GL Transcript Wednesday 1/23/02



Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/23/02

Provided by Linda
Proofread by Tanya

Rick: Here, Michelle.

Michelle: Oh, I'm okay.

Rick: Come on, humor me. Take it.

Michelle: Thanks. So, how is he?

Mel: Well, the surgery to remove the subdural hematoma was a success.

Michelle: Which is good news, right? Except that he's still in a coma.

Rick: Yes, unfortunately he is.

Michelle: How long? Do we know how long? Does anybody have any idea? I'm sorry. I know... I know that... I know better than that. I'm sorry.

Mel: I'm going to update Dr. Ramsey on Danny's condition. Excuse me.

Michelle: We're going to get through this. I know we will. Do you think that he can hear me when I talk to him?

Rick: Most doctors believe that people in a coma are helped out knowing that their loved ones are nearby.

Michelle: And what do you believe?

Rick: I believe that Danny knows that you're here, Michelle, and that's going to help him in the long run.

Michelle: I love you, Danny. I'm right here. Don't you leave me. Okay? Please. Honey, please come back to me.

Cassie: It is so great to have you guys here.

Josh: Well, thank you, thank you. I had some business down here, so I strong-armed Reva into joining me.

Reva: Listen to him.

Josh: Well, it took some work. It did.

Reva: Well, actually, Joshua does have a man he has to see, someone who's very interested in the harbor project, and wants to do a lot of the same thing in other locations.

Josh: Is that the story I used to get you down here? (Laughter)

Richard: So you two are back together again?

Josh: We're dating.

Richard: Ah. (Laughter) Well, that's wonderful news.

Reva: And we're being very silly about it, too.

Cassie: Well, some people just belong together.

Richard: My sentiments exactly.

Reva: I just hope we haven't come at a bad time. I mean, we heard about the whole Alonzo thing, and I'm sure that created quite a commotion down here when it came out, and we just want you to know that if there's anything we can do...

Cassie: You guys just being here is enough. Other than that, we're just trying to keep things as normal as possible.

Richard: That's right, normal as possible. We've got some fund-raising that we're doing. We've got a wonderful new plan for a brand-new school.

Cassie: Oh, you know what? I bet you Josh could help you before the meeting you have with the board.

Richard: Hmm?

Cassie: You could run some preliminary budgets and plans before him and see what he thinks.

Josh: Yeah, sure, anytime you want.

Cassie: Now would probably be a good time.

Reva: That's smooth. That's real smooth, Cassie.

Josh: Oh, I get it, I get it. Translation: The sisters need some time alone. Okay, all right, that's fine. We'll step out. We'll catch up with you later.

Reva: Yes.

Josh: Okay.

Cassie: I'm really glad you're here.

Reva: What's going on, Cassie? I know it's more than just Richard's new brother.

Cassie: Well, everything that you've been reading in the papers? It's nothing compared to what's been going on here.

Reva: Cassie, what's wrong? What's going on that you couldn't tell me in front of Richard? You two have always been so open and honest with each other.

Cassie: That's very important to me.

Reva: Well, yeah, because that's who you are-- it's who both of you are.

Cassie: He just... Ever since Alonzo has come here, Richard, he's just changed.

Reva: Changed how?

Cassie: Lying to me. And he's keeping things from me, and he's shutting me out, and he keeps doing it over and over again. He doesn't realize how bad it's hurting us.

Reva: Richard's never been one to lie to you, has he?

Cassie: No, he hasn't. It's just the thing is, he's not the only one who's lying.

Josh: Well, they certainly have no problem letting us know that they don't want us around, do they?

Richard: No, they certainly don't.

Josh: Um.... Listen, listen, I know that you and I have never really had an easy go of it, but I do want you to know that I'm very sorry for what you're going through right now.

Richard: Thank you.

Josh: In fact, I know from personal experience what it feels like to be accused of lying in the press.

Richard: Oh, well, yes, that. I am sorry for any part that I may have had in putting you through that.

Josh: I know, I know. I know you are, in the same way that I know that you couldn't have possibly known that this Alonzo was the real prince.

Richard: This whole Alonzo situation is a lot more of a mess than anyone really knows, Josh. You know, the press tends to exaggerate, but this time I actually think they're not exaggerating.

Josh: Well, if there's anything at all that I can do to help...

