Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/18/02 Provided By Linda Lorelei: Where have you been? Edmund: You fell asleep, so I went outside to see if I could... Lorelei: How am I going to get out of this mess, Eddie? Right now Phillip's driving all over the countryside looking that mission where Beth was supposedly nursed back to health. Only that mission doesn't exist, and once he finds that out he's going to find us out, and he's going to know that we've been scamming him. Edmund: Relax. Everything's under control. Lorelei: How can you say that when just yesterday you were just saying... (Knock at the door) That's Phillip. Edmund: It's not Phillip. Lorelei: He come back early, yeah. Edmund: It's not Phillip. Phillip would use his key. Now I want you to calm down, take a deep breath, and open that door. Raphael: Beth? Oh, dios mio. It's true. It's really you. You've come back to us. It's so wonderful to see you again. How are you feeling? Are you still having those terrible headaches? Lorelei: Uh, I'm feeling fine? Father? Raphael: Yes, yes. Come along. Come in. It's really her. Irma: Beth! Nurse: You look so well! Raphael: You remember everyone from the mission. We helped you recover from your accident. I remember the day you first came to us like it was yesterday. We found you wondering in the desert, wandering aimlessly, delirious. Irma: No, no-- she showed up on our doorstep, soaking wet. Raphael: Oh, damn it, why the hell can't I remember that part? Irma: Don't sweat it, baby. You'll get it down. You were great. The best. Wasn't he? Yes. Doctor: Fabulous. Raphael: Gracias, gracias. Lorelei: What the heck... (Knock at door) Richard: If I were you I would turn around and leave right now. Dax: Or what? You'll have me shot? You don't have that much authority anymore, Richard. One of the perks of democracy. Richard: So you orchestrated this whole thing. Brought Will into our lives, encouraged Cassie and me to adopt him, all so that you could lure Alonzo from the sea and put him on the throne. Dax: Yes. I'm sorry to have gone to such lengths and caused you such difficulties. But what's done is done. You should know the people are very angry about the cover-up. They're demanding you make a statement, some sort of official response... Richard: Response? You want a response? I'll give you a response. Thanks to your bloody manipulations, I may have lost the chance to know my half- brother. And I may have lost my wife in the process. Cassie: Alonzo, will you please let me explain? Alonzo: Save it. Like I’ll ever believe another word that comes out of your mouth. You and Richard have played me for a fool from the minute we met. Cassie: That is not true. It's not true. Look, you're angry. You have every right to be, Alonzo. But Alonzo, you're Will's father, okay? We've got to figure this out. And you mean very much to Richard and you mean a lot to me. Alonzo: Yeah, sure I do. Cassie: You do. Alonzo: Okay. Next you're going to tell me that you care about my feelings. Cassie: I do care about your feelings. I care about you a lot. Blake: I should check in with the sitter. Oh, nuts! Where did I leave my-- oh, Ross' classroom. I hope it's still there. All right. Check, please. Ross: Tory, what are you doing here? Tory: I just couldn't stay away. Don't get mad at me, Ross, I tried. I tried to get on that plane and leave you behind but I couldn't do it. Because I knew deep down inside that you didn't really want me to go. Ross: Tory... Tory: I kept thinking about how good it felt when you kissed me at the airport... About how much I wanted you to keep on kissing me, and never stop. Ross: Tory, we can't do this. Please. It is not right. It isn't. What we did at the airport... Our kiss was a one-time thing. Tory: We just did it again. Ross: All right. Two times, but no more, because it is just... Wrong. You have to go. Tory: You don't want me to go. Ross: Oh, yes, I do. Tory: Ross, I know you don't really want me to, because you're the one who started this. And you started it for a reason. You told me you have feelings for me. Ross: Feeling something is one thing, acting upon it is quite another. Now, I love my... I love Blake. I know I am not legally married, but in every sense of the word I'm committed to her, and this would hurt her deeply. Tory: I know. I know. It's so ironic, because it was your loyalty and your devotion that attracted me to you, and still does. You are a good, honest man, Ross, and I know this is tearing you apart. I don't feel good about it either. I never ever in my life thought that I would be the other woman. But I sat there in that airport after you left for what seemed like hours, deliberating with myself, willing myself to get on that plane and do the right thing and leave you behind. But I couldn't. Because what I feel for you is too strong. Ross: Tory, don't... Tory: And you feel it, too. And, Ross, if