GL Transcript Thursday 1/24/02



Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/24/02

Provided By Linda
Proofread By Tanya

Harley: No. No, I am not back. I am here for one reason and one reason only: That's to find my niece. Did you get the flyer? All right, well, run it and call me back. Thanks. Okay. Well, we're going to plaster Marina's face across three counties.

Frank: Great, and she'll probably be in the fourth one.

Harley: We'll find her, Frank.

Frank: I don't know, sis. Kids sometimes just disappear.

Harley: Don't you even think about that, okay? She's coming home. You know why she's coming home? So I can actually go home.

Frank: I know this is the last place that you want to be right now, especially surrounded by...

Harley: Idiots? (Phone ringing)

Frank: Idiots. Cooper here.

Harley: Were you or were you not just in the hospital for smoke inhalation. Where's your oxygen mask?

Gus: Please, I needed to get out of there. I was going insane, and I needed a smoke.

Harley: Seriously, what are you doing out of the hospital? You look like hell.

Gus: Well, thanks. But you know it's what's inside that counts.

Harley: Mm-hmm. So you just waltzed out of there to follow me?

Gus: No, I'm here filling out my renewal form for my P.I. license, something you need to do at a police station. Yeah. So I'm wondering to myself, it's probably you. You're probably following me. (Laughs) That's what I'm thinking.

Harley: Well, keep wondering.

Gus: Well, listen, Coop, I need a little help, okay? I really want to get down to the bottom of the fire, okay? So maybe you could look around here in the files under “S”?

Harley: You know, I'm really glad that you took my advice and decided to forget this obsession with the Santos family.

Gus: (Sighs) I'll tell you what. I know for a fact Danny wasn't down there just sweeping up at the warehouse.

Harley: Danny is in a coma. He's fighting for his life, and you are down here trying to drum up a case against him? Listen to me. He's a good husband and a good father. Why can't you just accept the truth about him?

Gus: You know what? I'll accept the truth about him, whatever that may be, if you accept the truth about yourself.

Michelle: I just feel so helpless sitting here watching. I want to do something.

Claire: I know, but there's nothing you can do right now.

Michelle: Actually, there is. I can find out if this fire really was an accident of if somebody caused it.

Claire: Michelle, you really think it might have been arson?

Michelle: You know, I don't know what I believe, but Danny, he was suspicious of Carmen that night and now I am too.

Carmen: I don't know if anyone suspects me of ordering that fire, but Gus Aitoro is hot on the trail, and it better come up cold. Do you understand? Look, Maurice, this is the last thing that I needed in my life. My son is lying in a coma because of your incompetence. Yeah, well, you better do that and now. How is he? Any change?

Claire: No. In fact, visiting hours are over for this afternoon, so if you'd follow me, Carmen.

Carmen: I know the rules. When someone is critical, family can stay as long as they like. (Pager beeping)

Claire: Emergency. I've got a patient who's coding.

Michelle: That's okay. Go ahead. I'll be fine, really.

Claire: Just don't stay too long, Carmen.

Carmen: Well, Michelle, here we are, on opposite sides of Danny, the way it's always been.

Alan: I know he's in a coma, but that doesn't mean he's not going to wake up and see the room. Now, Danny Santos is a very important employee of Spaulding, and I want to make sure that he gets the best treatment possible. Do you understand?

Phillip: Hey, what happened?

Alan: Well, while you were out gallivanting around Mexico, Danny Santos was in an unfortunate accident, a fire at the warehouse.

Phillip: Oh, my God.

Alan: But I don't want to talk about that. I want to hear about you and Beth.

Phillip: Is he going to be all right?

Alan: If I have my way, yes. But tell me, how did it go? I'm sure there was plenty of tequila flowing along with a little moonlight dancing on the beach, followed by a little salsa in the hotel suite, eh?

Phillip: Okay, look. You know, the only reason that I took that trip down to Mexico was to help her find that mission so that she could get some of her memory back. And actually, it worked. The whole thing was pretty incredible.

Alan: For both of you?

Phillip: All right.

Alan: Hmm?

Phillip: She spoke Spanish. Just out... She doesn't speak Spanish. Out of the clear blue she starts rattling off in Spanish. It was unbelievable. She started remembering names of missionaries and people that had helped her while she was there. It was something.

Alan: Well, I'm sure she's very grateful to you for helping her realize this.

