Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/01/02 Provided By Linda Lorelei: Wow, that was a nice party. But what a way to end it, jeez. When Marina said that she'd been in town for a couple weeks, but she hadn't told anyone, the look on Frank's face, I just... Phillip: You know what really amazes me? Lorelei: What? Phillip: How you talk about people in this town as though you know them. The way you... Marina, Frank, Harley, me. You talk about all of us as though you have some real connection to us. Lorelei: Well, somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Phillip: No, I just got up and remembered that the woman that I thought was Beth Raines is really somebody else, a stranger trying to scam me. Lorelei: Phillip, how many times... Phillip: And I am now finding myself in the position of being forced to go along with this farce until I can work up the courage to tell my children that yes, in fact this time their mother really is dead and is not coming back. And the woman who's been prancing around Springfield pretending to be her is really just some common lowlife. And as if... As if it couldn't get any worse, now Lizzie and half of Springfield think that we're engaged. Should have thrown you out as soon as I found out that you were a fake. Lorelei: Yeah, but you didn't. And I think it's time you started asking yourself why. Cassie: Hi. We have about, oh, two seconds of peace and quiet. How do you think we should spend that time? Richard: Wisely. Because I'm afraid two seconds is about all I really do have. I called a meeting. Cassie: With who? Richard: Ah. Cassie: Oh. Okay. Well, this is perfect timing because I have a meeting of my own, one that I've been irresponsibly avoiding, so I'll see you later. Richard: All right. Thank you for coming. I was going to try to meet you on neutral ground on, you know, your territory if you will. But I thought that some privacy might be in order. Alonzo: This is fine. Don't forget, this is kind of my turf as well. Me being a voting citizen of San Cristobel and all. Richard: Right, of course. Listen, Alonzo, there is quite a lot on the table that we need to sort out. Alonzo: I don't think that's possible. Tony: Ray, what are you... Is Catalina all right? Ray: Yeah, she's all right. Tony: And what's this life and death stuff? Ray: I can't betray the confidence. Tony: What? What do you mean you can't betray a confidence? You come in here, you lay this life and death stuff on me, on us, and you say you can't betray a confidence, that's bull. Look, if Catalina's in any trouble, you better step up here, Ray. Ray: You and Catalina were involved. Tony: Yeah, we were. Ray: Will you just let me finish, please? You and Catalina were involved, and because of that involvement, well, now she's got to make a very difficult choice. Tony: Catalina and I, we talked, we're finished. There are no more choices. Ray: Tony, hear me out. She has to make a difficult choice. Tony: Ray. Ray: One that she shouldn't have to make by herself. Tony: Ray, can we please cut out the priest talk here and speak English. Marah: You don't know, do you? She didn't tell you? Tony: Tell me what? What? Tell me what? Marah: She's pregnant. Catalina's pregnant, Tony. Tony: What? What are you talking about? Pregnant? She can't be. What do you mean? Marah: Tony, when you came over here the other day and you told me you wanted to be with me and that you and Catalina were over, I told you to go and talk to her. Tony: I did! We did. We talked. Marah: And she said? Tony: She was fine. She understood. Marah: She didn't say anything? Tony: Nothing about being... Marah: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. This whole time I thought you knew. She probably decided not to tell you because you would think she was trying to trap you. Tony: Trap me? Marah: Use her pregnancy to keep you as her boyfriend. Tony: Catalina wouldn't do that. Ray: Exactly. Tony: You knew this whole time and you didn't tell me. Marah: I thought that Catalina told you, otherwise, I never even would've considered... Ray: Tony, there's not that much time. Tony: What, Ray? What do you mean? What do you mean by life and death. Ray: Catalina's not thinking clearly. She's upset. She's desperate, bro. Tony: The baby? Ray: Yeah. Counselor: Hi, Catalina. I'm Jane. Catalina: Are you a