we both feel it and it feels right, then how could it be wrong? How? You know, I don't understand that. (Crying) I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Ross: Don't be. Tory: I just... I've had a really rough day today. You know, I feel like I'm being pulled in a million different directions. Do you think I'm a terrible person? Ross: No. God, no. Tory: Do you really think this is wrong? For me to care about you? For us to have these feelings for each other? Do you really think it's wrong? Because if you do, tell me, and I'll go. Blake: Here, keep the change. Oh, thanks. Holly: Hi. Where are you off to in such a hurry? Blake: Oh, Ross' classroom. I left my cell phone there. I'll catch you later, okay? Holly: Whoa, whoa, whoa-- cell phone can wait, your mother can't. I want an update on you and Ross. Blake: Oh... Sam: Can I get two coffees? And I'm on the go. Olivia: I hate this! Sam: Hey. What's wrong? Are you having difficulties with your cellular provider? Olivia: Who else would I know who has an "in" at Huntley College? Maybe you should just call them and tell them who I am. Sam: Liv, listen to me very carefully: If Huntley College doesn't want Sam Spencer... Olivia: Then they're idiots! Look, it's one of the best journalism schools in the country and you are brilliant and talented. How can they refuse you? Sam: I agree. But nevertheless... Olivia: It galls me, Sam. I'm getting great press on the San Cristobel project, but I can't seem to live down these stupid SEC. charges. Sam: How is that going, by the way? Olivia: I don't mind being branded. I'm certainly used to it, but it kills me to see you suffer for it. Sam: Speaking of suffering... Alan: Well, hello, you two. I love a warm welcome so I'll try to make this very brief. Olivia: That would be wise. Alan: I know, Olivia, that you asked me to stay out of this business with Huntley and Sam, but what's the point of being rich and powerful if you can't use it to your friend's advantage? Sam: My, and he's modest, too. Olivia: And we're not your friends. Alan: I just had a chat with a former business associate of mine who happens to be on the board. I reminded him of a favor that I once did for him and he made a phone call. And you know what? It turns out that there happens to be a spot for you after all. Sam: Really. Olivia: There's a spot for you. Sam? Sam: Well, if it would mean that myself or my sister would owe you in any way, shape, or form, thanks-- but no thanks. Lorelei: You hired a bunch of actors to fool Phillip? Edmund: You didn't want to pay a priest to lie so I hired actors. It's their job to pretend. Lorelei: Oh, but this guy here, Eddie... He's a major ham. Edmund: Look, I admit that Raphael may be a bit over the top, but... Lorelei: Phillip's no dummy. They make one slip and he's going to see right through them. Edmund: Well, that's why God created rehearsals. Lorelei: Okay, okay, let's say that they could pull the wool over Phillip's eyes. Where are they going to do it? Here? In this hotel room? Edmund: I found an abandoned mission 20 miles east of town. Needs a bit of fixing up, but... Lorelei: We don't have time to fix it up! Edmund: Relax. Relax. We'll go over there now, get the place shipshape, and then spend the rest of the night rehearsing the actors. It's tight, but doable. Lorelei: Well, what if this bunch can't cut the mustard? Edmund: Look, Raphael may not be the greatest actor in the world, but what he lacks in talent, he makes up for in drive and dedication. And his troop of actors take their work very seriously. Lorelei: (Gasps) Oh, yeah. We've got our work cut out for us, Eddie. Okay, you're used to being on the stage having a few weeks of rehearsal, but, darling, this is a whole different kettle of fish. You get one take to nail it. Let's see how he is on his feet. You play Phillip. Edmund: Good idea. Lorelei: Act one, scene one. Phillip shows up at the mission... Whatever, do whatever, and shows you a picture of Beth. You ready? Raphael: (Humming) Lorelei: Well, we've got ourselves a regular Laurence Olivier here. You ready? Raphael: Si. I'm ready. Lorelei: Action. Edmund: Pardon me, Father. My name is Phillip Spaulding and I think I'm God's gift to the world. I came down from the United States and I was wondering, could you tell me if you've ever seen this woman before? Raphael: My goodness-- that's Beth. How is she? Is she all right? Edmund: She's fine, she's fine, but how do you know her, exactly? Raphael: Dear Beth came to us one dark and stormy night last summer. She literally showed up on our doorstep delirious, soaking wet. She couldn't remember her name or how she got here. We took her in, of course, and slowly nursed her back to health. Poor, dear Beth. She lapsed into a coma. Her heart stopped twice. But I pray over her, night and day without rest, wore my rosary down to nothing... Crying, begging, "Please Lord, don't