Phillip: You know, you're relentless. You really are. All right. Yes. Things have changed with us. I have... I haven't felt this way about Beth for a long time. And even before Mexico, I had started to have some feelings.

Alan: Romantic feelings of some sort?

Phillip: Yeah. But you know what? I still felt like there was this part of her that was missing, that I just couldn't quite get a handle on.

Alan: Until you went to Mexico.

Phillip: Yeah. Because... You know, she's been... She's been very different since she came back. And I like that. I like who she is now. But I also missed who she was. And for a moment there in Mexico, it was like it all came together.

Alan: In a good way?

Phillip: Yeah, in a very good way.

Alan: So what does this mean?

Phillip: There was a time that I didn't think there was any way that Beth and I could have a future together, but I think now we might.

Alan: (Chuckles)

Lorelei: And this one here, Raphael, he played the priest that took care of me. Of course he kept mixing things up, but thank the Lord, Phillip didn't seem to notice.

Naomi: Actors, sets-- you staged an entire Mexican mission?

Lorelei: We even had nuns in the background doing hail Mary's.

Naomi: Oh, my God.

Lorelei: And I got so into playing Beth, that something completely unexpected happened. I started getting pictures in my mind.

Naomi: Pictures?

Lorelei: Yeah, stuff I was just making up on the spot just started pouring out of me, you know, like names and places and Spanish. And then I started feeling this tie to the land and people and Phillip-- especially Phillip.

Naomi: The guy you're supposed to be scamming?

Lorelei: Well, I can't help it. He's just so darn sweet and nice and gentle.

Naomi: Well, not like Eddie. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him.

Lorelei: Well, you don't know Eddie like I do. He can be sweet. And he's real smart. You should've seen this whole mission that he put together. Why, I've seen some good swindlers in my day, but Eddie puts the con in con artist.

Naomi: Let me see if I got this straight. Phillip is dear, sweet and kind.

Lorelei: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.

Naomi: Edmund is smart and talented. Lorelei, girl, it sounds to me like you're falling in love with two men.

Lorelei: So?

Naomi: So? Has the butter slipped off your biscuit? You've got to choose or you're going to lose both of them. And the money too. I've got to go do my face. Lorelei, honey, what is it that you want out of this, anyway?

Lorelei: Money.

Naomi: Then you've got to stay focused.

Lorelei: You're right, I know. I can't play Beth for the rest of my life. And after we score, Eddie's probably going to take off on me anyway.

Naomi: Then it's just back to lunch meat and potato chips.

Lorelei: A job's a job, and nothing else.

Naomi: It's just a job.

Lorelei: All Eddie is is a business partner to me, not like I'm interested in him romantically or anything. He's just around.

Naomi: Use him then lose him.

Lorelei: Now you're talking. Oh, Naomi, what would I do without you?

Naomi: I don't know.

Edmund: Yes, what?

Lorelei: Hey. Well, what took you so long?

Edmund: Well, let's see, my plan was rerouted twice. Once in a very cold place called Minnesota, known for its huge shopping mall. But I think enough of the small talk, let's get back to business. We pulled one over on Phillip Spaulding down in Mexico, what's next?

Lorelei: What's wrong with you?

Edmund: Jet lag. May we proceed?

Lorelei: Well, Naomi and I were just talking, and we figure it's time to heat things up.

Naomi: A little charm, a little pillow talk.

Lorelei: Yeah. And then make Phillip marry me.

Harley: So what is this truth that I'm supposed to accept about myself this time? Really, I want to know. Please tell me so that I can live with myself.

Gus: You are so sarcastic today.

Harley: No, what it is is that you think you know me so well and you know nothing.

Gus: I don't know anything.

Harley: Nothing.

Gus: Okay. So what? Are you married?

Harley: That's none of your business.

Gus: Ah, really? I think it is my business, just a little bit, because you said I called up and I interrupted your wedding vows right when I was telling you about the fire. Is that a problem for you?

Harley: Okay, you know what? We're not married yet. You satisfied?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: But that doesn't mean that there's not going to be a wedding very, very soon.

Gus: Oh, I see.

Frank: So what's all this talk about weddings?

Harley: Never mind.

Gus: What's the talk about...

Harley: Shh.

Frank: Excuse me. Were you in the process of eloping when I called you about the accident?

Harley: Why don't you just put out an APB, Frank.

Frank: I was just asking you a question.

Harley: Look, can we just... Can we save this for another time, please?

Frank: Oh, my God, you were.