Richard: Well, here I am in the middle of a crisis, and I have no idea how it's going to turn out. And you know what? What really aggravates me, Josh, is that I brought this whole mess upon myself.

Reva: What do you mean, Richard's not the only one who's lied?

Cassie: It's just really not easy to explain.

Reva: Cassie, I'm here to help you. It's between us, so tell me.

Cassie: I love Richard so much. But, you know, he has this problem with trust. We both do, which is why we value what we have. But this situation with Alonzo has brought up these feelings, you know, with Richard, and I guess it was bound to happen.

Reva: Why?

Cassie: Because I just, you know, plunged head-first when we found out Alonzo was Will's father, and I was naive. You know, Richard and I, when we met Alonzo, I decided right then and there that Alonzo had to be a part of Will's life.

Reva: You decided.

Cassie: Yes. And I was right, too, you know? I mean, Alonzo didn't hesitate for a second, Reva, to risk his own life to save Will's for that liver transplant.

Reva: And I'm sure Richard was very grateful.

Cassie: Very. And it brought the two of them closer. Then Camille showed up, and then everything...

Reva: Wait. Camille? That's Will's birth mother?

Cassie: She is not a mother. She is selfish, and she is self-involved.

Reva: Okay. Hey, don't hold back. Tell it like it is.

Cassie: Camille came back to San Cristobel, and she was using will to try and worm her way back into Alonzo's heart. So Richard came up with this idea that Alonzo would take Camille, and they would go on a year-long goodwill tour to promote tourism in San Cristobel.

Reva: And Alonzo agreed to it.

Cassie: Yeah. He thought it was the best way to keep Camille at bay. What he didn't realize is that Richard was also using it to keep him at bay.

Reva: Was Richard afraid that Alonzo would take Will back?

Cassie: I know that was a part of it, but Richard was also afraid that he wanted me.

Reva: Was he right?

Cassie: I didn't think so, but I asked Alonzo, and he admitted that he had feelings for me.

Reva: What kind of feelings?

Cassie: Romantic feelings.

Reva: So what did Richard say when you told him?

Cassie: I didn't. I lied to him.

Bartender: Put your money away. It's no good here. It's on me, your royal highness.

Alonzo: Why don't you take this back and bring me a beer? And you bloody well better charge me for it.

Dax: He was merely paying his respects, sir.

Alonzo: Don't "Sir" me.

Dax: You are honor-bound to take your rightful place on the throne. There is no running away from your destiny, your highness.

Alonzo: You know, I thought it was Richard who played me for a fool, but it was you. From the beginning, it was you. You didn't tell me the truth from the start because you wanted a prince you could manipulate.

Dax: I did what had to be done.

Alonzo: You're a dangerous man, Dax. You even used a baby to get what you wanted. But guess what. You're out of luck, because as much as you want me to want it-- the throne and all its trappings-- it's not going to happen. I'm no prince, not by birth, and sure as hell not by choice. So guess what? You've ruined a lot of lives for nothing. But all in a day's work, huh, Dax?

Dax: This is still new to you. You will see that you have responsibilities.

Alonzo: Get out.

Dax: Responsibilities that you cannot run away from.

Alonzo: I said get out of here!

Dax: As you wish, sir.

Alonzo: Take it. I pay my own way.

Olivia: Hey! It's just the guy I was looking for, Mr. Summa Cum Laude of the Hunley School of Journalism-- future.

Sam: You like the sound of that, huh?

Olivia: Yeah. Well, it's kind of a mouthful, but... I don't know how I'm going to fit it on the bumper sticker. Sam?

Sam: Mm-hmm?

Olivia: This is going to be the best time of your life.

Sam: I know. I just wish Alan Spaulding didn't have anything to do with it.

Olivia: Yeah, well, would you rather your application be stuck in circular file hell?

Sam: No. But his helping me puts you in debt to him. And I don't like that. And besides, who's to say this wasn't some kind of set-up? You know, I was thinking about it. Who's to say he didn't somehow figure out about my application and have it rejected, and then turn around and happen upon us in our time of need to save the day?

Olivia: That sounds like an essay question.

Sam: Come on, I'm serious.

Olivia: Okay, okay. Well, let's try the first part. Will I be indebted to him? Simple answer: No. Besides, I more than know how to handle myself with Alan Spaulding.