doctor? Counselor: No, I'm a counselor here at the clinic. I need to ask you a few basic questions before the doctor sees you. Catalina: No offense, but I came to see a doctor, not a counselor. Counselor: No offense taken. I totally understand. It's just... There are some formalities we have to go over. Catalina: Formalities? Counselor: You have plenty of time to make your final decision. There's absolutely no reason to rush into anything. Catalina: I'm not. I'm just have to do this. Counselor: That's fine, and you will if that's what you decide. But there are alternatives, choices, and you and I need to talk about them first. Catalina: The fact is that there are no alternatives, that's why I'm here. Phillip: Oh, I have asked myself that question a hundred times, I can assure you. And I don't know why I didn't throw you out. And I damn well should've. Probably just because I'm a fool. Lorelei: Oh, I don't think you're a fool. Phillip: Oh, no, I think we've established that much. And now my family is going to have to pay the price for that. Lorelei: Phillip, I know it seems like your head is spinning and you feel like you're a coin. Phillip: Well, there's the understatement of the century. I can't win. This is a no-win situation. If I don't tell, I live a lie. If I do tell, I shatter the lives of two children who have been through more than enough already. Lorelei: If I could go back in time, and not have changed my accent, not have dyed my hair, undo what I've done to you, I would do it. But I can't. Phillip: Great. You're right. You can't. Lorelei: I never meant to hurt you, Phillip, I didn't. And this isn't easy for me either because I care about you. I really do care about you. Phillip: I would dearly love to see what you do to people you don't like. Lorelei: Okay, I made a mess of things, but you don't just have to look at the negatives, you could focus on the good things. Phillip: The good things? What would the good things be? Lorelei: When I came here this was a house in mourning. I made Lizzie and James smile again. Alan, Lillian and you. Most of all you. Do you remember Mexico. Phillip: You mean, do I remember when you hired actors and dressed them up as monks to keep this farce rolling along? That Mexico? Yeah, I remember that. That was a good thing? Lorelei: I meant the hotel. We had a connection, you can't deny it. There was a spark between us. Phillip: What I felt, I felt for Beth. Don't you ever for a second forget that you are not Beth. Lorelei: I can be. Phillip: What? Lorelei: I can be Beth if that's what you want me to be. Alonzo: I'm going to spell everything out for you right here and right now, and then we'll be done with it. I have no interest in being the Prince of San Cristobel. I like things the way they are. Waitress: There's one for the books. Royal couple gives up throne, adopts child. Kid belongs to prince who doesn't want to be one. Nobody wants to be prince of that island? Pretty weird. Edmund: You have no idea. Richard: There are things, Alonzo, quite a lot of things, you know, that we share. Alonzo: And many things we don't and never will share. Richard: As is the case with all families. Alonzo: Families. We didn't really get off on the right foot, did we? Richard: No, I don't think we did. Alonzo: We tried. Richard: Well, circumstances got in the way, didn't they? Alonzo: Yeah. You were right. You were right not to trust me, Richard, about Cassie, I mean. You were the only one who saw how I was beginning to feel. You knew even before I did. Richard: Perhaps that is true. And I guess that's just how jealous husbands are. But I do want to say this to you. You know, Cassie, when I told her what I was thinking, she... She defended you. Alonzo: I didn't need defending. Richard: She lied to me to protect you. Alonzo: I shouldn't have put her in the middle. She shouldn't have had to lie. Richard: Yes, well, I wish I could say that I've never lied, but then I would be lying, wouldn't I? In any case, I know that that can come of no good. Alonzo: You're right. Richard: And this whole situation has taught me that I need to focus more on Cassie's motives and less on her actions. Alonzo: It's very presidential of you. I wish I had that ability. Richard: You do. I see it in you every day. However, the question still remains, what are we going to do now? Camille: Well, look who it is. Make it two? Cassie: No, thank you. Camille: Oh, what, you don't want to drink with me? Cassie: No, I would like to talk to you. Camille: Really? Well, you know, every time you say that we should talk, it always ends up where you're talking and I'm listening. Cassie: Okay, maybe it can be different this time. Camille: Well, it's about time. You know, ever since I gave you my son to raise, you've treated me like no more than a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe. Cassie: Well, I'm sorry you feel that way, Camille. Maybe we can start over. Camille: No, I think it's a little late for that. Cassie: You're right. I came down here to make you an offer for your future. An offer that you can't refuse. Camille: All right, so let's hear the pitch, princess to princess. Cassie: Well, for a few weeks, you've been sticking around San Cristobel. Why? Camille: I... I like the water. Cassie: You like Alonzo. And you've never really gotten over him, have you? And if Alonzo decided to restore the monarchy, you'd like nothing more than to stick around and be his princess. Camille: Well, what girl wouldn't? Cassie: After the press conference that Alonzo gave, it should be pretty clear that you're not going to be a princess. Well, not of San Cristobel. Camille: Never say never. Alonzo could change his mind about San Cristobel and about me. Cassie: I'm sorry to tell you this, Camille, but you and Alonzo are over. He's not going to come back to you and he doesn't even want you here. Camille: Says you, but I think things are a little different. Cassie: And I think you're fooling yourself. Camille: Look, you came down here to set me straight, right? To give me a big dose of brutal honesty, turn me around, help me see the light. Well, hallelujah, thank you, Mrs.. Winslow. Now, I see the path to righteousness. Cassie: You need to start dealing with reality. Camille: The reality is that he never gave me a chance because you kept leading him on. Cassie: Well, you can keep telling yourself that. So, what are you going to do? Camille: I haven't decided. Cassie: Well, why don't I help you with your decision. I will pay for your trip back to the states. Camille: That's just petty cash. Cassie: I will cover all expenses for you to get settled in. Camille: Yeah, well, I have a pretty high standard of living. Cassie: Look, you have got to get your life back on track, Camille. And Richard and I have connections. We can get you into a very good university and I will cover the full tuition. Camille: That's a pretty impressive offer. Cassie: It is, and I think you should take it. So, what do you say? Camille: Well, princess to princess? I think it's a cheap bribe-- unworthy of your highness or of my highness. I think that you're just trying to get rid of me, get me out of the way and keep me out of my son's life. I think you'll do it at any cost. And, honestly, I think it stinks. I think it royally stinks. Cassie: We are just trying to help you. Camille: Right. Cassie: Look, you don't have any other options, Camille. Camille: (Laughs) Really? What do you know about my options? I've got plenty of them, and, honestly, unfortunately, for you, none of which you'll like. Richard: Look, we've all made mistakes. We both made mistakes. God knows I've made my share, and I was just... Alonzo: What are we talking about here, Richard? Richard: Well, moving on. Alonzo: How? Are we going to wipe the slate clean? Forget it ever happened? Richard: Well, I don't know. I mean, I don't know if that's possible, but I was, you know... Alonzo: Well, let's not pretend it's possible. Richard: All right. Well, then what... What do you suggest? Alonzo: Let's just call it even. Richard: Even? Okay, I suppose I can do that. After all, you are... You're my brother, right? Alonzo: Your half-brother. Richard: All right, you’re my half-brother. And I'd be a fool not to try to get to know you, at least half as well as I know your full brother. Alonzo: I grew up an only child. And then out of the blue, I have a half-brother and a full brother that I've never even met before. Richard: Well, consider yourself lucky there. Alonzo: I guess I'll just have to take your word for that. Richard: Now, there's a start. Even. Even. Alonzo: Even. Phillip: Don't try to confuse an already confusing situation. Lorelei: Phillip, we have a connection. And when two people have that, they work on it, no matter how hard... Phillip: Just stop... Stop! I don't want to hear it. I need to think. I haven't had two seconds to think since this whole damn thing began, and that's what I need to do. Lorelei: Okay. Phillip: I need to think. I need you to get out of here and leave me alone, so that I can think and sort this out. Lorelei: What is so bad about admitting that you care... Phillip: Just get out! And under no circumstances, go anywhere near Lizzie or James or Lillian. Lorelei: But I... Phillip: No buts. Stay away from them, I mean it. The more contact you have, the harder this is going to be in the long run. Lorelei: Phillip, I really... Phillip: Don't say... Don't say anything. I don't want anymore lies. I don't want to hear anymore wheedling. Just go. Lorelei: You'll come around, Phillip. I know you'll come around. Tony: No... Look... I don't know... I don't know if she's checked in. I'm looking for Catalina Quesada. It's Q-u-e-s-a-d-a, okay, Quesada. Look... Listen, she's Spanish, all right. She's got black, straight hair. She's like 5'7" and... What do you mean you can't tell me? What are you talking about? Ray: Tony, listen, a doctor's office is not going to give you that kind of information over the phone. Tony: Meaning that if I want to find her, I got to go to every one of them. Ray: Simple answer, if you want to stop her, yes. Tony: I don't know what I'm going to do, Ray. I got to... I... (Sighs) I just got to... I got to talk to her, I got... Ray: Listen, listen. This is your decision, okay? I know you're going to do the right thing. I know you're going to do the right thing, okay. If you need me, you know where to find me. Marah: (Sobbing) I thought you knew, I really, really did. Tony: Hey, look, look, I know... I know there's no way... I know there's no way that you would keep anything like this from me. I'm sorry. I'm just so crazy right now. I feel like... I feel like I'm a caged animal, you know, like in a cage I built. I don't know what to do! How could she... How could she be pregnant and she can't... She didn't tell me? Marah: She probably didn't want you to stop her from what she's going to do. Tony: This whole thing is so crazy! Marah: Yeah, crazy. So, are you? Are you going to stop her? Phillip: You can't... You can't even follow one simple... Sorry. I... Never mind. Alan: Are you all right? Phillip: Yeah, yeah. Alan: Phillip, I didn't mean to sneak up on you or anything. As a matter of fact, I thought you'd be out celebrating. Phillip: Celebrating? Alan: Yes. You know one of my greatest talents is getting people to tell me things that they've sworn never to tell anyone. Perhaps, I should have been a priest. Phillip: Yeah. That might have worked out well for you, Dad, except for those pesky vows of celibacy and poverty. Alan: (Laughs) Yes, there's that, isn't there? Phillip: All right, Father Spaulding, what is it that you think you know? Alan: Well, Lizzie and I just had a delightful conversation. Now, she didn't want to tell me at first, but after a little gentle probing, she relented. Good thing she did because if she hadn't, I may not have found out that you are engaged again. Phillip: Well, I hope you're proud of yourself. Forcing information out of a 12- year-old. Alan: You know, years ago, I would have been very upset that my son didn't tell me first, maybe second. But I can't tell you how thrilled I am at this news. Phillip: Listen... No one was supposed to have been told because it's not definite yet. Alan: But Lizzie said that... Phillip: I know, I know, but regardless of what Lizzie thinks, we still have a few wrinkles to iron out. Alan: How many times have I told you, "He who hesitates is lost"? Phillip: Well, maybe if I hesitated. Never mind. You know what, I have to do this in my time, in my way. If you can't accept that... Alan: Phillip, I have let it be known in no uncertain terms that I want you and Beth to find your own path back together. Now, I will step away and let you make that decision. Phillip: That would be a first. Alan: You've got an important decision to make. And when push comes to shove, I trust that you will make the right one. Phillip: Thanks. Alan: Another thing. Your family has been put through the proverbial ringer of late. You and Lizzie