GL Transcript Wednesday 1/30/02



Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/30/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Harley: Wait, wait, Rick, wait.

Rick: What?

Harley: Go up on your left a little bit.

Rick: This way? Up?

Harley: No, the other left. No, it's you. It's your side, it's your side.

Rick: Like this?

Harley: No...

Frank: What's wrong with this? This is perfect.

Harley: It's worse than it was before. It's uneven.

Rick: It's fine.

Frank: You know what? That's great.

Harley: Hey, do you want everything to be perfect for Marina?

Frank: Yes, I do.

Harley: Look, it's sloppy.

Frank: She knows better than anybody that our family's a little off-center. She's going to love this no matter how it looks, all right? That looks good, too.

Harley: Could you just get up and fill this up a little?

Rick: Hey, you.

Michelle: Hey.

Rick: How you doing?

Michelle: Okay. I thought maybe this would help me relax a little. But it hasn't.

Rick: Hey.

Michelle: I think I should get back to the hospital, actually.

Rick: Listen, you know, Danny's... It's going to work out, okay? Besides, you need a break.

Michelle: Yeah, yeah. Maybe you're right. You know, maybe the next celebration we have around here should be your wedding. We need all the celebrations we can get.

Eleni: You wrote "Welcome Home"?

Frank: Yeah. Yeah, I did.

Eleni: Well, but this hasn't been home for Marina for a long time.

Frank: Well, that wasn't my choice, now, was it? Look, Eleni, the point is, is that we're all right here, right now, together, so it's home. Okay? We can deal with all that stuff later. Anyway, can we just please just have one day where we can just enjoy the fact that our daughter is alive and well? Okay?

Eleni: Okay, Frank.

Frank: She did go clear across the country to be here.

Eleni: But having this party makes it seem like running away was okay.

Frank: My daughter ran away to be with her father. Okay? Now, she did the wrong thing, but she did it for the right reason.

Eleni: It's not that simple, Frank.

Frank: Maybe it is that simple, Eleni. Maybe finally, with my daughter being back here, her life will change around.

Buzz: You know, it is really so phat of you volunteering to come over here to help me.

Marina: (Laughs) Okay, Grandpa, you did not just say "Phat."

Buzz: Phat, yeah. P-h-a-t, phat. I'm sort of wacked you don't know what phat is.

Marina: You know, for future reference, if it's in the slang dictionary, then it's probably over.

Buzz: I spent a few choice hours watching MTV, and, um, promise me you'll never dress like Britney Spears.

Marina: You watched MTV for me?

Buzz: Me and your father. It made us feel old.

Marina: (Laughs) You know, you don't have to know the words that I use.

Buzz: No, I don't have to know how to use them, but I should know them. I should know you.

Marina: You know, it's not your fault that I haven't been around.

Buzz: (Sighs) You know, when you left here you were a pretty little girl and now, what, you're what? A person.

Marina: Yeah, I guess I am.

Buzz: Um... Never mind.

Marina: What?

Buzz: You know, if you want to talk and your parents are driving you crazy, I'm available.

Marina: Thanks, Grandpa.

Buzz: Right now I have a baklava dying in the oven, so...

Marina: Okay.

Buzz: You want to come save it with me?

Marina: Grandpa, you can leave me out here for five minutes. I'm not going to run away, I promise. Besides, this town is practically Mayberry. I mean, how much trouble could I get into here?

Buzz: Somehow I managed to do it.

Phillip: Technically that's illegal, what you're doing.

Lorelei: You know, Phillip, I was thinking that I can still talk like this and you can still call me Beth, if that makes you more comfortable.

Phillip: You're not Beth. You're Lorelei. And I think it's a little late for comfort. I didn't hear you come in last night.

Lorelei: Well, I didn't want to wake you, so I just gave Lizzie and James a kiss and I went to bed.

Phillip: Hmm. Let me ask you: How do you sleep at night?

Lorelei: I don't know.

Phillip: See, I can't sleep because I know there's a stranger upstairs tucking in my children, but you... You seem to be able to sleep like a baby.

Lorelei: I didn't say that.

