Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/15/02 Provided by Linda Danny: Let's see if you're up to anything. Let's look in these crates. Maurice: Everything is good to go Carmen, in exactly ten minutes you'll be out one import/export business, no one the wiser. There's no one here. Empty. I cased the whole joint. The guard went for dinner. It's cool, but it's going to get hot. (Metal drops). Rick: Okay. Harley: I want to try to finish this up before Dad gets back from his play date. I think he will be okay with Meta, don't you think? Are you listening to me at all? Hello? Rick: Yeah, stem wear, flat wear. We priced the wedding dress, tux, rings... What for, wedding rings? Onion rings?. Harley: Yes. We have been so busy planning I forgot to buy an engagement ring. Rick: It's not a big deal. Harley: Yes it is. Rick: It's not the traditional way it works anyways. Harley: In case you haven't noticed, Rick, we haven't done anything traditional. Rick: I think he needs a diaper change. Harley: Do you mind? Rick: No right here. I'll be right back. Harley: China, bedding. Rick: Stem wear, flat.... Harley: Underwear black tight laced, it would be nice. Rick: That's not on my list. Harley: Quite a list you got there. Rick: Well, you know me. Stop until I drop Cooper. Harley: Forget Christmas or something. Oh,, come on. Oh, Rick.... Please don't look at that, please, Gus. Gus: You're getting married. Phillip: Hey, it's Phillip. Hang on just a second. Are you still there? Hey, listen, um, I only have a second because Beth went running off through the lobby to get something. Yeah, I don't know. It's a mystery. She um... She could come back with a full band, I wouldn't be surprised. I wanted to let you know we got here. Okay. Lillian, listen, you're just going to have to trust me that I know what I'm doing and I have Beth's interest in mind. I'm not going to let her be hurt. I promise you. This will be fast. I'm going to find the mission where she recovered. I'm going to ask a few questions, get a few answer and that will be it. I just need to find... Lillian, Lillian, listen to me. You have to stop doing this, all right? I just… trust me. I will not let her be hurt. Whatever it is that she is going through I will be here to help her with. Hey, I think I hear her I'm going to have to go. I'll call you soon. Bye. Lorelei: Hey. Phillip: There you are. Lorelei: Salsa and chips you know the real deal. None of that north of border slop. Phillip: Okay, take a look around. Does this place seem familiar to you? Lorelei: Um, looks like a hotel room? A nice one? Phillip: Beth. Come on, you're going to have to work at this. If you want these memories to come back, you're going to have to work at it. Lorelei: You really want to help me, don't you? Phillip: Of course I do. Do you doubt that? Lorelei: Not in the least. Phillip: Okay, then let's get to work. This is where you were. This hotel room is where you were staying before you disappeared. Lorelei: Well, it doesn't ring any bells or whistles. Phillip: Well, don't say that, you don't... Take a second and look around and just think. This is where you were, before the desert, before you ran into the drug dealers, before you escaped, the flash flood, before all of... Lorelei: Is this really necessary? Phillip: What? Lorelei: I mean, do we really have to do this? Phillip: I don't know any other way to do it, Beth. You want these memories back, right? Lorelei: Why? Phillip: Huh? Lorelei: Why do I want my memories back? I mean, the way I see it, I have everything that I could possibly want right now. I have a wonderful family who loves me. I have friends and neighbors who truly care about me. I have you, the most wonderful, caring man in the world. I'm happy. And the way I see it, there are very few people in the world who can say that. So what else can you give me? Maurice: Come on, you. Let's go. (Fighting) Danny: Who are you? Huh? Who the hell are you? Maurice: Danny? Danny Santos! Man, we got to get out of here now! Danny: How do you know who I am? Maurice: Everybody knows you. All right? Now, let's get out of here. Danny: No, no. I'm not going anywhere until you give me some answers. Right now. Maurice: Sure, sure. No problem. But outside! Danny: Now! Maurice: Are you crazy? This place is going to blow any second. All right? Let's go. We got to get out of here, Danny. Right now! Okay, come on. Harley: We weren't... We weren't planning to tell anybody yet. Gus: I've got to... Uh. I've got to get you a present. I've got to get you a present. Harley: Oh, please don't. Gus: No, what are you kidding me? You think I'm like that? I would... All the time that we spent together, you're my former partner, I'm not going to