take her from us! She's too young! I beg you! Edmund: All right, all right. All right... Raphael: I beseech you! In the name of all that's good and holy... Edmund: I said that's enough. Now, what was the first instruction I gave to you? Don't ad-lib. Raphael: I'm sorry. I got a little carried away. Lorelei: A little? Raphael: I feel the moment called for me to dig deeper. Edmund: No digging. Stick to the script. Raphael: Right, okay, so... We nursed Beth back to health and... Line? Lorelei: We've got to talk. Edmund: Look, why don't you wait outside for me, please? Raphael: That doesn't seem right. Are you sure that's a line? Oh, you mean now. Edmund: Outside. I'll be there momentarily. We'll go over to the mission and start dressing the set, please. Lorelei: Phillip's going to see through that phony Father in two seconds flat. Edmund: Look, he just needs a little more coaching. I turned you into a lady, I can turn that buffoon into a priest. Lorelei: There's got to be another way. Edmund: Lorelei, in less than 24 hours, Phillip has to find a real live mission in the desert where there are real live people to answer his questions, or else.. Lorelei: Oh, I know, I know-- he'll know that I'm not Beth. Edmund: Right. So we don't have time for "another time." That holy hand and his adoring entourage is our only hope. Lorelei: In other words, we're sunk. Richard: The pro-monarchy forces are having a field day with this revelation, Dax. They're accusing me of a massive cover-up, even my closet supporters think I'm capable of such deceit. Alonzo and Cassie... Alonzo's not too happy so Cassia's gone off to be with him. Dax: His name is William. So he's cross with you? Richard: No, Dax, he's just thrilled to learn that his whole life has been a lie! And he's thrilled to learn it in such a personal manner! Dax: I imagine Cassie wasn't pleased, either. Yes, it was unfortunate that the news had to come out so starkly, but you left me no choice. Cassie: Alonzo, I think you really need to understand how difficult Richard's life has been this past year. It was just a year ago that he found out that he wasn't the true prince. No one knew the truth. Only Richard could have kept that to himself, but he didn't. Alonzo: Because he's such a great guy. Cassie: You know, he is. Richard is a deeply ethical man and he cares about this country very much. No, he's not perfect, but he tries to do everything right. Alonzo: Until now. Cassie: He just found out the truth himself. I was angry with him until I realized that. Alonzo: Still, I never would have known if that article didn't come out. Cassie: No. He would have told you. Alonzo: You really believe that? Cassie: Yes, I do. Alonzo: Yeah, well, I don't. You see, I don't trust your husband-- not as far as I can throw him. I don't trust him, and he doesn't trust me, either. And you know what? After the kind of friend that I have been-- to both you and he-- frankly, that stinks. Cassie: It's not you that he doesn't trust. It's the monarchists. He was afraid that if the truth came out that they would use Will as a pawn. Alonzo: Politics, Cassie. I'm talking man-to-man. He sees me as a threat. He's afraid that I'm going to steal his precious power... Like I'd ever want to run a country. Cassie: That's not it. Alonzo: Okay. Then what is it? Why didn't Richard just come forward and tell me right off the bat? Why didn't you? What's going on here? Cassie: Nothing. Alonzo: Why can't you look me in the eye? If there's something more that you are keeping from me, you need to tell me now. Fine. Cassie: Okay, you want the truth? Alonzo: That'd be a nice change. Cassie: Richard... Richard thinks that you have feelings for me. Romantic feelings. See, he loves me so much that he can be overly protective and he could misread certain gestures. But he seems to think that you would go away with Camille because you're in love with me. I'm sorry... You know, I don't think you've done anything to make Richard feel bad. I think it's completely Richard's problem. Alonzo: No, it's not. Richard's not imaging things, Cassie. Richard saw exactly what he thought he saw. Ross: Tory... Tory: Shh... Ross: Tory, we shouldn't do this. Please... We shouldn't. Tory: Ross, make love to me. I need you. Make love to me now. Alonzo: It looks like I'm the one who owes you an apology. Look, I didn't plan to feel this. I didn't want to feel this, but I... Cassie: Are you saying that... Alonzo: I care about you, Cassie. More than I should. More than I have a right to care about you. Because you're a married woman, you're in love with your husband, even when he's a jerk. And you never did anything to lead me on. This is all me. And all you did was be yourself. Cassie: I... I don't... Alonzo: You're speechless. That's a first. Sorry, it's gallows humor. But hey, this isn't such a big stretch, is it? I mean, I am a womanizer, right? That's my