GL Transcript Tuesday 1/29/02



Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/29/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Tony: Whoa! You okay?

Marah: Yeah. Catalina's not around.

Tony: That's okay. I'm not here to see her.

Marah: You're not?

Tony: She didn't tell you?

Marah: Tell me what?

Tony: We broke up. I'm here to see you.

Buzz: There you go.

Ben: Thanks, Buzz.

Holly: Well, look who's here again.

Ben: Hi, Holly, how you doing?

Holly: Hi. Fine. Oh, remember we have a luncheon date coming up.

Ben: Absolutely, my treat.

Holly: You bet.

Ben: Okay.

Holly: Okay. Hi. Well, are you ready to fax police stations?

Buzz: (Sighs) Where the hell are you?

Ben: Here you are. Honey vanilla chamomile.

Catalina: Thanks. What?

Ben: I'm still trying to understand how you could let Tony break up with you without saying one word to him about being pregnant?

Catalina: Ben, Tony doesn't love me, okay? This news isn't going to change that.

Ben: You know what, you've had a rough day. You hear Tony tell his grandmother that his heart's not in it when it comes to you...

Catalina: Yeah, and then I go back to the dorm and find out from Marah that I'm pregnant. And that she thinks I did it on purpose.

Ben: You did. Or didn't I get that part of the story right?

Catalina: Look, look, if I had told Tony that I was pregnant while he was breaking up with me, then... Then I just would have seemed so desperate, okay? It would have been like I was pressuring him into staying with me.

Ben: It would have worked.

Catalina: Look, I'm feeling pretty miserable right now. I didn't exactly want to add total humiliation on top of everything else. What am I going to do?

Ben: Wait a minute. Marah knows you're pregnant, but has she told Tony?

Catalina: I don't know. Um, no... No way, otherwise he would have come looking for me by now, all upset.

Ben: Exactly. Catalina, this is going to work out great.

Catalina: What?

Ben: You've been dealt aces. You just don't know how to play them, but I do. Winning's my specialty.


Marah: Catalina didn't tell me that you guys broke up.

Tony: Yeah, well, she was probably too upset to talk about it.

Marah: Yeah, well, I can understand why. Not really the greatest timing in the world, Tony.

Tony: Like it's better to drag on? Marah, it's not that big of a deal.

Marah: I can't believe this.

Tony: It's not! Look, Catalina is a dynamite girl, but she's not the one for me. She never was.

Marah: Does it really matter now?

Tony: It's all that matters.

Marah: Oh, my God, can't... You can't just bail like this. Not with the way things are. I mean, you have responsibilities.

Tony: Hey, all I'm responsible for is telling Catalina the truth, which is that there's nothing between us that would ever last.

Marah: What did Catalina say when you told her it was over?

Tony: Nothing, you know, at first. She stood there a while and then she told me to leave. She... said she'd be okay.

Marah: She didn't talk about anything else?

Tony: What else is there to talk about?

Marah: A lot.

Tony: Look, you know, I've wasted a hell of a lot of time talking. And I didn't come here to do any more of it. What I had in mind was... Was this.

Marah: Tony, it's not over.

Tony: What?

Marah: Between you and Catalina.

Tony: I'm telling you, me and Catalina are history. I said it's over and that's it.

Marah: And what if there's more?

Tony: Why do you keep pushing this so hard?

Marah: Look, Tony...

Tony: Is there something you want to tell me? If there is, go ahead. Go ahead. Otherwise, can we please... Can we just stop talking about Catalina? I feel bad enough that I hurt her as it is.

Marah: Look, Tony, I just... I just know from talking to her before you did that she had some issues she needed to discuss with you.

Tony: Issues she needed to discuss? That sounds like some kind of code to me.

Marah: Tony, I'm not going to put words in her mouth, okay? But you should just talk to her.

Tony: I will. Fine. Later. We haven't done this in a while.

Marah: A long time. Oh, you know, Catalina probably didn't want to discuss it because she just didn't want to get into it with...

Tony: Would you just... Would you just drop it, please? Please.

