Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/22/02 Provided by Linda Josh: Ah, yes. Reva: What are you doing? Josh: I just have a hunch that there's more to this snowball than meets the eye. Reva: (Laughs) You've lost your mind. Josh: Look at that. I was right. Reva: (Laughs) What is that? Josh: It's got your name on it. And it's saying something. Can you hear it? It's calling your name. Can you hear what it's saying? Reva: It's saying "Joshua Lewis is certifiable." Josh: No, no, no. It's saying... It's saying "There's a beach in San Cristobel with your name on it." Reva: (Laughs) Actually, it has Princess Catherine's name on it, but go on, because this is really quite amazing. Josh: Okay, well, here's the deal now. I have to go back to San Cristobel to meet with these European investors, you know, show them the harbor project. And I want you to come with me. Reva: Do you now? Josh: Yeah. Reva: And what's in it for me? Josh: What... What... Besides the pleasure of my company and... And moonlit walks on the beach and romantic moments such as this? Here, you can keep this just for playing my game. Reva: (Laughs) Thank you. Josh: And you'll also have a chance to, you know, maybe... Reva: ...Spend some time with Cassie. Josh: Yeah, exactly. I figure with all the problems with Richard's half-brother, she'll love having you there. Reva: I've forgotten just how smart and thoughtful you are. Josh: So, it's settled? Reva: What about the kids? Josh: It's okay. I already thought about that. Billy's going to watch after them a little bit. He'll make sure that Shayne doesn't burn the house down. Reva: Well, that's great, but that's not what I meant. I meant that if we're going away together, we should probably sit Marah and Shayne down and let them know that things have changed between us. Josh: Well, that would be fine with me. Of course the problem is going to be nailing them down, you know. I don't know if you're aware of it, but our kids have a pretty busy schedule these days. Especially Marah. Romeo: Check out Marah's folks. Guess there's life past 30 after all, huh? So, what did your Abuela want to see you about earlier? Some new power play she's hatching? Tony: Well, that... That I could handle. No, Abuela wants to arrange my social calendar for the next 50 years, right down to the number of great-grandchildren I'm going to give her. Romeo: I don't get it. Tony: She thinks it's time I get married. Romeo: Not to Catalina? Nurse: Catalina? Marah: Yeah? Nurse: I said you're pregnant, hon. Congratulations. It's time to set up a doctor's appointment for you. Marah: Yeah, right, you know, I'm... I'm going to have to call you back and reschedule or something. Thank you. Oh, Tony, what has Catalina done to you? Catalina: Marah? Hi. The library was a zoo. Has anybody called for me? Marah: Why, were you expecting someone to? Michelle: Is Danny going to be all right? Rick: Michelle, he made it through surgery and he came out of the anesthesia. He's critical, but he's stable. Michelle: Oh, thank God. Okay, I want to go see him... Rick: Michelle, there's a couple of things... Danny's in a coma. Michelle: Coma? Mel: Rick said you took some premed courses so you know. This is Danny's body's way of healing itself, imposing rest. If it goes on to long, it could be a problem. But it's just a normal, physical reaction. Michelle: Um, how long is too long? Rick: Give us a few minutes, okay? I don't want you to worry about that, Michelle. I want you to come over here and let your big brother hug you, okay? Come here. Oh, sweetheart. I know you've been scared. Michelle: Rick, after everything that Danny and I have been through, I can't lose him now... Rick: No, Michelle, Michelle, you're not going to lose him, okay? That's not going to happen, but you're not going to help him unless you get some rest. So go home... Michelle: No, no, no, no... Rick: ...Doctor's orders... Michelle: ...I'm not going to leave until I see him. Rick: Well, it's going to be a couple of hours at least. Michelle: Is... Is Gus still here? Rick: Yeah, he's... He inhaled a lot of smoke. He's on oxygen. Fortunately, his mouth is covered by a mask, so it will keep him quiet for a while. Michelle: I think I should probably go see him. Rick: Yeah, he's... He's... Yeah. Michelle: Okay, thanks. (Knocks on door) Gus: What? What's wrong? Michelle: Nothing is. Gus: Did Danny make it through the surgery all right? Yeah? Michelle: Yeah, he's... He's still critical, but he's stable. He's... He's actually in a coma but they think he's going to come out of it soon. And he wouldn't even be alive if it weren't for you. Gus: I didn't do anything. Michelle: Yeah, you did. And I intend to thank you for it whether you like it or not. Blake: Tory? I thought you left town. Tory: That was the plan. But... Ross made me change my mind. Ross: I told Tory if she left, it would be like running away, and I've always thought that running from a problem is a mistake. Blake: Running away from what? Tory? Tory: That's hard to explain. Blake: Try. Tory: Well, ever since Stewart died, I've just been so confused about everything. And so I thought that if I left town, that would give me some clarity about everything, but Ross made me see the truth, which is that if I left, I wouldn't be answering any questions. I would just be putting them off and he said that I need to be honest with myself and with everyone. Ross: Tory, please don't. Tory: Don't what? Blake asked me to explain what's been going on with me. Blake: She's right, I did. You said you weren't being honest about something. What was that? Tory: Who I really am. And what it is that I really want. I mean, my whole desire, my whole passion for the law, that was all Stewart, that wasn't me. But after he died, I almost instinctively started to follow in his footsteps. It was like I wanted to take over his life so that I wouldn't have to go through missing him or mourning him, or, eventually, letting him go. And I have been so driven in the past few months, but I realize that I have been going after the wrong thing. Blake: Well, that's quite a realization. Tory: I know. But I don't know if I would have ever come to it, if it wasn't for Ross. So, of course, you'll have to forgive me, but I do have to bail on you. And I know that you'll find another assistant. So the real reason that I came over-- to return your keys, since I won't be needing them anymore, to both your office and your home. Ross: Thank you. Blake: So, Tory, if you're not working for Ross and you're not going back to school, what will you be doing? Tory: I don't really know. You know, I've just... Ever since Stewart died, I feel like I've been going backwards about everything, like I've been moving through some sort of thick fog, and I think that I just need to sit still and trust that my heart's desire will come to me. Blake: How Zen. I hope it works. Tory: Yeah. Blake: Well, we wish you the best, don't we? Ross: Well, of course, we do. The very best. Tory: Thank you. And thank you for being such a good friend to me. Thank both of you. Well, you know, this isn't good-bye. I'm sure we'll see each other occasionally around town. So I should get going. Take care. Blake: Well, something doesn't add up. Ross: Why? What do you mean? Blake: I don't care who you are or what you've been through, you don't give up your life's passion to sit around and twiddle your thumbs. Ross: Blake, the point is Tory said the law wasn't her passion. Blake: I don't buy it. Tory was planning on leaving town, but something happened to change her mind. I'd like to know what that was. Harley: Anybody here interested in a pb and banana with j, extra pb? Rick: Peanut butter, oh, oh, oh... Harley: You, you? (Laughter) Rick: Bless you, bless you, a thousand times bless you. Harley: Well, I thought you could use something after surgery. Rick: That was so sweet of you. Harley: How did your surgery go? Rick: Uh, well, Danny's... He's critical, but he has stabilized. Harley: Good. Rick: This looks so yummy. (Laughs) Grape jelly? Harley: Your favorite. Rick: Yeah, it's fine... Harley: Fine? Rick: It's fine... Harley: It's fine? It's not your favorite? Rick: Strawberry. Harley: Strawberry. Rick: Strawberry. Peanut butter and strawberry. Who needs peanut butter and jelly... Harley: Why can't I ever remember strawberry? I'm a lousy sandwich maker. Rick: You know what, you make great babies, darn it, and that's what counts. Harley: Thank you. Rick: You're welcome. Harley: If not a great bride, a great baby maker. (Laughter) Rick: We'll get that right, too. Harley: Yeah, we'll get that right. Hey, what choice did we have? I mean, we had to drop everything and get out of there. What were we supposed to do? We're supposed to go merrily along with our ceremony saying, "I do," while Danny's life is hanging in the balance? Rick: No. Harley: No. Mel: When I called Rick on his cell phone, I was interrupting your wedding? Romeo: This marriage thing, how hard was Abuela pushing you? Tony: Pretty hard. You know, why do I want to get married? I got my whole life ahead of me. Romeo: Hey, you don't got to sell me, man, I'm right there with you. Of course, that's not all it is, is it? It's the details, right? Tony: What do you... What do you mean "the details?" Romeo: Like who? Your potential esposa. Maybe this whole marriage thing wouldn't be so bad if it were Marah we were talking about instead of Catalina. Catalina: I'm surprised Ben's not still here. I knew you guys wanted to spend some time together. Marah? Marah: What? Catalina: Is