Sam: Too much information.

Olivia: The important thing is, you're going to be going to the school of your choice, all right? And I promise you, Alan will be receiving no payment from me.

Sam: Okay.

Olivia: Which reminds me, I need you to sign these.

Sam: I thought we already took care of all the college stuff. What is this?

Olivia: It's the Sam Spencer Foundation. I'm taking some of the profits from the harbor project, and I'm endowing a charitable foundation in your name. I just need you to sign them so we can get started.

Sam: Liv.

Olivia: Oh, come on. I knew you were going to look surprised, but you don't have to look stunned.

Sam: This foundation, this is 100% charity, you know. You're not taking the credit for it. You're putting my name on it. I don't...

Olivia: Uh, yeah.

Sam: Yeah.

Olivia: What did you think, your sister didn't have a few surprises left in her?

Sam: No, I wouldn't doubt that for a second.

Olivia: What is it? Wow. You just thought I was so far gone that I couldn't do something selfless for my own brother. Even you don't believe in me anymore.

Mel: Hey.

Rick: Hey.

Mel: How's Michelle holding up?

Rick: She's okay, but it hasn't been easy. I mean, they've both been through so much together. Danny is the love of my little sister's life, and after everything they've been through, through all the tough times, it's amazing, but they've never given up on each other.

Mel: Yeah. It's hard to miss how in love she is with him.

Rick: I mean, to have that one person in your life that you love more than anything in the entire world, and then be in danger of losing them not once, but several times, I don't know how they do it. It's... I don't know, all we can do right now is just pray that Danny pulls through. They deserve a break. All they ever wanted was to be together.

Mel: I guess that's what we all dream of. ( Pager beeping) Your beeper.

Rick: I've got to go. I'll see you later.

Mel: See you, Rick.

Michelle: Robbie's waiting for his daddy to come home. And you will, you will. We've just... We've been through so much. I just know it's not supposed to end like this. I know it's not.

Carmen: A ti te lo encargo. Sagrado corazon de Jesus. Take care of my Danny, please.

Gus: Hey, Carmen. Watch this. (Grunting) it's a miracle! It's a miracle! How about that? Your prayers have been answered. I guess that means God wants me to get right back to work, do my job, take your family down.

Carmen: You saved my son's life. For that, I'll always be grateful to you.

Gus: Well, you know how much your gratitude means to me, Carmen.

Carmen: I mean it.

Gus: Oh, all right. It's crazy about that fire, huh?

Carmen: Well, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to continue with my prayers now.

Gus: You know, the only thing I don't understand is what the heck was Danny doing there when it went all up in flames.

Carmen: Padre nuestro que estas en el cielo...

Gus: I can't figure the rest of that out-- except I did track it to you.

Carmen: Hagase su voluntad en el cielo...

Gus: You own that warehouse, Carmen, don't you?

Carmen: ...Aqui en la tierra.

Gus: Oh, you put a lot of space between you and the ownership, but I did figure it out that you owned it, which means that you set the fire, or you had somebody set the fire.

Carmen: ...Y perdona nuestros pecados...

Gus: How does that feel having almost killed your own son? Unless, of course, Danny set the fire, and he botched it all up. Crazy kids today. It's just wacky.

Carmen: ...Libranos de tentacion.

Gus: What are you going to do? Actually, I don't care how it happened exactly, as long as you and him get exactly what you deserve. I think this is the part where you say "Amen." Amen.

Camille: Okay, he may not be in love with you, but that'll change. Go in there and get what's yours. There you are. You know, for a big celebrity, you are an awfully hard man to track down.

Alonzo: What do you want?

Camille: Just to know if I could help. I read the paper, and I was... I was worried about you. The truth is out. That's good. Now everyone knows that you're the real prince.

Alonzo: Everyone knows. I wish Dax had never found me. I don't want this. I just want things to go back to the way they were before.

Camille: But you can't. Don't you see? Look, I know that this is going to be hard for you, but you don't have to do it alone. I'm here. Sometimes we just have to accept what fate hands us. Look, I'm not ready for it, either, but we can't be selfish. The truth is out. And it changes everything, doesn't it?

Reva: You chose not to tell Richard that Alonzo was in love with you.

Cassie: Yeah. That's what I'm trying to tell you.

