Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/25/02 Provided By Linda Reva: Hi. Cassie: Hi. Reva: Been looking everywhere for you. Cassie: Oh, I was with the press secretary going over today's schedule. Ribbon cutting in a couple hours. Reva: Good. I thought maybe you were avoiding me. Cassie: Why would I do that? Reva: Well, I know you weren't exactly thrilled after our conversation we had earlier. Cassie: I can't argue with that. Reva: Cassie, if there's any lesson that I have learned all over again these past few months, it's that life isn't easy or pain-free. No matter how honest you are about your feelings. Cassie: I know. Reva: Although it's tougher if you aren't honest about them. And the only reason that I asked you about what your feelings might or might not be for Alonzo is because sooner or later it's going to come out anyway. Because you're too genuine a person to stuff down any true feelings for too long. Cassie: In your mind, everything that I've said and done points to feelings for Alonzo. Reva: Well, I can't help thinking that. But don't shoot the messenger. I love you, Cassie. Cassie: I love you, too. And Reva, I love Richard. Reva: I don't doubt that for a minute, but I just felt that there were questions that needed to be asked. Cassie: There are. There are questions and you have made me realize this, head-on. But I have to deal with this, and I have to deal with this now. (Jazz music playing) Alonzo: I thought you would have gone. Camille: Where? Alonzo: Home. Camille: Disappointed? Alonzo: I just thought that after the talk we had that you... Camille: What, that I would take the hint and slink off back to Iowa, right? Alonzo: Well, you know, the sooner you go, the sooner you can pick up where you left off. Camille: Yeah, except that I want to pick things up right here. Alonzo: Why do you have to make things so much harder than they already are? Camille: Look, it is not my fault that you are the true heir, and that this whole secret is out now. Alonzo: Camille, I know you're ticked at me because I made it seem like we still had a shot at being together. Look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have led you on. Camille: Yeah. It wasn't a very princely thing to do. Alonzo: Do me a favor: Just lay off the royal garbage. Camille: Well, you are a Winslow. Alonzo: Go back to Iowa, Camille. Camille: Oh, sure. Yeah. That would solve everything, wouldn't it? For you, anyway. Alonzo: Don't you understand? We don't have a future. None. Camille: I am not going anywhere. I have had too much dangled in front of me to give up on getting it. Alonzo: Yeah. Well, don't hold your breath. No one's really getting what they want these days. Camille: Oh, really? Are you talking about power? Or are you talking about the president's wife? Lorelei: I wonder if he's found it yet. Edmund: That all depends on where you put it, doesn't it? If, for example, you saw fit to deposit it in Phillip's underwear drawer then he may not find it for another three weeks. Lorelei: Ha ha ha. Edmund: On the other hand, should you have place it on his wet bar, I'm sure he's reading it as we speak. The Spaulding's love their wet bars. Lorelei: Where's all this attitude coming from? You're the one that helped me write that letter. In fact, you've come up with all kinds of ideas on ways that I could get closer to Phillip. Edmund: So? Lorelei: So, if that little piece of paper does the trick and Phillip pops the question, then you should be happy. Me marrying Phillip puts just puts us that much closer to his millions. Edmund: Yes. You seem positively bubbly on the subject. Lorelei: Well, that is why we're working together, isn't it? Edmund: Right. Lorelei: I mean, not that it hasn't been fun and all. You know, mostly. And hey, you're a whiz with words. That love letter was a real peach. Edmund: Pap. Tripe. Saccharine gobbledy-gook of the first order. Lorelei: Is that bad? Edmund: Actually, no. It's right up your alley. Yours and Phillip's, I mean. That letter may very well settle him on marriage. I'm just glad my name's not on it. Lorelei: Oh, because then you'd have to marry him, and you'd definitely make a cute couple, but then who would lead when you went to dance? You know, I think there'd be problems, Eddie. I