Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/16/02 Provided by Linda Lorelei: You a little calmer now? Edmund: Should I be? Phillip's liable to come busting back in here any minute. Lorelei: Then maybe you ought to take off in case he does. Edmund: Then what? He asks a series of pointed questions about the much ballyhooed mission where Beth was meant to have been taken care of after the flood, but somehow he can't find it. And then you tell him... Lorelei: To keep looking? Edmund: Forever? Lorelei: Come on, Eddie, don't get all riled up. Edmund: He's never going to find the mission because the mission doesn't exist. Beth never stayed at a mission. Lorelei: I know that. Edmund: It was a story we made up in order to explain how she'd be away for so long and yet, miraculously, pop up again alive and well in Springfield. Lorelei: I know that. Edmund: The real Beth is dead! Lorelei: Well, I know that, too. This is your first time back in Mexico since it happened, isn't it? It's my first time ever. Edmund: A fact that is going to become painfully obvious the more Phillip presses you for details. Damn it! How could you let him talk you into this trip? Lorelei: I tried not to. Edmund: You know what happens next, don't you? Lorelei: I murder you. Edmund: No, Phillips realizes you're no more Beth than I am, and then we end up broke and in jail. Lorelei: Well, you know, I worry, too, but... Edmund: But what? Lorelei: Well, you got to admit, it's kind of romantic. The guy's crisscrossing the desert just looking for this mission, all to help Beth out. Edmund: Oh, for pity's sakes. Lorelei: I know you hate hearing this, Eddie, but the truth's the truth. Edmund: And the truth is exactly what Phillip is going to find out if we can't do something to stop him! Lorelei: He really cares about her. He wants Beth to get her memory back. Not for his sake, but for hers. Edmund: Lorelei, Phillip Spaulding is a shrewd, calculating man. And he's only doing this because deep inside him somewhere is a nagging suspicion about you. Lorelei: I don't believe that. Edmund: No? This countryside is positively littered with missions. And as soon as he visits enough of them, he's going to realize that something is wrong. And... Oh, my God. That's it. I didn't realize it before. Lorelei: What? Edmund: The solution. It's staring us right in the face. Rick: It was very, very, very nice of the Reverend to take us on such little notice. Reverend's wife: My husband's a nice man. ( Laughs) He should be right in. Please make yourselves comfortable. Rick and Harley: Thank you. Rick: (Sighs) Here we are. Yeah, I've always imagined what it would be like to elope to Brewster Falls. Harley: Well, lucky you. You're about to find out. Rick: Maybe we should just call Meta. Harley: Well, Zach was getting a bedtime story and the baby was asleep. I'm sure they're fine. You didn't mind driving all the way up here, did you? Rick: No, no, not one bit. I perfectly understand why you feel a connection to this town, Harley. I do. Harley: It's where Jude was born. Rick: I remember that. Not only was our son born here, but we're getting married here. Wow. (Sighs) I think every major event of our life should happen here in Brewster Falls. Harley: I think you should sit down. Rick: Yeah, good idea. Well, here's a real collector's item. "The Brewster Bugle." It's dated three months ago. (Laughter) I don't believe this. Harley: What? Rick: Talk about double jeopardy. "A Springfield detective was found in jail and in labor on Tuesday..." Harley: Are you kidding? Rick: Right there, see it? Harley: No, they didn't even get it right. Rick: Yeah, I noticed... Harley: Would you give me a break? Deputy Dudley did not deliver this baby. How could he when he was passed out cold on the jailhouse floor? Rick: Well, at least they gave you credit for being the mother. I mean, they didn't even recognize that I was even there! And you know what, if it was up to Aitoro, I wouldn't have been there. Harley: Can we forget about him, please? I mean, I have. That guy has nothing to do with this moment, okay? This moment... This marriage is about you and me. Nobody else. Okay? If it