Phillip: You know, I have to tell you, I can understand lying to me and setting me up. I'm sure I look like a very good mark. But lying to children?

Lorelei: I guess you all just made it so easy. It was like being in one of Lizzie's old books. Goldilocks. Those bears left those doors unlocked and she just walked right on in.

Phillip: Yes, but you see, the moral of that story is that you cannot just walk in and take things that do not belong to you.

Lorelei: Yeah, but she was cold and tired and hungry, and she wanted a place to stay. She wanted a family.

Phillip: Don't. Don't try to justify what you've done. You cheated me and you cheated my children. Now you've got the nerve to stand there and try to tell me it was our fault because we left ourselves open?

Lorelei: If it was all just a scam, you know, I could have gone to Edmund last night and come up with another plan, but I didn't do that. Because the truth is I feel bad for them. I feel bad for you because I care about you. I do. You can't help but feel something when those little arms just wrap around you and give you a hug.

Phillip: (Sighs)

Lorelei: And I couldn't fake what I felt for you, either. And you felt it, too. I know you can't deny it.

Phillip: All right. Were you able to lie to Edmund? Does he still think that I’m in the dark about all of this?

Lorelei: Oh, yeah. He bought it no problem, especially after...

Phillip: Especially after what?

Lorelei: Okay, but you got to promise that you don't get mad.

Phillip: Oh, I don't think I’m going to promise anything.

Lorelei: Well, the thing is, I sort of kind of told him that we... I told him that you proposed.

Phillip: You...

Lorelei: You see, the thing is...

Phillip: You did what?

Lorelei: I was on the spot, and Eddie, he's seen me lie before, and people believe you a lot easier if you give them what they expect.

Phillip: You know what? I told you I needed a little time so I could figure out how to tell their children that their mother was not their mother, that you are... That you are whatever the hell you are.

Lorelei: Well, I did what you said. Okay, I didn't do it the way that you said, but I did do it, and that has to count for something. I guess all we just have to do now is just, you know, announce our engagement.

Lizzie: Mom? Dad? You're really getting married? I can't believe it. You're actually getting married.

Phillip: Okay.

Lizzie: This is the best news, Dad.

Phillip: Darling, um... Um...

Lorelei: Well, yeah, it is good news, Lizzie. And we were really just waiting for the right time to tell you.

Lizzie: I can't wait to tell everyone! You can make the announcement at the party tonight.

Lorelei: Party? What party?

Phillip: There's a party for Marina Cooper, a welcome-home party. Lizzie is very excited, because you know how close she and Marina used to be?

Lorelei: Mm-hmm, yeah. Of course. Yeah.

Lizzie: Marina loves weddings. I bet she'll be really excited when she finds out about this.

Phillip: You know what, honey? Come here a sec. Come here. You can't tell anybody about this just yet, okay?

Lizzie: But why not? Everybody will be so excited.

Phillip: Well...

Lorelei: Well, sometimes you just want to... You know, things are just so special you want to keep it to yourself for a little while, and this party is about Marina.

Lizzie: Oh.

Phillip: So we got a deal? You won't tell anybody right now?

Lizzie: If it means that much to you.

Phillip: It does.

Lizzie: I guess it's kind of romantic.

Marina: Listen, mister...

Edmund: The name's Edmund.

Marina: Okay, Edmund. This is my grandfather's store, and he said I could take whatever I wanted.

Edmund: I think he meant the baklava, not the till.

Marina: I think I know what he meant. You know, I think there's some way that maybe I could convince you to see things my way.

Edmund: Oh, my God.

Marina: I mean, you must want something from me. Everybody wants something.

Edmund: Well, actually, you've already given it to me.

Marina: What?

Edmund: The satisfaction of knowing that Frank Cooper's little girl has strayed far from the Cooper fold.

Marina: You don't like my dad?

Edmund: Actually, he doesn't like me. Come to think of it, the only person in your family who does like me is your cousin, Susan Lemay.

Marina: You know Susan?

Edmund: Yes, I do.

Marina: She's pretty cool.

Edmund: Yes, she is.