there something wrong? Marah: I'm just thinking. Catalina: Well, can you think without staring at me like that? Marah: I'm just thinking about what a survivor you are, Catalina, you know. You know, you want something and you just... You go after it no matter what. Catalina: (Scoffs) Is there something wrong with that? Marah: I don't know, you tell me. Catalina: Well, I have hard work and discipline... Marah: And you work really fast, too, right? Catalina: Okay, I don't... I don't know what you're talking about. It kind of feels like you're making fun of me and I don't appreciate it. Marah: No, I'm not making fun of you, Catalina. In fact, I kind of admire you. You know, I wish that I could be that single-minded. But then again, I'm really not willing to stoop as low as you are. Catalina: Marah, if you have something to say to me, then just say it. Don't play these childish games. Marah: "Childish," that's... That's a really interesting choice of words. Fine, fine, yeah. I'll say it, I'll say it. You're pregnant. Catalina: Um, did you just say that I'm... Marah: Pregnant, pregnant, yeah. It's probably a big shock to you, right? Catalina: Okay, okay, you're probably mad at me for invading your privacy on the whole email thing, so what... What are you now making rumors up about me? Marah: No, no rumors, Catalina. The nurse from your gynecologist's office called and assumed that I was you, and told me the good news! So, you know, congratulations are in order, I guess. And... And I suppose that Tony's the father, right? Well, I guess that answers that. Catalina: So the nurse called and just assumed you were me, huh? You didn't maybe give her a nudge in that direction? Marah: Why did you come here from Cuba and stow away in that box? I thought you wanted an education! I thought you wanted to make something of your life! Catalina: I have made something of my life. And you don't think that having a child and being a mother is something? Marah: At your age? Being single? No, I think it's pretty scary and... And there are many options. Catalina: You're so selfish and shallow. Marah: Me? Catalina: Yes. Because there is no better dream than to carry the child of the man that you love inside of you. There's no greater bond between a man and a woman. Marah: Assuming that that man loves you back. Otherwise it's going to be a nightmare. Catalina: Of course, Tony loves me. Of course, he does. This baby is proof. Marah: Or it's just a sick attempt to try and get him to love you, because you know that he doesn't. Catalina: Yeah, you would like that to be true, wouldn't you, Marah? Because that's what this is all about. Marah: No, I am worried about Tony... Catalina: No, you're not worried about Tony. You are jealous. You're jealous. Have the guts for once to admit that. Romeo: Which means that you're just leading Catalina on. Tony: Hey, I care about Catalina. Romeo: Yeah, as a friend. A friend who you sleep with. Which was fine at first because it was comfortable, but now, she's reading more into this than there ever was. Am I right? Tony: If I break up with her now, she's... It's going to kill her, man. She's going to be so hurt. Romeo: She'll be more hurt a few months down the road, won't she? Tony: Yeah. Romeo: Then dump her. Tony: You know, that's real nice, Romeo, real nice. Romeo: Pardon me. Kindly inform the young lady that while it's been real and great and all that, that it's time to move on. However you want to put it, that's up to you, Tony, just do it, now. Mel: I am so sorry. If I would have known you two were off getting married, I would have never called and interrupted. Harley: Well, then, it's a good thing that you did call, because... Because if Rick had found out, you know, later on, some other way, he would have killed you. Rick: We... I... I... We didn't tell anybody that were going to the justice of the peace... Harley: We didn't, not anybody... Rick: And you know what, Mel... Harley: That's why they call it elopement. ( Laughs) Rick: ...We didn't tell our family. Harley: Yeah. Mel: I still feel so terrible. Harley: Well, don't, really don't, really. Hey, you know what, have a sandwich on me. I'll be right back. Rick: So, it's peanut butter, bananas and jelly. Mel: Strawberry? Rick: Grape. Mel: Oh, well, that's good, too. Harley: Oh, you are so pathetic. Is that one of those gowns that has the open back? Gus: Hey, it is because of you that I'm in this hospital. Because of you, all your fault. Blake: Well, first she's intent on leaving and then... And then she's back. Why? I mean, what is she... She quit her job. She transferred out of school. Ross: You heard what she said. Blake: Well, what is she going to do all day? Sit around and meditate? Is she going to sit around and wait for prince charming to appear at