GL Transcript Monday 1/28/02



Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/28/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Cassie: I should have told you this the other day when you told me how you felt. You deserve to know the truth-- no questions, no confusion.

Alonzo: Well, so do you, which is why I told you how I felt. I hope I didn't upset you.

Cassie: I was pretty surprised, but you made me face some facts about my feelings for you.

Aide: Mr. President...

Richard: Oh, so... Oh, Cassie's here. But what happened to the ribbon-cutting?

Aide: She said there'd been a change of plans.

Richard: Oh, right. Well, who... Who could she be meeting here?

Aide: She didn't say, but Alonzo Baptiste is in there.

Phillip: My name's Phillip Spaulding. What's yours?

Lorelei: (Laughs nervously) What are you doing?

Phillip: I'm introducing myself.

Lorelei: Why?

Phillip: Because for the last few months, I think I've been living with a stranger. Why don't we dispense with the formalities? Why don't you just tell me who the hell you are?

Lorelei: (Laughs) Oh, "smile, you're on 'candid camera.'" Yeah, okay, I get it. Yeah, it's a joke, right? (Laughs)

Phillip: Well, you tell me. I've been carrying this flyer in my jacket since we got back from Mexico. I wrote the directions to the mission on the back. You know, the mission where you recovered?

Lorelei: Yeah. And you found it. I don't see the point.

Phillip: Well, the point is that you found the mission first.

Lorelei: Well, I stayed there, so I would. That was the point of going to Mexico, so that we could find out where I recovered after the flood.

Phillip: Yeah.

Lorelei: Yeah.

Phillip: And when your memory started coming back, I thought that I was witnessing a miracle.

Lorelei: Well, it was pretty amazing.

Phillip: Why don't you take a good look at the star of the show? It looks like Father Raphael to me. Your "savior" from the mission.

Lorelei: I can explain that.

Phillip: Okay. Go ahead.

Lorelei: Okay. Well, first of all, why would I have a reason to lie? About the mission, Father Raphael?

Phillip: Well, see, Beth wouldn't. But somebody who's pretending to be Beth, someone who is masquerading as my dead wife, that's an entirely different story.

Tory: You can't deny what we have.

Ross: Tory, I'm here because of your phone message. You sounded upset and you said that you wanted to clear the air.

Tory: I do. Please... Please just take your coat off. Thank you. I just... I just want you to stop pretending that we didn't make love.

Ross: I'm not pretending that, but I am telling you that it was a mistake.

Tory: No, it wasn't. Ross, we gave in because we knew from the moment that we saw each other that it was going to happen. No, we have to give in to each other, no matter what it costs us. Do you remember how good it felt?

Ross: Yes. But we can't do this.

Tory: Yes. We can. Right here. And right now.

Blake: I was halfway out my driveway and I realized I didn't go food shopping this week, so I guess I've been a little distracted.

Waitress: Sorry, we're backed up. Seems like everyone in Springfield is ordering out tonight.

Blake: Oh, that's okay. It gives me an excuse to take five.

Waitress: I'll put your order right in.

Blake: Thanks, Lynn.

Gus: Howdy, howdy. Would you like to have a seat? It's the best seat in the house.

Blake: It's the only seat in the house.

Gus: Ah. Well, in that case, it's going to cost you a drink or something while you're waiting for your food.

Blake: What the hey-- why not? Gives me a chance to... (Clears throat)

Gus: Whoa!

Blake: ...Share my good news.

Gus: (Whistles) Look at that. That's an ice skating rink you've got there. Who's the sucker that footed the bill for this thing? (Laughs)

Blake: Ha-ha.

Gus: What, no? You're not going to tell me? You're going to keep me hanging?

Blake: You know who.

Gus: I...

Blake: Ross.

Gus: (Gasps) Ross!

Blake: All right, you know what? Whatever game we're playing, it just ended.