Marina: So, you're not going to tell anybody about this.

Edmund: It will be our little secret.

Marina: Well, I’m not going to go around owing people. Okay, you know what? Here. Just take that.

Edmund: Does it look as though I need that?

Marina: Well, no, but everybody likes free money, right?

Buzz: Marina, honey, I... I see you've met Mr. Off-limits.

Marina: Yes. Edmund and I were just getting acquainted.

Buzz: I wish you weren't. We better get to this party, get a move on, okay? Be right back.

Marina: I'm the guest of honor. Some kids run away from home, they get locked in their rooms for a month. Me, I get a party at the Bauer house.

Edmund: A Cooper-Bauer family gathering; it sounds like punishment in itself.

Marina: (Laughs) Yeah, my dad said that I could invite anyone I wanted to, but I don't really have that many friends here. I mean, Lizzie Spaulding's coming, but she's younger than me, and when I was younger that didn't really matter, but now when she writes me, she still puts hearts over her I’s.

Edmund: Yes, I can see how that would be a friendship-ender.

Marina: You know what I mean.

Edmund: Is Lizzie bringing her parents?

Buzz: This man does not need to know anything about a party he's not going to. The velvet rope is up. No crashers. Let's go.

Lorelei: Well, I am just so glad that you got your girl back.

Lizzie: Well, where is she?

Eleni: She's helping Buzz with the food. She'll be back any minute. But if you'll excuse me, I've got to go over here.

Harley: Look at you. You look about ready to burst.

Lizzie: Well, it's the best day.

Harley: Really?

Lizzie: Marina's back. And other stuff.

Harley: What other stuff?

Lizzie: Like weddings. Your wedding.

Harley: Oh, that. Yeah. Well, you know what? Zach and Jude are sleeping upstairs, and they're sleeping, but I know I can trust you to be very quiet.

Lizzie: I'd like that. Can I come to your wedding? Well, where are you having it, anyways? I think you should try a church this time.

Rick: Our plans are a little fuzzy right now, but when we know something, we'll let you know. Okay?

Harley: Do you realize that she's thought more about our wedding plans than we have?

Rick: Maybe... Maybe we should start, you know, thinking about it again, you know? Setting a new date, invite relatives.

Harley: Maybe actually invite relatives?

Rick: Yeah.

Phillip: I want to talk to you for a second. What's up with that line of garbage that you were feeding Lizzie earlier, about some things being too special to share, we need to keep them amongst ourselves?

Lorelei: Well, you didn't want her to tell anyone, did you?

Phillip: Well, I didn't want any of this, but we have it, don't we? So I think we need to get a few ground rules set between us.

Lorelei: Blake! Hey, wow. What a rock. That's stunning.

Blake: Oh, yeah. I'd let you try it on, but no one's getting this off my finger.

Phillip: Hey, listen, I really am very happy for you and Blake.

Ross: Oh, thanks.

Phillip: Is everything okay?

Ross: You know that married man that I was telling you about, the guy that got into a little trouble with a younger woman? That was me.

Phillip: I knew that.

Ross: I figured you did, but I wanted your opinion, and I was kind of obvious, wasn't I?

Phillip: No. I just know you. I didn't know what to tell you, Ross. I didn't want to preach to you. You were obviously struggling.

Ross: Struggling and looking for my first love, my lost youth, I don't know. Luckily, I stopped everything before it got totally out of control.

Phillip: Good. And everything with you and Blake is...

Ross: Oh, yes, it's good. It's good. Better than... Better than ever.

Phillip: Good. The other woman?

Ross: She's out of the picture, and from now on I’m not going to do anything that would jeopardize what I have with Blake.

(Telephone rings)

Tory: Hello, this is Tory. Oh, um, yes. I did call about the position for the legal assistant. Really? I got the job. That's terrific. That's exactly what I need. Your office is moving to St. Louis? Um, yes, actually that is a problem. I need to stay in Springfield. I have commitments here. Yes. What I have here is far more important than any job offer.

Edmund: Thank you. You're welcome.

Tory: How is it the seat next to you is never taken?

Edmund: You know, I could say the same thing about you.