ever happens. Claire: Hi. Would you like some company? Michelle: Oh, actually, I have some planned. Danny's meeting me here. In fact, he should be here already. Claire: Oh. You're having dinner together? Michelle: Yeah, just the two of us. Claire: Well, maybe while you're waiting for him, it could be just the two of us. Michelle: Sure. Claire: Great, great. Oh, Michelle, it feels like it's been a thousand years since the two of us sat and caught up. You really look terrific. I have to tell you, you look wonderful. You look so relaxed and sure of yourself. And this sweater, I love this sweater. Did I get you this sweater? Michelle: I'm not that relaxed. Claire: What did you say? Michelle: This is why I have a hard time being around you because I just feel like you're trying to absorb me, not "catch up." Claire: Well, that's... That's only because I'm so proud of you-- the woman that you've become, Michelle. I mean, granted I certainly can't take any responsibility for that. It was all Maureen's doing, but I... I would give anything to be half the mother that she was. Michelle, if you could just... If you could just give me a chance to just prove to you that I can be a plus in your life. Michelle: Why don't we just give it some time? I have to get some milk. Carmen: Shouldn't you be on your knees? Claire: I'm in no mood for riddles. Carmen: Well, if you're going to beg your way back into Danny and Michelle's life, you should at least do it right. Claire: I wasn't doing that. And even if I was, they'd accept me a hell of a lot faster than they would you, a murderer and a kidnapper. EMT: Coming through! Coming through! Come on! All right folks. Mel: All right, what do we got? EMT: Man in his '20S. Found unconscious in a warehouse fire... Gus: It's Danny Santos. Mel: Okay, what are his vitals? EMT: His BP is 150 over 90. His pulse is 110. Respiration 16. EMT #2: He's totally unresponsive to deep stimulation. I'm talking coma scale eight. Doctor: His nose and mouth are filled with soot. Mel: Okay, he's suffered definite head trauma. Did you pull him out of there? EMT: He did, then called the fire department. Mel: Okay, well, get inside, call cat scan to clear a table for stat head CT, now! Doctor: I'm on it. Mel: Wait, you're not going anywhere... Gus: I'm fine, I'm fine. Mel: I need to check you out. Gus: I don't need your help, all right! Danny Santos needs it, so go in there and save his life! Mel: I didn't realize Danny Santos meant so much to you. Gus: You have no idea. (Chuckles) Mel: Well, that confirms it: You do have a heart. Gus: If you mean if I care if the guy lives or not, of course I do. I care, yeah. It's only because they don't accept corpses in prison. (Coughs) Carmen: I'm a legitimate businesswoman. Claire: (Laughs) Right, and I'm the artist formerly known as Cher. Michelle: Hello, Carmen. Did Danny come see you tonight? Carmen: Yes, why? Michelle: Because he was supposed to meet me here afterwards and he hasn't shown up. Carmen: Well, maybe he had some errands to do. Claire: You know, I find it absolutely incredible that after all the bad blood between you and Danny, literally, that he would even be on speaking terms with you. Carmen: The bond between mother and son is stronger than, well, just about anything. But you wouldn't know anything about that. Claire: Really? So tell me, what is it that you had to talk to Danny about? I mean, something deeply personal and heartwarming, I'm sure, right? Carmen: None of your business. Michelle: It was actually about Carmen's new business. Claire: Business? Wholesale, retail, or a front? Michelle: She's importing artwork and antiquities, and Danny just wanted to make sure where they were coming from. Claire: Oh, the louvre, no doubt, I'm sure, by way of theft. Has anyone checked to see if the "Mona Lisa's" still there? Carmen: Michelle, my business is completely on the level. Michelle: I hope that's true. (Cell phone rings) Claire: Claire Ramsey. What? When? How is he? I'll be right there. Michelle. Michelle: What... What? What's wrong? Claire: Danny. There was a fire and he was caught in the building. Carmen: Oh, my God. Michelle: How bad is it? Claire: He's in critical condition. They asked me to assist in ER. Let's go. Michelle: I'm going with you. Rick: Harley, the unfortunate fact is that Gus did deliver our son. So who knows, maybe in his own sick way, he feels... Harley: I said I don't want to think about him! Yes, he helped deliver the baby but... But there's no place for him in our family now! Rick: Okay. Harley: Okay? Let's just move on. I'm moving on. And I'm very happy with who I'm moving on with. Reverend: So, you want to be married? Rick: Yes. Oh, a trip to Brewster Falls wouldn't be complete without it. Reverend: You do have your license? Rick and Harley: Yes. Harley: Yes, I have it right here. Reverend: There is a $30 filing fee. Rick: Yes, I know. We've talked to your wife about it. It's all taken care of. Reverend: You forgot to sign. Harley: What? Reverend: Both of you. Harley: Oh, would you look at that. We both forgot to sign. (Laughs) Rick: That's right, sweetheart. Reverend: There you go. You understand there won't be any music or flowers. This isn't a commercial wedding chapel. Rick: Well, I mean, it is $30 bucks. We weren't expecting... Harley: It's fine. It's fine. Reverend: Your blood test results, please. Rick: Yes, of course. Reverend: The bottom copies. You keep the top. Rick: Yes. Reverend: All right, that's fine. Well, that's everything. Rick: Okay. Everything except for the actual "I do's." Reverend: That won't take long. Where is... I'm going to be back. Rick: Did you pay the minister's wife yet? Harley: Uh-huh. Rick: Cash or check? Harley: Cash. What? What? Rick: No, we don't have to do this, you know. I mean... I mean, if you want to do it, it's... Harley: Of course, I want to do it. Don't you want to do it? Rick: Definitely, yes! I'm just... I'm just... I'm just... I'm just saying, you know, since we nixed the big production number wedding, we shouldn't feel obligated to have our marriage on any particular day... Harley: Rick! I don't care about flowers or a big wedding or any of that kind of stuff. I don't care about that. None of that matters to me... Rick: Right. Well, all I ever wanted my entire life was to be married and have children, right? Harley: Yes. Then let's do it, okay? Let's just do it right now! Rick: Okay. Edmund: Surely there's going to be a priest somewhere at one of the more rundown missions, who, for a contribution, will be willing to say that Beth was taken care of there. Lorelei: What? Edmund: Think about it, Lorelei. It's the perfect answer to our problem. If all Phillip's questions about Beth's time in Mexico are answered-- especially by a man of the cloth-- his suspicions about you are going to evaporate. Lorelei: And then he'll marry me? Edmund: Exactly. And then you divorce him, making us both filthy rich, which is what we intended to begin with. Is there a problem? Lorelei: You'd really try to bribe a priest? Edmund: Or a nun. Whoever's in charge at the mission in question. Do you have a better idea? Because we can't afford to let Phillip find out the truth about what happened down here, or rather what didn't happen. Lorelei: But bribing church folk, that's... That's got to be some kind of sin. Edmund: No, on the contrary. Because the unabridged sixth commandant clearly states, "Thou shall not kill the deal." (Knocking on door) It's Phillip! (Knocking continues) Edmund: If Phillip finds me here, we're sunk! (Knocking on door) Raphael: These doors are so flimsy. It's no matter, this one is open now. I am Raphael Dominquez of the Los Flores Repertory Theater. You have heard of us? Lorelei: Yeah. There was a flyer for your show in this room when we got here. Raphael: Like this one? Lorelei: "Huevos rancheros," that's it! Are you in the show? Raphael: Senora, I am the show. It is made to order for our visitors from other countries. You must come see it. Lorelei: I wish I could. Edmund: Yes, I'm sure you're excellent, but we're very busy right now. So if you wouldn't mind. Raphael: Buenos noches. Edmund: Thank you so much... Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait. Raphael: Would you like tickets? Edmund: No, no, no. Some information. You wouldn't happen to know of a mission around here with a priest that one might consider to be relatively broad-minded? Raphael: A mission? No, I don't know any like that. Edmund: Uh-huh, adios. Break a leg. Don't knock your head, right. Do not sulk! Lorelei: Well, he was cute and that show sounds like fun. Edmund: "Huevos rancheros"? Please. Lorelei: I tried to get Phillip to take me, but he was more interested in finding that mission. Edmund: Yes, it's a pity you weren't more persuasive. Lorelei: You're something else, you know that, Eddie? I can't ever do anything right, can I? Edmund: You can keep quiet for 30 seconds, that would be a start. Sorry. Lorelei: Sure you are. Edmund: Lorelei, look, we just don't have time for this. We're not simply visitors from another country. We're here on a mission to find a mission, just as Phillip is. Lorelei: Well, that may be so, but let me tell you something. You and him couldn't be more different. Edmund: Lorelei... Lorelei: You got time to hear this. Phillip's not the stuck-up control freak you keep making him out to be. He's not. And I've seen him and heard him enough by now to know that. He's sweet and he's gentle... Edmund: Oh, please spare me the full list of his attributes, all right? Lorelei: You know what I think? I think you're jealous. Edmund: Lorelei, this ongoing defense of Phillip is a matter of some concern because we have a job to do, partner. And it's time for you to decide who's side you're really on: Phillip's or ours. Reverend: I forgot my bible. My wife will serve as witness. Reverend's wife: If that's all right. Rick: Oh, please. I mean, if we can't have the music or flowers, you're the next best thing. Harley: He's kidding. (Whispering): Stop it. Rick: (Whispering) It's just reminding me so much of my wedding to Abby, it's frightening. Harley: Well, this is going to have a happier ending. Rick: I know it. Harley: As it won't ever end. Reverend: Are we ready to begin? Rick: All set. Reverend: You have the rings. Rick: Got them right here. Reverend: Then let's begin. Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to welcome this man and this woman in the state of holy matrimony. Harley: Is this a wedding or a funeral? Rick: I don't see the caskets yet. Reverend: Let me first say a few words about the reason we are here: Love. Love is what brought you two together, love is what's going to keep you from going apart. Rick: He's a very impassioned man. Harley: Yeah. Reverend: Love is both the brick and the mortar of your heart's home. Nothing else can shelter you. Nothing else can stand up in the storms that will come your way. Without love there is no home, no shelter, no marriage. Face each other, please. This is the person you love and are about to commit your life to out of that love. But if anyone here knows of any reason why these two people should not be joined together in holy wedlock, speak now or forever hold your peace. Mel: My guess is he's got a subdural hematoma. The EMS guy said he was hit on the head when he got knocked out, so... What's his SAT? Doctor: Still at 90. Mel: Okay, we might have to bronc him, but as soon as he's stabilized, we've got to get that cat scan going. Claire: How's our boy? Michelle: Oh, God. Danny. Claire: Michelle, I think it's best if you wait outside, honey, and someone will be right with you, okay. Possible subdural hematoma. Mel: Yeah, that's my first thought. Claire: Okay. Why don't I take over from here. Why don't you go fill in Michelle, all right? Mel: Okay. Thank you. Hi, Michelle, I'm Dr. Boudreaux. Michelle: Hi, can you give me any news? Why is he so pale? Why isn't he moving? Mel: Okay, Michelle, you have to calm down. I know it's easier said than done, but it'll help us. Michelle: Okay. I'm okay. Mel: Good. Here goes. Danny is in critical condition, but we're trying to stabilize him. Michelle: Then what? Mel: He'll probably need surgery. Michelle: He will? Mel: You know about the fire, right? Well, Danny was hit in the head with a crate or a box, and that caused what we call a subdural hematoma. Michelle: A blood clot. Mel: Right. You know, you were in pre-med. And we have to relieve the pressure to his skull right away. Michelle: Okay. Wait. Where was this fire, does anyone know? Mel: In a warehouse, but no one knows how it started. Michelle: What was Danny doing there? Mel: I don't know. But he knows, he was there. In fact, Danny would've died there if he didn't pull him out. I need to get back in to Danny. You going to be all right? Michelle: Yeah. Aitoro. Look, I don't know what happened tonight. I don't know why you were there and I don't know why Danny was there. But thank you. You saved Danny's life. Gus: Michelle, there was a fire. I pulled a guy out of it. It was just instinct, okay? Michelle: Yeah, well, your instincts kept me from being a widow. Gus: Don't pretend to be grateful. Carmen: Where's Danny? Michelle: He's in there. No, Carmen, you can't go in there. Carmen: Michelle, he's my son. Michelle: No, no. He's in critical condition. You won't be able to help him. Carmen: Was he badly burned? Michelle: No, but they said he was hit over the head and he's going to have to have an operation. Carmen: My God. Where was this warehouse? Michelle: I don't know. I don't know. I don't even know why he was there. Doctor: Mr. Aitoro? They're ready for your checkup. Gus: I don't need a checkup, I'm fine. Doctor: It's not optional. Gus: You don't have to touch me, man. Mel: We need to get some medical history on Danny. Michelle: Okay. Maurice: There you are. I got here as soon as I could. Carmen: You idiot. I ordered you to torch the warehouse. The next thing I know my son is in critical condition. Obviously there's some... Some connection. Maurice: It couldn't be helped. Carmen: Oh, don't give me that. Maurice: I swear it. Danny showed up out of the blue and I told him to get out of there as soon as he... Before it was too late. But he wouldn't listen. Carmen: You didn't, did you? You just left him there to die. Maurice: I'm sorry. Carmen: Yeah, well, that's not good enough. That's my flesh and blood in there. You should have let yourself get burned before letting any harm come to my son. Lorelei: I've made it real clear who's side I'm on. Edmund: Really? Refresh my memory. Lorelei: Ours. You think I'd be doing this crazy balancing act with Phillip and his kids and his family if I didn't know there was some big, fat payoff in the end? Edmund: I'm not sure what to think anymore. Lorelei: Well, thanks for the vote of confidence. I really appreciate that. (Thunder crashes) Edmund: You were saying? Lorelei: Well, I'm just... I'm just not real wild about thunderstorms. That's all. Edmund: So I see. It's funny, I never would have taken you for someone to be frightened by a little thunder and lightning. Lorelei: Well, it's not something I brag about, you know, and it's really not anything that I can tell Phillip about. Edmund: Oh? Lorelei: Well, yeah, you know. Phillip thinks Beth's this super-strong person now, so that's how I have to act around him. It gets real tiring pretending to be somebody you're not all the time. Edmund: Yes, it does. Lorelei: I guess you've done your share of playacting, too, huh? Edmund: Used to be my role in life. So out of necessity, yes. Far more of it than I would have liked. Lorelei: See, that's what I like about you, Eddie. I can be honest with you. I can be myself and you don't write me off as some hick or loser. I mean, sure, we tussle some, but the bottom line is that you accept me the way that I am. And it doesn't even bother you that much that I'm chicken when it comes to thunderstorms. (Thunderclap) Edmund: As long as we're... As long as we're being honest, this storm takes me back to the one that hit the last time I was in Mexico. With Beth. When she was... Lorelei: Carried off by that flood? Tell me about it again, Eddie. About you and Beth. Please? Edmund: You know all there is to know. Lorelei: That's okay. Edmund: No, no. Lorelei: It might make you feel better. Edmund: I'm fine. Lorelei: Well, come on. Where's all that honesty, huh? This is Mexico. The place where it all ended for you and Beth. If you tell it here, it might make it come alive long enough for you to have Beth back for a little while. Harley: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What was the last thing that