Marah: Tony, you need to go talk to her...

Tony: No, what I need is you! I knew it... I knew it the first time I saw you. Marah, don't you remember? Don't you remember when I saw you at Millennium?

Marah: Are you kidding? I still remember what we both were wearing.

Tony: You see? You see? I love that. I love... I love your laugh. I love everything about you. It hit me all over again, the other day when I saw you at the mall. You know there is nobody else for me. You're it, Marah. That's it. That's it. I tried to... I tried to get you out of my mind. Then I tried to put you behind me, but... No dice. I still dream about you every night.

Marah: You do?

Tony: I even remember what you're wearing. Seriously. Seriously, you're never more than this far from my mind. I... I... I see your car on the road, or a car that looks like yours, it's Marah. I hear a song on the radio-- it's Marah. And then, when I see you, when I get the real thing... It's all I can do to keep from staring.

Marah: You do stare. I see you.

Tony: Well, do you blame me? Huh? What about you?

Marah: What about me?

Tony: Well, do you feel the same? I mean, I think I know the answer, but I want to hear you say it.

Catalina: So, what? What do you want me to do? Just go to Tony and tell... Tell him that he's going to be a father?

Ben: He is, isn't he?

Catalina: No. No, I can't do that.

Ben: What, you're too afraid?

Catalina: No! No, because it's not right, Ben. It's not right. Look... Look, I may not have Tony anymore, but I still have a little bit-- not a lot, but a little-- bit of dignity left.

Ben: Great. Great. Then you and your dignity are going to have to raise a child alone. Are you ready for that?

Catalina: I'm going to have to be.

Ben: Of course, you could always go the other route. (Clears throat) Make the problem go away.

Catalina: Are you talking about ending the pregnancy? How could you even think that?

Eleni: How many buses have we seen come and go from that station? 300? 500?

Frank: Don't worry about Marina. She'll turn up. Just don't give up on her.

Eleni: She gave up on me. That's why she ran away. That's why she's missing.

Frank: Come on, don't talk like that. Don't beat yourself up. It's not going to help us find her. No parent's a saint.

Eleni: I'm proof of that.

Frank: Take Holly and Buzz, for instance, okay? They made huge mistakes with their kids. If perfection were a basic requirement of parenthood, well, then I guess there wouldn't be any kids.

Eleni: You're close to perfect. That's why Marina wanted to come back to you.

Frank: I guess I wasn't perfect enough to keep you from leaving me, now, was I?

Holly: Frank and Eleni seem to be getting closer.

Buzz: It's like watching a canoe drift toward a waterfall. I hope to hell that he remembers how torn up he was the last time she left him, and doesn't let it happen again.

Mel: So, to what do we owe this inquisition-- oops, I mean family dinner?

Clayton: 20 minutes late and she has an attitude. It's unbelievable.

Felicia: Well, she takes after you.

Mel: Well, I would have been on time, but I had to run some more tests on Danny Santos.

Felicia: Any change in his condition?

Mel: No. He's still in a coma, still stable.

Remy: That's the way I feel half the time.

Mel: You are so bad.

Clayton: Look, the only reason we're here together is because the four of us can't find the time to have a good, open conversation. So, let's try, shall we?

Remy: Uh-huh. So, who's on the hot seat, you or me?

Clayton: I'm surrounded by cynics.

Harley: Okay, you have to relax tonight. Take it easy. You need to chill out. All of the above is important for you...

Rick: Well, it's not going to be easy. I mean, my brother-in-law's in a coma and I'm worried about him.

Harley: I know.

Clayton: Rick!

Rick: Do you mind if we...

Harley: No, no, say hello.

Rick: Hey.

Clayton: How you doing?

Rick: Good. Good, besides being a little bit overworked, how about you?

Clayton: Good, good. Harley.

Mel: Harley, this is my mother Felicia and my little brother, Remy.

Harley: Nice to meet you.

Rick: So, have you looked in on Danny?

Mel: Yeah, actually, I just came from him. His heartbeat's down a little bit.