Tory: Touche. Edmund, I just want to make sure that I was clear the other day when I said I'm just not interested in anything romantic.

Edmund: Please, please. I'm all too familiar with the sting of rejection.

Tory: I promise it has nothing to do with you.

Edmund: Well, of course it doesn't. But it must have everything to do with that man you can't quite get out of your system. Your husband. You know, I know a little bit about the difficulty of losing someone, and brooding over Buzz Cooper's chili does no one any good, so how does this sound? I have a party to go to this afternoon. Come with me, as a friend.

Tory: And who invited you?

Edmund: Well, you wouldn't know her. I do have friends in this town, you know.

Tory: So you want me to go to this party with you so you can make Beth jealous. You're not over her yet, are you?

Edmund: I want you to go to this party with me because it will be fun.

Tory: And so you can make Beth jealous.

Edmund: If you're afraid of falling madly in love with me-- which is perfectly understandable-- you have nothing to worry about. There will be plenty of people who are there to run interference.

Tory: Like?

Edmund: Oh, the Cooper’s. Bauer’s, Spaulding's, Marler's.

Tory: Ha. So Ross and Blake will be there?

Edmund: I imagine so.

Tory: You know what? I will go with you, because I am not one to turn down a challenge. So you have yourself a date, Edmund. Platonically speaking, of course.

Edmund: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Blake: So your dad really went all out.

Marina: Mm-hmm. All that's missing is the pony ride.

Ross: I don't know. I thought I saw a pony in the backyard.

Marina: So it's great that you're back together. Lizzie wrote and told me that you weren’t. Before, I mean.

Blake: We're getting married.

Marina: Wow. Congratulations. God, it just seems like everybody has kissed and made up in this town. Well, except for my dad and my mom. So what, is it, like, something in the water here, or...?

Blake: It's a lot of hard work, a lot of time and a lot of love.

Phillip: The point is that we are not getting married, and leading Lizzie to believe that we are is setting her up for an even greater fall than the one she's going to take when I have to tell her that her mother is really dead.

Lorelei: I know that. But you know, children are resilient. They can go through terrible things. They can go through unspeakable things and they come back.

Phillip: Well, you know what? They shouldn't have to. They should be protected, which is the only reason I’m going through with this right now, this ridiculous lie. Until I can figure out what to do.

Lizzie: I'm so glad you're back home!

Marina: Yeah, well, I don't know how long I'll be here, but thanks. So, Lizzie, I'm so glad that you're okay. I was really worried about you when you were sick.

Lizzie: So you're not going to stay. So are you going back to California with your mom?

Marina: (Scoffs) No way.

Lizzie: Then what are you going to do?

Marina: Well, my plans aren't definite yet, but there really doesn't seem to be all that much going on around here, so...

Lizzie: Well, there is something you should stick around for.

Marina: Hmm?

Lizzie: My parents-- they're getting remarried.

Marina: Them too? Wow. That's... That's amazing, Lizzie. That's really amazing.

Gus: Hey. What are you doing sulking over here? You know, being all serious like this is not going to help Danny get better quicker.

Michelle: Sure, I guess I should party hard while my husband's in a coma.

Gus: I didn't mean it like that.

Michelle: Well, just don't, okay, because I know that you don't really care what happens to Danny.

Gus: Well, you know, for whatever it's worth, I didn't exactly save his life so he could die. Look, he's going to make it. You know why? Because guys like him, they don't go out this way. They... Well, it's just not dramatic enough for them.

Michelle: Are you actually trying to comfort me? Don't tell me that Cooper-Bauer goodness is rubbing off on you.

Gus: I'm just trying to be a well-behaved guest, you know.

Rick: So what do you think's next for Marina?

Harley: School, I guess.

Rick: And what's next for us?

Harley: Uh-huh.

Rick: You're just saying you wanted to take me upstairs and ravage my entire body.

Harley: Sounds nice.

Rick: So let's do it.

Harley: What?

Rick: Let's go upstairs and make some sweet love.

Harley: Shh! What are you talking about?

Rick: What are you looking at? That seems to be the real question, isn't it?

