Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/17/02 Provided by Linda Ross: So, you see in this case, it is not simply about the law, but rather the day to day discriminatory impact on the residents of that particular neighborhood. With that bit of wisdom I think I'll close for today, but I need to tell you something before you go. Oh, you know, they say that if you truly want to master a subject, first of all, you should learn it and you should do it, then you should come back and teach it. And I found that to be true, and you as students have held up your end of the bargain by challenging me and inspiring me and I can honestly tell you that it's been a privilege to be your professor. However, for any number of reasons, that's no longer going to be the case because I am not returning next semester. Instead, Professor Jonathan Peeke will be here and he will be teaching environmental law. Student #1: Say it ain't so. Student #2: Can't we sue you for a breach of contract? Ross: Oh, I suppose you could try, but you'd lose. I'm going to miss all of you. Be good attorneys or I'll track you all down, okay? I'd appreciate it if you'd pass the word about this to all your fellow students who are not in attendance today. Student #2: Objection. Tory's not present to hear this. Student #1: Yeah, I think that nullifies your farewell. Ross: Well, Tory is... Miss Granger has transferred to a college in Pennsylvania, and I wish her nothing but the best. Olivia: You know when I got the phone call from Rick in San Cristobel, I was afraid to answer my phone. Sam: Aren't you glad you did? I'm all better. You know, I think being unconscious that long helped me crystallize some things about my life. Olivia: Really, what's that? Sam: I've made an earth shattering decision about my future. I want to be a reporter. Olivia: Sam, that's great. I mean, that would be the perfect career for you. It's challenging. It's dangerous. Sam: Don't worry. Where I'm going, I don't think there's much in the way of exotic bug life. Olivia: Where are you going? Sam: Huntley college. It's tiny, but they have one hell of a journalism department. Olivia: Honey, that's great. Then you have to apply. Sam: I already did. Olivia: Oh, always one step ahead. Okay, so when are you going to hear? Sam: Ta-dah! And it's a thick one, but I haven't opened it yet. Olivia: And if I remember correctly, that means you've been accepted. Sam: Care to do the honors? Olivia: (Laughs) Yes. Sam: Now, I know it's... I know the tuition, you know, it's... It's steep, but I'm willing to do the work study thing if I have to, whatever it takes. Olivia: Uh, Sam. Sam: Yeah. Olivia: (Sighs) They turned you down. Ben: Hey, Cat, bring me a soda and I'll bring you up to date. I'll be over there. Catalina: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why do you look so happy? Did you and Marah... Ben: Not yet. Catalina: Of course not. Ben: But I'm close. Catalina: Are you? Ben: It's just a matter of time before I bed the virgin queen and win my bet. Catalina: You are a whole lot of talk, Ben Reade, and that's it. Ben: Oh, no, ma'am, you're wrong about that. You see that stink Tony made at the Bauer cabin? Drove Marah deeper into my arms. We're closer now than ever. Catalina: Is that what you think? Ben: I know. Catalina: Well, we must have seen two different movies, Ben, because it was obvious that Marah is still in love with Tony, and that Tony cares about her. You're never going to get anywhere with Marah, not until you face the truth about her and Tony. Cassie: Well, I didn't sleep very well last night without you here. Richard: I didn't mean to upset you. Cassie: Well, you did. Richard: Well, I'm sorry. Cassie: What were you thinking? Going off last night was just going to solve everything? Richard: I needed some time alone. Cassie: Well, I felt like I was being punished. Richard: Well, the last thing I want, Cassie, is for you to be upset. Cassie: What are you doing? I thought everything was going great. I thought we were past all this. Richard: Well, so did I. Cassie: Richard, Alonzo gave us our son. He saved his life. He's been nothing but a friend to us, and now you find out he's your half-brother. And if that's not a problem enough, you're consumed with this idea that the man's in love with me? Richard: "Consumed with this idea?" (Laughs) Well, listen, I can't help what I see when I see him looking at you, all right? Cassie: Okay, I know that you think you see something, but