Gus: No, no, let's not. I have another game. It's a classic. It's one of your old favorites.

Blake: What?

Gus: Quad, question and answer. I ask a question, you answer it. Want to?

Blake: Are you having interrogation withdrawal? Aw, poor baby. You know, if you hadn't tried framing Danny Santos, maybe you'd still have a badge.

Gus: No, no, here's the first question. First question: You called me, you left a message on my answering machine and you wanted me to tail somebody, and then you called back and said "forget it."

Blake: Can't a girl change her mind?

Gus: Oh, yeah. They do it all the time, but why? What happened?

Blake: I thought about it and realized it didn't warrant further investigation.

Gus: Wrong answer.

Blake: Too bad. It's the only one you're getting.

Gus: Hmm. No, well, let's just, you know, let's look into this a little bit. People only hire a private investigator for a limited amount of reasons: Background check, missing person, cheating spouse. Shad-boom! That's it! I hit it. Is that right? We have ourselves a winner. No?

Ross: I do have to go.

Tory: I'm sorry for pressuring you, I'm sorry. I know how stressed out you are knowing you have to tell Blake.

Ross: Oh, God-- Tory, no. I am not going to all Blake anything, and I meant what I said, this cannot happen again.

Tory: I know. I understand that you have to wait for the right moment to tell Blake, but you can't just...

Ross: Oh, Tory.

Tory: But you can't just pretend that I don't exist while you're trying to figure out how you're going to break it off with her.

Ross: No, now stop it. I am not breaking Blake's heart because of the one mistake that I made.

Tory: What about my heart? Ross, I haven't felt this way since before Stewart died. And for the first time, I feel happy about something, and I feel hopeful, and it's because of you. And now you're telling me you just want to walk away from this? I love you.

Ross: No, you don't. This is not love.

Tory: Why do you keep denying it? You know you betrayed Blake because she doesn't fulfill you.

Ross: That is not true.

Tory: Yes, it is. The minute you left my arms, you ran right out and you got her a big, fat diamond-- out of guilt.

Ross: I already had that ring, and I had been meaning to propose for a long, long time.

Tory: Okay. Okay, fine, maybe that's true, but you didn't. Not until you made love to me, because what you felt when you were with me was so intense that it scared you, and you just ran right back to that stranglehold.

Ross: Now, you stop this. Yes, you are right. I am scared, and I'm confused, and I'm guilty, but I'm going to do the right thing.

Tory: By lying to her?

Ross: No, by marrying her. Because I love Blake and I am going to spend the rest of my life with that woman.

Tory: I know you don't mean that.

Ross: Oh, yes, I do.

Tory: Don't draw this out, Ross. If you care about Blake, even just a little bit, you'll let her get on with her life.

Ross: I have to go. I'm sorry.

Tory: What about Vanessa?

Ross: What?

Tory: You said I remind you of Vanessa, and it's driving you crazy. Ross, you have to know that I came into your life for a reason. Here's your second chance.

Richard: What am I doing? I'm going to my car, that's what I'm doing. I'm going to my car, I'm going back to the palace.

Aid: Is there anything I should tell Mrs. Winslow?

Richard: No! Uh, no, I'm sure that we'll talk when she comes back.

Alonzo: I didn't mean to cause any trouble for you and Richard.

Cassie: I know.

Alonzo: That's why when you pitched me the idea of a year- long tour, I jumped at it. Because I knew that if I had to see you every day that, sooner or later, I'd end up doing something stupid. But at the same time, I couldn't stand the thought of being away from you.

Lorelei: I don't like where this is going. I'm Beth. I'm Beth Raines. I'm your ex-wife. We... We went to New York together as teenagers. We made jams on an airplane.

Phillip: And we went to Springfield U., And we lived in Arizona. Yeah, I know. Edmund has taught you very well. But there are a few things he didn't know, did he? Like the fact that you don't have an Uncle George. Remember? Your welcome-home party? But that was okay, he covered that. But you know, when you didn't remember that your mother had cancer...