really, really do. Edmund: I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. Lorelei: Well, cheer up, Eddie. Think of all that money. I think that just maybe I'm going to get myself another piece of pie. Edmund: Maybe? Tory: Excuse me? Hi. Mr. Winslow? Do you remember me? Tory Granger. I worked on your divorce with Ross Marler. Edmund: I remember. Tory: Well, I'm sorry if this is a little forward of me, but I couldn't help but notice you with Mrs.. Winslow-- I'm sorry, Beth-- and she just seems so cheerful. Did you two figure out a way to move on? Edmund: One of us has. Phillip: Huevos Rancheros. (Knock at door) Ross: Am I interrupting? Phillip: Hey, no. Come on in. What's up? Ross: What do you mean, what's up? Phillip: Just a standard question I sometimes ask when people drop by. Ross: Oh, I'm sorry. I just came to pick up the paperwork for this breast cancer awareness fund raiser. Because Lillian said it was going to... Here it is. Phillip: Help yourself. Ross: What have you got there? Phillip: Nothing. It's just a flier for a cheesy acting show down in Mexico. Ross: Oh. Did you and Beth go to it? Phillip: No, actually, I just took the thing to write some directions on it. I'd forgotten I even had it until I was rifling through my... Ross: Anything else I don't know about? Phillip: What is this? Ross: Well, if it were my jacket, I'd be able to tell you. Phillip: I didn't put this here. Ross: Who's it from? Phillip: Beth. Ross: Phillip, what is it? Phillip: I don't... I don't think I've ever gotten a letter like this from Beth. Ross: Is it bad news? Phillip: No. She wants to get back together. Ross: You're kidding. That's terrific! Edmund: So, are you enjoying your association with Mr. Marler? Tory: Oh, yeah. Edmund: Please, sit. Tory: Actually, it's just that our situation has changed. Edmund: Really? How so? Tory: Well, I'm not working for him anymore. I've decided to strike out on my own, you know, at least for the time being. Edmund: Ah. Well, good for you. I've always admired an independent streak in a woman. Perhaps we can get together some night, have dinner and you can discuss your long-range plans. Tory: I'm flattered, Mr. Winslow. Edmund: No, Edmund. Edmund, please. Tory: Edmund. (Lorelei clears throat) But actually my life's a little complicated right now. Edmund: Oh. Well, I'll wait. When your life settles down, give me a call, we'll catch up. Tory: Okay. I'll do that. Edmund: Good. Tory: But for now, you'll just have to excuse me because I need to speak with Mr. Cooper. Thanks. Lorelei: Are you kidding me? Were you really asking her out? Edmund: Yes, I really was. Why shouldn't I? She's educated, crashingly attractive. Lorelei: Well, I guess. Maybe in a brunette-y kind of way, but... Edmund: But what? Lorelei: Well, she's not your type at all, Eddie. Buzz: Oh, I'll get you a cup in a minute. There's a pot brewing. Tory: No, actually, I want a room, not coffee. If you have one. Buzz: A room to rent? Tory: Yeah. Buzz: Don't you have a place already? Tory: Yeah, but I'm actually giving it up. I need to find something a little less expensive. I left my job. Buzz: With Ross? How come? Tory: Well, um, I decided that I wanted to pursue other opportunities. So, do you have one? Buzz: Well, you can take a look at it right now. Tory: Okay, great. Thank you. Holly: So, what are you up to? Buzz: Oh, I'll be right back down. Your friend may be moving in here. Blake: Really? Well, you know what? I think you really would enjoy Buzz as a landlord. Buzz: Is that...? Holly: What is that, an engagement ring? Blake: Oh, yeah, it is. It's neat. Pretty. Buzz: Ross proposed? Blake: Yeah, yeah. After all this time. Holly: Why didn't you tell me? Blake: Because it just happened. I still can't believe he wants to get married again, but... Buzz: Well, when I get back down, the champagne's on me. Blake: Here we go, here's the proof. Buzz: Okay, all right. Hey, so you want... Hey, there. The room? Want to check it out? Tory: Yeah. Yeah. Let's... Let's do it. Congratulations. Blake: Tory gets a room; I get a ring. Works for me. Ross: Well, it is good news, isn't it? Phillip: Yes. It's the best. Ross: So what's wrong? Phillip: I don't know. I don't know. Nothing, probably. I think I'm just in shock. Ross: I know you