I think you're wrong. Richard: Fine, look. Why don't we just drop it, okay? Why don't we just put it on the shelf for now? We've all had a hard night. Cassie: Fine. Richard: Fine. Cassie: But you know what? Guys look at me. Guys have looked at me. You know my past. Richard: Oh, well, that makes me feel so much better, Cassie! Cassie: What I mean, Richard, is let them look, because what matters is how I look at you. And you are the only man I love. Richard: Well, maybe that's what I'm afraid of losing. Cassie: Well, I'm afraid, too. I'm afraid that after everything we've been through, if we're not careful we're going to lose everything. Richard: So, you agree, this is a threat. Cassie: No, not in the way that you think. Not with someone else driving a wedge in between us. Richard: Well then how? Cassie: If we don't control these suspicions. Richard: You know, you see the way he gazes at you. You can't deny it. Cassie: You have no reason to feel threatened, Richard. Even if this man did have feelings for me, it could never tear us apart. You don't realize, I love you. I love you so much. We have to tell Alonzo the truth. Richard: Right. What about Will? Cassie: We're not going to lose Will. Richard: We don't know that. Cassie: What I know is lying at the expense of someone else's happiness is wrong, Richard. Richard: We're not going to lie. But I remind you, we stand the chance of losing everything we've ever worked for, like you said. Cassie: Richard, you've got to tell Alonzo that he's your half-brother, because if you don't and we lie, we've already lost everything. Clayton: No, she was going to say hello to you, actually. Ross: All right, thank you. Student #1: Is it too late to make a counter-offer? Anything to make you stay. Blake: My sentiments exactly. Clayton: Yeah, they're just warming you up for the big dogs. Ross: Thank you, I'll get these back to you as soon as possible. Thank you. See you later. You're ganging up on me, but my decision's been made and with that in mind, I've got to start packing. Blake: I really think you should reconsider. Ross: Blake, it was rewarding, but I'm moving on. Case closed. Clayton: Well, now, who's going to listen to me complain about the coffee in the morning, huh? Ross: Well, I think that Professor Peeke will hate that sludge as much as we do. Besides, we can have lunch once a week, Clayton. Clayton: Ross, do you remember why you started teaching? Ross: Yes. I believe Blake said it would be good for me. Blake: It still is. You love the classroom, Ross-- the ambitious students, the intellectual stimulation. Ross: Yes, yes. I enjoyed it. I did a lot, and I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't. Clayton: Well, I've got a comparative ideologies class I've got to drop in on. There's a new teacher and he's good, but he's not a natural like you are, Ross. Look, don't pack just yet. Just sleep on it, and when you come back tomorrow, you're going to realize you were born to teach. Ross: You're good, Clayton. Blake: Now that we're alone, I'm going to tell you what I'm really thinking. Ross: Didn't you just do that? Blake: I know why you're doing this. You think that we need to spend more time together. Ross: Don't we? Blake: Well, of course we do, but when you find something like teaching that fulfills you like this, you don't abandon it, Ross. Life is too short to give up on anything that you love. Tony: (Clears throat) Marah: I guess I have to thank you. Tony: You're still mad at me. Marah: A little. I still can't believe that you had the nerve to check up on me on that ski trip. Tony: I wasn't checking up on you. Marah: Oh, yeah? Then what would you call it? Tony: I followed you to the cabin because I wanted to protect you. Marah: I can take care of myself. Tony: No, no. Not with this Ben Reade hanging around. Marah: You know what? That's none of your business, not anymore. Tony: You know, someday you're going to realize... Anyway, maybe you'll see why I did what I did. Marah: Wait. Realize what? Tony: You need me to protect you. Marah: You know, maybe I did at one time, but not anymore, okay? Tony: Oh. Well, I guess they don't make them how they used to, huh? Marah: Hey, we are in a recession. Tony: You know, you better get yourself a new bag or at least somebody to help you. Marah: Well, hey. You got a red sweater? Tony: This it? Marah: Thank you. Just want to fold it a little bit better. Tony: That's nice. Marah: Thanks. Tony: Though it is a little