, Mr. Lewis. Build a new syonan.

Reva: Syonan?

Mrs. Tanaka: It means light of the south, like Singapore.

Richard: Well our harbor is a shining star, and I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Cassie: Like our other guests, if we don't go say hello.

Richard: Was that a hint, darling?

Cassie: Why would you think that?

Richard: Well, I don't know. You'll have to excuse us, Mr. Tanaka. I believe my wife is hungry again. (Laughter)

Josh: Can I get you anything at all? Would you like something to eat, something else to drink, perhaps?

Mr. Tanaka: I would like a contract, a legal paper outlining our future business together.

Josh: But we've only just started talking.

Mr. Tanaka: I am very pleased. You?

Josh: Well, yes, I'm very pleased.

Reva: Very pleased.

Josh: But if we... If we're going to rebuild a harbor in Singapore, we're going to have to go through some preliminaries.

Olivia: Which begins with me. I'm sorry I'm late, but it seems my invitation got lost in the mail. I'm Olivia Spencer.

Mr. Tanaka: Oh, I'm Hiroyoshi Tanaka, and this is my wife, Mariko.

Olivia: Nice to meet you. Mr. Tanaka, if you're trying to copy the harbor, then you really should speak with me, because as I'm sure Josh has told you, it was my idea from the start.

Lorelei: Man, did you ever let Eddie have it. I... I just wish I had it on tape, because it was like a work of art. The way you called him on everything that he ever did to Beth-- it was perfect, just perfect. And he deserved every word of it. I'm just surprised that he didn't lose a few teeth. You know, wam, bam, really let him have it.

Phillip: Lorelei, sit down.

Lorelei: And you know what I appreciated most? That you didn't include me when you were laying it on the line to him. You saw that I never had anything against Beth. I was just trying to make a little money, and then I got in over my head. I never meant to hurt you, Phillip. I don't have a hateful bone in my body.

Phillip: All right, that doesn't excuse what you did.

Lorelei: I know that. And I'm sorry. Can you see that in my eyes? I love Lizzie and James as if they were my own. They never have to know. I'll die with this secret on my lips.

Phillip: What are you talking about?

Lorelei: Well, this could be our secret together. You have my word on this. This isn't a con. I'm speaking from in here. I really have grown to love you all, Phillip.

Phillip: Whoa. I think you may have misunderstood. This is not going to continue.

Lorelei: No, it will be different-- better.

Phillip: No, it's not going to be anything, because you're not going to be a part of my life or my children's lives, and if you thought otherwise, you were mistaken. No, now and forever, Beth is dead.

Lorelei: You can't just send me away, pretend I never existed. I won't accept that.

Phillip: You won't accept it? You came in here and pretended to be somebody that we had buried and mourned. You let us believe that Beth was still alive so that you could put a couple of bucks in your pocket.

Lorelei: I'm not proud about what I did, okay?

Phillip: You made my children love you.

Lorelei: And you too. I made you love me too. We love each other, Phillip, okay? Even if I am someone else. You used to say that you liked the way I changed, that I was like a whole different person. You fell in love with me, Phillip-- me. And you can't walk away from that.

Phillip: Beth is dead.

Lorelei: But I'm here. I'm right here. And I want to stay. This can't be a coincidence, the way we were thrown together. There has to be a reason that I met Eddie in Chicago and he brought me here to this house, to this family, to you. This thing that we got going between us, Phillip, it means something. Yeah, I know it's a mountain to climb, but I can't believe that you don't think it's worth the hike.

Olivia: Now, all good projects come from competition, so I'd like to offer a little of my own. While anybody can swing a hammer, I'm a visionary. I'm the creative force behind what happened here in San Cristobel.

Reva: Well, you know, anyone can draw a picture on a napkin too, but it took Lewis Construction to make that picture a reality.

Olivia: Which is exactly why I hired them. Mr. Tanaka, why don't you let me give you a personal tour of the harbor, show you a few of my designs.

Reva: Say something.

Mr. Tanaka: We will speak later?

Josh: Yes, absolutely. We will speak later. And it was very nice to meet you, Mr. Tanaka, and your beautiful wife.

Reva: Did that just happen?

Josh: Yes, that just happened. But I'll tell you what. I am not going to compete with Olivia. Lewis Construction is more than set up to handle this kind of opportunity, and we will. If she gets a couple of little crumbs that fall her way...

Reva: She wants the whole project.

Josh: Don't worry about it. Look around here, huh? Hmm. We're alone. Why don't we just pick up where we left off, huh?

Reva: Okay.

Josh: Okay.

Reva: After you get me a good, strong drink.

Josh: I will get us both a good, strong drink. Be right back.

Reva: You can't let her get away with this. You just can't.

Olivia: Again, thank you so much for taking the time to meet with me.

Mrs. Tanaka: It was our pleasure.

Mr. Tanaka: I'll phone you with my decision. Very nice to meet you, Mrs.. Spencer.

Olivia: That's Ms.

Mr. Tanaka: Oh, I see, Ms. You will be hearing from me soon. Very soon.

Olivia: I certainly hope so. Bye-bye.

Reva: That was quite a little stunt you pulled.

Olivia: Yes, it was. I was pretty happy with it. But I didn't get to show them the entire harbor.

Reva: That's not what I meant.

Olivia: I know what you meant. You can believe what you like, but you have no right to be angry with me, Reva. See, I was simply protecting my interests, something I've learned I have to do around you.

Phillip: You just don't get it. This is not about... About fate, or coincidence or climbing mountains. This is about what you came in here and did to my family. I... I have never had a problem quite like this to try to solve.

Lorelei: Yeah, well, we can solve it together. You don't have to be alone. Now that everything's out in the open, we can figure it out together. We can...

Phillip: Lorelei, I can't begin to figure this problem out as long as you're here. Now I... I brought you back here to pack. I want you to get your things and get out.

Lorelei: Get out?

Phillip: Get out. Get your suitcase, take whatever you like, and get out. And do not come back.

Lorelei: But...

Phillip: Get out now!

Catalina: Are you sure you don't want to come in and talk some more?

Tony: Well, it's late. You better get some rest, you know.

Marah: Hi. Are you all right? I mean, did Tony get to you in time?

Tony: I was with Marah when Ray tracked me down. She's fine. It's okay. Nothing happened.

Marah: Do you need anything?

Catalina: No, no. I'm fine.

Marah: I can stay...

Catalina: You know what? I'm fine.

Marah: I better go get my Trig book. Susie's had it all day, and I have a big test tomorrow.

Tony: Look, I'm sorry about Marah knowing. It was unavoidable.

Catalina: Sure.

Tony: You going to be okay?

Catalina: Yeah. Yeah, actually, I did want to thank you. I know that I got a little scared, but you came looking for me, and that meant something.

Tony: All right. You better get some sleep.

Catalina: I will.

Tony: Bye, Catalina.

Catalina: Bye, Tony.

Marah: So you found her in time.

Tony: Yeah, in the exam room. I thought I didn't make it in time, but...

Marah: But she's okay? The baby's okay?

Tony: Yeah. I told her we need some time to think about it.

Marah: You're going to be a father, I understand.

Tony: Are you sure you understand? I mean, Marah...

Marah: No, I'm going to be fine. Don't worry about me, okay? You have enough stuff to think about. Just let me know what you decide when you decide it.

Tony: I will, I promise.

Marah: All right then.

Tony: Yeah.

Marah: Good-bye.

Tony: Bye, Marah.

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