love the woman. Phillip: I always have. Ross: But are you afraid of a reconciliation? After all this time apart, are you afraid to be on the same path again with Beth? I mean, it could be a frightening thought, couldn't it, to totally change your life for a woman, to the point where boundaries and definitions come undone, as you disappear into something unknown? Phillip: My God, do you have to make it sound so terrifying? (Laughs) Ross: Sorry, sorry. It could also be thrilling if you're willing to accept the possibility that something wonderful could happen along the line. I'm willing to bet that everything that Beth wrote in that letter, you've been feeling. Phillip: Well, that's true. That is true. Ross: So get on with it. Do something. Phillip: When did you become such an incurable romantic? Ross: Since I proposed to this marvelous woman. Phillip: Huh? Ross: I asked Blake to marry me again. Phillip: Hang on, back up. You proposed? Ross: Yes, I did. I did it yesterday. I had the bended knee, and the ring, the whole thing. Phillip: That's wonderful! Oh, God, Blake must be in heaven. Ross: Well, she cried, if that's any indication of something. Phillip: She... I'm sure she is. That's great. Oh, hell, this is great. You know what? This may be one time in Springfield, I don't think there will be anyone who is not thrilled that the two of you are getting back together. Buzz: All new bedding, mattress, box springs. I redid the bathroom nine months ago. There's phone, cable. Oh, and if you stand right here, you can see the lighthouse if you look through the trees. So, what do you think? Tory: It's fine. Just fine. Buzz: Great. I'll let you settle in here. Welcome to your new home. Tory: Thanks. (Sobbing) Get a grip. Get a grip, Tory. Alonzo: I'm done talking to you. Camille: Look, you are ditching me, throwing away an entire country and waiting for the impossible to happen! You are a prince, Alonzo, and who is Cassie Winslow? She's some strip club veteran who used to dance for tips to keep her kids in diapers. She is not in your league, Alonzo. But I am. If you would just get this stupid infatuation out of your head. Alonzo: Shut up! You act like you are this perfect being. Well, I've got a news flash for you: You're not. And compared to Cassie-- the ex- stripper-- you're nothing, as classless as they come, so don't say another word about her. Camille: You just proved my point. Alonzo: What point? Camille: By blowing up like this, that you're stuck on her! You are stuck on Cassie, or stuck period until you get her out of your head. Alonzo: I think it's time for you to go. Camille: Aren't you that guy who prides himself on being able to see everything so clearly? Oh, sure, Alonzo Baptiste, he can spot a school of tuna or a hypocrite a mile away. You used to tell me that you wanted to do great things with your life. Well, gee, I wonder who the hypocrite is now. This is your chance, Alonzo-- to be great, to do whatever you want. And you're not going to take it because you think you're in love. Alonzo: Go. Camille: All right, I'll go. But that is not going to change the truth. You are never going to get what you really deserve-- or be who you really are-- until you get over Cassie Winslow. Richard: I'm sorry. Am I interrupting? Cassie: No. Reva just asked me what I was thinking, and I was about to tell her that I wanted to talk to you, so your timing's perfect. Reva: I'm going to leave you two alone. Richard: "Alone." You know, that's a very interesting concept. As a matter of fact, that's the very concept that I came her to discuss with you. Cassie: It is? Richard: Yes. You know, we haven't had a lot of time alone lately, you know, so I was thinking maybe we could set aside some time to be alone, just the two of us, you know. A little romance. Cassie: I just... I think that we really need to be alone together, too, but I just... I just don't think it should be now. Richard: Darling, you know, listen. I know things have been very unsettled around here lately, what with the revelations about Alonzo, and well, then, quite frankly, the mistrust that his presence has brought up in me, and... But I thought, you know, we discussed that. I thought we were going to try to move past all this Alonzo stuff. Cassie: Well, there