skimpy. Marah: Ever heard of layering? Tony: Right, layering. That's what you do when you go skiing, right? Marah: Right. Tony: So, how is your trust fund buddy? Marah: Ben is good. Tony: Yeah? How about that ankle? Let me guess: It was a miraculous recovery. Marah: You know what? Ben wasn't faking it, all right? Tony: Oh. Is he walking? Marah: I'm not talking. Tony: Just answer me. Is he walking? Marah: It was a bruised bone. Tony: (Laughs) Now, this guy is unbelievable. Marah: That's what the doctor said, okay? Tony: Oh, come on, Marah. You know, when I was in Chicago, I pulled the same trick with some girl. Marah: Oh, yeah? Tony: Yeah. And then I grew up. Marah: Just because you faked it doesn't mean Ben did. Tony: It was pretty obvious. Marah: So all guys are the same. Tony: No, no. I didn't say that. I didn't say all guys are the same. Just, some guys play games, and some guys play for keeps. Richard: No, we... We can't tell him yet. Cassie: Why not? Richard: Because it's too soon, darling. We need some time. He has to leave. That way we can have some time to figure out how to handle this. Cassie: Well, we don't need to worry about handling it because he's not going anywhere. Richard: What? Cassie: I called the harbormaster and I told him to stop the ship. Richard: You did what? Cassie: Alonzo doesn't want to be stuck on some boat with Camille and certainly not for a year. Look, you may have misgivings about Alonzo, Richard, but we cannot abandon our morals. Richard: We're not going to abandon our morals. Cassie: That's exactly what we're doing if we lie to this man. Richard: Well, as president, we have tough choices to make. Cassie: Don't give me that. It's not about you being president. It's about us. It's about you and me. Why is it so difficult for you to tell this man the truth? Richard: It's not just about us, darling. It's about our son! We may lose him. Cassie: We're not going to lose Will, and you have got to tell him the truth. Richard: There is nothing amoral, darling. Listen to me: There is nothing amoral about taking the time to make the right decision and the right choice. Cassie: I think honesty is the best way to go, no matter what. Richard, I'm proud of who we are. Richard: Mm. Cassie: But I cannot let that man sail off without knowing the truth. Sam: "Thank you for the opportunity to get acquainted with your work." Ah, so that explains it. That's why the envelope is so thick. They sent me back my writing samples. Olivia: I'm sorry, Sam. Sam: Oh, don't worry about it. You know, maybe it's meant to be. It says here I can reapply in the coming spring. Olivia: You were meant to go to Huntley. Okay? You should be taught by all those prize-winning journalists. Sam: Well, maybe it's for the best. You know, I thought so, too, but obviously they feel differently. Got to roll with the punches, right, sis? Olivia: Not when your heart is stuck on something. Sam: What do you expect I do, huh? Go barge in there and knock on the dean's door. Olivia: No. Sam: Demand that they let me in. Olivia: No, of course not. Let me do it. Sam, this is something you want. I want to give it to you. Sam: I appreciate that, but this time I don't think you can help me, Liv. Olivia: You forget who you're talking to. Look, it just so happens that I can pull a few strings. Sam: Liv, I don't... Olivia: I'm getting a divorce settlement from Josh. I'm making a lot of money off the harbor project. Sam: I don't want you to buy my way in. Olivia: Sam, come on. You'll change your mind when you're rubbing elbows with all those famous journalists. Please let me talk to them. I will have our name plastered on every hall. You are going to Huntley. It is the least I can do after everything you've been through. Ben: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Catalina: Are you ready for a check? Ben: I thought it was on the house. Catalina: How about a reality check? Open your eyes, Ben. Ben: They're open, okay, and so are my arms. Which Marah is falling right into. Catalina: You keep saying that. Ben: Every time we get together, she gives in a little more. It's just a matter of time before she gives it up completely. Catalina: You keep bragging about how close you are to getting Marah into bed and I don't think that's going to happen. Ben: Oh, it'll happen. Don't worry. Catalina: Yeah, well, you had your chance. Ben, you and Marah all alone up at the cabin. A bottle of cider, romantic fire, nothing to do but accomplish your mission. Ben: Yeah, what was I supposed to do, huh? Rush her into it? Make it backfire in my face? Catalina: I don't know. But that's the difference between you and me. See, when I want something, I get it-- no matter what. Ben: Well, there's determination for you. Catalina: And if I had a bet going for $5,000, I wouldn't lose. Ben: Now who's bragging. Catalina: You don't believe me? I work two jobs. I work for everything that I have, and that includes Tony. I wasn't handed everything. Ben: Yeah, cue the violins. Catalina: I don't feel sorry for myself. I feel sorry for you, because you don't know the meaning of work and how it can really pay off. Ben: Does it? You're the one who just said that Tony still wants Marah. Catalina: Maybe. Maybe right now that's how it is. But I guarantee you that Tony is going to forget all about Marah sooner than you think. Marah: So you play for keeps, huh? Tony: That's right. Marah: And I take it Ben doesn't? Tony: I could have told you that from the first moment I saw the guy. Marah: Wow, that's some sixth sense you got there. Tony: Not a sixth sense. It's common sense. Marah: Tony the shaman, the soothsayer. Tony: The what? Marah: You see bad people. Tony: Here I am trying to help you, trying to protect you. Marah: I know, I know. Sorry. It's just... Tony: What? What, what, what? Say something else. Say something else and this little cute sweater is going to go meet the fountain over there. Marah: What I was trying to say was you're one of the good guys, but so is Ben. You should trust my judgment. I mean, you were with me once. Tony: All right. All right, you got me there. I was just looking out for you. Marah: I see. Tony: So, you understand. Was that so hard? Marah: No. And I'm actually grateful, I think. Tony: You know, you're different now. Marah: Is that a good thing? Tony: Well, I mean, before you'd still be biting my head off for trying to save you at the cabin. Marah: Yeah, and I'd be sitting on my soapbox lecturing you about my independence and how you're violating it. Tony: And you probably wouldn't let me apologize for following you there. Marah: Wait... You're apologizing? Tony: Yeah. I should let you live your own life. Marah: God, you know, I wish... Tony: What? Marah: I wish we were always like this. Tony: Yeah. Alonzo: Word down at the docks is that you canceled the tour. That right? Cassie: I postponed the tour. Alonzo: (Sighs) Right. I was thinking it might have something to do with this crazy article I saw in the newspaper. Look at that. We made the front page. According to that, you are my half-brother, I'm the prince of San Cristobel and you've secretly known about it all along. Please tell me this is a crock. Richard: Alonzo... Alonzo: Alonzo what? What's going on here? Richard: This article, I'm afraid it is the truth. Alonzo: What? Richard: You are not really Alonzo Baptiste. Alonzo: Okay. Who am I? Richard: You're my brother, my half-brother, Prince William. Cassie: Richard's telling you the truth, Alonzo. Richard: I just found out about this, and well, I did some investigating. It is true. I confronted Mrs.. Mayhew. After you were born, our father, Prince George, told your mother, Princess Charlotte, that you had died at birth. But in actual fact, Mrs.. Mayhew had taken you away from the palace to a remote fishing village, and that's where she found the Baptiste’s. Alonzo: I knew I was adopted, but... Richard: I'm sorry you had to find out about this in this manner. Alonzo: If this is some kind of joke, you've got a sick sense of humor. Richard: It's the truth. Alonzo: The truth. Richard: Mm. Alonzo: Okay. Since we're talking about the truth, can I ask you a question? Richard: Of course. Alonzo: You ever planning on telling me about this? Because according to that, you've known all along. Richard: No, no. I told you, we just found out about it. The article's wrong. Alonzo: And you expect me to believe that. And it was just coincidence that you were going to let me ship out to sea for an entire year. Cassie: Alonzo, I postponed the tour. Alonzo: Yeah, just so you could figure out how to handle me. If I hadn't picked up that paper I never would have known and you never would have told me. Some friends. Cassie: We are your friends. Alonzo: Yeah, right. You had a choice, man. But not me. That was taken from me. Cassie: Listen to me. If you would just listen to Richard, you'll understand everything. Alonzo: Understand what? What am I supposed to understand? That my