Harley: Well, okay, you know what? You're right. I can give you my absolute full attention. Just give me one... Just give me one little minute. I want to get rid of him once and for all, okay? I want you out. I want you out of here, now. I can't live like this anymore. I won't. I'm telling you, I won't.

Frank: So, it's good to have you back. Are you having fun yet?

Marina: Yeah, Dad, it's great. Thanks.

Frank: Good, good. Well, I'm glad. You know what? Actually, there are probably a lot of people around here who would love to hear that, so why don't you say, like, hi to Springfield? Everybody? Can you gather around here? My lovely daughter would like to say "hi" to Springfield. Come on, honey, go.

Marina: Hi, Springfield.

All at once: Hi, Marina.

Frank: You can say a little bit more than that.

Buzz: I think your Dad wants you to make a speech.

Marina: Yeah, you've got to be kidding me.

Frank: No, seriously, sweetie.

Gus: Speech! Speech! (Applause)

Marina: Okay. Okay. Um... (Laughs nervously) Well, it's... It's been a really long time since I've been here.

Eleni: Honey, speak up.

Marina: Like I was saying, it's been so long that I... I guess I forgot what the people were like here. I mean, God, you all have just bent over backwards to welcome me back, even though I screwed up, because those are the kind of people that you are. I mean, it has been so long since I've been around people like that, since I was forced to move away from here. And you know, maybe it is time for a speech. Yeah, but I don't think that this speech should be about me. I think that this speech should be about all of you who are putting your families back together. I mean, there are a lot of people who are about to get married right here. People who bent over backwards to help their families instead of just picking up and moving across the country without even looking back. Rick and Harley.

Buzz: Here, here. (Applause)

Marina: Ross and Blake. (Cheers and applause)

Marina: Phillip and Beth.

Gus: Is that right? (Applause)

Marina: May you all live happily ever after-- or whatever.

Frank: All right. Let's get one nice group photo here. Ross, Blake, come on a little tighter there. Come on, you guys. All right, Rick, get a little smile on the face there. All right. This looks beautiful. Ready? One, two, three. That's pretty good. You guys are going to get a copy.

Phillip: I don't think so.

Rick: This is a private party.

Marina: Hey, he's invited. By me. We met at Company later. I want him here, okay?

Phillip: That's all right. It's all right. They can stay.

Marina: That will be $20 bucks. I didn't put it together before. You're that Edmund. You're Beth's ex-husband.

Edmund: The one and only.

Marina: Cool. Have fun. (Doorbell rings) Excuse me.

Shayne: Long time no see.

Marina: Oh, hi, Shayne. Bye, Shayne. Look, you cannot be here right now. I promise I'll explain later, okay?

Shayne: Look, it's good to see you too.

Marina: No, that's not what I mean. It is great to see you, Shayne, but you have to go.

Shayne: Look, I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on. I see you at the mall for the first time in I don't even know how long, and I saved your butt from that little shoplifting scheme. You promised me you would call me, and you just kind of fell off the face of the earth, Marina.

Marina: No, I didn't not call you. Look, I didn't call anyone, okay? Could you at least just wait outside on the porch so I can explain?

Eleni: No, hey. Hey you. Nice to see you. Come on in. There's lots of food to try.

Marina: Oh, please, just let Shayne keep his mouth shut.

Tory: Some nice work getting that little girl to invite you.

Edmund: Yes, well, no one's told her to hate me yet.

Tory: So I think it's show time. Time to make your ex-wife jealous. I know that's why I'm here.

Edmund: I knew you'd be the perfect person to bring to this party.

Tory: Yes, because I'll do anything for the sake of true love.

Blake: That's quite the curious couple.

Ross: Yes, but Tory's poor choice of date shouldn't matter to us.

Blake: No. No. Actually, she's out of our hemisphere for good and she's nothing to do with us anymore. Can you excuse me for a moment?

Ross: Yes.

Blake: Sweetie, are you okay?

Michelle: No. I'm bringing the whole room down.

Blake: Oh, honey, never. Never.