are one or two things that need to be dealt with, and to tell you the truth, I don't think I can move on until they are. Phillip: Hey. Ross: Hm. Phillip: You okay? For a man that's marrying the love of his life-- again-- you suddenly seem a little iffy. Ross: Yeah, well, it has nothing to do with Blake or with me. It's... It's a client of mine that I've come to know quite well, and he's got himself into a bit of a jam. Phillip: Well, I would ask you, but I'm sure you can't tell me, so... Ross: I can't tell you details, no, and I certainly won't name names, but I would like your opinion on this. Anyway, the man is married, but he's attracted to a younger woman, a woman who reminds him vividly of a great love in his life. Phillip: Doesn't sound all that unusual. Ross: No, it's not, but he had a lapse in judgment. Phillip: Okay. How grave was this lapse in judgment? (Laughs nervously) Ross: Well, let's put it this way: It all comes down to limiting the damage. Phillip: Mm-hmm. Uh, well, does your client know what he wants? Ross: What do you mean? Phillip: Well, speaking from some experience in this area, he's got a couple of tough choices, but first he's got to figure out what he wants. Until he does that, it'll just be, you know, he'll keep it going with both of them. Or worse, he will try to do right by both of them, which never works. Ross: I believe he knows that. Phillip: So what did he do? No, don't tell me. Let me guess. He went home and turned on the charm with his wife. Ross: Yes, he did. To the fullest. Phillip: Yep. Bought her dinner, took her out to a show, something special to make her feel special. And of course she's completely suckered in. She has no idea that what she is seeing as a sign of love is really nothing more than guilt. Blake: Well, at least you could be happy for me. Holly: I am. I am delighted. The timing is a little suspect. Blake: Coming off the heels of this Tory stuff? Holly: Guilt just may play a tiny part. Blake: Well, he probably is guilty-- about this whole mid- life crisis thing. My guess is that he... He feels that he came off looking a little foolish-- which he didn't. But he wants to get back on track. He wants to be a grownup. Holly: Well, if you think the proposal was sincere, then... Blake: I do. And even if a little piece of it is a reaction to the Porsche period, who cares? He finally committed to me, Mom. Tory got that message. Or did you not see her reaction when she saw this ring? So who knows? Maybe she will be thousands of miles away from here before long. Tory: Ross? If you're there, pick up. It's Tory. I really wish that you were there, because we... We need to talk. Just clear the air? Okay, listen, I've taken a room at company. Call me. Please. Richard: Whatever it is that is troubling you, we will be able to deal with it and move past it, right, like we have in the past with everything that's ever threatened to come between us. Cassie: We have been through a lot, haven't we? Richard: Yes. The best of times and the worst of times, no thanks to me. Cassie: Oh, Richard. Richard: No, I... You know, I kept my suspicions of Alonzo from you, I thought I had a good reason, I, you know, should have told you. If I would have told you earlier, then perhaps I could have spared us both a lot of pain. So if it's resentment that you're feeling about that, or if it's anything else that you're feeling that you're not telling me, just get it out in the open. Let's not let it fester. Cassie: No, I was angry. I was angry that you kept some things from me, but I'm not mad anymore and this isn't about that. It's... It's not about you. Richard: What's it about? Aide: Excuse me, but Mrs.. Winslow... Richard: We're busy right now, thank you. Cassie: The ribbon-cutting, I know. Can you have the car brought around? I'll be right down, okay? Richard: Cassie, this is a routine ribbon-cutting ceremony. They can wait a couple minutes. Now, you said something very important or you were going to tell me something very important. What is it? Cassie: I do. I wanted to talk to you. I really need to talk to you, but I want to know exactly what I'm going to say and right now my head's kind of swirly. Richard: Why? Cassie: I'm going to be late. Richard: Cassie, please. Cassie: Richard, please, would