Harley: Frank, listen. Listen to me. You look exhausted. You're exhausted, okay? Why don't you get out of here and go have Dad feed you or something.

Frank: After we find Marina.

Harley: No, no, no, no. Seriously, you've been at this all night, okay? Why don't you let me take over. At the very least, go lie down somewhere. If I find out anything, I will come get you.

Frank: I want to know what you find out, good or bad, you understand?

Harley: I know. I know. Now come on, please go get something to eat before you fall over.

Frank: All right. I think we need to talk.

Harley: (Agrees sarcastically)

Gus: You know what I find very interesting is that this supposed wedding of yours just keeps getting postponed. (Laughs) That's kind of wacky. And now that you're down here at the police station looking all police-y, and to boot, you're a flirt. You're flirting with me. That's kind of weird.

Harley: Rick and I will be married, okay? And we will live happily ever after. And as for my police work, well, I think I'm going to be so deliriously happy being Mrs.. Dr. Rick Bauer, that I'm not even going to have time for this place. You know what I mean?

Gus: Aha.

Harley: Aha. And you know what? As a matter of fact, I may even turn in my police shield while I'm here, get it over with. So why don't you leave? Because you know what? My niece is missing, and I don't have time to fend off your delusions.

Patrolman: All right, kids, now sit here and be quiet. All right?

Desk cop: Drugs?

Patrolman: No, I caught them defacing the arcade down on Fifth. Figure we'd give them a warning, maybe call their parents.

Desk cop: Or lock 'em up.

Patrolman: Yeah, right.

Boy #1: So it looks like we're going to jail, guys.

Marina: Not me. (Sighs)

Edmund: Yes, you would've been very proud of our little Lorelei down in Mexico, Naomi. She came up with some very convincing memories, even managed to conjure up a few crocodile tears. Phillip absolutely melted. But then she's often had that affect on men, hasn't she?

Lorelei: Are you going to help me get Phillip to propose or not?

Edmund: I'm surprised he hasn't asked you already.

Lorelei: Well, it's not like we haven't gotten closer. We have kids, and not just once either. Of course, that doesn't count for much when you consider Phillip's a little gun shy.

Edmund: Phillip Spaulding, shy?

Lorelei: Well, you know what I mean. He was married to Beth before and it didn't work out, so he might be a little slow to try it again. And then Beth just divorced you, so he might not want to rush her.

Edmund: Oh, don't worry, Phillip's the marrying kind. He'll jump at the chance to put his adorable little family back together again.

Naomi: Yeah, but first you've got to make sure he knows that you're interested.

Lorelei: Why didn't I think of this before? It's the oldest trick in the book. I know just what I have to do.

Edmund: Of course you do. Do what you've been waiting to do all along: Use your most precious asset. Just go over there and throw yourself at him. Have at it. It's what you've wanted to do from the beginning, isn't it? Jump into the sack with Phillip Spaulding.

Alan: Well, congratulations. You finally came to your senses.

Phillip: Here we go.

Alan: After all that wasted time with Harley.

Phillip: It was not wasted time.

Alan: And Beth with Jim Lemay and Edmund Winslow. Round and round you two went until you finally saw what was standing right in front of you. You belong together, Phillip, you always have.

Phillip: (Laughs) Did you say "always"?

Alan: Look, I know it took me a while to come around, but I finally did. Now, you and Beth are parents of two of my heirs, and it's time you started acting like it.

Phillip: Okay.

Alan: Beth is a Spaulding through and through. She always has been. What you ever saw in that low- class cop...

Phillip: All right. All right. That's enough. Look, it goes without saying, I regret the way my marriage to Beth ended, but I don't regret a moment of the time that I spent with Harley, no matter how much you would like me to. And this is not... This is not a case of me simply coming to my senses, as you put it. It's much more complicated than that.

Alan: Complicated?

Phillip: Yes.

Alan: Seems very simple to me. You're still in love with your childhood sweetheart.

Phillip: Well, no, it's very different than that, because Beth is different now. If I have fallen in love with her again, I've fallen in love with her in a very, very different way. This is... This is different, and these feelings have taken me by surprise. This is a little scary.

Alan: Well, then do something about it. Ask her to marry you.

Phillip: I think I have to give this some serious thought.

Alan: No, I think you have to strike while the iron is hot, Phillip.

Phillip: Well, wait a minute. There are a lot of other people concerned here. I don't want to just rush in and take a chance that I'm going to hurt Beth or hurt my kids again.