rep, isn't it? I've got a girl in every port? Cassie: Don't do that. Don't say that. Alonzo: I have to. I didn't tell you about this before because I didn't feel there was a need to. But now that you've brought it up, I can't lie. I'm crazy about you. I know it doesn't mean anything and that it can't go anywhere. But still it's the way I feel. And I don't blame Richard for wanting to send me away. In fact, if our roles were reversed, I'd do a lot worse to him. Cassie: I can't hear this. Dax: You're the one who threw this island into chaos. The day you got rid of Edmund, your popularity quotient was the highest it ever had been. You could have ruled as prince till you died. Richard: Illegitimately. Dax: No, but you had to uncover the mystery of that damnable christening cup to pursue it past all possible reason! Richard: You'd have me keep the truth of my birth a secret? Dax: I wanted you to leave things as they were. Richard: You wanted me to lie! You wanted me to lie to the people of this country. You made that very clear at the time, Colonel. Dax: To little effect, obviously. Richard: And you know why? Because you don't trust the people of this country, Colonel. You don't trust the citizens to think for themselves. I do, always have. Which is why I gave them that choice, to choose their own fate. Dax: That's precisely what I'm doing right... Richard: Rubbish! Dax: For the first time, the people have an option, Richard, a legitimate heir to the throne. If they'd known that Alonzo was alive when you abdicated... Richard: They didn't know... Dax: Ah, ah, but Richard, perhaps they wouldn't have voted for a democracy. Richard: After Edmund's rule? Dax: You believed that a democracy was in San Cristobel's best interest. I believe otherwise. Richard: (Laughs) So you've done this. You've destroyed everything that we've worked for, everything that we've built, all the progress for some outdated notion of what you think is right? Dax: What I know is right. Richard: Get out! Get out of here and don't ever come back here! You stay out of this palace. Do you understand me? Dax: You won't be giving orders much longer, Richard. Richard: (Sighs) Alan: So, you've been accepted at Huntley and you're turning them down? Sam: Yeah, you catch on fast. Alan: A first-rate education and you're turning it down because of your foolish pride. Sam: Foolish to you, maybe. Alan: Let me ask you a question. What if someone else had made that phone call, Holly Reade, for example? You'd probably be packed and ready to go. But because it was me, you're turning them down? Sam: Yeah, that sounds about right, yeah. Alan: Well, I suggest you try another career path, because you will never make it as a journalist, not unless you take every opportunity that's given you. Sam: You see, this man thinks that the end always justifies the means. Big surprise, huh? Alan: Yes, I do, especially when the means is worthwhile and no one gets hurt. Olivia: Sam, come here. Let me talk to you. I hate to admit this, but he does have a point. Sam: What? Olivia: Most of the people who are in Huntley college are there because somebody put in a good word for them. Sam: And that makes it right? Olivia: No. Look, the personal recommendation is part of the application process, right? This just sort of came after the fact. Sam: You think I should accept this, don't you. Olivia: Yeah. Because you have your heart set on going to this college. And you will do so well there, and they will be so lucky to have you. Yes? Sam: Okay. Olivia: You're going? Sam: Yeah, I'll go. Okay, Alan, who do I call? Where do I go? Alan: The admissions office is waiting to hear from you. They're still open. Sam: Thanks. Alan: You're welcome. Sam: I'll see you at home. Olivia: Bye. Alan: Well, I had better make a hasty exit before I get in trouble for doing a good deed. Olivia: Alan, it was a good deed, and I thank you for it, but if you think I'm going to be so grateful that I'm going to jump into your bed, you're wrong. That is not going to happen. Alan: That is not why I did this, Olivia. Olivia: Well, I can't think of any other reason. Alan: Then you're not as perceptive as you think you are. Blake: I thought about what you said yesterday, and I realized that you were right. Holly: Say that again. It has such a nice ring to it. Blake: I realized you were right, Mother. There's no reason Ross should give up teaching. Holly: No, especially not since Tory left town. Blake: He loves being in the classroom. He's getting a satisfaction that he's never had before. So I enlisted Clayton's help and we tried to talk Ross out of quitting. Holly: Mm-hmm? No go? Blake: You remember how he was acting before he took the teaching position, down in the dumps and defeated? Well, he's acting the same way now. Holly: Well, he blames himself for the trouble with Tory and he associates teaching with that. So now he's throwing the baby