you just let me go? I just need a little while to get my mind off of this, and when I come back, I promise that we'll deal with this. We'll deal with everything. Richard: If you insist. Cassie: I'm just trying to do what's right. Aide: Your car is at the west portico. Cassie: There's going to be... There's a change of plans. I'm not going to go to the ribbon-cutting. I need to go to the harbor. I need to go to the Rusty Anchor. Aide: But Mrs.. Winslow... Cassie: We need to get there, quick. Richard: Camille. What are you doing here? Who are you with? Camille: No one. Richard: No one. You just waltzed past security without anyone escorting you or anything? Camille: No. I guess that they've relaxed a little bit since they know that now I'm the real prince's friend. Richard: It must be that. Camille: Yes. So, where is this ribbon- cutting? Richard: I beg your pardon? Camille: The one that Cassie's supposed to be at. Richard: I don't see how that concerns you. Camille: Well, I really think that someone from the government, or better yet from the royal family, might want to be there if Cassie's not going to make it. Richard: If Cassie's not... Cassie is going to make it. I can assure you. She's on her way there now. Camille: Oh, not from what I heard. No, your wife's got something else planned. Or should I say, someone else. Edmund: You just can't wait to give Phillip everything he's been itching to get his greasy little paws on. Lorelei: Well, look on the bright side, Eddie: It frees you up to go after your perky little lawyerette. Edmund: Mm. It is exactly the relationship I've been looking for. It will reassure Phillip that Beth and I are through and that you are ready to commit to him. Lorelei: Oh, sure. And it's all business. As if going after a zero like Toby's going to convince Phillip that everything's just groovy. Edmund: Her name is Tory. Lorelei: Oh, right. I was thinking of my old dog. Edmund: Tory. And she is far from being a zero. As a matter of fact, she could be a very huge help. Allowing Phillip to see us together so frequently is a huge mistake. We're supposed to be divorced, remember, not joined at the hip. Lorelei: Well, you think he's wondering about that? Edmund: Wouldn't you be? Lorelei: I think that it's perfectly natural that we would be together. After all, we were married. Edmund: No, correction. Beth and I were married. You and I were never anything. Lorelei: Well, right again, Eddie. You know what? I think that I'll just go over and see how that note has hit Phillip. After all, it is Phillip and I who are going to mean something to each other. Edmund: Well, good. Then by all means, go. Lorelei: Okay. I will go. Edmund: Good. Lorelei: Well, thanks for the pie. Ross: Phillip, I've made a terrible mistake. Phillip: You? Ross: Yeah, I shouldn't have told you about my client's little problem because he's not here to defend himself, is he? Phillip: Well, um... Well, listen, Ross, I hope that didn't sound like an attack. I didn't mean it that way. Ross: That's okay. The man is only human. Phillip: Right, right. Absolutely. And I just have... I have somewhat strong feelings in this area. Forgive me for editorializing, but I know whereof I speak. Ross: I know, you've been through a lot. Phillip: It's funny, though, isn't it. Yeah. No matter how oblivious, how selfish or how downright stupid you later decide you were, you never know when you're coming to one of those major forks in the road until you take the wrong one. Ross: Ever the optimist. Phillip: Hey, it's just true. It's just true, Ross. I mean, I don't know your client very well. I certainly don't know his history, but I would be willing to bet that he had no idea he was getting himself into a bind until it was too late. Ross: I believe that to be true. Phillip: Yeah. Yeah, see that's the problem with the major choices in life. You have very little time and very few chances to make them, but you have your entire life to beat yourself up about the way you handled it later. Ross: Yes, you do. Phillip: Why do we do that? Why do we do that? Why... You know, life is already complicated enough. Why do we try to make it more complicated? Why isn't it okay just to say, "Hey, you know what, if it feels right, it is right." To hell with