get you a gift? I'm going to get you a gift. Harley: Okay, that's very nice. Thanks. Gus: Toaster oven. You probably need a toaster oven. Every time I switch banks, they give you a toaster oven, so I'll send you one of those... Harley: That sounds great. Listen, um... Gus: I am... I'm glad I saw you, actually, because I had to... I was going to ask... Do you have a minute? Harley: Mm-hmm. Fire away. Gus: Good, okay. Because I was working on the Santos connection with the Zatunica art smuggling ring, and you told me that Carmen was at the hospital with the kid, see, the kid, Spencer, and he was at the... I just... I had a connection, is what I'm saying, and now I got nothing. Harley: Maybe because there is nothing. Gus: Listen, don't leave me high and dry, okay? Don't do that. Because I got nobody to bounce off. Remember how we used to do that? Harley: You can still bounce your ideas off me. You just have to do it very, very fast. Gus: No, I don't, because I got nothing. I have some stupid name and I got the kid that's at the hospital who got hit on the head. He was at the docks snooping around and he doesn't even know where he was, so I got... I got nothing. What? You have something? Something? Harley: Maybe. Maybe I do. Felicia: Hey. Feel like talking? Mel: Sure. What about? Felicia: The weather. Mel: Looks like rain. Felicia: Okay. How about the Super Bowl? Mel: Go, Bears, go. Felicia: Well, let's just skip to current events: Harley and Rick's wedding. It's a small hospital; news travels fast. Mel: Faster than a speeding gurney. Look, Mom, Rick's doing the right thing. You know? Mother plus child plus father equals family. Felicia: Sweetheart, I know this must be hard for you. Mel: Mom, please. Rick is marrying Harley. End of story. Clayton: End of story? Are you kidding me? Rick's getting married? Well, that is great news. Tell me about it. Come on, scoot over. How you doing? Phillip: Okay, come here. Let's sit down. Listen. The last thing in the world that I want to do is take away your happiness, and I am not trying to force you into doing something. Those days are gone. Lorelei: Are they? Phillip: Yes, they are. But the other day you had forgotten that your mother had breast cancer. That's not a little thing, Beth. We don't know how much of your memory is gone. Lorelei: Well, maybe I didn't want that particular memory. It sounds like that was a pretty rough time for me. Phillip: It was. But it was an important time for you, Beth. You got through it. It made you stronger. It made you part of who you were, and you need it. Times like that... Times like that are what fuel you to move forward in your life, to help you make sense of your own life and to make it better. Lorelei: Aren't you satisfied with who I am now? Phillip: Beth, I love who you are and I am so grateful to have you back, I can't put it into words. But I want you to have access to all of those memories, because there's going to come a time in your life when you need them. Everybody does. Lorelei: Well, maybe those memories were what was holding me back before. Phillip: What? Lorelei: I thought you liked who I was now. Phillip: Beth, you're a gift that I don't deserve, but I'm greedy. I want all of you back. And I mean all of you, because having even a little bit of you gone is too much. Okay. Okay, okay. We've got plenty of time for that later. Does that mean that you're convinced? Convinced? Lorelei: You've convinced me of a lot of things. Phillip: You know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about being here, now. Lorelei: Yeah, here and now. I wouldn't have it any other way. You lead and I'll follow. Phillip: Uh-uh. No, no, no, no, no. No, no. What I need is for you to lead me right now to the mission where you recovered, okay? Lorelei: Right. Right. Phillip: I'm going to call the front desk and see if we can get a guide with a car who can take us to all the missions within driving distance. Lorelei: Do you really think that that's a good idea? Phillip: Yes, I do. Clayton: I always knew that Rick was a great guy and now he's going to prove it, right. He's going to prove it, right. Going to step up to the plate, take care of his responsibilities. That's the best thing for everyone involved. Agreed? Felicia: Well, um, if they are both in love and it's what they both want, then I guess it's a good idea. Clayton: Well, thank you, Doctor, for that astute diagnosis. And shall we have a second opinion, Doctor? You happy for your friend, Mel? Mel: Sure, I mean, if that's what they want. Clayton: Yeah, I heard about the way you two teamed up and saved that young man's life, huh? Mel: Yeah, Sam. Sam Spencer. Clayton: Right. Felicia: Yes, honey, you did a great job. Clayton: Sure