Alan: Will you wake up, Philip? This new and exciting Beth you're referring to doesn't seem to sit around and pine. Now, stop being a coward and ask her to marry you. If you don't snatch her up, someone else will.

Carmen: I keep thinking back on that terrible night of the fire. My last conversation with Danny, he kept asking me about my gallery.

Michelle: Oh?

Carmen: He wanted to know if I was involved in anything illegal, anything that might embarrass the family. I was so hurt that he still hadn't trusted me. But I suppose he told you all of this.

Michelle: No. Actually, the last time I spoke with Danny was at Towers just before he left to see you.

Carmen: Well, I think when he saw that I was being sincere, we had a kind of reconciliation. He felt badly about accusing me.

Michelle: I'm sure he did.

Carmen: I told him that I had become as legitimate as the Spaulding's, and that all I wanted was to be a part of the family again. I think he believed me. As a matter of fact, we embraced. For the first time, I had hopes of seeing Danny and I getting back together again.

Michelle: You know, I'm glad that you told me that, because I thought that maybe you and Danny had had a fight.

Carmen: Oh, no, the opposite.

Michelle: Well, it must be a relief to know that it all worked out so well, at least from your point of view.

Carmen: My point of view?

Michelle: See, Gus Aitoro thinks that this fire wasn't an accident. He thinks that you might have set it.

Lorelei: What do you think I am, a hooker? I don't throw my body at somebody for money no matter how much it's worth. Did I sleep with you? Well, did I?

Edmund: No.

Lorelei: When I said I knew what I had to do, I wasn't talking about a roll in the hay. I meant a love letter.

Edmund: A love letter? Love letter? What about candy and flowers? That would certainly make me ask you.

Naomi: I'm with Eddie on this one, Lorelei. I mean, this would just draw it out for another year.

Lorelei: Well, not if I pour my whole heart out. You got a pen? You must have a pen in there.

Naomi: I mean, you can't just scribble down a note. When Phillip sees the handwriting, he'll know you're not Beth.

Lorelei: Well, Eddie taught me how to write like Beth. I'll just write it the way he taught me.

Edmund: Keep your O's small and cross the T's left.

Lorelei: I know that. "Dear Phillip, it seems like years since I last saw you, but it's only been hours."

Edmund: Oh, God, you're not Scarlet O'Hara. Here, let me do it.

Lorelei: "My heart is heavy with yearning."

Edmund: Good. Here. Write what I tell you. At least let me help you.

Lorelei: Okay. "Dear Phillip..."

Edmund: "I've been through a lot of changes lately, most of which I didn't expect. I've been in love before, but the person I used to be could never love as I can now. The person I was could never appreciate you the way I do today..."

Lorelei: "You let me be me."

Edmund: "As no one else ever has."

Lorelei: "And when I make mistakes, you forgive me. You're always there."

Edmund: "As I hope I can always be there for you. I know I filled you in many ways. I've acted impulsively, lost my temper when all I really wanted to do was..."

Lorelei: "...Hold you. Hold you close. Kiss you."

Edmund: "Because when I look into your face..."

Lorelei: "Because when I look into your face..."

Edmund: "I see myself reflected there, but in a new way. It's as if my soul has found a place of refuge. You make me laugh when I don't want to laugh. You play my heart like an instrument. It's a melody that's always with me, even when you're not."

Lorelei: "I'm sorry that I haven't been more honest and I've hidden my feelings from you, because I love you. I think I always have."

Edmund: "And always will."

Lorelei: "If I had my way, I'd spend the rest of my life by your side."

Edmund: "Never to be separated in life or in death."

Lorelei: "For all eternity."

Edmund: Will you marry me?

Lorelei: Yes.

Lorelei: I just said yes to make you feel good.

Edmund: You did, too.

Lorelei: That was beautiful, Eddie-- the whole letter. We're almost there. We're so close.

Edmund: Yes, so close.

Naomi: "Will you marry me, Phillip?" That ought to do it.

Edmund: On second thought, I think that maybe we should leave the proposal up to Phillip.

Lorelei: Well, I have to rewrite it anyways, so I'll just sign it off with some X's and hearts, okay?

Edmund: Okay.

Lorelei: Well, if this doesn't do it, then I don't think anything will. Now I just... I have to find a place to put it where Phillip will find it.

Edmund: Right. Well, I'll leave that up to you.

Lorelei: And pretty soon it will all be ours.