Lorelei: What's gotten into you?

Phillip: Oh, my... The priest with the wingtips, at the mission. That was Edmund, wasn't it?

Lorelei: (Laughs) Edmund? I divorced Edmund. Edmund is a lowlife.

Phillip: What an idiot I have been. I... I thought he was conning you. I thought that he had convinced you that he had saved you, but it was really, it was the two of you conning me the entire time.

Lorelei: Well, if you just give me a chance, then I can explain everything.

Phillip: Really? I think I can explain everything, too. I think I have an easier way.

Lorelei: What are you doing?

Phillip: I'm going to call the Loss Flores Repertory Theater and talk to "Father Raphael." I have a feeling that if he was sleazy enough to impersonate a priest, he'll be more than happy to come clean if I offer him a sizable donation for his company.

Lorelei: Okay. So you want the truth. You're right. I'm not Beth.

Phillip: I was really hoping that there was a way that I could have been wrong. Okay. So you're not Beth-- who are you?

Lorelei: Lorelei Hills. Born and raised in Albemarle County, Virginia. I met Eddie in Chicago. Boy, I sure wish you'd say something.

Phillip: So Edmund saw you, noticed the incredible resemblance and realized that if he could convince people that you were Beth, he could get her money-- probably a sizable chunk of mine. Sangria... Country music... Lipstick... The way you kissed me. Oh, God, you played me for a fool. How much were you going to take me for?

Lorelei: Don't you even get why I told you?

Phillip: You told me because you were caught.

Lorelei: Haven't you ever heard the expression, "Don't fall for your mark?" Well, yeah, okay, in the beginning it was just a con, that's all it was. But then I got to know you. And you were kind and sweet and gentle. I never met anyone like you.

Phillip: Just shut up. Do you really think I'm going to believe a word out of your mouth right now?

Lorelei: I hope so.

Phillip: Well, I don't care what you hope! Or what you want! Beth was a wonderful woman, and when she died, all that I had left and all that my children had left were memories.

Lorelei: I know.

Phillip: No, you don't. If you had any idea the pain that we went through when we lost her, you never could have done this.

Lorelei: Well, if you just give me a chance, I think that I can explain.

Phillip: Give you a chance? Okay, I'll give you a chance. I'll give you a chance to explain to me how you looked my daughter in the eye-- my little girl who, in her short life, has been through more hell than most people will go through in a lifetime-- how you looked at her and told her that her mother was back. I don't know how any human being could do that.

Ross: I should never have told you about Vanessa, and I don't know what you're trying to do to me, but I'm going to overlook it because I know you're so upset.

Tory: We made love. That changed everything. It proved how you feel about me and how you have felt about me all this time.

Ross: What it didn't change was how I feel about Blake.

Tory: Ross, the way you held me when we were at the airport, the way you kissed me... You know, I couldn't get on the plane after that. So I came back to you. And you made love to me. And it was so beautiful and it was life-affirming. And finally, all the sadness slipped away, and I felt happy about something other than just a memory. And now you're telling me that all of that was just nothing to you. Don't kid yourself. Ross, you've already shown me how much you love me.

Ross: Stop it, Tory.  I told you this cannot happen again. I love Blake and I love my children.

Tory: Oh, and all of you are just going to go and live happily ever after, and I'm just supposed to fade into the background. Is that what you're saying? Because your eyes are saying something else. They're saying you want me as much as I want you, and you can't deny it, because I can feel it when you kiss me.

Cassie: I guess it's my turn.

Alonzo: Okay.

Cassie: I think I should start at the beginning. When... When you came into our lives, I insisted that you stay and be a part of Will's life forever, even though you told me that you didn't want to.

Alonzo: I was wrong. You showed me that. If you hadn't, I would have missed... I would have missed out on something so special.