half-brother wants to sell me up the river? Cassie: That's not true and you know it. Alonzo: The hell it's not. Cassie: Richard was going to tell you the truth. Alonzo: Right. Richard was going to tell me. When? When? When was he going to tell me? Was he going to whisper it over my grave? What? What, you expect me to understand this? You try to shove me off on some goodwill tour and-- whoops-- a little accident. Alonzo has an accident. Richard: Come on. How could you think such a thing? Alonzo: It's not such a stretch, is it, brother? Considering you had the gall to play God with my life. Sam: I think I'm going to go for a walk. Alan: Hello, Olivia. Sam: Right now. Olivia: Sam, wait. Alan: Well, is it too much to ask for a little common courtesy these days? Olivia: You know what, Alan? He has a lot on his mind. He probably didn't even see you. Alan: Him. He just got out of the hospital. You think he'd be leaping for joy. Olivia: Yeah, well, he's not. He just got a rejection notice from Huntley college. Alan: Well, I'm sorry to hear that. It's an excellent school, wonderful journalism department. I can't imagine that someone as bright as Sam is would be turned away. Olivia: Yeah, I can't either, but I think the admissions department got one look at the name "Spencer" and tied it to the SEC scandal. Alan: Ah. So you think it's your fault that he wasn't accepted. Olivia: Yeah, I do, Alan, and I'm going to call the Dean of admissions myself. I'll drive up there if I have to, but I'm not going to let them compromise Sam's future because of my stupid mistake. Alan: Well, now, that sounds like unpleasant business. Olivia: Yeah. I'm suffering; my brother's suffering. Break out the champagne. Alan: Olivia, I don't want you to suffer. Olivia: I'll handle this. Alan: I'm sure you will. I just want you to know that I'm connected at Huntley. One phone call from me would cut through a lot of red tape. All you have to do is say the word and I will handle Sam's problem. I would love to do this for you. Ross: Blake, I would do anything for you. You know that. That's why I started teaching and now that's why I'm stopping. Blake: But why? Why are you stopping it before the school year's out? Ross: I think I did the right thing. I waited until the semester was over. Blake: Still, I have to wonder. Ross: Wonder what? Blake: If this has anything to do with Tory. Ross: Tory has transferred. She's going to school in Pennsylvania, so no. This is about you and me. Blake: Then don't throw it away, Ross. The joy you get from teaching can only make what we have better. Ross: I love you. Blake: I love you, too. (Cell phone rings) Hey. I am going to mirror your rededication to us. So, Professor, how about we take this home, huh? Ross: Oh, believe me, I would love to. Blake: Then why don't we? Hmm? Ross: Because I have 20-some term papers to grade. Yeah. Blake: Oh, well. Okay, I'm going to Company because I'm famished. How about you join me? Ross: Yeah, maybe I will, but don't be mad at me if I can't make it because, you know, I've got a lot of work to do. So I'll either meet you there or at home, okay? Blake: I'll be waiting. Ross: All right. Marah: But hey, at least we're friends now, right? Better late than never. Tony: Hey, you know, works for me. Your whole, like, attitude, your whole sense of humor it's... Yeah, it's different. Marah: Are you trying to tell me I didn't have a sense of humor before? Tony: No. I'm just saying that it's different. Marah: Like how? Tony: Like I don't know. Like the way you smile. You know, you've always had a killer smile, but now it's, like, you're glowing from the inside. Marah: I've got to go. I have to go see my mom. Tony: Well, you tell your mom I say hi and that I miss seeing her. Marah: So, did I tell you my mom... Or, my dad's getting a divorce? Tony: Oh, yeah? I'm not surprised. I never saw him and Olivia together. Marah: Yeah, he's going to be a lot happier without her, and maybe he and Mom will get back together. Tony: You think? Marah: Yeah, I think. Sometimes two people are just so beautiful together that you can't keep them apart. Tony: Maybe so. Marah: Yeah. Well, I will see you. Tony: Yeah, I'll see you, Marah. Ben: What kind of guarantee could you possibly have that Tony won't go back to Marah? Catalina: I've already given him more than Marah ever could. Ben: Oh, you mean by tricking him into sleeping with you. Wow, I'm impressed, I really am. Catalina: You know, you drive a fast car and you have a