Edmund: Yes. Ours.

Lorelei: Well, I guess I better go. I'll be back in 30 minutes or an hour at the most.

Edmund: Good luck.

Lorelei: How can I miss? You were brilliant.

Buzz: No news, huh?

Frank: I mean, you tell me. I just don't understand how Marina just vanished like that. One minute she's there, the next she's gone.

Buzz: What are we talking about? When Marina ran away or when she moved out with her mother to California?

Frank: Both, Dad. I mean, what the hell happened? You know, I had this great life. I had a great wife, I had a great kid. I mean, I had a job I couldn't wait to get to in the morning. I just took it all for granted. I blew it, Pop. I really blew it, you know that? I mean, and this great job that I neglected my family for, well, what good has it gotten me? Mr. Hotshot detective here, I can't even find my own daughter.

Buzz: It isn't your fault, Frank.

Frank: It is my fault, Dad. I failed as a father. I wouldn't even blame my daughter if she never even wanted to see me again.

Cop: Name?

Marina: Zoë. White. Zoë White. Can I go now?

Cop: Not until we call your parents. What's your phone number?

Harley: Could you just knock it off?

Gus: You don't have to be such a brat? All I'm saying is if you gave in that badge, it'd be one of the biggest mistakes of your life. So just give it up, keep your badge and work with me.

Harley: You know what? Ever since I got back to town, you have been irritating me and everybody else with these fantasies about the Santos's.

Gus: They're not fantasies, babe. They're not. I'm telling you. I'm telling you Danny and Carmen are involved with the fire.

Harley: Danny was almost killed in the fire, and Carmen is not about to kill her own son. And don't call me babe. Don't call me babe, sweetheart, or...

Gus: Okay. Officer Cooper, I'm telling you something, okay? I don't know a lot, I get some things wrong, but one thing I do know is that this fire was set deliberately. And I got that from Carmen's reaction at the hospital, so either she set the fire to try to destroy her own son-- which I think is entirely possible-- or Danny set the fire, or they both had somebody else set the fire...

Harley: Okay.

Gus: But trust me when I tell you this, sugar pie honey bunch, it was not an accident. Just like us meeting today and seeing each other down here-- not an accident.

Harley: No, it's not an accident.

Gus: No.

Harley: I'm convinced you are stalking me.

Gus: All right, look, the way I look at it, we have two cases here, okay? Just help me get to the bottom of the fire and I will help you find your niece. You know why? Because I'm good at that. Give me the flier.

Cop: The phone number you gave me is disconnected.

Marina: Oh, yeah, I forgot. My parents just changed their number. Why don't you try 555-7832?

Perp: You can share my cell any day.

Marina: Great.

Perp: Oh, what I wouldn't give for just one little kiss.

Marina: Do you want it? Earn it. Deal?

Perp: All right.

Gus: Whoa! I love a woman that knows how to wrestle.

Harley: Yeah. You know what? Why don't you keep your mouth shut for, like, ten minutes and we'll try to forget all about this mad little dash for the door. What do you say?

Gus: You're like a kid at Christmas, Cooper.

Harley: You think I'm enjoying this? This is business.

Gus: I know that you're enjoying this. No, I can tell.

Patrolman: No, come on, Marcello. You want me to book him for trying to resist?

Harley: No. Give him a break. Let him go.

Gus: You're a good cop.

Harley: Uh-huh.

Gus: No, you are. You're even fair to the bad guys.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Uh-huh.

Harley: Maybe that's why you're still hanging around.

Gus: Ah.

Marina: All right. I'll see you guys later.

Girl #1: Where are you going?

Marina: It's a nice day. Why waste it?

Frank: When you left me as a kid, I swore I would never, ever leave my children.

Buzz: You didn't do what I did. You didn't bail. You didn't run out on your responsibility. You've been on the phone every chance you could get, inviting Marina out, inviting her to live with you, for God's sakes.

Frank: Yeah, well. Pop, I better get back.

Buzz: Frank! You know those nature shows I'm watching all the time? One thing I've learned is that in the natural order of things, a child looks up to a parent, you know? Learns from them. The truth between you and me is a little different than that. I look up to you, Frank, as a father. I wish I could have been the kind of father you are to Marina, to you and your sister. I'm proud of you, Frank.

Frank: Thanks, Dad.

Buzz: And you know, if you've made mistakes, there's time to fix them. Marina will come back and you can be a better father. Come on. Okay? Believe it.