you said there? I missed that part. Rick: Me, too. Reverend: I said, if there's anyone here who objects to your marriage, they should speak up now. Harley: Right. Well, I don't hear anybody objecting, do you? Rick: Nope. Reverend: Then let's continue. You have the rings? Rick: Yes. Yes, I do. Harley: You said you had them. Rick: I thought I had them. Give me a second. Harley: Do you realize this is the oldest cliché in the book? (Laughs sardonically) Rick: Yes. Wait, wait. I left them in the car. They're in the glove compartment. I'll hurry back and... Harley: Hurry. (Cell phone rings) ( another cell phone rings) Reverend: Maybe it's God calling, trying to tell them something. (Both cell phones ringing) (Cell phones ringing) Rick: I can't believe that you'd leave your cell phone on. Harley: I hear yours ringing, too. Rick: Well, I'm a doctor. Harley: Well, I'm marrying a doctor. (Cell phones ringing) It could be important. Rick: About Zach and Jude? Harley: Yes. Rick: Could you... Could you excuse us for just a minute? Harley: Hello? Rick: Hello? Harley: Hey, what are you doing? Rick: What's going on? Harley: What? Rick: What? When did that happen? Harley: I can't believe that. Who was there? Rick: Is he okay? Do you have anybody else out there with you helping him out? No, just keep him on the IV. Harley: Aitoro? Well, where are they? At the hospital? Rick: No, no, no. You did the right thing in calling me. Harley: I'll meet you there. That's fine. Rick: Okay. Harley: Thank you for calling. Bye-bye. Rick: Bye-bye. Rick and Harley: Danny Santos was caught in a f... Rick: Who told you? Harley: That was Frank. Who was that? Rick: Mel. What should we do? Harley: Well, I think we should go. Rick: Are you all right with that? Harley: Of course I'm all right with that. How can you stand here and get married when your brother-in-law is unconscious in a hospital? Rick: Right! And, you know what, it's not like we're postponing our marriage. We're just putting it off for a while. Harley: Yeah. We're not postponing it, we're just putting it off. Rick: Yeah, but... Harley: Listen, we can't do this right now we have to go. Rick: Medical emergency. Harley: Yeah. I mean, we are going to do this. Oh, boy, we're going to do this. (Laughs) We're definitely going to do this. We just can't do it right now. Rick: You were doing a really great job. Harley: Yeah, this has been a really good ceremony. Rick: So thank you. We'll just do it a little bit later. Harley: Come on. Rick: We've got to go. Do I have to pay another registration... Harley: Rick! Reverend: You can pay us on the way out. Lorelei: You and Beth were in love. Then things went wrong, and she took off to Mexico to get a divorce. Come on, Eddie, tell it. Edmund: Beth came down here to get a divorce, but I loved her, so I followed her. Lorelei: You couldn't let her go. Edmund: There was a festival in the plaza. That's where I found her. She looked more beautiful than I'd ever seen her before, and I came up to her in a disguise and she danced with me. And when we looked into one another's eyes it was as if we were falling in love all over again. Lorelei: And when you took off your mask? Edmund: She couldn't deny her feelings for me. Lorelei: I love that part. Edmund: Beth realized that we were deeply connected and that we always would be. So she decided to forget about the divorce and we were going to go off somewhere... Somewhere that no one knew us, and we could start all over again. Be safe from the people that were trying to tear us apart. And we were so close to having that life we dreamed about, and she was kidnapped. Lorelei: For her money. Edmund: They thought she was a rich American, so they dragged her off to a hut in the desert. I followed her and together we escaped. They chased us, though. They were right on our heels. Lorelei: And that's when you went to the riverbed. Edmund: Yes. But by that time, Beth was so scared and tired she could barely stand, let alone continue running. And I heard thunder, and it started to rain. Oh, I begged her to get back up on her feet, but she just shook her head, "No"... Spent. And I finally... Finally convinced her that