out with the bath water. Blake: Such a waste. Holly: I'll bet you can convince him to stay on. Blake: I hope so. Holly: And if you can't, you'll just have to come up with another way to keep him feeling young. Blake: Uh-huh. I can think of a few ideas. Holly: I'll bet you can. Blake: Yeah. Holly: So all right, get out of here. Go retrieve your phone. Blake: Yeah. Actually, I'm hoping Ross will still be at his classroom and I can give him a little pep talk. Holly: Oh, good. Blake: I love you. Holly: Bye, sweetie. You too. Blake: Bye. Edmund: So what do you think? You have to imagine it with all the finishing touches. Lorelei: I have to admit, it's not half bad. Edmund: Call Phillip. You know what to say. Lorelei: Okay. Phillip, hi, it's Beth. Gee, you're really fading in and out. Where are you? Me? Well, after you left the hotel, I got to thinking and I realized you're right, that I have to face what happened to me here in Mexico. I can't keep avoiding it. And guess what? I found the mission where I recovered. (Laughs) Yeah, isn't that great? It's... It's a little ways outside of town on a road called Rio Blanco. Uh, no, no, no, no. You can't come here tonight. Because they're not receiving visitors. And besides, I want a little time to jog my memory on my own. So I'll stay here tonight and then you can drive by and pick me up tomorrow. And we'll sit down with the Father and he can fill in any blanks. Does that sound good? Great. Okay. Bye. Edmund: He bought it? Lorelei: Hook, line and sinker. Edmund: You're good, Lorelei. Lorelei: You're not half bad yourself, Eddie. You are a little crazy, though. I mean, who else would have thought of doing all this? Edmund: Yes, well, one must do what one must do. I just hope our plan works. Lorelei: That's good. I didn't come this far to give up now. Besides, I want to play Beth a little longer. Edmund: Oh, so you're growing to like her, are you? Lorelei: I like what she's got, that's for sure. Edmund: Spaulding money? Lorelei: The whole package. Edmund: Phillip? Lorelei: And his kids. Mama Lillian. Status, respect. I've never had people care about me like this. For the first time in my life I feel like I'm worth something, and that's because of you, Eddie. You've given me a real gift, even if it is for kind of selfish reasons. Edmund: Oh, look who's talking. You've given me something, too, Lorelei. After I lost Beth, I never thought I'd laugh again, or find anyone I'd care about. Lorelei: So you're saying you care about me? Oh, come on, Eddie, just say it. Edmund: Yes, I care about you very much, Lorelei. Now, let's get back to work. Tory: Your collar's... Ross: I got it. Tory: You feel guilty. I guess we both should, but I don't. Ross, I'm so glad this happened, because I love you. Ross: Oh, God, please don't use that word. Tory: It's how I feel. Ross: No, what just happened between us was not love. It was lust or passion, a need that's basic and primal. Tory: So is love. Ross: And we can never do it again. Tory: Okay. Okay, so maybe it was need. But we both needed it. And it was beautiful. And incredible. Ross: Oh, God. Tory: Which I know makes you feel worse, I know it. Ross: Listen to me. We have to forget that this ever happened. Tory: I don't think that's possible. Ross: Tory, it has to be possible. Tory: Ross, that's not going to happen. And if you think that it will, you're kidding yourself. We need each other. We need to be together. We can't just keep denying this. Ross: No. Don't. I know I started this. It is my fault and I take full responsibility for it. Do you understand? Now, you better go. You have to go. Tory: It's okay. I understand. You have a lot to think about. So just call me later, okay? Or tomorrow? Ross? Ross: Yes. I'll call. You better go before somebody sees us. Tory: Okay. Bye. Ross: Good-bye, Tory. Tory: This isn't good-bye, Ross. I won't let it be. Richard: Cassie? Cassie: I... I found Alonzo at the Rusty Anchor and we had a long talk. Richard: About everything? Cassie: Yeah. Richard: Including... Cassie: The feelings that you think that he has for me. Richard: And? Cassie: I was right. Alonzo is not interested in me. Not in the way you think. Edmund: Well, it's really coming together, don't you think? Lorelei: It's not bad. And if we finish this in the next few hours and we rehearse this bunch for the rest of the night, we just might be ready when Phillip gets here in the morning. (Car pulling up outside) Edmund: Someone just pulled in. Are you scheduling more deliveries for this evening? Raphael: No, Señor. Edmund: Who else knows we're here? Raphael: No one. Lorelei: (Gasps) It's Phillip! I recognize his rental car. Edmund: He's half a day early. Lorelei: And we are so not ready for him. What are we going to do? Ross: What the hell is happening to me? Tory, you shouldn't have come back. Blake: Tory? I thought she left town. Why would you think I was her? |