Frank: Pop, I hope you're right. I hope you're right, Dad. All righty. I'm out of here. Thanks.

Buzz: Maybe I should follow my own advice.

Michelle: Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring this up while Danny's like this.

Carmen: Michelle, you love my son. Would you ever hurt him?

Michelle: No.

Carmen: Neither would I. And despite whatever you might think about me, my children have always come first. I would set myself on fire first before letting any harm come to my son. Look at him. He looks just like he did when he was a little boy. In the morning, before school, all I would ever do is kiss him and he'd wake up. Don't sleep too long, okay? (Sighs) Thank you.

Michelle: For what?

Carmen: For not jumping to the same conclusion about me. I'll leave you two alone.

Michelle: Danny, I'm going to find out if your mother did this to you. I promise you I'll find out.

Phillip: Hey, look who's home.

Lorelei: Hey.

Phillip: How you feeling? Any jet lag?

Lorelei: Uh, no, no. Just glad to be back.

Phillip: Good.

Lorelei: What about you?

Phillip: Yeah, I'm glad you're back.

Lorelei: (Laughs) I owe you a lot.

Phillip: No, you don't.

Lorelei: I do. I mean, you helped me get my memory back and then you were so wonderful in Mexico.

Phillip: I just want you to be all right.

Lorelei: I am. I am. I promise. And in fact, I think that I'm going to have a lot more memories. Yeah, you're Phillip Spaulding, right?

Phillip: Oh, my God. Yes!

Lorelei: (Laughs) Yes! See! Oh, first time out I got that, you know. Must be that handsome face.

Phillip: Yeah?

Lorelei: It's kind of hard to forget.

Phillip: You think?

Lorelei: Yeah. Yeah, it is. Um, I am...

Phillip: What?

Lorelei: I have to go. (Laughs)

Phillip: You have to go?

Lorelei: Yeah, I'm... I'm late.

Phillip: For what?

Lorelei: Um, manicure.

Phillip: Manicure?

Lorelei: Yeah. And you have to pick up Lizzie. It's your turn, remember?

Phillip: Mm-hmm. (Laughs)

Frank: Hey, Patrick. How you doing? What's up, man? How are you? Okay. What did I miss?

Harley: Frank, I nabbed a perp.

Frank: I'm sorry I wasn't here to see that.

Harley: Yeah. And there's been no word about Marina.

Frank: I figured as much.

Harley: You know what, Frank? I got a feeling, really. I've got a feeling right here, and it tells me she's okay.

Frank: I hope so. Now, let's get back to this little wedding of yours.

Harley: Oh. Why do you listen to anything he has to say about that?

Frank: Harley Davidson Cooper, did you or did you not almost elope with my good friend, Rick Bauer?

Harley: Okay, first of all, don't talk to me like one of your suspects.

Frank: And second of all, I'm your big brother, and you usually let me in on that kind of stuff. Don't you?

Harley: Yes. I'll tell you everything, every sordid detail. I will answer any question you want, but I just want you to answer one question for me first, okay?

Frank: What's that?

Harley: Why is life so complicated? (Laughs)

Frank: Come here.

Michelle: I want to hire you.

Gus: Now, what would you want to do a thing like that for?

Michelle: You're a P.I., right? Look, you saved Danny's life. Whether it was for the right reason or not, I think it qualifies you.

Gus: For what?

Michelle: Somebody set that fire on purpose. I want you to find out who and I want you to make them pay.

Gus: Michelle, you know, I'm probably one of the people that think that Danny had something to do with it.

Michelle: I know. I know what you think, but if nothing else, you're talented and you're going to dig until you find the truth.

Gus: Mmm. And what if I find out that Danny...

Michelle: Don't even go there. Danny had nothing to do with that warehouse, and I'm going to pay you to prove it.

Gus: Look, kid, I know that you're feeling kind of miserable right now, okay, and...

Michelle: Double. Double what you usually make. Just... Just find out who did this to Danny, okay? And let me know who it is.

Gus: Mrs. Bauer-Santos, you have yourself a deal.

Lorelei: Well, I did it. I put it where he'd find it. He's probably reading it right now. Where's Naomi?

Edmund: Oh, she just left.

Lorelei: Oh, darn. I want to go get a manicure so that ring will look good on my finger. Oh, I'm so excited, Eddie. It's in the bag. I can feel it.

Edmund: Yes. You're going to be Mrs.. Phillip Spaulding. You must be very proud.

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