have endured more than anyone. I know you're a fighter, and I trust that you will fight to keep your family from going through any more pain. It's a piece of cake. Don't make it anymore difficult than you have to. Phillip: All right. Alan: Family first. Then the rest will follow. Phillip: Yeah, it's a piece of cake, Dad. Just a piece of cake. Lorelei: Well, hey, Eddie. What's up with the world? Edmund: Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about. I'm sure Phillip Spaulding will take care of everything for you, come famine or flood. Lorelei: You know, you got to stop obsessing about Phillip. It's not good for you. Edmund: I was just sitting here reading, passing the time, not thinking about either you or Phillip. Lorelei: Passing the time, huh? Yeah, well, you got more angles than a flat broke pool hustler. Since when do you pass the time? Edmund: If anyone's hustling the angles in this room, it's you. So, have you and Phillip picked out a new china pattern yet? Or perhaps you want the paper plates; it will remind you of home. Lorelei: Oh, so that's what this is all about, huh? Yeah. Still pouting over the fact that you're the bridesmaid and not the bride. Well, marrying Phil was all part of the plan. Edmund: I know, and I'm very proud of you for pulling it off. Lorelei: Well, you've got a funny way of showing it. Edmund: As a matter of fact, you've done such a good job, that my worst fear has come to pass, and you don't need me anymore. Lorelei: Ah, Eddie, that... Edmund: No, really, really, don't protest, Lorelei, it's true. Phillip has fallen head over heels in love with you. Well, it's true, isn't it? Lorelei: Well, sort of, yeah. Edmund: You know, I used to think that you cut me out of the deal because you came to find me as extraneous, a middleman who'd outlived his usefulness. Lorelei: I never would have cut you out... Edmund: No, no, no, never. Ironically, though, now, you're going to cut me out because you'd rather betray me than betray the man you've fallen in love with. You see, clearly, I've lost my meal ticket. So, if you'll excuse me. I have to go look over the want ads. Lorelei: Damn. Well, gee, Eddie, if you were really going to check out the want ads, you would have needed this. So, what are you up to? Just passing the time, huh? Tony: Hey, look, look, look, I know... I know I came over here today... I told you all those things about how we should be together. And that nothing was come in our way, I know. Marah: (Sobbing) But this changes things. Tony: No, no, no, no, no, no. Look, I don't know... I don't know... Marah. Look, I need time. I need to straighten this out. I just... I need to talk to her. Know that... Know that every word that I told you was true, everything, everything. Marah: I know... I know it was. Tony: What is... What is it? Marah: I... I need to tell you something, that I haven't talked to anyone else about. The night of your party when I found out that Sam was lying to me, I realized that it was you that I wanted to be with. I don't know... I don't know. Maybe it was being lied to that made me realize I was lying to myself, but... That it was you that I had wanted, that I had dreamed of all along. So, I went back to your house. I thought the party was still going on, but the living room was empty. I called and no one answered. I thought maybe you were sleeping. I don't know what I was going to do or say, but... So, I went upstairs and I heard a noise coming from your room. And I opened the door and saw you and Catalina. Tony: You saw us in bed together. Marah: When I saw you there like that that night, I thought that it was really totally over. Tony: Marah, Marah... I wish... I wish... I've got to go. Marah: I know. (Sobbing) Cassie: Am I interrupting? Richard: Darling, that would be an impossibility. I'm so glad that you came back so fast. Cassie: That feels so good. So, how did it go with Alonzo? Did you guys get everything straightened out? Richard: Well, I'm not sure. We still have a ways to go, you know, but it was a start. Cassie: Good. Richard: How about you? How was your meeting? Cassie: It didn't go so well. Camille: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Come on, it's not that bad. Come on, I'll... I'll buy you a drink, just one. Alonzo: This isn't a good time. Camille: No, well, I don't think there's