did. Mel: Yeah, well, Rick did, too. Clayton: Yeah, you guys make a great team, you know, in the hospital. Come on, don't be down about this, Mel. You're not losing a friend in Rick. You're gaining one in Harley. Mel: You know what, Dad? I have to do my rounds, so can you excuse me? Clayton: Oh, yeah, sure. And you know what? When you see Rick, you give him my congratulations, all right? Mel: Okay. Clayton: All right, darling. Mel: Bye. Clayton: Put your coat on. It's cold out there. Mel: Thanks. Clayton: All right. Felicia: Honey, um, there's something that I think you should know. Clayton: Oh, yeah? What? Felicia: Mel has a thing for your friend, Rick. Clayton: I know. Felicia: You knew? How? Clayton: You think I became a dean of a university by a statewide lottery? Huh? Felicia: No, but I thought that... Clayton: That I was oblivious. Felicia: A little. Clayton: Yeah, well. I heard how she talked about him and I saw how she looked at him, and after seeing how she reacted to the news about them getting married, it wasn't hard to put all the pieces together, Felicia. Felicia: Okay, so then if you knew, why did you act so enthusiastically? I mean, of all the insensitive... Clayton: No, no, no, no, no, no, no. I am enthusiastic-- no act. And so should you, Felicia. I mean, Rick Bauer, he's a great guy, great guy, but I am thrilled to death that my daughter will not be wasting any more of her time on a dead-end workplace infatuation. Harley: You remember how we were kidnapped and tied up together in that warehouse? Gus: Yes, of course. If it was on video, I'd rent it. Or buy it, if it was available. Harley: You know what? If you could get your mind out of the gutter, you might actually get something accomplished. Gus: I'm sorry. Moment of weakness. Just a moment of weakness. Go ahead. Warehouse. Harley: Warehouse. Yes. See, I did some research after we got out of there, and I found a long paper trail. It's a dummy corporation owned by a subsidiary, off-shore... Gus: Cooper, the point. The point? Harley: The point is that however indirectly, that warehouse was owned by the Santos's. Gus: Okay. See, now, we're getting someplace. Harley: No. Now you're getting somewhere, and hopefully where you're getting is realizing that Danny Santos is not behind everything. Gus: Listen, come with me. Come with me and we'll check it out. We'll see it for ourselves. Just come with me. Rick: Hey. Gus: I could use the backup. Rick: Aitoro. What an unpleasant surprise. Harley: He was just asking me a couple of questions about a case. Rick: Oh. Well, I think it's about time he gets off my brother-in-law's case. Gus: So when's the wedding? When's the big day? Rick: We'll let you know-- the day after. Gus: Oh, look at the time. Time to bust a Santos. Right. Don't forget about the toaster oven thing. Don't buy one of those because I've got that covered for you, okay? Rick: What was that all about? Harley: He wants to give us a toaster oven for the wedding. Rick: I mean, why was he here? Harley: Oh, I don't know. It's that Santos thing. Santos, Santos, Santos-- it's all he thinks about. Okay, so what's next? Danny: Talk! Maurice: Talk? I'm telling you, man, your mother would freak if she knew you were here. This place doesn't even exist anymore. Danny: What are you talking about? Maurice: What time is it? Danny: What time is it? Are you kidding me? Maurice: This place is going down now. Listen to me! I used multiple sets on timed initiators. If we don't move, we're dead. Let's go! Danny: Show me. Maurice: Show you? Danny: Show me. Maurice: We've got to get out of this place. Come on. Danny? Danny? Oh, man. I've got to go, Danny. I'm sorry. Announcer: The role of Marina Cooper is being played by Aubrey Dollar. Chip: Now that is hot. Shayne: No, I don't like the color. I think it'd look good in candy apple red. Chip: Not that. That. Yo, man. I saw her first. Shayne: Hey, I think I know her. Just chill for a second. I'm going to check it out. It may not even be her. Chip: All right, cool. But if you fail, I'll be there backing you up. (Laughs) Shayne: Marina? Marina Cooper? How you doing? It's Shayne. Shayne Lewis. Yeah, I thought you were living in California. Marina: Um, yeah. I was. And now I'm not. Shayne: Oh. Marina: Yeah, but I'm actually kind of busy here, so... Shayne: Yeah, but... Wow. You know, it's been so long and you look stunning. Marina: Hey, Shayne? I mean it. I'm kind of busy here. Shayne: Huh? I... Chip: So you know her, huh? Shayne: Not like I thought I did. Frank: I'm so tired right now I can't even think straight. Eleni: You need to take a break and eat something. I don't think you've eaten since I've been here. Buzz: I can't believe we missed her at the bus