Reva: Why?

Cassie: Because, you know, he... Things have been really tense around here, Reva, and it's his brother. I don't want to ruin the possibility of a relationship between the two of them.

Reva: Okay, I get that. I do. I probably would have done the same thing. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't have. I mean, let's look at this from Richard's point of view for a second. The two of you adopt a baby, and then you offer a job to the natural father, guaranteeing that that man will be near that baby-- his son-- who on paper is Richard's son.

Cassie: Yes. Of course he's Richard's son.

Reva: Okay. I've never adopted a baby before, but I would think that the last person I would want near my baby would be the natural parent. That's why Richard and I chose to leave Jonathan all these years, because he has parents. We don't want to confuse him.

Cassie: I know. I know, and I thought this was different, you know? I'm the one who insisted Alonzo be a part of Will's life. Reva, I know what it's like to grow up not knowing your father or your mother. And I don't want Will to have the questions that I still have to this day. And Alonzo, he's a really good guy, you know, and he should be allowed to know his son, who is Richard's son.

Reva: Did you hear what you just said? "His son-- Richard's son."

Cassie: I cannot pretend that Alonzo doesn't exist.

Reva: But you can pretend that Camille doesn't exist.

Cassie: Camille is no more a mother than this table right here.

Reva: And what if Richard decided that he wanted Camille to be a part of that baby's life?

Cassie: Well, he wouldn't.

Reva: What if he did?

Cassie: I wouldn't let him.

Reva: How do you think Richard would react to that double standard?

Cassie: Camille and Alonzo are two totally different people, Reva.

Reva: Okay, Cassie. All I'm saying to you is that you, being this good and generous person, have closed the door on one parent, but not on the other. What made you believe that Alonzo wouldn't take Will away?

Cassie: I just... I knew that he wouldn't.

Reva: Based on what?

Cassie: My instinct, I guess. I just, you know, felt like I could trust him.

Reva: Trust him with your happiness? Cassie, I'm not trying to judge you.

Cassie: Well, then what are you saying?

Reva: I just don't think you've told me the whole story. I want you to tell me what's really going on.

Cassie: Reva, there's nothing to tell, you know? Richard is jealous of Alonzo, and I'm just trying to figure out a way to deal with it the best way I know how.

Reva: And keeping things from him is the best way you know how?

Cassie: Things? I'm not keeping things from my husband.

Reva: Okay, one thing, one thing: The fact that Alonzo is in love with you.

Cassie: He thinks he's in love with me.

Reva: Cassie, honey, I love you, and I feel like I can tell you anything, and I would hope that you would feel the same way about me.

Cassie: What do you want me to do? Do you want me to make something up?

Reva: I want you to trust me and yourself enough to... To know what's going on in your heart. Why won't you tell Richard that Alonzo is in love with you?

Richard: Mission accomplished.

Josh: Yes. The plans Richard showed me are very impressive. In fact, I want Lewis Construction to put in a bid for the building of those schools.

Cassie: Well, he did a wonderful job.

Josh: Well, look at it this way: If my bid gets accepted, you'll be seeing a lot more of me and Reva.

Reva: So now I'm on your work crew?

Josh: No, no, no-- more like my supervisor.

Reva: Ah.

Richard: Perhaps you two would like some time alone. Thanks again for the help with the plans.

Reva: Actually, you need to think about your meeting. You do. And then later we can have a candlelit dinner and a walk on the beach. Hmm?

Josh: You know, it's a little hard for me to keep my mind on business right now. That's not a bad thing, though, is it?

Reva: No, no. There's nothing wrong with that at all, but it'll give Cassie and I a little more time to spend together. In fact, I have an idea. Why don't the two of you go down and explore all the new restaurants on the waterfront and have a nice lunch, and then Cassie and I can have some more time?

Josh: You'll make this up to me later?

Reva: Over and over again.

Josh: Okay. You up for lunch? (Laughter)

Richard: I guess so.

Josh: Okay, all right.

Cassie: See you later.

Josh: All right.

Cassie: I feel bad. You're supposed to be alone with Josh, not solving my problems.

Reva: I'm here to help you, Cassie.

Cassie: Everything is fine, Reva. It is, you know? We just have to get past this, that's all. If I tell Richard about Alonzo, it's just going to make everything worse.