her doorstep? Ross: I don't know. She'll get a job, Blake. Could we talk about something else, please? Blake: Oh, I'm sorry, honey. Your head must be spinning as well. I mean, first the girl's gone and then she's back. And she's obviously confused and she's obviously searching for something. Well, you gave her very good advice because running away is never going to... Ross: Blake. Blake: ...Do anything for you. She's lucky to have a friend like you. Ross: Blake, please! Blake: What? Ross: I need to tell you something about Tory. Blake: What about Tory? Ross: I've been lying to you. Blake, in the past, we have had so many problems with lies and game playing, and in the past few months, I've been saying that you're jealous and paranoid. I want to tell you the truth about this. I want to be honest about it. Blake: But you were just honest. I mean, you told me that you lied and then you told me why... Ross: Yeah, but there's more to it than that. Me thinking that you were Tory, I mean... Kevin: Give it back! Blake: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, what's going on? What's going on? Kevin: He stole our fireman. Blake: Who stole what? Jason: She stole it and I took it back. Blake: Okay, Clarissa, come here, come here. I'm sure she didn't steal anything. Come here, sweetie. I'm sure she just borrowed it, right? And which now you're going to give it back to the boys, all right? And in return, you're going to let her play damsel in distress and save her from the burning building. Does that sound like an excellent idea? Okay. Jason: Why is Daddy crying? Blake: Daddy's... He's... He's just happy. That's what people do sometimes. Ross: Yes, they do. Your mom's right. I shouldn't have lied. Kevin: I want some juice, Mommy. Blake: What's the magic word? Children: Please. Blake: Okay. Catalina: You're jealous because I'm pregnant with Tony's child and you're not. Because I have slept with him and you never did! And now you never will! You never will know that part of him, never. And that kills you, doesn't it? Marah: Yeah. Yeah, you're right, you're right. All that is true. (Sobs) Or at least it was because as of now, I've got to let go. I got to let go because... Because this is a baby. This is... This is a new life. This is bigger than anything that has gone on. This is bigger than any of us, so... I sincerely hope that you and Tony can make a go at it, Catalina. And I wish you all the luck, because I think that you're going to need it. Catalina: No, no. I don't need luck. I have Tony, and he loves me. Marah: I hope for your sake that that's true. (Knock on door) Reva: Marah, honey! Sweetheart. Hi. Shayne: What's this, you ask, family conference? No, they won't tell us what it's about. (Laughter) Reva: Hi, honey, I'm sorry we're barging in on you like this... Josh: Hi, Catalina. Yes, but we're going to do it anyway. Reva: Hey, it's so good to see you. We missed seeing you over the holidays. Catalina: Yeah, yeah, I know, me, too. I've just been busy, and you know how that is. But I know that... I know that you... You guys have something important to discuss, so I'm going to go. It was good seeing you again... Reva: Catalina, you don't have to leave. What was that all about? What's going on? Marah: That's what I should ask you guys. What's going on? Why are you... Why the sudden pow-wow? Shayne: And they swear we didn't do anything wrong. (Laughter) Marah: Please, just don't tell me that it's bad news. Reva: It's not. Josh: No, no, not at all. In fact, I think when you hear what we have to say, you'll be quite pleased. Reva: You may even be thrilled. Josh: Yes, yes. Marah, Shayne, your mother and I are... Dating. Shayne: (Laughs) Yeah, right. Harley: So it's my fault that... Gus: Do you mind? Harley: It's my fault that you're lying here in this bed? How do you figure that? Gus: Yes, it is your fault because I would never, ever run into a burning building to save Danny Santos if you had been my partner. If you'd done what I'd asked you to do, be my partner, stick by my side. Instead you wanted to stay home. You want to stay home and fold diapers, go ahead. Harley: I use disposable, actually. Gus: And then because of you, thanks to you, there are people coming by here saying that I'm nice, they're saying nice things to me. Harley: What? Who? Gus: They're calling me a hero. And I also have to sleep here. I have to sleep here. I have to sleep here and I have to wear this dress. This is because of you. (Coughing) Harley: Of course you have to wear that dress and of course you have to sleep here. You know why? Because you're recovering from a fire. Gus: (Coughs) Did you get an official word on the fire? Harley: Yes, I did. That's why I'm here. Gus: Oh, well, thank you. What? Harley: It turns out... Gus: Uh-huh. Harley: Okay, classified-- that the whole thing was an accident. Gus: (Scoffs) Yeah, right. It's not an accident. It's not an accident. Carmen did it. She did it or one of her little idiot boys. Harley: Really? Why? Why? They did it so they could kill Danny? Gus: Well, why, would that surprise you? Family's like a bunch of piranhas. They would just turn on each other faster than... Harley: Aitoro. Gus: What? Harley: Aitoro. Think about it logically, okay? What reason would Carmen-- or anybody else, for that matter-- have for killing Danny? Okay? He's out of the family business, for one thing. Gus: Okay, first of all, stop. Right? He's not out of the family business. He's never going to be out of the family business, Coop, okay? And what is your... What is your deal? You're defending him? Harley: I'm not defending him. Gus: You should be working with me. (Coughs) Harley: I am working with you. Gus: I asked you to work with me. Harley: I'm trying to work with you on this. Gus: How? Harley: I'm also trying to work on you and turn you into something of a human being. Gus: Oh, you know, it's a shame, it's a shame. Every time I think, I just think you're a great cop, a decent, excellent, great person at your job, you turn into this... This... Harley: What? Gus: Your overly sentimental female thing kicks in. I just don't understand it. Harley: I am a person, okay? I am a human being. Gus: Oh. Harley: I am somebody who has a life, you know. (Gus coughs) I have a job, I have friends, I have family. I have a husband soon, God willing. Gus: Yeah, right. Right. Harley: Oh, yeah, right. You know what? Yeah, right, because you'd be looking at my wedding ring right now, buddy. Because when we got the call about the fire, Rick and I were right in the middle of our ceremony. Gus: What? You... You were... You were eloping? Reva: Honey, you don't seem happy about this. Marah: No... Oh, my gosh, this is great. It's just, my mind is somewhere else. Shayne: Probably on Ben, right? Reva: Ben? Ben who? Shayne: Ben Reade. Marah's new boyfriend. Josh: You mean Fletcher Reade's son, Ben? Marah: Yes, but he is not my boyfriend yet, okay? He moved to Europe a while ago, but now he moved back to go to school. Reva: Ben Reade. Josh: Wow. Reva: Just hearing that names takes me right back. Josh: No, don't do that. Don't do that. We've gone back plenty for one lifetime. (Laughter) Reva: I know. Boy, Ben Reade. He's all grown up now, I guess. Is he a nice guy? Do you like him? Shayne: Like him? She practically drools all over him. Marah: I do not. Will you guys get him out of here, please, before I do him bodily harm? Josh: Come on, come on, come on. Let's go. We'll talk about the house rules while your mom and I are going to be away. Shayne: Let's keep it simple: No rules, okay? Reva: (Laughs) So, we're leaving on a flight tonight. I can't really tell you how long we're going to be gone, but you have all of our numbers and uncle Billy is there. He's around. And if it's an emergency, your Aunt Cassie, you can always reach her at the palace. Okay? What is going on? Marah: It's nothing. Just personal stuff that you don't need to worry about. Reva: I do worry. It's what mothers like to do best. Marah: I know, but it's okay. Okay? Now, you and dad are great and you guys have a good time, and I'm going to keep my fingers crossed. Reva: (Laughs) Thanks. Marah? Whatever is wrong, my advice to you is to trust your heart, because if you do that, you'll never go wrong. Okay? I love you. Marah: I love you, too. Have a safe trip, okay? Reva: I'll call you as soon as we get to San Cristobel. Marah: Okay. Tell daddy I said bye. Reva: I will. Marah: Bye. Trust my heart. I wish I had, but now it's too late. Gus: Eloping! That's... That's... Well, listen, I'm sorry I put a little cramp in your plans, your eloping plans. Harley: Do you want to know what I see in Rick Bauer? Gus: No, I don't. You know, the world wants to see what you see in Rick Bauer. Harley: Well, I will tell you what I see, then. Besides Rick's decency and his kindness and his wonderful sense of humor and all the hundred other qualities that he has, Rick is a normal person! Gus: What's normal? What's normal? Harley: Rick does not wake up consumed with this sick need for revenge. Gus: Yeah, well I go to bed that way, too, okay? You should join me some time, see what it's all about. Harley: You know, when you told me about your dad, how he died, I actually felt really sad for you. But now after watching you day after day, month after month, this obsession that you have for Danny, now I just feel sad. Because you put yourself in a very narrow box, Aitoro. And if you're not careful, you're going to grow old there-- alone. Can I give you some advice, please? Gus: Uh, no thanks. Harley: Stop thinking all