station. And here we are, chasing around our tails. Eleni: Buzz, you've been wonderful. But this is keeping you away from work. I understand if you... Buzz: If I give up? This is my grandchild. I'm not going to give up until she's here. Eleni: I just thought it would take less time than this. I thought she just wanted to get away from me. Frank: Eleni, we're going to find her. I've got a feeling that she's very close. Buzz: I'll get some coffee. Frank: Thanks, Pop. Eleni: Frank... Frank: Eleni... You go first. Eleni: It's nothing. I'm just... I just keep beating myself up about why this happened. Frank: I thought I told you not to do that, because this is going to drive you crazy. I promise you, we will find our daughter. Eleni: And then what? How do we keep her from doing this again? Frank: I don't know. That's the hard part. That's going to take a lot of work. Eleni: Maybe the trick is figuring out what it is she's looking for and trying to give it to her. Frank: But we have to find her first. Clayton: It's just a student- teacher crush, that's all. I've seen it a hundred times. Hey. I know that she's been unlucky in love, but that's no reason to put all her chips on a guy like Rick Bauer. Now, he's a nice guy but come on. The man has tons of baggage. (Pager beeping) Oh, this is going to have to wait. Look, I love Mel very much and in your heart of hearts, you know that I'm right about this, don't you? Now, let's talk about this later, all right? Harley: Boy, did we accomplish a lot today. Rick: I just feel like we're rushing everything. Everything's, like, rushing. Harley: Well, we've been through this before-- both of us have-- and you know, we have a plan and we're sticking to it. Rick: Right, we are. Harley: Right? And now we're here and we're done and we can relax. Rick: And we have done this before, right? And so experience counts for something, doesn't it? Harley: Well, that and knowing what you want. Rick: Right. We know what we want, right? Ray: Hey, guys. Is this the couple I hear is on the marriage fast-track? Rick: Hi, Ray. Ray: Congratulations. Harley: We have a plan and we're sticking to it. Ray: Good for you. Danny and Michelle told me about your plan, and you know what? I think you two will be very happy. (Pager beeping) Rick: I think we'll be happy, too... Oh. See, that's the hospital. If you excuse me for a second? Ray: Yeah, go ahead, go ahead. So tell me, when's the big day? Harley: The big day? Ray: Duh. Harley: Oh. Ray: The day you picked to get married? Harley: Right, right, the big day. Um, well, you know, it's all happening very suddenly, so we haven't picked out the exact day. Ray: Well, if there's anything I can do, just say the word. Harley: Well, now that you mention it... Ray: Is something on your mind, Harley? Harley: Well, you know, once you... Once you start going down the road, the road to marriage, especially when you've been married in the past and it hasn't been so successful, you know, you just want... You'd like to be sure of what you're doing. Ray: Of course. You can never be too sure. You want to talk? Harley: Yes, I want to talk. Yes. But I haven't... I haven't talked this way in a while, so... So how do you want to do this? How should we do this? Ray: (Laughs) How about we start with a simple question? Harley, are you in love? Phillip: Great. That's great. Muchas gracias, senor. Okay, I've got a few possibilities here, but some of these look like they're full-day drives, so why don't you take a look at this list and see if any of these names look familiar to you. Lorelei: No. No, not a one. Oh! Look, it's a show. That'd be fun, hm? A traveling show with Mexican actors doing a musical revue. "Huevos rancheros." (Laughs) That's what it's called, "Huevos rancheros." Maybe we could go see that, huh? What do you think? Phillip: Yeah. Lorelei: Yeah? Phillip: Well, I think we could. Lorelei: Yeah? Phillip: Once we get finished doing what we came here to do. Lorelei: Okay. Look, I'll be honest. I'm just stalling, really, because there's a part of me that feels like I really can't do this. I mean, I really can't do this. Phillip: I know that. But you can. You are strong enough to handle this. Lorelei: I don't think that I'm as strong as you think that I am, because, see, ever since we got here, I've had a really bad feeling about this. Phillip: Well, I know that, Beth, and that makes perfect sense, because a lot of bad things happened here. Even if you can't remember them consciously, you know they're there. Lorelei: Well, maybe that's the point, you know? Maybe there's a reason why my mind isn't remembering things. Maybe I don't want to remember things. Maybe it was too traumatic and my mind is protecting me from the