Reva: Yes, it would, but in the long run...

Cassie: Reva, just... I know that I'm doing the right thing here for everyone. You have to trust me on this.

Alonzo: What kind of prince would I be? Huh? I don't even want the job.

Camille: It's not a job, it's a birthright. Don't you see? You don't even know what kind of prince you could be. You might make a wonderful prince. But you're not even giving yourself-- or our child-- the chance.

Alonzo: He's not our child anymore. You made sure of that. You gave him away.

Camille: Yeah, for his own good-- or so I thought. But now, now everything's different.

Alonzo: Nothing is different. Look, I just need my life to go back to the way it was, and so do you. And Will needs to stay right where he is, with Richard and Cassie.

Camille: You're just going to pretend that you're not the prince? Don't you see? Your son is next in line to the throne. You can't take that away from him. The only way to return to the monarchy is through you. You are the only person that can guarantee that our son gets what he deserves.

Alonzo: He deserves to be happy, and he's very happy right where he is, with Richard and Cassie. And you know what? That is the most important thing that you or I could do for him.

Camille: Alonzo...

Alonzo: Just go home, Camille. Go home and be happy.

Camille: We could be happy together.

Alonzo: We're never going to work out. We're not meant to be together.

Camille: I'll wait for you, Alonzo, because I know you'll do the right thing.

Alonzo: (Laughs) This is the right thing.

Olivia: So do you need a little more time to accept your sister as a human being?

Sam: Have you actually taken the time to sit down and look at the scope of this thing? This is huge.

Olivia: Yeah, but that's not what surprises you. It's the fact that I'm doing it.

Sam: Listen to me. I love you. You know that. I think you're the most wonderful woman in the world, and I wish everyone in this whole world saw you the way I do. But even I didn't see this one coming. Why are you doing this, Olivia?

Olivia: Well, I suppose if I told you it's because I really, really wanted to, that wouldn't be enough? I mean, all I care about is money and success. People don't matter to me.

Sam: No, no. No one's saying that.

Olivia: I am ambitious, I'm hardworking, and I want the best for the people that I love and myself, so obviously there's something wrong with me. Come on, I'm only doing this because I have an agenda, wouldn't you say? I'd expect this from Josh or Reva, certainly not from you.

Sam: I'm sorry.

Olivia: No, I'm sorry. I just get a little tired of having my every action judged for its motive.

Sam: Hey, I'm not judging you. I'm just really surprised.

Olivia: Why? I still owe you from screwing up your life last year.

Sam: What? Okay. Okay, we're even.

Olivia: You mean that?

Sam: Oh, yeah, paid in full.

Olivia: Well, in that case...

Sam: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Now what is this?

Olivia: It's loot. It's loot for the future college student from his very proud sister.

Sam: Oh, Liv, this is great.

Olivia: Nothing is too good for you, Sam, nothing. Don't you know that by now?

Sam: Thank you so much.

Olivia: That felt good.

Sam: I can't go off to school right now.

Olivia: What?

Sam: I feel like I can't leave you.

Olivia: Oh, no, no, no. I've got money, success, a little aura of mystery still left. I'm set. I'm going to miss you, but you have to go follow your dreams, okay? I'm going to be fine. I promise.

Sam: No. You're not.

Michelle: I'm going to be back soon, okay? I'm going to go check on Robbie. And I'll be sure to give him your love. We're all going to be together soon, Danny. Don't worry. I promise you.

Carmen: You saved my son's life. I'm grateful. Don't push it.

Gus: Okay, just calm yourself down.

Michelle: Whatever you two are bickering about out here, keep it away from Danny's room. He's in there fighting for his life.

Gus: She did it. She started it.

Carmen: How is he? Really, how is he?

Michelle: No change.

Carmen: I've been praying for him.

Gus: That fire was a terrible accident, wasn't it, Carmen?

Carmen: Do I have to call a security guard? Michelle, can I please go see my son?

Michelle: Of course. But just, you know, for a minute, because he really needs his rest.

Gus: Well, she'll be giving the same performance every hour on the hour, with a matinee on Wednesdays.

Michelle: He's her son. She does love him.

Gus: She doesn't love anybody but herself, Michelle. So you buy tickets to her act at your own risk, okay? Coming through!