the time about what the Santos' took from you and start thinking about why you can't get past it. Gus: Is it obsession or is it passion? Well, you know what? You don't have to worry about that in your new relationship, because Dr. Boring Bauer would never know passion, even if it kissed him on the mouth, on the lips. Leave. Eloping. Tony: Marah? Marah: Uh... Tony: Hey. Marah: Catalina's not here, so I really don't know when she's going to be back. Tony: Okay. Then I'll just go wait in the common room for a while. Hey, are you all right? You seem, like, sad or something. Marah: No, I'm fine, you know. Just one of those days. Tony: Well, how are things with Ben? Has he been treating you right? Marah: Tony, I thought you were going to stop worrying about Ben and I. Tony: Well, I thought so, too, but when I see you... When I see you upset like this... Marah: I'm not upset. Tony: Look, I just don't want anybody to hurt you. Ever. Marah: I don't want anyone to hurt you, either. Tony: Me? Who's going to hurt me? I've got Romeo watching my back, remember? Marah: I didn't mean like that, Tony. Tony: Then how did you mean? Marah: Nothing. Nothing. I'm just blabbering. So I hope you find Catalina, okay? Tony: Okay. Okay. You know, maybe we can go out for a cup of coffee next week? We could catch up? Marah: No, I can't. I'm really busy next week and the week after that. I've got tests and I might be trying out for a play, and you know, right now I've got go to the library, okay? So you can just wait here for Catalina. Tony: Hey. Hey, hey. Did I say something wrong? What? Marah: No, no. I've just... I've got to work harder at my goals, you know? Maybe if I did, like Catalina, I'd be further ahead in my life. Take care of yourself, Tony. I really hope that things work out. Tony: What things? Hey. Catalina: Hi. Tony: Hey. Catalina: Hey. What are you doing here? What a nice surprise. Tony: Yeah. Marah said it was all right that I wait inside here, so... Catalina: Um, you saw Marah? Did you speak with her? Tony: Yeah. Why? Catalina: Um, no reason. Oh, God, I'm so glad you're here. Tony: You know, I didn't think I was going to stop by, but I wanted to talk to you about something. Catalina: Well, how was your day? Did everything work out with the liquor distributor? Tony: Yes, that's fine. It worked out fine. Listen... Catalina: Listen, about next week. I'm not going to be as busy as I thought I was, so I can pick up those two extra shifts, and... Tony: That's great. Um, look, I need to talk to you about something. Why don't you sit down? Catalina: Okay. Well, I have something to tell you, too. But you go first. Tony: Well, um, I've been doing a lot of thinking. There's no easy way to put this. Um, you know I care about you. I hope you know that. But the way I care about you, I think you care about me more. A lot more. And I feel like I've been... I've been leading you on. Catalina: Tony, no you haven't... Tony: No, that's the way I feel, and it's not right. And I think we should say... I want us to say that we're not going to be a couple anymore. I think we should go back to just being friends, okay? And we're free to see other people. All right? Cat, look, I wish... I wish I felt differently, you know, but... (Sighs) Look, you deserve somebody who's going to appreciate you the way you deserve to be appreciated, not... Catalina: Leave. Leave. Tony: What? Catalina: Leave, please. Leave, please. Tony: Cat, are you sure? Catalina: Tony, leave. Tony: Are you going to be all right? Catalina: I'm... .. I'm going to be fine. Go. Just go. Tony: I'm so... I'm so sorry, Cat. I'm sorry. Blake: All's quiet on the Marler front again. The kids are getting ready for bed. Is something wrong, Ross? Ross: I hope not. Blake: What do you mean by that? Oh, Ross, please say something. You're scaring me when you do this. Ross: I don't want you to be scared. I just want you to forgive me. Blake: For what? Ross: Forgive me for not appreciating how blessed I am to have you. I have something, you know, and I've... I've had it upstairs for several months, I guess, but I never gave it to you. Maybe I should have, but I didn't. I don't know why. Blake: Ross, could you use full, coherent sentences? Ross: I love you so much. I just love you to death. You're the best thing that has ever, ever happened to me. Now, this is something that I should do, and by God, I am going to do it. Blake? Will you please marry me, all over again? Will you please be my wife, all over again? Blake: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Oh, you sexy, wonderful, fabulous man. Put that ring on my finger this instant. Ross: I'm sorry that it's so long overdue. Blake: It doesn't matter. Nothing matters, but this. It's so perfect. We're so perfect. I love you. I love you. |