Rick: Well, that's a good sign. Are you on call right now?

Mel: Yep, got my beeper right here.

Rick: Good, good. Well, that makes me feel a lot better, then.

Clayton: So, I... I hear that congratulations are in order.

Rick: Um, I'm sorry?

Clayton: The wedding.

Rick: Oh, yes, the wedding...

Clayton: What else? (Laughter) I just... I think it's terrific and my family and I just want to wish you the best of luck.

Harley: Thank you.

Clayton: So have you set the date yet?

Rick: Well, we sort of put it on hold. My brother-in-law had an accident so he's more important right now.

Clayton: Well, you can't put it off for too long. Marriage is a beautiful, wonderful thing.

Mel: Dad...

Clayton: Well, no, no-- I mean, you and your trusty beeper are on the call, and I'm sure that you are more than capable of covering for Rick if he and Harley want to go off and make it legal.

Rick: (Laughs)

Clayton: You know, how's the baby? Jude, right?

Rick: Jude.

Harley: Yeah.

Felicia: Excuse me, sweetie, would you mind passing the butter?

Clayton: Sure, yeah.

Rick: Well, Harley and I are a little parched, so we're going to go there and grab a cocktail, but it was nice catching up with you.

Harley: Bye, Mel.

Clayton: Take care. You know, you are always lecturing me about cholesterol. And I don't understand why you want the butter.

Felicia: I would have asked you to pass the salt, the pepper, and the centerpiece if it had kept you quiet.

Harley: Does anybody in this town have anything to think about besides when we're getting married?

Rick: Like where our honeymoon might be? ( Cell phone rings)

Harley: You want to answer that?

Rick: Yeah. Hello?

Meta: (Whispering): Rick, it's me. There's somebody in the house. I can hear them moving around downstairs.

Rick: What? Meta, where are you?

Meta: I'm upstairs, of course, with the children. But I'm armed, sort of. They're not going to get past me. But get home as fast as you can, will you? Please?

Rick: Meta, don't worry, we'll be right there.

Harley: What? What?

Rick: Somebody just broke into the house and they're still there.

Harley: Let's go!

Remy: Rick and Harley sure split in a hurry.

Felicia: Maybe that call he got was about a sick patient.

Clayton: Or maybe they just wanted to get a jump in on the honeymoon, huh?

Mel: This is so much fun.

Remy: Yeah, I'm digging it, too.

Clayton: Ashton! Hey, man.

Ashton: Professor Boudreaux.

Clayton: How you doing?

Ashton: How you doing? Good to see you.

Clayton: Good to see you, too. I want to introduce you to my family. This is my wife, Felicia. This is my daughter, Melissande.

Mel: Mel.

Clayton: Mel. And this is my son, Remy. Everyone, this...

Remy: ...Is one of the greatest backs to ever pick up a football at Springfield U.

Clayton: (Laughs) Well, obviously, introductions are no longer needed.

Ashton: Somebody's been feeding him press releases.

Remy: No, man, no need. I was in the stands that day that you returned that opening kick-off for a touchdown in the college league bowl. The man was flying.

Ashton: I was highly motivated.

Felicia: Oh, by what?

Ashton: The size of the guys chasing me.

Mel: So, you're the famous gridiron hero.

Ashton: I take it you're not a fan of football.

Mel: Foe is more like it.

Harley: Freeze! Marina!

Rick: Oh, my God, it is her.

Marina: Aunt Harley. What are you doing here?

Harley: Well, I think you should be the first one to answer that question.

Rick: I'm Rick. You remember me? Well, I don't see any broken windows so you must have had no problem finding the house key.

Marina: I'm sorry. I know, I know. I was just so hungry.

Harley: Uh-huh, so why didn't you go to your dad's? Frank has been expecting you.

Marina: Well, yeah, I know. I went there, but it was dark and I got scared, and so I came here instead.

Harley: Well, it was dark in here, too.

Rick: Well, we're glad that she's here, even if it was plan B. Why don't you sit and eat. Okay. Chips, excellent choice.