Michelle: I just look around at all these happy people, people that I love, and I just can't enjoy being around them while Danny's, you know...

Blake: Oh, honey. Honey.

Michelle: I'm just going to go outside for a little while, okay?

Blake: Okay.

Michelle: I'll be back in a few minutes.

Blake: Okay.

Rick: I just... I mean, you know, you and Beth are together again, I mean, that's... That's great. Isn't it?

Phillip: Yeah. Yeah, she's different. She's not the Beth that we grew up with.

Rick: Well, we've all changed, pal. We've all changed. And it sounds like you guys both have what you want.

Phillip: Yeah. And of course, so do you. You have Jude, that's what you have always wanted.

Rick: I just love being a father. I can give my son the life he deserves.

Phillip: I know you will.

Lorelei: So, Rick, huh, he's a real package?

Harley: What?

Lorelei: Well, you know, he's got that whole Tom Hanks adorable thing going on, don't you think?

Harley: Yeah. He sort of does, doesn't he?

Gus: How badly do you want me out of here?

Harley: It cannot be measured.

Gus: Well, how about... How about you just let me go take a peek at Jude.

Harley: He hasn't changed that much since the last time you saw him.

Gus: I'll leave, but I'll just take a peek, all right?

Harley: Whatever.

Blake: I can't believe I ever let that woman get to me.

Ross: Do you know how much I love you?

Blake: Well, I think I do, but I sure would love some more proof. We're so lucky.

Michelle: Oh, Danny, I miss you so much. I should be with you at the hospital. Yes.

Edmund: Excuse me.

Lorelei: I'd almost think you didn't want our plan to work.

Edmund: Well, I just wanted to find out for myself if Phillip had fallen for the bait.

Lorelei: Are you satisfied?

Edmund: Hook, line and sinker. Then again, how could he not.

Lorelei: Well, that letter really did the trick.

Edmund: I wasn't talking about the letter. I was talking about you. In the beginning I had my doubts as to whether you could win him over. Look at him now. He can't imagine his life without you. Neither can I.

Phillip: Go ahead. By all means, finish the thought. Don't allow the fact that Beth’s fiance is here stop you. That's right, she's made her choice. You have to get used to that.

Frank: Okay, let's get a nice mother daughter shot here. Ready? All right, come on, look pretty there. Marina, come on. You're so shy. You're never camera shy. Ready? One, two. Good. Oh, that's good.

Marina: Okay. But just, like, one more minute, Dad, because I really need to go talk to Shayne, okay?

Frank: Sure. Not a problem at all. Give me a good one here, this is for my desk, ready? One, two, three.

Shayne: Listen, I try to be cool about this, but it's been days since I was with you at the mall and you still haven't called me.

Frank: What are you talking about here? You've been in town for days.

Eleni: Marina, you said you just got here last night.

Frank: Young lady, I think you've got some explaining to do.

Gus: All right, just take it easy Cooper.

Harley: Okay, this has to stop. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but everywhere I am, there you are too. At my child's birth, at the police station, just the other day, at my niece's homecoming. You are everywhere you're not wanted, where I don't want you. Because you're making me question everything I have with Rick, and I won't do that anymore, okay? And by the way, this is a family celebration, and you are not family.

Gus: I'm getting that. That's why I was heading for the door. But I just want you to know something. I came over here tonight, I had no idea there was a party going on. I definitely didn't know that you were here. I mean, I came by just to check in with Michelle to see how Danny was. And I know that sounds crazy, but I did save the guy's life. And as far as the police station goes, I didn't know that you were going to be there. I mean, you're supposed to be off duty, right?

Harley: Okay, but none of that explains why, you know, you barge into this party and then you stay lurking, lurking.

Gus: I'm not lurking anywhere. I was just trying to... I was waiting to talk to you, to ask you if I could go see the child I brought into this world.

Harley: See, and you're always using Jude as an excuse to hang around me. What is that?

Gus: You know, it's really easy for you to just keep blaming the initiation of this little dance on me, but I'm not the one. It's not me. I mean, I have tried to get off the dance floor a long time ago, okay? But you just keep pulling me back in.