past. Phillip: Beth, I will be with you the entire way. You're not going to have to do this alone. Lorelei: I'm just really afraid that if we do this, if we go down this road, if we start dredging all of this stuff up, then I'll... Phillip: Beth, it'll be okay. I'm going to be here with you, I promise you. You won't be alone. Lorelei: Yes, I will. In here. I'll always be alone. And what if I have a relapse, or some post-traumatic effect. It could leave me a shell and there isn't anything that you can do about it. Please, Phillip. Please. Please, don't... Don't do this, okay? Phillip: Listen to me. I promise you that I am not going to let anything happen to you. Lorelei: What are you going to do? Are you going to take me back to Springfield and always turn my chair to face the sun, is that what you're going to do? Why can't you just respect me on this? Why can't you just... Just let this go and then we can move on? Phillip: Okay. All right, listen. I'm not going to try to force you to do anything that you don't want to do. Lorelei: Okay. Phillip: All right? But I need to do this. For my own peace of mind, I need to find these people that nursed you back to health, and it isn't just to thank them. I need to find out if there's something else about your condition that we need to know. Lorelei: There's nothing. What you see is what you get. Phillip: Okay, well then that's what I'll find out. But I need to do it. Okay? I need to pursue this on my own. Lorelei: I vaguely remember this part of you, this very stubborn part of you. Phillip: I'm sorry, Beth. I'm really not trying to force you to do something that you don't want to do. Lorelei: Aren't you? Phillip: No, I'm not. I'm just worried about you. I'm worried about your physical and your mental stability. Lorelei: It just kills you that there are people out there that have a huge effect on my life and you had no part of it. So go. Okay, go. Go, go. See what you can find. Good luck. Good luck. Enjoy yourself. Phillip: I'm sorry that you feel this way about it, though. But I need to do this, and then we can move on. You know, it may be hard for you to see it this way right now, but I really am doing this for you. Lorelei: I know. I know you are. (Knock at door) Yes, Phillip. I knew that you'd change your mind. I knew it. Hey. Edmund: I thought he'd never leave. Buzz: So what's next, Frank? Frank: Pop, I have no idea what's next. Don't tell Eleni I said that. Buzz: I won't tell her. You know, speaking of Eleni... Frank: What about her? Buzz: I just... You've got to be wondering, Frank. I mean, you've just got to wonder, don't you, I mean, you know, what her being here is going to mean, after Marina's been found. Frank: It's funny you should mention that, because that's exactly what we were just talking about. Buzz: Oh, really? Because when I came here, it looked like somebody had taken a vow of silence. Frank: No. We'd been thinking about talking about it, and then we kind of did this little dance around it, but we didn't get right to it. Buzz: Really, thinking. Well, the last time I checked it out, thinking about talking and talking were very different things, Frank. Frank: Thanks for clearing that up, Dad. Buzz: I'm worried about you guys. Frank: Well, don't be, okay? All we need to be worrying about right now is Marina. That's it. Buzz: Just don't let your daughter be an excuse not to deal with each other. Frank: Hey, Dad? I'm not the one who didn't want to deal with this. Buzz: I know, I know. Be careful. Think about what you want. You, and no one else. Manager: Excuse me, Miss. You seem to have exited the store without paying for your merchandise. Marina: Yeah, I think you better take your hands off of me before I call security. Manager: Good idea. Let's get security out here, because you've got some explaining to do. Marina: I don't know what you're talking about. Shayne: Marina. There you are. I've been looking all over the store for you. You didn't think that she... Oh, look, man, this is all my fault because I didn't get a chance to pay for it yet, and I told I was buying it for her and we got separated, so it's just a little misunderstanding. Ray: Just kidding. Of course you're in love. I see it every time you two look at each other. Harley: You do? Ray: It's a slam-dunk. It's crystal clear how much you care about each other. Harley: Care. Care. Ray: Care. And all for this little blessing. Harley: See, that's the truth. Right here. Yeah. (Laughs nervously) Ray: I talk to a lot of couples every week, Harley, that are about to get married. And most of them just sit there, not sure what they want. Harley: No plan. Ray: Exactly. They're usually too young or they just feel pressured to do the right