Marina: Who are you calling?

Harley: I'm calling your father. He's been out of his mind worrying about you.

Marina: No! Don't call, please?

Marah: Tony, just because we feel things doesn't mean that it's right.

Tony: Oh, come on, what kind of an answer is that?

Marah: Look, a lot has changed since we broke up.

Tony: Yeah, it's totally obvious that we never should have. Don't you think so?

Marah: What I... What I think is that we both made choices that we need to deal with. There are things that we set in motion that we just can't walk away from.

Tony: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait-- is this about Ben? Are you guys serious?

Marah: No. Ben is a friend, a good one, but...

Tony: Go on, finish.

Marah: Ben could never come close to what you used to be to me.

Tony: Hey, hey, hey, don't make it sound like it's all in the past, babe. Look, we can have what we had before-- more! Because we're not going to go... We're not going to go screwing up this time, okay? We won't. It's going to be like we always dreamed it could be.

Marah: Tony, we can't. We can't do it.

Tony: Marah, what, are you... Are you afraid? Are you afraid that I'm going to hurt you?

Marah: No.

Tony: Huh?

Marah: No, after what you did for my dad, I knew for sure that you wouldn't hurt me.

Tony: Then what's the problem? Look, I'm here. You're here. And we're both free. So, what is stopping us? And don't... Don't say Catalina.

Marah: Just... Just talk to her.

Tony: Marah...

Marah: Please, ask her what she wanted to tell you yesterday, and maybe you'd understand.

Tony: Do you know... Do you know how crazy you sound? Do you?

Marah: Just... Just go! Please, go! Please.

Tony: Okay, okay, I will. I will. I will. I'm going to be back. I'm not going to give up on you so easy. (Marah sobbing)

Catalina: You know what, I'm not going to listen to this.

Ben: Hey, did I say you should end the pregnancy? No, I said it was an option.

Catalina: And you know what, Ben, I would never, ever do that.

Ben: Fine, fine. Shh. (Whispering) Just hear me out, okay? What would happen if Tony thought... Okay, just thought that that was your choice? Now, sit down. Come on.

Catalina: Okay. I'm listening.

Ben: Say he heard from someone that you were headed to a clinic to terminate the pregnancy. What do you think he'd do? I'll tell you. He'd come running to your rescue so fast you'd get whiplash.

Catalina: And then what? What, then marry me?

Ben: Absolutely. Hey, Tony's an old-fashioned kind of guy.

Catalina: Yeah, and I'm the same way.

Ben: Perfect. Hey, that just helps down the road. Don't you think Tony could learn to love you, in time, once you were together with a nice family going?

Catalina: Yeah.

Ben: Yeah.

Catalina: Maybe.

Ben: You did tell me once that you thought the two of you belonged together.

Catalina: And I still think that.

Ben: Then you've got a golden opportunity to make it happen. Now, listen, you've already done the noble thing by letting Tony off the hook, giving him his freedom. Now all you have to do is make sure that somebody tells him about the baby, and that it might not be around for long.

Catalina: I don't know, Ben. It seems so...

Ben: Seems what?

Catalina: Manipulative.

Ben: Manipulative?

Catalina: Yes.

Ben: Why? If Tony loves you, you've got a great family going. What's the harm? Of course, you could just bag the whole idea and let Tony slip away.

Catalina: No. (Cell phone rings) Hello? Tony. Yeah. Okay. Company. Bye. That was him. He wants to come talk.

Ben: You play this right and you'll be Mrs.. Tony Santos before you can say, "Baby on board."


Harley: Why wouldn't you want me to call your father? I mean, he's the one you ran away from home to be with, right?

Marina: Yeah.

Harley: Yeah. So, what's the problem? You know, he's been worried sick about you.

Marina: Okay, see, that's just it. He is probably half-nuts that I haven't showed up until now. And it's all my fault.

Rick: No, no, it's all right. I'm sure all your dad cares about is that you're okay.

Harley: Uh-huh. Why haven't you shown up till now? Where have you been?