Harley: Oh, come on, that is not true.

Gus: It is true. You will not leave me alone. You are engaged to another man, and you just don't want to let me go. And you know it. Deep down inside, you know it.

Ross: Tory, I'd appreciate it if you left.

Tory: I can't do that. Listen to me, Ross, I know that this is difficult for you, because I believe that you are a good man and you want to do the right thing, and you think that that is to will yourself back in love with Blake and convince yourself that you don't have feelings for me. But you can't do that if I’m here.

Ross: I'm in love with Blake. Now I don't mean to be cruel, and I'm sorry for what happened between us, but I belong with Blake. You have to let go of me.

Blake: Well, don't stop on my account.

Phillip: Stalking hour is over, Edmund. Why don't you take your date and run along?

Edmund: But we're having such a wonderful time. And everyone's being so welcoming.

Phillip: Sooner or later you're going to have to accept the fact that she's out of your life for good.

Lorelei: I thought that you were going to tell him.

Phillip: I'm going to tell him very soon.

Lorelei: I'm sorry that I was going on so much about wedding plans with people, but I just... I never planned a wedding before, I've never had anything like this before. And I know that it's wrong, but I...

Phillip: You know what? I don't give a damn what you want. Doesn't matter to me at all. All that matters to me is figuring how I’m going to break my daughter's heart again. Thanks to you.

Tory: Actually, I was just congratulating Ross on his engagement. And congratulations to you, too. I can't imagine how happy you must be.

Blake: I think it's a tie between now and the last time we were engaged. I don't know, everything's been such a whirlwind. I don't think we can make any concrete plans until we get back.

Tory: Back?

Blake: Oh, Ross wants to whisk me away for a romantic weekend. And Michelle has offered the villa in San Cristobal.

Tory: That sounds incredibly romantic. In fact, I think that's the kind of place I’d want to go if I were in love. Have fun.

Frank: Marina. Hold on one second, please. Why didn't you let us know that you were here? I mean, how did you live? Where did you go?

Marina: I managed.

Eleni: Marina, you looked right at me and you gave me this whole story. You looked right in my eyes and told me this whole story about being stranded on a bus.

Frank: Sweetheart, we were really worried about you.

Marina: Yeah, I know, Daddy. And I wanted to come back to you.

Frank: But what, honey? Do you know how hard it was for your father to look at your pretty face on a missing persons poster? I don't understand. I mean, what could've possibly been here that kept you away when you knew we were right here?

Eleni: This has got to be the worst thing you have ever done.

Marina: Okay, do you want to know why I stayed away?

Eleni: Mm-hmm.

Marina: It was because of you. I realized that you were here. You are the reason that I stayed away.

Gus: It's really convenient for you, or easy for your head to keep blaming me and making me the villain, but you are just as guilty, all right?

Harley: I'm the villain? How do you figure that?

Gus: You've got a guy downstairs that is... This poor sap is waiting just to play house with you.

Harley: You call him a sap.

Gus: And you've got me upstairs here, and you just keep on trying to throw me out of your life, and you can't keep your eyes off me.

Harley: What?

Gus: You followed me up here.

Harley: That is so not true!

Gus: You choose him! You choose him. The minivan, the perfect little life, and you know something?

Harley: I will not apologize to you for wanting a better life.

Gus: The guy downstairs is a great guy. He's a really great guy. No matter what he says about me, he's a great guy! I'm sure he'll make a great father, I'm sure he makes a great sandwich, but he doesn't make you feel anything.

Harley: I love him. I respect him.

Gus: I make you feel sad; I make you feel happy; I make you feel angry.

Harley: What? Those are good things.

Gus: Yeah. I make you feel something. Something that I don't think you wanted to do for a very, very long time.

Harley: Please just go.

Gus: That's your mistake to make. And I will honor it. Because you made a choice finally. And so this is good-bye. I made a choice, too. No more. I mean, this is just definitely good-bye, okay?

Harley: I hate you.

Gus: I hate you, too.

Harley: Rick.

Rick: Get out.

Gus: Nobody knocks in this house.

Rick: We need to get something straight right now.

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