lot of money, but you don't know about survival. Ben: I haven't always had money and I bet I'd surprise you. Catalina: You haven't yet. Ben: Do you always just say exactly what you're thinking? Catalina: Yes, I'm honest, and you're nowhere, you're nowhere, Ben. Not until you decide to work to get Marah to forget about Tony. Ben: Again with the work ethic. I don't... Catalina: Well, what do you think? What do you think, you just flash a smile? Pull out your wallet to win a girl's heart? Ben: Well, what do you suggest? Catalina: Figure out exactly what Marah needs and then you give it to her. You give it to her in a way that will make her dying to commit to you. Ben: That's what you did with Tony? Catalina: I'm used to working to get what I want. I risked my life to come here and I want a life with Tony. I understand him in ways that Marah never could. Ben: A life with Tony. As in cook for him, make a home, have his babies? Catalina: That's exactly what I plan to do. Like I said, Ben, I play for keeps. Olivia: I would never let you use your influence to get Sam into Huntley College. Alan: You know, you're becoming very predictable. Olivia: I have my own power and my own money now, thank you very much. Alan: I'm very aware of your newfound power, Olivia. Olivia: You only know the half of it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go buy my brother a first- class ticket to Huntley. Richard: You have to believe me, I just discovered your true identity myself. Cassie: Alonzo, we were trying to figure out a way to tell you. Alonzo: Yeah, and I guess this saved you the trouble. Cassie: We have no idea how that article got in there. Alonzo: You expect me to buy that? Richard: Look, I know how this seems. Cassie: We're telling you the truth. Alonzo: Wow. Well, I'm really getting the royal treatment, aren't I? First you adopt my son. Then you treat me like a friend, and all the while you're just scheming to get rid of me. Cassie: That's a lie. Richard: We had no idea who Will was when he was brought to our home. Alonzo: It was just coincidence that you adopted the heir to the throne? You staged this elaborate charade to grab the reins. And your henchman-- there is a special hell for guys like Colonel Dax. That man pulled me into your twisted little scheme the day my son was christened. And you orchestrated the whole thing. Richard: That's not true. Alonzo: And I believed it. I believed it. I believed both of you. Especially you. You've really mastered this game. Cassie: No, I didn't. Alonzo: You made me think... You made me think it was my choice. Every smile, every touch, I ate it up-- hook, line and sinker. Cassie: I have never lied to you, Alonzo. Alonzo: What about this? All you two care about is money and power. Cassie: That is not true. It is not true. You've been with us every step of the way. What about when Will was sick? You know we're not like that. We would never hurt you! Richard: I am so sorry for how this came out. It's a difficult situation. I hope you realize what's at stake here. Alonzo: At stake? At stake? What about my life? Thank God I didn't grow up in this palace, manipulating everybody, calculating everything. Richard: Why don't you just cool down and then perhaps... Perhaps we can work this out? Alonzo: No, Richard. Not this time. You've ripped my life out from underneath me and you can't give it back. Richard: Alonzo, if you want the truth, I can tell you, you have never had a more loyal friend than my wife. Alonzo: Where I come from friends don't do this to each other. Cassie: Alonzo, just wait! Richard: Don't, don't. Cassie: No, Richard. Richard: Don't, please. Cassie: I have to go! He trusted us and he thinks we let him down. Richard: Cassie... Cassie: Richard... Richard: Let him go, please. Cassie: I have to go. I have to. Clayton: You know what you should do is you should come on over and check out some of those classes we had in college. I think you'd like it. Blake: Well, hey. Twice in one day. Clayton: Hey, my lucky day. Care to join me? Blake: I would love to. Ross may be joining, as well. Clayton: Great, great. That'll give me a chance to bully him into changing his mind-- unless, of course, you already have. Blake: Well, you know Ross. Once he makes a decision, that's it. Clayton: Yeah, well, I hope he makes an exception. Blake: I do, too. He gets such satisfaction out of teaching. I don't want him to give it up. Ross: Tory. What are you doing here? Tory: I couldn't stay away.