Cassie: You've become a very dear friend and I do love you. I love you like I would love a dear friend. And I am so sorry if I gave you the wrong impression. But true love, Alonzo... That's what I have with Richard. You and I can never have that, I'm sorry.

Lorelei: Phillip, I never had a family like this. I didn't know what I was doing until I was in too deep.

Phillip: I don't know how I'm going to break my little girl's heart again. I don't know how I'm going to do that. (Laughs) well, damn, I knew you were different. But you know, I didn't care. I was so happy to have Beth back, I didn't care. I liked it. I liked that you were happy and you were... You were feisty and you had guts. I started feeling things that I hadn't felt in a very long time. Very powerful things. For Beth, not for you.

Lorelei: Phillip, you got to believe me. The con's over, I swear it is. At least it is in my heart.

Phillip: (Sighs)

Lorelei: It's not about that anymore, it's about two people who have feelings for each other-- feelings that are as real as they are deep.

Phillip: "When I look at you, I see myself there, reflected back, only in a new way."

Lorelei: That's from my letter.

Phillip: Yes, I know. And I believed it, every word of it, every lie.

Lorelei: No, no, no, that... My feelings for you are not a lie. That's all the truth. Phillip, I did fall in love with you. I tried to write that in that letter...

Phillip: All right, just stop! God, lady, you... You're good, you know that? You are good. Just... Just shut up and let me think. (Sighs) What am I going to do? What I would like to do is call the police and have you both locked up tonight, but if I do that, that means I have to talk to everybody who loved Beth and just got finished mourning her.

Lorelei: Well, if there's any way that I can help...

Phillip: Oh, I think you've helped quite enough. Thanks.

Lorelei: If it makes it any easier, I did grow to love them, all of them.

Phillip: Well, good. Because as much as the thought sickens me, you're going to continue the charade. At least until I decide what to do.

Lorelei: Well, I think that's smart.

Phillip: I don't give a damn what you think. Here's what we're going to do: You're going to keep your mouth shut. You're not going to say a word to anybody, especially Edmund. Anybody finds out that I know what's going on and I'll have you both locked up. You understand me? I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. I just don't... I don't think I have it in me to break my daughter's heart again just yet.

Lorelei: (Softly) Of course not. You're one of the good ones, you know that Phillip?

Phillip: Get out of here.

Ross: I'm going to say this as plainly as possible. My future is with Blake. I love Blake. I do not love you and I never will.

Tory: How can you say that to me?

Ross: By being honest with you, and if it sounds cruel, it's because you refuse to listen to me.

Tory: Because I love you.

Ross: You think that you do, but Tory, we're just two people who gave in to desire.

Tory: Do you really think you're just going to be able to walk away from me? You won't be able to do it.

Ross: The best thing for you to do is to leave Springfield...

Tory: No.

Ross: ...And you will meet a wonderful man...

Tory: (Quivering) I already have.

Ross: ...Who will love you as much as I love Blake.

Tory: You can't do this to me.

Ross: If you choose to stay, I will not see you. I will not return your calls. I will not respond in any way. Is that understood? Good. Good-bye, Tory. (Sobbing) (sobbing)

Richard: Are you all right?

Cassie: I have a confession.

Richard: How was the ribbon- cutting? Oh, that's right, you... You didn't make it, did you? No, you went to go see Alonzo at the Rusty Anchor.

Cassie: How did you know?

Richard: Camille. She overheard you with your aide, and couldn't wait to tell me, of course.

Cassie: Well, that doesn't surprise me.

Richard: Thought you were going to tell me something extremely important before you ran off to see Alonzo.

Cassie: I'm sorry. Richard, I'm so sorry that I left you hanging, and I'm even sorrier that I was dishonest. I just had to figure out a way to put all this into words, and then I realized at the last minute that I had to get Alonzo straight first.

Richard: Get him straight about what?

Cassie: About where we stand. When I told you that Alonzo doesn't have feelings for me, I lied.