Marina: Well, it's kind of a long story, and it's... It's weird.

Harley: Well, I think I can handle weird... Whoa, hey.

Rick: Are you okay?

Marina: Oh, yeah, I'm fine. My head's just spinning. I guess it's because I haven't eaten in a few days. All right, you know what? Call Dad, it's fine. But could you just give me a couple of minutes to chill. I don't know, maybe get some food in my body?

Rick: I'm sure there's... I'm sure there's a way we can work that out.

Harley: You're pretty scared, huh?

Marina: Well, I was all alone!

Harley: I know. It's creepy. It is creepy being alone. Not as creepy as having your aunt play with your hair, but creepy.

Marina: Sorry.

Harley: It's going to be all right. It will, trust me. You know, if there's anything I know about, it's runaway teenagers. Let me just get your parents here. They're worried, and if they start getting too heavy with you, I will make them back off, okay?

Marina: Okay. Thanks. By the way, I really didn't mind you touching my hair that much.

Harley: (Laughs) Okay.

Rick: There you go. (Cell phone rings)

Frank: Cooper here.

Harley: Hey. I just arrested a perp at the Bauer house.

Frank: What?

Harley: Yeah, she's 16, 5'3", brown hair, really beautiful eyes, you wouldn't believe... Sound familiar?

Frank: Marina?

Eleni: Where is she?

Frank: No, no, she's okay. What is she doing there? Is she all right?

Harley: Well, she's eating junk food. ( Laughs) Yeah, yeah, she's all right. But if you want answers to the other one million questions that I'm sure you have, you're going to have to get them in person.

Frank: Okay, I'm on my way.

Harley: Yeah, but Frank, it's going to have to be strictly good cop, good cop. You know what I mean?

Frank: Okay, you got it. She's okay. She's all right. She's completely fine.

Eleni: Oh, thank God.

Frank: Pop, we found her, we found her.

Buzz: Marina?

Frank: She's at the Bauer's. Yes.

Clayton: Oh, this is what happens when my daughter the doctor comes off a 36-hour shift at the hospital with no sleep. She...

Mel: Speaks her mind? I'm sorry. Did I offend you?

Ashton: Oh, no, it's all right. Not everyone's a fan of football-- or me, for that matter.

Mel: No, it's nothing personal. I just think there are a lot better things a man of color could do with his time than learn how to tote the old pigskin better than the next guy.

Ashton: Would passing the bar exam on the first go-around qualify as a worthwhile activity for a man of color? Or how about winning a major class action suit against a corporate polluter and sending my mother to London with her bridge club? Because that's what I've been doing since my pigskin days have ended.

Mel: Um, yeah. Yeah, they qualify.

Ashton: Actually, I made up the part about the bridge club. But I thought it sounded so good, I decided to throw it in there, you know. (Laughter)

Clayton: He forgot to mention that he's a champion debater as well. Waiter. You know what, why don't you join us for a drink? Pull up a chair.

Remy: Oh, there's plenty of room over here.

Clayton: No, actually, I think that Aston is a lefty. I'll think you'll be more comfortable sitting next to Mel.

(Marah sobbing)

jock #1: Hey, man. What about Marah Lewis? Is it a go?

Ben: Everything's under control.

Jock #2: So, does that mean you're here to seal the deal?

Jock #1: If it does, a tie on that doorknob in 20.

Ben: You know, it's no wonder you two losers are out here with only each other for company. See, a woman requires finesse.

Jock #2: That means he's not getting anywhere with her.

Jock #1: You keep going like this and you'll never win that bet.

Ben: Patience, boys. Patience. Marah? It's Ben.

Marah: Yeah, come in.

Ben: Hey.

Marah: Hey.

Ben: What's wrong?

Marah: Oh, nothing. This poem I got to read for English Lit's just really sad.

Ben: What is it?

Marah: "Ode on intimations of immortality."

Ben: Ah, Wordsworth. "Though nothing can bring back the hour or splendor in the grass, or glory in the flower, we will grieve not, rather find strength in what is left behind."