thing. The list goes on and on. But you and Rick are a great contrast to that. Harley: We are? Ray: Yes. You both know what you're looking for and you know how you're going to go get it. Harley: Well, well... We've... We've both learned from our mistakes in the past, hopefully. Ray: It's good to have a plan, and I think the man upstairs has a plan. Harley: You do? Ray: Definitely. When the right two people get together, there's not only a mortal spark, but I think there's a divine spark as well, one that propels a relationship. Harley: Yes. Yes. Well, we were propelled today. (Laughs) At the mall. (Laughs) Ray: Look, I know you two will do what it takes. I have faith in that. Well, look at the time. I'd better be going. If you need to talk some more, just let me know, okay? Harley: Thank you. Ray: Good luck. Rick: Hey, Father. Ray: Congratulations. Rick: Thank you very much. It's getting late; we'd better get going. Harley: It is getting late. It's getting really late, Rick. We've been wasting a lot of time. That's for sure. We've really been wasting a lot of time. I think we should just do it. Rick: What? Harley: I think we should elope. (Flames crackling) Gus: Right place. (Coughing) Santos. Manager: Okay, let's just get this over with. Inside the store, please. Shayne: Can you just excuse me one second? I need to talk to my girlfriend. Here. I trust you. Take my wallet and I will be right in there. Manager: That's okay. I'll wait right over here for you. Shayne: Thanks. Marina: Girlfriend? Who are you calling "girlfriend"? Shayne: Hey, I just didn't want to blow the story, okay? Marina: Yeah, well, I wouldn't have needed a story if you hadn't butted in. Shayne: Butted in? Talk about ungrateful. I get you off the hook and now I've got to pay the cash to boot. Marina: And you know what? That should teach you something. Look, the next time you decide to ride in and play knight in shining armor, you should first ask the damsel if she's actually in distress. I'll see you at the car, sweetheart. Manager: Your girlfriend, she's a real piece of work. Shayne: You got that right. Rick: Elope? We can't elope. Harley: Why not? Who needs a big wedding. I mean, why not just do it? Let's just do it; let's elope. Rick: What about our families? They'll be disappointed. Harley: Oh, we'll have a party another time. We can have a party later. You know, streamers and cheese puffs, twice the fun. Let's elope. Rick: Wait a minute. Where is this coming from. Harley: This is coming from just this feeling today, when we were at the mall, of wasting time. I feel like we're wasting so much time and I don't want anything to get in the way. Rick: Like what? Harley: Like life, Rick. Like life. Life is very complicated. Rick: Right. Harley: And I want to keep it simple and I just want to do it. Let's elope. Rick: You keep saying that. Harley: I keep saying it because I want to marry you, and I don't want to marry you two days from now and I don't want to marry you two weeks from now. I want to marry you now. Rick: Okay. Okay, all right, all right, what can I say? Let's elope. Harley: Really? Rick: Yes. (Laughter) Harley: Great! Rick: Now what? Harley: I'll race you to the car. (Laughs) Rick: Where are we going to elope to? Harley: I have the perfect place. Rick: Great. Edmund: So where is Phillip headed? A margarita to calm his frayed nerves? Or perhaps enchiladas for his little hungry enchilada? I see you've already begun to fill that insatiable black hole you call an appetite. Lorelei: He went off to find the mission. Edmund: What? How could you let him go? There is no mission. Lorelei: You better calm down, Eddie. You're going to choke to death on those chips. Edmund: Calm down? As soon as Phillip finds out there's no mission, he's going to realize you're not Beth, and then, as they say, the jig is up. Lorelei: Well, I couldn't help it. He's like a man with a mission or something. I mean, I just couldn't stop him. Besides, he's just doing it to help me. Edmund: No. Not you. Beth. He thinks he's helping Beth. It's a very simple equation, Lorelei. If Phillip helps Beth, Edmund and Lorelei are screwed. Lorelei: You know, all you care about is the money. Phillip cares about me. Edmund: Not you. Beth. Lorelei: He's just trying to help me out, you know? Edmund: Again, not you-- Beth. Lorelei: Me. And he'll do whatever it takes. Edmund: Yes. To help Beth. Lorelei: You know, if you say one more bad word about that man, there's going to be hell to pay, I'll tell you that. Edmund: Oh, my God, she's lost it. She's gone completely over the edge. Gus: I have to do this. Why are you doing this to me? Danny! (Coughing) Danny. You've got to help me! Back to The TV MegaSite's Guiding Light Site |