Richard: Yes, I know. Why?

Cassie: Because I didn't want to upset you. You were so jealous and... Oh, maybe I gave you reason to be...

Richard: Maybe? Maybe you gave me reason to be? (Scoffs) "Maybe." So, what? What, you thought I was going to go in there and fight him?

Cassie: No! I was afraid that you were going to think the feelings were mutual?

Richard: Why would I think that?

Cassie: And they're not! So I just wanted to tell Alonzo how I felt because I didn't think we could get past this unless I did. I am sorry. I am so sorry.

Richard: Apology accepted. I have a confession to make also. I went to the Rusty Anchor. I couldn't understand why you would leave me to go see Alonzo, so I went down there and I... I was just about to burst in there, but I didn't.

Cassie: Why? What changed your mind?

Richard: You did.

Cassie: I don't understand. You were... You were going to come into the bar and lace into me for being with Alonzo behind your back, but you didn't because of me?

Richard: I wasn't going to lace into you. I came there to get you, for God's sake. I love you-- so much. Too much. Too much to bear. So, I said, you know, "Why... Why... Why would she lie to me? Why would she go behind my back to go see Alonzo if she didn't have feelings for him, if she wasn't in love with him?"

Cassie: No. No. You have to know me better than that.

Richard: I do. I do know you. So, you know, I just... I was standing there and I had my hand on the door, just about to go in, and... And I thought, "What are you doing? What are you doing?" Cassie, I don't want to control you. You know, you're going to see who you want to see, you're going to spend time with who you want to spend time with, and I realized that if I did go in there that I would risk losing you even more than I already have, so, I... I just... I didn't go. I just walked away. And you know what? (Sighs) It was like a burden just lifted off my shoulders.

Cassie: You're never going to lose me. It's important to me that you know what happened. I told Alonzo that I didn't have feelings for him. Richard, I thank God every day for your love.

Blake: Here you go. Keep the change. Thanks, Lynn. Hey.

Ross: Hi.

Blake: Well, what a surprise. You know what I realized? We didn't go food shopping this week, so I ordered dinner for tonight. You weren't doing the same thing, were you?

Ross: No, I was at a meeting.

Blake: Oh. It doesn't look like it went well.

Ross: It could have gone better, but I believe I got my point across.

Blake: Well, I'm sure you did. So, are you going to hang out here, or are you going to come home with me and have some candlelight lasagna?

Ross: No, I want to go home. In fact, all I want to do is go home.

Blake: Good.

Lorelei: Hey, Eddie. I got news.

Edmund: Oh. Well, I have something to tell you, too, Lorelei, and it's rather important, so, please.

Lorelei: Okay, well, you go on, then.

Edmund: Right. Uh... Well, ladies first.

Lorelei: Okay. Well, for starters, Phillip read the letter.

Edmund: Oh, don't tell me it backfired.

Lorelei: Well...

Edmund: Oh, I knew it. I knew it. All that rubbish about love and refuge. Overkill.

Lorelei: Well, not really. It worked. Yeah.

Edmund: Are you sure?

Lorelei: Worked like a charm.

Edmund: How do you know? How do you know?

Lorelei: Well, I just... I just know.

Edmund: Yes, yes, but how, how? What did he say?

Lorie: He said, "Let's get married."

Edmund: He proposed to you with those words?

Lorelei: Well, I... I don't remember his exact words, really, but... But he popped the question all right. And I said, "Yes."

Edmund: Well, mission accomplished. Well done.

Lorelei: So you had something important to tell me?

Edmund: Oh, that. It's not... It's not really... Well, not in the face of this. So when's the big day?

Lorelei: Oh, we didn't get to that yet.

Edmund: Well, but I'm sure you will. Here, let me get us a round.

Lorelei: Yeah, I just know that Phillip's just so in love with me that we're going to get married soon, and everything's going to work out just exactly as planned.

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