Carmen: You were born with a full head of hair. Most babies have just little wisps of hair, but not you. No. You had dark, thick hair, curls. I still have a lock of some, you know, in my jewelry box. If I lost you, Danny, I don't think I could go on. No one has given me more heartache or more joy than you have, Danny. Can you hear me? Hmm? I'm so sorry, Danny. Please forgive me. Forgive me for everything I've done. I want you to know how proud I am of you, the man you've become. I'd give my life for you, Danny. I would.

Sam: Ever since you've gotten back from San Cristobel, you've changed. It's like there's this part of you that you've decided to close off, and it's right around your heart.

Olivia: What do you want me to do, Sam? Just live in a state of depression over my breakup with Josh?

Sam: You know, it's okay to mourn the loss of someone that mattered so much to you.

Olivia: I intend... I intend to be happy and fulfilled on my own, okay? Can you just accept that?

Sam: Things didn't work out with Josh, unfortunately, and I am sorry for you about that. I really am. But that's no reason for you to decide to just close your heart off from the world.

Olivia: How many more times do I have to get my heart broken before I can just decide that I don't want to play anymore, Sam? Okay, give me a ballpark figure. How many times before I get to sit the game out and just live for myself?

Sam: I just want you to have everything you deserve.

Olivia: Well, so do I. Maybe this is it. ( Cell phone rings) I have to get this. Look, I love you so much for caring about me, but I'm okay. I really am.

Reva: I understand why you don't want to tell Richard that Alonzo is in love with you, Cassie, but that doesn't mean that it's right. You and Richard have had an incredibly strong marriage. Tell him the truth. Tell him that Alonzo is just a friend, and that's all he'll ever be. Do you really believe that Alonzo is in love with you?

Cassie: I just think he's infatuated. Maybe he's lonely, and he mistook our friendship for something more. But, you know, he'll just get over it, and everything will be back to normal.

Reva: And what if he doesn't?

Cassie: Well, he has to, because I'm a married woman and he knows that, so he's just going to have to deal with whatever feelings he has for me.

Reva: Cassie, you keep talking about his feelings. What about your feelings? You have to face them. What are your feelings about Alonzo?

Carmen: I'm so worried about him.

Michelle: He's going to recover. He has to.

Carmen: We have to have faith.

Michelle: And then we're going to be able to find out how this horrible accident happened.

Carmen: Yeah, well, the most important thing is that he gets better. I love him so much.

Michelle: I do, too.

Carmen: I'll be back.

Michelle: Danny, there's just so little that I can do for you right now, but I promise you, I'm going to find out how this happened to you, and whoever is responsible will pay for this.

Josh: I bet you don't get to do this very often, do you, huh? I mean, hang out in a local bar with a pal?

Richard: No, I don't, right. And I do hope that we can be pals.

Josh: (Laughs) Well, there is an awful lot of baggage between us. I mean, the fact that you were married to Reva at one time, that's kind of weird. But, but, I have come to believe that everything happens for a reason, that some things are destined to be and cannot be changed. So I think that you were meant to be a part of Reva's life, a part of her journey. And in fact, if that hadn't happened, maybe Reva and I wouldn't be together today. And I feel that I'm a very lucky man to have her in my life.

Richard: I feel the exact same way about Cassie. I couldn't imagine my life without her.

Josh: Well, let's drink a toast then, to Reva and Cassie. Here's to their complexities.

Richard: Hmm.

Josh: To their pride and their stubbornness, and to the great roller coaster ride that they take us on.

Richard: And to destiny, the destiny that brought them into our lives.

Josh: Cheers.

Autograph seeker: Did you get his autograph? Isn't President Winslow the best?

Camille: This place was much more interesting with its prince and princess, which it will have again. This is far from over, president Winslow.

Cassie: What I want, Reva, is to protect my marriage with Richard. And I want to allow him the chance to get to know his brother. So if keeping something to myself that is no one else's business but my own, if that's going to let that happen... (Knock at door)

Aide: Excuse me. Mrs. Winslow? I'm sorry to interrupt, but you have to get ready. The wives in government luncheon?

Cassie: Right. Okay. Thank you. Thanks.

Reva: Cassie? Any lie, even the most well- intentioned one, will find a way to come back and bite you.

Cassie: I know that.

Reva: Just make sure you don't lie to yourself. Trust your heart, Cassie.

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