she was safe with me, that she could trust me. She took hold of my hand, and then she slipped, and the water took her away and she vanished. It's amazing how you can be with someone one moment, and then the next... Lorelei: You really loved her. Carmen: You made a very big mistake. Maurice: I swear to you... Carmen: Shut up! You were willing to let my son die. That's all I need to know. For that you'll make amends, one way or the other. Now, go. Oh, doctor. Please, is he going to be okay? My son. My son, Danny Santos. I'm his mother. Please tell me that he's going to be all right. (Thunder rumbling) Edmund: You're not scared anymore, are you? Lorelei? That would explain why. Come on. Down you go. Oh, my God, that just might work. Lorelei, good night. Thank you. It's amazing. I lost Beth and I found you. God, life is strange. Harley: Are you here to support Danny or finish him off? Carmen: How can you be so cruel? You're a mother, too. Michelle: Thank God you guys are here. Rick: Nothing's more important. How are you? Did they tell you what happened? Michelle: No. Nobody's told me much of anything. Rick: Okay, I'm going to go find out what's going on. Harley: Thanks, Rick. Rick: You guys take him up for the cat scan yet? Claire: We've just now got him stabilized. Mel: I reserved the OR room, though. I have a feeling he's going to need immediate surgery to evacuate the blood clot and control the hemorrhage. Rick: This is one time... I think I hate to say this, but I think your instincts are right. Hang in, Danny, all right? You're in good hands. Harley: Wait a minute, are you sure that it was Aitoro who dragged Danny out of there? Michelle: That's about the only thing that I am sure of. Harley: So he saved Danny's life. Gus: Hey, Cooper. Welcome to the party. Harley: Have you been looked at? Gus: Ah, nothing wrong with me. Except my attitude-- at least that's what everybody in this town thinks, right? I've got a lousy attitude. Rick: Michelle? We've got to take him up for a cat scan and surgery right afterwards, okay? Michelle: Can I see him first? Carmen: I want to see him too. Rick: We only have time for one person. We've got to make it fast. Mel. Claire. Michelle: Hi, honey. It's me. You know, I waited for you tonight at Company. It's funny. I wasn't even mad that you were late. And you were late. I was just looking forward to seeing you even more. As if the longer I sat there, the better it would be when you walked in. I guess that's love, huh? I don't know what happened to you tonight and I don't know who's responsible for this, but I'm going to find out, okay? I promise you. Because we've been through so much in this past year, with you and Robbie. It's been the best one we ever had, and I'm not going to let anybody or anything keep us from having many more, okay? So you just... You've got to get better. You hear me? I'm counting on it. Rick: Michelle, it's time. Michelle: Okay. That's from Robbie, honey. This one's from me. Harley: Like hell you don't need a doctor. You are obviously hurt. You're limping. Gus: You know something, Cooper? I've never been able to tell whether you really give a damn about me or not. Harley: Well, obviously... Obviously your Santos obsession was front and center or you would never have followed Danny to that building in the first place. Now, maybe this fire does give some validity to your little obsession there. Gus: Shh. Harley: But how do you expect to keep going with this case if you are not willing to... Gus: Shh! Could you please? All this talking is making me a little bit woozy. Harley: You're woozy? Okay, that's it. I want you to sit here. I'm going to go get you a doctor. I'll be right back. Gus: Listen, to tell you the truth, I don't need a doctor, okay? The only thing that I... Harley: What? Aitoro? Aitoro? We need help over here! Michelle: We need a doctor! Get a gurney! Mel: Help me get him up. Michelle: He just passed out. Harley: He just passed out. I was talking to him and he just passed out. Rick: I'll take care of it. Hold on here. Let's get him up on the gurney. One, two, three, let's go. Harley: He was limping. Please be careful, his leg is hurt. |