going to be a good time for us to talk about what we need to talk about, so come on. How about now? Alonzo: Okay. What? Camille: You and me. We have been on the outside looking in for way too long. I think it's time that we opened the door and walked in. Alonzo: I'm sorry, Camille, I'm tired. I don't know what door you're talking about. Camille: You are a prince and you have to claim what is rightfully yours. Alonzo: I think I've made myself clear. Camille: Yeah, but you didn't have all the reasons before. Alonzo: There could be an ocean of reasons, Camille. I still wouldn't claim that throne. Camille: But there's one. There is one single reason. If you don't make a play for the power with me alongside of you as your loyal princess, I'll take them to court. Alonzo: What do you mean? Camille: Play ball with me, or I will go to the courts and demand my baby back. I'll do it, Alonzo, I swear. I will take their precious little William away. And that, my love, will destroy your beloved friends, Richard and Cassie. Lorelei: Oh, forget your want ads? Edmund: Nope, I just didn't want to leave you with my check. Lorelei: Well, there's a true gentlemen. Eddie, you sure you don't have something up your sleeve? Because see there's a new sheriff in San Cristobel. Edmund: I haven't had anything up my sleeve concerning San Cristobel for months. I was exiled, remember? Lorelei: Well, that doesn't seem like the kind of thing that would stop a man like you. A man of your determination. Edmund: The idea of spending the rest of one's life in a San Cristobel jail is enough to deter anyone, including me. Lorelei: No backup plan, huh? Well, that's as likely as a hyena that don't laugh. Edmund: When I was with you, I never needed a backup plan. Do I need one now? Lorelei: Oh, Eddie, stop with this paranoid stuff. I'm not cutting you out. Edmund: No? Lorelei: No. We had a deal. I'll keep up my end of the bargain, don't you worry. Edmund: I do worry. You've changed. You're different. Lorelei: Oh, Eddie, I don't want to fight. I care about you. You can't doubt that. Edmund: I don't, when you're with me, which seems to be less and less these days. Lorelei: Well, it's all part of your plan. Edmund: I'm not talking about the plan, Lorelei. Lorelei, if you have feelings for Phillip, it would be much better for all involved if you were just to come out and make them clear. Lorelei: Okay, well, I do have feelings for him, but... But I have feelings for you, too. Edmund: Well, I don't believe you. Lorelei: Well, it's true. Oh, Eddie, there's something I got to tell you. There's something I got to tell you that changes everything... Edmund: What is it? Lorelei: Phillip, he... Phillip: Well, isn't this cozy. Lorelei: Phillip, hi, I was... Phillip: I'm so glad that I caught the two of you here together. Lorelei: Yeah, I was... I was just telling this lowlife how mad I was that he slithered into Marina's party uninvited and unwanted. Edmund: Yes, well, you made the dislike of my presence quite clear already. And to avoid another tongue lashing, I'll just be on my way. Phillip: What's your hurry, bucko? Don't you want to stick around for the roundup? Edmund: "Bucko?" "Roundup?" Have you gone mad? Phillip: Well, I was mad, and then I started thinking about my family and what they mean to me, and what my responsibilities are to them. Edmund: How quaint. Please excuse me while I go cue the violin section. Phillip: Fine, I'll just talk to Lorelei. The game is over. Time to get serious. Dead serious. (Marah sobbing) Tony: Hi. Counselor: Can I help you, sir? Tony: Look... I've been all over town, all right? I have to know if this girl's here. Her name's Catalina... Counselor: I'm sorry, sir, you can't come bursting in here like this. Tony: Look, I have to know if she's here or not, all right? Counselor: I'm going to have to call the police... Tony: Catalina! Catalina! Look, just tell me if she's here or not. She's 5'7", all right. She's got straight black hair. She's Spanish. She's very good... Counselor: I'm going to have to call the police. Tony: No. Where is she? Where is she? Counselor: Please, sir, we have patients here who are trying to... Tony: Patients? Counselor: Yes. Tony: Patients? Counselor: Sir... Sir, you cannot go in there... Tony: Catalina! Counselor: I'm calling the police. Tony: Catalina! Catalina! |