the consequences. Ross: Who are you talking about? Are you talking about you and Beth? Phillip: I guess I am. (Laughs) I started out talking about your client. Ross: Yes. That's all right. I have to get going, but may I check my office for messages? Phillip: Oh, yeah, sure, Ross. Be my guest. Ross: Thank you. Phillip: Hey, Ross? Ross: Hm? Phillip: Good luck. Ross: What? Phillip: With your client. Ross: Thank you. All right. Tory, if you want to settle it now, I'm on my way. Lorelei: Okay, jacket's gone, no letter. Phillip: Hey. Lorelei: Oh! (Laughs) Phillip: Sorry. Lorelei: What are you saying sorry for? I never mind bumping into you. Phillip: Actually, I'm glad you're here. Lorelei: Actually? Hm. You make it sound like it's some kind of surprise. Phillip: Well, I wasn't expecting to see you tonight. I wasn't expecting to get this, either. Lorelei: You found it. Phillip: Yes, I did. Yeah, I read it about 50 times. Lorelei: Well, you've been busy. Phillip: I have. It's not the only reading that I've done tonight. Buzz: Oh, you just missed Blake and her ever-challenging mother. Ross: Too bad. I understand that you are renting a room to my assistant. Buzz: Oh, her. Tory. She... Yes, yes. She said she doesn't work for you anymore. Ross: Well, yes, actually that's true, but she is here, isn't she? Buzz: She's in room six. Ross: Thank you. Buzz: No problem. Alonzo: Cassie! Hey, Cassie! What are you doing here? Cassie: I, um, got lost on my way to a ribbon-cutting. Alonzo: Richard know you're here? Cassie: No. I lied to him. In fact, I lied to him before, when it comes to you. A very wise and wonderful lady sat me down today and she made me take a look at things that I haven't been paying attention to. Alonzo: You're... You're losing me. Cassie: It's just really hard to, you know, sort this stuff out. It's very complicated. Alonzo: Because? Cassie: Well, there are a lot of reasons. No, there aren't. There are just three reasons. There's you, there's me and what we mean to each other. Alonzo: We? We... Cassie... Cassie, what are you trying to say? Cassie: Do I really need to spell this out? Alonzo: Yes. Cassie: Yeah, I thought that I was going to have to. Alonzo, we need to get to the truth between us, about us, here and now, because I can't live with the secrets. Lorelei: Uh, so you've been doing other reading? Phillip: Yeah. Although don't get me wrong, your letter was certainly the highlight of my day. I have to tell you, my heart felt like it was going to come out of my chest when I read how much... How much you care about me. Lorelei: Well, it was just the truth, you know. I just... I wanted to put my feelings into words. Phillip: Well, you did. It certainly hit home. Lorelei: Good. Phillip: And you get a letter like this from someone that is so filled with emotion and... Lorelei: What? Seems like you're feeling a lot right now, too. Phillip: You know, as I was reading this, the thought occurred to me, I don't know that someone could write a letter like this unless they had been through hell and come out on the other side. Lorelei: I don't understand. Phillip: Well, you almost died in that flood in Mexico. Lorelei: Yeah, yeah, but lived to tell the tale. Phillip: After you spend some time, you recovered at the mission. My God, that... That must have been such an incredible epiphany for you to go back there and to have all those, those empty spaces come rushing back into your mind. That must have been unbelievable. Lorelei: Well, you were there. It was pretty incredible. Yeah, it was. Phillip: So, maybe that's what did it. Lorelei: Well, um... Phillip: Maybe all those things led you to write this. Lorelei: Yeah, yeah. Could be. Who's to say? Phillip: Right. Who's to say? Well, after reading this letter and after listening to you just now, I have a question that I would like to ask you. Lorelei: You do? Phillip: Yeah. It's very simple, but it's important to me. Lorelei: Okay. Well, I'm ready. Phillip: My name is Phillip Spaulding. What's yours? (Knocks at door) Ross: Tory? (Knocks at door) Tory, it's me. Listen, I got your message. We need to talk. Tory: You can come in. The door's open. Ross: I'd like to keep this simple and brief, if... Tory? Tory: Simple's good. You know, they say the best things usually are. |