Marah: Yeah, that's the one.

Ben: Kind of tough to find strength when you feel like hell inside, though, isn't it?

Marah: Uh-huh.

Ben: Well, now, what's wrong?

Marah: You're just full of surprises, Ben.

Tony: Hey.

Catalina: Hi. So, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?

Tony: I don't know. I don't know. I was just with Marah. She said you had some unfinished business with me.

Catalina: She did?

Tony: Yeah. Now, Catalina, we've been always honest with each other, right?

Catalina: Yeah. Yeah, of course.

Tony: And we're still friends, right?

Catalina: Yeah, we'll always be friends, Tony.

Tony: Good. Because I'm getting the feeling that there's something really weird going on. And I'm counting on you to set me straight about what's up.

Harley: Okay, breathe. Breathe. It's going to be fine.

Rick: It's going to be easier than you think.

Harley: Oh, honey.

Frank: Where is she? Get out of my way. Everybody out of my way.

Marina: Daddy.

Frank: Oh, sweetie, how are you? Let me look at you. Let me look at you. Oh, you look great. You look great. I haven't seen you in so long, but where have you been? I was really worried about you.

Eleni: We were all so worried. I called as soon as I got your note.

Marina: Hey, Grandpa.

Buzz: Hey. Hey. Welcome home, kiddo.

Frank: Listen, a buddy of mine, a policeman in Chicago, told me that you were on a bus headed down here, but that was, like, days ago. I've been calling police stations, hospitals all over the place

Marina: Well, yeah, I'm sorry, I know. You just can't believe how many Springfield's there are.

Harley: So you got off the bus in the wrong Springfield.

Marina: Mm-hmm. In Tennessee. See, I was asleep when the bus stopped here, and when I woke up, I was there, and I've just been basically trying to get back here ever since.

Buzz: Well, you know there's... You could've called collect.

Marina: Yeah. Well, I knew that you guys would be super-mad that I messed up.

Harley: Yeah, so that's why she didn't call.

Marina: And then, the longer I waited it was just, like, the more freaked out I got.

Frank: We wouldn't have been angry with you, it would've just been nice to know that you were okay.

Marina: I know. I was really dumb. I'm so sorry, Daddy.

Frank: It's all right, honey.

Eleni: Now, where did you stay all this time? Where were you sleeping?

Harley: Parents? This is my collar, I think I'll handle the interrogation... Tomorrow.

Frank: Good call, detective. Good call. Come here, you.

Holly: It's really a miracle she's all right.

Buzz: It kind of proves the stuff you were saying about not giving up on your kids. If I just listened to you about the London thing, we'd be wandering down Fleet Street right now singing "Foggy Day in London Town."

Holly: Oh, but on the other hand, so to speak, if we were there, you wouldn't be here and you would miss this.

Buzz: And how.

Rick: Well, this is all very instructive.

Harley: What do you mean?

Rick: Well, I mean, if Jude ever pulls a stunt like this, I'll know what gene pool to blame.

Harley: Well, pardon me, we can't all be as perfect as you Bauer's.

Rick: You know, Cooper, it's a terrible burden to be so genetically endowed.

Harley: I know, it must be. I couldn't help but notice, though, that Mel didn't think you were so fantastic tonight.

Rick: Well, thank you for pointing that out. I noticed it, too. You know what? I made it very clear to her that my first commitment is my family and I have no regrets about that.

Harley: Thank you. Me, either. Because, you know, when it comes down to it, family's the only people you can really count on anyway, right? Maybe?

Rick: Maybe.

Ashton: I'm sorry to take up so much of your family time, but I'd like to continue our conversation, if you can call it that. Do you have a business card?

Mel: No. No, actually, I don't.

Ashton: Well, here, take mine. Call. Professor Boudreaux.

Clayton: Yes, sir.

Ashton: It's been a pleasure.

Clayton: All mine now.

Ashton: Till next time.

Clayton: That's my girl.

Felicia: She really does take after you.

Mel: Well, I'm glad you were so entertained.

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